Saturday, May 9, 2015 York University’s Glendon Campus in Toronto sponsored by and the Ontario Modern Language Teachers’ Association Association ontarienne des professeurs de langues vivantes 31st Annual CONCOURS et FESTIVAL d'art oratoire 2015 Table of Contents Overview ......................................................................................................................... 2 Prizes .............................................................................................................................. 3 Schedule of Events on Saturday, May 9, 2015 ................................................................. 3 Format ............................................................................................................................ 4 How Can Your School Board Register? ............................................................................ 4 Checklist for School Board Contact ................................................................................. 6 Information for Teachers ................................................................................................ 7 Checklist for Teachers ..................................................................................................... 7 Category Placement ........................................................................................................ 8 Hours of Instruction ........................................................................................................ 9 French Language Experience (in and out of class) ......................................................... 10 Rules ............................................................................................................................. 11 Règles............................................................................................................................ 12 Evaluation Form for Festival (morning) ......................................................................... 13 Evaluation Form for Concours (afternoon) .................................................................... 14 School Board Registration Form 1 ................................................................................. 15 School Board Student List Form 2 ................................................................................. 16 Student Registration Form A ......................................................................................... 17 Student Registration Form B ......................................................................................... 18 Information for Parents – Festival ................................................................................. 20 Information for Parents – Concours .............................................................................. 21 Accommodation ............................................................................................................ 22 1 31st Annual CONCOURS et FESTIVAL d'art oratoire 2015 Bonjour! Thank you for serving as the contact person for your school board. Please feel free to contact us if you require information not provided in this package, or if you are unsure about any aspect of our event. Overview What is the event? Le Concours et festival d’art oratoire is the largest French public-speaking event in Ontario. It began in 1975 in the Ottawa-Carleton area and expanded to a provincial event when the Ontario Modern Language Teachers’ Association (OMLTA) and Canadian Parents for French (CPF) joined forces in 1985. This event is an opportunity to integrate public speaking into regular classroom activity and to involve community members outside the classroom for judging, moderation, and school-level events. At the classroom level, our estimates show that over 22,000 students across Ontario take part in French Second Language (FSL) public speaking. Who can participate? In order to participate, Ontario students from Grades 4 to 12 must be enrolled in an FSL program during the current school year. If a student is in Grade 10, for example, but taking a Grade 11 French course, the student must compete in the Grade he/she is currently enrolled i.e. Grade 10. However, students who are in a program like IB and have to take French in Grade 11 but are now in Grade 12 can still participate even though they are not in a French program in the current school year (some students complete their French credits by Grade 11). Students in Grades 4 through 8 participate in a non-competitive Festival which is held in the morning. Students in Grades 9 through 12 participate in a competitive Concours which is held in the afternoon. Please go to page 8 for more information on the categories. Fee $65 per student for registrations received by April 2, 2015. The fee is $100 per student for registrations received between April 3 and April 17. If your student withdraws from the event after April 17, the $65 registration fee will be non-refundable. We reserve the right to refuse late entries. Please make cheques payable to Canadian Parents for French (Ontario). Date and location Saturday, May 9, 2015 at York University’s Glendon Campus, 2275 Bayview Avenue in Toronto. Visit for directions. How many years has the event been running? 30 years How many school boards participated last year? 24 school boards and 7 independent schools How many students participated last year? 289 students 2 31st Annual CONCOURS et FESTIVAL d'art oratoire 2015 Prizes The winners of the Grade 11 and 12 categories will each be presented with a plaque which will be engraved with their names and presented to their schools. In addition, each winner will receive the following: 11 – 12 Core 1ST $500 + $1000 scholarship* Extended $500 + $1000 scholarship* Immersion $500 + $1000 scholarship* Francophone $500 (formerly FSL Plus) + $1000 scholarship* *$1,000 entrance scholarship to York University 9 - 10 Core Extended Immersion Francophone 1ST $500 $500 $500 $500 2ND $250 3RD $125 $250 $125 $250 $125 $250 $125 2nd $250 $250 $250 $250 3rd $125 $125 $125 $125 (formerly FSL Plus) The 1st place winner of each category in Grades 11-12 is eligible to move on to the National Concours which takes place on Saturday, May 23, 2015. The 1st place winners of that event will each receive a 4year scholarship to the University of Ottawa (valued at $32,000). In order to qualify for the winning scholarships, students must meet general eligibility criteria as defined by the University of Ottawa: - be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident, or have protected-person status. - meet the admission requirements of the relevant faculty. Schedule of Events on Saturday, May 9, 2015 Festival registration (Grades 4-8) Opening Ceremony & French performance Festival speeches 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. in York Hall 9:00 a.m. in the Dining Hall 10:00 a.m. The latest time of completion is noon. Concours registration (Grades 9-12) Opening Ceremony Concours speeches Awards presentation 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. in York Hall 1:00 p.m. in the Dining Hall 1:30 p.m. approx. 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the Dining Hall 3 31st Annual CONCOURS et FESTIVAL d'art oratoire 2015 Format Format for students in Grades 4 through 8 Students in Grades 4 through 8 participate in a non-competitive festival event which is held in the morning. Each festival student will receive a gold medal, a certificate, and written feedback from their judge. Format for students in Grades 9 through 12 Students in Grades 9 through 12 participate in a competitive concours event which is held in the afternoon. Semi-final competitions may take place if a large number of students have entered which means that some students will have to present their speech twice during the event. Students will not be notified in advance if their competition will have semi-finals, but will be told when registering and so should be prepared to speak twice. Winners from Grades 11 – 12 can go on to compete at the National Concours which takes place on Saturday, May 23, 2015. The 1st place winners of that event will each receive a four-year scholarship to the University of Ottawa (valued at $32,000). How Can Your School Board Register? 1. Please send us the School Board Registration Form 1 (page 15) by Monday, November 10, via fax, email, or mail (see page 5). This form indicates your intention to participate and the estimated number of students you will be sending. No details of the actual number of participants are required at this time. 2. Students participate in 4 categories: Core, Extended, Immersion and Francophone (formerly FSL Plus). Each category is divided into four Grade groupings: Grades 4-6, 7-8, 9-10 and 11-12. For a more in-depth explanation of category placement and hours of instruction, please refer to the information on pages 8 and 9. 3. The maximum number of students permitted per Grade and category is: 1 STUDENT PER 50,000 STUDENTS IN YOUR SCHOOL BOARD. Entire School Board Student Population (Elementary & Secondary combined) up to 50,000 50,001 – 100,000 100,001 – 150,000 over 150,000 Number of eligible students per category 1 2 3 4 4 31st Annual CONCOURS et FESTIVAL d'art oratoire 2015 4. The deadline to receive the School Board Student List Form 2 (page 16) and Registration Forms A & B (pages 17-19) is Thursday, April 2, 2015. The late registration fee is $100 per student for registrations received between April 3 and April 17. We reserve the right to refuse late entries. If your student withdraws after Friday, April 17, 2015 the $65 registration fee will be nonrefundable. Thank you for your participation. For further information, please contact Tanzila Mian Canadian Parents for French (Ontario) 103-2055 Dundas St. East Mississauga, Ontario L4X 1M2 Phone: 905.366.1012 x 4 or 1.800.667.0594 x 4 Fax: 905.625.5570 Email: Website: 5 31st Annual CONCOURS et FESTIVAL d'art oratoire 2015 Checklist for School Board Contact Complete the School Board Registration Form 1 (page 15). Students' names are not required at this time. The form must be received by Monday, November 10 in order to guarantee positions for your students. Forms received after this date may also be considered depending on space available. Inform your teachers of the Concours et festival as soon as possible so that they can integrate public speaking into their curriculum plans for the year. For semestered schools it is important to work quickly if you plan to include students taking French in the fall semester. Establish a date for your school board's regional final and inform your teachers of this date. The deadline to receive your school board’s final package in our office is Thursday, April 2, 2015. A late fee of $100 will be charged for each application received after this date. No entries will be accepted after Friday, April 17, 2015. Email a copy of this booklet to the teachers whose students will be participating so that they can complete the necessary forms for their students. Your school board’s final package needs to include the following: School Board Student List Form 2 (page 16) Student Registration Form A (page 17) Student Registration Form B (pages 18-19) Up-to-date copy of Student Record of Accumulated Hours of Instruction in FSL for each student and a copy of a high school transcript. These two documents are not required for students participating in the Francophone category. Cheque made out to CANADIAN PARENTS FOR FRENCH (ONTARIO) to cover registration fees for all of your students ($65 per student) Questions? If you have any questions, please contact Tanzila Mian at Canadian Parents for French (Ontario) E: T: 905.366.1012, x 4 or 1.800.667.0594 x 4 F: 905.625.5570 Mailing Address: Canadian Parents for French (Ontario) 103-2055 Dundas St. East Mississauga, Ontario L4X 1M2 6 31st Annual CONCOURS et FESTIVAL d'art oratoire 2015 Information for Teachers Should one of your students be selected to participate in our event, you can assist by: • ensuring that the category placement for your student is correct (pages 8-10); • reviewing our rules (pages 11-12) with the student; • providing several opportunities for the speech to be presented; • preparing the student to answer two or three questions related to the speech; • ensuring students are comfortable with additional vocabulary related to their topic. Checklist for Teachers Please RETURN the following to your School Board Contact: Student Registration Form A (page 17) for each student. Student Registration Form B (both pages – pages 18 and 19) for each student. Please ensure that the speech title is included for each participant. Up-to-date copy of the Student Record of Accumulated Hours of Instruction in FSL with a photocopy of the secondary school transcript for each student. These two documents are not required for students participating in the Francophone category. If a student from your school is selected to participate in this year’s event, an information package outlining the specific details of the event (i.e. accommodation, directions to the campus, etc.) will be emailed to their parents as soon as CPF Ontario receives the completed registration forms. This package will also be available on our website at under Activities/Youth Activities. We have also included information sheets in this booklet which can be given to the parents in advance (pages 20-21). Questions? If you have any questions, please get in touch with your school board's Concours et festival contact person or you can contact Tanzila Mian at Canadian Parents for French (Ontario) E: T: 905.366.1012, x 4 or 1.800.667.0594 x 4 F: 905.625.5570 7 31st Annual CONCOURS et FESTIVAL d'art oratoire 2015 Category Placement There are four categories in the Concours et festival: Core, Extended, Immersion and Francophone (formerly FSL Plus). Each category is divided into four Grade groupings: Grades 4-6, 7-8, 9-10 and 1112. Category placement is determined by taking into consideration the Hours of Instruction (page 9) and French Language Experience (page 10). In order to make this an event that is fair to all participating students, we must ensure that each category contains students with similar backgrounds and experiences. Please carefully read pages 8 and 9 to ensure that students are placed in the correct category. Previously, incorrect placements have resulted in disqualifications. Please help us to make this event a positive and rewarding experience for all students. Calculating Accumulated Hours of French Second Language (FSL) Instruction Calculate the number of accumulated hours to the end of June 2014. Do not include hours from the current (2014-2015) school year. For elementary students, refer to the Student Record of Accumulated Hours of Instruction in FSL card in the student's OSR*. For secondary students, refer to accumulated elementary hours and add at least 110 hours per completed credit in FSL instruction as indicated in the student's OSR*. *Copies of the Student Record of Accumulated Hours of Instruction in FSL and a copy of a high school transcript (for high school students only) are required for student registration. If these documents are not available, we will need confirmation in writing from the student’s teacher of the total number of hours of instruction in French taken from the student’s previous report cards. THESE TWO DOCUMENTS ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR STUDENTS PARTICIPATING IN THE FRANCOPHONE CATEGORY. 8 CONCOURS et FESTIVAL d'art oratoire 2015 Hours of Instruction Please note: French Language Experience (page 10) must also be taken into account when determining category placement. Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Francophone Grade Core Extended Immersion (formerly FSL Plus) Students who have accumulated more than 750 hours but less than 2500 hours of FSL instruction by the beginning of the school year Students who have accumulated 2500 hours or more of FSL instruction by the beginning of the school year N/A 4-6 Students who have accumulated a maximum of 750 hours of FSL instruction by the beginning of the school year 4000 hours or more N/A 5000 hours or more N/A 5000 hours or more N/A 7-8 950 hours or less 9 - 10 1150 hours or less 11 - 12 1500 hours or less More than 950 hours but less than 4000 hours More than 1150 hours but less than 5000 hours More than 1500 hours but less than 5000 hours For students in Core, Extended and Immersion categories, French First Language hours count towards hours of instruction and years spent in a French First Language school count for at least 900 hours per year (half day JK and SK counts for 450 hours per year). Please remember to calculate the number of hours accumulated to the end of June 2014. DO NOT COUNT THE HOURS FROM THE CURRENT 2014-2015 SCHOOL YEAR. 9 CONCOURS et FESTIVAL d'art oratoire 2015 French Language Experience (in and out of class) Please Note: Hours of Instruction (page 9) must also be taken into account when determining category placement. Boards and teachers must verify that a student's out-of-class French language experience does not create an unfair advantage over others in the category where that student would normally be placed. In such cases, the student must be placed in a more advanced category. Category General Explanation 1 CORE The following conditions apply: • the accumulated hours must not exceed the maximum specified. • the student must not have been enrolled in any other FSL program within the past three years (i.e. the 11/12 school year or since). 2 EXTENDED Students generally fall into this category if they are or were in the following programs: • Extended French • Middle or Late Immersion • Partial Immersion The number of accumulated hours determines whether a student should be placed in category 2 or 3. 3 IMMERSION Students in immersion programs generally fall into this category including students from classe d'accueil* programs in Quebec. 4 FRANCOPHONE FSL students who have had an extensive exposure to French generally fall into this (formerly FSL Plus) category (including francophone students who are studying in the English system). They are students who: • are from homes where French is spoken often or always OR • have benefited linguistically from living, for one year in the past three years (i.e. 2012 or since), in a community where French is commonly spoken; some examples are Montréal, Ottawa, Haiti, France, Mauritius, Ivory Coast OR • have attended French First Language schools for at least one year in the past four years (in 10/11 school year or since), except if enrolled in a classe d'accueil* program. *separate French classes for recently arrived allophone children, students who are neither francophone nor anglophone generally fall into this category. 10 CONCOURS et FESTIVAL d'art oratoire 2015 Rules 1. Speeches must be an original work by the student, not a recitation of another person's work. The same speech must be presented throughout the regional school board level, the provincial and national competition. 2. Students may return to participate in the Concours et festival if they have attended in a previous year, but may not present the same speech. 3. The presentation should be committed to memory, but cards with key points will be allowed. A speech written in its entirety is not allowed in any form. 4. After presenting their speeches, students will be asked two or three questions related directly to their speeches. 5. When presenting, students must not identify themselves in any way, by name, school or school board under penalty of disqualification. This rule only applies to students in Grades 9-12. 6. No display materials, costumes, uniforms (includes school uniforms) are allowed under penalty of disqualification. 7. The use of a lectern or microphone is not permitted. 8. This is a speech arts competition as opposed to dramatic arts. Poems, songs and dramatic pieces are not appropriate. 9. Gestures must be kept to a minimum. It is not necessary for the head and hands to remain completely motionless, but gestures must be natural and spontaneous, as opposed to dramatic. Examples of unacceptable gesturing: wild arm movements (e.g. flapping wings), pirouettes, kneeling, turning one's back to the audience. 10. For Grades 9 through 12 only, excessive gestures will result in a penalty of up to three points. 11. Students in Grades 4-8 will speak for 2-4 minutes, while those in Grades 9-12 will speak for 3-5 minutes. 12. The time is clocked from when the student begins to speak. 13. For Grades 9 through 12 only, there will be a penalty for speeches which are over or under the allotted time: one point for 1-30 seconds, two points for 31-60 seconds, etc. 11 CONCOURS et FESTIVAL d'art oratoire 2015 Règles 1) Les discours doivent être une création de l'étudiant, c'est-à-dire qu'ils ne doivent pas être la récitation d'un texte écrit par une autre personne. Le même discours doit être présenté à chaque niveau de la compétition régional, provincial et national. 2) Les étudiants qui ont participé au Concours et festival dans les années précédentes peuvent se représenter, mais ils ne peuvent pas présenter le même discours. 3) L'exposé devrait être mémorisé, mais les fiches de référence sont permises. Les aide-mémoires écrits sur le papier ne sont pas permis. 4) Après le discours, il y aura deux ou trois questions qui seront directement reliées au discours. 5) Lorsqu’ils présentent leur discours, les candidats ne doivent pas s'identifier soit par nom, soit par école, soit par conseil scolaire sous peine de disqualification. 6) L'usage de matériel concret et/ou d'un costume particulier ainsi que les uniformes scolaires servant à l'exposé, entraîne la disqualification. 7) L'usage d'un lutrin ou d'un microphone est inacceptable. 8) Ceci est une compétition d'art oratoire, non d'art dramatique. Les poèmes, chansons et autres pièces dramatiques ne sont pas acceptables. 9) Il doit y avoir un minimum de gestes. Il n'est pas nécessaire que la tête et les mains soient complètement immobiles, mais les gestes doivent être naturels et spontanés, et ne doivent pas être dramatiques. Par exemple, les gestes suivants seraient considérés inacceptables: battre ses bras de manière exagérée (comme des ailes), faire des pirouettes, s'agenouiller, tourner le dos au public. 10) Seulement pour la 9e à 12e année, les gestes excessifs seront pénalisés un maximum de trois points. 11) Le temps alloué à chaque étudiant est de 2 à 4 minutes pour la 4e à la 8e année, et de 3 à 5 minutes pour la 9e à la 12e année. 12) Le chronométrage commence quand l'élève commence à parler. 13) Seulement pour la 9e à 12e année, il y aura une pénalité pour les discours qui seront en deçà ou audelà de la limite : un point pour 1-30 secondes, deux points pour 31-60 secondes, et cetera. 12 CONCOURS et FESTIVAL d'art oratoire 2015 Evaluation Form for Festival (morning) Grades 4 – 8 Catégorie : ___________ Critères Niveau : ________________ Candidat :___________________________ Super Bien Á améliorer Commentaires 1. Art oratoire Expressivité Présence Mémorisation 2. Fond du discours Choix du sujet Développement des idées Structure du discours 3. Qualité de la langue Usage créatif de la langue Usage correct de la langue Prononciation Intonation Débit Intensité 4. Réponses aux questions Maîtrise du sujet Spontanéité Qualité de la langue Impression générale 5.5.5. Autres commentaires : 13 CONCOURS et FESTIVAL d'art oratoire 2015 Evaluation Form for Concours (afternoon) FORMULAIRE D’ÉVALUATION Grades 9-12 Juge: _________________________________ Critères d’évaluation PRÉSENTATION *Expression corporelle /10 *Contact visuel /10 *Mémorisation /10 NOTES :_______/30 EXPRESSION ORALE *Prononciation/débit /10 *Ton /10 *Volume /10 * Pauses /10 NOTES :_______/40 COHÉRENCE *Structure /10 *Progression du discours /10 ID: ________ Titre: _________________________________ FAIBLE 1-2-3 NOTES / élément Emploie rarement des expressions faciales ou des gestes appropriés Contact visuel rare Pauvre mémorisation SATISFAISANT 4-5-6 NOTES / élément Emploie parfois des gestes/expressions faciales appropriés Contact visuel intermittent Mémorisation partielle TRÈS BON 7-8 NOTES / élément Emploie souvent des gestes/expressions faciales appropriés Contact visuel presque en tout temps Mémorisation presque complète EXCEPTIONNEL 9-10 NOTES / élément Emploie toujours des gestes et expressions appropriés Contact visuel en tout temps Mémorisation complète Débit lent ou Ne s’exprime pas S’exprime clairement et S’exprime toujours saccadé Voix monotone Volume trop faible ou trop fort Pauses mal utilisées ou trop longues toujours clairement Intonations irrégulières Volume irrégulier Pauses parfois utilisées efficacement distinctement avec peu d’hésitation Intonations souvent bien exploitées Volume est adéquat qui soutient l’intérêt Pauses efficaces clairement et distinctement Ton de voix judicieusement varié Volume varié qui ajoute de l’intérêt Pauses souvent utilisées pour enrichir la présentation Structure Parfois structuré Quelques liens Bien structuré Logique appropriée Exceptionnellement bien incohérente Ordre logique difficile à saisir logiques entre les idées Emploie un Emploie un Emploie presque Emploie toujours un *Vocabulaire /10 *Grammaire /10 *Structure de phrases /10 vocabulaire de base Plusieurs erreurs grammaticales Structure de phrases simple vocabulaire simpliste Quelques erreurs grammaticales qui altèrent le sens ou la précision Structure de phrases simple souvent utilisée vocabulaire varié et précis ainsi que des expressions riches Aucune erreur grammaticale Utilise correctement une variété de structures de phrases Répond mais Répond de façon requiert clarification ou répétition Réponses très peu créatives Réponses ne touchent pas aux questions rudimentaire Réponses parfois créatives Réponses manquent de pertinence toujours un vocabulaire varié et des expressions riches Quelques erreurs grammaticales, mais qui n’altèrent pas le sens du message. Structures variées, mais parfois mal utilisées Répond avec aisance mais néglige d’élaborer Réponses souvent créatives Réponses précises RÉPONSES *Spontanéité / 10 *Créativité / 10 *Précision, efficacité / 10 NOTES :_______/30 PÉNALITÉ(S) (voir règlements) structuré Logique impeccable NOTES :_______ /20 LANGUE NOTES :_______/30 Répond avec aisance et fournit des explications Réponses toujours créatives Réponses dénotent une grande maîtrise du sujet TOTAL :_______/150 Commentaries 14 CONCOURS et FESTIVAL d'art oratoire 2015 School Board Registration Form 1 (PLEASE PRINT) School Board: ___________________________________________________________ Contact Person: __________________________________________________________ Telephone: _______________________________________ Ext: __________________ Email: ___________________________________________________________________ Date of School Board Finals: _________________________________________________ Deadline to receive this form by e-mail, fax, or mail is Monday, November 10. Please place a check mark in the boxes below to indicate the Grade and category your students will participate in. A school board may participate in any or all of the categories. This is a preliminary registration form and these responses may be changed if necessary when you send in School Board Registration Form 2. Please use your best judgement to predict the number of students participating. REMEMBER: THE MAXIMUM NUMBER PER GRADE AND CATEGORY IS: 1 STUDENT PER 50,000 STUDENTS IN YOUR BOARD GRADE Category 1 CORE Category 2 EXTENDED Category 3 IMMERSION Category 4 FRANCOPHONE (formerly FSL Plus) 4 to 6 7 to 8 9 to 10 11 to 12 Signature of Contact Person: ______________________________________________________ Canadian Parents for French (Ontario) 103-2055 Dundas St. East Mississauga, Ontario L4X 1M2 F: 905.625.5570 x 4 E: 15 CONCOURS et FESTIVAL d'art oratoire 2015 School Board Student List Form 2 (PLEASE PRINT) School Board: ___________________________________________________________ Contact Person: __________________________________________________________ Telephone: _______________________________________ Ext: __________________ Email: ___________________________________________________________________ Date of School Board Finals: _________________________________________________ Deadline to receive this form by e-mail, fax, or mail (see page 15) is Thursday, April 2, 2015. Please enclose the registration fee of $65 per student, making the cheque payable to Canadian Parents for French (Ontario). The fee is $100 per student for registrations received between April 3 and April 17. If your student withdraws from the event after April 17, the $65 registration fee will be nonrefundable. We reserve the right to refuse late entries. Each school board is permitted to send 1 student per category for every 50,000 students registered in their board. Reminder – a student will be disqualified if this ratio is exceeded and that student CANNOT be relocated to another category (pages 8-10). Total number of students registered in your school board: ___________________________ NAME OF STUDENT (Please print clearly) GRADE 4-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12 CATEGORY 1,2,3 or 4 TITLE OF SPEECH 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Please duplicate this form if more than 10 students are entering. Total Number of Students __________ x $65 (Early) or x $100 (Late) = ________________ 16 CONCOURS et FESTIVAL d'art oratoire 2015 Student Registration Form A (PLEASE PRINT) To be completed by student's French teacher. To be returned to CPF Ontario with STUDENT REGISTRATION FORM B (TWO PAGES) by April 2, 2015. A committee will review all category placements carefully. Please ensure correct placement for your students to avoid last minute disappointment and possible disqualification. In order to participate, students must be enrolled in an FSL program during the 2014-2015 school year (see Who Can Participate on page 2). STUDENT'S NAME: Given name Surname TITLE OF SPEECH: School Board: School Name: School Address: Street: City/Town: School Phone: ( Postal Code: ) Ext. Teacher’s e-mail: Please indicate student placement in the table below (circle) GRADE: 4 5 6 7 8 (please circle ONLY ONE) CATEGORY: 1 (Core) 2 (Extended) 9 10 3 (Immersion) 11 12 4 (Francophone) (formerly FSL Plus) Accumulated hours of instruction in FSL to the beginning of this school year: Attach an updated photocopy of the Student Record Card of Accumulated Hours of Instruction* in FSL (Form B contains approval from parent/guardian to release this information from the OSR file). Ensure that hours accumulated at the secondary level are counted as at least 110 hours per credit. Attach a photocopy of the student’s transcript* and circle the courses taken in French. *These forms are not required for students participating in the Francophone category. NOTE: Need clarification? Please speak to your school board contact person before sending in this form. I certify that the above information is complete and correct under penalty of my student's disqualification from the Concours et festival d'art oratoire. Name of French teacher (please print):__________________________________________________________ Signature of French teacher: __________________________________________________________________ 17 CONCOURS et FESTIVAL d'art oratoire 2015 Student Registration Form B To be completed by the student and parent/guardian and returned to the student's French teacher. PLEASE COMPLETE BOTH PAGES OF THIS FORM. PLEASE PRINT STUDENT'S NAME: ______________________________________________________ AGE: ______ First Name Surname STUDENT’S SCHOOL: ___________________________________________________________________ STUDENT’S SCHOOL BOARD: _____________________________________________________________ SPEECH TITLE (in French): _______________________________________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN: First Name: ________________________Surname:_________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN: First Name: ________________________Surname:_________________________ APT #: _________ HOME ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________ CITY / TOWN: _____________________________________________ POSTAL CODE: _____________ HOME PHONE NUMBER: _____________________________________ CURRENT GRADE: __________ PARENT’S E-MAIL ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________ (IMPORTANT: Please use either your child’s or your current email address as a parent booklet with complete details on the event will be emailed to you at this address upon receipt of this form.) LINGUISTIC EXPERIENCES A. What is your home/first language? English French Other ________________________ B. If your home/first language is not one of Canada’s official languages, which Canadian official language did you learn to speak first? English French C. Are you from a home in which a parent speaks French regularly? Yes No D. Are you from a home in which one/both parents can speak French as a second language? Yes No E. How often is French spoken in your home? Always Often Sometimes Never F. Were you ever part of a student exchange program in an area where French was spoken regularly? Yes No If yes, which country/province? ____________________________________________ When & for how long?________________________________________________________________ G. Have you ever studied abroad in French? Yes No Which country? _______________________ When & for how long_______________ H. In the past three years (2012 or since) did you live in a community where French is regularly spoken e.g. Montréal, Ottawa, France, Mauritius, Haiti, Ivory Coast? Yes No If Yes: Where _____________________When_____________ For how long ________ Did you speak French in that community? Yes No 18 CONCOURS et FESTIVAL d'art oratoire 2015 Student Registration Form B (CONT’D) I. Have you ever studied in a francophone (French First Language) school for at least one year in the past four years (in the 10/11 school year or since)? Yes No If yes: For how many years? _______ What was the last Grade you completed there? Grade _______ J. Have you previously participated in the Concours et festival d'art oratoire at the provincial level? Yes No If yes: What year? ________ In which category? __________________________ K. What French program are you currently enrolled in at school this year? ________________________ L. Do you have any additional linguistic experiences in French? Yes No If yes, please specify what type of experiences (i.e. summer bursary, work and exchange experience) and the dates: _____________________________________________________________________________________ RELEASE FORM (A completed and signed form is required for all students) I certify that the information contained in Student Registration Form B is complete and correct under penalty of disqualification from the Concours et festival d’art oratoire. I acknowledge that the speech is the student’s original work, violates no copyrights and I accept that decisions taken by CPF Ontario and the Ontario Modern Language Teachers’ Association (OMLTA) are final. Evaluation forms will not be returned to the students. Approval is hereby given for the school to release to CPF Ontario a copy of the card showing the accumulated hours of French instruction for this student. In providing consent, I also acknowledge that any photos/videos posted by CPF Ontario or the OMLTA may be widely circulated to the public and may be viewed by anyone with access to the internet. The student’s name may also be released to the local media and could be published online, in a newspaper or in other print publications. Student/Parent/Guardian - please check the box if CPF Ontario and the OMLTA are not permitted to photograph, videotape or release the name of this student. MAY NOT be photographed/published MAY NOT release student’s name _________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature (if student under 18) ________________________________________ If student is over 18, please sign _________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name (please print) Student's Date of Birth: _____________________ Year / Month / Day Canadian Parents for French (CPF) is the national network of volunteers that values French as an integral part of Canada and is dedicated to the promotion and creation of French Second Language learning opportunities for youth in Canada. We are the Ontario Branch of CPF. To learn more about CPF and the benefits of being a member, visit our website at By having your child participate in this year’s event, you will automatically receive a 1-year family membership to Canadian Parents for French (CPF). In the event you do not wish to become a CPF member, please contact the office by April 24, 2015. Information on this event is available on our website at under ‘Activities/Youth Activities’. Questions? T: 905-366-1012 x 1 or 1-800-667-0594 x 1 E: 19 CONCOURS et FESTIVAL d'art oratoire 2015 Information for Parents – Festival INFORMATION FOR PARENTS OF STUDENTS PARTICIPATING IN THE FESTIVAL (Grades 4-8) OF THE CONCOURS ET FESTIVAL D’ART ORATOIRE (morning) The Concours et festival d'art oratoire is an annual public-speaking event for Ontario students in Grades 4 through 12 studying French Second Language in Ontario schools. This event is sponsored by Canadian Parents for French (Ontario) and the Ontario Modern Language Teachers’ Association. Students in Grades 4 through 8 participate in a non-competitive festival. Festival category participants will not be ranked, better demonstrating the belief of the sponsoring organizations that every participant is already a winner for advancing to this provincial final. They will each receive written feedback from their judge. In addition, each participant will also receive a medal of participation and a certificate. DATE OF THIS YEAR’S EVENT: Saturday, May 9, 2015 LOCATION: York University – Glendon Campus 2275 Bayview Avenue in Toronto SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: Festival registration 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. in York Hall Opening Ceremony & French Performance 9:00 a.m. in the Dining Hall Festival speeches 10:00 a.m. NOTE: The latest time of completion for the Festival speeches is noon. An information package outlining the specific details (i.e. schedule, accommodation, directions to the campus, etc.) will be emailed to parents as soon as CPF Ontario receives the completed registration forms from the teacher. This package will also be available on our website at under Activities/Youth Activities. Expenses for travel and accommodation for the participants are not covered. Basic and affordable accommodation is available at Glendon Campus and also at the nearest hotel. Details are contained in the parent information package. If you have any questions, please call Canadian Parents for French (Ontario) at 905.366.1012 x 1 or 1800.667.0594 x 1 or contact us by email at 20 CONCOURS et FESTIVAL d'art oratoire 2015 Information for Parents – Concours INFORMATION FOR PARENTS OF STUDENTS PARTICIPATING IN THE CONCOURS (Grades 9-12) OF THE CONCOURS ET FESTIVAL D’ART ORATOIRE (afternoon) Students in Grades 9 through 12 participate in a competitive concours with cash prizes. DATE OF THIS YEAR’S EVENT: LOCATION: SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: Opening ceremony le concours registration le concours events begin Awards presentation Saturday, May 9, 2015 York University – Glendon Campus 2275 Bayview Avenue in Toronto 1:00 p.m. in the Dining Hall 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. in York Hall 1:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. in the Dining Hall (approximately 1 hour) An information package outlining the specific details (i.e. schedule, accommodation, directions to the campus, etc.) will be emailed to the parents as soon as CPF Ontario receives the completed registration forms from the teacher. This package will also be available on our website at under Activities/Youth Activities. Expenses for travel and accommodation for the participants are not covered. Basic and affordable accommodation is available at Glendon Campus and also at the nearest hotel. Details are contained in the information package. If you have any questions, please call Canadian Parents for French (Ontario) at 905.366.1012 x 1 or 1.800.667.0594 x 1 or contact us by email at PRIZES: The winners of the Grades 11 and 12 categories will each be presented with a plaque which will be engraved with their names and presented to their schools. In addition each winner will receive the following: 11 – 12 Core 1ST $500 2ND $250 3RD $125 $250 $125 $250 $125 $250 $125 2ND $250 $250 $250 $250 3RD $125 $125 $125 $125 + $1,000 SCHOLARSHIP* Extended $500 + $1,000 SCHOLARSHIP* Immersion $500 + $1,000 SCHOLARSHIP* FSL Plus $500 + $1,000 SCHOLARSHIP* *$1,000 entrance scholarship to York University 9 - 10 Core Extended Immersion FSL Plus 1ST $500 $500 $500 $500 Winners from Grades 11 and 12 can go on to compete at the National Concours on Saturday, May 23, 2015. Winners at the National level will each receive a four-year scholarship to the University of Ottawa (valued at $32,000). Details of the National Concours will be provided to the winners on the day of the event. 21 CONCOURS et FESTIVAL d'art oratoire 2015 Accommodation Accommodation at Glendon Campus: Accommodation is available at Glendon College in Hilliard Residence for Friday and Saturday night. You need to make a reservation if you want to stay at Glendon and you must call after May 1 to make this reservation. Call the front desk at 416.736.2100 ext. 88547 and leave a message if no one answers. Mention that you are with Canadian Parents for French (Ontario) for the Concours. Each room provides bedding and a towel but no other supplies. We recommend that you bring your own soap and an alarm clock. Prices for rooms at Glendon College (subject to change): Single room (1 single bed) = $28.00 + tax (shared washroom on the floor) Double room (2 single beds) = $50.00 + tax (shared washroom on the floor) Semi-private room (1 single bed) = $38.00 + tax (shared washroom with 1 other semi-private room) Additional cots are available at $16 each per night. Accommodation at the Holiday Inn Toronto Yorkdale: We have secured a corporate rate at a nearby Holiday Inn. Holiday Inn Yorkdale (just off Highway 401 at Dufferin St. in Toronto) $111.95 per night per room for a standard room with two doubles, plus 13% tax (5% PST, 5% GST, 3% Destination Marketing Fee). There is a $12 fee to park. Website: This hotel is approximately 10 minutes from Glendon Campus. Individuals must make their own reservations directly with the Holiday Inn Yorkdale Central Reservations office by calling 1.866.568.0046 and mentioning Canadian Parents for French (Ontario). Reservations must be made by April 16, 2015. A limited number of rooms have been reserved at this special rate (first come, first served). Please confirm cancellation policy with hotel upon booking. Directions from the hotel to Glendon Campus: Go south on Dufferin Street to Lawrence Avenue. Turn left onto Lawrence Avenue and head east for approximately 6 kms. Glendon Campus is located at the end of Lawrence Avenue, where it finishes at Bayview Avenue. Tourism For information on tourism, restaurants, theatre, shopping and sports, contact Tourism Toronto at 800.363.1990 or 22
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