Fourth Sunday of Resurrection traditionally honored as April 26, 2015 penance. April 26 Sunday April 27 Monday April 28 Tuesday April 29 Wednesday April 30 Thursday May 1 Friday May 2 Saturday May 3 Sunday a great opportunity to do Fourth Sunday of Resurrection Dear Parishioners andby: Friends: 9:00 am For Vocations Req. Clergy weby: celebrate Fourth Sunday of 11:00 am First Anniversary of Hanna Ayoub This week Req. Wife andthe Family Pentecost and the Feast of Saint Peter and Paul. The Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, or as the Roman Catholic Church refers to it as the Solemnity of Peter and Paul, is a liturgical feast in honor of the Saint John, one of the 72 Disciples martyrdom in Rome of the apostles Saint Peter and NO LITURGY Saint Paul, which is observed on 29 June annually. celebration Saint Catherine of Siena, Doctor of theThis Church - Confessoris of ancient origin, the date selected being the anniversary of theirSalma death or of the 10:00 am Simon Besheer Req. by: Daughter Vahdat translation of their relics. Saint James, Son of Zebedee, Brother of the LordBy - Apostle referring to this Feast as a Solemnity, tells Sahid Simon Besheer Req. by: feast. Alice Besheer us that it is a first-class Similar to the Feasts of Mary's Assumption and Immaculate Conception. For First Friday - Adoration of the Blessed us Sacrament 10:00 am noon as Maronites it to is 12:00 a Holy Day of Obligation, as it is Jeremiah the Prophet - Confessor in the Roman Church. However, Individual 12:00 Noon For the Poor Souls in Purgatory Req. by: Daisy and Elana Diamontopolus conferences of bishops can suppress the obligation. In case it has not been suppressed. Saint Athanasius the Bishop, Doctor ofour the Church - Confessor The two icons on the altar wall of our NO LITURGY Sanctuary are adorned with the two great Apostles, Fifth Sunday of the Resurrection reminding us to witness as they did to the Gospel of Feast of Our Lady of Lebanon Jesus Christ. May they intercede on our behalf. Saint Simon Brother of the Lord NO LITURGY 9:00 am For Msgr. Sadek 11:00 For the Parishioners Req. by: Dr. and Mrs. Avram Req. by: Clergy Aboona James 200 Club We will have the last drawing for this year at the Coffee Hour today. We wish to thank all those Readings who helped us in purchasing or selling the tickets for this very helpful fund raiser. In the very near future Aprilwe 26,will 2015send out the registrations Fourth Sundayfor of the theResurrection 200 Club for 2014 - 2015. Again, many thanks! Weekly Offering Collection: Candles: Bishop's Appeal: Donations: Total: $ $ $ $ 1,430.00 73.00 140.00 3,000.00 Emergency Fund: $ 52,125.00 $ 4,643.00 Yearly Budget – 2015 Annual Operating Budget: $ 330,000.00 Collections to Date: $ 54,439.00 Candles to Date: $ 1,362.00 Donations to Date: $ 3,200.00 Cathedral Stipends to Date: $ 300.00 Memorials to Date: $ 200.00 Dividends to Date: $ 396.03 Rentals to Date: $ 34,640.00 FundDear Raising/Advertising: $ 10,453.00 Parishioners and Friends: Debt Reduction to Date: This week we begin $our1,805.00 Lenten Journeys of Easter /Christmas $ Church, 2,550.00a special time Faith. Lent Flowers: is, throughout the Bishop’s Appeal to Date: 1,655.00 of fasting and abstinence $designed to lead us to Altar Bread/Wine/Lamps: $ personal and communal conversion. Bequests: $ 2,000.00 It has been Total: $ 102,233.13 $-(227,766.87) Each Quarter we must generate $82,500.00 in revenue to keep the Cathedral on budget. $ 52,125.00 Emergency Fund: (Not part of Budget) Reading: Gospel: Hebrews 13: 18 - 25 John 21: 1 - 14 Second Collection Peter's Pence upofthe annual Peter's May 3, 2015 Today we will Fifthtake Sunday Resurrection Pence collection. ThisFeast collection is sent entirely to the of Our Lady of Lebanon Holy See to assist the Holy Father with emergency Reading: 1 - 10 financial assistance toEphesians aid the 2: most needy throughout Gospel:Please be as John 21: 15 - 19 the world. generous. as possible. MaySummer 10, 2015 Liturgy Sixth Sunday of Resurrection Mother's Day As usual we will hold Sunday Liturgies in the Social Hall July and August. Even Reading:for the months Romansof10: 1 - 13 though we are not in the Cathedral proper, proper Gospel: Luke 24: 36 - 48 attire is demanded. See the weekly letter from Aboona MayJames. 14, 2015Thank you. Ascension of Our Lord (Holy Day f Obligation) Summer Vacation Reading: Actsof1: the 1 14 Clergy will be at the Next week all Gospel: Mark 16: 15 -cancel 20 NAM convention. We will all weekday Liturgies. May 17, 2015 Reading: Gospel: Seventh Sunday of the Resurrection Ephesians 1: 15 - 23 John 13: 31 - 35 Dear Parishioners and Friends: The end of the school year is coming to a quick close. We are anticipating our young people going to their prom and preparing for graduation. I am very aware of all the demands that are on all of our youth. However, some of it is not necessary. We bring it on ourselves. Having said that I am aware of only one from our Community of Faith who is applying for the NAM scholarship as well as the scholarship from the Knights of Saint Maron. Please do not wait until the last minute. We also have many things to do around the Church. The Office at the Cathedral is busy Monday through Friday. I am willing to write recommendation letters for our young people but I cannot do everything last minute. Deadlines are approaching so I ask all of our young people to apply as soon as possible so that I may have the appropriate time to write a proper letter for our young people. i do not use a form letter. Each letter is unique to each participant. Please apply this week. My next request is for those planning on getting married in Lebanon. If you are planning to be married in the very near future in Lebanon you must come and see me as soon as possible. Lebanon requires a "Free State" to be married. This form must be filled out at the Cathedral office and the sent to the Chancery for an official document. This does not happen overnight. Since Chorbishop Thomas is now working 85% of the time from Florida, we need at least three weeks to have the papers returned to us. So please see me or call my office for additional information. I am here to assist you in any way I can. Unfortunately, I am not a miracle worker so I need your cooperation. Heritage Program There will be First communion Practice on Saturday, May 2, 2015 beginning at 11:00 am until 1:30 pm. This is a mandatory rehearsal for all children. the Communion robes will be given to the children on this date as well. We will also meet the following Saturday, May 9, 2015 for rehearsal beginning at 11:00 am until 1:30 pm. Aboona James Festival Cooking Schedule Confraternity News - Spring Party The Confraternity is sponsoring a spring dance on Saturday, May 2, 2015 at BYBLOS Restaurant located at 80 Madison Avenue in Manhattan. Please see the flyer for details and make your reservations by contacting either Michelle Malouf or Norma Haddad or the Cathedral Office during business hours. Seating is limited so please make your reservations as soon as possible. Tickets are available. Liturgy Requests Please make your Liturgy Requests for June thru August (or the end of the year) from now. We cannot always accommodate some people at the last moment. Thank you Meetings Maronite Young Adults The MYA will meet on Friday, May 1, 2015. We will meet in the Rectory at 7:30 pm. Pastoral Council The next Pastoral Council will meet on Thursday, May 7, 2015 beginning at 7:00 pm in the Rectory. Grape Leaves Parish Festival Our Parish Festival is just around the corner. We will have a very important meeting today following the Divine Liturgy. I am especially concerned about the early morning set up and time start. Last year our late start hurt us in many ways. Therefore, we need as many men of the parish as possible. Sponsorships We are looking for help in bringing in donations from the outside in the form of sponsorships for the Festival. We are not looking for individuals from the parish but rather outside businesses. If you can help us in this matter we would greatly appreciate it. Dabke Troupe Denise Abou Chrouch is working on the Dabke Troupe for the Festival. She definitely has a group of the children and a group from the teenage girls. If there are any young adult men and women interested please see Denise after the Divine Liturgy at the Coffee Hour. Also, if anyone has the time and the talent to help us in making costumes for the Dance Troupe or if you know where we may purchase them inexpensively please let us know. Wednesday - May 13, 2015 from 11:00 am to finish. Thursday - May 14, 2015 from 11:00 am to finish. Kibbeh Sayneyeh Wednesday - May 20, 2015 from 11:00 am to finish. Thursday - May 21, 2015 from 11:00 am to finish. Baklaweh and Sweets Friday - May 22, 2015 from 11:00 am to finish We will inform all volunteers as to any changes as soon as possible if necessary. ************************************** May Msgr. Sadek Rest in Peace! Kindly patronize the following with all your needs . . . The Custom House 139 Montague Street – Brooklyn Heights, N.Y. Find us on Facebook — The Custom House Find us on Seamless & Grubhum — we deliver Available for weddings, christenings, birthdays, showers and holiday parties ELHILOW & ASSOCIATES P.C. Attorneys at Law Serving your legal needs in: Personal Injury, Real Estate, Business and Estates (718) 833-2100 (718) 833-0476 Fax Serving New York and New Jersey Prearrangement Simplifies a Difficult Time Heights Café Cobble Hill Chapels 84 Montague Street 718-625-5555 171 Court Street, Brooklyn, NY Come see us at Dellarocco The Largest Facility in Downtown Brooklyn (718) 875-1640 Breakfast Lunch Dinner 214 Hicks Street — 718-858-1010 Open 7 days a week We deliver Teresa’S LASSEN & HENNIGS Delicatessen, Bakery, Catering 80 Montague St., Brooklyn Heights, NY 718-797-3996 114 Montague Street Brooklyn Heights, NY 718-875-6272 RoyalLeasing WilliamAbou‐Chrouch (646)284‐2377 Greatdealsforallyourvehicleleasingneeds! Cedar Abstract & Settlement Services Inc. 259 86th Street Brooklyn, NY 11209 718-745-1120 Joseph M. Elhilow, President Our Lady of Lebanon Maronite Cathedral 113 Remsen Street Brooklyn, New York, 11201 (718) 624-7228 (718) 624-8034 Most Reverend Gregory J. Mansour — Eparchial Bishop Monsignor James A. Root — Rector Mr. Norbert Vogl — Subdeacon Mr. Peter Frangie — Subdeacon Mrs. Madelyn Russo — Cathedral Secretary Divine Liturgy Schedule Monday through Friday at 10:00 AM Sunday at 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM Holy Days at 10:00 AM and 7:30 PM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament First Friday of the month from 10:00 AM until 12:00 Noon. Reconciliation 10:15 AM to 10:45 Sunday 11:00 AM to 11:45 AM First Friday and upon Request. Initiation Rites (Baptism—Chrismation) Parents and Godparents must meet with the Rector for Instructions and then a time will be set for the Baptism and Chrismation of the child. Mystery of Crowning (Marriage) Rector must be notified at least six months in advance to set up instructions. Hospital and Sick Calls Notify the Rector as soon as possible. New Parishioners All are welcome at Our Lady of Lebanon Cathedral. Please notify the Rector as soon as possible. ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤
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