Noticeboard Edition 27 - New website

Issue: 27 – 14 April 2015
Vacancy Bulletins
The Schools Vacancies Bulletin for this week will be available on the website
from Wednesday 15 April 2015.
Welcome Back
Click here
Pupil Premium Awards
Click here
Achievement for All Quality Mark
Click here
National Leader of Education
Click here
Farewell to Colleagues
Click here
Learning Exchange Offer 2015-16
Click here
Document Summary Service March 2015
Click here
FFT Aspire
Click here
FFT Aspire Essentials Training for Schools – new dates announced
Click here
FREE Webinar: FFT KS4 Subject Leaders Dashboard Overview
Click here
Developing Teachers: Improving Professional Development for
Click here
Data Protection and Information Security in your School
Click here
Let Teachers SHINE 2015
Click here
Release Dates for Key Stage 4 Validated Data
Click here
Schools Data Dashboard Update
Click here
PHANS’ Meeting Summary
Click here
Safeguarding – Updated Statutory Guidance
Click here
DSLs, heads, governors
New Reception Baseline 2015
Click here
Heads, assessment coordinators and reception class teachers
Universal Infant Free School Meal Funding Update
Click here
Revised Disclosure Policy – Disqualification under the Childcare Act
and Keeping Children Safe
Click here
All heads, all children's safeguarding 'leads' in schools, all primary and special school
administrators/business managers, all secondary business managers, Heads’ PAs & HR Officers
Teachers’ Pay 2015: STRB’s recommendations published
Click here
All heads, all primary and special school administrators/business managers,
All secondary business managers, heads’ PAs and HR officers
The Prince’s Teaching Institute Schools Leadership Programme Mark
Click here
All staff
Weston Toy Library
Click here
All Staff
Grand Opening of St. Anne’s @West Wick
Click here
All staff
The Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act (2015)
Click here
West of England Labour Market Intelligence for Careers and
Employability Professionals
Click here
Heads – all phases
Heads – secondary phase
Weston Beach Activity Packages for Schools
Click here
WRAP Training – Workshop to Raise Awareness of Extremism
and Radicalisation
Click here
Children’s Centres Activities
Click here
Welcome back
I hope you had a lovely, restful break and enjoyed the warm weather.
Pupil Premium Awards
Well done to Bournville Primary School who were national finalists in the Key Stage 2
category of the 2015 Pupil Premium Awards. The prize awarded was £50,000. Further
information is available here.
Achievement for All Quality Mark – Well Done to Winscombe Primary
Well done to Winscombe Primary School who have been awarded the Achievement
for All Quality Mark. Further information about Achievement for All is available here.
National Leader of Education
Congratulations to Lin Williams (Sandford/Winscombe Strawberry Line Federation) who
has been designated as a National Leader of Education.
Farewell to Colleagues
As previously advised Nicola Hargreaves, Sue Horsnell and Chris Rush are preparing to
leave the Council.
We are holding a farewell tea and cake send off on the 23 April at 4pm for about an
hour at Ashcombe Primary School. If you have not already advised, please can you
let Jane Norris know by Friday 17 April if you intend coming to say farewell so we can
cater for the right number.
Parking will not be available on the school site on the 23rd April. Please park in the
surrounding residential roads.
If you would like to contribute to a leaving gift please send a donation by Friday 17
April to Castlewood marked for the attention of Jane Norris. Please mark the
envelope clearly to indicate which colleague the donation is intended for, or if it is for
all three, or alternatively pass your donation to a member of the Learning Exchange in
a marked envelope. If you would like a message to be inserted into the card, please
can you send this through by email to Jane.
Learning Exchange Offer 2015-16
All CPD activity within the Learning Exchange Directory of Services 2015-16 is now
available to book through CPD Online.
Please return your completed Learning Exchange Offer form for 2015-16 by Thursday
30 April to to
Document Summary Service March 2015
Please click here for this month’s summaries which cover a wide range of topical
FFT Aspire
Please see the latest release of FFT Aspire. This release includes the following
key additional features and data:
Final KS1 data;
Amended KS2 data;
Attainment 8 PDF downloads for KS4 schools on FFT Aspire;
Updated PDF KS1 and KS2 Governor Dashboards for Primary, Infant and Junior
Please note some final checks to KS4 amended data are being carried out. This will
be available early April.
FFT Aspire Essentials Training for Schools – New Dates Announced
This one day ‘hands-on’ course for schools uses FFT Aspires’ new modules - the new
interactive Senior Leadership Dashboard, the new Subject Dashboard and
benchmarking tools.
This course is aimed at Senior Leaders, Assessment Coordinators, Subject Leaders and
those with an interest/responsibility for improving the use of performance data in
schools and academies.
The following dates are now available for the FFT Aspire Essentials Training – for further
information or to book please click here.
30 April – Oxford
1 May – Oxford
6 May – Birmingham
7 May – Birmingham
4 June – Manchester
5 June – Manchester
FREE Webinar: FFT KS4 Subject Leaders Dashboard Overview – 14 April
FFT regularly hold free online webinars. Each thirty minute webinar consists of an
overview of a topic, with the opportunity to ask questions and get answers from the
presenter and the webinar host. The presenters are specialists in the topic covered.
This live webinar will look at the new KS4 Subject Leaders Dashboard in more detail.
To register your place on the free webinar please click here. The next series of
webinars will be announced shortly.
Developing Teachers: Improving Professional Development for Teachers –
January 2015
Please see the summary of the report What Makes Great Teaching, written by Robert
Coe, Cesare Aloisi, Steve Higgins and Lee Elliot Major, published by the Sutton Trust in
October 2014.
The full report can be accessed here.
Data Protection and Information Security in your School Conference
Wednesday 20 May 2015
09:00 – 16:30
Cadbury House, Congresbury
A one day conference for leaders in schools with responsibility for Data Protection.
Booking - For full details and to book your place, please go to CPD Online.
Let Teachers SHINE 2015
Do you know a teacher with an innovative idea to raise attainment?
Teachers with an innovative idea to improve the literacy, numeracy or science
attainment of disadvantaged pupils can apply for £15,000 to help set up a project in
their school.
For more information and to download an application form please click here.
The deadline for entries is Monday 27 April.
The proposals can be entirely new, or build upon innovative work a teacher has
already begun testing in the classroom. Any qualified teacher working in England with
students aged up to 18 can apply. The competition is being run by the educational
charity SHINE and TES.
Release Dates for Key Stage 4 Validated Data
We are pleased to let you know the release dates for 2014 Key Stage 4 validated
data. If any of these dates change, we will notify you via RAISEonline latest news.
 Interactive reports – 9am on Friday 27 March 2015
 Summary reports – 9am on Tuesday 31 March 2015
The validated data will reflect the outcome of requests for changes that schools may
have submitted during the autumn schools performance tables’ checking period,
where these were received within the deadline and met the required criteria. The
validated data will also include information received from awarding organisations
relating to late-notified results or re-marks, but may not reflect the outcome of all late
results or ongoing appeals.
Schools Data Dashboard Update
The School Data Dashboard has been updated with 2014 results data for Key Stage 1
and Key Stage 2 on 6 March 2015, as per the latest news item.
The previous year’s Dashboard for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 is available through
the following archive link. The update for Key Stage 4 and special schools is due in
We are pleased to let you know that the 2014 Key Stage 4 validated interactive
reports are now available on school RAISEonline. The summary reports will be updated
by 9am on Tuesday 31 March 2015. The LA populated RAISEonline interactive reports
will be updated by 9am on Thursday 2 April 2015, and summary reports by 9am on
Tuesday 7 April 2015.
The 2014 absence data for special schools have also been released.
The Key Stage 4 validated data release included an update to destinations data. The
destinations report now displays the destinations in 2012/13 of 2011/12 Key Stage 4
The validated data reflect the outcome of requests for changes that schools may
have submitted during the autumn schools performance tables’ checking period,
where these were received within the deadline and met the required criteria. The
validated data also include information received from awarding organisations relating
to late-notified results or re-marks, but may not reflect the outcome of all late results or
ongoing appeals.
Guidance and support
Information about the methodology used for producing RAISEonline reports can be
found in the library accessible from RAISEonline homepage. To view the whole
spectrum of available documents, we recommend you log into the system prior to
accessing the library.
FAQs are available on the front page after you log in. Further information is also
available in the help box within each interactive report.
PHANS’ Meeting Summary
PHANS convened on Wednesday 18 March 2015. The agenda covered the following
EasyMail – Richard Blows and Mike Riggall
 Security issues were discussed regarding the transmission of emails across insecure
networks at schools.
 ICT require information from schools regarding the proportion of staff in schools
receiving and sending sensitive information.
 Devices used by schools along with the routing of emails needs to be addressed.
 EasyMail may form part of the solution.
 Encryption software is being explored.
 A working group of headteachers to be established to explore solutions.
The future of BIP – Wendy Packer
 From 1st April 2016 funding will cease for BIP. It will become a fully traded service.
 Wendy Packer explained that if schools do not commit to using the service, there
will be limited capacity for early intervention for behaviour.
 From 1st April 2015 the screening service will become optional enabling schools to
access BIP without needing to submit the screening check to access a place.
 An SLA for clusters of schools was suggested in order to protect the service.
Alternative Provision – Jane Routledge
 North Somerset is facing increasing numbers of permanent exclusions and out of
area placements.
 Looking at a model to support schools to reduce exclusions and to bring a number
of out of area placements back into North Somerset.
 The proposal is to provide funding to secondary schools to set up environments for
their own young people for a six week period.
 A range of professionals would be available to help children reintegrate into
mainstream schools.
 This would free up places at the VLC for the returning out of area placements.
Learning Exchange – Sue Ivermee
 The Primary Headteachers meeting on 25 June will focus on assessment and will
provide feedback on a study visit to British Columbia.
 The Learning Exchange offer has been sent out to all schools.
 The Learning Exchange is exploring the possibility of becoming the preferred
provider for individual Multi Academy Trusts within the region.
For a full set of minutes, please contact your PHANS representative listed below.
Andreya Cowan
Owen James
Steve Davis
Jo Jones
Clive Wilson
Kevin Lynch
Nik Gardner
Gordano/Pill Cluster
Clevedon Cluster
Backwell Cluster
Weston South
Churchill Cluster
Sue Ivermee, Head of School Improvement
Safeguarding – Updated Statutory Guidance
The following documents on the April 2015 web page have been updated and
supersede previous versions:
Working together to safeguard children 2015
Information sharing 2015
What to do if you're worried a child is being abused 2015
Keeping children safe in education 2015
Keeping children safe in education - part 1 for all staff 2015
Children missing education 2015
The following Policies on the April 2015 web page are to be implemented:
Updated - Model Safeguarding Policy – April 2015
New - Child Protection Record Keeping Policy
Section 175/157 Safeguarding Audit on the April 2015 web page – this must be
completed and returned to Sarah Mellor by July 20th 2015.
Sarah Mellor, Education Safeguarding Officer
New Reception Baseline 2015
The baseline assessment steering group convened on the 26th of March 2015 and
ranked the six approved baseline providers that were approved by the DfE. The
attached document details the findings and recommendations of the baseline
steering group.
Sarah McGahern, Early Years Consultant
Universal Infant Free School Meal (UIFSM) Funding Update
The Department for Education (DfE) have published details and calculator for the
universal infant free school meals (UIFSM) provisional and final allocations for the 20152016 UIFSM grant to schools. For the academic year 2015 to 2016, a provisional
allocation of UIFSM grant to schools will be based on the final allocation for academic
year 2014 to 2015. A final allocation for academic year 2015 to 2016 will be calculated
in June 2016, based on take-up recorded in the October 2015 and January 2016
School Censuses. The conditions of grant also confirms that the rate per meal will
remain at £2.30 for the 2015-16 academic year.
In addition to the main allocations above, schools with 150 or fewer pupils on roll
(including nursery classes), as recorded on the January 2015 School Census will
receive an extra flat payment of £2,300, in recognition of the additional costs that
small schools incur.
The conditions of grant and calculator can be found on the website here.
Clare Pearce, Schools Funding Officer
Revised Disclosure Policy - Disqualification under the Childcare Act and
Keeping Children Safe
As you will be aware, the DfE recently issued new statutory guidance on
disqualification. The DfE has also made some relatively minor amendments to their
Keeping Children Safe in Education statutory guidance.
We have revised our model Disclosure Policy in the light of these changes.
To access the Policy, please log into your account at From here click
‘communications’ and if the document does not show up in your most recent
communications enter ‘disclosure’ in the text search box and press the grey filter
option which should bring the document up. To download the document, click on
the arrow displayed below it.
If you have any queries, please contact us.
Piers Hartridge - Senior HR Adviser (
Sarah Mellor - Safeguarding in Education Officer (
Teachers' Pay 2015: STRB's Recommendations Published
The 25th report of the School Teachers’ Review Body (STRB) was published recently.
The report contains recommendations on how to apply the pay award for teachers
that is due to be implemented from September 2015.
The STRB has recommended:
a 1% uplift should be applied to the minima of all the pay ranges and allowances
in the national pay framework (unqualified teachers’ range, main pay range,
upper pay range, leading practitioner pay range and the leadership pay range,
including the minima of the 8 headteacher group ranges), the 3 levels of TLR
payments and the SEN allowances
a 2% uplift should be applied to the maxima of the main pay range
there should be no increase to the maxima of the 8 headteacher group pay
an uplift of 1% should be applied to the maxima of all other pay ranges and
allowances in the national pay framework (unqualified teachers’ range, upper pay
range, leading practitioner pay range, the three levels of TLR payments and the
SEN allowances)
discretionary national reference points should not be published in Departmental
advice from September 2015
These recommendations relate to the national pay and allowance ranges. The
Review Body has made it clear that it will be down to schools, in accordance with
their pay policies, to determine how to adjust the salaries and allowances payable to
individual teachers (within the bounds of the national framework) and that these
decisions must take account of the individual’s performance.
The Secretary of State for Education has accepted all the recommendations, subject
to the outcome of the statutory consultation which closes on 23 April. Her written
ministerial statement can be found here.
Piers Hartridge, Senior HR Adviser
The Prince’s Teaching Institute Schools Leadership Programme Mark
Worle Community School and its Head Teacher Mr. Peter Binding have been awarded
The Prince’s Teaching Institute (PTI) Schools Leadership Mark. Read the school’s press
release here.
Amanda Cottrill, Communications and Marketing Leader, Worle Community School
Weston Toy Library
St Anne's CofE VA Primary School is the new venue for Weston Toy Library. Initially it will
be open on Wednesdays, 10am-4pm in term time. We look forward to welcoming
members of the Weston community to the Toy Library.
Helen Burge, Business Manager, St. Anne’s Primary School
Grand Opening of St Anne's @West Wick
On Wednesday 25th March, The Bishop of Taunton officially opened and blessed St
Anne's Church of England VA Primary School @West Wick and St Anne's Church
@West Wick (which meets every Sunday during term time in the Hall @West Wick). The
whole school took part in a service led by the children which celebrated "Growing
Hopefulness" as we start on our new journey as a dual site school and the church @St
Anne's celebrates its new venue. Many thanks to everyone who has had anything to
do with the creation of St Anne's @West Wick, St Anne's Staff and Governors, North
Somerset Council, the Bath & Wells Diocese, Willmott Dixon and within our wider school
Lisa Dadds, Head Teacher
The Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act (2015)
The Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act (2015) has received Royal Assent.
Please click on the link.
The Act removed the requirement for schools to register their early years provision for
two-year-olds (2YO) separately with Ofsted, so long as it meets certain requirements.
This will come into force on 26th May 2015 (so in time for the new school term in
September 2015).
What this means in practice for schools currently taking two-year-olds?
If a school is taking two-year-olds, they must continue to have a separate Early Years
registration in place until 26th May. Separate Consequential Amendments (SI
963/2015) will legally lapse all existing provision that meets the requirements for
exemption on 26th May. However, schools with a separate EY registration will be
contacted in due course to outline the next steps in detail.
What this means for schools considering taking two-year-olds?
From 26th May 2015, providing schools’ provision for two-year-olds meets the
requirements for exemption (e.g. children are pupils of the school), they will no longer
need to register this separately with Ofsted. Updated guidance will be published in
due course but as the requirements for exemption mirror those currently in place for
three-year-old provision, schools should use these when deciding if they need a
separate registration when they are planning their provision.
Gill Hinton, Manager, Sufficiency, Access & Family Information Service (FIS)
West of England Labour Market Intelligence for Careers and Employability
The packs of Labour Market Intelligence designed for use by careers and
employability professionals have now been finalised and are available to download
from the West of England LEP website. To download the documents please click here.
The aim of this project has been to ensure that careers advice delivered in the West of
England is underpinned by robust labour market intelligence to help young people
and adults make informed career choices. The West of England LEP have produced
12 documents covering the following sectors/topics.
Construction Sector
Creative & Digital Sector
Distribution Sector
Engineering and Aerospace Sector
Food Technology Sector
Health and Life Sciences Sector
High Tech Sector
Low Carbon Sector
Professional Services Sector
Retail Sector
Visitor Economy Sector
Overview of the West of England
Each document (except for the 'Overview of the West of England') contains the
following information specific to the sector which the document focuses on:
Future Employment Growth
Future Occupational Growth
Occupations/Jobs Advertised
Advertised Salary
Employer in the West of England
Skills, Qualities and Qualifications required by the sector
Sample of relevant courses that could be undertaken related to the sector
Sample of relevant apprenticeship frameworks that could be undertaken
related to the sector
Gill Carter, Schools Co-ordinator, West of England LEP
Weston Beach is the ideal place to bring your school group for a fantastic
day at the seaside!
North Somerset Council's Seafront and Events team can offer a variety of activity
packages to get the most from your visit!
Bucket and spade package (a designated area on the beach, buckets and
spades provided)
Bucket and spade plus play package (a designated area on the beach, with
outdoor play equipment and buckets and spades, recommended age up to 6
Putting package (enjoy a fun round of mini golf on our 18 hole putting green)
Water Adventure Park package (have a splash at our fun water park with
fountains, jets and sprinklers to play in, as well as a playground with swings)
A combination of any of these packages can be booked (subject to availability).
Prices start from £1 per child. Please contact the Seafronts and Events team on 01934
626 982 for further information or email:
Rachael Marsh, Seafront and Events Support Officer
WRAP Training - Workshop to Raise Awareness of Extremism and
Recent events and current national guidance highlights the need for all practitioners
to have an awareness of extremism and radicalisation. This workshop will provide you
with the tools to be able to identify early warning signs or concerns relating to this.
Prevent is about stopping people being drawn into extremism and becoming terrorists.
The workshop builds our understanding of how young people can be groomed,
become radicalised and be vulnerable to extreme views and actions which could
lead to acts of violent extremism. Practitioners working with young people may well
become aware of changes and signs that might indicate the early stages of
vulnerability to extremism.
WRAP Workshop 11.15am - 12.30pm / WRAP Workshop 13.15 -14.30
Sarah Mellor, Safeguarding in Education Officer
Children’s Centres Activities
Please click on the links below for details of activities going on in the Central Group of
Children’s Centres (Clevedon, Yatton Moor and Yeo Valley & rural Outreach).
What's On - April-June 2015
Baby massage for babies 7 weeks - 9 months
Lisa Wood, Business Support Administrator