Diversity and Wellbeing Benchmark 2015 Frequently Asked Questions June 5, 2015 Version 2015-003 Business in the Community, The Prince’s Responsible Business Network 1 Table of Contents I. About the Benchmark .....................................3 II. Preparing to Benchmark .................................4 1. What if I don't feel I can fully complete all of the survey? ................................................................ 4 2. What if I want to supply you with supporting information but it is commercially sensitive and/or confidential? .............................................................................................................................................. 4 3. How do I submit my benchmark submission? ................................................................................. 4 4. What if I only want to answer some questions for each characteristic? .......................................... 4 5. How do I sign up to Benchmark? ..................................................................................................... 5 6. Am I eligible to Benchmark? ............................................................................................................ 5 7. Is there a cost involved? .................................................................................................................. 6 III. Logins ...............................................................6 8. My login doesn’t work / my benchmarking account appears to be suspended. How can I access the benchmarking portal? .......................................................................................................................... 6 9. How does it work with having multiple logins? Would each of my colleagues that are helping me complete this need to set themselves up with a username and password? ............................................. 7 10. IV. If more than one person is logged in at once will information be saved correctly? ......................... 7 Completing the Benchmark Surveys.............7 11. We don’t monitor very much, will that be a problem? ...................................................................... 7 12. Why can’t I see any of the questions? ............................................................................................. 7 13. How are the sectors determined and can I choose which sector my organisation belongs to? ...... 7 14. I can see multiple copies of the same survey – what happened? ................................................... 8 15. What if I can only send my evidence as hard copy (paper)? ........................................................... 8 16. What should I do if I'm not sure how to answer a question or worried that I am not completing the survey correctly? ....................................................................................................................................... 8 17. How do I save my answers? ............................................................................................................ 8 18. What is the definition of BAME and / or white ethnic identity? ........................................................ 8 19. Can I copy over answers from my organisation’s 2014 submission to my organisation’s 2015 submission? ............................................................................................................................................... 9 20. V. Can I change my submission after submitting? ............................................................................... 9 Assessment, Results and Feedback .............9 21. Who assesses my submission? ....................................................................................................... 9 22. What outputs will I receive? ........................................................................................................... 10 23. Will my organisation receive any public recognition for benchmarking? ....................................... 10 Business in the Community, The Prince’s Responsible Business Network 2 24. When will we receive our benchmark results? ............................................................................... 10 25. Can I share benchmark results? .................................................................................................... 11 26. Will anyone else know my results? ................................................................................................ 11 27. Can I see how other organisations performed in the benchmark? ................................................ 11 VI. 28. About the Benchmark .................................. 11 What is the BITC Diversity and Wellbeing Benchmark? ................................................................ 11 29. What is the difference is between the Diversity and Wellbeing Benchmark and the Opportunity Now/Race for Opportunity benchmarks? ................................................................................................ 12 30. How is the benchmark different from the FTSE 100 Public Reporting: Employee Engagement and Wellbeing report? .................................................................................................................................... 12 31. How is the benchmark different from The Times Top 50 Employers for Women? ........................ 12 32. Will my benchmark score contribute to my Race for Opportunity or Opportunity Now award submission? ............................................................................................................................................. 13 VII. Further questions or clarifications ............. 13 About the Benchmark The BITC Diversity and Wellbeing Benchmark measures age, ethnicity, and gender workplace diversity and employee wellbeing. The benchmark is a management tool to help organisations evaluate their performance and inform evidence-based decision-making around workplace diversity and wellbeing. Business in the Community uses all survey responses to benchmark participants against each other and provides a score and banding which can be used publically or kept confidential (see Q25 below). Participants can choose whether to benchmark in one or more of these themes – Diversity and/or Wellbeing. At the beginning of the benchmark, participants are asked to select which benchmark to participate in Business in the Community, The Prince’s Responsible Business Network 3 (Diversity and/or Wellbeing Benchmark(s)), and are then asked to select the diversity strand(s) they want to benchmark for (age; ethnicity; and/or gender) within each. Preparing to Benchmark 1. What if I don't feel I can fully complete all of the survey? Don’t worry if you can’t answer every question. There is not a minimum number of questions that must be answered in the Part 1: Impacts section. We understand that monitoring varies between organisations. Part of the value of benchmarking is discovering metrics used by your peers and competitors. Please try and answer what you can and then use the benchmark results to persuade your stakeholders to invest in measuring and monitoring systems. 2. What if I want to supply you with supporting information but it is commercially sensitive and/or confidential? All information supplied to us is kept strictly confidential within the Diversity and Wellbeing benchmarking team at Business in the Community. 3. How do I submit my benchmark submission? The benchmarking process is operated through Probench, our web-based online benchmarking platform. Race for Opportunity and Opportunity Now campaign members can download a copy of the benchmarking questions in either MS Word or PDF format from our website [link]. Alternatively you can request a copy of the survey from your main BITC contact or by contacting Thomas Alberts [link: Thomas.alberts@bitc.org.uk]. We request participating organisations identify a lead person to complete the benchmark (identified in the survey’s qualifying questions). We recommend participants create a working group to compile and prepare your submission using the downloaded benchmark surveys to collate your data. Members of your working group might include delegates from CSR, employee volunteering, marketing, procurement or any other division you think may be useful. Please note that we do not accept hardcopy submissions. 4. What if I only want to answer some questions for each characteristic? The benchmark survey requires participants to select at least one protected characteristic for which you are benchmarking. The available characteristics are ethnicity, gender, and age. Your selection indicates Business in the Community, The Prince’s Responsible Business Network 4 your primary benchmark submission/s, and will ensure the relevant data entry fields are visible in Probench, the benchmarking web-portal. In addition to your primary survey submission, participants are also able to benchmark in other protected characteristics on a question-by-question basis. For example, if your primary benchmark submission is gender, but you are thinking about ethnic diversity in your recruit processes, you can opt to submit ethnicity data at question 7. Simply tick the ethnicity tick box to reveal ethnicity data entry fields. Similarly, if your primary submissions are ethnicity and gender, but as an organization you are developing an interest in age in your workplace, you can opt to submit age data at question 2 on workplace hierarchies. 5. How do I sign up to Benchmark? Signing up to benchmark is easy. If you are a member of one of BITC’s diversity or wellbeing campaigns (Opportunity Now; Race for Opportunity; Age at Work; Wellbeing), please speak with your Diversity Advisor or main contact. If you are not a campaign member, but a member of BITC, please speak with your Corporate Advisor or main contact. If you have no prior relationship with BITC or would like further information or guidance about benchmarking, please contact Ruth Yohannes, [link: ruth.yohannes@bitc.org.uk] 6. Am I eligible to Benchmark? The benchmark comprises a confidential online two part survey – Part 1: Impacts and Part 2: Inputs. The complete benchmarking processes involves participation in both Part 1: Impacts and Part 2: Inputs. Any employer of any size, sector and location is welcome to participate in the Benchmark. E.g. if you are an international employer with a significant workforce in the UK, we encourage you to participate and benchmark against UK peers. Part 1: Impacts is open to all organisations at no cost. Part 1: Impacts collects workforce metrics on diversity (age, ethnicity, or gender) or wellbeing to understand the outcomes of an organisation’s policies, actions and culture around diversity and wellbeing. Age and wellbeing are only available in Part 1. Organisations can choose to participate in Part 1 only. Any organisation can participate for free in Part 1. Part 2: Inputs covers ethnicity and gender only. It is an assessment of policy, practice, governance and strategic approaches to ethnicity and gender diversity and inclusion. Age and wellbeing will be introduced to Part 2 from 2016. Part 2 must be completed in conjunction with Part 1. There may be costs associated for participation in Part 2 (see below to confirm). Business in the Community, The Prince’s Responsible Business Network 5 7. Is there a cost involved? The Part 1: Impacts is open to any organisation for free. Part 2: Inputs is free for members of the Business in the Community diversity and wellbeing campaigns* to benchmark for the issue area or characteristic relevant to their membership. For example, a member of both Race for Opportunity and Opportunity Now can complete the full benchmark (Part 1 and Part 2) for ethnicity and gender for free. A member of Race for Opportunity can complete the full benchmark for race (Part 1 and Part 2) for free, yet would have to pay a discounted fee to complete a full benchmark for gender (Part 1 and Part 2). We charge a fee to non-members and a discount to Business in the Community members to participate in Part 2 of the benchmark. The fee structure is: Benchmarks Non-member BITC members Part 1: Age, Ethnicity, Gender, Wellbeing Free Free Campaign member * Free Part 2: Ethnicity or Gender*** £2,450 £1,950 Free** Part 2: Ethnicity and Gender*** £3,900 £3,125 Free** * Member of one of the following: Opportunity Now; Race for Opportunity; Age at Work; Wellbeing ** Note that in 2015 Part 2 focuses exclusively on gender and race Prices include a feedback report and, for organisations completing the full benchmark (Part 1 and Part 2), a two hour consultation with one of our Diversity Advisors (extended meeting if benchmarking across both protected characteristics). Logins 8. My login doesn’t work / my benchmarking account appears to be suspended. How can I access the benchmarking portal? We normally keep logins deactivated outside of the submission cycle, but we are happy to send anything you require from previous cycles, including previous submissions. Please contact your Diversity Advisor or Ruth Yohannes, [link: ruth.yohannes@bitc.org.uk] Business in the Community, The Prince’s Responsible Business Network 6 9. How does it work with having multiple logins? Would each of my colleagues that are helping me complete this need to set themselves up with a username and password? We allow multiple colleagues from the same organisation to register to complete the benchmark submission. Registration on Probench is automatic provided we already have your colleague’s name and email address. Please speak with your Diversity Advisor if you think this may be a useful option for you. 10. If more than one person is logged in at once will information be saved correctly? Two people can work on the same survey at the same time (whether they are sharing the same username and password, or using separate ones is irrelevant). However, if two people are working on the same question as the same time, then whomever clicked “confirm and next” last would overwrite the other person’s answer. Therefore, work on the survey at the same time – just not at the exact same question. Completing the Benchmark Surveys 11. We don’t monitor very much, will that be a problem? There is not a minimum number of questions that must be answered in either the Part 1: Impacts or Part 2: Inputs surveys. We understand that monitoring varies greatly between organisations. Part of the value of benchmarking is discovering metrics used by your peers and competitors. Please try and answer what you can and then use the benchmark results to persuade your stakeholders to invest in measuring and monitoring systems. 12. Why can’t I see any of the questions? You have to answer the very first question in the “Qualifying questions” section. This concerns which benchmark you are participating in (Diversity and/or Wellbeing) and which diversity strands you are benchmarking with (age, ethnicity, and/or gender). Once you have indicated your choice, the relevant questions will appear. This is the case for “Qualifying questions” in Part 1: Impact and Part 2: Input. 13. How are the sectors determined and can I choose which sector my organisation belongs to? The benchmark sectors are based on FTSE sector categories. Participants select their sector from an available list. We also ask participants to indicate a second choice sector in the event that we don’t have at least four participants from your first choice sector. Four is the minimum we require to sector comparisons. Participants are informed if we need to use their second choice sector. Business in the Community, The Prince’s Responsible Business Network 7 14. I can see multiple copies of the same survey – what happened? The most likely explanation is that you started a new survey and then clicked the back button to go to the portal page and then clicked “start new survey” again. We can delete your mistakenly started surveys. Please contact Ruth Yohannes [link: ruth.yohannes@bitc.org.uk]. But in the meantime – please logout and then login again: and then start to work on the top most survey. 15. What if I can only send my evidence as hard copy (paper)? Only three questions require corroborating evidence. We require this evidence in softcopy to be uploaded to your submission. If you do not have soft copy forms to upload or are prevented from doing so by your IT policy, then we will accept hard copies. Please speak with your Diversity Advisor or send any evidence in an envelope marked ‘Confidential’ to FAO Thomas Alberts, Business in the Community, 137 Shepherdess Walk, London, N1 7RQ. 16. What should I do if I'm not sure how to answer a question or worried that I am not completing the survey correctly? Contact your Diversity Advisor, or a member of the Race for Opportunity/ Opportunity Now team on 0207 566 6621, or e-mail Thomas.alberts@bitc.org.uk . We will identify someone who can answer your questions immediately or help you to work through the survey. 17. How do I save my answers? The “Confirm and next" button is the equivalent of "Save". Press this button often. For narrative answers, write them somewhere else first so that you can keep a backup copy (e.g. in MS Word) and then copy and paste them into the relevant box before pressing “Confirm and next”. Please note that narrative answers have word limits automatically enforced by Probench, our web-based benchmarking platform. Word counts are clearly indicated; please ensure you do not exceed the allotted word count. 18. What is the definition of BAME and / or white ethnic identity? BAME is an acronym for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic. We refer to BAME extensively in both surveys, particularly in Part 1: Impacts where we request key metrics. When referring to BAME and/or white groups, we always make reference to the 2011 census categories (see table below). Note that Groups 31, 32, 33 and 34 are not counted as BAME, and that eastern European ethnicities typically are classified as “any other white background”. Census 2011 Categories White Group Description 31 English / Welsh / Scottish / Northern Irish / British 32 Irish Business in the Community, The Prince’s Responsible Business Network 8 Mixed group / Multiple ethnic Asian / Asian British Black / African / Caribbean / Black British 33 Gypsy or Irish Traveller 34 Any Other White background 35 White and Black Caribbean 36 White and Black African 37 White and Asian 38 Any Other Mixed / multiple ethnic background 39 Indian 40 Pakistani 41 Bangladeshi 42 Chinese 43 Any other Asian background 44 African 45 Caribbean 46 Any other Black / African / Caribbean background 19. Can I copy over answers from my organisation’s 2014 submission to my organisation’s 2015 submission? No, regrettably this is not possible. Participants in previous years’ race and gender benchmarks are able to access their archived submissions in Probench and can also download PDF versions of previous submissions from Probench so that you can check the information you submitted for that year. If it is still relevant and timely for 2015, you can copy and paste it into this years’ submission. 20. Can I change my submission after submitting? Participants can continue to edit their submission until the benchmarking period closes on Thursday 16 July. If you have completed and submitted your submission, you can still modify it until the benchmark window closes. Simply click the “cancel submission” button and edit your submission. Remember to click the submission button again when you are satisfied with your amendments. You will not be able to amend your submission after the benchmarking period closes on Thursday 16 July. Assessment, Results and Feedback 21. Who assesses my submission? Trained members of the BITC Diversity and Wellbeing team assess all submissions. Submissions are double reviewed to ensure quality and consistency. Business in the Community, The Prince’s Responsible Business Network 9 22. What outputs will I receive? The outputs differ depending on whether you participate in only Part 1: Impacts or the full benchmark (Part 1 and Part 2). Part 1 only participants: - When you choose a diversity strand(s) at the start of the Diversity and/or Wellbeing Benchmark you will receive a data-rich feedback report for each diversity strand(s) selected. - Feedback reports contain quantitative information from all sections of the benchmark. The report shows our analysis of your submission alongside aggregated submissions from participants in your sector, public and private sector participants and all participants - If you have submitted data on a question-by-question basis, in addition to a feedback report in your core diversity strand(s) you will receive feedback for each of the additional questions outside of your core submission for which you have submitted additional data. For example, you have selected to benchmark for age in Part 1 Age, but also submitted gender data for five questions in Part 1. You will receive a comprehensive benchmark report on Age, as well as benchmark comparators for each of the five questions for which you provided gender data. Part 1 and Part 2 participants: - If you participate in the full benchmark (both Part 1 and Part 2), you will receive a comprehensive data-rich feedback report that integrates benchmark comparators from Part 2: Inputs with Part 1: Impacts. - Participants in Part 2 are also able to request written guidance and recommendations. Core members of Race for Opportunity and Opportunity Now may request written feedback for two sections, and Champion members of the campaigns may select written feedback of up to five sections. Your feedback selection is made within the Benchmark submission but is not final and you can change your selection after completing your submission. Non-members may select feedback in two sections. - You will receive a feedback report for each diversity strand for which you benchmark. 23. Will my organisation receive any public recognition for benchmarking? All benchmark participants that complete both Parts 1: Impacts and Part 2: Inputs will receive a banding (Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze) and a Business in the Community planter. The planter recognises your organisation’s achievement and is for your organisation to use entirely at your discretion. We will not publicise your organisation’s banding without your permission. We encourage you to use your planter to publicise your achievements. In previous years we have published four separate unranked lists of the Top 10 organisations for public and private sectors in race and gender. From 2015 the Top 10 lists will be discontinued. We aim to publish a list of the top banded organisations for ethnicity and for gender with organisational permission. 24. When will we receive our benchmark results? Benchmark results are sent directly to the person specified in your benchmark submission in the second half of October. Business in the Community, The Prince’s Responsible Business Network 10 25. Can I share benchmark results? We encourage you to share your benchmark banding and results internally and externally, particularly with internal stakeholders to inform change. We reserve the right to embargo the sharing of results externally until we launch the Benchmark trends findings in early December 2015 and will inform you of this when you’re results are shared initially. 26. Will anyone else know my results? Your results are confidential. Only the person specified in your benchmark submission to receive your results and members of the BITC benchmarking team will see your results. We encourage participants to circulate their feedback reports internally with key stakeholders and to publicise their banding in internal external communications. 27. Can I see how other organisations performed in the benchmark? No, the benchmark is a confidential survey. We can facilitate an introduction to another benchmarking organisation, if that organisation agrees. Please speak with your Diversity Advisor. About the Benchmark 28. What is the BITC Diversity and Wellbeing Benchmark? The BITC Diversity and Wellbeing Benchmark measures age, ethnicity, and gender workplace diversity and employee wellbeing. The benchmark is a management tool to help organisations evaluate their performance and inform evidence-based decision-making around workplace diversity and wellbeing. Business in the Community uses all survey responses to benchmark participants against each other and provides a score and banding which can be used publically or kept confidential (see Q23). Participants can choose whether to benchmark in one or more of these themes – Diversity and/or Wellbeing. At the beginning of the benchmark, participants are asked to select which benchmark to participate in (Diversity and/or Wellbeing Benchmark(s)), and are then asked to select the diversity strand(s) they want to benchmark for (age; ethnicity; and/or gender) within each. Business in the Community, The Prince’s Responsible Business Network 11 29. What is the difference is between the Diversity and Wellbeing Benchmark and the Opportunity Now/Race for Opportunity benchmarks? The Business in the Community Gender and Race benchmarks, also known as the Opportunity Now / Race for Opportunity benchmarks, have been renamed the Business in the Community Diversity and Wellbeing Benchmark. The new name reflects that the benchmarks successfully run by Race for Opportunity and Opportunity Now for several years have been expanded to include age and wellbeing for Part 1: Impacts. The Business in the Community Diversity and Wellbeing Benchmark measures three strands of diversity (age, ethnicity, and gender) and employee wellbeing. For organisations familiar with the Gender and Race Benchmarks, the Diversity and Wellbeing Benchmark will be very familiar. The questions are almost identical and it is still comprised of Part 1: Impacts and Part 2: Inputs. We have added additional data points within some questions (for example with respect to Recruitment, Bullying and Harassment, Equal Pay and Shared Parental Leave). Participants are requested at the beginning of the survey to select a benchmark (Diversity and/or Wellbeing) and one or more diversity strand(s) in which to benchmark (age; and/or ethnicity; and/or gender) within each benchmark. The age strand and wellbeing benchmark are currently available in Part 1 only and are being introduced in phases, we will keep you posted on when they will be available in Part 2. 30. How is the benchmark different from the FTSE 100 Public Reporting: Employee Engagement and Wellbeing report? The BITC Wellbeing Public Reporting benchmark publication, published in April 2015, brings a three year study to an end. We will not run a Wellbeing Public Reporting Benchmark next year, though we may return to it in 2-3 years’ time, if and when there is greater appetite for it in the marketplace. We will continue to use and share the Wellbeing Public Reporting Framework with relevant, interested stakeholders. This year, for the first time, we have a combined Diversity and BITC Benchmark, which introduces elements of age diversity and employee wellbeing for 2015. We will be looking to strengthen the Wellbeing Benchmark next year so it can be a management tool for interested employers. 31. How is the benchmark different from The Times Top 50 Employers for Women? Similar to the Opportunity Now awards, The Times Top 50 Employers for Women are public recognitions that celebrate those organisations that are doing the most for women. The assessment criteria, although related, are distinct, and organisations in The Times Top 50 list are also assessed for activities and Business in the Community, The Prince’s Responsible Business Network 12 impacts with respect to non-employees. By contrast, the benchmark is almost exclusively focused on workplaces and employees. The benchmark is an internal management tool designed to support organisations with strategy and action-planning. If you are interested in entering a submission to the Times Top 50 Employers for Women, please contact Louise Hall [louise.hall@bitc.org.uk] 32. Will my benchmark score contribute to my Race for Opportunity or Opportunity Now award submission? Your benchmark score will not contribute to your Race for Opportunity or Opportunity Now award submission. The benchmark and the awards are separate processes with separate purposes. The main purpose of benchmarking is to help businesses improvement their workplace diversity, inclusion and employee wellbeing by identifying areas of strengths and areas where performance can be improved. It is an internal management tool designed to support organisations with strategy and action-planning. The purpose of the awards is public celebration and recognition of achievements by awarding the very best organisations in different award categories. If you are interested in entering a submission to either the Race for Opportunity or Opportunity Now awards, please contact Thomas Colquhoun-Alberts [Thomas.alberts@bitc.org.uk] Further questions or clarifications If you have further questions or clarifications, please contact your organisation’s Diversity Advisor (T: +44(0)20 7566 8725) or the Benchmarking and Knowledge manager by email [link Thomas.alberts@bitc.org.uk] or 020 7566 6621 Business in the Community, The Prince’s Responsible Business Network 13
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