+ F Issue: 26 – 24 March 2015 Vacancy Bulletins The Schools Vacancies Bulletin for this week will be available on the website from Wednesday 25 March 2015. LEARNING EXCHANGE UPDATE Thank You Click here Learning Exchange Offer 2015-16 Click here Support for Statutory Assessment 2015-16 Click here North Somerset Learning Exchange Programme for Phonics into Early Spelling Click here Locking Primary School Awarded E-Safety Mark Click here Pupil Premium – Schools with Good Disadvantaged Pupil Results Click here FFT Aspire March Release Click here Guidance around Unlocking the Potential of Teaching Assistants Click here HMI Most Able Conference Click here INFORMATION, UPDATES AND ANNOUNCEMENTS 2014 Annual Report of the Director of Public Health for North Somerset Click here All staff Pupil Premium Allocation 2014-15 Click here Heads, Chairs of Governors, Bursars – all phases Universal Infant Free School Meal Funding Update Heads, Chairs of Governors, Bursars – infant phase Click here Help in School for Children and Young People With Mild to Moderate Anxiety and/or Depression – Vulnerable Learners’ Service Click here SENCOs School Trips and Evolve Update Click here Heads Weston College Foundation Degree in Early Years Friends of the Earth Run on Sun Campaign Marking Anne Frank’s Death Click here Click here Click here INFORMATION COMMUNICATION SHEETS 1415/0016 ICT and E-Safety Newsletter Term 4, March 2015 Click here MEETINGS, CONFERENCES AND EVENTS Click here North Somerset Healthy Schools Network KSI Moderation Cluster Meetings Click here Heads – primary phase LEARNING EXCHANGE UPDATE http://thelearningexchange.org.uk/ Thank you As we approach the end of term 4 may I take this opportunity to thank you, your staff teams and governing bodies for all that you do to make a difference to the children and young people in North Somerset. Have a very good Easter holiday. It has been a busy term of inspections. Well done to all those who have been inspected recently - Worle Village, Blagdon and Flax Bourton. 84% of our primary schools are good or better. 90% of our secondary schools are good or better. 100% of our special schools are good or better. 88.6% of the children and young people in North Somerset attend a good or outstanding school. We are now second in the South West region. The South West average is 83.3%. Oldmixon had the pilot HMI one day inspection as a good school on its journey to outstanding (no letter or report will be published on the Ofsted website). All SIAMS inspections from January have been outstanding (Trinity, St John's, St Francis and St Peters). 2 Learning Exchange Offer 2015-16 Reminder - Please return your Learning Exchange booking form for April 2015 – March 2016 by Thursday 26 March 2015 to thelearningexchange@n-somerset.gov.uk. Support for Statutory Assessment 2015-2016 We would like to inform you that North Somerset will be continuing to offer a suite of continuing professional development (CPD) activities to support moderation and standardisation for statutory assessment in EYFS, KS1 and KS2. However, due to the current uncertainty regarding assessment for 2015-16, we are unable to give further information until we have received clarification from the Standards and Testing Agency. Further details will be communicated to schools as soon as they have been finalised in the autumn term when you will be requested to complete a form indicating your requirements. Early Years Foundation Stage 2015-2016 Our expectation is that we will offer: New to EYFSP Training Experienced EYFSP Training EYFSP Workshops EYFSP Clusters Meetings The LA currently receives funding for EYFSP moderation activity for ALL schools/ academies in North Somerset. We anticipate that this will continue for the academic year 2015 to 2016. If there are changes to central funding the Early Years Team will send an EYFSP moderation offer to all schools in Autumn 2015. Key Stage 1 2015-2016 Our expectation is that we will offer: New to Year 2 Training Experienced Year 2 Training KS1 Workshops KS1 Cluster Meetings The LA currently receives funding for KS1 moderation activity for maintained schools. We anticipate that this will continue for the academic 2015 to 2016. If there are changes to central funding the Early Years Team will send a KS1 moderation offer to all schools in Autumn 2015. 3 Phonics Screening Check 2015-2016 Our expectation is that we will offer: phonics screening check briefing (£45 per delegate). You may choose to use your Learning Exchange allocation to fund this activity and it must be booked via CPD Online. KS2 moderation activities 2015-2016 Our expectation is that, in addition to any statutory moderation visits, we will offer: standardisation twilight sessions (£85 per delegate) assessment and reporting arrangements briefing (£85 per delegate) moderation workshops (£85 per delegate) You may choose to use your Learning Exchange allocation to fund this activity and it must be booked via CPD Online. The North Somerset moderation package (including costings) for academies (nonmaintained schools) will be published in the autumn term. Please contact Justine Gregory: justine.gregory@n-somerset.gov.uk if you have any queries regarding support for the phonics screening check or KS2 moderation. Please contact Sarah McGahern: sarah.mcgahern@n-somerset.gov.uk if you have any queries regarding support for the assessment in EYFS or KS1 moderation. North Somerset Learning Exchange Programme for Phonics into Early Spelling As the ‘North Somerset Learning Exchange Programme for Phonics into Early Spelling’ will need to be cross-referenced with the new EYFS baseline materials and the revised expectations from the Institute of Education regarding Book-bands for Guided Reading, we have made the decision to wait until these have been finalised before we make the programme available. Therefore, copies will be available mid June 2015. Well Done - Locking Primary School Awarded E-Safety Mark Congratulations to Locking Primary School on attaining the E-Safety Mark award. Jo Jones, headteacher and Sam Gilman, deputy headteacher have been leading e-safety in their school and providing the driving force to ensure good practice in their e-safety policy and procedures. They have included the whole school community, involving pupils and ensuring key e-safety messages are shared across the school. 4 The E-Safety Mark is awarded to schools following a rigorous external assessment and demonstrates a school's commitment to online safety. Pupil Premium: Schools with Good Disadvantaged Pupil Results Congratulations to Bournville Community Primary School, Oldmixon Primary School and Winscombe Primary School who have received a congratulations letter from the Minister for Schools, David Laws for the excellent results of their disadvantaged pupils. This list includes the 2015 Pupil Premium Awards qualifiers. Schools had to show: consistent high attainment of their disadvantaged pupils between 2012 and 2014 in reading, writing and maths; that high proportions of their disadvantaged pupils are making the expected progress in reading, writing and maths; consistently high or improving attainment for other pupils; that they got a ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ rating in their latest Ofsted inspection. FFT Aspire March Release The next update to FFT Aspire will be available on Friday 27 March. The March release will include the following key additional features and data: Final KS1 data; Amended KS2 and KS4 data; Updated PDF Governor Dashboards for Schools. As a result, Aspire will be unavailable between 5pm on Thursday 26 March and 8am on Friday 27 March. As always, if you have any further questions or you need any advice or support then please contact support@fft.org.uk. Guidance around Unlocking the Potential of Teaching Assistants Please see the recently published guidance from the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) with regard to supporting schools unlock the potential of their teaching assistants. The guidance makes seven evidence-based recommendations to help schools maximise the impact of teaching assistants. Key recommendations include: Use TAs to add value to what teachers do, not to replace them Ensure TAs are fully prepared for their role in the classroom 5 Use TAs to deliver high-quality one-to-one and small group support using structured interventions HMI Most Able Conference The following conference was attended by a group of headteachers from North Somerset on 5 March 2015. Please see the presentation documents: The most able students - an update on progress since June 2015 (Ofsted) Most Able Conference - presentation slides Sue Ivermee, Head of School Improvement INFORMATION, UPDATES AND ANNOUNCEMENTS 2014 Annual Report of the Director of Public Health for North Somerset It is with great pleasure we present to you the 2014 Director of Public Health Annual Report for North Somerset which this year focuses specifically on Living Well – A Case for Prevention. The report concentrates on what local partners can do to tackle the root causes of ill health in our population and address the rising health and social care costs this places on our community. It sets out a number of independent evidence based recommendations for action by local organisations and partnerships, including the North Somerset Partnership and North Somerset People and Communities Health and Wellbeing Board. The report adopts a model developed in the UK but implemented with success in San Diego, United States of America known as the ‘3:4:50 approach’. This is a long-term public health strategy that focuses on the three health behaviour risk factors (substance misuse, unhealthy diet and physical inactivity) that contribute to the four chronic diseases (cancer, circulatory diseases, respiratory diseases and liver disease) which are responsible for over 50% of our premature deaths (those under 75 years). If you have any comments about this report or would like further copies, please contact kay.sandy@n-somerset.gov.uk or telephone on 01275 885132. Public Health Team, People and Communities Pupil Premium Final Allocation 2014-15 On Friday 20 March the Department for Education released the final 2014-15 pupil premium allocations and issued the following information. The DfE has allocated an additional £23 for primary pupils who are currently eligible for free school meals or have been eligible in the past 6 years (FSM ‘Ever 6’) on top of the 6 £1,300 already allocated. Secondary FSM ‘Ever 6’ pupils will attract £935. Lookedafter children and eligible pupils adopted from care or leaving care under a special guardianship or residence order will attract a premium of £1,900. The DfE pays schools a rate of £300 per pupil for the service premium. We will be updating maintained schools allocations for pupil premium before the end of the financial year to reflect the increase in FSM Ever 6 Primary funding. This amount will be excluded from the claw back calculation. The data for FSM Ever 6 may also change due to the looked after children adjustment by the DfE. Information will be available shortly at www.nsesp.org.uk. Clare Pearce, Schools Funding Officer Universal Infant Free School Meal (UIFSM) Funding Update Currently schools have received a provisional UIFSM allocation based on an assumed 87% take up of the newly eligible pupils (total infant pupils less those pupils recorded as FSM eligible on the January 2015 census). This allocation will be updated in June 2015 to give schools their final UFISM allocation for the 2014-15 academic year. The Department for Education (DfE) will calculate this using the following calculation: Year Group 1 and 2 An average of the October 2014 and January 2015 school census for the total number of pupils on roll in year 1 and year 2 who took a meal less the total number of pupils on roll in year 1 and year 2 recorded as FSM eligible who took a meal. This figure will be multiplied by £437 (£2.30 per meal x 190 days). Plus the greater of: Reception An average of the October 2014 and January 2015 school census for the total number of pupils on roll in reception who took a meal less the total number of pupils on roll in reception recorded as FSM eligible who took a meal multiplied by £437 The total number of pupils on roll in reception who took a meal recorded on the January 2015 school census less the total number of pupils on roll in reception recorded as FSM eligible who took a meal recorded on the January 2015 school census multiplied by £437. or Using both the October 2014 and January 2015 Census data we have calculated a provisional final UIFSM allocation. This is an indicative figure which we will use to adjust the provisional UIFSM allocation for the 2014-15 financial year. One school has raised 7 the issue that the number of school weeks in the period September 2014 to March 2015 is greater than the number of months (26/39 weeks = 0.666 which is greater than 7/12 months = 0.58). As a result expenditure on UIFSM could be more than the income. Given this we will also adjust the provisional indicative allocation by the number of weeks. This amount will show on the next Income Reconciliation file and will be excluded from the carry forward calculation at the end of the financial year. To view your school’s allocation please click here. Clare Pearce, Schools Funding Officer Help in School for Children and Young People with Mild to Moderate Anxiety and/or Depression - Vulnerable Learners’ Service Several local practitioners are training to deliver cognitive behavioural therapy for children and young people with these difficulties, as part of the IAPT programme (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies). If you know of a young person not already referred to CAMHS, who might benefit from working with a trainee, please email brief details (without naming the child) to kate.blinston@n-somerset.gov.uk (Educational Psychologist, Vulnerable Learners’ Service), for more details of suitability and next steps. Maureen Martin, Business Support Co-ordinator School Trips and Evolve Update The time is approaching where many schools are turning their minds to planning and preparing for this year’s trips and visits and, with this in mind, you may be logging into Evolve for the first time in a number of months. In the last few months, Evolve has undergone a number of upgrades and enhancements which make using it more user-friendly and intuitive. Many of these changes are hidden and work in the background, so there is no need for you to carry out any additional training. Evolve is now fully linked with Kaddi, a new searchable database of destinations and activities which is run by EduFOCUS Evolve. The Kaddi database is linked with the LOtC Quality Badge system, which makes it easy for you to identify if your chosen provider is registered under this scheme. We have begun uploading copies of the latest OEO2 forms which will be available for you to view when putting your trip on the system. This will give you further information about the health and safety management of the provider and allow you to check that they are suitable for your intended trip or activity. Where there is important information about a certain provider, we are now entering this in the provider information section to enable you to be aware of any issues during the submission process. 8 Could we also remind all schools of the importance of submitting your trip in a timely fashion to the Evolve system. Please ensure that category C ventures (for example, residential visits and most adventurous activities) are notified via Evolve at least four weeks before you depart. This ensures the Health and Safety team have adequate time to thoroughly review your trip before approval and to ensure that the health and safety aspects of it have been properly recorded. If you have any difficulties logging into the system or if you require any further related information, please do not hesitate to get in touch to further discuss. Simon Pashley, Health and Safety Advisor Weston College – Foundation Degree in Early Years Please click here for details of the foundation degree in early years to start in September 2015. Mark Wilkins, Weston College Friends of the Earth Run on Sun Campaign The Friends of the Earth Run on Sun campaign is one year old. The purpose of the campaign is to encourage schools to install solar panels. If schools are interested, please click here to sign up for the education pack. Marking Anne Frank's Death 70 Years On The Anne Frank Trust invites you to mark the 70th anniversary of Anne’s tragic death during the Holocaust, with a one minute campaign called #notsilent. We invite you to join us and read out loud a one minute passage from Anne’s inspirational writing, on or after Tuesday 14th April. We have a selection of passages suitable for a one minute reading to choose from, which can be downloaded here www.annefrank.org.uk/notsilent. Alternatively, you can read something you have written about your own life experiences, and can start or end the reading by explaining why you want to do it. We are asking all participants to film their one minute reading and upload it to their social media or video sharing platforms using the #notsilent hash tag. We have several celebrities and authors lined up to promote the campaign with their own readings and we are planning a press launch on the morning of 14th April in central London. Gillian Walnes MBE, Co-Founder and Executive Director, The Anne Frank Trust UK 9 INFORMATION COMMUNICATION SHEETS Reference number Title Audience 1415/0016 ICT and E-Safety Newsletter Term 4, March 2015 All staff in schools Pupil Referral Units MEETINGS, CONFERENCES AND EVENTS North Somerset Healthy Schools Network All schools are invited to become involved in the North Somerset Healthy Schools Network (NSHSN), which provides a free and flexible framework for addressing health and wellbeing. Involvement in the NSHSN has many benefits including healthier, happier pupils, increased participation and opportunities to collect evidence about how your school addresses behaviour, safety, social development and the care of the most vulnerable. You will also be helped to access organisations and resources which can support you with health and wellbeing, as well as sharing good practice through a network of schools. This year, as a result of feedback, we are running two parallel programmes, one for secondary and one for primary schools, which we hope will support each phase to meet their own specific needs. If you are interested, please read our primary leaflet or secondary leaflet to find out more about how each programme will work and return the reply form on the March 2015 web page to attend a briefing on either Thursday 23rd April at 1.15 - 3.15 for primary or Thursday 30th April, 1.15 - 3.15 for secondary. Here are some comments made in the past, by schools involved in the programme: ‘A fantastic opportunity to share ideas, contacts and resources with other schools’ ‘I felt very supported through the process of developing an action plan’ ‘It has enabled our school to identify gaps and develop these’ ‘Individual schools can set their own targets to suit the needs of their families’ ‘Healthy Schools provides a vital role in developing the whole child’ You can read about some of the health-promoting activity in schools that completed the programme last summer, by clicking here. Shaun Cheesman, Health Improvement Coordinator: Children and Young People KS1 Moderation Cluster Meetings Please be advised that the letters sent out confirming schools attendance at KS1 Cluster Meetings in 2015 are incorrect. 10 The KS1 clusters are on 27th of April 2015, NOT 27th of May 2015. Please book via CPD Online. Mandy Summers, Senior Business Support Administrator 11
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