California’s SNAP-Education Healthy Retail Program Oldways Supermarket Dietician Symposium March 23, 2015 Presented by: Courtney Cagle Marketing Specialist – Healthy Retail Public Health Institute - Center for Wellness and Nutrition Grocery Stores: Frontline in the Battle against Obesity Overview u Purpose and History u Point of Purchase Strategies to Increase Produce Purchases u Evaluation u Lessons u Q&A Results for Supermarket RDs History: 5 a Day Partnership with retail industry since inception of California 5 a Day – late 1990s Targeted campaigns reach people where they live, learn, work, SHOP, play, & pray Retail Program Purpose Facilitate retailer & health agency partnerships Increase purchase of fruits & vegetables among CalFresh* eligible Californians Provide promotional materials, strategies & tools Inspire healthy change Edith, Regional Retail Program Manager * SNAP is called CalFresh in California Retail Program in 800+ Eligible Stores Social Marketing Strategies Visual cues • Merchandising materials throughout the store Targeted campaigns Shopper takeaways Personal connection • Recipes/Cookbooks • Harvest of the Month Newsletters • Healthy food demos • Store tours Visual Cues: Nutrition Messaging Targeted Campaigns: Culturally Tailored Merchandising Shopper Take-Aways Personal Connection • • • • Food demonstration Taste test Store tour Personal interaction Connection to Community Fruit and Veggie Fest Connection to Store Staff: Worksite Wellness Programs Northgate Gonzalez Markets: “We needed to start with our employees first, so that they could be the champions and ambassadors for our stores and they could educate the customers.” Evaluation: Shopper Perception of Merchandising Materials MyPlate Posters Cross-Promotional Wobblers Freezer Clings Evaluation: Large Store Intervention Study Food Demonstrations Healthy Merchandising Materials Evaluation: Effect of Fruit & Veggie Promotions on Sales Food Demonstrations Healthy Merchandising Materials Evaluation: Messaging at Checkout Study Lessons for Supermarket RDs u Focus on a single, specific message u Give shoppers a personal connection to promotion efforts u For maximum effect, combine: u appropriate u in-person u take u price signage promotions away reinforcement items promotions Thank You! Stay Connected: Courtney Cagle Marketing Specialist – Healthy Retail (916)265-4042 ext.106 @C0urtneyCagle Center for Wellness and Nutrition
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