NEWSLETTER PO Box 294 Ashburton 7740 144 Cass Street Ashburton 7700 Phone/Absences: (03) 3089563 Mobile: 0273321186 Email: Website: Issue 2 19 February 2015 Kia Ora, Talofa, Malolele, Kiorana, Welcome from the Principal Mr Cooper Aquatic Days This week we began our annual programme out at Lake Hood. These first three days have gone very well and the weather has been fantastic. It is always an enjoyable programme to be involved with as it provides so much excitement and fun for our new students. The kayaking sessions are always a time for laughing and screeching as the students and occasionally their teacher get in and out of the kayaks. The sailing often provides a completely new challenge for the students. It is great to see how the confidence grows as they begin to master the new activity. Let’s hope the weather holds for the rest of this week and for the remaining classes who head out over the next few days. Welcome Open Night and BBQ Year 7&8 This year we are changing our annual BBQ format. We are opening up the whole school and welcome all of our parents to come and look through the school. We therefore invite you to come along from 6.00 pm next Thursday February 26th, grab a sausage from the BBQ and have a look around. It will be an informal evening, no pressure, just pop in and say hello. PTA On Monday night the PTA met in the Talanoa Hub. It was great to see a few new parents attending the meeting but we would still be happy to see even more new parents. Our PTA is less involved than at primary school level. The annual chocolate fundraiser is our main event to boost funds and doesn’t take up too much time. Being part of the group is a great way to learn more about the school and allows me to get feedback directly from parents. Meetings are every second Monday of each month at 7 pm. Our next meeting will be at 7pm on Monday 9th March. Contact details for PTA are Staff Representative Robyn Mears, or Philippa Westwood, Phone 3071477 Ka Kite Gavin Cooper Principal/Tumuaki Mrs Scott from 7/2 (left) delivering her Pepeha at our first assembly of the year along with other staff (below) delivering their Mihi and Pepeha to students. Calendar of Events 19 February 7/1 Aquatics at Lake Hood 24 February Swimming Sports at Community Pool 9-12 noon – Details in letter sent home today 25 February 7/4 Aquatics at Lake Hood 26 February Board of Trustees Meeting Boardroom at 7.30 pm 26 February Open Night & BBQ at school for Year 7 & 8 families beginning at 6.00 pm 2 March 7/5 Aquatics at Lake Hood 2-6 March 8/1 & 8/6 Camp at Peel Forest 3 March Mid Canterbury Zone Swimming Champs 5 March Mid Canterbury Schools Triathlon to be held at Hampstead School 9 March PTA Meeting AGM Talanoa Hub 7.00 pm all welcome 9-13 March 8/4 & 8/5 Camp at Peel Forest 11 March Primary & Intermediate Schools Triathlon at Pegasus, Christchurch 16-19 March 8/2 & 8/3 camp at Peel Forest 16-19 March School Leader Training Week 24-25 March Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews 31 March Intermediate Schools Swimming Champs at Selwyn Aquatic Centre, Christchurch 2 April End of Term one WANTED – Reading Mileage Tutors For many years now we have operated a successful and beneficial Reading Mileage Programme whereby volunteers come into school for 50 minutes to hear students read once or twice a week. No experience or qualifications are required just a willingness to listen to students read. Some of our tutors have been coming into school each week since we began this programme and obviously enjoy doing so to make this commitment. Some of our long term tutors have decided to retire this year so I am looking for new volunteers. If you can help or want to know more before committing I would very much like to hear from you. Ring me at school or alternatively email me Judy Jemmett, Deputy Principal 7/3 students enjoying lake activities on Monday this week. PUBLIC NOTICES At this time of year we have a lot of information from various sports clubs coming into the school to distribute. Copies of all sports club information is held at the office for your child to follow up, however brief information is below. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HAMPSTEAD NETBALL CLUB - Registrations from all interested year 7 and 8 players for the 2015 season. If you want to play netball for our Hampstead club, come along and put your name down! Details as follows: DATE: Monday 23rd February TIME: 12.30pm PLACE: School Turf. Any enquiries please phone Janene McDowell 3081720 / 0274153334. HAMPSTEAD HOCKEY CLUB - Registration forms at the School Office ASHBURTON CELTIC RUGBY - JAB Registration "Muster Night" Friday 20th February, 5pm at the Clubrooms, Keenans Rd. Subs on the night please. FREE chips for the kids. Online registration for last seasons players have been emailed. These must be completed before Muster Night. New players please visit and complete the online form. Inquiries to Darion Gray (JAB Club Captain) or 027 688 0647 TINWALD RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB - 2015 Season Registration When: Sunday 22nd February 2015; Time: 11-3pm; Where: Tinwald Rugby Clubrooms, Maronan Road. We look forward to meeting you all, If you can’t make it and would like to register, please contact Suz Soal (027 335 1801) or Reece Wallington (022 108 4289) Registrations can be done on line at: (But you must still attend the Muster on the 22nd to complete the registration and Pay) *****Free Sausage Sizzle For All Kids and $1 for Adults, Games, Challenges, Lolly Scramble ***Bar Will Be Open*** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CACTUS Looking for something new? CACTUS is a free adventure based physical training and self-discipline course for all young people, male & female, aged 10 - 14 years Want to find out what you are really capable of? Term 1 starting Monday 9th Feb with some spaces still available CALL NOW. 3081395 / 0272961897 Need to improve your fitness? Information at Want to know what it feels like School Office to achieve great things? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BASKETBALL MID CANTERBURY Yeara7parent & 8 Basketball Are- you lookingSeason for 2015, Season start date – th th for yourAchild? February 27 , Entries need to be insomething by 19 February. skills session will be held on February 19th. Boys 4 to 5pm, Girls 5.15 to 6.15pm. The cost this year is $45.00 per player – and must be paid by the 20th March. Please pay the whole team sub together. Cheques made out to BBMC. Entry forms are on our website Please note this year, as per Basketball New Zealand requirements, more registration information is needed on the forms. For any further information please do not hesitate to contact Vicki McArthur, 0274913946, or Wayne Rodgers 0274377842 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------YOUTH GROUP - St Davids Youth Group meets at the Church Hall on Allens Road on Friday nights for Years 8 & 9. All are welcome. Please contact, phone 308-5174 or find us on Facebook. Don’t forget to wear House Colours for Swimming Sports at Ashburton Community Pool next Tuesday, below are photos from 2014 Swimming Sports. Red – Whero Fantails Blue – Kikorangi – Kakapos Green – Kakariki Keas Yellow – Kowhai Kiwis
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