[Type text] [Type text] [Type text] the catholic community of OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL Volume 2, Issue 18: May 3, 2015 Remain in the Lord! Our Lady of Mount Carmel 10 County Road Tenafly, NJ 07670 201.568.0545 www.olmc.us Fifth Sunday of Easter This Sunday’s Gospel about the Vine and the Branches, reminds us why we are here right now. We are Christians. We are Catholics. This is more than membership in a club. We are united to Jesus Christ as branches are united to a vine. His Life flows into us. We come to Mass to be nourished with His Life through Word and Eucharist. During His ministry on earth, Jesus’ presence for the sick, the sinner, and the seeker was so powerful that it transformed people’s lives. So must our presence be for others. The Mass is not an act of spiritual self-preservation or selfinterest. The Mass is about the others – those out there. Jesus calls us in order to send us. The very word “mass” means “a sending.” We are a Church on a mission. “Remain in me and I will remain in you,” the Lord tells us in today’s Gospel. That is what we are called to do, and that is what we do when we live the Mass. Volume 2, Issue 18 Fifth Sunday of Easter Staff Directory Very Rev. Leonard J. Gilman, O. Carm. Pastor e - frleonard@icloud.com Masses Daily Monday – Saturday 8:30 AM Weekends Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 NOON Holy Days As announced Sacraments The Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 4:00 – 4:30 PM, or by appointment, please call the Church Office The Sacrament of Baptism The second Sunday of each month, except during Lent. Please arrange for Baptism at least two months in advance. The Sacrament of Marriage Please make an appointment with a priest or deacon at least one year in advance. The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Please call the Church Office to request a visit from one of the parish priests. Our Lady of Mount Carmel Mission Statement “No matter who you are, no matter what you’ve done, no matter where you’re from, no matter where you’re going, no matter how good or bad things seem, you are always welcome.” New Parishioner? Welcome! Feel free to contact anyone on our staff regarding the parish and its activities. We ask that every family in the parish be registered. Registration packets can be picked up in the Church Office! Church Office Elizabeth Gardner Office Manager Mary Ann Nelson Receptionist t - 201.568.0545 f - 201.568.3215 e - rectory@olmc.us Roxanne Kougasian Secretary t - 201.871.4662 e - 4roxanneolmc@gmail.com Deacons Deacon Lex Ferrauiola e - deaconlex@gmail.com Deacon David Loman e - deacondavid@olmc.us Office of Mission Development Elliot Guerra Director of Mission Development t - 201.568.1403 e - eguerra@academyolmc.org Liturgy & Pastoral Ministry Alicia Smith Director of Liturgy & Pastoral Ministry t - 201.871.9458 e - pastoralministryolmc@gmail.com Music Ministry Peter Coll Music Director e - musicdirector@olmc.us Religious Education Office Sr. Regina M. Chassar, SSJ Director of Religious Education t - 201.871.4662 e - reled@olmc.us Academy Michael Bruno Principal t - 201.567.6491 f - 201.568.1402 e - mbruno@academyolmc.org Facilities Edward McElroy Facility Director t - 201.906.4389 2 Volume 2, Issue 18 Fifth Sunday of Easter May 3, 2015 Dear Parishioners, I am presently reading selections from the writings of Thomas Merton, the Trappist monk who lived for some years in a small hermitage on the grounds of Gethsemani Monastery in Kentucky. I have always loved Merton's works. They have that medieval feel about them. Reading him I can imagine myself in a Thirteenth Century monastery tucked somewhere in the French Pyrenees. I have often wondered what life would be like to live in a Trappist or Carthusian monastery: little communication, long hours of contemplation, sung prayer, working alone on some task each day. In my younger days I had thoughts about becoming a monk, but I ultimately decided that I needed community; without it I would go "nuts." The more I read of Merton, however, the more I have the sense that even monks and nuns need community. Given all that, I think one might say that the human person needs to be in a community of some sort in order to remain healthy. Human beings, by their very nature, seem to be created to be in community; it is practically impossible for us to get along without each other. It is as though we all share the same genes, the same human DNA, we are destined to live together whether we like it or not. Why is it, for instance, that we form communities of all sorts and join those who seem similar to us? Even little kids in the school playground insist on playing with one another – you will find few loners at recess time. Even though we may not get along with everyone, we know that there is someone out there who will complement us, reinforce who we think we are. We obviously live in an age where communication is key. It probably has always been so, but we notice it more today given the access to social media. With that, we are learning, as we may never have learned before, that we are one human family and that what affects one part of the human family affects the rest of us as well. Jesus was extraordinarily sensitive to people who were somehow "ousted" from the human community: social outcasts such as Mary of Magdala, and the woman at Jacob's well, the woman who washed Jesus' feet with the scented oil, the lepers who were shunned and banished. Jesus could not stand to see people who were without community support. One gets the sense that Jesus chose twelve individuals to accompany him in his ministry so that he would have companionship, people to talk to, people to eat with, and people to stay with. I'm thinking also, for instance, of his special friends Mary, Martha and Lazarus. Could it not be true then, that when Jesus began to think about the future of his Kingdom, which turned out to be the foundation of the Church, that he referred to his friends in terms of vine and branches? They would have known what that meant immediately since they walked by vineyards every day. It is also interesting that in today’s first reading from the Acts of the Apostles we read that the Church began to grow by "leaps and bounds" in those early days. I can only imagine the reason for that growth was due to those "outsiders" who saw something special in those little communities of Jesus’ followers that attracted them, a certain bonding among them. It is not so unusual then that the basic meaning of Church is community. This is why we gather each Sunday, precisely because we need companionship in our faith. When children are baptized into the Christian church, parents promise to raise them as part of a family of Christians. They need to know early on that they have a home to come to, that no one will turn them away when they come. As we grow in our Christian faith, if we do not feel at home there, something went wrong; somebody missed the boat early on. There is nothing clearer than the fact that we cannot be Christian alone. There is no such thing as a “private Christian” or a “private Catholic.” The word “Catholic” itself means "here comes everybody.” Many of us do not have a problem finding community; some of us are naturally social. Many others in the world find this very difficult. There are lots of "loners" out there who are not so by choice. You may personally know some, I certainly do. The greatest act of charity that we could offer them is to help them find a place they can call home. It worked for Jesus. If it hadn't, we wouldn't be here today, would we? Fr. Leonard+ 3 Volume 2, Issue 18 Fifth Sunday of Easter LITURGICAL DAILY READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday Acts 14:5-18; John 14:21-26 Tuesday Acts 14:19-28; John 14:27-31a Wednesday Acts 15:1-6; John 15:1-8 Thursday Acts 15:7-21; John 15:9-11 Friday Acts 15:22-31; John 15:12-17 Saturday Acts 16:1-10; John 15:18-21 MASSES FOR THE WEEK MONDAY, MAY 4th 8:30 Michael Lindenau req. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Romano & Family TUESDAY, MAY 5th 8:30 Adele DeMaio req. Her Daughter, Ellen WEDNESDAY, MAY 6 th 8:30 Thomas & Anna Keevins req. Veronica Keevins THURSDAY, MAY 7th 8:30 Ann Peltier Broaddus req. Her Family FRIDAY, MAY 8 th 8:30 Rita Oakham SATURDAY, MAY 9th 8:30 Helena Moran (Living: 87th Birthday) 5:00 Marcos Paulo lopes do Nascimento req. Anna Rico SUNDAY, MAY 10 th 8:00 Parishioners of Our Lady of Mount Carmel 10:00 Hughie O’Halloran req. The O’Halloran Family 12:00 Mother’s Day Novena THE BREAD AND WINE This week the Bread and Wine are in memory of Arthur Hall. THE SANCTUARY LAMP This week the Sanctuary Lamp is in memory of Fr. Isaac Manuel Moran (Living: Birthday) requested by Helena Moran Lapinig. MINISTERS FOR MAY 9th & 10th 5 PM Servers – Celina Peralta, Mary Petito, Matteo Petito Lector – Sr. Regina Eucharistic Ministers – Della Booker, Linda Hubschman, Max Miller 8 AM Servers – Dahlia Cousineau, Gavin Cousineau Lector – Ann Picinic Eucharistic Ministers – Marianne Reilly, Bob Toro, Diane Bruno 10 AM Servers – Caitlin McGinty, Lauren Miglietta, Alejandro Zayas Lector – Fran Mladjenovic Eucharistic Ministers – Toni Essman, Dolores Miller, Maggie Angresano 12 NOON Servers – Gisele Cerutti, Ariana Novero, DJ Watros Lector – Anthony Inguaggiato Eucharistic Ministers – Maria Luppino, Gina Luppino, Jaga Kokosinski The altar flowers this week are in loving memory of Bob Watt requested by his wife, Lucine Watt. “Take care of your relationships with others, transforming your faith into life and your words into good works, especially on behalf of the needy.” −Pope Francis REST IN PEACE Please remember in your prayers Sheri Burke, sister of Marta Perez’s son-in law and all the military men and women who have died this week. 4 Volume 2, Issue 18 Fifth Sunday of Easter RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Catholicism 101: A (very) Brief History of The Catholic Church Presented by Elliot Guerra CLASS SCHEDULE Sunday, May 3rd (Gr. K-7) 8:45 – 9: 55 a.m. Tuesday, May 5th (Gr. K-5) 3:45 – 4:45 p.m. Mother’s Day – May 10, 2015 9:00 – 9:45 a.m. in the Titus Room Free Breakfast and Caffeinated Conversation! These are the last classes for the 2014-2015 Religious Education Program. y , y ou r Come b ill be w mother f you! o d u pro Who will plant the dreams in the minds of the children? Who will be the love in the hearts of the children? Who will give examples of all that life can be? −Kathy Sherman, CSJ We would love for you to join our team of catechists! Please call Sr. Regina at 201-871-4662 for more information. Many thanks to the catechists who served in the Religious Education Program this year! CONGRATULATIONS! The Staff and Parish Community of Our Lady of Mount Carmel wish to congratulate the children who received the Sacrament of First Eucharist on Saturday, May 2nd. May their lives be filled with the light of Christ. Students beginning in 4th grade are invited to be altar servers. Training sessions will be scheduled. Please contact Sr. Regina in the Religious Education Office at 201-8714662 or reled@olmc.us to register for this ministry. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) In the early Church, when a person sought to become Christian, he or she was called a catechumen and entered into a period of intense instruction within the community. When this period of instruction was completed, catechumens were baptized and received into “the body of the faithful.” The Church welcomes into the process of preparation persons who have never been baptized, those already baptized in another Christian tradition, or baptized Catholics who have not received First Eucharist or Confirmation. If you or someone you know has been thinking about becoming a member, but would first like information about the process, please call Sr. Regina at 201-871-4662. 5 Volume 2, Issue 18 Fifth Sunday of Easter ACADEMY & ATHLETICS NEWS & EVENTS On Ascension Thursday, May 14th, the Academy will celebrate our annual May Crowning of the Virgin Mary. The service will take place after the 8:30 a.m. Mass and will be led by our Second Grade First Communicants. All are welcome! Get ready for summer w ith these exciting program s! Track Practice Monday-Wednesday-Friday 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. at the Tenafly Middle School OLMC Track Meet Sunday, May 31st at 10:00 a.m. Email brandi@scribbleartworkshop.com for more info. 6 Volume 2, Issue 18 Fifth Sunday of Easter COMMUNITY OUTREACH Please contact Alicia Smith with any questions, comments, feedback or ideas at pastoralministryolmc@gmail.com. Are you or a family member celebrating a special time? Please let us know if you are celebrating a special birthday, anniversary or milestone! We’d love to share your news at Mass!! CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD Children’s Liturgy of the Word is held during the 10:00 Mass on Sunday mornings. Children are invited to hear the Word of God explained at their level. There is no registration and no fee! OLMC children, please join us on Sunday mornings to learn the good news about Jesus! Thanks to our current CLOW catechists – we love you! There is CLOW today. Join us for CLOW next Sunday, May 10th. The OLMC Senior Group “CIRCLE OF FRIENDS” Thanks to those parishioners who stay after Mass and tidy the church pews. We are in need of more volunteers who would be willing to stay after Mass for five minutes and neaten the pews. Thank you! PRAYER OLMC is looking for opportunities for community prayer in addition to our current Novenas. Please contact Alicia if you have any ideas, comments, or suggestions to get our parish praying more in various community settings. We look forward to hearing from you! Pastoral Care for the Sick Any OLMC parishioner who is in need of a visit from Fr. Leonard or a Pastoral Minister, please reach out to Alicia Smith. We are here for you! County Manor Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center in Tenafly welcomes volunteers of all ages to visit their residents! Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church is looking to send volunteers to spend quality time with the residents: play games, watch TV, talk, read, or play music. Any amount of time you can give is appreciated! Please contact Alicia Smith at 201-871-9458 or pastoralministryolmc@gmail.com. Thanks to those who attended our brainstorming and planning meeting! In addition to voting on a name for our group, we created a lineup of monthly activities that will launch in September. Join us for book talks, wine and cheese tasting, tech talks, happy hour, personal spotlight, music, movies, museums, group prayer and so much more!! Please continue to reach out to Alicia with additional ideas. We are looking forward to great times and companionship! Stay tuned for details! OFFERTORY GIFT BEARERS Calling all OLMC parishioners who wish to be Offertory Gift Bearers at Mass!! Your help is needed! Children and adults of the parish are invited to carry the offertory gifts to the altar during Mass. Please walk to the back of the church and meet under the clock after the ushers are finished with the collection in your pew! LECTORS & EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS If you wish to be a Lector or Eucharistic Minister at daily or weekend Mass, please contact Alicia for customized training at a time convenient for you. OLMC MOM’S GROUP Please join us for a Tea & Cake Gathering on Wednesday, May 27 th at 10:30 a.m. in the Auditorium! 7 Volume 2, Issue 18 Fifth Sunday of Easter THE WEEKLY RUNDOWN OFFICE OF CONCERN FOOD COLLECTION Long-time parishioner and this past Friday’s birthday girl, Angie Bracconeri is here to play Q uic k 6 ! 1. 1. How many years at OLMC? 2. I’ve been with Mt. Carmel for 65 years. 3. 2. Favorite movie? Next Sunday, May 10th, will be the Office of Concern collection for the invisible poor of Bergen County. All donations can be dropped off at the elevator during the week and on the weekend. Critical items needed are breakfast cereal, diapers and canned goods. Thank you for your generosity! MOTHER’S DAY SPIRITUAL BOUQUET Our Mother’s Day Novena will begin on Sunday, May 10th and continue through Monday, May 18th. If you would like to enroll your mother, living or deceased, envelopes and cards are available by the doors of the church. Please return the large envelope either to the Church Office or place it in the Sunday collection basket. Names of those enrolled will be placed on the altar during this Novena. JOIN MT. CARMEL’S CHOIR! For info, contact Mr. Coll at musicdirector@olmc.us or 201-568-0545. Shawshank Redemption 3. A fun/moving/exciting OLMC memory? International Night, especially the New Orleans theme. 4. 5. 4. Last book you finished? Evening Class by Maeve Binchy 5. A place you always wanted to travel to? Ireland 6. 7. 6. Life advice? Favorite quote? When we walk hand in hand with the Lord, we can’t get lost. WOMEN’S CORNERSTONE PLANNING MEETING Wednesday, May 6th 7 p.m. in the Titus Room MEN’S CORNERSTONE The Men’s Cornerstone group at OLMC has joined with the groups from St. Mary’s in Closter and Sacred Heart in Haworth to form one group which meets every other Wednesday night at 7:30 p.m. at St. Mary’s in Closter. Our meetings this month are May 6th and May 20th. Come for the coffee and stay for the sharing of faith and fun! Please call Michael Giuliano at 201-9831591 or Bill Angresano at 201-370-2698 if you have any questions. All are welcome! 8 Volume 2, Issue 18 Fifth Sunday of Easter THE WEEKLY RUNDOWN The following individuals were recently baptized at Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Let us welcome them into our faith community! Peter Murphy Hutkoff Carlos Jose Ponce Sacred Heart Novena Every Friday after daily Mass. Miraculous Medal & Our Lady of Mount Carmel Novena Coming soon with a new day and time. A Benefit for Siena House Shelter for Women and Children 5th Annual Ladies Night Out Please keep the following people in your prayers: RJ Sy David Maroldi Rachel Durso Vito Moncello Nancy Fitsimmons Jacob Rodsan Jane Guerra Nicholas Tolliver Louise Zaleskie Friday, May 8th, 2015 Doors open at 7:00pm Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Auditorium 10 County Road, Tenafly, NJ Tickets: $25.00/person (BYOB) A night of great food, friends & prizes! Tricky Tray, 50/50, and 52 Card Draw For reservations, please mail form below with payment to: Tenafly Elks Annual Mother’s Day Pancake Breakfast Sunday, May 10, 2015 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Moms Eat Free! Pancakes & French Toast Omelet Station Sausage & Bacon Bagels, Fruit Coffee, Tea & Juice Adults: $10 Children under 5: Free Kirsten Jaeger-Lotito 516 Olympia Ave, Cliffside Park, NJ 07010 Advanced ticket purchase only; limited space, no walk-ins. All checks should be made payable to: Siena House ___________________________________________________________________________ Name(s)___________________________________________________________________ Phone or e-mail _____________________________ Amount Enclosed _____________ Table reservation available for parties of 8 or more only Table reservations require payment in full for all guests (please include all names on reverse side) Your name(s) will be at the door when you arrive. For questions: Kirsten Jaeger-Lotito - kirstenmjaeger@gmail.com (201-805-5999) or Jennifer Schippert - jennifer.schippert@gmail.com (201-458-4512) RSVP requested by Friday, May 1st 9 Volume 2, Issue 18 Fifth Sunday of Easter WAYS TO GIVE Electronic Giving with Faith Direct “Faith Direct” makes it easy to make parish contributions through Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover or direct debit to your checking account. With “Faith Direct” Our Lady of Mount Carmel gains predictable cash flow that helps with budget planning. “Faith Direct” also offers personalized offertory cards to replace envelopes for the collection basket. If you find this program to be convenient for you, please visit www.faithdirect.net to enroll securely online (our parish code is NJ122) or click on the Q R scan below. Introducing the easiest way to provide access to giving with your credit card. Safe. Secure. Reliable. Located in the Church Narthex and at www.olmc.us or click on the QR scan to the left. AmazonSmile is a simple way to support Our Lady of Mt Carmel Church, Tenafly each time you shop at no cost to you. When you shop at smile.amazon.com, you’ll find the same low prices and selection as Amazon.com. AmazonSmile will donate a portion of your purchase price to our parish. Simply go to smile.amazon.com and select Our Lady of Mt Carmel Church, Tenafly or click on the QR scan below. WE ARE A TITHING PARISH Our Lady of Mount Carmel is supported by parishioners who have their faith and trust in God. Parish Collections for the Month of April 2015 Envelopes April 5 $8,520 April 12 $7,430 April 19 $7,943 April 26 $8,156 Easter $25,733 Total $57,782 Catholic Home Missions Good Friday – Christians in the Holy Land Faith Direct $3,846 $3,847 $3,846 $3,847 $3,915 $19,301 Simple Give $130 $135 $55 $85 $0 $405 Total $12,496 $11,412 $11,844 $12,088 $29,648 $77,488 $1,723 $773 OLMC is obligated to pay an annual Archdiocesan Assessment of $168,348 whether collected or not. Monthly Collection Towards Archdiocesan Assessment: April 2015 $1,898 Fiscal Year-to-date Collection Towards Archdiocesan Assessment: July 2014 – April 2015 $20,008
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