[Type text] [Type text] [Type text] the catholic community of OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL Volume 2, Issue 13: March 29, 2015 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Palm Sunday – The Passion of Our Lord Our Lady of Mount Carmel 10 County Road Tenafly, NJ 07670 201.568.0545 www.olmc.us My Sisters and Brothers, today we begin the journey of this Holy Week with the recognition that the crosses that we carry are not empty burdens with little value. When embraced with faith and the recognition of the need in our lives for a power bigger than ourselves through which we find meaning and hope, every cross – because of Jesus’ cross – can be carried into the world of God’s redeeming love and embracing grace. This is the world that Jesus proclaimed as he entered Jerusalem in triumph on Palm Sunday, fully aware that his cross was a prelude – not only to his death, but also to his glorious Resurrection. Volume 2, Issue 13 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Staff Directory Very Rev. Leonard J. Gilman, O. Carm. Pastor e - frleonard@icloud.com Masses Daily Monday – Saturday 8:30 AM Weekends Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 NOON Holy Days As announced Sacraments The Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 4:00 – 4:30 PM, or by appointment, please call the Church Office The Sacrament of Baptism The second Sunday of each month, except during Lent. Please arrange for Baptism at least two months in advance. The Sacrament of Marriage Please make an appointment with a priest or deacon at least one year in advance. The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Please call the Church Office to request a visit from one of the parish priests. Our Lady of Mount Carmel Mission Statement “No matter who you are, no matter what you’ve done, no matter where you’re from, no matter where you’re going, no matter how good or bad things seem, you are always welcome.” New Parishioner? Welcome! Feel free to contact anyone on our staff regarding the parish and its activities. We ask that every family in the parish be registered. Registration packets can be picked up in the Church Office! Church Office Elizabeth Gardner Office Manager Mary Ann Nelson Receptionist t - 201.568.0545 f - 201.568.3215 e - rectory@olmc.us Roxanne Kougasian Secretary t - 201.871.4662 e - 4roxanneolmc@gmail.com Deacons Deacon Lex Ferrauiola e - deaconlex@gmail.com Deacon David Loman e - deacondavid@olmc.us Office of Mission Development Elliot Guerra Director of Mission Development t - 201.568.1403 e - eguerra@academyolmc.org Liturgy & Pastoral Ministry Alicia Smith Director of Liturgy & Pastoral Ministry t - 201.871.9458 e - pastoralministryolmc@gmail.com Music Ministry Peter Coll Music Director e - musicdirector@olmc.us Religious Education Office Sr. Regina M. Chassar, SSJ Director of Religious Education t - 201.871.4662 e - reled@olmc.us Academy Michael Bruno Principal t - 201.567.6491 f - 201.568.1402 e - mbruno@academyolmc.org Facilities Edward McElroy Facility Director t - 201.906.4389 2 Volume 2, Issue 13 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 29, 2015 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Dear Parishioners, Today we celebrate the liturgy of Palm Sunday, and we are faced with the question: What is truly important about this day? Why is this day unlike all other days in our liturgical calendar? The fact that we name it Palm Sunday already tells you something. The impression we are left with on this Sunday is the importance of the palms. They are blessed and distributed. We take them home and reverence them throughout the year. But this feast is also about donkeys and about cloaks being laid on the road for Jesus to pass over, it's about people welcoming their hero into the capital city. The fact is, however, the palms and all these other things are not nearly as important as one central element: The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. His Passion. That, in fact, is the title given to this feast in the Sacramentary; Palm Sunday is just a sub-heading. So, what is Passion all about? The usual meaning attached to the word is suffering, grief, sorrow, distress. This is a common Christian understanding. Indeed, we hear all that during the reading of the Passion according to Mark. But the more puzzling question is about “passion” with a lowercase "p." Here we must ask the question: What was Jesus passionate about? What was so important to him that he could literally put his life in jeopardy the way he did. Most people think twice about inciting communities to violent actions such as crucifixion. I really don't think we will ever know what drove Jesus, what motivated him. If his own family could not figure out why he wanted to put his life in danger, surely we will not be able to either. But, I think we can get some hints by going back a few years in his life to those early years when his plan was just getting started. You will remember the scene at the Jordan River when he was baptized and when he heard the voice out of the heavens telling him that he was to consider himself God's specially anointed messenger. I truly believe that Jesus was convinced at that moment that he was called to do something special, something different than any other young man of his time. I don't think that Jesus' initial intention was simply to help people "get to heaven." I think he asked himself: What is out of synch in our world and in our times? How can I help people who have no other resource to justice, food, housing, relief from the powers of the Romans, and the local authorities? When Jesus looked around at the situation that his little world was in, I think he felt God was truly calling him to get busy and do something about it. In short, I think Jesus' passion was to make the world a better place. A second thought that tells me Jesus was a passionate person was the time he went to pray in the temple and found all the buyers and sellers making a travesty of the temple and worship. You remember how it went: He made a whip out of cords and drove the merchants out, upset their tables, telling them as they left that this was a house of prayer and not a den of thieves. Scholars today say that this passionate event in Jesus’ life was the one that ultimately brought about his death. From that point on, there was no turning back. So, the question for us on this Sunday of the Passion is this: What are we passionate about? What drives our life each day? Is there any issue in the world today that makes us angry? If I had to pick one, it would be this: Perhaps one of our great weaknesses is that we are often unable to find anything in the world that incites us enough to change. And that, my friends, is very sad. Perhaps this year as we carry our palms home again and hang them on our bedroom wall, we might want to remind ourselves today, and throughout the year, that the palms are only symbols of something greater: the passion of a man who was determined that his life was going to mean something. May God fill you with peace and love this Holy Week, so that you may abound in hope and passion as you live out this Sacred Week. I hope to see you at the Holy Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter Vigil Liturgy. Blessings in our Lord Jesus Christ! Fr. Leonard+ 3 Volume 2, Issue 13 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord LITURGICAL DAILY READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Isa 42:1-7; John 12:1-11 Isa 49:1-6; John 13:21-33, 36-38 Isa 50:4-9a; Matt 26:14-25 Isa 61:1-3a, 6a, 8b-9; Rev 1:5-8; Luke 4:16-21 Exod 12:1-8, 11-14; 1 Cor 11:23-26; John 13:1-15 Gen 1:1 – 2:2; Exod 14:15 – 15:1; Isa 12;2-3, 4, 5-6; Rom 6:3-11; Mark 16:1-7 MASSES FOR THE WEEK MONDAY, MARCH 30th 8:30AM Andres Gonzalez req. His Daughter, Maria TUESDAY, MARCH 31st 8:30AM Jan & Jack Kroese (64th Anniversary) – Living WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1st 8:30AM Suzanne & Frank Fell req. Sylvia & Dom Meo THURSDAY, APRIL 2nd 7:30PM Holy Thursday – Mass of the Lord’s Supper FRIDAY, APRIL 3rd 7:30PM Good Friday – Passion of the Lord & Holy Communion MINISTERS FOR APRIL 2nd HOLY THURSDAY 7:30 PM Servers – Malcolm Bermudo, DJ Watros, Ariana Novero, Jake Waterman, Luke Figueroa, Justin Del Valle, Matt Del Valle Lector – Martin Miglietta Eucharistic Ministers – Jim Brooks, Maggie Angresano, Linda Hubschman, Elliot Guerra, Matt Smith MINISTERS FOR APRIL 3rd GOOD FRIDAY 7:30 PM Servers – Sofia Maravillas, Julia Mancuso, Ariana Novero, Sedona Perin, Alejandro Zayas, Michael Anderson, Brian Anderson Lector – Susan Semler Eucharistic Ministers – Ruth Howard, Tom Izzard, Barbara Izzard MINISTERS FOR APRIL 4th HOLY SATURDAY – EASTER VIGIL 8:00 PM Servers – Sofia Maravillas, Kristin Anderson, Michael Anderson, Brian Anderson, DJ Watros Lector – Tom Izzard, Nicole Pecoraro Eucharistic Ministers – Patricia Levins, John DeRose, Dominique Elisano, Debbie Viar MINISTERS FOR APRIL 5th EASTER SUNDAY SATURDAY, APRIL 4th 8:00PM Easter Vigil Mass SUNDAY, APRIL 5th 8:00AM Parishioners of Our Lady of Mount Carmel 10:00AM Parishioners of Our Lady of Mount Carmel 12:00PM Parishioners of Our Lady of Mount Carmel THE BREAD AND WINE This week the Bread and Wine are in memory of John Preolo. 8:00 AM Servers – Richard Gross, Emmanuel Balascak Lector – Mary Paone Eucharistic Ministers – Bob Toro, Diane Bruno, Patricia Levins 10:00 AM Servers – Luke Figueroa, Sofia Maravillas, Jillian Mihalio, Lauren Miglietta Lector – Una Rafferty Eucharistic Ministers – John Barrett, Anna Ogle, Dolores Miller, James Brooks, Vincent Margiotta, Hilda Solari, John Ogle THE SANCTUARY LAMP This week the Sanctuary Lamp is in memory of Tom & Muriel Salem. REST IN PEACE Please remember in your prayers Dr. Leonard Nicoletti and all the military men and women who have died this week. NOON Servers – Ariana Novero, Jaden Mendoza, Jake Waterman, John Mauro Lector – Barry Buniva Eucharistic Ministers – Marta Perez, Raymond Glover, Karyn Glover, Judy Ong, Tita Ong, Julia Carozza, Toni Essman 4 Volume 2, Issue 13 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord RELIGIOUS EDUCATION RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM Please check the parish website www.olmc.us for the monthly newsletter and calendars. CLASS SCHEDULE Sunday, March 29th – Monday, March 30th – Tuesday, March 31st – 8:45 – 9:55 AM 7:00 – 8:00 PM 3:30 – 4:45 PM There are no religious education classes next week: Sunday, April 5th/Monday, April 6th/Tuesday, April 7 th. Easter blessings to all families! Dealing With Flawed Humans in a Beloved Church Presented by Elliot Guerra Sunday, April 12, 2015 9:00 – 9:45 a.m. in the Titus Room Free Breakfast and Caffeinated Conversation! Flawed humans but free, flawless coffee! SACRAMENT INFORMATION Confirmation Catholicism 101: Confirmation Date: Saturday, April 18, 2015, 11:00 a.m. First Eucharist First Eucharist Dates: Saturday, April 25, 2015, 11:00 a.m. Saturday, May 2, 2015, 11:00 a.m. Students beginning in 4th grade are invited to be altar servers. Training sessions will be scheduled. Please contact Sr. Regina in the Religious Education Office at 201-871-4662 or reled@olmc.us to register for this ministry. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) In the early Church, when a person sought to become Christian, he or she was called a catechumen and entered into a period of intense instruction within the community. When this period of instruction was completed, catechumens were baptized and received into “the body of the faithful.” The Church welcomes into the process of preparation persons who have never been baptized, those already baptized in another Christian tradition, or baptized Catholics who have not received First Eucharist or Confirmation. If you or someone you know has been thinking about becoming a member, but would first like information about the process, please call Sr. Regina at 201-871-4662. Palm branches are a part of Christian worship on Palm Sunday, also referred to as Passion Sunday. Palm Sunday commemorates Jesus Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem, as foretold by the prophet Zechariah. The Bible tells us that people cut branches from palm trees, placed them across Jesus' path and waved them in the air. They greeted Jesus not as the spiritual Messiah who would take away the sins of the world, but as a potential political leader who would overthrow the Romans. They shouted "Hosanna," which meant "save now." In ancient times, palm branches symbolized goodness and victory. They were often depicted on coins and important buildings. Solomon had palm branches carved into the walls and doors of the temple (1 Kings 6:29). Again at the end of the Bible, people from every nation raise palm branches to honor Jesus (Revelation 7:9). Today, we distribute palm branches to worshipers on Palm Sunday. STEWARDSHIP PROJECT The Religious Education Program is participating in the Archdiocese of Newark’s Stewardship Project to collect gently used and new First Communion outfits. Items can be dropped off to the Religious Education Office Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Sundays during religious education class time. Items will be distributed to inner city parishes. Please contact Sr. Regina at 201-871-4662 or reled@olmc.us if you have any questions. 5 Volume 2, Issue 13 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord ACADEMY NEWS & EVENTS BASKETBALL SCORES 3/11 OLMC 5th Gr. Boys vs. St. John's/Hillsdale 57-56 LOSS (overtime) Golf and Tennis After-school TGA Premier Junior Golf and Tennis will be offering after-school clubs for Grades K - 8 beginning in mid-April. Golf will be on Wednesdays from 3 - 4pm beginning on April 15th. Tennis will be on Thursdays from 3 - 4pm beginning on April 16th. Go to www.academyolmc.org to register! Team Makers Summer Camp One-week summer camp from June 29 through July 3 at OLMC. Students ages 4 through 10 years old are eligible to enroll. Students will participate in team-building and critical thinking activities as well as sport tournaments. Go to www.academyolmc.org to register! 3/17 OLMC 4th Gr. Girls vs. St. Therese/Cresskill 35-28 LOSS 3/18 OLMC 5th Gr. Girls vs. Nativity/Midland Park 24-9 WIN 3/19 OLMC 5th Gr. Girls vs. St. Peter's/River Edge 27-23 WIN *2015 March Madness Champions 3/21 OLMC 3rd Gr. Boys vs. St. John's/Hillsdale 29-12 WIN 3/22 OLMC 2nd Gr. Boys vs. St. Peter's/River Edge 26-17 WIN *2015 March Madness Champions Go Warriors! 6 Volume 2, Issue 13 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord COMMUNITY OUTREACH Please contact Alicia Smith with any questions, comments, feedback or ideas at pastoralministryolmc@gmail.com. EASTER SUNDAY – 10 AM MASS OLMC is in need of students in grades 4 through 12 who are willing to participate in the 10 a.m. Mass. Please contact Alicia by Wednesday, April 1st if you are interested in participating in the Easter Mass. Are you or a family member celebrating a special time? Please let us know if you are celebrating a special birthday, anniversary or milestone! We’d love to share your news at Mass!! SENIORS MEETING Join us on Monday, April 20th in the Titus Room following the daily Mass and Novena. We’re going to vote on a group name and discuss our next outing! Coffee and breakfast treats will be served! No RSVP necessary! Pastoral Care for the Sick Any OLMC parishioner who is in need of a visit from Fr. Leonard or a Pastoral Minister, please reach out to Alicia Smith. We are here for you! County Manor Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center in Tenafly welcomes volunteers of all ages to visit their residents! Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church is looking to send volunteers to spend quality time with the residents: play games, watch TV, talk, read, or play music. Any amount of time you can give is appreciated! Please contact Alicia Smith at 201-871-9458 or pastoralministryolmc@gmail.com. CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD Children’s Liturgy of the Word is held September through May during the 10:00 Mass on Sunday mornings. Children are invited to hear the Word of God explained at their level. There is no registration and no fee! Come join us! We are in need of more adult CLOW catechists to start in September. The trainings for the September start date will take place in April, so please contact Alicia now to participate in this wonderful ministry. Also, starting in September we will add youth and teen CLOW assistants to the program. There will be a special and short training in late spring for all teens interested in this ministry. Thanks to our current CLOW catechists – we love you! There will be no CLOW on Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. OFFERTORY GIFT BEARERS Offertory Gift Bearer sign-ups in the narthex office after all Masses! Please stop by and sign up for an April Mass! OLMC needs help at each Mass to carry the Offertory gifts to the altar. Please consider helping with special part of Mass. LECTORS & EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS If you wish to be a Lector or Eucharistic Minister at daily or weekend Mass, please contact Alicia for customized training at a time convenient for you. Coming soon to OLMC! Please call or email Alicia Smith with ideas, comments, or questions. CHRISM MASS at the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart March 30th – 8:00 p.m. All parishioners are invited to attend this special Mass with Deacon David. The Cathedral Basilica is located at 89 Ridge Street in Newark. 7 Volume 2, Issue 13 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord THE WEEKLY RUNDOWN Parishioner Margaret Rossi is with us this week to play Quick Six! 1. 1. How many years at OLMC? 2. Twelve years. 3. 2. Favorite movie? 4. “To Kill a Mockingbird” 5. 3. A fun/moving/exciting OLMC memory? Women’s Cornerstone – A wonderful experience! 6. 4. Last book you finished? 7. “A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man” by 8. James Joyce Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish Community welcomes you, your family, and friends to worship together here at Mount Carmel. Holy Thursday – April 2nd Mass of the Last Supper – 7:30 p.m. Exposition & Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament following the Mass of the Last Supper until 10:00 p.m. Good Friday – April 3rd Living Stations of the Cross – 11:00 a.m. Ecumenical Walk – 1:00 p.m. Solemn Liturgy & Communion – 7:30 p.m. Holy Saturday – April 4th Church Decorating for Easter – 9:00 a.m. Blessing of Easter Food Baskets – 12 noon Easter Vigil Mass – 8:00 p.m. Reception to honor those newly baptized and confirmed Please join us in the cafeteria for refreshments after the Easter Vigil Mass. Easter Sunday – April 5th 5. A place you always wanted to travel to? Greece and Israel 8 a.m., 10 a.m. (Children’s Mass), 12 noon Please join us in the cafeteria for refreshments after each Mass. 6. 6. Life advice? Favorite quote? 7. “Some people see what is and ask why; I see things that never were and ask why not.” – Robert Kennedy 8 Volume 2, Issue 13 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord THE WEEKLY RUNDOWN The OLMC Parish Staff would like to extend their heartfelt thanks to the many parishioners who continue to give of their time, talent and treasure to make our church community such a wonderful place! A Benefit for Siena House Shelter for Women and Children 5th Annual Ladies Night Out Friday, May 8th, 2015 Doors open at 7:00pm Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Auditorium 10 County Road, Tenafly, NJ Tickets: $25.00/person (BYOB) A night of great food, friends & prizes! Tricky Tray, 50/50, and 52 Card Draw For reservations, please mail form below with payment to: Kirsten Jaeger-Lotito 516 Olympia Ave, Cliffside Park, NJ 07010 Advanced ticket purchase only; limited space, no walk-ins. All checks should be made payable to: Siena House ___________________________________________________________________________ Name(s)___________________________________________________________________ Phone or e-mail _____________________________ Amount Enclosed _____________ Table reservation available for parties of 8 or more only Table reservations require payment in full for all guests (please include all names on reverse side) Your name(s) will be at the door when you arrive. For questions: Kirsten Jaeger-Lotito - kirstenmjaeger@gmail.com (201-805-5999) or Lema Sabachthani: Jennifer Schippert - jennifer.schippert@gmail.com (201-458-4512) RSVP requested by Friday, May 1st The Living Stations of the Cross EASTER ALTAR FLOWERS Good Friday, April 3, 2015 11:00 A.M. in the church presented by the youth o f OLMC directed by Elliot Guerra Please keep the following people in your prayers: RJ Sy Elizabeth Calistri Rachel Durso David Maroldi Vito Moncello Jacob Rodsan Nicholas Tolliver Louise Zaleskie If you would like to make a donation to help with the cost of flowers that will decorate our church for Easter, please fill out the form below. Donations may be made in memory of a loved one or for a special intention. Checks should be made payable to Our Lady of Mount Carmel and can be dropped in the collection or returned to the Church Office. PLEASE PRINT Donated by: _________________________________________ In Memory of: _______________________________________ Special Intentions for: _________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________ Phone #: ___________________________________________ 9 Volume 2, Issue 13 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord WAYS TO GIVE Electronic Giving with Faith Direct “Faith Direct” makes it easy to make parish contributions through Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover or direct debit to your checking account. With “Faith Direct” Our Lady of Mount Carmel gains predictable cash flow that helps with budget planning. “Faith Direct” also offers personalized offertory cards to replace envelopes for the collection basket. If you find this program to be convenient for you, please visit www.faithdirect.net to enroll securely online (our parish code is NJ122) or click on the QR scan below. Introducing the easiest way to provide access to giving with your credit card. Safe. Secure. Reliable. Located in the Church Narthex and at www.olmc.us or click on the QR scan to the left. AmazonSmile is a simple way to support Our Lady of Mt Carmel Church, Tenafly each time you shop at no cost to you. When you shop at smile.amazon.com, you’ll find the same low prices and selection as Amazon.com. AmazonSmile will donate a portion of your purchase price to our parish. Simply go to smile.amazon.com and select Our Lady of Mt Carmel Church, Tenafly or click on the QR scan below.
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