March 22, 2015
5th Sunday of Lent
Check out our website for parish events:
For regular Mass & Confession times see front of bulletin
Rosary: Mon-Sat 8:30 AM
Liturgy of the Hours: Mon-Thurs. 7:30 AM; Fri-Sat 8:00 AM
Divine Mercy Chaplet: After 9:00 AM Mass
Please Note The Following this week:
Tues Mar 24: 11:00 AM Funeral Mass for Mary Balahadia
Wed Mar 25: 3:30 PM Corpus Christi Pageant Auditions
Camerman Hall (see flyer)
5:00 PM Confessions
6:00 PM Mass
6:30 PM Soup Supper– Camerman Hall
Adult & Youth Programs
Fri Mar 27:
Sun Mar 29:
5:30 PM Stations of the Cross
6:00 PM Knights of Columbus Fish Fry,
Camerman Hall
Palm Sunday—morning Masses begin in gym
In your kindness and charity towards
others, please pray for the sick, the
homebound, the troubled, the unemployed, all our military overseas and those who are held in
our hearts: Kathy Snider, Mildred Benoit, Aida Vinluan,
Mike Mahler, Barbara Smith, Anne Symonds, Al Ellis,
Phyllis Davies, Bemis Family, Dan Flanagan, Evelyn Reyes,
Hazel Carpenter, Jeanette Cates, Ruperto & Laura Reyes,
Owen Egan, Wanda Ausbrooks, Robert Debusschere,
Hayden Werdal, Mary Mahler, Lee Swanson, Helen Miller,
Theoharis Family, Lili Allemand, Anna Lund, Dan Rotter,
Greg Angnos, Bob Wheeldon, Craig Andrews, Lacsamana
family, Ann Lafair, Ron Osterman, Sharon Ayles, Bill Simpson, Katie Steffen, Elizabeth Rugaber, Mary Huebert, Tim &
Mary Conte, Barbara Muchow, our Altar Society & our
residents at Cypress Gardens. For the Repose of the Souls
of Mary Balahadia, Betty Robards, Della Davison & for all
those who have died. May the Lord grant them the joy of
eternal life & peace for their families.
The “Door of Faith” is always open to us.
Registered Families
Special Events coming….
Apr 11: Bremerton Symphony Spring Concert
7:30—9:30 PM in the Church
Apr 13: Sacred Music Concert-Ealing Abbey Choir
7:00 PM in the Church, Free-will offering
Apr 18 & 19: Christ Renews His Parish Women’s
Retreat—Fairfield Inn & Suites
Apr 24: School SCOPE Auction
5:00 PM in Gym/Camerman Hall
May 23 & 24: Christ Renews His Parish Men’s
Retreat—Fairfield Inn & Suites
Easter Vigil/Easter Sunday Breakfast Help Needed!
Can you spare an hour or two? Help is needed and appreciated
for the reception following the Easter Vigil Mass. We need a
couple of people to set out donated finger foods, ensure that
coffee and punch are made, and a team to clean up. You can
volunteer to work at all tasks or to sign up to take a shift.
We are also in need of volunteers to help prepare, serve, and clean up for the Parish Easter
breakfast. Breakfast will be served following
the 9:30am Mass. Prep work will be done on
Saturday with volunteers needed on Sunday
morning prior to Mass to cook and set out
foods, after Mass to serve and later to clean up.
Please contact JoNell at 710-4062 or Meg at the
parish office if you can help. Thank You!
THANK YOU to Our Weekly Advertiser:
B & B Auto Repair, we appreciate your help to supply our
bulletins at no charge to the parish.
Weekly Collection-Sun. Mar 15, 2015
Our Tithe to God
 Envelopes
 Mail In
 Loose
 Catholic Relief Services
Total Contributions
Lighthouse CD’s
Mary’s Place
School Fund
Forty Weeks Groups: Small group opportunities are
available to find answers, support & encouragement:
 Sunday from 9:45-10:45am in Center Rm 4
 Monday from 9:00-10:00am in Center Rms 1 & 2
 Tuesday from 7:00-8:00pm in Center Rm 2
 Wednesday from 6:30-7:45pm in Camerman Hall
 Thursday from 7:00-8:00pm in Center Rm 4
SCHOOL NEWS or 373-5162
Enrollment for the 2015-2016 school year has begun! There
are still a few spaces remaining in Pre-K 3 and 4, and in
Kindergarten. Now is the time to register to hold your place
for next year. Please complete the forms online at or in the school office.
Coins for Hayden: The school is still collecting coins for
Hayden Werdal and his family. Our total collected to date is
$265. Please check under the sofa cushions to show your
support for this 8th grader and his family.
Dcn. Hamlin: or 479-3777
High School/Middle School (Grades 6-12):
Sun Mornings, 9:30-10:45am: Sparks Middle School Youth
Group (Gr. 6-8), Youth Center. 9:45-10:45am: HS Bible Study,
Center Rooms 1 & 2.
Sun Evenings, 6:30-8:00pm: Y Disciple High School Youth
Group (Gr. 9-12), Youth Center, followed by Open Gym until
Wed Evenings, 6:30-8:00pm:
Fraternus (for guys gr 6-12) in Gym & Fidelis (for girls gr 6-12),
Center/Youth Center, followed by Open Gym until 8:30pm.
Contact Katherine:
Singles, Couples & Families in their 20s and 30s:
Activities include home groups, socials, and Theology on Tap.
Visit Or
SALT Adoration/Social: On Sat, April 18 at 6:30pm, the
young adults will pray the rosary together at church followed
by a social in the JP2 Youth Center. Details to come!
Religious Education:
Sundays 9:45-10:45 AM in the school basement.
Contact Priscilla at
Wednesday Night Adult Faith Formation:
6:30pm in Camerman Hall. Current study: “The Better Part”
Bible Study:
Current study is on the Books of Wisdom.
Tuesday Mornings, 9-10 AM in Center Rooms 1 & 2.
Contact Lucy at 271-3611 or
RCIA/Adult Confirmation:
Thursdays 6:30-8:30 PM in the Parish Center. Questions
about becoming Catholic or returning to the Church?
Contact Deacon Hamlin:
Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old
he shall not depart from it.—Proverbs 22:6
The mission of our school is to educate the whole child:
mind, heart and spirit. Thanks to the generosity of our
parishioners, 40 children are receiving assistance this school
Mary’s Place: THANK YOU to all our volunteers for sharing themselves in so many ways. Our volunteers are visible on any given Mon night in Camerman Hall. Some are
there every week, monthly or some are subs. We also
have volunteers who are not so visible-ones who bake at
home, set/clean up, shop for food & equipment,
schedule, those who pray and those who keep us afloat
financially. This list is not all inclusive, but it’s a good sampling of the dedication, love and caring that goes into taking care of those who need a hand. Thank you so much!
St. Vincent de Paul Society: Would you like to help provide
an Easter dinner for a family in our community who is having
a difficult time? You can help by donating to St. Vincent de
Paul for Safeway Scrip cards. We will be in the vestibule after all masses on March 21 & 22.
School SCOPE Auction News: SCOPE is the school’s
only fundraiser and contributes significantly to our operating budget each year. There are so many ways to support our school auction:
-Plan to attend the SCOPE Auction Apr 24. This is the
best date night of the year. Tickets are available at the
parish website. Tickets: $70 before Apr 1, $80 after Apr 1.
Seating will be limited to 300 this year—so don’t delay!
-SCOPE Raffle tickets are also now on sale. $25 enters you
to win either a year of free tuition or $2000 in Scrip– your
choice! Purchase ticket(s) up at the Scrip window on Friday mornings or after Mass on Sundays.
-Donate a bottle of wine or champagne valued at $25.
Our wine wall sold 70 bottles last year and we only have
20 bottles donated to date.
40 Days for Life: Daily through Mar 29 you’re invited to join
us for 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion.
We also invite you to pray outside of the Bremerton Planned
Parenthood. For more info, contact Laurie at 509-9395.
Eucharistic Perpetual Adoration: Day and night Jesus
dwells in the Blessed Sacrament because of his Infinite love
for you! Your Lenten journey is nearly over. Jesus awaits
you. Will you take an hour a week to visit Him? You can
choose from any of the 24 hrs of one day a week. For more
info about Perpetual Adoration, Call Ann: 360-613-2530.
Lena needs faux flowers and tuna cans for Mother’s Day
flower centerpieces. Please drop off at the Parish Office.
Lena Thanks You!
Host the Missionaries for Dinner: There are amazing
things happening in our youth programs at Star! Want to
hear more? Consider hosting the missionaries for dinner.
They would love to share how God is at work in their lives
and lives of the youth and adults they are serving. Contact
the Parish Office or invite the missionaries personally to
your home. You won’t be disappointed by the company!
Habits of a Very Loving Marriage—Retreat: May 15-17 led by
Fr. Pat Freitag. Consider this marriage enrichment retreat as
an extended date-night, the chance to get away together and
talk without the distractions and demands of everyday life.
Price: $330/couple; includes all presentations, 6 meals, & 2
nights in a comfortable room with private bath. Scholarships
available. Visit:
SENIOR SOCIAL: It’s March and for at least a day, everyone
is Irish. Our next social is Thurs, Mar 26 from 1-3pm in the
Center. Bob Struble, our local Leprechaun, will play a wee
bit of Irish music and we’ll have a sing-a-long. Bring a snack
to share if you wish, and don’t forget to wear the green!
Community Life
Catholic Mythbusters is a special Lenten event on Mon,
March 23, 6:30pm at St. Gabriel Church, in Port Orchard
(simple supper at 5:30pm).
To be able to defend your faith, you must first understand it.
In this hard-hitting talk, Dr. Tom Curran busts open the most
common myths that are believed about the Catholic Faith &
uncovers the misconceptions behind these ideas. Come and
participate as Dr. Curran rights the wrongs that are often
believed about our faith and reveals the truth in a way that
you don’t want to miss. Bring your own questions for an
engaging Q & A session.
All are welcome, bring family & friends! A free-will offering
collection will be taken. Childcare available by request-call
876-2834 by Mar 19.
Catholic Advocacy Day: Thurs, Mar 26 in Olympia.
To register, visit and give voice to Justice and
Life. Invite your friends along! The day will include briefing
on legislative issues, Mass and appointments with legislators. Catholic Advocacy Day is sponsored by: Washington
State Catholic Conference, Catholic Community/Housing
Services, Archdiocese of Seattle, Pierce County Deanery, St.
Vincent de Paul Society and Intercommunity Peace & Justice Center.
A bus will leave the OLSOS parking lot at 7am free of
charge; a free-will offering will be accepted. Please bring a
sack lunch.
Is Your Marriage Everything it Was Supposed to Be?
Take some time to reflect on your marriage this Lenten
season. If you feel a sense of sadness or disillusionment, you
are not alone. Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vi) can help
your marriage heal and thrive. For confidential information,
or to register for our upcoming program beginning
April 24-26, 2015 call 206-706-2608 or visit our website at
St. Cecilia Catholic School seeks applicants for
Elementary Principal position:
St. Cecilia Catholic School, seeks a Principal for the
2015-16 school year. It presently employs a multi-age
model to provide a strong education and faith experience
for it’s student body of 108. The successful candidate
must demonstrate a commitment to academic excellence
with a solid foundation in curriculum matters. Strategic
planning and development skills are vital as the candidate
will be challenged with increasing the school’s enrollment
and maturing the young school by employing best
educational practices. Interested parties may apply at
Calling All Catholic Women! You are invited to a
workshop to develop leadership skills for use in your parish
organizations. Come network with us at St. Joseph Parish,
Vancouver on Fri, April 24. Learn from the National Council
of Catholic Women Leadership Team about the cycle of an
organization, generational relationships, recruiting members
and more! For more information, visit
Iron Sharpens Iron Seattle Men’s Conference: Accept
Christ, know your faith and follow His call. Sat, April 25,
2015 hosted by St. Stephen the Martyr Parish in Renton.
Visit for details.
Appreciation Luncheon for Our Deacon’s Wives:
March 25 at noon in the Holy Cross Social Hall, 5510 N 44 St.,
Tacoma. Please join us for a special Luncheon honoring the
wives of our Deacons serving in Pierce, Kitsap and Jefferson
Counties. They do so much to support their husband’s ministry and our communities. We will have a special prayer service with a delicious lunch. Teens and men are welcome too!
Tickets: $15 which can be purchased online at or by calling 800-838-3006.
Sponsored by Western Deanery of the Seattle ACCW.
“Glorifying God: Mind, Body and Soul”
Men’s Retreat
April 17-19 at the Archbishop Retreat Center—Palisades,
Federal Way. Led by Fr. John Antony. Cost: $199/person,
$165 for a shared room, $99.50/young adult (aged 18-30)
St. John Paul II made an astounding claim: “The body, and
it alone, is capable of making visible what is invisible, the
spiritual and divine. It was created to transfer into the
visible reality of the world, the invisible mystery hidden in
God from time immemorial, and thus to be a sign of it.”
By those words, the saint-pope ushered in a new era of
Catholic theology with his ground-breaking “theology of
the body”. Applying John Paul II’s reflections on the human body like a kind of “leaven”, we will explore various
themes relevant to daily life, as a single or married man.
Register now! or
Join us for the 9th Annual
Catholic African Connections Conference: Together in Spirit
Saturday, April 25 9am-2pm
Holy Spirit Catholic Church, 327 2nd Ave S, Kent, WA
Join us for engaging speakers, morning break-out sessions, an
African Mass presided by Fr. Bill Vos with liturgical music led
by the Holy Spirit Swahili Choir, a taste of Africa lunch, exhibits, and plenty of networking opportunities.
To Register, visit:
Questions? Contact Tammi:
Rachel’s Corner—Hope After Abortion
Whether we face discouragement, loss, pain or despair, we
can take great comfort in knowing that now sorrow is too
deep that God cannot fell it with us. And God wants to help
deliver us from it –Reflections from Footprints
Give us a call and join us on a Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat™.
Next Retreat: May 29-31, 2015
Call Valerie: 1-800-822-HOPE (4673)
You are loved with an everlasting Love!
Project Rachel is a program of Catholic Community Services.
MARCH 25, 3: 30 PM
There are 13 speaking parts for ages 7-14: 5 boys, 3 girls
2 emissaries, 2 narrators, 1 child, and lots of peasants!
Please come with a monologue, bible verse or song prepared.
Questions? Contact Sophie Holt:
Christ Renews His Parish Women’s Retreat Registration Form
Saturday April 18 & Sunday April 19, 2015
Fairfield Inn & Suites 239 4th St Bremerton, WA
Registration Deadline: 4/2/2015
Phone #:_______________________________________________________________________
E-mail address:_________________________________OR
I don’t use email
Name Emergency Contact #1:_________________________________________________
Day Phone #:__________________________Evening Phone #:______________________
E-mail address:________________________________________________________________
Name Emergency Contact #2:________________________________________________
Day Phone #:__________________________________Evening Phone #:______________
E-mail address:________________________________________________________________
Please list any special physical, overnight, or dietary needs. We will make
every effort to accommodate these requests: ___________________________________
Return form to:
Dominique Lefaive, Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish Office,
1513 6th St, Bremerton, WA 98337