O UR LADY OF F ATIMA CATHOLIC S CHOOL M AY 2 0 1 5 NEWSLETTER Visit us @ http://olf.ycdsb.ca/ May is the Month of Mary “Blessed are you among women…” Luke 1:40 Mary is special because she lived the very meaning of the Gospel that we are all invited to live. Mary’s example of staying with Jesus through his suffering and death encourages us to be filled with compassion and hope. Mary did not wallow in grief, but took courage from Jesus’ resurrection. Please join us for an Adoration Celebration May 13@ 1:15pm, led by Father Rony. MOTHER’S DAY: Sunday, May 10th Mothers have brought us into this world and they introduced us to the values and morals that we have. There are so many mothers to honour grandmothers, godmothers, adoptive mothers, stepmothers, foster mothers and friends’ mothers. In different ways, any one or more of these mothers has earned our love. We also have Mary, the Mother of God. Jesus made her the mother of all baptized people. God has made the Earth a holy home for all living things. To all mothers in our community, we ask God to bless you everyday and especially on Mother’s Day! We Congratulate our Grade 8’s Congratulations to our Gr. 8 students who celebrated the sacrament of Confirmation on May 2 and 3. We thank, Ms. Cerrone and Mr. Caruso, along with Father Rony for preparing our Confirmandi. We welcome them, as young adults into our community of faith. Come Celebrate Music Monday and the OLF Talent Show! On Monday, May 4, Our Lady of Fatima will be holding Music Monday and Talent Show concerts to celebrate music and the Arts. Students will be performing selected repertoires that they learned in music this year, while others will be sharing their artistic talents in our Talent Show. Come join the celebration at 1pm and/or 7pm! May’s Character Virtue: Responsibility I will honour commitments to my family, school & community. I will be reliable so people can depend on me. I will be accountable for the things I say or do. Get Your Child Ready For Full Day Kindergarten Parents of students entering Kindergarten in September 2015 are invited to join us for a Welcome to Full-Day Kindergarten orientation session being held on May 22. This session will provide you with tips and strategies to ensure your child is best prepared for school and for Full Day Kindergarten. Participants will also receive a kit of learning materials that will assist in their child’s preparation for the upcoming school year. This session will be held in the Library. Appointments are now being communicated to parents of all JK registrants. We look forward to seeing you and your child. An additional evening FDK information session for parents only is scheduled on Thursday, May 28 at 7pm in the OLF Library. YCDSB approves Long Term Accommodation Plan 2015-20 The Government of Ontario, the Ministry of Education, and local School Boards are responsible to students and to their parents to ensure that as much funding as possible is directed to the education needs of students. Recent provincial announcements have highlighted the need for school boards across the province to reduce surplus capacity through the implementation of a Long Term Accommodation Plan. At its Regular Meeting of the Board held on March 24th, 2015, the Board of Trustees approved the York Catholic District School Board’s Long Term Accommodation Plan (LTAP) for 2015-2020. The LTAP is a planning report which highlights the current and future student accommodation needs of the York Catholic District School Board. Implementation of the LTAP will begin in the Fall 2015. The LTAP focuses on the four (4) Rs: "Right Program" (elementary and/or secondary school initiatives); "Right Facility" (physical space in bldg, school yard and parking lot); "Right-Size" (student placements, school organization); and, "Right Location" (geography). The LTAP includes a number of accommodation initiatives, which range from new schools to accommodation reviews and boundary reviews, program considerations, temporary accommodations, as well as, facility partnerships. Each accommodation initiative will be guided by a process that includes opportunities for community participation and community consultation. The York Catholic District School Board is committed to keeping all stakeholders informed throughout the process. To view the Long Term Accommodation Plan in full, and for more detailed information, visit: http://www.ycdsb.ca/departments/Planning/ltap.htm Catholic Community of Character Award Winners: Reverence TEACHER STUDENTOF THE MONTH TEACHER STUDENTOF THE MONTH Ms. Baldassini Jaya C-T, Allegra C. Ms. Bertucci 5 Vanessa C., Crizia D., Amelia D. Ms. Bulfon Alyssa V., Isabella S., Julian L., Alessio G. Ms. Colalillo Angela G., Ryan R. Ms. Wojewoda Jessica Q., Aiden D., Samuel T. Giannantonio/Luongo Justyn D., Daniella F. Madam Ross Jocelyn J. Ms. Sinopoli Isabella A., Lucas D., Joshua P., Ms.Amatangelo Sara B., Matthew R. Ms. daSilva Caroline F. Ms. Maniglia Nathan F., Josie M., Julia F., Michela B., Milani G-D Mr. Bruder Maddy C., Julian P. Madam Ferreira Carlos M-E Mr. Caruso Sophia C., Vanessa B. Ms. Ariemma Julian D., Robert D. Ms. Cerrone Carmine R., Haley F. Ms. Bertucci 3/4 Julian C., Luke R. French Vince M., Amelia D., Angelica M., Anton K., Daniela D., Ava H. Ms. Caggiano Daniela D., Zoe H. DiCresce/Salerno Alessio L. Italian Nicholas A., Luciano D., OLF W5H Team captures AREA 3 Banner Congratulations to the Our Lady of Fatima's Intermediate W5H team who placed first in the Area 3 W5H competition. The team will now go on to compete in the YCDSB finals on May 5 at St. Justin Martyrs CES in Markham, in attempt to capture their second consecutive Championship in two years. Congratulations and good luck to our team members: Jacquelyn M., Sophia C., Vanessa B., Ennio O.,Carmine R., Michael A., and Christian V.. Thank you to Coaches Cerrone and Caruso for guiding our W5H Team. Go Falcons Go! Oral Communications Success We congratulate the following students for their exemplary efforts during our recent grade 4-8 Oral Communication Competition: Congratulations OLF Oral Communications Winners Juniors Emily C. 1st Place Victoria D. 2nd Place Vanessa F. 3rd Place Crizia D. 4th Place Other participants included: Matteo C., Isabella C., David D., Daniela D., Michela D., James F., Angelica M., Eva R., Emily R., and Giuseppe S.. Intermediates Mia C. 1st Place Diana T. 2nd Place Amanda L. 3rd Place Other participants included: Isabela C., Anthony C., Anthony C., Julia C., Victoria D., Victoria I., Carmine R., Alyssa T., Thank you Ms. Celio for coordinating this event. Dental Screening for JK, SK, Grade 2 and 8 The York Region Public Health Department will visit OLF on May 20 to conduct their annual dental screening campaign. While here, their staff will conduct dental check-ups / screening with all OLF students in JK, SK, Grade 2 and 8. OLF BBQ & Movie Night Under the Stars: June 19 Our Lady of Fatima’s Catholic School Council is currently very busy organizing a fun-filled community building event scheduled for June 19. Please SAVE the date. The evening is billed as a yearend community building activity, which will be hi-lighted by: 6:30pm Family BBQ, 8:45pm (sunset) Movie Under the Stars The BBQ will be operated by the Knights of Columbus and the movie will be shown in the schoolyard weather permitting (gym is alternate). We ask that you bring a cozy blanket and suitable seating, such as lawn chairs. Other family-oriented activities will be set-up such as; face-painting, ice-cream truck, and more! Stay tuned and SAVE the date! Traffic Safety around the School Please help to keep our students safe in our parking lot and in front of the school. Do not rush and sacrifice safe driving practices. Student safety should never be placed at risk because of careless driving and rushing. When picking up or dropping off your child, please: 1. Remember that students should be dropped off / picked up at SAFE access points in front of the school. They should make use of the sidewalks located at the south and north entrances. 2. Please do not ask your child to navigate bus traffic by having them enter or exit the school property using non-designated means, (ie. cutting across the driveway and between busses and moving vehicles). 3. Do NOT drive into school parking lot at these times: a) 8:30am-9:00am b) 3:20pm-4:00pm c) Exception—when busses have been cancelled. Finally, proceed with extreme caution whenever in the vicinity of the school. Please put safety ahead of convenience and haste, at all times. Sports...Sports...Sports…Sports Junior Basketball The Junior Boys Basketball team is preparing for the upcoming Area Tournament on May 6 at Our Lady of Fatima. The boys played hard and demonstrated skill and sportsmanship during their exhibition season. Coaches Hanaway, Adeu and Awad are proud of the team’s work ethic and dedication to developing their skills. The Falcons team members are: London D., Matteo C., Adam R., Nicholas C., Antonio B., Adrian C., Gabriel P., Robert T., Nicholas R., Leo M., Lucas D., Christian R., Massimo P., Stefano O.. The Junior Girls Basketball team is working hard to prepare for their Area Tournament at St. Stephen Catholic School on May 7. Coaches Hanaway, Adeu and Awad are extremely proud of the girls. They worked hard and displayed excellent team play and focus, during the exhibition season. The members of the team are: Eva R., Melissa P., Michela D., Haley B., Alessia L., Isabella C., Christina S., Bella D., Diva P., Vanessa F.,Angela G., Melissa P.. OLF EQAO Testing time is at hand OLF Gr. 3 and 6 students will be involved in writing the EQAO assessment during the period of May 25– June 5. The exact dates for each grade will follow for those affected. EQAO tests provide a snapshot of your child’s achievement in relation to the provincial standard. However, remember that no single test can offer a complete or definitive picture of what your child has learned. In the end, no one better understands the true measure of your child’s abilities and knowledge than his or her classroom teacher. We wish our students all the best. OLF Golden Rules: Hands & Feet and Kind Words Our expectation is that students keep their hands and feet to themselves and use ONLY kind words to solve conflicts and problems, when they arise. As well, older students, are expected to avoid any inappropriate displays of public affection, including behaviours, such as: hugging, embracing and / or holding hands. The above behaviours are not permitted in the school environment for obvious reasons. Thank you for supporting our efforts in this area. Report It: Report Bullying in Confidence If you are being bullied or know of someone who is being bullied, remember to report it to your teacher or Principal or use the confidential bullying reporting system located on the YCDSB website or click on: http://www.ycdsb.ca/report-it/default.htm Be assured your e-mail is held in strict confidence. Our next CSC Meeting is on May 7 We hope you are able to attend. To have an item added to the agenda, contact Mr. Garofalo or Ms. Cassar, prior to the meeting. Thank you for your ongoing support. The school is closed on May 18 for the Victoria Day Holiday. Sincerely, V. Garofalo, Principal D. Giuliani, Trustee D. Hackett, Superintendent T. Ciaravella, Trustee
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