. The Merged Parish of Our Lady of Peace APRIL 26, 2015 PARISH PRIESTS Rev. Robert T. Feeney, Pastor Rev. James P. Olson & Rev. John J. Bradley, Weekend Assistance Rev. Dominic Ishaq, Priest in Residence PARISH DEACONS Rev. Mr. Michael McAndrews Rev. Mr. James Basilio PARISH SEMINARIAN Mr. Kyle M. Adamczyk OUR LADY OF PEACE PARISH OFFICE 200 Milmont Avenue Milmont Park, PA 19033 Phone: 610-532-8081 Fax: 610-532-7402 E-mail: olp532@aol.com Website: www.olpmilmont.org NOTRE DAME DE LOURDES WORSHIP SITE 950 Fairview Road Swarthmore, PA 19081 Parish Business Manager: Mr. Frank Donegan Secretary to the Business Manager: Mrs. Diane McFadden Parish Secretaries: Mrs. Noreene Basquill Mrs. Anne Fuhs Mrs. Nancy Tyson DIRECTORS OF MAINTENANCE Mr. Ben Wilson – OLP Worship Site Mr. Tim Tyson – Notre Dame Worship Site Mr. Robert Steiner - Assistant Mrs. Susan B. Lowe, School Principal NOTRE DAME DE LOURDES SCHOOL 990 Fairview Road-Swarthmore, PA 19081 Phone: 610-328-9330 Website: www.notredamedelourdes.net OUR LADY OF PEACE PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday: 9:00am-4:00pm Friday: 9:00am-3:00pm WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil Masses: 4:30pm (OLP Site) 6:00pm (Notre Dame Site) Sunday Masses: 7:30am & 11:30am (OLP Site) 10:00am (Notre Dame Site) CONFESSIONS Tuesdays-12:15 p.m.-1:15 p.m. Notre Dame Site Saturday: 3:30p.m-4:15 p.m. (OLP Site); Saturday: 5:00 p.m-5:45 p.m. (Notre Dame Site) WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE OLP Site Weekday Masses Notre Dame Site Weekday Masses Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Friday 9:00am 8:30am Saturday 8:00am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Monday 9:00am-7:00pm (OLP Site-Benediction: Monday 7:00pm (OLP Site)Sodality Devotions-Wednesdays after the 8:30 a.m. Mass TH TH WEEKEND OF APRIL 25 & APRIL 26 Monday-April 27, 2015-Easter Weekend 8:30AM-At the OLP Site-Bob & Hannah Walsh At the Request of The Manzo Family Tuesday–April 28, 2015 –St.Peter Chanel & St. Louis Grignion de Montfort 8:30AM-At the OLP Site-Tom Laverty At the Request of Diane & Family Wednesday-April 29, 2015-St. Catherine of Siena 8:30AM-At the OLP Site-James Ward At the Request of Charles Catania Thursday–April 30, 2015-St. Pius V 8:30AM-At the OLP Site-Fr. Charles O’Rourke At the Request of Family & Friends Friday-May 1, 2015-St. Joseph the Worker 9:00AM-At the Notre Dame Site-Florence Christy At the Request of Kathy Hamm Saturday –May 2, 2015-St. Athanasius 8:00AM-At the OLP Site–Monthly Memorial Mass 4:30PM-at the OLP Site-Hansell Family At the Request of Cass Deegan 6:00PM-At the Notre Dame Site-Stephen Carr At the Request of The Lichman Family Sunday – May 3, 2015-Fifth Sunday of Easter 7:30AM–At the OLP Site-Silvio & Lee Proietto At the Request of Their Family 10:00AM-At the Notre Dame Site-Judy Curran At the Request of The Curran Family 11:30AM-At the OLP Site-For Our Parish Children Making their First Holy Communion. Please Pray for Our Recently Deceased Teresa Gessler, William Swint, Angelique Malvestuto, Joseph Johnson, Louis Sannino, Jr. May They Rest in Peace! LET US PRAY FOR THOSE WHO SERVE IN THE ARMED FORCES For those who are serving in the Military: Lt. Thomas Fitzgerald Finnegan, John Quinn Christopher Storms, Christopher Brittingham & Sgt. David J. Kostyk OUR PARISH SICK LIST Fritz Aherns,Sandra Ayala, Mia Baroni, Michele Barr, Mary Basilio, Michael Bennett,Harry Blair,Frances Boccella,Rafael Boccolla,Anthony Bonanno,Jack Bott, Jordan Brady, George & Bernie Brill,Frank Calabra, Melvin Canfield, Joanne Cardine,Jane Carlson,John Cucchi,Katherine Costa,Jack Cavanaugh, Jr., Nina Costello, Elizabeth Colavita, Jerry Creamer,Alvera Crochett, Loretta Stanley Cummings, Diana D’Ambrosio, Madison D’Andrea Sean Dever, Mary Ann DeCostanza, Stephen Dick,Cass Donovan,Theresa DiGregorio, Gabrielle Dilbeck,Lauren Di Nunno, Anthony Diodoro, Rose Diodoro, John Diordoro,Charles Dougherty,John Egan, Ed Emondon, Baby Grayson Ennis,Shannon Faus, Bridget Feeney, George Fender,John Ferrara, Bill Ferrell, Margaret Flasinski, Pete Fratterelli, Joe Gabe, Lydia Galati, Thomas Garraty, Dorothy Gaskill, Diane Gavin, Richard Goss, Donna Grasso, Helen Hagan, Charles Harvey, Beverly Heine, Marie Hendrixson, Charlie Hodges,Donald Hopkins, Mary Ellen Hughes, Erin & Daniel Hyndman, Dino Iannone,James Richmond, James & Josh Johnson, Andrea Kane, Grace Karwoski, Donna Grasso, James Keenen,,Larry Kime, Declan Kennedy, Teresa Kerins, Lizann Kile, Emily Lamey, Philip Long, Joe Lampasona, Jenny Longworth, Helen Longworth, Ray Lynch, Jeannie Madden, Sebastian Malatesta,Margaret Martin,Gloria Mariani, Rod Margolis, Ernest Mariani, Edward Marunyak, Mariann Marunyak, Margaret Martin, Nick Masci, Fr William McGrath, Jack McHugh, Steven McKeown, Stephen Mc Namee, Andrea Medrow, John Misturak,Evan Murphy, Liz Nace, Veronica Ober, Connie Pace, Edward Penrose, Ellen Polansky, Domenico Quaciari, Lynn Quinn, Suzanne Range, Gregory Rechner ,Elaine Rechner, James Richmond, Joel Rivera, Sister Nancy Roche S.S.J., Joanne Ryan, Albert Saraullo, Joseph Scavitto,Chris Seltzer, Diane Storer-Price,Hope Swanson, Barbara Subers, Laurie Selfridge, Alice Shelton, Lucille Shepanski, Nathan Silpath, Josephine Stackeni,Kierstin Stump, Bree Szerszen, Joseph & Marie Trainor, Pat Trainor, A.J. Tarquini, Loretta Tecco,,Victor Tecco, Stephen Vitale, Sr., Anna Whalen, Christopher Walker, Aileen Zelusky Please let us know when those on the Sick List are returned to good health or pass away so that they can be removed from the Sick List. We ask all of our parishioners to please read over the Sick List and let us know if there is anyone on the list that is now deceased or who has been returned to health. Please call the rectory & let us know 1-109 REMINDER Please note that the last 6:00 PM Mass on Saturdays at our Notre Dame Site will be on Saturday June 27, 2015. There will continue to be a Sunday Morning Mass at 10:00 a.m. at the Notre Dame Site. . AID FOR FRIENDS TRAYS Please remember to take home an Aid for Friends Tray and share your leftovers with someone in need during Lent. Trays are available at the doors at each site. Please bring meals to the Aid for Friends Freezer in the Sacristy at OLP on weekends or to OLP Rectory during the week. VOTIVE CANDLES th On the Week from Sunday, April 26 to Saturday, May 2nd the Vigil Candle in front of the Blessed Mother will be lit for a Good Outcome for Eye Surgery of Charles P. Salerno From: His Parents On the Week from Sunday, April 26th to Saturday, nd May 2 the Vigil Candle in front of the St. Joseph Statue will be lit in Memory of Janet Lordan Iacono From: The Lordan Family On the Week from Sunday, April 26th to Saturday, nd May 2 the Vigil Candle in front of the St. Jude Statue & the St. Rita of Cascia Statue will be lit for the Special Intentions of Father Feeney. CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR FIRST COMMUNION CLASS This weekend and next weekend, we congratulate and pray for our children who will receive Jesus in the Eucharist for the very first time. We thank all of our educators and our parents for all their hard work in preparing our children for this very special day. It is our hope and prayer that we will see all of our children and their families at Mass every week. From Mrs. Lowes Desk… Stock’s Pound Cakes – Cake order blanks are available in the church or from the school. All orders are due by Wednesday, April 22, 2015. Cakes will be available for pick-up on Wednesday, April 29, 2015 in the Saint Joseph Room from 2:30pm to 3:30pm. First Friday Mass- First Friday Mass will take place on Friday, May 1, 2015 at 9:00am Noon Dismissal – We will have a noon dismissal on Friday, May 1, 2015 due to a Faculty Meeting. Registration – We are accepting registrations for Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and new students for Grades 1 to 8 in the school office. Please see the brochures on the tables in church and/or call the school office at 610-328-9330 for more information. Notre Dame de Lourdes School A Catholic Value Based Environment Innovative ~ Challenging ~ Real World Registration information- (610-328-9330) BLOOD DRIVE Notre Dame de Lourdes School is hosting its annual Spring Blood Drive on Friday, May 8, 2015 in Father Nelson Hall. Please make plans to join us by scheduling an appointment at http://www.redcrossblood.org/. If you are 17 years of age or older, weigh at least 110 pounds and are in good health, you can become a donor. And remember, a single blood donation may help up to three different people! Lectors: Anna D’Ambrosio & Mary Ann Hrin Extraordinary Ministers: Ines DeMarco, Donna Shiarra & Rita Atherholt Altar Servers: As Assigned MONTHLY FOOD COLLECTION “ I Was Hungry & You Gave Me To Eat” nd rd On the Weekend of May 2 & 3 , we once again ask your generosity in the Monthly Food Collection. Containers are in the usual places at both sites. 2 - 109 PREP INFORMATION (Parish Religious Education Program) Registrations are now being accepted for first grade for the PREP Program beginning in September, 2015. Registration forms may be found in the vestibule of church. The fee is $125 for one child and $200 for more than one. PREP classes are held on Tuesdays from 4:30 until 5:45 p.m. Closing date for registering is April 7th. We are always grateful for volunteer teachers and aides. No prior experience is necessary but just a willingness to assist. Contact Ms. Kay Kelly with any questions at kaykelly818@gmail anytime or at the PREP Office (610534-0689 on Tuesdays. Thank you! LITURGICAL MINISTERS SCHEDULE Saturday, May 2, 2015- 4:30 p.m. Mass Lectors: Joan Lynn & Mary Lou McGeehan Extraordinary Minister: Leo King & Barbara Walker Altar Server: As Assigned Saturday, May 2, 2015-6:00 p.m. Mass Lector: Jim Garvey & Grace Driscoll Extraordinary Ministers: Kathleen Hamm, Jim Freeman & Tom Dillon Altar Server: As Assigned Sunday, May 3, 2015-7:30 a.m. Mass Lectors: Sue Affleck & Jackie Basquill Extraordinary Minister: Diane McFadden & Jackie Basquill Altar Server: As Assigned Sunday, May 3, 2015-10:00 a.m. Mass Lectors: Ed Tomassetti & Pat Gorman Extraordinary Ministers: Phil DiSilva, JoDean DeSilva, Shery DiFonzo, Don McGoldrick, Mary Theresa Shell, Marlene Keating & Carolyn Killion Altar Server: As Assigned Sunday, May 3, 2015-11:30 a.m. Mass CARDINAL O’HARA FAIR April 29 to May 2nd , Wednesday to Friday from 6:30 PM to 10:30 PM and Saturday 2–10:00 PM Purchase advanced tickets until April 29th from 10 AM to 3:00 PM at the Student Affairs Office. Questions, call 610-924-9390 th COLLECTION FOR April 18th & April 19, 2015 MASS #ENVELOPES AMOUNT 4:30 P.M. 105 Envelopes $2,429.00 6:00 P.M. 25 Envelopes $ 716.00 7:30 A.M. 86 Envelopes $1,607.00 10:00 A.M. 99 Envelopes $2,194.00 11:30 A.M. 80 Envelopes $1,458.00 TOTAL NUMBER OF ENVELOPES: 396 TOTAL COLLECTION THIS WEEKEND: $8,404.00 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY In the Year, 2015, it is our goal to keep you the parishioners more informed on the Finances of Our Parish. Special Donations Week of April 12th - April 18th Donations for Votive Candles: $291.00 Donations in the Poor Box: $83.00 Donations for Fuel: $1,010.00 Additional Donations for Holy Land: $49.00 Additional Donations for Latin America: $65.00 Donations for Church Renovations: $776.00 Additional Donations for Easter Flowers: $62.00 Additional Donations for Rice Bowl: $13.00 Additional Donations for Parish Improvements: $154.00 School Tuition: $21,871.00 School Registration: $1,200.00 Donations for Pot of Gold: $96.31 PREP Registration Fee: $600.00 or email to ajfro@aol.com\ EASTER COLLECTION Thank you to all of our parishioners for your kindness and generosity in the Easter Collection. Recent Donations to the Easter Collection $3,050.00 The Easter Collection, thus far, for this year is $30,703.00. It was our hope, that, we would reach our goal of $30,000.00. Thus far, we exceeded our goal by $703.00 3 - 109 DEACON GREG O’BRIEN GOLF OUTING All proceeds will benefit the St. James Regional Catholic School Scholarship Fund. Where: Ed Oliver Golf Course Wilmington, DE When: 1 PM, Friday, June 19, 2015 For more information or interest in volunteering, please call Bob Hill at 484-410-7333 or email rkhilljr@gmail.com OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP KIDS KAMP New & exciting day camp for boys & girls ages 4 thru 13 (3 years old if potty trained). Camp runs Monday, June 22nd thru Friday, August 28th from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Activities include outdoor sports, board games, water games, cooking, arts & crafts, video games, summer reading, cheerleading, computers, air conditioned gym & movie days. Camp emphasizes acceptance & tolerance of others, problem solving, team work, conflict resolution & most importantly FUN, FUN, FUN!! Tuition: $37.00 per day, or $170.00 per week, $85.00 each additional sibling. (Same price as last year!) Registration fee: $15.00 for one child or $20.00 for multiple children. For information: Contact Kathleen Froio 484-680-1754 (cell) or 610-583-5203 (home) CARNIVAL St. Joseph Parish, 500 Woodlawn Ave., Collingdale will hold a Parish Carnival on May 6th – 9th from 6 - 11 PM. Wednesday, Polish Food Night, Thursday, Italian Night, Friday, Crab Night Saturday, Nelson’s BBQ Night. Family Night will be Thursday, you can purchase a $15 bracelet for all rides for the evening. Call the Rectory 610-583-4530 for more information IRISH INSPIRATIONAL SINGER MARK FORREST IS COMING TO OUR LADY OF PEACE You are invited to both an Inspirational Concert of Irish, Religious and Broadway Music on Saturday, May 2nd at 7:00 p.m.in Our Lady of Peace Church The Cost of the Concert is $15.00. The Concert is around 90 Minutes. Mark Forrest is an acclaimed Irish Tenor, whose Melodic Voice has filled Concert Halls from Carnegie Hall to the Vatican. He has sung for luminaries such as Pope St. John Paul II and Mother Theresa. His Soothing Broadway Melodies have entertained award-winning performers including Charlton Heston & Maureen O’Hara. From the White House to His Own House, with his Wife and Seven Children. Mark continues to inspire the world with his music. Tickets for the Concert are available in OLP Parish. For information on Mark Forrest and His Recent Concert at St. Patrick Parish in Malvern, please call Jim & Barbara Dempsey at 610-742-3836 or Mary Lou McGeehan at 610-583-8306. INSPIRATIONAL HOLY HOUR & BENEDICTION ON SUNDAY, MAY 3rd LEADER OF PRAYER: MARK FORREST BENEDICTION-FATHER FEENEY THERE IS NO FEE TO ATTEND THE HOLY HOUR BUT THERE WILL BE A COLLECTION AT THE END OF THE NIGHT. YOU WILL FEEL A MILLION TIMES BETTER AFTER THIS POWERFUL NIGHT OF PRAYER BEFORE THE BLESSED SACRAMENT. 4 - 109 PARISH FLEA MARKET OLP RECTORY SALE 9:00 A.M.-4:00 P.M. CHANGE OF DATES Monday, May 11th & Tuesday, May 12th At this Yard Sale/Flea Market, we will be selling lots of things left over from previous Flea Markets, items given to our parish to sell, items left over from Christmas Bazaars, items left behind from priests who have lived at OLP, personal items that Father Feeney is getting rid of, especially lots of Christmas and Easter Decorations. These items will be sold in the area in front of Church. We will not be renting tables; we are just trying to clean out a whole lot of junk and “treasures” that are cluttering up the rectory, school, church basement, rectory basement, convent basement and other nooks and crannies at OLP. We are having this sale during the week because we have many upcoming weddings on the weekends in May & June. No bride or groom wants a Flea Market in front of Church on their Wedding Day. Once, Memorial Day arrives lots of our parishioners head to the shore for the summer so we want to get rid of things before the summer. One person’s junk is another person’s treasure and boy do we have Junk & treasures for you. MONTHLY MEMORIAL MASS SATURDAY, MAY 2, 2015-8:00 A.M. In Memory of Edward Nelson From: Rose & Tim Moran In Memory of James J. Pentimall From: Pat & Philomena McCart In Memory of Jay Johnston From & Sierra Espanol Mary Anne & David Knowles & Family In Memory of Ken Anesko From: Pat & Philomena McCart ASCENSION THURSDAY HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION THURSDAY, MAY 14TH MASS SCHEDULE Wednesday, May 13th Vigil Mass 6:00 PM – Notre Dame Site Thursday, May 14th- Holyday of Obligation 7:30 AM – OLP Site 9:00 AM – OLP Site 12:05 PM – OLP Site 7:00 PM – Notre Dame Site Our School Children will not have classes May 14th & 15th. A REQUEST FROM POPE FRANCIS Please pray the below listed prayer daily for the success of the Papal Visit & World Meeting of Families. God and Father of us all, in Jesus, your Son and our Savior, you have made us your sons and daughters in the family of the Church. May your grace and love help our families in every part of the world be united to one another in fidelity to the Gospel. May the example of the Holy Family, with the aid of your Holy Spirit, guide all families, especially those most troubled, to be homes of communion and prayer and to always seek your truth and live in your love. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for us! World Meeting of Families Archdiocese of Philadelphia 2015 POOR BOX PLEASE REMEMBER THE POOR BY PLACING A LITTLE OR BIG DONATION EACH WEEK IN THE POOR BOX AT EITHER SITE. 5-109-Our Lady of Peace
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