[Type text] [Type text] [Type text] the catholic community of OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL Volume 2, Issue 24: June 14, 2015 SEEDS OF FAITH Our Lady of Mount Carmel 10 County Road Tenafly, NJ 07670 201.568.0545 www.olmc.us Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Today’s Gospel reading about Jesus’ Parable of the Mustard Seed paints a picture of the humble beginnings of the Church. The Church was experiencing an explosive rate of growth and became a source of food, rest, and shelter for both believers and non-believers. Jesus predicted that, while the Church will grow extremely large from just a small start, it would not remain pure. This is not a condemnation of the extensiveness of modern Christianity, but shows the reality of the growth of a large institution. The Parable of the Mustard Seed serves as both a prediction and a warning. Volume 2, Issue 24 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Staff Directory Administrator Fr. Ashley Harrington, O.Carm. Masses Daily Monday – Saturday 8:30 AM Weekends Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 NOON Holy Days As announced Sacraments The Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 4:00 – 4:30 PM, or by appointment, please call the Church Office The Sacrament of Baptism The second Sunday of each month, except during Lent. Please arrange for Baptism at least two months in advance. The Sacrament of Marriage Please make an appointment with a priest or deacon at least one year in advance. The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Please call the Church Office to request a visit from one of the parish priests. Our Lady of Mount Carmel Mission Statement “No matter who you are, no matter what you’ve done, no matter where you’re from, no matter where you’re going, no matter how good or bad things seem, you are always welcome.” New Parishioner? Welcome! Feel free to contact anyone on our staff regarding the parish and its activities. We ask that every family in the parish be registered. Registration packets can be picked up in the Church Office! Church Office Elizabeth Gardner, Office Manager Mary Ann Nelson, Receptionist t - 201.568.0545 f - 201.568.3215 e - rectory@olmc.us Roxanne Kougasian, Secretary t - 201.871.4662 e - 4roxanneolmc@gmail.com Deacons Deacon Lex Ferrauiola e - deaconlex@gmail.com Deacon David Loman e - deacondavid@olmc.us Mission Development Elliot Guerra Director of Mission Development t - 201.568.1403 e - eguerra@academyolmc.org Liturgy & Pastoral Ministry Alicia Smith Director of Liturgy & Pastoral Ministry t - 201.871.9458 e - pastoralministryolmc@gmail.com Music Ministry Peter Coll, Music Director t - 201.871.4662 e - musicdirector@olmc.us Religious Education Office Sr. Regina M. Chassar, SSJ Director of Religious Education t - 201.871.4662 e - reled@olmc.us Youth Ministry Justin Fernandez, Youth Minister t - 201.871.4662 e – youthminister@olmc.us Academy Michael Bruno, Principal t - 201.567.6491 f - 201.568.1402 e - mbruno@academyolmc.org Facilities Ed McElroy, Facility Director t - 201.906.4389 e - facilities@olmc.us 2 Volume 2, Issue 24 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time A LETTER FROM VERY REVEREND WILLIAM J. HARRY, O.CARM. PRIOR PROVINCIAL June 6, 2015 To the Parish Family of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, On behalf of the Carmelites, I would like to thank all those who came together with us to celebrate the life of Fr. Leonard Gilman. He was your pastor and our brother. As I said at the Vigil Service for Fr. Leonard, most of us are experiencing a very wide range of emotions. For many, the fact that Fr. Leonard died and the circumstances of his death have created an emptiness – that is, our loss being experienced in a very real, normal way. I am not a psychologist and a letter being read on a Sunday morning is not ideal. But I do want to express some of my own thoughts and hopefully move the community towards some healing. I think the best way to deal with Fr. Leonard’s death is to talk about him – certainly not in a gossipy way, but talking about his relation to us and how his death has impacted us. During my stay at Our Lady of Mount Carmel these past few days, many of you have told me stories about your relationship with Fr. Leonard – this helped me a great deal and I hope you telling me those stories helped you. To the young people of the parish, I would ask that you talk to your parents about what you are feeling. All of us need to remember there are no right or wrong feelings. We are human beings and we have feelings – and it is good for us to acknowledge them. Please take the opportunity to do so. I also wanted to let you know what steps are being taken to appoint a new pastor at Our Lady of Mount Carmel. I have asked Fr. Ashley Harrington, O.Carm. to be the interim administrator of the parish. He graciously agreed and began on Friday [June 5th]. This appointment is until June 30, 2015. As administrator he will make sure, working with the parish staff, that the ministries and activities of the parish continue uninterrupted. If there are pastoral needs requiring a priest, Fr. Ashley will be responsible for those. As prior provincial of the Carmelites, it is my responsibility to nominate a new pastor to the archbishop. In the coming week I will be meeting with the provincial council, five men elected by the other Carmelites to advise me, to begin that process. Your next pastor will be a Carmelite, but Archbishop Myers will make the appointment. This weekend I am in Niagara Falls, Ontario for the ordination of a Carmelite to priesthood. On Sunday evening and Monday morning, I will be in Middletown, New York for the investiture of four new novices and the profession of another. Our lives continue on, building the Kingdom, just as I believe Fr. Leonard would want for each of us. Let us continue to pray for one another. Peace, Fr. Bill V. Rev. William J. Harry, O.Carm. Prior Provincial 3 Volume 2, Issue 24 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time LITURGICAL MINISTERS FOR JUNE 20th & 21st DAILY READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 2 Cor 6:1-10; Matt 5:38-42 2 Cor 8:1-9; Matt 5:43-48 2 Cor 9:6-11; Matt 6:1-6, 16-18 2 Cor 11:1-11; Matt 6:7-15 2 Cor 11:18, 21-30; Matt 6:19-23 2 Cor 12:1-10; Matt 6:24-34 MASSES FOR THE WEEK MONDAY, JUNE 15th 8:30 Marie DiMiglio req. Her Daughter, Jackie TUESDAY, JUNE 16th 8:30 Ralph Erardy req. Lori Small WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17th 8:30 Elizabeth Calistri req. Mary Buchanan THURSDAY, JUNE 18th 8:30 Roy McCormack req. Veronica Keevins FRIDAY, JUNE 19th 8:30 Hugh Beattie re. His Loving Wife & Family SATURDAY, JUNE 20th 8:30 James Kurpiel, Sr. req. His Family 5:00 Crowley & Renn Family req. Mary & Dick Crowley st SUNDAY, JUNE 21 8:00 Parishioners of Our Lady of Mount Carmel 10:00 John Zemanek req. His Sisters 12:00 Father’s Day Novena THE BREAD AND WINE 5 PM Servers – Cate Bosco, Enzo Capano, Bradley Moyer Lector – Joan Schaper Eucharistic Ministers – John Sullivan, Marie Ritner 8 AM Servers – Luke Figueroa, Sofia Maravillas Lector – Frank Tarsney Eucharistic Ministers – Pat White, Rich White 10 AM Servers – Allie Baldini, Estella Baldini Lector – Martin Miglietta Eucharistic Ministers – Jennifer Schippert, Steven Schippert 12 NOON Servers – John Mauro, Ariana Novero Lector – Mary Beth Giuliano Eucharistic Ministers – Kathy Inguaggiato, Anthony Inguaggiato The altar flowers this week are in loving memory of Bob Watt requested by his wife, Lucine Watt. 2016 Mass Book This week the Bread and Wine are in memory of the Alfano Family requested by Trisha & Jerry Gasparro. THE SANCTUARY LAMP This week the Sanctuary Lamp is in memory of Irene Hickey requested by Her Family. REST IN PEACE Please remember in your prayers our pastor, Very Reverend Leonard J. Gilman, O.Carm., and Rosemary Esser and all the military men and women who have died. The 2016 Mass Book will open Tuesday, June 23rd at 9:30 a.m. To accommodate everyone there will be a limit of four Mass intention requests (two weekends and two daily) and two requests for either Bread & Wine or Sanctuary Lamp. At this time, no phone requests will be taken. We appreciate your understanding. Thank you. 4 Volume 2, Issue 24 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time RELIGIOUS EDUCATION REGISTRATION FOR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES Re-registration Families currently registered in the program will receive a mailing in June to re-register their child for the 20152016 school year. New Family Registration New families to the Religious Education Program are asked to come in to the Religious Education Office to register their child. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Please call the Religious Education Office at 201-871-4662 to schedule a time that is convenient for you. We look forward to meeting you! The Religious Education Program offers classes according to the following schedule. We have added a sixth grade class to our Tuesday afternoon option! Sundays Mondays Tuesdays Grades K-8 Grades 6,7,8 Grades K-6 8:45 – 9:55 a.m. 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. 3:30 – 4:45 p.m. Who will plant the dreams in the minds of the children? Who will be the love in the hearts of the children? Who will give examples of all that life can be? −Kathy Sherman, CSJ We would love for you to join our team of catechists! Please call Sr. Regina at 201-871-4662 for more information. Summer 2015 Course New Evangelization & Catechesis July 6 – 30, 2015 6:30 – 9:00 p.m. 400 South Orange Avenue South Orange, NJ 07079 (973) 761-9633 / theology@shu.edu This course will present a comprehensive approach to catechesis as a primary means for serving the Church’s overall mission of evangelization with particular emphasis on the themes of the New Evangelization. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) Students beginning in 4th grade are invited to be altar servers. Training sessions will be scheduled. Please contact Sr. Regina in the Religious Education Office at 201-871-4662 or reled@olmc.us to register for this ministry. The Church welcomes into the process of preparation persons who are seeking baptism, those already baptized in another Christian tradition, or baptized Catholics who have not received First Eucharist or Confirmation. Our next preparation session for our candidates in this process will take place this Sunday, June 14th at 11:00 a.m. in the Religious Education Office. If you have any questions or concerns, please call Sister Regina Chassar at 201-871-4662. 5 Volume 2, Issue 24 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time ACADEMY NEWS & EVENTS Congratulations! The following OLMC Academy alumni/OLMC parishioners have been named to the Honor Roll for the Third Marking Period in the 20142015 academic year! ATHLETICS Track & Field Meets Results St. Elizabeth's Meet: May 3, 2015 Boys Academy of the Holy Angels Principal’s List Honors Grace Diaz Jessica Ng Nicole Margiotta Danielle Cahill Caroline Fernandez Amanda Hernandez Clara Jeon Allyson Martin Shiho Numakura Samantha Pereira Rachel Ann Silvestri Sofia Urquiola Krystina Vafiadis Cecilia Zayas 1st place: OLMC/Tenafly 2nd place: Sacred Heart/Lyndhurst 3rd place: St. Joseph's/Oradell Girls 1st place: 2nd place: 3rd place: OLMC/Tenafly Sacred Heart/Lyndhurst St. Elizabeth's/Wyckoff Overall 1st place: 2nd place: OLMC/Tenafly Sacred Heart/Lyndhurst Sacred Heart Meet: May 9, 2015 Boys Bergen Catholic Principal’s List First Honors Second Honors Michael Classi Albert Gordon Brandon Nazario Ryan Taccetta Nicholas Vafiadis Brian Anderson Ryan Kitts Owen Kraft Eugene Moran Michael Sorrentino James Baksh Nicholas Kranjac Vincent Margiotta Caleb Shaia Christopher Sorrentino Paramus Catholic President’s List First Honors Won Kyung Choi Dylan Luther Anthony Monte Jordan Meltzer Mackenzie Mortensen Second Honors St. Joseph Regional 1st place: 2nd place: 3rd place: OLMC/Tenafly Sacred Heart/Lyndhurst Queen of Peace/North Arlington Girls 1st place: 2nd place: 3rd place: OLMC/Tenafly St. Joseph's/Oradell Queen of Peace/North Arlington Overall 1st place: 2nd place: 3rd place: OLMC/Tenafly Sacred Heart/Lyndhurst Queen of Peace/North Arlington OLMC Meet: May 31, 2015 Boys 1st place: OLMC/Tenafly Girls First Honors 1st place: Vincent Simpson Overall 1st place: OLMC/Tenafly OLMC/Tenafly 6 Volume 2, Issue 24 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time COMMUNITY OUTREACH Many thanks to the individuals who volunteer their time and talent to Our Lady of Mount Carmel parish community. Your dedication is very much appreciated! Adult Altar Servers for Funerals Chris Connolly Carol Cooke Tom Cooke Tom DeAngelis Richard Oldfield Roseann Perlman Linda Steffe Altar Linen Ladies Meddy Hellman Linda Hubschman Tita Ong Marta Perez Silva Rrjolli Lisa Vanacore Children’s Liturgy of the Word Rosanne Ambulo Bill Angresano Gabrielle Angresano Maggie Angresano April Booker James Brooks Banan Flynn Katie Flynn Patricia Flynn Michael Giuliano Michelle Roux Christopher Saladino Regina Saladino Samantha Saladino Allison Schippert Jennifer Schippert Debbie Solga Rory Solga John Sullivan Anne Thomas Eucharistic Ministers Maggie Angresano John Barrett Della Booker Jim Brooks Diane Bruno Michael Bruno Pat Carrier Julia Carozza Martha Candler Joan DeAngelis Tom DeAngelis Laurie Densen Joseph DeRose Dominique Elisano Toni Essman Wanda Ferrauiola Karyn Glover Raymond Glover Tana Guan Elliot Guerra Ruth Howard Linda Hubschman Anthony Inguaggiato Kathy Inguaggiato Barbara Izzard Tom Izzard Kathy Kagy Ted Kagy Mae Kenny Lisa Knowles Jaga Kokosinski Alida Kratnoff Joan Kroese Patricia Levins Gina Luppino Maria Luppino Russell Luppino Eileen Mangaser Nikki Margiotta Vincent Margiotta Dolores Miller Loretta Miller Max Miller Fran Mladjenovic Anna Ogle John Ogle Judy Ong Tita Ong Marta Perez Tyler Perin Ann Picinic Marianne Reilly Marie Ritner Carol Roux Michelle Roux Marie Sarubbi Jennifer Schippert Steve Schippert Caleb Shaia Liz Shanks Matt Smith Hilda Solari Debbie Solga Rory Solga John Sullivan Kate Sullivan Roger Sullivan Sharyn Tondel Bob Toro Debbie Viar Marc Votto Pat White Rich White Lectors Brian Anderson Jim Brooks Brenda Brunelle Barry Buniva Sr. Regina Chassar Chris Connolly George Dirschel Kathleen Dirschel Jackie Dragon John Gibbons Mary Beth Giuliano Michael Giuliano Elliot Guerra Anthony Inguaggiato Kathy Inguaggiato Thomas Izzard Martin Miglietta Fran Mladjenovic Anna Ogle John Ogle Mary Paone Nicole Pecoraro Patrick Perin Ann Picinic Una Rafferty Margaret Rossi Joan Schaper Susan Semler Hannah Smith Kathleen Sullivan Frank Tarsney Larry Tondel Liturgy Committee Bill Angresano Vincent Antonucci Chris Connolly Karyn Glover Kathy Inguaggiato Alida Kratnoff Joan Kroese Patricia Rafferty Rosemary Russell Debbie Solga Rory Solga Kate Sullivan Roger Sullivan Pastoral Care Team Rosanne Ambulo Mary Buchanan Dolores Codner Kathleen Dirschel Salvacion Enriquez Toni Essman Deacon Lex Ferrauiola Alida Kratnoff Patricia Lefevere Judy Ong Tita Ong John Sullivan Ushers Bill Angresano Vincent Antonucci Dominic Avitabile Pete Camino Remo Cefalo Steve Dente Alexandra Gachette Verdain Gachette Larry Gragnano Tom Hall Frank Lavinio Martin Miglietta John Nolan Rob Nunez Mike Prelee Steve Schippert Matt Smith Nathan Smith Bobby Thompson Peter Tierney Nicky Vergona Ronnie Vergona Jerry Van Dohlen Ralph May God bless you for your dedicated service to Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish Community. 7 Volume 2, Issue 24 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time THE WEEKLY RUNDOWN Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone – we find it with another. Thomas Merton OFFICE OF CONCERN FOOD COLLECTION This Sunday, June 14th, is the Office of Concern collection for the invisible poor of Bergen County. All donations can be dropped off at the elevator during the week and on the weekend. Critical items needed are breakfast cereal, diapers and canned goods. Thank you for your generosity! The following individuals were recently baptized at Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Let us welcome them into our faith community! Zoey Marie Kania Mila Josefina Rupp Dylan Michael Salamone David Vega Andrew Votto Please keep the following people in your prayers: RJ Sy Bernadette Alvarado Rachel Durso Jane Guerra Joyce Hamrah David Maroldi Vito Moncello Joseph Morano Jacob Rodsan June Rossetti Nicholas Tolliver Louise Zaleskie Eagle Scout Ceremony June 14th 10:00 a.m. Mass An extraordinary, inclusive film making experience taught by Hollywood professionals, celebrating and developing the talents and skills of all students (both with and without special needs) www.inclusionfilms.com For ages 11 to 23 July 27th – August 7th Monday through Friday 10AM to 3PM HOSTED BY Academy of Our Lady of Mount Carmel 10 COUNTY ROAD - TENAFLY, NJ For more information & application contact MarbleJam Kids Phone: 201-497-6512 Fax: 201-942-4450 email: jtfilmcamp@marblejamkids.org Limited Space Enroll Now Web: www.marblejamkids.org Two long-time members of our parish, Jack Neus and Patrick Owens, are being honored this weekend for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout, Boy Scouts of America’s highest honor. They are members of Tenafly Troop 86, which meets at OLMC on Monday evenings and is chartered by this church. Both young men have also been active in our Religious Education Program, celebrating their First Eucharist and Confirmation with our parish community. Jack has been an active Scout since first grade, rising to the rank of Eagle Scout, and currently serving as Assistant Junior Scoutmaster. Most recently, in mid-January, he, Patrick and four other scouts traveled to northern Minnesota to learn winter survival skills in subfreezing conditions. For his Eagle Scout project, Jack repaired a Sandy-ravaged portion of the Long Path trail of the Palisades Interstate Park, Englewood Cliffs, by clearing three drainage channels from the PIP as well as rebuilding the trail and two footbridges. Patrick began scouting in fifth grade, and with Jack, attended summer camps at Nobebosco, the 2014 National Jamboree in West Virginia, and the BSA National Youth Leadership Training program. Patrick revitalized a portion of the Little Chism Trail at the Tenafly Nature Center by clearing storm debris and building a series of bog bridges over the wetland areas. Both boys have performed countless hours of community service including trail work, coat drives and Thanksgiving food drives. Please join us in congratulating Jack and Patrick on accomplishments and for demonstrating leadership by example. their 8 Volume 2, Issue 24 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time THE WEEKLY RUNDOWN FATHER’S DAY SPIRITUAL BOUQUET Our Father’s Day Novena will begin on Sunday, June 21st and continue through Monday, June 29th. Elliot Guerra, OLMC’s Director of Mission Development is here to play Q uic k 6 ! 1. How many years at OLMC? Eight years! If you would like to enroll your father, living or deceased, envelopes and cards are available by the doors of the church. Please return the large envelope either to the Church Office or place it in the Sunday collection basket. Names of those enrolled will be placed on the altar during this Novena. LECTOR & EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS SCHEDULES Schedules are complete and available to be picked up in the narthex office after each Mass this weekend. The Mass of the Anointing of the Sick scheduled for June 20th has been postponed. 2. Favorite movie? Terrence Malick’s The Tree of Life. Nature. Grace. Texas. An amazing film. 3. A fun/moving/exciting OLMC memory? So many! But RJ’S Epic 4th Birthday Bash, the York Mystery Plays and the first few Service Days. Those days and moments when I look around and see this faith community coming together, loving one another and serving one another – I look up and say, Man, I got a great gig. You've given me a wonderful life. 4. Last book you finished? Finished? The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer by Siddhartha Mukherjee, but I'm currently reading D.T. Max's Every Love Story Is a Ghost Story, a biography of the troubled but prolific writer David Foster Wallace. 5. A place you always wanted to travel to? All of our major National Parks. I've only been to one, but planning a couple more this summer! 6. Life advice? Favorite quote? Well, the Thomas Merton prayer is something I say everyday, but I think Warren Zevon pretty much summed it up when he said, "Enjoy every sandwich." OFFICE OF CONCERN Remembering Father Leonard With the death of Fr. Leonard Gilman the Office of Concern Food Pantry has lost a great friend and a faithful supporter. Since his installation as pastor nine years ago, Fr. Leonard never failed to remind parishioners each month at the end of Sunday Mass about food collections for the Office of Concern. He was spirited, sometimes passionate, in his appeals, and the people in the pews listened and responded in kind, donating many, many bags of food each month. Taking into account food, cash, and gift cards, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in Tenafly has been our largest contributor. During the Thanksgiving and Christmas season he doubled down, asking people also to give turkeys and other holiday food to the needy people we serve. Each year these appeals set off scenes of joyful generosity: after Sunday Masses parishioners gathered around to help us load their donated turkeys into our van. By the end of twelve o’clock Mass our van would be floor-to-ceiling full of frozen turkeys. Jesus said that our entire religion rests on the twin pillars of loving God with our whole being and loving our neighbors as ourselves. A conspicuous feature of Fr. Leonard’s faith was his determination to help our neighbors in need. As we come to terms with his tragic death, we appreciate and celebrate the wonderful works of charity he inspired. Office of Concern Volunteers 9 Volume 2, Issue 24 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time WAYS TO GIVE Recurring giving that helps plan our parish’s needs and programs. • • • • Flexible Convenient Reliable Automatic VISA – MASTERCARD – AMERICAN EXPRESS – DISCOVER DEBIT CARD Enroll securely online at www.faithdirect.net (parish code - NJ122) or click on the QR scan to the right. THE SIMPLEST WAY TO GIVE VISA – MASTERCARD AMERICAN EXPRESS – DISCOVER Safe -‐ Secure -‐ Reliable Located in the church narthex, cell phone, www.olmc.us or click on the QR scan to the left. WE ARE A TITHING PARISH Our Lady of Mount Carmel is supported by parishioners who have their faith and trust in God. Parish Collections for the Month of May 2015 Envelopes May 3 $7,908 May 10 $6,522 May 17 $6,748 May 24 $7,346 May 31 $9,542 Ascension $394 Mother’s Day $3,575 Total $42,035 Communicating God’s Word $802 Faith Direct $3,906 $3,906 $3,906 $3,906 $3,906 $567 $438 $20,535 $612 Simple Give $55 $40 $91 $130 $0 $0 $0 $316 $0 Total $11,869 $10,468 $10,745 $11,382 $13,448 $961 $4,013 $62,886 $1,414 OLMC is obligated to pay an annual Archdiocesan Assessment of $168,348 whether collected or not. Monthly Collection Towards Archdiocesan Assessment: May 2015 Fiscal Year-to-date Collection Towards Archdiocesan Assessment: July 2014 – May 2015 $2,018 $22,026
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