Ashburton Primary School Fakenham Road Ashburton 3147 PH: 98852559 FAX: 98854703 MAY 27 2015 Principal’s Report Dear Families, Dance Concert on Wednesday June 17 and Thursday June 18 Rehearsals are well underway for the annual Dance Concert. This year it will be a mix of dance, drama and music. We are very excited to be presen#ng The Decade Time Machine. Tickets will be on sale from 5pm this Friday May 29 online through TryBooking. Ticket sales cover the cost of the new sound system in the hall, sound expert on the day/night, costumes, chair hire and other miscellaneous items. Jump Rope for Heart -Friday June 29 Jump off day will be held on the last day of Term 2. Students not arranging online sponsorship should bring their sponsorship money and may wear a touch of red. Happy skipping. New role for Natalie Nelson I have been offered a Senior Advisor posi#on in the North Eastern Victorian Region from June 17 un#l September 7. The posi#on entails working with approximately fiDy schools on their strategic plans, developing community Smile and raising money for Guide Dogs on partnerships across government and non Monday June 22 government areas and a host of other What a big day this will be for the children. The supports. This is a wonderful opportunity to day will begin with a fantas#c SMILE lesson in view the educa#on system from the ‘inside’. I their mul#age SMILE group. They will be will return with many ideas. adorning SMILE flowers to add to the ‘Miles of Julie Gilbert will be ac#ng Principal and Josh Smiles’ street located in the corridor near the Brown ac#ng Assistant Principal in my absence. office. Ms Jane McMillan will be taking 2JB. Josh will Students can wear a touch of yellow and also remain Unit and Year level leader. donate a gold coin to bring a smile to a vision I look forward to hearing many wonderful impaired child. The dona#on will go to Guide stories on my return. Dogs Victoria. Guide Dogs Victoria provides free Orienta#on and Mobility services to Victorians who are blind or vision impaired. Natalie Nelson We are aiming to raise $430 which will buy a Principal talking GPS device to help a vision impaired child to learn to navigate. At 6pm Channel 10 will be visi#ng the school to film the weather live from the prep pod. All those who would like to be on television need to be in the prep pod, in school uniform by 5:45pm. An adult needs to be with you as this is outside of school hours. Diary Dates A&'()*+,- P*./0*1 S2',,3 Page 2 TERM 2 Friday 29 May Cross Country Year 5 students only to Parliament Excursion Friday 29 May Vegie Market Stall 3.15-3.45pm Friday 29 May School Concert Tickets on sale at 5pm Monday 8 June Queens Birthday Public Holiday 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tuesday 9-12 June Year 5 Camp Wednesday 10 June Parents AssociaAon MeeAng 7.30pm 6. NoAces & Reminders Ivans Pies fundraiser forms go home Wednesday 27th May. Subway lunch forms go home Wednesday 3rd June (Subway Lunch is on May 22nd) Jump Rope For Heart Sponsorship forms go home Wednesday 27th Tickets go on sale for the School Concert this Friday 29th May at 5pm: visit hIp:// Monday 22nd June is a Free Dress Day—wear a ‘Touch of Yellow’ & bring a gold coin dona#on to go towards the Guide Dogs Associa#on Channel 10 News will broadcast the weather from Ashburton Primary School Monday 22nd June at 6pm in Prep Pod. Friday 12 June Yrs 3/4 HoopAme Selected students Assembly Performance—Monday June 1st Wednesday 17 June School Concert Surnames A-L Imogen and Conrad I will perform on the Piano Thursday 18 June School Concert Surnames M-Z Monday 22 June Free Dress Day Ivans Pies delivered Subway Lunch Channel 10 Weather Broadcast Term 2 Uniform Shop Dates 2 June Uniform Shop will be on the 23rd June instead of the 16th for this month only. Year 6 GraduaAon & Sports Photos Yrs 3-6 Please put this date in your diary. The Year 6 Gradua#on photos & all sports photos will take place on Tuesday 21st July (wear full school Uniform for both, no sports uniforms needed) Page 3 A&'()*+,- P*./0*1 Market Garden On Friday the 29th of May 3:15pm, Ashburton Primary Year 5 students will be selling produce at our Home Grown Market. The money raised will go to help our current edible garden grow. The garden provides a great insight for the children about the benefits of fruit and vegetables and how produce grows. There is currently some lovely broccoli and cauliflower growing and the kale will be ready to sell on the day. We require lots of dona#ons of fresh produce only and this can be leD at the office on the Friday Morning. We welcome you and your friends and family to come and buy fruit and vegetables. Compass Reminders Please make sure you have the correct email address on Compass: check this by clicking on the wheel in top right hand corner of homepage and drop down to ‘Update my Details’ Approving Absences: When your child is late to school or away for the day, the roll will be marked as Not Present or Late. Parents need to approve these absences. If a child is late to school, they must come to the Office first and obtain a ‘late pass’ to take to class and will be marked on roll/Compass as ‘late’ . Please follow these steps to Approve Absences. You can go in on the morning your child is sick and approve an Absence and similarly if you know your child will be away on holiday, you can pre Approve these days on Compass. As a parent you will not be able to see the ‘late’ #me on Compass, it shows on the Teachers roll only. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. APendance: Parent Approval Required (You will see this message on your Homepage) Underneath this, click on “ Click here for more informa#on” In the AIendance/Unapproved Tab, there will be a list of dates that your child was either absent or late to school. Click on the square on the leD hand side, next to each of the dates listed Click on ‘Parent Approve’ Select a reason for Absence i.e. Parent choice, Medical, Family Holiday etc. Click on ‘Save’ You do not need to print off a ‘Parent Approval’ leIer just saving the Absence details will suffice. For all important events that require Parental Consent, i.e. Camps, excursions, you should be receiving an email reminder to login to Compass and give your Consent. It is recommended that you get into the habit of checking Compass on a weekly basis to receive the most up to date informaAon and view the current NewslePer. A&'()*+,- P*./0*1 S2',,3 Page 4 Smile Awards Calum W PMD Rory C PVC Samuel G PSW Amelia M 1TD Noah H 1ET For always trying his best at all ac#vi#es in class. Great work Calum! For always filling up our ‘buckets’ with kind words and ac#ons. For being a great contributor to our class discussions. Superhero listening, well done! For her outstanding reading and wonderful work habits. For being a kind and considerate member of 1ET. You set a great example to others with your friendly nature and posi#ve aStude to learning. Jordan D 1LC For his great weekend wri#ng about Go Kar#ng . Well done Jordan! Janelle C 1SN For always giving 100% to everything she does. You’re a Superstar Janelle! Chris T 2JB For being so organised with his Show and Share , we enjoyed hearing about his favourite toy. Shan W 2HL Improving in his Show and Share by preparing his thoughts and prac#sing his presenta#on. Sophie M 3DS You have been working so hard on keeping focussed and finishing wriIen work . Amber B 3EM For always having a friendly, sunny disposi#on and for contribu#ng to class discussions. Zara W 3KA For her focus and outstanding contribu#ons during class #me. Keep it up Zara. Ruby H 3CR Always showing respect to others and for always being posi#ve about all school ac#vi#es. Cameron T 3CR Showing such great perseverance with your broken thumb and trying so hard with all your work. Aarushi M 4DW For her posi#ve aStude and determina#on to complete all class tasks to a high standard. Zibella L 4DW For being such a wonderful class member . Zi is caring and empathe#c towards all others. Sophie H 4KH For her confidence during mathema#cs and her willingness to give everything a go. Indigo W 4KH For her effort and concentra#on during wri#ng to achieve her goal of expanding on ideas. Oliver M 5KT For high levels of interest and par#cipa#on in weekly SMILE discussions. Jessica M 5LP For demonstra#ng resilience in the classroom and displaying confidence in Maths Olympiad. Madeleine Q 5DF For her enthusias#c aStude during our excursion to State Parliament . Presley D 5KE For always ac#ng in a responsible and mature manner. Well done on posi#ve decisions. Vivian L 6RR For her enthusias#c aStude towards Smiling Minds and the sub skills taught within Smile. Special MenAon Awards—Victorian Coding Challenge CerAficates MaIhew C 5LP Lachlan G 1LC Cross Country This year GIDSSA cross-country day was held at NeIleton Reserve. Schools from the district raced over 2000m and 3000m. Ashburton competed in all age groups and distances with all students striving for personal bests. We had eight students finish in the top 10 of their age category meaning they will now compete at the Booroondara division cross-country championships on Thursday June 4th, at Ruffey Park Lake. Big thank you to the parents that helped out on the day. Congratula#ons to all those who represented the school so well, and good luck to those going through to Division. A&'()*+,- P*./0*1 S2',,3 Page 5 A&'()*+,- P*./0*1 S2',,3 Page 6 Two Minute Drop Off Zone Please be mindful when using the 2 Minute drop off/pick up zone. We seem to have regular Parking Inspectors siSng in their cars and watching/#ming drivers in their cars. You will be fined if you stay longer than two minutes. The Department of Education and Ashburton Primary School do not endorse the products or services of any private advertiser. No responsibility is accepted by the Department of Education and Ashburton Primary School for the accuracy of information contained in advertisements or claims made by them.
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