Purchase Weekend Event Tickets

Geneva Concours d’Elegance
August 21 – 23, 2015
Weekend Event Reservation/Ticket Order Form
202 Campbell St. Suite 1A
Geneva, Illinois 60134
Listed below is the information for the special events of the 2015 Geneva Concours Weekend.
We encourage you to return your request for reservations as soon as possible because we have limited
seating for Friday and Saturday’s Events. There are no paper tickets. Your name is your ticket for each
event. Please note that upon receipt of your ticket order, we will notify you via e-mail or phone you to
advise they are in receipt.
Friday, August 21st
6:00 p.m. Kick-Off Party (Must be 21)
Penrose Brewing Company
509 Stevens Street
Geneva, Illinois 60134
Saturday, August 22nd
6:00 p.m. Geneva Concours d’Elegance Classics & Candlelight Dinner
Dunham Woods Riding Club
33W333 Army Trail Road
Wayne, Illinois 60184
Please consider a donation to the Geneva Concours
d’Elegance NFP, a 501( c )( 3 ). Your donation is 100%
deductible and will be presented to The LivingWell Cancer
Resource Center in the form of a Collective Check from all
the Friends of the Concours at the end of the event.
Checks should be made payable to: The Geneva Concours
d’Elegance, NFP. We do not accept credit card payments
and preferably not cash.
#Persons______ @$45 =________
#Persons_______@$100 =_________
Donation: _____________________
Total =____________________
Please list the names of your guests on the reverse side of this document for each of the party
events along with the dinner choices for Sunday’s Dinner: Filet Mignon, Sauteed Salmon or
Grilled Eggplant (Vegetarian).
Please mail your order form and check to:
Geneva Concours d’Elegance, NFP
202 Campbell Street, Suite #1A
Geneva, Illinois 60134
Your Name:___________________________________________________
Your e-mail address: ___________________________________________
Phone Number:_______________________________________________
Inquiries: pattmb@ameritech.net or Patt @ 630-584-3107