L C C Y BREEZE Chagrin Lagoons Yacht Club Volume 74 · Number 1 · January 2015 Commodore - Mark Yoho Vice Commodore - Mark Swetel Happy New Year! Well another hectic Holiday Season has come and gone! It’s hard to imagine how quickly the past year has gone. The Bar Renovation project will get underway on Tuesday, January 6th, 2015. PLEASE, remember the bar will be closed that week and we hope to have the temporary bar in place and ready to open by that weekend. I am sure everyone is going to want to check out the progress during construction, but PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, stay out of the bar area during construction. We do not want anyone to get hurt, or anything to get broke, or something turn up missing. If you would like to offer up your talents, please let me or Dave D’Amico know and we will see where we can use the help. Wow did 2014 fly by!!!! I would like to thank everyone that helped me in 2014 – what a list that would be!! The support by the members, officers, friends and family was beyond flattering – Thank you all!!! I never thought I would be Commodore, but now that it is here it is quite an honor to serve this group of people! The officers list for next year is: V/C Mark Swetel, R/C Tony Kovacevich. F/C Jack Wagner, Treasurer PC Tom Fink, Secretary PC Mark Halford, Measurer Paul Gambrill, Trustees Mike Kline, Mike Smith, Mike Conley, PC Linda Leff, PC Bill Opalich As we announced in the December members’ meeting, with the addition of Jack Wagner to the team as Fleet Captain, there will be nominations from the floor and a vote to replace Sherry Wagner as trustee at the January members’ meeting. Thanks to Sherry for her past, current, (continued, page 2) and future service!! Rear Commodore Tony Kovacevich As I move into my new role on the Bridge as the Rear Commodore I can only hope that I will continue to receive the support and cooperation from the members that I experienced while I was Fleet Captain. Several committees including Grounds, Architectural Review and a newly formed Pool committee will need members to volunteer their time and efforts to help maintain the club at the high level that many of us have grown to expect. I encourage all members, especially newer ones, to get involved with committee work as it is a great way to meet members of the club especially in the boating off season. This is a reminder that any structural changes, improvements and/or additions to the dock/deck area may require approval by the Architectural Review Committee before construction can begin. Several of the club rules that relate to this issue are site specific so if you have any questions regarding any such project please contact me via email at tonyclyc@gmail. com or by phone at 330-956-5619. Most of the help will be needed the first week during moving of the bar and packing up ALL the STUFF in the bar. Thanks to Bill Opalich for taking the flags down and storing them away. This should keep me busy for a few weeks. I will be getting with the Commodore and the caterers to iron out this year’s food service. We hope (continued, page 2) SKIPPER - Debbie Markelonis It is time to Welcome in 2015! I hope everyone had a fabulous holiday and are recharged for the year to come! The Santa Brunch had a wonderful turn out as usual and many thanks to Santa and Mrs. Clause our Reindeer and our three Elves and the many volunteers that helped out. Also special note of thanks to all the members that donated generously to our two Military families The Holiday dinner dance was a very special event and it was great to see how many of our new club members attended and hoping to see a lot more of all of you this year at all of our events I also would like to thank all the Skipperettes that voted me in as the 2015 Skipper with good faith that I can lead them through this year. You are all wonderful ladies and with your continued support we can make it another excellent year. Veteran members and new members, be it boating or social; I would like to let everyone know a couple of things as well – The restaurant will be closed on New Year’s Eve, but the Captain’s Quarters will be open on New Year’s Eve. I would like to invite and encourage everyone to come out to the Commodore’s ball and have a great time with this year’s bridge. The date is March 21, 2015. Please come and join Traci and me in celebration. The event is at LaMalfa Party Center and we have rooms blocked. 2015 is definitely going to be an exciting year with the bar renovations and the addition of the pool! We are here to have fun and want that to be the focus for everyone this year!!! Please feel free to contact me if there is anything I can do to make this a successful year for you. I can be reached at 216390-5635 or my email myoho@freedomhealthllc.com. Sincerely, Mark Yoho 2015 Commodore to come up with new and exciting activities throughout the year. I would like to have a couple fundraisers to help offset the upgrades in the equipment and any other items that we may need for the new bar. If anyone has any ideas for a fundraiser, or would like to help and “Head-up” a fundraiser, I would be more than appreciative of any ideas and help. Just give me a call or drop me an E-mail @ mswetel1@att.net . Let’s all enjoy this coming year/season. Mark Swetel, Vice Commodore FLEET CAPTAIN Jack Wagner Hello Everyone, this is your club so please get involved! The Skipperettes meet the second Monday of the month at 7:30 PM. We are always looking for fresh Ideas for fund raising in order to purchase items to donate back to the club. Please come to a meeting it’s fun and informative on upcoming events. CLYC has many worthwhile committees that can always use your help and it is a great way to meet people We will be taking down the Holiday decorations immediately after the membership meeting on January 5th please stay to help it goes quickly with more help. The second event will be the Dock Auction on February 8th this is really fun to attend! With spring in our thoughts members gather there to socialize and the excitement of bidding on a new dock. It is a good time and The Skipperettes will be selling our Dock Auction menu items and baked goods please support us. My name is Jack Wagner and I have been elected to be CLYC’s Fleet Captain for the 2015 season. My wife, Sherry and I have been members of the club since 1986 and have seen many changes and improvements in that time. But, the one constant, that still amazes me, is the membership’s devotion to the growth and well-being of CLYC. From the old-timers, like myself, to the newest prospective members, we appreciate what a special place we have, filled with special people. As winter approaches, I suggest you stop down to the club every so often and check your boat covering and dock area to be certain that the Alberta Clippers have not displaced your cover or your dock “stuff.” Remember that the club requires a current copy of your insurance certificate for your boat(s), jet skis, golf carts, et al, on file for the current year. The mid-America Boat Show come to the IX Center on Thursday, January 15th and runs through Monday, the 19th. It’s always fun to look! The CLYC Dock Auction is scheduled for Sunday, February 8th. More details will follow. Debbie Markelonis, Skipper Membership Committee - Sherry Wagner – Chair Welcome to a new year – and welcome once again to all of our new members. Since last January we have gained 23 new boating members and 7 new social members. I can’t thank all you enough for your support. Again and again, new members tell me that a major factor in their decision to join CLYC is how friendly our members are. And, of course, they are right! Let me introduce you to our newest members. Tim and Carol Garton have joined with their 28’ Marinette. They will begin by docking on the spit. They are relocating their boat from the islands to this end of the lake. Tim and Carol have two adorable little boys, Jackson and Samuel. Tim is the owner of ReMax Results and Carol teaches in the Mayfield Schools. They are sponsored by David and Brandy Huntington. Bob and Eileen Elias are joining us with a newly purchased 32’ boat and will be docking on the spit. They are friends with Dave D’Amico and know many other members. Bob is a self-employed remodeler and Eileen works for Cleveland Metal Exchange. They are very excited to become active in the club. Clubhouse Improvement Project Update from the Planning Committee: Another power boater joins us. Dave and Kath Duncan have a 32’ Carver. Dave is all about fishing and anxious for all of you fishermen to show him your favorite spots. Dave is Global Technology Director for Lubrizol, so he does a fair amount of traveling including to their native country of England. Their son Sam is a senior at South. FYI, Ron White has volunteered to chair an ad-hoc Pool Committee that will be responsible for pool rules, maintenance, equipment, etc. Please contact Ron directly if you are interested in serving on this committee. As always, when you meet these people, greet them with a smile. A Happy and Healthy New Year to all of you. 2015 at CLYC promises to be a great one! January Wedding Anniversaries 2 9 21 27 28 - Mike & Dolores Isabella - Stan & Linda Leff - Dave & Pat McClimans - George & Harriet Raynor - Larry & Marie Vittori 1 2 4 11 15 16 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 - Pamela Henry - Kathie Logar - Lou Arko - Al Hoffman - Ron White - June Zowasky - Gayle Homoly - Kim Donnelly - Donna Mika - Marlene Hallack - Lynne Camarato - Steve Orlando - Barbara Haag - Charlie Simmons - Bill Cook - Sherry Wagner - Rachel Inman - Betty Lanza - Ninel Borodi - Gwenne Stanos January Birthdays POOL The pool contractor has indicated he will be visiting CLYC with his architect to begin work on the formal plans and drawings. For questions regarding the pool project, please contact P/C Bill Opalich. BAR The bar construction is on schedule and on budget. The contractor has begun procuring items for the project. A plan has been developed to transition to a temporary bar in the Baldwin Room. The construction will begin in early January as scheduled. For questions regarding the bar project, please contact V/C Elect Mark Swetel. PARKING LOT On November 26th Titan Paving transformed the boneyard to a parking lot. Special thanks to MM Orlando for his assistance while Titan was on site. We ask that if members need to drive on the new compact gravel, to please keep it to minimum while the gravel continues to compact. Please contact me with any questions regarding the parking lot project. FUNDING We are still seeking private donations from members for the project. We estimated $30,000 in funds from private donations; however we currently stand at $10,000 in pledges which is 33% of our goal. There’s a thermometer in the lobby that illustrates our progress. If you would like to make a donation, please send a separate check to Lynn with “pool/bar donation” written on the memo line. Or, you can call Lynn for a credit card transaction, or if you wish to be billed for your donation. A huge thank you to those members that have made private donations, we appreciate your support! If anyone has any questions about any parts of the clubhouse improvement project, please feel free to contact me. Mike Klein Planning Committee Chair Chit Chat – Marie Vittori Sad news - BRIAN T. BORAC, 23, of Concord Twp., beloved son of CLYC member Jerry Borac, passed away Dec. 1, 2014. The burial was private. Our thoughts and prayers to Jerry and his family at this unbelievably sad time. Sad news - Our bartender Doreen Durst’s mother, DOROTHY (Cipriano) BUKVIC, age 74, passed away December 13th, 2014. Dorothy is the loving mother of Doreen (Paul), Chris (Laurie), Nick (Tami), Steve, (Becky) and Dan (Kim). Our thoughts and prayers to Doreen and her family at this sad time. At the Holiday Dinner/Dance held December 12th a bracelet was found. Please contact Cathy Smith at 440-585-4923 for details. THE DEADLINE FOR ARTICLES IS THE 15TH OF EACH MONTH. Happy New Year CLYC Events Calendar CLYC Events Calendar January 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 Friday 2 Saturday 3 · 4:00PM Bon Voyage 4 5 · 7:30PM 6 7 8 9 10 Membership Meeting 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 · 6:30PM 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 31 Skipperettes Advisory Meeting · 7:30PM Trustee Meeting · 7:30PM Skipperettes Membership Meeting 25 26 Reminder exists
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