The Newsletter of The Madison Church Encouraging Spiritual Growth Through An Active Christian Community THE MADISON CHURCH PO Box 119 Madison, NH 03849 Phone: 603-367-4705 E-mail: The Vision March 2014 Volume 7 Issue 3 The Pastor’s Message Upcoming Events: March 5th Ash Wed. Service March 22nd Prayer Breakfast March 22nd Church Supper PRST.STD US Postage PAID Madison, NH Permit No. 8 The season of Lent was not a part of my Christian tradition. In fact it was not until I went to college that I was exposed to the term by a Methodist friend who was talking about giving up chocolate for Lent. I thought the term strange and the act of giving up something, especially chocolate, a little bizarre. I have since come to appreciate the season and its time of preparation for Easter. Lent is the forty days leading up to Easter excluding Sundays. It is a time of penitence, reflection, personal examination, in preparation for Easter. A preparation for a wonderful, life changing event, in the Christian year. I think of it like pregnancy and the preparation you do for the birth of your fist child. There is a lot of anticipation, preparation, and of course soul searching and wondering if you are up to the task of being a parent. Lent is a time for digging deep. It is a time for asking God to show us areas we need to work on. It is a time of letting God shape us with his mercy, grace and love. If it is helpful to be reminded of this process by giving something up for Lent then make that a part of your Christian practice. I have found it helpful to add something to my daily life for the same purpose. Let us take time to look at our lives during this Lenten season so when we get to that amazing day of Resurrection we can feel all of the light, hope, and promise God has to offer. Pastor Sean PAGE 2 T HE V I S I O N March 1 Debbie Dineen 2 Cathie Gregg 2 Jackie Hayes 4 Melissa LaRoche 4 Rodney Lyman 8 Lori Trussell 12 Tiffany Curotto 14 Marilyn Murdock 14 Carolyn Ward 15 Ken Hughes PAGE 7 Mission Outreach Of our Church Food Pantry 19 Yvonne Courtney February The Food Pantry Schedule for March 19 Pat Lyman Food Pantry March 5 Margie MacDonald 19 Julie Butler Families Served 7 March 12 Eleanor Jones 21 Clinton Trussell Neighbor Helping Neighbor March 19 Karen Alexander 21 Travis Arnold Rides Given 25 Days of Celebration Birthday T HE V I S I O N 18 Nora Cronin 21 Jordan Brosor ************************** 23 Marty Risch 24 Bonnie Rothermel Happy Birthday And God Bless You All!! Anniversaries 15 Patsy Bendigo March 16 John Sherwood 2 Ted and Carol Kramer 16 John Colcord 22 Ron and Kim Force 16 Emily Sheppard March 26 Kim Force The Food Pantry is in need of canned pears and vegetable soups . Please leave your contributions in the containers in the front and back entry ways. Thank you for your consistent contributions. The Madison Church Food Pantry has a Cell Phone now to receive calls for food. If you need assistance please call 603-733-6323. Appointments are made for Wednesdays between 10AM-1PM 17 Barbara Anderson 17 Lindsey Bergeron 17 Aaron Beck In Our Prayers Dan Dineen, Sr., Chloe Laine, Fred Therrien, Sherri Hayford, Curtis Yule, Adrian Thompson, Susan Brooks’ father, Ernie and Joan Menard, Ann Scarborough, all our service people, and our ABC churches. Use Our Prayer Team We have a church prayer chain that would be honored to pray for your needs. Please visit our website at and enter your request, or call Susan Brooks 447-2083. The Madison Church's website is Information or news for the website can be sent to Mary Cronin at If you are on a church committee and are interested in adding your own content to the website, contact Mary for more information. The church e-mail is and Pastor Sean’s is The next newsletter deadline is on March 27th. If you have something to contribute please e-mail Lisa at or give her a call at 367-4705. V O LU M E 7 I S S U E 3 T HE V I S I O N PAGE 5 For in thee, O LORD, do I hope: thou wilt hear, O Lord my God. MARCH Sun Mon Tue Wed Psalm 38:15 Thu Fri Sat 1 2 Communion 3 10:00 Sunday school 10:00 Worship Service 11:00 Coffee Hour Bell Choir Practice CE Board Meeting 9 10 10:00 Sunday school 10:00 Worship Service 11:00 Coffee Hour Bell Choir Practice 4 5 6 7 10:30 Bible Study 2 #oon Gibson Meal at the Silver Lake landing 6:15 Men’s Devotional @ Silver Lake Home Center 10-1 Food Pantry Open by appointment 7:00 Ash Wednesday @ The Brown Church in Conway 6:30 Philathea's Group 9:00 Food Pantry Meeting 11 12 13 14 10:30 Bible Study 12 #oon Gibson Meal at the Silver Lake landing 7:00 Deacons Meeting 6:15 Men’s Devotional @ Silver Lake Home Center 10-1 Food Pantry Open by appointment 7:00 Choir Practice 7:00 Compassionate Friends 7:00 Missions Meeting 15 6:00 Game #ight In the undercroft Supper provided 20 21 22 16 17 18 19 10:00 Sunday school 10:00 Worship Service 11:00 Coffee Hour Bell Choir Practice 7:00 Couples Group Stiduomg the book “The five Love Languages” 10:30 Bible Study 12 #oon Gibson Meal at the Silver Lake landing 6:15 Men’s Devotional @ Silver Lake Home Center 10-1 Food Pantry Open by appointment 7:00 Choir Practice 23 24 25 26 10:00 Sunday school 10:00 Worship Service 11:00 Coffee Hour Bell Choir Practice 7:00 Trustees Meeting 10:30 Bible Study 12 #oon Gibson Meal at the Silver Lake landing #ewsletter Deadline 6:15 Men’s Devotional @ Silver Lake Home Center 10-1 Food Pantry Open by appointment 7:00 Choir Practice 30 31 8 8:00AM Prayer Breakfast 5:30PM Church Supper 27 ewsletter Deadline 28 Every Sunday 3:00 Caring Kids 10:00 Sunday school 10:00 Worship Service 11:00 Coffee Hour Bell Choir Practice 4:00 Youth Group 5:00 Youth Group 29 PAGE 6 T HE V I S I O N ABW Ministries Lakes Association Spring Meeting April 9th Registration 3pm Loudon Free Will Baptist Church Guest Speaker: Bonnie Sestito T HE V I S I O N PAGE 3 Philathea's Women Group The Philathea Women will meet Thursday, March 6th at 6PM in the church undercroft. We will share our meeting with the middle and high school young women. Dinner will be provided, and the meeting will consist of sharing pictures, clothing, yearbooks, and the teenage years of the older members. All women, young and old, are invited to share this evening! Dinner $8.00 RSVP Call 968-7643 Peg Winton By April 2nd Church Supper The Madison Church Supper will be held at the Madison Elementary School Supper Date: Saturday March 22nd at 5:30PM Prayer Chain Breakfast The Prayer Chain group will hold a monthly breakfast starting this month on Saturday March 22nd at 8AM in the church undercroft. All who are and would like to be in our prayer chain group are welcome. For more information please call the church @367-4705. Adults $8.00 Children under 12 $5.00 Menu: Grilled Hot Dogs, homemade baked beans, salads, rolls, and pie for dessert Ladies’ Get Together (For Widows) Please let Sandy Ames know if you will be attending. Her number is 367-1956 or email Wednesdays at noon on the following date: Wednesday March19th at Jonathan Seafood in Conway.
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