Town Talk - Oliver Cooper

March 2015 ■ Working for Hampstead Town,
South End Green, North End, and Belsize Park
Town Talk
Spec on
Edited by Oliver Cooper, Cllr Tom Currie, and Cllr Stephen Stark
How to contact us
Oliver Cooper - 07929 466890
Cllr Tom Currie - 07783 401129
Cllr Stephen Stark - 07467 338862
Twitter: @OliverCooper
Hampstead Town by-election and general election: Polling Day 7th May
How we’re working for you
See the reverse for how your local Conservative action team has
helped improve Hampstead: from South End to the Village.
How can we help you?
Contact us on the details above or fill out the form on the
reverse so we can help make Hampstead even more special.
Oliver Cooper for
Hampstead Town
■ I’ve lived in Hampstead all my adult life. I live at the junction of
Hampstead High Street and Flask Walk. I shop in Hampstead’s local
shops. I run on Hampstead Heath. I attend the Royal Free Hospital.
And I realise Hampstead needs fighting for now more than ever.
As a liberal Conservative, I
love Hampstead’s openness
and diversity: its wild Heath
and its bustling High Street,
its natural beauty and its
unique architecture, its
numerous pubs and its
innumerable community
But distant and aloof
Camden Council doesn’t
share our love of our
community - they need
some reminding! As your
councillor, I would put
people before politics, stand
up for residents, and fight
Hampstead’s corner.
Issue 1
A record of action
in Hampstead
■ I’ve campaigned on a
number of issues that
residents have told me
matter to them. As your
councillor, I would keep
campaigning for you.
I’ve pushed back against overdevelopment, including 29 New
End or 9 Streatley Place.
I’ve campaigned against Tesco
using over-sized lorries on Heath
St and at their proposed store in
I’ve protested the Hampstead
Dams project that threatens our
I’ve opposed the Mansion Tax
that would impose thousands
of pounds a year burden on
Hampsetad homes.
As your councillor, I’d be honoured
to keep up the fight and help keep
Hampstead special.
Fighting against over-development. To preserve Hampstead’s character and heritage, Oliver
is campaigning against over-development, including at 29 New End and 9 Streatley Place.
Standing up for local businesses. Local Conservatives have forced Tesco to use smaller,
more appropriate vans on Heath Street and are fighting for 20 minutes free parking for shoppers.
Stopping the Lib Dems’ and Labour’s Mansion Tax. Both the Lib Dems and Labour want to
impose a tax of thousands a year on Hampstead homes. Only the Conservatives oppose it.
Preserving weekly bin collections. Oliver opposes Labour’s plans to reduce bin collections to
once a fortnight: which would threaten public health and harm our area’s natural beauty.
Protecting Hampstead Heath. We love Hampstead’s green areas, especially the Heath, and
Oliver has campaigned alongside Simon Marcus against the Hampstead Dams project.
Local issues, local action, local Conservatives
Printed and promoted by David Douglas on behalf of Oliver Cooper, both of 1a Heath Hurst Road, London, NW3 2RU.
If you have a problem or concern call us on 020 7794 5679
Keeping in touch
Printed and promoted by David Douglas on behalf of Oliver Cooper,
both of 1a Heath Hurst Road, London, NW3 2RU.
How can Oliver and your local
action team help you?
Please raise any issue or problem of
concern you would like help with.
How can you help us?
Display a poster at election time
Deliver leaflets
Attend social events
Join the local Party
Vote by post
Stand for Council
How we use your information
The data you provide will be retained by the Conservative Party
and Hampstead & Kilburn Conservatives (“the data holders”)
in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act
1998 and related legislation. By providing your data to us, you
are consenting to the data holders making contact with you in
the future by telephone, text or other means, even though you
may be registered with the Telephone Preference Service. Your
data will not be sold or given to anyone not connected to the
Conservative Party. If you do not want the information you give to
us to be used in this way, or for us to contact you, please indicate
by ticking the relevant boxes: Post □ Email □ SMS □ Phone □
Home/Mobile no
Please return to: 1a Heath Hurst
Road, London, NW3 2RU
Standing up for Hampstead
■ Oliver Cooper has campaigned alongside your local Conservative action team on issues affecting
residents and local businesses across our community.
Oliver Cooper and Cllr Simon Marcus
campaigned strongly against the
project to extend the Hampstead Dams.
Cllr Tom Currie has stood up for North
End residents opposed to lengthening
of parking restrictions in North End.
Cllr Tom Currie and Chris Knight have
campaigned to keep local pubs like the
Magdala and Old White Bear open.
Oliver Cooper and Cllr Stephen Stark
are fighting over-development, including
at 29 New End and Admiral’s Walk.
Oliver Cooper, Cllr Siobhan Baillie, and
Cllr Stephen Stark have forced Tesco to
use smaller vans on Heath St.
Oliver Cooper raising money with Cllr
Claire-Louise Leyland for the Marie
Curie Hospice on Lyndhurst Gardens.
Simon Marcus had Aspern Grove’s drains
unblocked and trees cut back, and Chris
Knight secured £16,000 for the TRA hall.
Caring and campaigning for Hampstead