O LD S T. M ARY’ S C HURCH 1500 S. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60605 - Chicago’s First Catholic Parish - Established in 1833 - The Paulist Fathers serving our parish since 1903 Page Two OLD ST. MARY’S CHURCH Our Parish Mission Founded in 1833, Old St. Mary’s parish is the first Catholic parish in the Chicago area. Guided for more than a century by the vision of the Paulist Fathers, we are a diverse and welcoming community dedicated to serving the spiritual needs of the South Loop and greater Chicago area. As a unified Church and School community, Old St. Mary’s Parish promotes the mission of the Paulist Fathers to welcome those who have been away from the church, to build bridges of respect and collaboration with people of diverse backgrounds and religions, and to promote justice and healing in our society. Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com/116946404986272 PARISH PHONE: 312.922.3444 WEB SITE: www.oldstmarys.com SCHOOL PHONE: 312.386.1560 SCHOOL WEB SITE: www.osmschool.com MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY: 5:00 PM; SUNDAY: 8:30 AM, 11:00 AM AND 6:00PM DAILY MASSES: 8:30 AM—MONDAY—FRIDAY 12:00 NOON—SATURDAY HOLY DAYS: 8:30 AM AND 7:00PM EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: FRIDAY 9:00AM TO NOON SACRAMENTAL CELEBRATIONS ANOINTING OF THE SICK: FIRST SATURDAY: NOON MASS BAPTISM: SECOND & FOURTH SATURDAYS, PLEASE GO TO OUR WEBSITE TO REGISTER CONFESSION: SATURDAY 11:30 TO 11:50 AM AND AT OTHER TIMES BY APPOINTMENT COMMUNION/SICK CALLS: UPON REQUEST PRAYER REQUEST Please pray for those novices and seminarians who are preparing for ministry to the Church with the Paulist Fathers, who have staffed Old St. Mary’s since 1903. Bulletin Submissions The deadline is Noon on Monday, if you cannot send the item electronically. Items submitted electronically are due by 5PM on Mondays. Please Email items to bulletin@oldstmarys.com. Thank You! May 17, 2015 Old St. Mary’s is wheelchair accessible. Large print missalettes are available near the entrance. Please return them after Mass. Special hosts are available in the sacristy for those who are gluten intolerant. Do you have difficulty walking to the front of the church for communion? Please ask an usher to let the communion ministers know where you are so the ministers can bring communion to you. Receiving the Body of Christ is too important to miss out. The ministers do scan the congregation, so if you forget to let an usher know, put your hand up so they can see you. We want to accommodate you. PARISH STAFF REV. PAUL HUESING, CSP, PASTOR phuesing@oldstmarys.com REV. PATRICK JOHNSON, CSP, ASSOCIATE PASTOR pjohnson@oldstmarys.com ZACCARY HANEY, COORDINATOR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION zhaney@oldstmarys.com DAWN BURNS, BUSINESS MANAGER dawn@oldstmarys.com JULIE MARTIN, SCHOOL PRINCIPAL jmartin@osmschool.com SCOTT WILL, DIRECTOR OF WORSHIP ARTS swill@oldstmarys.com VANESA JACKSON, RECEPTIONIST MAMIE SMITH, RECEPTIONIST TONETTE MILLER, RECEPTIONIST JIM FOY, FACILITIES ENGINEER DENNIS DAVIS, MAINTENANCE Blood Drive Sponsored by Knights of Columbus Council 182 Sunday May 24 from 8AM-1PM In Old St. Mary’s School To Schedule an Appointment please visit www.redcrossblood.org Walk-ins are welcome. May 17, 2015: THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD Page Three OLD ST. MARY’S BUDGET SCORECARD 7/1/2014 - 05/10/2015 Period 05/10/2015 YTD Amount Needed $ 16,000.00 $ 789,000.00 Total Collected $ 18,129.50 $ 784,133.68 Surplus/Deficit $ 2,129.50 $ (4,866.32) You can now contribute to various church offerings via Give Central on our website, www.oldstmarys.com. Just click on the Giving tab, and then click on Give to Church. If you have any questions, please call Dawn Burns at 312.922. 3444, ext. 23. GOD’S WORD TODAY Very often we hear these words other days, too when listening to the Gospel reading: “Jesus said to his disciples.” And too often we listen to the proclamation as if it were a lovely bit of historical writing. We might be tempted to think that these words live in some kind of vacuum. Instead, why not perk up our ears when we hear this phrase? Instead of hearing “Jesus said to his disciples,” why not hear “Jesus says to me, right here and right now”? This is a fitting exercise on this day when we remember Christ’s ascension into heaven. For his words to his disciples—to us—today call for a continued dedication to sharing the good news of Christ’s saving death and resurrection with a world hungry for hope and new life. From Saint Margaret Mary Sunday Missal, © J. S. Paluch Company Springtime Day of Prayer We congratulate the following individuals who received the Gifts of the Holy Spirit through the Sacrament of Confirmation on May 7, 2015 at Old St. Mary’s Church. Corazon de Jesus ANASTASIA Avila Sachin Gerard AUGUSTINE Medler Aiden Rober BENEDICT Ouimet Haylee Pat icia BRIGID West Nora Bridget CATHERINE Ryan Faith Jaqueline CLARE Radford Olivia Pat icia CLARE Fadden Katherine Ruth DYMPHNA McNamara Montana Shuqiu EDITH STEIN Cardenas Madison Makenzie FRANCIS XAVIER CABRINI Bar era Ina Eve GENEVIEVE Kmiec Emma Mei-Ling KATHERINE DREXEL Chung-Trone Joshua Lo MICHAEL Kennelly Aga Philippe PEDRO CALUNGSOD Thomas Francisca Monser at ROSE Ibanez Ava Barbara TERESA Childers We welcome the following new parishioners to the Old St. Mary’s community. Fr. Paul will lead a day of reflection for parishioners on Saturday, May 23. The theme is “The Experience of Prayer.” Participants will have the opportunity to learn about and experience: Awareness, the Jesus Prayer, Lectio Divina (prayer with Scripture) and the Prayer of Petition. The Day of Prayer will begin at 9 AM and conclude at 2:30 PM. Gregory & Claire Stegeman DeAndre Allen & Dionne Hayden and sons Joshua and Christian Robert & Ann Basile and son Lorenzo Participants will be encouraged to attend Old St. Mary’s regular Saturday noon Mass. The suggested donation is $20 and includes lunch. Preregistration is required. Please phone our office at 312-922-3444. The Church is like a great ship being pounded by the waves of life’s stresses. Our duty is not to abandon ship, but to keep her on her course. — St. Boniface Page Four OLD ST. MARY’S CHURCH YEAR OF SACRAMENTS • ONE WORD AT A TIME Change We believe that in the Mass, when the priest invokes the Holy Spirit and repeats the words of Jesus, the elements of bread and wine are changed into the reality of his Body and Blood. In faith, we can affirm that this happens, but we cannot explain with any precision how it happens, as much as we might want to. The how remains a mystery. And there is another important dimension of change that calls for our close attention. Not only do the elements of bread and wine change, but we who take within ourselves the Body and Blood of the Lord are radically transformed. Jesus says, “Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life, and I will raise them up on the last ay.” (John 6:54) The Eucharist changes us in the most radical way imaginable, from mortal beings subject to death to children of God raised up to new and eternal life. POPE FRANCIS’ VISION OF HEALING AND COMMUNION The ARCHDIOCESE OF CHICAGO in partnership with LOYLOA PRESS More on Pope Francis’ Vision at www.loyolapress.com/popefrancis.com www.ArchChicago.org © 2014 Archdiocese of Chicago, Fr. Louis J. Carneli May 17, 2015 CALL FOR PARISH COUNCIL MEMBERS Old St. Mary’s is seeking new members to commit to a 3 year term on the Parish Council. Responsibilities include active participation in and support of the parish’s ministries, engagement in parish special events and regular attendance and meaningful contribution at monthly Parish Council meetings. Interested or know someone who might be a good candidate? Please contact Father Paul at phuesing@oldstmarys.com or Julie Marcus at juliepmarcus@yahoo.com and visit the OSM Parish Council homepage to learn more at: http://oldstmarys.com/about-us/parish-council/. NEW PARISHIONER WELCOME LUNCHEON OldSt.Mary'sParish Councilinvitesyou toourbi-annualnewParishionerluncheonon May31onthe2nd loorofOldSt.Mary’sSchool immediatelyfollowingthe11AMMass.This luncheonisagreatwaytoputnamestofaces andmeetothermembersofourOldSt.Mary's community.Feelfreetobringfamilymembers oraguest.Wehopetoseeyouthere! Accepting Registrations for Religious Education Classes OldSt.Mary’sisacceptingregistrationsforReligiousEducationclassesfor2015 -2016.Theprogramisopentoallchildreninkindergartenthrougheighth grade(or older if they have not been confirmed).Thegeneralenrollmentfeeis $300foronechildand$150foreachadditionalchildinthesamefamily. SacramentFeesare$40whichcoversbothFirstReconciliationandFirst Communion.TheSacramentfeeforchildrenpreparingforCon irmationis$80. Forearlyenrollmentandpayment(byJuly17),thefeesare$250foronechildand$150foreach additionalchildinthesamefamily.Thereisnodiscountonthesacramentfees. EnrollmentformsareavailableintheChurch(Commonsarea)oryoucanenrollonourwebsite: http://oldstmarys.com/religious-education/family-religious-education/.Paymentcanalsobe madethroughourwebsite. May 17, 2015: THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD Page Five TODAY’S READINGS Saturday May 16 5:00 PM † Alexander Kumskis Sunday 8:30 am 11:00 am 6:00 pm May 17 † Rita Fischbach † Roger & Genevieve Olsen People of the Parish Monday May 18 8:30 AM † Dunne & Brillantes Families Tuesday May 19 8:30 AM Special Intention Wednesday May 20 8:30 AM † Gary Guichard Thursday May 21 8:30 AM † Orlando Lenzi Friday May 22 8:30 AM James Bailey Saturday May 23 12:00 PM † Romeo & Marina Gingoyon SHARING AND CARING The 7th & 8th grade students in the Religious Education program are conducting a donation drive to help teenagers in Teen Living Programs. They will be collecting items on the 23rd and 24th of May. Donations will be collected in the commons before and after the 5 PM Mass on Saturday night, and the 8:30 and 11 AM Masses on Sunday morning. The following items are needed: —toiletries (deodorant, lotion, toothbrushes, etc.); —clothing items (t-shirts and undergarments); and —household items such as twin-sized bedsheets, pillows, towels, and clothing hangers would also be appreciated. Thank you in advance for your support and cooperation. FIRST READING - This Jesus who has been taken up from you into heaven will return in the same way as you have seen him going into heaven (Acts 1:1-11). PSALM - God mounts his throne to shouts of joy: a blare of trumpets for the Lord (Psalm 47). SECOND READING - God seated Jesus at his right hand in the heavens (Ephesians 1:17-23) GOSPEL - The Lord Jesus was taken up into heaven and took his seat at the right hand of God (Mark 16:15-20). READINGS FOR THE WEEK MONDAY: Acts 19:1-8; Ps 68:2-3ab, 4-5acd, 6-7ab; Jn 16:29-33 TUESDAY: Acts 20:17-27; Ps 68:10-11, 21-21; Jn 17:1-11a WEDNESDAY: Acts 20:28-38; Ps 68:29-30, 33-36ab; Jn 17:11b-19 THURSDAY: Acts 22:30; 23:6-11; Ps 16:1-2a, 5, 7-11; Jn 17:20-26 FRIDAY: Acts 25:13b-21; Ps 103:1-2, 11-12, 19-20ab; Jn 21:15-19 SATURDAY: Acts 28:16-20, 30-31; Ps 11:4, 5, 7; Jn 21:20-25 SUNDAY: Acts 2:1-11; Ps 104:1, 24, 29-31, 34; 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 The Young Adults Bible Study group will meet Thursday, May 21st at 7 pm. Please join us! See the receptionist for the location. Contact Stephanie, larsonsj13@gmail.com, if you have any questions. Page Six OLD ST. MARY’S CHURCH EMERGENCY APPEAL EARTHQUAKE IN NEPAL On Saturday, April 25th, Nepal experienced a massive earthquake of 7.8 magnitude centered about 50 miles northwest of the capital city, Kathmandu. Thousands of our Nepalese brothers and sisters are suffering death, displacement, and extreme loss due to the massive earthquake that has affected Nepal and neighboring countries. Please pray for their comfort and peace in the midst of this natural Disaster. Catholic Relief Services (CRS) has made an initial commitment of $725,000 to relief efforts in Nepal, and surrounding countries because of widespread damage. Donate Online h p://www.chicagopeaceandjus ce.org/ NepalEmergencyAppeal Donate by Phone 877-435-7277 - 8 am - 11 pm Eastern Time Donate by Mail ATTN: Nepal Emergency Appeal Catholic Relief Services 3525 S. Lake Park Ave Chicago IL 60653-1402 Make checks payable to Catholic Relief Services. Archbishop Oscar Romero’s Beatification The Mass in honor of Archbishop Oscar Romero’s Beatification will be held on Sunday, May 23, at 10 AM, at Holy Name Cathedral, State and Superior Streets in Chicago. Archbishop Blase J. Cupich will be the main celebrant of the Mass, held on the same day as the Beatification Mass in El Salvador. May 17, 2015 Any loose change in your pocket or purse? Think Poor Box at the back of the church. Your support provides funds for Old St. Mary’s Social Justice and Service Committee’s programs. KOLBE HOUSE JAIL MINISTRY MASS Kolbe House, the Jail Ministry for the Archdiocese, invites you to a bilingual (Spanish/English) Mass at 3 PM, on Sunday, June 7, at Assumption Parish, 2434 S. California in Chicago. At this Mass, those who are personally affected by incarceration, a victim of crime or want to be a part of this ministry through prayer are especially invited to attend. If you are an ex-offender or have a loved one in jail or prison, please find the time to attend this Mass. Please call Deacon Pablo or Fr. Arturo for more information at Kolbe House: 773-247-0070 or email Pablo at khpablop@aol.com FESTIVAL OF FILIPINO FAITH 2015 The Cathedral Filipino Network of Holy Name Cathedral is hosting the first ever Festival of Filipino Faith. We would like to share with the HNC parishioners and other parishes in Chicago the strong devotion and spiritual heritage of the Filipinos. We will feature the first and second Filipino Saints, San Lorenzo Ruiz and San Pedro Calungsod and some Marian Devotions. Date: Saturday, May 30, 10 AM to 2 PM Place: HNC Courtyard, 730 S Wabash Ave Free Parking across from the Cathedral Light refreshments will be served in the cafeteria following the service. For more information, please contact Nora Duldulao, 312-664-0042, Zeny Villa-Ignacio,773-878-3660 or Grace Villamora, 312-933-4762. Catholic Family Day, Sunday, June 14 Come to the Catholic Family Day at Six Flags Great America on Sunday, June 14! The day will begin with Mass at 10 AM, celebrated by the Vicar General, Rev. Ronald Hicks. Tickets are available online by using the promo code: CATHOLIC. Please RSVP for the Mass at strategicpastoralplan@archchicago.org. Call 312-534-5315 for more information about Catholic Family Day. MAY 17, 2015: THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD Page Seven OFFERTORY COMMITMENT CARD Old St. Mary’s Parish Council invites you to attend the next Parish Pulse Meeting. June 2, 2015 at 7 PM in Old St. Mary’s School Agenda includes: Parish Transformation Process Results Status of Parish Center Construction Finance Update Plans for To Teach Who Christ Is Campaign Please email marymartinlowe@mac.com with any questions or items you’d like to discuss at the meeting. We hope to see you there! Next Sunday, May 24th, is the Solemnity of Pentecost, often called the birthday of the church. Wearing red and white clothing to Mass next weekend would be a fitting way for us to celebrate this important feast of the Holy Spirit. If you have not returned your Offertory Commitment Card as of yet, there is still time to do so. Just drop it in the mail or place it in the collection basket next Sunday. There are some cards available on the tables in the commons as well as at the exit. Thanks to everyone who has increased their weekly contribution. L oving God, you have made us in your image and placed your truth within our hearts that we may know, love, and serve you. Consecrate us further with the truth of the gospel and direct our feet in the way you wish us to walk. Let us live in your joy. Copyright ©2014, World Library Publications. 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