1. Be prepared 2. Know your stuff 3. Prac"ce asser"ve

LESSONS LEARNED FROM INSTORE DEMOS 1.  Be prepared 2.  Know your stuff 3.  Prac7ce asser7ve selling 4.  Build vendor rela7ons Oldways 2015 RECIPE DEMOS MORE CHOPPING (i.e. s7r-­‐fry) should = less cooking 7me. LESS CHOPPING (i.e. soup) can = a liRle longer cooking 7me. Keep demo recipe ingredient lists SHORT. P.A.S.T.A. PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE APPEARANCE SMILE TABLE PRESENTATION ATTITUDE P.A.S.T.A. If the store will build a display near your demo sta7on or place your demo table near the product, sales generally will go P.A.S.T.A. Thank the customer for stopping by your table whether they buy or not. Even beRer, thank them for shopping in your store. SUGGESTIVE SELLING OR WHAT TO DO WHEN THE FOOD ISN’T READY YET SUGGEST COMPLIMENTARY ITEMS Good: “A loaf of our Bakery’s new whole grain bread would be wonderful with this pasta dish.” Be9er: “… and it’s on sale this week.” Best: “…I have some right here if you would like a loaf.” WORKING WITH YOUR VENDORS What can you offer the vendor?   Sales   Customer insight   Repor3ng CUSTOMER INSIGHT Crea7ng a demo report with store-­‐by-­‐ store comments gives the vendor reliable feedback as to what customers W
hat cha’ think of the product. t
ink? DO YOU HAVE ACCESS TO YOUR COMPANY’S SALES DATA? GIVE YOUR VENDOR SALES DATA Showing sales is the #1 way to garner vendor involvement SAMPLE SALES CHART Demo: 02/21/15 10 a.m.-­‐2 p.m. Store # # Sold # Cust 1 12 10 2 22 3 no demo $$ Sales Week Ending 02/22/15 # Sold # Cust $$ 52.60 13 11 57.20 16 96.80 26 22 114.40 2 2 8.80 6 6 26.40 4 17 13 74.80 19 15 83.60 TOTAL 53 41 $233.00 64 55 $281.60 % WEEK’S SALES ON DEMO DAY = 82.8% Trish Farano, DTR Dierbergs Markets, Inc. faranot@dierbergs.com 314-­‐238-­‐0441