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Motorcycle Entry Application Concours d’Elegance for Motorcycles Saturday May 23, 2015 10 AM – 4 PM World Golf Village North of St. Augustine, FL on I-­95, Exit 323 The 16th annual Riding into History Concours d’Elegance will feature antique, vintage, and classic motorcycles from all over the world. Our theme: Rule Britannia featuring British marques. There is no fee to enter your motorcycle in the Concours The World Golf Village provides an exceptionally beautiful setting for the Concours. The motorcycles will be displayed on the paved walk around the lake that is the centerpiece of the World Golf Village. Trophies will be awarded in a presentation with Grand Marshal Dave Aldana at 3:00 PM.
To apply to enter a bike please complete the form below and send to the following by Friday, May 15, 2015: Riding into History 14286-­‐19 Beach Blvd., #195 Jacksonville, FL 32250 OR email form to: register online at: Please print legibly NAME: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY: ___________________________________________________________________STATE:___________________ZIP:_________________ EMAIL: ___________________________________________________________PHONE_____________________________CELL: ____________________________ !OWNER or !DEALER MOTORCYCLE MAKE: ________________________________________________________MODEL:___________________________YEAR:________________ COLOR: _______________________________________________________!RESTORED OR !ORIGINAL: YEAR RESTORED:_____________________ CHECK ONE: !STOCK if !MODIFIED or !FULL CUSTOM describe changes______________________________________________________ IS THIS A COMPETITION/RACE MOTORCYCLE? ! ENTRANT COMMENTS: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NOTES: • There is a limit of 350 motorcycles. PRE-­REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED • This is an antique/vintage motorcycle event. Significant post-­‐1990 motorcycles, limited edition models, and those of historic interest may be accepted for display only. Acceptance into RIH is at the discretion of the organizers. • For more information please contact us at: .Web Site: • Chief Judge: John Duss: 904-­923-­1562 Concours Chairman: Alan Singer: 904-­262-­8991 • Motorcycle entrants are allowed one guest arriving at the same time as the entrant; all other spectators $10.00 each (This is a charitable event: Net proceeds from Riding into History go to the K9s for Warriors). • If your bike leaks oil or other fluids, the bike must be walked to & from the display area to ensure it does not leak anywhere on the sidewalk. Bikes found to have leaked on sidewalk will be disqualified and owner & motorcycle will be removed from facility. The undersigned agrees to the conditions contained in this application and does hereby tender an application for the 2015 Riding into History Concours d’Elegance. The undersigned certifies that he/she is the legal owner of the motorcycle and that all information provided is true and correct to the best of entrant’s knowledge. The undersigned hereby releases Riding into History, Inc., World Golf Village, their representatives, officers, agents and principals from all liability arising out of said event. Owner’s Signature: ___________________________________________________________________________Date________________________: All motorcycles selected for the show must be registered & in place no later than 9:00 AM and shall remain in place until 3:30 PM. Event Officials will be available to assist you starting at 7:00 AM.