Announcing…. 6th Annual BAA City-Wide 2015 Track Meet For Girls and Boys in Grades K-5 DATES: Friday May 8th from 5:30 – 7:30 at Kennedy High School Friday May 15th from 5:30 – 7:30 at Jefferson High School Note: These will not be drop-off events. Parents should stay at the track. MEET DETAILS: Participants will compete against others in their grade level, choosing one or more of the following events: 100m 200m 400m 1-Mile Run Long Jump Softball Throw REGISTRATION AND FEES: Athletes may participate in one or both meets. This year we will not be requiring pre-registration, it will be an all-comers meet. We will not be charging fees, but will be requesting a donation (suggested $3 per child, per meet). Upon arrival to either meet, please check in by signing your child up and grabbing a bib number. This bib can be used for both meets, it will help us identify and record times for each runner and distances for each thrower/jumper. Athletes will be broken up into age groups and will travel to each event as a group. While they do not have to participate in each event, athletes should be aware of their group’s location so they do not miss an event. VOLUNTEERS: We will again have support of athletes from both the Kennedy and Jefferson track and field teams. They have been a tremendous help over the last few years. The meets also require parent volunteer support. Please let us know if you would like to help. BLOOMINGTON TRACK CLUB: After a very successful first year, we will once form a Bloomington Track Club that will allow athletes a chance to get additional track experience beyond these two BAA meets. We will be holding 3-5 practices and entering (as a team) 2-3 track meets outside of Bloomington (likely USATF meets). There will be more information about this opportunity handed out at our meet. CONCESSION STAND: We will be running a small concession stand with water, Gatorade and a few snacks. QUESTIONS: Please contact Paul Roach ( or Betsy Longley ( with any questions.
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