Trafalgar Junior School Elmsleigh Road, Twickenham, Middlesex, TW2 5EG Tel: 020 8894 1606 Fax: 020 8893 3042 e-mail: info@trafalgar-jun.richmond.sch.UK website: TRAFALGAR JUNIOR SCHOOL WEEKLY NEWS “Learning, for life, for fun, for all…” Issue 19: 23rd February 2015 DATES February 23rd – Year 6 1st week cycling proficiency (letter to follow) 24th – Swimming Classes 4B & 3HA 25th – PTA Meeting 8pm 25th – Netball Festival at Old Deer Park 26th – Class 5S Cake Sale and Book shop from Ms Griffiths…………………… March 2nd – Year 6 2nd week cycling proficiency 2nd – Secondary School National Offer Day 2nd – Swanage School Journey Meeting 7pm 3rd – Swimming Classes 4B & 3HA 3rd – Singing Festival workshop at school 4th – Class 5W Class Assembly 4th – Netball Match v Archdeacon at Home 5th – World Book Day (not Mufti for Junior Children but there will be some special events including an author visit from Jonathan Stroud and an evening Children’s Book Quiz event – further information to follow) 5th – Class 3B to Zizzi’s and Library visit 6th – Year 5 Food Café – to be confirmed 6th – Swimming Classes 4B & 3HA 6th – Class 3T to Zizzi’s and Library visit 11th – Swimming Gala Finals at 2pm 12th – Class 3HA to Zizzi’s and Library 13th – Comic Relief – Red Nose Day 13th – PTA Quiz and Curry Night Welcome back after a (hopefully) restful week. Its hard to believe that there are only five weeks until the Easter holidays; lots to do and enjoy before then! A couple of short messages from me; firstly thank you to Mr Smith and all the staff for holding the fort while Ms Buttriss and I visited our partner school in Mangalore, India. Both of us have returned with ideas on how the partnership can continue to grow, and how both schools can learn from each other. Two teachers from India will be visiting early in the summer term, and there will be more information nearer the time on the details of their visit. Secondly, I am sorry to say that we continue to suffer with inconsiderate and dangerous parking around drop off and pick up. It causes huge upset to our neighbours, and at worst is putting our children at risk as well. Please take note of the number (later LETTERS BEFORE HALF TERM and TODAY in the newsletter) that you can call to report any Year 5 Swanage Parents’ Meeting issues. Year 3 Library and Zizzi’s visit Until next week! IMPORTANT DATE FOR YOUR DIARY IF YOU ARE IN YEAR 5 – SWANAGE SCHOOL JOURNEY MEETING – MONDAY, 2ND MARCH AT 7PM ATTACHED Home Start Parenting evening PTA Newsletter A FINE HAIKU FROM ELEANOR IN 4J In the shadow night A black cat runs from the moon Heavy rain falls through WASTEBUSTER COLLECTION You will receive a plastic bag to put in your textile waste for the WASTBUSTER COLLECTION outside the school gates on Elmsleigh Road, only on Tuesday, 3rd March. Funds go to the school. This time, we are only collecting textiles, bedding, pairs of shoes, old clothes. Clean and dry textiles and not pillows, duvets, sleeping bags or bric a brac. Please do not bring your donations before this date as we do not have any storage space. Thank you. UNIFORM SALES School uniform is available locally from Schooldays, 94 High Street, Whitton, TW2 7LN, Telephone: 020 8898 4881. Stevensons (the sports and uniform shop) in Cross Deep, Twickenham . Order via Tesco online: currently only available for Infant size uniforms Online uniform shop available: ORDER ONLINE ORDER BY PHONE 0844 879 7288 Logo badges (£1 each) are available from the school office. PARKING COMPLAINTS Ring 020 8744 0462 (Hours 07.00 to 19.00). YEAR 5 SWANAGE SCHOOL JOURNEY AND YEAR 6 OSMINGTON BAY SCHOOL JOURNEY – PAYMENT TWO FUN AND INFORMATIVE NEW PARENT DEADLINES WORKSHOPS FROM GILL HINES Please continue to top up your payments for the school Managing your Child’s behaviour – Thursday 26th journeys. The final deadline is Tuesday, 14th April. February in Kingston Developing Self Esteem – Tuesday 24th February in SWANAGE 2015 DATES Twickenham 27th April to 1st May – class 5A For information and booking go to: 11th May to 15th May – class 5W 18th May to 22nd May – class 5S OSMINGTON BAY 2015 DATES Friday 19th June to Monday 22nd June REMINDERS!!!! Get your tickets for the PTA Quiz and Curry event on Friday 13th March PTA Meeting is on Wednesday, 25th February at 8pm Please let us know if your telephone numbers or addresses have changed. Emergency details for your child must be kept up to date. Book Saving Stamps for the School Book shop are on sale every Tuesday at 8.45am in the playground or in the Junior Hall if wet.
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