Oratia Kea Scouts Newsletter Term 2, 2015 Hi Everyone, Hope everyone has had a good break and is raring to go this term. Below is some information on a number of new initiatives, and events this term. Online Scout Manager (OSM) This software has been funded by SCOUTS New Zealand to assist all Groups with their administration, and communication with their member families. All Groups were asked to introduce this tool in the Kea Section initially before rolling it out to the other Sections. Hopefully you have all had a chance to check it out. If you haven’t receive an email from Online Scout Manager yet, please talk to Ruru so we can get you sorted. Once you logon to OSM you will be able to see your Kea’s progress through the award scheme, and any personal challenge badges they have earned. We would like you to check their membership details for us, and make any changes needed. We will continue to have paper copies of programmes, newsletters, and permission slips available on a Kea night, but in addition to emailing these out you will now be able to find them on the OSM. For all our events we would appreciate you logging onto the OSM and selecting “No” you will not be attending the event, or “Yes” you will be attending. This will greatly assist us with planning and finishing details for each event. Of course, if you do not wish to use this system, you can just talk to a Leader whenever we have events, or your details change. Lest We Forget - ANZAC Day Services The Oratia Air Scout Group attends both ANZAC services at the Waikumete Cenotaph each year. We observe the first service, and march in the second. Members who attend either service will receive the MoanaRua Zone ANZAC badge. This year is special. To acknowledge this, our Cub Section Leader has set the members of the Oratia Air Scout Group a challenge – 100 for 100. Further information on this challenge is attached to this newsletter. Kea Leadership Team Thank you to Nick for stepping up to join our Leadership team. Nick’s Leader name will be Tui. Weka has confirmed that he will be with us until 8 May, at which time he will be moving away from the area. Thank you to Weka for the five year’s service he has given to the Oratia Kea Club. Weka has done an amazing job in his role as a Leader in the Kea Section and we will definitely miss him. Both Kereru and Ruru have leadership roles on the MoanaRua Zone team which means there may be some weeks where one (or both) of them are unable to be at Keas which will leave Tui as the only warranted Leader on-site. We do understand that there are a number of parents with other volunteer commitments with schools or sports clubs but it would be great if there were another couple of you who are able to step up to help in a Leadership role. As always, it is a case of more hands make light work! If you think you would like to be a Leader please talk to Weka, Kereru, or Ruru. Full training will be provided. If you aren’t sure, but are thinking about it, we are intending to have the first training session - “Introduction to SCOUTS New Zealand” - on Tuesday 28th April at 7.30pm in the Kea hall. Cub and Kea Family Camp 22 – 24 May Twice a year the Keas and Cubs do a camp together. Our Camp this term has a Kiwiana theme and is being held at the Houghton’s Bush Camp near Muriwai. As this is a full camp and not just a sleepover a parent/caregiver is required to stay for the entire camp with the Kea. Our Cub Leaders always run fantastic camps and we really recommend you attend one if you can! Attendance at these camps does complete a number of items in the Kea award scheme. The permission slip for the camp is attached. Keas in Action Hike 24 May If you aren’t attending the Group camp, and feel like getting out for a small walk on Sunday 24th there is a Keas in Action hike you can do. The Keas in Action Hike is a national event. This year we will be doing a walk from the Motu Moana Camp Ground, to the Blockhouse Bay Beach reserve and back to Motu Moana. There is a badge available for this event. If you are attending camp, don’t worry, there is usually a walk/hike on the Sunday and we will make this badge available to you as well. There is a permission slip attached to this newsletter. Personal Challenge Badges This term we will be doing the Scientific Kea badge. As part of this badge we will give the Keas a small piece of homework to complete on 4 May. The results (homework) will need to be returned to Keas on 8 June. The Personal Challenge badge is an important part of the Kea award scheme, with Keas needing to complete one challenge at the silver level of the award and one challenge at the gold level. We would like to encourage ALL our Keas to have a look in their award scheme books and choose a badge to work towards at home. Two really great badges for them to work on at home are the Helpful Kea badge and the Caring Kea badge. We find quite a few Keas also enjoy doing the Healthy Kea badge. Any Kea who is attending swimming lessons is usually able to get their Water Safety Kea badge as well. There is a sheet for swimming instructors to sign available from Ruru. If you have any questions on these badges please talk to Ruru. Fees for 2015 The Kea section relies on our members to pay their fees as the budget we are given each term to purchase resources is calculated based on the number of paid up members. Invoices were sent out to members during the holiday break. Kea fees are $45 per term and are due at the beginning of term. These fees go towards paying our National dues, running the Group, repairing/purchasing equipment, training Leaders, and purchasing resources for running the Kea Section. Leaders are not paid. Fees can be paid direct to the Group bank account or can be paid on a Kea night. Please make any cheques payable to Scout Association of New Zealand. If you have any queries about anything in this newsletter please feel free to see Gull, Kiwi, Weka, or Ruru. Yours in Scouting Weka, Kereru, Tui, Ruru, and Pukeko Maarten, Denise, Nick, Tracy, and Craig
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