Medical Terminology F Basic word structure F Root F Prefixes F Suffixes F Terms pertaining to the body 1 วัตถุประสงค • สามารถวิเคราะหแยกรากศัพททางการแพทยได • สามารถใหความหมาย และเขาใจศัพททาง การแพทยเบื้องตนที่ใชในระบบตาง ๆ ได 2 Word analysis • Root Æ foundation of the word • Suffix Æ word ending • Prefix Æ word beginning • Combining vowel Æ vowel (usually o) that links the root to the suffix or the root to another root. 3 Three general rules 1. แปลความหมายจากขางหลังขางหนา 2. ตัด combining vowel (o) กอนถา suffix ขึน ้ ตนดวย vowel เชน gastr/itis not gastr/o/it is 3. คง combining vowel ระหวาง 2 ราก ศัพท เชน gastr/o/enter/o/logy 4 HEMATOLOGY HEMAT / O / LOGY Root Suffix Blood Study of Combining vowel Hematology = study of the blood 5 ELECTROCARDIOGRAM ELECTR / O / CARDI/ O / GRAM Root Root Suffix electricity heart record Combining vowel Electrocardiogram = record of the electricity in the heart 6 EPIGASTRITIS EPI / GASTR / ITIS Prefix Root Suffix Above Stomach inflammation Epigastritis = Inflammation of above stomach 7 Prefixes Negative prefixes aanabdys- not, without away from bad, painful, difficult, abnormal apnea anemia abnormal dyspepsia 8 Prefixes Prefixes of number bitrimulti- two three many bicuspid tricuspid multifactors Prefixes of degree or size hypermacro- excessive large hyperplasia macroblast 9 Prefixes Prefixes of location ecectoenendoepitransperi- out, outside ectopic pregnancy in, within endoscope above across surrounding epidermis transplant pericardium 10 Prefixes Prefixes of time and order proretrosub- before prognosis behind, retroperitoneal backward below, under subtherapeutic Prefixes of attitude anticontrasyn- against against together antidote contraindication synergist 11 Prefixes Prefixes of speed bradytachy- slow fast bradycardia tachypnea 12 Prefixes Prefixes of color albin/o anthrac/o chlor/o cirrh/o cyan/o eosin/o erythr/o white black (as coal) green tawny yellow blue rosy red albinism anthracosis chlorophyll cirrhosis cynaosis eosinophil erythrocyte 13 Prefixes Prefixes of color yellow jaund/o leuk/o lute/o melen/o poli/o xanth/o white yellow black gray yellow jaundice leukoderma corpus luteum melenocyte polimyelitis xanthoma 14 Suffixes Noun suffixes -algia -cyte -ectomy -emia -genesis -gram -itis pain myalgia cell erythrocyte excision nephrectomy blood condition leukemia forming pathogenesis record electroencephalogram inflammation bronchitis 15 Suffixes Noun suffixes -megaly -oma enlargement acromegaly tumor, mass, swelling hepatoma -pathy disease condition adenopathy deficiency leukopenia treatment chemotherapy -penia -therapy 16 Suffixes Noun suffixes -er -ist -ic, -ical person specialist pertaining to -ole -ule -y little, small radiographer nephrologist neurological arteriole venule condition, process 17 Suffixes Noun suffixes = condition -ation constipation -cytosis –abnormal condition of cells thrombocytosis -ema empyema -emia – blood condition uremia -ia pneumonia -iasis –abnormal condition cholelithiasis -osis -usually abnormal nephrosis -pathy –disease condition adenopathy -uria –urine condition proteinuria -y acromegaly 18 Suffixes Adjective suffixes -ac, -iac -al, -eal -ar -ary -ic -oid pertaining to reseamble cardiac peritoneal tonsillar pulmonary chronic adenoid 19 Plurals 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. –a Î -ae : vertebraÎ vertebrae -is Î -es : pubisÎ pubes -ix, -ex Î ตัดแลวเติม -ices : apexÎ apices -on Î ตัดแลวเติม –a : ganglion Î ganglia -um Î ตัดแลวเติม –a : ovum Î ova -us Î ตัดแลวเติม –I : nucleus Î nuclei Others : anomalyÎanomalies, biopsyÎ biopsies, adenomaÎadenomata 20 Exercise 1 • Pancytopenia • Nocturia • Arthralgia • Anisocytosis • hematochezia 21 Exercise 1 • Pancytopenia Pan / cyt / o / penia • Nocturia Noct / uria • Arthralgia Arthr / algia • Anisocytosis Anis / o / cyt / osis • hematochezia Hemat / o / chezia22 Term pertaining to the body Planes of the body Digestive system 23 Superior Posterior (dorsal) Anterior (ventral) frontal (coronal) Proximal Sagittal (lateral) Distal Transverse (cross-sectional) Planes of the body Medial lateral Inferior 24 Nervous system cerebr/o ; encephal/o mening/o ; meningi/o ventricle of the brain myel/o 25 Nervous system • -algia Æ excessive sensitivity to pain • -esthesia Æ nervous sensation (feeling) • -paresis Æ slight paralysis • -plegia Æ paralysis • -lepsy Æ seizure • -phasia Æ speech • - kinesia ; -kinesis Æ movement 26 Exercise 2 • Nacrolepsy • Meningoencephalitis • Neuralgia • Electroencephalography • aphasia 27 Exercise 2 • Nacrolepsy • Meningoencephalitis Nacr / o / lepsy Meningo /encephal / itis • Neuralgia Neur / algia • Electroencephalography • aphasia Electro /encephal / o / graphy a / phasia28 Cardiovascular system atri/o ventricul/o 29 Cardiovascular system • angi/o ; vas/o ; vascul/o • aort/o Æ vessel Æ aorta • arter/o ; arteri/o Æ artery • ather/o Æ plaque (fatty substance) อยาสับสน arthr/o Æ joint • thromb/o Æ clot • coron/o Æ heart • phleb/o ; ven/o Æ vein 30 Digestive system or/o ; stomat/o epiglott/o pharyng/o esophag/o cholecyst/o hepat/o duoden/o col/o ; colon/o cec/o append/o ; appendic/o splen/o gastr/o pancreat/o jejun/o ile/o rect/o an/o sigmoid/o 31 Digestive system • Anorexia An / orexia = lack of appetite • Aphthous stomatitis Inflammation of the mouth with small ulcers • Jaundice (Icterus) Yellow-orange coloration of the skin or other tissues due to high bilirubin level in the blood • Flatus The presence of gas in both the stomach and the intestine • Ascites Abnormal accumulation of fluid in the abdomen 32 Ascites 33 Digestive system • Hematochezia Bright, fresh, red blood discharged from the rectum • Melena Black, tarry stool; feces containing blood • Steatorrhea Fat in the stool • Constipation Difficult, delayed elimination of feces • Diarrhea Frequent, loose, watery stools 34 Respiratory system nas/o ; rhin/o trache/o pneum/o bronch/o ; bronchi/o 35 Respiratory system • • • • • Auscultation Æ ฟง Percussion Æ เคาะ -pnea Æ breathing -osmia Æ smell Empyema Em/py/ema = collection of pus (in the pleural cavity) • Epitaxis Nose blood (เลือดกําเดาไหล) • Hemoptysis hem/o/ptysis = splitting of blood (ไอเปนเลือด) 36 pleur/o ; -thorax Pneumothorax Accumulation of air or gas gathers in the lung 37 Atelectasis (ปอดแฟบ) 38 Pulmonary resection 39 Urinary system ureter = ทอไต urethra = ทอปสสาววะ 40 Urinary system • • • • • • • • azot/o lith/o noct/i olig/o py/o ren/o ur/o -uria nitrogen azotemia stone nephrolithiasis night nocturia scanty oliguria pus pyuria kidney renal ischemia urine uremia urination anuria urine condition hematuria glycosuria 41 Blood system • • • • • • • • chrom/o Æ color coagul/o Æ clotting erythr/o Æ red leuk/o Æ white hem/o ; hemat/o Æ blood myel/o Æ bone marrow -blast Æ immature cell -cytosis Æ abnormal condition of cells (slight increase in cell numbers) 42 Blood system • • • • • • • -emia -penia -penia -philia -poesis -stasis Leukemia Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ blood condition deficiency deficiency increase in cell numbers formation stop • Leukocytosis 43 44 Musculoskeletal system • • • • • • • • arthro/o chondr/o oste/o spondyl/o ten/o ; tendin/o rheumat/o calc/o ; calci/o orth/o Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ joint cartilage bone vertebra tendon watery flow calcium straight 45 Musculoskeletal system • fracture sudden breaking of a bone • osteomalacia (rickets) softening of bone, with inadequate amounts of mineral (calcium) in the bone • osteoporosis decrease in bone density (mass) • osteomyelitis inflammation of the bone and bone marrow secondary to infection 46 Skin • • • • • • • • • • adip/o ; lip/o derm/o ; dermat/o hidr/o- ; diaphro/oichthy/o xer/o kerat/o myc/o onych/o pil/o steat/o Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ fat skin sweat scaly, dry (severe) dry (mild) hard, horny tissue fungus nail hair fat 47 Lesions, Symptoms, and Abnormal Conditions 48 Psychiatry • • • • • • • • • • psych/o iatr/o anxi/o hallucin/o hypn/o ment/o phil/o -mania -phobia -phoria Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ mind treatment uneasy, distressed hallucination (หลอน) sleep mind attraction to obsessive preoccupation fear feeling, bearing 49 Psychiatry • Amnesia Loss of memory • Apathy Absence of emotion; lack of interest or emotional involvement • Kleptomania Klepto = steal • Photophobia Fear of light 50 Exercise 3 • กลัวการกินยา • เม็ดเลือดทุกชนิดต่ํา • การตัดลําไสใหญออก • การวัดคลื่นไฟฟาหัวใจ 51 Exercise 3 • กลัวการกินยา Pharmaco / phobia = pharmacophobia • เม็ดเลือดทุกชนิดต่ํา Pan /cyto / penia = Pancytopenia • การตัดลําไสใหญออก Colon / ectomy = Colonectomy • การวัดคลื่นไฟฟาหัวใจ Electro / cardio / graphy = Elecardiography 52 Medical Abbreviations ตัวยอที่เกี่ยวกับหัวขอในการซักประวัติ C/C, CC C/O D/H F/H, FH H/O M/H O: PE PH PI PPH R/O, RO R/T S&S S/P S/S, SAS SH Sx vs chief complaint. care of; complains of drug history family history history of. medical history objective physical examination past history present illness past pertinent history rule out related to signs and symptoms. status post signs and symptoms. Syn SAS. social history signs and symptoms vital signs ตัวยอที่เกี่ยวกับน้าํ หนัก ABW BSA BW IBW IDW TBSA wt actual body weight. body surface area body weight, body water ideal body weight ideal body weight total body surface area weight ตัวยอที่เกี่ยวกับสวนสูง/อายุ y/o years old yr year ht height w/ ตัวยอทั่วไป เชน w /a w /o with when awake without 53 ตัวยอที่เกี่ยวกับการตรวจรางกายและซักประวัติเบื้องตน BP blood pressure; bpm beats per minute BT body temperature CPE I&O complete physical examination NK not known NKA no known allergies NKD no known disease NKDA O&E no known drug allergies intake and output (as for fluids) PP&A observation and examination palpation, percussion and auscultation PR pulse rate RT rectal temperature ULQ upper left quadrant. URQ upper right quadrant 54 ตัวยอที่เกี่ยวกับการตรวจทางหองปฏิบต ั ิการ Α/ Β acid-base ratio. CBC complete blood count. A /G albumin/globulin ratio CK creatine kinase ABG arterial blood gas CLT clotting time AFB acid fast bacillus CT computerized tomography AG anion gap ECG electrocardiogram (also EKG) ALP alkaline phosphatase EEG electroencephalogram ALT alanine aminotransferase (formerly SGPT). ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay AP alkaline phosphatase FBC full blood count AST aspartate aminotransferase (formerly SGOT) FBS fasting blood sugar BST blood serologic test G/O gas and oxygen BUN blood urea nitrogen Hb hemoglobin BUN/CR blood urea nitrogen/creatine ratio HbA1c Glycosylated hemoglobin A1. 55 ตัวยอที่เกี่ยวกับการตรวจทางหองปฏิบต ั ิการ HCT Hct, hct, ht, hematocrit. SGPT Serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase. See: ALT hgb hemoglobin. Syn: Hb, HGB STS serological test for syphilis IDL intermediate-density lipoprotein U urea, urology, unknown LFT liver function tests U&E urea and electrolytes. MFT muscle function test U/A, UA urinalysis PBS postprandial bood sugar UBG urobilinogen PFT pulmonary function tests US ultrasound PPT partial thromboplastin time VBG venous blood gas PT prothrombin time VC vital capacity RBC red blood cells/count VEF ventricular ejection fraction RU routine urinalysis. VLDL very low density lipoprotein SGOT serum glutamic-oxalacetic transaminase. See: AST XR x-ray 56 คํายอที่เกี่ยวของกับเลือด คํายอที่เกี่ยวของกับเวลา ⎯a before ac ante cenam, before meal/s. ante meridiem, before noon. CHA congenital hypoplastic anemia ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate ASAP IDA iron deficiency anemia. bid INR International Normalized Ratio (standard of care for the management of anticoagulation). BIN D, d day D /A D /C date of admission discharge,discontinue. DOB h.s. date of birth OD once daily pc prn post cenam, after meals. pro re nata (as needed) tid three times a day (Latin ter in die). UTD up to date MCH mean corpuscular hemoglobin MCV mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration mean corpuscular/cell volume (a parameter of red blood cells) PCV packed cell volume (hematocrit) MCHC RDW red cell distribution width AM as soon as possible bis in die, twice a day. bin, twice a night hora somni 57 คํายอที่เกี่ยวกับระบบ CVS AHD atherosclerotic heart disease PVST AHF acute heart failure PVT AMI AV AVB acute myocardial infarction atrioventricular atrioventricular block RF RVH RVMI AVRT RVT SAH SV SVA subarachnoid hemorrhage stroke volume supraventricular arrhythmia CVD CVD CVI CVS atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia coronary artery disease cardiac output cerebrovascular accident (stroke). cerebrovascular disease cardiovascular disease cerebrovascular insufficiency cardiovascular system paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia rheumatic fever right ventricular hypertrophy. right ventricle myocardial infarction renal vein thrombosis SVE SVI SVT VF DVT HT deep vein thrombosis hypertension. VHD VPC LVH PIV PST left ventricular hypertrophy peripheral intravenous (line) paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia VT VTE vv upraventricular extrasystole stroke volume index supra ventricular tachycardia ventricular fibrillation, ventricular flutter ventricular heart disease ventricular premature contractions. ventricular tachycardia. venous thromboembolism varicose veins CAD CO CVA 58 คํายอที่เกี่ยวกับระบบ GI คํายอที่เกี่ยวกับระบบทางเดินหายใจ CAH chronic active hepatitis APE acute pulmonary edema CAPD continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease CLD chronic liver disease COPE DU duodenal ulcer chronic obstructive pulmonary emphysema GBD gallbladder disease CP chest pain GERD gastroesophageal reflux disease ERV expiratory reserve volume HBV hepatitis B virus FEF forced expiratory flow HCV hepatitis C virus FEV forced expiratory volume IBD inflammatory bowel disease FEV1 forced expiratory volume in one second IBS irritable bowel syndrome left lung IP intra-peritoneal LL L&S LLL lower left lobe (lung) liver and spleen N&V, N/V nausea and vomiting. LRT lower respiratory tract N/V/D/C nausea/vomiting/diarrhea/constipation LRTI lower respiratory tract infection PEFR peak expiratory flow rate PU peptic ulcer pneumothorax UC ulcerative colitis, urine culture PTU URI upper respiratory tract infection URTI upper respiratory tract infection 59 คํายอที่เกี่ยวกับระบบทางเดินปสสาวะ ARF acute renal failure BPH benign prostatic hypertrophy CF cystic fibrosis CRF chronic renal failure ESRD end stage renal disease ESRF end stage renal failure GFR glomerular filtration rate. HD hemodialysis RBF renal blood flow. RRF residual renal function. UPT urinary pregnancy test UTI urinary tract infection 60 Reference Chabner DE. The language of medicine 6th edition. W.B.Saunders Company, Philadelphia, 2001. Medical dictionary (software). 61
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