The Newly Merged Parish of Our Lady of Peace MARCH 22, 2015 PARISH PRIESTS Rev. Robert T. Feeney, Pastor Rev. James P. Olson & Rev. John J. Bradley, Weekend Assistance Rev. Dominic Ishaq, Priest in Residence PARISH DEACONS Rev. Mr. Michael McAndrews Rev. Mr. James Basilio PARISH SEMINARIAN Mr. Kyle M. Adamczyk OUR LADY OF PEACE PARISH OFFICE 200 Milmont Avenue Milmont Park, PA 19033 Phone: 610-532-8081 Fax: 610-532-7402 E-mail: Website: NOTRE DAME DE LOURDES WORSHIP SITE 950 Fairview Road Swarthmore, PA 19081 Parish Business Manager: Mr. Frank Donegan Secretary to the Business Manager: Mrs. Diane McFadden Parish Secretaries: Mrs. Noreene Basquill Mrs. Anne Fuhs Mrs. Nancy Tyson DIRECTORS OF MAINTENANCE Mr. Ben Wilson – OLP Worship Site Mr. Tim Tyson – Notre Dame Worship Site Mr. Robert Steiner - Assistant Mrs. Susan B. Lowe, School Principal NOTRE DAME DE LOURDES SCHOOL 990 Fairview Road-Swarthmore, PA 19081 Phone: 610-328-9330 Website: OUR LADY OF PEACE PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday: 9:00am-4:00pm Friday: 9:00am-3:00pm WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil Masses: 4:30pm (OLP Site) 6:00pm (Notre Dame Site) Sunday Masses: 7:30am & 11:30am (OLP Site) 10:00am (Notre Dame Site) CONFESSIONS Tuesdays-12:15 p.m.-1:15 p.m. Notre Dame Site Saturday: 3:30p.m-4:15 p.m. (OLP Site); Saturday: 5:00 p.m-5:45 p.m. (Notre Dame Site) WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE OLP Site Weekday Masses Notre Dame Site Weekday Masses Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Friday 9:00am 8:30am Saturday 8:00am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Monday 9:00am-7:00pm (OLP Site-Benedictio n: Monday 7:00pm (OLP Site)Sodality Devotions-Wednesdays after the 8:30 a.m. Mass st nd WEEKEND OF MARCH 21 & MARCH 22 Monday-March 23, 2015-St. Turibius of Magrovejo 8:30AM-At the OLP Site-Philomena Gorga At the Request of Gina & Joe Mesko & William Giampalmi Tuesday–March 24, 2015 –Lenten Weekday 8:30AM-At the OLP Site-John & Michael Giovanniani At the Request of Angelina DiCarlo Wednesday-March 25, 2015-The Annunciation of the Lord 8:30AM-At the OLP Site-Theresa, Jimmy & Louis DiDomenicis At the Request of Gina Mesko Thursday–March 26, 2015-Lenten Weekday 8:30AM-At the OLP Site-Brian Patrick Feeney At the Request of Gordon & Rita Atherholt Friday-March 27, 2015-Lenten Weekday 9:00AM-At the Notre Dame Site-Daniel Hector At the Request of The Manzo Family Saturday –March 28, 2015-Lenten Weekday 8:00AM-At the OLP Site–Joseph Istak At the Request of The Family 4:30PM-at the OLP Site-Madeline Roche At the Request of The Salerno Family 6:00PM-At the Notre Dame Site-Parishioners of Our Lady of Peace Sunday – March 29, 2015-Palm Sunday 7:30AM–At the OLP Site-Brian Patrick Feeney At the Request of The Imbrogno Family 10:00AM-At the Notre Dame Site-Tom Ward At the Request of Kathy Ward 11:30AM-At the OLP Site-John Karwoski At the Request of His Wife, Barbara Karwoski & Family Please Pray for Our Recently Deceased His Eminence Cardinal Edward Egan, Rev. Francis A. Gwiazda, Eugene Selner, Thomas Ennis, Edward Micka, Francis & Mary Powers, Eugene Selner, Rose Jester, Frances Maguire May They Rest in Peace! LET US PRAY FOR THOSE WHO SERVE IN THE ARMED FORCES For those who are serving in the Military: Lt. Thomas Fitzgerald Finnegan, John Quinn Christopher Storms, Christopher Brittingham & Sgt. David J. Kostyk OUR PARISH SICK LIST Fritz Aherns,Sandra Ayala, Mia Baroni, Michele Barr, Mary Basilio, Michael Bennett,Harry Blair,Frances Boccella,Rafael Boccolla,Anthony Bonanno,Jack Bott, Jordan Brady, George & Bernie Brill,Frank Calabra, Joanne Cardine,Jane Carlson,John Cucchi,Katherine Costa,Jack Cavanaugh, Jr., Nina Costello, Elizabeth Colavita, Jerry Creamer,Alvera Crochett, Loretta Stanley Cummings, Diana D’Ambrosio, Madison D’Andrea Sean Dever, Mary Ann DeCostanza, Stephen Dick,Cass Donovan,Theresa DiGregorio, Gabrielle Dilbeck,Lauren Di Nunno, Anthony Diodoro, Rose Diodoro,Charles Dougherty,John Egan, Ed Emondon, Baby Grayson Ennis,Shannon Faus, Bridget Feeney, George Fender,John Ferrara, Bill Ferrell, Margaret Flasinski, Pete Fratterelli, Joe Gabe, Lydia Galati, Thomas Garraty, Dorothy Gaskill, Richard Goss, Helen Hagan, Charles Harvey, Beverly Heine, Marie Hendrixson, Charlie Hodges,Donald Hopkins, Mary Ellen Hughes, Jennifer, Erin & Daniel Hyndman, Dino Iannone, Melanie Jefferies, James Richmond, James & Josh Johnson, Andrea Kane, Grace Karwoski, James Keenen,,Larry Kime, Declan Kennedy, Teresa Kerins, Lizann Kile, Emily Lamey, Veronica LaMonaca, Philip Long, Joe Lampasona, Jenny Longworth, Helen Longworth, Ray Lynch, Jeannie Madden, Sebastian Malatesta,Margaret Martin,Gloria Mariani, Rod Margolis, Ernest Mariani, Edward Marunyak, Mariann Marunyak, Margaret Martin, Nick Masci, Linda McCabe, Fr William McGrath, Jack McHugh, Steven McKeown, Stephen Mc Namee, Andrea Medrow, John Misturak,Evan Murphy, Liz Nace, Veronica Ober, Connie Pace Ellen Polansky, Domenico Quaciari, Suzanne Range, Gregory Rechner ,Elaine Rechner, James Richmond, Joel Rivera, Sister Nancy Roche S.S.J., Joanne Ryan, Albert Saraullo, Joseph Scavitto,Chris Seltzer, Diane Storer-Price, Barbara Subers, Laurie Selfridge, Alice Shelton, Lucille Shepanski, Nathan Silpath, Josephine Stack eni,Kierstin Stump, Bree Szerszen, Joseph & Marie Trainor, Pat Trainor,Michael Tecco ,A.J. Tarquini, Loretta Tecco, Peter Tecco,Victor Tecco, Stephen Vitale, Sr., Christopher Walker, Aileen Zelusky Please let us know when those on the Sick List are returned to good health or pass away so that they can be removed from the Sick List. We ask all of our parishioners to please read over the Sick List and let us know if there is anyone on the list that is now deceased or returned to health. Please call the rectory & let us know 1-109 Additional Donations for Utilities: $11.00 Additional Donations for Fuel: $30.00 Additional Donations for Parish Improvements: $10.00 HALF & HALF LOTTERY Week # 75 Winner: Ann & Marty Petriccione Prize: $118.00 Parish Profit from 75 Weeks: $16,811.00 DONATIONS IN THE POT OF GOLD We remind all of our parishioners to remember to drop your coins and bills in the Pot of Gold each week. Through donations in the Pot of Gold over the last two and a half years many things in our Church have been repaired and replaced. Pot of Gold donations will now be used for repairs and renovations at both sites. Each site will have its own Pot of Gold. COLLECTION FOR Mar. 14th & Mar. 15, 2015 MASS #ENVELOPES AMOUNT 4:30 P.M. 124 Envelopes $3,099.00 6:00 P.M. 36 Envelopes $ 758.00 7:30 A.M. 81 Envelopes $1,581.00 10:00 A.M. 104 Envelopes $2,592.00 11:30 A.M. 93 Envelopes $1,905.00 TOTAL NUMBER OF ENVELOPES: 438 TOTAL COLLECTION THIS WEEKEND: $9,935.00 DECREASE OF $446.00 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY In the Year, 2015, it is our goal to keep you the parishioners more informed on the Finances of Our Parish. Special Donations Week of March 15th–March 1st Donations for Votive Candles: $183.00 Donations in the Poor Box: $70.00 Donations for Rice Bowl: $32.00 Donations for Church in Africa: $75.00 Donations for Aging & Ill Priests: $7.00 Donations for Ash Wednesday: $5.00 Additional Donations for Catholic Relief: $5.00 AID FOR FRIENDS TRAYS Please remember to take home an Aid for Friends Tray and share your leftovers with someone in need during Lent. Trays are available at the doors at each site. Please bring meals to the Aid for Friends Freezer in the Sacristy at OLP on weekends or to OLP Rectory during the week. BREAD & WINE DONATION FOR THIS WEEK In Memory of Barbara Catania From: Lisa & Joseph To reserve the Bread & Wine at Mass in Memory of a Deceased Loved One or for a Special Person or Intention, please contact the Rectory. The Donation to Reserve the Bread & Wine for all 4 Masses on a Particular Weekend is $25.00. STATIONS OF THE CROSS Mondays during Lent *Stations of the Cross will be at the Notre Dame Site on Mondays during Lent at 11:30 a.m. with the school children. **Stations of the Cross will be on Monday Nights at 6:45 p.m. at the OLP Site. Stations will be after the Monday Night Rosary and before the St. Jude Novena. ***Stations of the Cross will be on Wednesday Nights at 7:00 p.m. at the Notre Dame Site. The Stations will be conducted by our Parish Deacons.**Stations of the cross will be on Saturday Mornings after the 8:00 a.m. Mass at the OLP Site. School Secretary Needed Job Opportunity Notre Dame de Lourdes School is looking for a school secretary. The position is available immediately. Anyone interested in applying please send your resume to: Mrs. Susan Lowe-Notre Dame de Lourdes School 990 Fairview Road-Swarthmore, PA 19081 2 - 109 POOR BOX PLEASE REMEMBER THE POOR DURING LENT BY PLACING A LITTLE OR BIG DONATION EACH WEEK IN THE POOR BOX AT EITHER SITE LENTEN SERIES Tuesday evening March 24 at 7:00 pm the sixth of the Ridley Area Catholic Churches Lenten Series talks entitled Jesus said “I AM” will be held at Our Lady of Peace Church (200 Milmont Ave., Milmont Park). The program will consist of Evening Prayer, Benediction, and a talk entitled “Jesus said I AM The Vine.” The speaker will be Rev. Augustine Esposito, O.S.A., Vice-Rector, Theology Division, St. Charles Borromeo Seminary. A social will follow the program. All are invited to attend. Please bring a friend. BAKED GOODS NEED ON TUESDAY, MARCH 24TH This week, it is our parish’s turn to host the Ridley Area Catholic Churches Lenten Series. The Speaker will be Father Esposito, who is both well-known & related to many of our parishioners. This week, it is our turn to provide refreshments for our guests from our neighboring parishes. We ask our parishioners from both sites to donate lots of goodies for the Tuesday Night Social after the Lenten Talk. Goodies can be dropped off in the OLP Hall all throughout the day on next Tuesday. We can also use ladies from both sites to serve our guests. BUS TRIP TO PADRE PIO SHRINE Bus trip to Padre Pio Shrine in Barto, PA on Saturday, April 18, 2015. Bus leaves lower section of Ridley Township building’s parking lot at 9:00 a.m. and returns 5:00 p.m. Cost is $55.00 and includes luncheon at the shrine. Call Betty at 610-521-4985 to reserve a seat. From Mrs. Lowes Desk… Standardized Testing – Grades K to 7 will continue taking their Terra Nova/In-View Testing this week. Please keep them in your prayers as they strive to do their best. Lent We will pray the Stations of the Cross on Monday, March 23, 2015 at 11:30am in church. Let us remember to reflect on all our blessings as we fast and abstain during this special season. Joe Corbi’s Pizza – Grade 8 sponsored a fund raiser with Joe Corbi’s Pizza. Orders will be available for pick up on Friday, March 27, 2015. Registration – We are accepting registrations for PreKindergarten, Kindergarten and new students for Grades 1 to 8 in the school office. Please see the brochures on the tables in church and/or call the school office at 610-328-9330 for more information. Notre Dame de Lourdes School A Catholic Value Based Environment Innovative ~ Challenging ~ Real World Registration information- (610-328-9330) We are proud to announce the following Notre Dame de Lourdes students who received awards for the Second Trimester for the School Year 2014-2015. Outstanding Honors Grade 1: Aubrey Carney, Madeline Crussard, Avery Delicci, Sonia Drass, Emma Kilroy, Sarah Wiegand, Joshua Kilroy, Aidan Kusner, Daniel O’Brien Grade 2: Caroline Becker, Ayanah Harley, Madeline Peek, Andrew Shay Grade 3: John Hoyer, James Swierczek Very Good Honors Grade 1: Gabrielle Huff, Adison Santangelo, Jacob Mander, Bryson Drummond, Stephanie Wielosik, Rocco Eufrasio, Jack Wisneski Grade 2: Emma Thornton, Remi Kolawole, Aubrey Harley, Marena Ponnwitz, Kevin Piffath, Elizabeth Hoyer, Camryn Noll Grade 3: Brad Piffath, Sofia Fiore Effort Award Grade 1: Godiva Bullock, Joseph Traore Grade 2: Sebastian Lynn, Anthony Martin, Eamon Bonsall, Auria Greto, Lillian Walsh, Morgan Nickerson Grade 3: David Feldman, Jessica Ruiz, Karlee Spicer 3-109 FUNDRAISER FOR DON GUANELLA VILLAGE & DIVINE PROVIDENCE VILLAGE VERA BRADLEY BINGO Parents & Friends of Don Guanella Village and Divine Providence Village are planning a Vera Bradley Bingo for Sunday, April 26, 2015 at the DPV Day Program at 10 Fatima Dr., Secane from 1-5 PM. Tickets are $25.00 in advance $30.00 at the door. For tickets, call Ginny Fisher at 484-475-2503. Notre Dame-Our Lady Youth Group Thanks to the Prayerful Stichers for the Afghan donated to us to raise monies for our future projects. We also thank all of our friends at both sites for purchasing tickets on the afghan. The Winner of the Afghan was Mrs. Kathleen Ward. OUR LADY’S SENIOR CLUB is still accepting new members. Our Lady’s Senior Club have lots of activities and great times together. If interested, please contact Lee Federico at 610-544-6848. . VOTIVE CANDLES On the Week from Sunday, March 22nd to Saturday, March 28th the Vigil Candle in front of the Blessed Mother will be lit for in Thanksgiving for Favors Received From: Amelia Barnabei On the Week from Sunday, March 22nd to Saturday, March 28th the Vigil Candle in front of the St. Joseph Statue will be lit in Memory of Anthony J. Soprano’s Birthday From: His Children & Grandchildren On the Week from Sunday, March 22nd to Saturday, th March 28 the Vigil Candle in front of St. Jude Thaddeus Statue will be lit in Memory of Harry Kelleher From: Family PLEASE NOTE We received notice from the Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia that the Liturgies of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday must be celebrated at the Main Church of Our Lady of Peace. EASTER VIGIL MASS WILL BE AT 7:00 p.m. – Mass at the OLP Site MASSES ON EASTER SUNDAY WILL BE CELEBRATED AS FOLLOWS: 7:00 a.m.- Mass at OLP Site 8:30 a.m. Mass at Notre Dame Site 10:00 a.m. Mass at Notre Dame Site 11:30 a.m. Mass at OLP Site Palm Sunday Concert at Our Lady of Peace Due to Scheduling Conflicts with the Schedule of St Charles Seminary, the Concert on Palm Sunday has been changed from 7:00 p.m. to 3:00 pm. “ANYTHING GOES” Msgr. Bonner and Archbishop Prendergast Catholic High School proudly presents “Anything Goes” on March 27 and 28 at 7:30 p.m. and one matinee on For tickets please call 610-259-0280, Ext. 1312. All shows will be held in the Msgr. Bonner and Archbishop Prendergast Performing Arts Center (formerly the Prendie Auditorium OOPS As you all know, the Disc Jockey hired for the St. Patrick Social did not show up on Saturday Night for the St. Patrick Social. Instead of coming on Saturday, he showed up on Wednesday, March 17th at 5:00 p.m. on Saint Patrick’s Day for the St. Patrick’s Day Social. Refunds are available for those who want their money back because there was no Disc Jockey. See Noreene at the Rectory for Refunds. 4-109 NOTRE DAME-OUR LADY YOUTH GROUP EASTER EGG HUNT AS A PARISH, WE CANNOT FORGET OUR LITTLE ONES We will have an Easter Egg Hunt for Our Children on Saturday, March 28th at 11:00 a.m. in Our Notre Dame School Yard. Please make sure that your child or grandchild has either a basket or a bag for the Egg Hunt. Also, make sure you bring a camera to take your child’s picture with the Easter Bunny. Whatever is important for our children must be important for us, because our children are a gift to us from Our God. LITURGICAL MINISTERS SCHEDULE Saturday, March 28, 2014- 4:30 p.m. Mass Lectors: Joan Lynn & Mary Ann Hrin Extraordinary Minister: Matthew Crehan, Jim Freeman & Leo King Altar Server: As Assigned Saturday, March 28, 2014-6:00 p.m. Mass Lector: Linda Basilio & Irene Sakowski Extraordinary Ministers: Jerry Welch & Kathleen Hamm Altar Server: As Assigned Sunday, March 29, 2014-7:30 a.m. Mass Lectors: Sue Affleck & Jim Dempsey Extraordinary Minister: Barbara Dempsey, Denise McIntyre & Charles Gillespie Altar Server: As Assigned Sunday, March 29, 2014-10:00 a.m. Mass Lectors: Pat Gorman & Jackie Basquill Extraordinary Ministers: Carolyn Killion, Philip DeSilva, JoDean DeSilva, Marlene Keating, Don Curran, Sherry DiFonzo Altar Server: As Assigned Sunday, March 29, 2014-11:30 a.m. Mass Lectors: Mary Lou McGeehan & Anna D’Ambrosio Extraordinary Ministers: Ines DeMarco, Rita Atherholt, Barbara Walker Altar Servers: As Assigned NOTRE DAME de LOURDES SCHOOL PRESENTS COMEDY NIGHT FEATURING 94 WIP RADIO PERSONALITY JOE CONKLIN TH.FRIDAY, APRIL 17 Event Time: 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 Midnight.-Showtime is 9:00 a.m. Location: Nelson Hall-Notre Dame de Lourdes Gym $40.00 per person, must be 21 or older includes 3 Comedians, DJ, Dinner, Soft Drinks, Beer, BYOB Email ticket request to PREP INFORMATION (Parish Religious Education Program) Registrations are now being accepted for first grade for the PREP Program beginning in September, 2015. Registration forms may be found in the vestibule of church. The fee is $125 for one child and $200 for more than one. PREP classes are held on Tuesdays from 4:30 until 5:45 p.m. Closing date for registering is April 7th. We are always grateful for volunteer teachers and aides. No prior experience is necessary but just a willingness to assist. Contact Ms. Kay Kelly with any questions at kaykelly818@gmail anytime or at the PREP Office (610534-0689 on Tuesdays. Thank you! WHAT CAN I DO TO GROW CLOSER TO JESUS DURING THIS WEEK OF LENT? PARISH LENTEN PROJECT-EASTER BASKETS FOR THE POOR Like we did in years past, during the last weeks of Lent we will be collecting items to give to the poor for Easter. We will be making Easter Bags for Adults and Easter Baskets for children. These are the items that we will be collecting over the next few weeks: lots & lots of plastic eggs and wrapped candy for the children and for our adults, we are looking for the following items: toothbrushes, combs, disposable razors, small bars of soap, trial size (little) containers of baby powder, mouthwash, toothpaste, shaving cream, hand lotion, deodorant, shampoo, cologne, perfume, hand sanitizers, small packs of tissues, etc. These have to be items that can fit into a lunch bag. We could also use new white and black socks for men and white socks and slipper socks for women. Many men and women, living on the street, will be given a bag with a sample of some of these items. We will fill the plastic eggs for the children and the gift bags for the adults at the Poor Man’s Supper on st Tuesday, March 31 at 6:00 p.m. All these items can be placed in the large plastic containers that can be found on the altars at both sites or brought to the OLP Social Hall on Tuesday, March 31st at 6:00 p.m. 5-109-Our Lady of Peace
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