We appreciate your support to these businesses! Interior Designs & Decorating Registered Midwives Patricia Stafford Design Beth Smit and Lyanne Quirt www.arbutusmidwives.com 2820A Jacklin Rd 250-590-9610 30 years experience Ph: 250-812-7793 Email: info@patriciastafforddesigns.ca Reinvent your home at www.patriciastafforddesigns.ca GILBERT LEVESQUE Owner & Qualified Technician DANIEL MACISAAC MacIsaac and MacIsaac (250) 589-CARE FREE ESTIMATES 2227 SOOKE ROAD VICTORIA, B.C. V9B 1W8 phone: (250)478-1131 FAX 478-3106 EMAIL: mac@macisaaclaw.ca Victoria McCall’s Blinds & Closets Funerals & Cremation Services Victoria 250.590.8060 Cowichan 250.929.2219 www. vicbc.ca Visit our website for great info & ideas Like us On Facebook! LEAP FORWARD DANCE SCHOOL www.leapforwardlangford.com Amber Lamanes 250-818-9225 2758 Peatt RD Bursaries available for parishioners. Ask at the parish office. newwestdev.com “Homes of Distinction “ Victoria BC National Home Warranty OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY PARISH Todd Halaburda Wally Halaburda New West Development Corp owners Cell: 250-888-8224 Fax: 250-744-1288 Email:thal@telus.net R&D ROOFING AND SIDING LTD Lawyers (250) 589 - 2273 GILLY’S CARPET & FURNITURE CARE Canadian Home Building Association 250-888-1409 Doug Hopwood Owner/operator 250-857-9264 Diego Casados Graphic Design Photography Signage Contacts in the Parish: Pastor Father Paul Szczur, S.D.S. Parish Secretary Maria Campos Parish Council Chair Anna Bacica Finance Chairperson Dion Pomponio Ministry of the Sick Sandy Rix 250 478-9139 Diocesan Safe Environment 250.479.1331 ext. 223 Sacraments: Baptism: Baptisms will be on Saturday April 18th 2015 at 5:00 pm Mass. Reconciliation: Saturday 4:15 p.m. or by appointment. Marriage: Contact Father Paul 6 months in advance of the planned wedding date. Anointing of the sick: If you or a family member are admitted to a hospital or other care facility and you wish to have a priest visit, please be sure to have someone call the parish office to make this request. 1400 Vancouver St. Victoria www.icondesignandsign.com Emergency: 250–858–6217 Preschool: 250-590-6095 www.sds.org The second Sunday of Lent, March 1 , 2015 Ph: 250-385-4465 McCallsBrothers.com Icon Design & Sign Office Hours: Tuesday 11:00 am– 1:30 pm Wednesday to Friday 9:30 am-1:30 pm The Salvatorian Fathers hopwood@shaw.ca Honouring Catholic Tradition for 4 Generations Locally Owned and Operated 798 Goldstream Ave. Victoria, B.C. V9B 2X6 Ph:250-478-3482 Fax: 250-474-1926 E-mail: olor@shaw.ca Website: www. olorchurch.ca MEGA STONE granite, marble, quartz countertops for free estimate Call: 250.507.57.37 Email: megastone100@gmail.com Discount for our parishioners and their immediate family members of 10% off on all prearrangements and 5% at the time of need at Sands Funeral Home-Colwood and Hatley Memorial Gardens. Also discount at Dulux Paints. All you are required to do is to inform them that you are from OLOR Parish. Wanted: live in caregiver. For two children in the Bear Mountain area. Duties include light housekeeping and meal preparation. Mainly providing care for children according to their needs. Full—time 30-40 hrs per week @10.50/hr. One year recent work experience in related filed. If interested contact aclandh@gmail.com Lenten Lecture Series. St. Joseph's the Worker Parish presents the following Lenten Lecture series on Monday evening’s from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.. March 2: Love embracing all creation; A journey through lent—Sr. Gertie Jocksch; march 9: Family Spirituality; -Bernadette MacIsaac; March 16: A Lenten walk with Mary—Alan Grohovac; March 23 Catholic Imagination—Dan MacIsaac. VOCATIONS ROAD TRIP FOR YOUNG MEN (17 -24). Destination: Campbell River. March 27 — 28, 2015. Your mission: exploring God’s call while visiting parishes and priests of the Diocese. Join Frs. Dean and David on a grand adventure! For more information or to register, contact Fr. Dean Henderson by email to catholic@uvic.ca If you are expecting a child and are feeling confused; if you are thinking that there is no way out of this situation for you; if you want to talk to someone about your situation, Call or text 250-812-0087 or email: respectlifem@gmail.com "Lent is like a long 'retreat' during which we can turn back into ourselves and listen to the voice of God, in order to defeat the temptations of the Evil One. It is a period of spiritual 'combat' which we must experience alongside Jesus, not with pride and presumption, but using the arms of faith: prayer, listening to the word of God and penance. In this way we will be able to celebrate Easter in truth, ready to renew the promises of our Baptism."-- Pope Benedict XVI God Meets Individual Individual Meets God Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Wednesdays from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm Our Lady of the Rosary Parish Building Prayer: Loving and Provident God, Creator of all and Builder of the Universe, We, the parish family of our Lady of the Rosary, humbly ask your continued blessing on the spiritual, human and financial commitment we have made for the building of our new Church and the fulfillment of Your Kingdom on earth. Unless You build the house, we labor in vain to build it. Through the intercession of Mary, Mother of God, St. Joseph the Builder, bring to perfection the good work You have begun in us. We ask this through Christ the Lord. Amen. If you have recently moved into the Langford area Welcome to Our Lady of the Rosary Parish and invite you to pick up a Parish Registration form at the Church entrance or parish office and return the completed form to the office. Parish Mission March 15, 16,17 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Evening Prayers 6:30 pm Talk: After evening prayers Invited Speaker: Fr. Geoffrey Angeles On line recourses for Lent Schedule for Lent Masses Feb 28th to March 8th Message of Pope Francis for Lent: http://w2.vatican.va/ content/francesco/en/messages/lent/documents/papafrancesco_20141004_messaggio-quaresima2015.html What should I do for lent?http://www.focus.org/blog/posts/ what-should-i-do-for-lent-pope-francis-ten-tips.html or maybe Best Lent Ever http://dynamiccatholic.com/ bestlentever/ RECONCILIATION SERVICES at 7:00 PM Saturday, Feb 28 5:00 p.m. Mass for + Ermina Raponi Sunday, March 1, Second Sunday of Lent 8:30 a.m. Mass for Ben & Ophelia’s intentions 10:30 a.m. Mass for our Parish Tuesday, March 3, 6:30 p.m. Mass for + Norman Dickie Wednesday, March 4, 9:00 a.m. Mass for + Eduarto Duarte Thursday, March 5, 9:00 a.m. Mass for + Elvin Mitchell Friday, March 6, 9:00 a.m. Mass for Souls in Purgatory Saturday, March 7, 5:00 p.m. Mass for Sandy Rix Sunday, March 8, Third Sunday of Lent 8:30 a.m. Mass for our parish 10:30 a.m. Mass for teenagers and volunteers of the youth camp Seek Jesus in Scripture This course aims to teach participants the different tools available to pray with scripture. It also introduces some techniques that one can use to help understand the Scripture in a deeper way. The course will be conducted for two Thursdays beginning March 5 and March 12 from 7pm-around 9pm at the St. Andrew's Cathedral Parish Centre. Topics will include: Short Introduction to Scripture; Preparing for Sunday Pay Attention; Chop it up; Key words Resources – Software, websites and books For more information or to register, please send an email to philip.yuson@gmail.com or call 250-381-2425. Tues. March 10; Sacred Heart, Victoria Wed. March 12; St. Joseph's, Victoria Wed. March 18; St. Patrick, Victoria Tues. March 24, Our Lady of the Rosary Parish Mission March 15, 16,17 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Evening Prayers 6:30 pm Talk: After evening prayers Invited Speaker: Fr. Geoffrey Angeles The Seven Last Words of Our Saviour On the Cross by J. Haydn for string quartet and orator our church, Monday, March 23 at 7:00 p.m. The Seven Last Words of Our Saviour On the Cross (German: Die sieben letzten Worte unseres Erlösers am Kreuze) is a work by Joseph Haydn, commissioned in 1783 for the Good Friday service at Oratorio de la SanOur Lady of the Rosary Preschool and Daycare For chil- ta Cueva (Holy Cave Oratory) in Cádiz, Spain. The dren 3 and 4 years old. For more information please contact seven main meditative sections are based on the last utterances of Christ on the cross. Each movement preMaureen McNeil; Ph 250-590-6095; ceded by a reflection on the meaning of the utterance by Email:olorpreschool2750@gmail.com an orator. This presentation is intended to further enThe Healing Ministry of the Church and Ethics at the End hance one's Lenten devotion. http://en.wikipedia.org/ of Life Friday, April 17 (7-9 pm) & Saturday, April 18, wiki/The_Seven_Last_Words_of_Christ_%28Haydn% 2015 (9 am-4 pm) Fr. Mark Miller, C.Ss.R., clinical bioethi- 29 cist, will speak to this topic at Holy Cross Parish, Victoria. Fr. Miller is the Provincial of the English-speaking Redemptorists Come and decorate the chapel for the Altar Youth of Canada and continues his clinical ethics work part-time at of Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament. the Centre for Clinical Ethics at St. Joseph’s and St. Michael’s When: Saturday March 28th; After 5:00 Mass Hospitals in Toronto. Please bring a bag lunch. Mass on SatStations of the Cross at Our Parish urday at 8:30 am with Bishop Gary. All are welcome to atEvery Friday at 7:00 pm during Lent Season tend. Please register by contacting Valentina Boyd at Holy Cross Parish office at 250-477-5321 or by email at of- Invitation to Parish Musicians: An invitation is exfice@holycrossvictoria.org. tended to all music ministers from these areas to be part of a Diocesan Choir for the Chrism Mass which will be Lenten Trivia Contest for Kids! Test your knowledge of the celebrated this year on Thur., March 26th, 7:00 p.m. in Catholic Faith ... and have a chance to win a tablet!! Who: St. Andrew’s Cathedral. The choir will be under the Kids aged 9 – 18 When: Any time throughout Lent How: It’s direction of Jackie Ray, choral director, assisted by all online! Entering the contest is as easy as clicking a mouse, Kathleen Edge, assistant choral director & organist. Reand will take you less than 15 minutes. Visit hearsals will take place at the Cathedral on: Saturwww.rcdvictoria.org or go directly to the contest site: day, March 14th– 10:30 – 1:30pm; Saturday, March www.onlineexambuilder.com/lenten-knowledge-of-catholic21st– 10:30 – 1:30pm Thur., March 26th – 6:00 p.m. faith-trivia-contest/exam-18019. More information: gpala(Warm –up before Mass at 7:00 p.m.) All voice sechicky@cisdv.bc.ca tions are needed. Midi files for some of the music will Spring Break 2015 Camps at our Parish. be provided for learning. Instrumentalists are also welCome and share your 2015 Spring Break with us. come as needed. Music will be provided. Persons interYouth Camp for youth 12 to 16 years old; 9:00 am to 1:00 ested in singing or playing at this liturgy are asked to pm. Cost $20. Bursaries available, just ask at the parish of- contact Jackie Ray at St. Andrew’s Cathedral 388-5571 (evening) or e-mail jiray@shaw.ca fice. Registration and Information olor@shaw.ca; (day) or 384-9681 th before March 7 250.478.3482. Parish Support Last Week: We rely on the generosity of your contributions to provide light, heat, and staff to this very special house of God and his people. Sunday Offerings: $ 3,296.70 Thank you for your generosity! LENTEN BOX $ 147.25 PAD Donations. If you are interested in making your donations to our Parish through a Pre-Authorized Debit Program, please take an envelope with all the information needed. These envelopes are on the table at the entrance of the Church. Bequests and Wills. In your kindness, please remember Our Lady of the Rosary Parish in your bequests and wills. If anyone wishes to make such a bequest in their will, the following clause may be included or added to a will or added by codicil: “I give devise and bequeath the sum of $... to Our Lady of the Rosary in Victoria, BC, to be used for the beneOnce again Choose Life Victoria implores people who fit of the parish and its pastoral activities.” wish to defend life to join us as we hold a prayerful, peaceful and positive vigil across the street from the re- Religious Education for Children. Sundays at 9:40 am For gional abortion clinic in View Royal. Please unite in this more information, please contact Marie Peeters-Ney at 25040 Days for Life vigil with Catholics and other Christians 642-4483 in the U.S., Canada and around the world. For more info, Parents and Tots Group meets during the school year on go to www.40daysforlife.com/victoria/ , or contact coFridays at 9:30am in the Parish Hall. For more information ordinator Alex Berns at 250-508-7839 or fortydaysvictoplease call Rosemarie at 250 391 6618 ria@hotmail.com. Prayer Group meets every Wednesday 7:30 pm in the COMING SOON, BE READY Church. Info Yolanda 250 478 6041 AND PREPARE A BOOK SHELF Children’s Choir in our Parish. Meets in the small hall Our Book Sale on the weekend of April 18 & 19th. after the 10:30 am Sunday Mass. Many amazing books will be available to buy for a good World Day of Prayer. St. Mary’s Anglican Church 4125 price. If you wish to donate to our book sale, please Metchosin Rd. Saturday march 7th at 10:00 am. Contact bring them to our parish office or contact Judy @ 250- Ann Devlin 250-474-7655 474-2119 to arrange for pick-up. 2015 Donation Tax Receipts/Envelopes. Tax receipts were mailed last week. If you have not received it, please contact the parish office. We please ask all parishioners to ONLY use 2015 envelopes during 2015 year. Please DO NOT use envelopes from previous years. It’s very important that you please write your information on the envelope. If you need envelopes for your tax receipts donations, please fill out a registration form which are located at the entrance of the church and drop it in the collection basket or in the parish office. Registration Forms are easy to find as they are printed in paper colour pink. .Anniversary Sunday Congratulations to all couples celebrating wedding anniversaries in the month of March! 1 March 1980 35 years 21 March 1990 25 Moises, Francisco & Grace Mendez Campos, Eloy & Maria If you would like to be added to our Anniversary List, contact Judy Sicotte at 250- 474-2119
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