MAG OLINER SYSTEM MAGAZINE NO. 1 - 2015 WORLD PIPE RENEWAL seeking european partners Ready for the netherlands Focus on renovating heating pipes No magical spell fixes all pipes 23-year-old liner good as new at gullfaks powered by Introduction Challenges and good innovations Water is the world’s most important resource for all life on the planet? As we know, drinking oil is not an option! However, the Norwegian oil adventure has resulted in more than creating the world’s richest country. It has resulted in us possessing valuable competence that can be scaled up and distributed in various technical areas. This involves prospecting, shipping, storing and processing of liquid. Water is the world’s most important liquid and Norwegians are traditionally concerned about pipe systems that ensure safe handling of water. The pipes are crucial in the transport of water to and from the consumer, but both have limited lifespan and requires renovation. Oliner System is a Norwegian innovation with a large international area of application: Oliner System gives old sewer pipes a new lifespan. No one owns the water resource - we all borrow it from the next generation. We all must accept this responsibility. The water mains in buildings represent a considerable value, but they also pose an enormous risk to the environment or a private economy if the pipes are leaking. Leaking pipes in buildings have directly leaded to economic consequences for the owner. Insurance companies, homeowners and Carl Christian Sibbern CEO, Olimb Group administrators capitalize on focusing on entire pipe systems instead of repairing the individual leakages. Pipe renovation of the whole pipe system gives a win-win situation. More people open their eyes to Oliner System’s non-destructive methods. We were the first in the world with a certified system (SINTEF) for a complete pipe network certification, and it is satisfying that this strict quality standard is being used more where we certify our products (IATMO, NSF, SP, DiBt, etc.) A focus on water The largest water resources are found under the world’s oceans, or in deserts such the Sahara. Large drinking water resources, for example, in Libya, were destroyed because drilling through drinking water reservoirs in order to access the oil underneath. OMAG in this respect shows that the water and waste water industry is a market full of opportunities. There are a number of innovations, well-known methods and established products available in the market. However for the segment inside buildings, there is a crying need for solutions that do not involve demolition, moving, etc. Products of high quality with a long lifespan are in demand among both installers and consumers. Leaks inside buildings have such a great consequence that products and methods must provide maximum predictability and minimal risk. The long-term capacity of the finished product is directly connected with the quality of products, training and ability to perform. Olimb established the world’s first factory for production of so-called “liners” for use in pipe renovation. This was in 1977, and since then we have installed more than a million metres onshore and in offshore (offshore since 1992). We are very proud of our subsidiary, Oliner System, which since 2007 has expanded this competence further into buildings using good methods of logistics, process management and installations. Oliner System is expanding through new partners where our tailored products and methods are employed. It is motivating to meet wonderful new ambassadors with the same attitude towards quality and delivery. It will be interesting to follow the further development in the Netherlands and Canada, for instance. It is nice to be part of an international team of experts who are concerned with the challenges of water quality and wastewater pipe rehabilitation. Carl Christian Sibbern CEO, Olimb Group MAG by Oliner System and Olimb Group Editorial: Executive Editor: Carl Christian Sibbern, CEO Olimb Group Editor: Odd Borgestrand Managing Director Olimb Offshore: Peer-Chr Nordby 2 No.1 2015, 2. annual Contact: Marketing Manager: Val Sibbern CEO, Oliner System International: Stian Tolnaes Design 07 Media Oliner System International Sarpsborgveien 115, N-1640 Råde, Norway Phone: +47 69 28 17 00 Sweden: Oliner System AB Brandthovdagatan 17 A, 721 35 Västerås Phone: +46 (0)2162100 Iceland: Oliner System Iceland ehf. Bæjarflöt 15, 112 Reykjavík Phone: +354 8480900 / 8410001 Canada: Oliner System Canada 230 Regional rd. 20, Hannon, Ontario L0R 1P0 Phone: (905)-481-2458 Netherland: Oliner System Nederland B.V. Oostwijkstraat 15, 8331EA, Steenwijk, Netherland Phone: 052-1854780 – Oliner System has attended many exhibitions through the past years and have so far managed to establish business in Sweden, Iceland, Canada and Holland. We are now searching partners in Germany and other European markets. Our strategy is to enter into several new countries in the next years. Germany is special to Oliner System. Our main supplier Line Tec is, through Vereinigte Filzfabriken GF, based in Giengen outside of Munich. Our two companies have a great history together since we started developing products for indoor relining in smaller dimensions. We work closely on R&D where our mutual ambitions is to present the highest quality in the market. Oliner System Internaional plans to have a running business in Germany within 2016 and our plan is to fulfil this ambition together with one or more local, German partner(s). Our experience is that it is possible to find this partner(s) through exhibitions like RO-KA- TEC. Please let us know if you are interested in discussing this opportunity further. Oliner System By becoming a certified partner in the Oliner System network, you will have access to technologies and resources that we believe can increase the potential of further developing your business in the relining market. Our aim is that a partnership can maximize revenue and income as it through a network of strong companies enhances your customer satisfaction. Oliner System is a Scandinavian company with HQ in Oslo, Norway.The company is specialized in relining within buildings. Our competitive advantage has proven to be our customer’s satisfaction when the need is a complete, certified sewage system where traditional relining and pipeline renewal are parts of the complete delivery. It is a clear strategy of the company to invest in R&D, and through these investments the company has obtained highly recognized technological approvals from well-known authorization bodies. Oliner Systems sucht nach neuen internationalen Partnern auf der RO-KA-TECH – Wir waren in den vergangenen Jahren auf vielen Ausstellungen und haben unser Geschäftsfeld in Schweden, Island, Kanada und Holland ausgebaut. Auf der Roka-tech hoffen wir einen Partner für den deutschen und ebenso für den europäischen Markt zu finden, der das Oliner System etabliert. Für Oliner System ist Deutschland ein ganz besonderer Markt. Mit unserem Hauptlieferanten, der Vereinigte Filzfabriken AG in Giengen, mit dem Markennamen lineTEC, verbindet uns eine großartige Zusammenarbeit seit dem Beginn der Sanierung mit kleinen Durchmessern innerhalb von Gebäuden. Wir arbeiten eng mit der Entwicklungsabteilung dort zusammen um die gegenwärtig beste Qualität von Produkten auf dem Markt sicherzustellen. Oliner System International plant mit einem deutschen Partner eine Kooperation einzugehen um in 2016 mit dem System den Markt bearbeiten zu können. Bitte sprechen Sie uns darauf an, wenn Sie glauben, hier der richtige Ansprechpartner dafür zu sein. Oliner System Wenn Sie ein zertifizierter Partner im Netzwerk des Oliner System werden möchten, haben Sie Zugang zu Technologien und Ressourcen, die das Potential der weiteren Entwicklung Ihres Unternehmens im Sanierungsmarkt erhöhen wird. Unser Ziel ist es, mit einer Partnerschaft nicht nur Umsatz und Ertrag Ihres Unternehmens zu erhöhen, sondern über ein Netzwerk von starken Unternehmen die Kundenzufriedenheit zu maximieren. Oliner System ist eine skandinavische Firma mit Hauptsitz in Oslo, Norwegen. Das Unternehmen hat sich spezialisiert in die Sanierung von Rohren innerhalb von Gebäuden. Unser Wettbewerbsvorteil ist die versprochene Kundenzufriedenheit, immer wenn es darum geht eine komplett, zertifizierte Abwasser Kanalsanierung mit dem traditionellen Schlauchrelining und oder Erneuerung durchzuführen. Es ist eine klare Strategie des Unternehmens in Forschung und Entwicklung zu investieren um hochwertige Produkte mit technischen Zulassungen von oberster Genehmigungsstelle zu erhalten. powered by 3 News searching for new international partners News Complex at Faith Place Apartments Oliner System has through the past two years worked on an introduction of the products in Canada. Within this timeframe Oliner System Canada have rehabilitated pipes in The University of Toronto and has now rehabilitated the first residential complex; Faith Place Senior Apartments in Oshawa, Ontario. FaithPlace is a non-profit 12 story senior citizens apartment building complex built in 1981. Oliner System got the contract of pipeline rehabilitation of the buildings very complex bottom pipe structure. The project was complex as there were quite a few pipes that had to be changed in addition to the relining. – The major part of the work took 6 weeks to complete, this included the necessary bypass of the flow to allow for lining and the building to maintain service, PVC re-piping was also done in this time for connections that were accessible and not passing through walls. Maintaining a safe and effective bypass was a big challenge, we had night watch on all pumps to ensure there were no issues, says project manager with Oliner System Canada, Milan Pavlovic. 4 Fantastic job – Milan has done a fantastic job in the management of this project”, says Stian Tolnæs, CEO for Oliner System Internaional. – Together with our experienced people in Norway we prepared, calculated and planned the project together with Milan, to ensure that all specifics were accounted for. As this is our first building project in Canada, we wanted to make sure we didn’t get any surprises. The project was to rehabilitate all of the overhead horizontal sanitary and storm pipes and connections in the basement of the building. There was a total of 30 plus “Y” connection to rehabilitate, connections that were reline with PVC to eliminate unnecessary lining. Top hat installations were done during the course of lining. The conditions of the pipes were extremely poor. When the pipes are in such poor conditions, the pipe system will improve considerably. Not only will the pipes be reinforced and in better condition, the waste water will also flow much more efficient. The target for Oliner System Internaional is to continue to perform similar projects in Canada. -We continuously work to improve our products and methods, enabling us to have the desired competitive advantage, says Tolnæs. – We congratulate Milan and Oliner System Canada with a well performed project and we will do everything we can to ensure a healthy business for our Canadian operation. News Oliner System ready for the Netherlands Oliner System International’s overall strategy is to establish a number of international locations every year. In addition to the mentioned establishment in Northern Sweden, the company has succeeded in 2014 in establishing a company in the Netherlands with headquarters outside Amsterdam. Jonathan Lindenburg, CEO of the newly established company Oliner System Nederland, has a positive outlook for the future of pipe renovation in the Netherlands. “Through my last job and six years as sales manager at Insituform, where I worked primarily on the municipal market in the Netherlands, I have learned a great deal about this industry. Oliner System has extremely good technical and marketing solutions for a market which is far from being as developed as it is on larger dimensions in the municipal market. With the foundation Oliner System represents for smaller dimensions and industrial and personal purchasing groups, I am convinced that it is possible to build a sound business equal to what Oliner System has done in other international markets,” says Lindenburg. Jonathan Lindenburg also represents Fibrwrap, which has good solutions for spot repairs for everything from pipes to complex bridge structures. “Through the network that is being established through our Fibrwrap product, we will get access to a great deal of potential work for Oliner System as well. Considering everything, I will be able to build a portfolio with Oliner System where I can offer rehabilitation solutions for a large spectrum of needs,” he adds. Right person in the right place With the background Jonathan Lindenburg represents, the establishment in the Netherlands should be considered almost ideal. The challenge The contract between Oliner System International and Oliner System Nederland was signed in connection with an industry trade show in Rotterdam in the beginning of 2015. Contacts were made at the trade show which meant that several offers have already been sent on potential jobs. “We are planning on being operational with necessary equipment in the beginning of the second half of this year,” says Tolnæs. “It is important the persons who will work with the system locally get sufficient and good training. We are accomplishing this through a combination of training in Norway and in the Netherlands.” Jonathan Lindenburg, CEO of the newlyestablished company Oliner System Nederland, has a positive outlook for the future of pipe renovation in the Netherlands. Together here with Oliner System International CEO Stian Tolnæs at right. in establishing international companies is to find the right person with the right background, says Oliner System International CEO Stian Tolnæs. “When you can also find someone who is as energetic and functional as Jonathan is, the solution is just about optimal. When establishing all our international companies, we have a long-term perspective. Likewise for the Netherlands. The Netherlands is very strategically located in Europe and can thus also be a springboard for establishing additional companies, for example, in Belgium, where the Netherlands and Jonathan already have good relationships.” Olimb Group CEO Carl Christian Sibbern emphasises to OMAG that Oliner System is based on technology and solutions originating from the company’s majority owner, Olimb Group. “The purpose of the international scaling up is to capitalise on the experiences and the development we have from Norway. Olimb as a group also wants to be able to benefit from the experiences gained internationally where other participants are operating and other competitive situations apply. All in all, this will not only equip us as an international player but will also make us sharper and more competitive domestically,” says Sibbern, who credits Oliner System International CEO Stian Tolnæs for the job that has been done so far in the Netherlands. powered by 5 News OLINER SYSTEM AB OPENS A NEW OFFICE IN NORTHERN SWEDEN Oliner System AB in Sweden is expanding its operations and has recently opened an office in Norrfjärden, in Piteå Municipality. Piteå has a population of nearly 41,000 and is situated in the southeastern corner of Norrbotten County in the very north of Sweden. Martin Lindholm, Dick Johansson, Jonas Johansson and two recently hired operators constitute Oliner System Nord AB. Martin also runs his own pipe inspection company, MLR Entreprenad, and Dick and Jonas have their own HVAC company, Thelins Rör. “We have wanted to expand our business into pipe renewal and have been on the lookout for products and methods that deliver the level of quality we need. We scoured the Internet, trade fairs and trade journals and our interest was triggered by Oliner System. We were well received when we contacted the head office in Västerås,” Martin Lindholm tells OMAG. “Our climate and geographic location places strong demands on both products and deliverability. With our experience from similar industries, we know what customers are looking for. Operators (from left) Rasmus Blom, Johan Andersson and Jessica Brännvall ready for new projects for Oliner System Nord AB in Piteå. Therefore we are very conscious about who we want to work with,” he continues. Lindholm and his colleagues in Northern Sweden knows that there is a great need for pipe renewal and that customers have become more demanding with regard to products, methods and execution in recent years. “We consider this a positive development and that is precisely why we have been very selective and spent a lot of time choosing which system to work with. You have to remember that this is a matter of craftsmanship and you need both education and training before you can start renewing pipes. We’ve all received training from our colleagues in Västerås, and our instructors included Oliner System’s Operations Manager Micke Bäckström and Kjell Aldar from the parent company Olimb in Norway. It has been a lengthy process, but we know that there are no shortcuts in this industry.” The new division in Piteå completed its first projects in early March. During the start-up phase, Oliner System Nord AB was assisted by Fredrik Liljeberg from Olimb Rørfornying in Råde and Christian Barnekow from Oliner System in Västerås. They are among the industry’s most experienced pipe renewal experts in Scandinavia. “It is good to know that we have access to such good resources,” says Martin Lindholm. The first jobs have been in private homes, both indoors and ground/service piping. The pipe dimensions for these projects have spanned from 70 to 150 mm, but new projects with other dimensions are already coming down the “pipeline”. Oliner System at work in Gothenburg Oliner System has completed its first job in Gothenburg. The work was performed for the housing cooperative NOL no.5. Emelie Olsson at Oliner System AB says it was ground and service piping, with dimensions of 100 and 150 mm. “As usual, we established an axillary piping system while performing the renovation work so residents could continue to use their water and sewage services as 6 normal throughout the entire process,” says Emelie. -One of the major benefits of choosing pipe renewal is precisely our ability to keep everything running as smooth as possible for residents while we work – and we did. The positive collaboration between the housing cooperative and project consultant Juhani Timonen kept everything running according to plan and made it easy to stick to the schedule she says. “We like working here on the west coast, which is not so far from our office in central Sweden or our parent company Olimb in Østfold. We will definitely have more projects in the Gothenburg area in 2015,” says Emelie. Olimb and Oliner System AB have started an exciting pilot project for the renovation of district heating pipes in Märsta outside Stockholm. The first renovation project was completed in November last year. Fortum owns the district heating system, RagnSells cleaned the piping and Olimb/Oliner System renovated the pipes with its proprietary liner. The pipes in this test are made of iron and had a diameter of 100 mm. The renovated stretch is 70 metres long and both the flow and return pipes were renovated. That makes a total of 140 metres of renovated piping, according to Marketing Manager Val Sibbern. “We used a woven felt liner in combination with a silicone tube and an adhesive. Based on our experience with the adhesion and elasticity between epoxy/polymers and iron, we believe that silicone is a better solution than Epoxy. Silicone withstands temperatures of up to 260 degrees and the dimensions we are renovating here will withstand up to 20 bar of pressure. The large temperature variations in a district heating system mean that it is crucial for us to be able to compensate for pipe movements – both in dimension and length,” explains Rolf Dalby, Product Development Manager for water and wastewater at Olimb and Oliner System. Connecting new branches and new pipes “An important issue is the ability to make connections without digging. The adhesion ability to the outer pipe allows us to drill holes for new branches. This technique is largely based on our experience from our proprietary water pipe system, D.W.Liner,” continues Dalby. The test period from November through the winter went exactly as Olimb’s product developers expected. Later this spring, there will be more tests which, together with the results from winter measurements, will give Olimb and Oliner System an indication of how to proceed with the commercialisation of this product. This may involve additional dimensions and News FOCUS ON RENovatING DISTRICT HEATING PIPES IN SWEDEN an efficient way to produce the liner. Whatever happens, the fact is that the district heating network is in need of renovation. Great benefits “Pipe renovation represents a major cost saving compared to the traditional method of digging up and replacing existing pipes. There are a lot of pipes in bad condition, and they are often located in areas where digging is difficult and not environmentally friendly,” says Marketing Manager Val Sibbern. “Our collaboration with Fortum and RagnSells has been extremely positive, and the news titbits we have leaked have been noticed by key individuals within Swedish energy distribution. Now that we have preliminary confirmations that our materials and our methods work as we had hoped, the future of district heating pipe renewal looks exciting. It’s no longer just theory, but a new and important business area for Olimb and Oliner System,” concludes Val Sibbern. powered by 7 In the course of three years, foreman Marcelo Rodrigues (at right) and operator Tommy Øvergård will visit 507 dwellings in Lyderhorn Housing Co-Operative in Loddefjord outside Bergen. Olimb Rørfornying and the company’s partners have renovated pipes in about 2000 residences in Norway each of the last few years. No magical spell fixes all pipes Norwegian insurance companies paid nearly NOK 1.5 billion last year as a result of leaks in interior water mains. Project Engineer Frode Berntzen at Olimb Rørfornying works with this problem daily and confirms that both water pipes and sewer pipes from the construction boom of the 1960s and ‘70s are particularly at risk in Scandinavia as well as in the rest of Europe. “During this period galvanised pipes were used, and plastic-coated copper pipe was cast in place to a great extent in walls and floors. When these pipes leak, there are big challenges for both the homeowner and the insurance company,” Berntzen says. The largest insurance payments are related to water, but it is not only the water mains that are at risk. The sewer mains are also involved to a great degree, in Berntzen’s opinion. Sewer mains made in PVC and ABS plastic from this period have shown themselves not maintain a proper condition in the long run. There are a number of residences that can be potential, ticking bombs. No short-cut There is no short-cut or magical spell that fixes all pipes. It requires experience, competence and a selection of good methods and products for each individual challenge. It is important that the customers also become familiar with the various methods, products and solutions that are available on the market, says Olimb Product Developer Kjell Aldar. Pipe renovation is today a solid alternative to pipe replacement. However, it has been difficult for customers to know what pipe renovation is and what it involves when it comes to durability, guarantees, costs and inconvenience for occupants. In this respect, Olimb has the longest experience in this industry in Scandinavia. 8 14-story-high residential blocks are being renovated from top to bottom, vertical by vertical. A demanding job where the whole time we are finding good, smart solutions, say foreman Marcello Rodrigues (at left) and operator Tommy Øvergård Report They will perform 4000 installations Lyderhorn Housing Co-Operative, with its 507 dwellings divided among fourteen residential complexes, stands out in the village of Loddefjord west of Bergen. Bergen is Norway’s best-known city for tourism on the west coast of the country. Olimb Rørfornying has good progression with renovation of all pipe work in the 45-year-old housing co-operative, and it was due time that the work got started. The project is so far the largest contract with a housing co-operative that Olimb Rørfornying AS has entered into. Lyderhorn Housing Co-Operative was established in 1970-1971. The pipe material in the housing co-operative consists of cast iron that has been greatly marked by the passage of time. “In all, in the next few years 4000 installations will be done in this project, divided among the 507 dwellings in the housing co-operative. Every single dwelling in this large housing co-operative needs renovation of drain pipes, verticals and branch pipes to all baths and kitchens,” foreman Marcelo Rodrigues at Olimb Rørfornying confirms to OMAG. Marcelo characterises the condition of the pipes in the three high-rise blocks as critical. Therefore it was important to get started in these blocks first. There were branch pipes and verticals that could have completely collapsed at any time. Therefore we must also show the greatest care when the pipes are to be cleaned and prepared for insertion of liners, he explains. Two verticals are renovated at a time in parallel in the 14-storey-high blocks. This means that a row of 14 dwellings has the baths renovated, while the other row renovates the kitchen vertical. In that way, all dwellings have access to water, including while the pipe renovation and subsequent work from electricians, plumbers and carpenters is going on. No occupants need to move out, but mobile shower and toilet units are set up which the occupants must use when the bathroom’s vertical is being repaired. Solid planning Planning and good communication with collaboration partners, the housing co-operative’s construction manager and the individual occupant are enormously important if we are going to reach the finish line at the time that has been decided, says Marcelo. In addition to their own work assignments, the pipe renovators must also keep a sharp eye on plumbers, electricians and carpenters who are a part of the job crew. It is Olimb that is responsible for the progress plan. “In addition to being pipe renovators, we also have to deal with the people who live here. After all, they are the ones we are actually working for, and so it is important that we have a good dialogue with every single occupant,” Marcelo emphasises. About 1500 occupants are involved in this project in Loddefjord in Bergen. powered by 9 Offshore 23-year-old liner good as new at Gullfaks Twenty-three years have passed since Olimb installed its first liner at Gullfaks A in the North Sea. The job was done for Statoil and was Olimb’s offshore debut. A recently completed status check of the liner shows that it is in just as good condition as when it was installed. This is good news for us, says Olimb Offshore CEO Peer-Christian Nordby. The liner was installed after two fullscale tests in Råde, Norway, and there was great suspense associated with the job because the operators had access to the pipe from only one side. For this reason, the installation had to be performed as a so-called blind shot. It was a new method for Olimb in 1991. The pipe extended from one of the legs on Gullfaks A and into an inner tank that was mounted inside an outer tank. In other words, there was no access from more than one end. Statoil had recorded considerable corrosion in the pipe in question and wanted to buy time to avoid an immediate stop in production. They hoped the liner would be able to hold at least six months and a permanent solution could be found during this period. Laminated flange It was in the beginning of November last year that Olimb received a new inquiry from Statoil after the pipe in question had been disconnected inside the leg of the platform. It turned out that the pipe flange was severely corroded. In 1991, flanges were not sealed as is done today. Now two of Olimb’s employees, Terje 10 Terje Wold (at right) and Rolf Dalby examines the lamination of the flange on the pipe that was installed twenty-three years ago. Statoil hoped the pipe would hold for six months, but shows to hold for many more years. Wold and Rolf Dalby, have found ways to laminate them, and the pipe that Statoil had hoped would hold for six months can hold for many more years, Nordby believes. Sustains the loads “Now we have documentation that our liner has sustained the fluid that has gone through the pipe the last twenty-three years. It inspires us to perform further research and development in the offshore area. Currently we are looking forward to a thorough inspection at Statfjord B where we conducted an extensive job of pipe renovation in a manifold in 1992. This pipe will be opened next year, and we have reason to expect that the liner also here is in good condition. If this is proven correct, our liners have had a longer lifespan than the original pipes, which again opens up new opportunities for pipe renovation offshore” Nordby concludes. About Gullfaks The Gullfaks field is located in Block 34/10 in the northern part of the North Sea. The main field has been constructed with three large production platforms with concrete jackets. The Gullfaks A platform started production on December the 22nd, 1986, Gullfaks B on the 29 th of February 1988, and Gullfaks C on November 4th, 1989. The oil that is produced is loaded into buoys at the field, while the gas is transported in a pipeline for processing at the gas facility at Kårstø in Rogaland. The gas will be exported. Gullfaks A is also used for storage and shipping of stable crude oil from the fields Vigdis and Visund. Oil and gas from Gullfaks B is transferred to A and C for processing and storage. Since June 1994, Gullfaks C has received and processed oil from the field Tordis. The production record at the field was set on October 7th, 1994 and consisted of 605,965 barrels of oil. The satellite fields Gullfaks Sør, Rimfaks, Skinfaks and Gullveig have been constructed with underwater wells that are operated remotely from the Gullfaks A and C platforms. (source: Statoil) Airy insertion point on the Gullfaks B platform for the Olimb team during the pipe renovation job. New Gullfaks B upgrade Olimb Offshore has again been on the Gullfaks B platform in the North Sea. The task was to renovate a pipe that extends from a collection through and under the drilling derrick and down to the storage tanks. Rolf Dalby and Jørgen Adamsen ready for installation of the liner on Gullfaks B. This is a repair with liner of a pipe that is called “shale shut”. It is primarily water that runs through the pipe, and the water can contain a little mud and oil that comes up through the drilling. The job had two parts. First, it was the northern part of the drilling derrick that was to be renovated, secondly the southern part to be done later this year, reports Olimb Offshore CEO PeerChristian Nordby. Gone with the wind The job has been a challenge because of the rapidly shifting weather conditions and several stormy days in the North Sea. This caused some delays in the progress. The insertion point for the pipe renovation had itself been very exposed to weather. The tripping-in unit actually was on the skid on which the drilling derrick moves, reports Olimb team leader Rolf Dalby, who has Thomas Sletne Johansen, Jørgen Adamsen and Terje Wold with him on the job. powered by 11 It’s easy - because it works Oliner System is a pipeline rehabilitation company, specialized in development, training, standardization and execution of pipeline rehabilitation . - Pipeline rehabilitation in more than 2000 apartmens per year - Subsidary of , who: - Have renewed more than 1 million meter pipes - Have more than 45 years of experience - Was part owner of the world’s first liner-factory - Distributes and install water-, energy and offshore products.
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