25.03.2015 - Ashburton Primary School

Ashburton Primary School
Fakenham Road Ashburton 3147
PH: 98852559 FAX: 98854703
Principal’s Report
Dear Families,
I am sure you all enjoyed aending the
Ashburton Grand Fair on Sunday. The weather
was superb and the stalls were bustling with
people. Lots of smiling faces with coloured hair
and face paint were the norm. It was great to
watch confident children perform on stage and
hear squeals of terror on the rides. Ex
Ashburton families were in abundance on
Sunday and it is the first (me in years we have
not had any construc(on on our site.
I am sure you will join with me acknowledging
the hard work of many convenors and
volunteers. First of all, I wish to thank Janine
Mowat, Amanda Booker and Sue Syme for
crea(ng a Fair that had the right balance of fun,
ac(vity, community spirit and fundraising.
Bruce was a highlight this year and delighted
many students during assembly. John and his
merry band of Dad’s Army volunteers, were
extraordinary in the set up and pack up of the
Fair. They have it down to a precise art by
now. Thank you to Tash Hall for co-ordina(ng
the Silent Auc(on. The amount on offer was
tremendous. I hope you picked up a
worthwhile gi2. Trash and Treasure was
another highlight with a collabora(ve effort to
develop a fine array of second hand goods in
the gymnasium. The Raffle, offering some
great prizes, was well supported by the APS
families and another successful component of
the fundraising. The office staff and money
counters on the day, a big thank you. Amanda
Cooper, the art display was beau(ful. It
reminded me of Willy Wonka and the
Chocolate Factory. Julian Azzopardi must be
men(oned for the astonishing work as the food
convenor. We will miss you in your tree
change to Eltham.
I know the Fair ladies will have a thank you Fair
MARCH 25 2015
Newsleer early Term 2, but I wish to
acknowledge all Stall convenors for their hard
work and (reless effort in providing fun
ac(vi(es for the children. I know many of you
don’t get to see the en(re Fair, as you toil away
at your stall. And Lastly, thank you to everyone
who volunteered their (me and to those who
came and spent their money.
We need to give a big cheer to Ms Bevis for
being courageous whilst Gareth poured slime
over her. And thank you to Ms Bevis, for
holding me (ght whilst Bec poured slime over
Janine and John Mowat you are superstars!!!
A special assembly will be held on Friday 27
March at 2:10pm in the gymnasium to
acknowledge the hard work of the Fair
Congratula(ons to the following school council
members in office bearer posi(ons:
President: Sarah Quin
Vice President: Richard Zvirbulis
Treasurer: Fraser McLisky
Thank you to Rob Sleath and Sonia Alsop for
their contribu(ons to School Council over many
terms. Rob Sleath has convened Publicity and
Marke(ng commiee and in 2014 convened
the School Strategic Plan commiee. Sonia
Alsop has been Parents Associa(on president
and been on a number of sub commiees. We
appreciate you offering your exper(se and
insighEul comments during School Council.
Diary Dates
Friday 27 March
Fair Assembly 2.10pm
Friday 27 March
End Term 1 2.30pm
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We are thrilled to announce Hugh Van Cuylenberg from the Resilience
Project will be speaking to parents about resilience on Monday April 20 at
7:30pm in the school hall. I cannot recommend this night enough to all our
parents. He is highly engaging and very thought provoking. You will walk
away feeling
energised with prac(cal ideas to use at home. Type in Hugh Van
Cuylenberg into You Tube and you will see two talks about Resilience and
Gra(tude. Many of his ideas we have adopted as part of our SMILE
Please register your interest by emailing the school on
ashburton.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au or calling on 9885 2559. We have over
70 parents aending already.
Have a great holiday!
Natalie Nelson
Monday 13 April
Term 2 Begins
Monday 20 April
Parent Info Night
‘Resilience’ by Hugh Van
Cuylenberg 7.30pm
Special Grand Fair Thank You Assembly
On Friday 27th March there will be a special
Assembly held in the Gym at 2.10pm to wrap up
all the Fair events and to thank everyone.
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Some of the Lego Displays at
the Fair
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CongratulaGons to Lyrissa
Congratula(ons to Lyrissa
Spriggs who has had a baby boy
named Spencer Patrick.
Compass App-Compass School
If you would like to download
the Compass App, search for
‘Compass School Manager’ in
the App Store. A reminder that
you can’t do absences or give
consent for excursions on your
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Smile Awards—Awarded at Assembly on Monday 13th April
Cooper P PAC For your consistent effort to listen in class and for always ‘having a go’ to complete work
Riley G PVC For ‘having a go’ at new things and always trying his best.
Lachlan M 1ET For being a kind, friendly and responsible member of 1ET. A great role model to others.
Alannah P 1LC For her detailed wri(ng about our trip to the library. Well done Alannah!
Abi B 1TD
For her excellent effort with reading and wri(ng
Molly C 1SN For coming into class with a big smile and wri(ng so many interes(ng sentences and
stories. Fantas(c Molly!
Chiara T 2JH For puQng so much effort and detail into her supermarket for our community expo and
helping others.
Emily D 2LW For crea(ng an amazing physiotherapist as her community box. Great job.
Isabella D 3KA For her thoughEul contribu(ons to class discussions and her willingness to learn new
things. What an inspira(on!
Alexander G 3EM For demonstra(ng a mature approach to his learning by making sure all set tasks are
completed. Well done Alexander, this has been a pleasure to see.
Ella J 3DS
For persevering to produce a great piece of persuasive wri(ng about basketball.
Eleanor H 5KT For interes(ng and thoughEul contribu(ons to the SMILE group discussion and working
so well with her Prep Pal.
Georgia R 5LP For her op(mis(c aQtude towards all learning tasks and working coopera(vely with
others. Well done on your great start to the year.
Jack A 6CS
For being such a thoughEul member of our class. Thanks for all the help you offer Jack!
Dominique B 6MB Working with a posi(ve and enthusias(c aQtude.
Blair H 6RR For always demonstra(ng his leadership quali(es and being an excellent role model for
his peers.
Grand Fair Poem/Rap
“Fairs are lots of fun, for each and everyone, at Fairs I like to play, and eat and eat all day,
my favourite ride is the Cyclone, and I like to eat a snowcone, The bar and Slime the
teacher is something to behold and Lucky bags and mystery boles, well that’s just
untold! “Asher 4KH
“ You climbed up the stairs on the big slide, your lile siblings were so scared they went to
hide, you went on the Cha Cha round & round, your siblings couldn’t bear the sound, you
went to buy a snowcone at the stand, but you ended up helping because you took their
command, you definitely had fun at the Fair, because all the volunteers took great care.”
Elaine 4KH
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New LunchGme acGvity at Ashburton PS in Term 2
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