THE GLUE Official Publication of the Kenosha Education Association Teachers Substitute Teachers Education Support Professionals Noon Hour Supervisors Circuit Court Decision in the matter of KEA Collective Bargaining Agreements tion that a trial court’s decision (Dane County By Steve Urso, Interim Excutive Director Circuit Court Judge Juan Colás, September 12, In September of 2014, a motion was filed Wisconsin Statutes. “ KEA is now free to appeal the decision of 2012), is precedential and has statewide im- the Circuit Court. Obviously, the fundamen- for summary judgment that had a hearing in pact.” Accordingly, Judge Bastianelli found that tal belief of KEA was that the parties, KEA November, 2014. The motion sought a judg- the collective bargaining agreements entered and KUSD, were legally able to bargain the ment that all collective bargaining agreements into by the union defendants during November, agreements as they did in November, 2013. entered into between KEA and KUSD were in 2013 were contrary to the provisions of Act 10 Now, in March of 2015, well after the July, violation of Wisconsin Statutes and were there- and are therefore null and void. 2014 Supreme Court decision that Act 10 is fore void and unenforceable. The motion also In regards to the judgment seeking relief constitutional, Kenosha County Circuit Court sought a judgment that the actions of KEA, in from the KEA for engaging in the restraint rules the bargains entered into are void. This entering into such collective bargaining agree- of trade, the Court rejected that argument. is hard to understand when the question of the ments, were a restraint of trade in violation of The Court said, “At the time the CBA’s were constitutionality of Act 10 was before, but not Wisconsin Statutes. entered into, the State of Wisconsin via the yet decided, by the Supreme Court. For some In part, KEA attorneys argued that a WERC, had informed the public, KUSD and here at KEA, it appears a convenient excuse declaratory judgment issued in Dane County the defendant unions that they were able to to now say the parties could not bargain when had the effect of an injunction and, therefore, collectively bargain. There is no question that the State had told them through the WERC that the agreements KEA and KUSD entered into the collective bargaining agreements were they could in the fall of 2013. in November of 2013 were valid. Kenosha on wages, and conditions of employment; County Circuit Court Judge David Bastianelli traditional areas of union activity. This activity trust us, it is not. We will keep you abreast of disagreed and stated, “The court has not found is clearly exempt from anti-trust provisions any decision on an appeal as that information any decision that would support the proposi- of Chapter 133, by virtue of ss 133.07 of the becomes available. If any of this sounds too bizarre to be true, WEAC-RA and NEA-RA Delegates Elected Thank you to all who ran and voted in last week’s election of local KEA delegates to the WEAC and NEA Representative Assemblies. The KEA Elections Committee is happy to announce the winners of the positions to the WEAC-RA delegation: Melinda Duford, Kim George, Jill Jensen, Valerie Ludlow, Henry Perez (ESP), Colleen Robson, David Speaks and Casimir Uchegbu. KEA President Anne Knapp will also attend as a member of the WEAC Board of Directors. Representing the KEA on the WEAC delegation to the NEA Representative Assembly this summer will be KEA President Anne Knapp, Melinda Duford, Kim George and Henry Perez (ESP). We thank these members for donating their time and abilities in representing the interests of the membership at these annual meetings that establish the direction and the business of our state and national organizations for the coming year. Vol. 43, Issue 28 March 27, 2015 I Started Out With Nothing... And I Still Have Most of It! By Scott Farnsworth, GLUE Editor the American economy accompanied these societal and economic trends by chance is either naïve or turning a blind eye to reality. The bottom line is that for nearly the past forty years we have seen a repeated academic As long ago as 2002, the New York Times ran refutation – never mind the simple fact of I have said it many times before, but at a series of articles, “The Class Wars,” that people’s day-to-day reality – of the “trickle- times I feel as though the world really did come showed that income inequality had become down,” austerity theorist conviction that to an end on New Year’s Eve, 1999 – and I was more lopsided than it had been in the days conservative economic principles will “raise just too obtuse to notice… and the universe of the infamous Robber Barons a century all boats.” The bottom line is that for forty has been slowly unraveling around me ever earlier. Even earlier, at the end of the Reagan years we have been driving an ever increasing since! It becomes, ironically, the only rational era, the Philadelphia Inquirer ran a series of percentage of our population generally – and explanation as to why so many people in so articles that won its reporters (Donald Barlett an even greater percentage of our children – many leadership positions would continuously and James Steele) a Pulitzer, which were then into conditions of poverty (as John Kenneth make the disastrous, counter-productive collected into a book entitled – guess what Galbraith observed, the surest form of birth decisions that have been made for the past – America: What Went Wrong? So, we have control is affluence). fifteen years. The deeper irony comes from the taken some time to finally have the debate enter realization that my fear is incorrect – because the public discourse. the downward spiral goes back much further than fifteen years. I am speaking, of course, about the steady Enter, almost exactly one year ago, French I know that you have heard me say this before, but we must continuously make it clear to those who wish to vilify teachers economist Thomas Piketty with his Capital in that economic status remains one of the the Twenty-first Century and the latest and most predominant factors in determining the decline in the fortunes of the middle-class factual analysis to date of the inherent flaws in level of both educational preparedness and in America that began with the damaging our economic system, which has habitually and academic success of a student. If there is such “stagflation” of the late-Seventies and early- historically created an ever-widening wealth an overwhelming focus on the achievement Eighties, and which has continued unabated gap between the classes. The only exception gap between children from economically (sorry, Clinton-lovers, he did nothing to help) to this trend was in the middle of the last advantaged and disadvantaged backgrounds, ever since. In that time, we have seen book century, when reaction to the Great Depression, then it might be prudent to do something after book and article after article, from both world wars and the threat of Communism about the wealth gap instead of presuming that the liberal and conservative positions, arguing caused free-market economies to adopt social educators are doing something wrong. over what has gone wrong in our country (well, programs, strong unions and a sharing of mainly with our economy), but agreeing on the profits with the workers who produced them. rebirth. How about a rebirth of the American initial point – something has gone wrong! Anyone who believes that the Golden Age of commitment to growing the middle-class. It’s spring, after all – the season of Last call for ESEA revisions? Reauthorization of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA- formerly No Child Left Behind) is moving towards a possible end point very soon. The House bill, HR 5, is already out of committee and on the House floor. The Senate education committee is still trying to get a compromise of some kind so that it can send a bill to the Senate floor by mid-April. Of course, passing a new ESEA is going to be another struggle. The House has to deal with its own disagreements, and things may be even more contentious in the Senate -- then the House and Senate have to work out any differences between their two versions.... But once bills are written and out of committee, they are much harder to change. That’s why we are urging you to speak up now. It may be your last chance. If you can swing it, use Spring Break to make the time to visit your Senators and Congressional representatives in their home offices while they are home. Legislators will be back in WI starting tomorrow and through April 10! You can still call the local offices and make an appointment. If you can’t get in to see the actual legislator, it still makes a major impression to meet with his/her legislative aide, talk to any aide, or even just physically show up at the office and leave a written or verbal message. Find their home office contact info at and Also, take time to email them at NEA’s The Glue Page 2 March 27, 2015 ANNOUNCEMENTS Calendar of Events 3rd Quarter Ends Fri., March 27 No Students Report Pre-WEAC-RA Meeting Tues., March 31 (4:30 p.m., KEA Office) WRS Presentation Wed., April 1 (5:00 - 7:00 p.m., KEA Office) Spring Recess Begins Fri., April 3 - Sun., April 12 Spring Election Tues., April 7 KUSD Standing Committee Meetings Tues., April 14 (5:30 p.m., ESC Board Room) KEA Board Meeting Wed., April 15 (4:30 p.m., KEA Office) Association Representative Assembly Meeting Thurs., April 16 (4:30 p.m., KEA Office) WEAC-RA Fri., April 17 - Sun., April 19 Last Call for WRS Seminar Registration By popular demand, the KEA and Marty Richards will be hosting one more WRS Seminar before the end of the school year! If you are considering retiring within the next year or two, this is a perfect opportunity for you to get all of your ducks in a row. The Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS), the state pension plan, will be a source of retirement income for most Wisconsin public school employees like you. How much do you know about this important benefit? Whether you’ve just started your career or are close to retirement, you will: • Learn how to read/interpret your pension statement. • Calculate your WRS pension benefit. • Learn how to choose an appropriate annuity option. • Learn how to purchase forfeited service. • Determine whether you will have a retirement income gap. When: Wednesday, April 1 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Where: KEA Office Building 5610-55th Street, Kenosha Seating will be limited to 36 for each session, including spouses (who are also welcome to attend), so register early. You can RSVP at Vote “No” on Question 1 on the April 7th Ballot! Stop yet another partisan power-grab on the part of the State Legislature STATEWIDE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT REFERENDUM KEA OFFICE HOURS For questions or concerns, please call the KEA office at 262-654-2127 x10. Mon.-Thurs., 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. Fri., 8 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. The Glue “Election of chief justice. Shall section 4 (2) of article VII of the constitution be amended to direct that a chief justice of the supreme court shall be elected for a two-year term by a majority of the justices then serving on the court?” VOTE NO! This is an 11.29 communication with WEAC members. Page 3 March 27, 2015 Membership Dues for 2014 Tax Deductions If you started last school year (2013-14) on EFT, you had 20 payments. If you started the 2013-14 year on payroll deduction, which the district failed to initiate, and the KEA had a backup EFT form to use starting with the next payment, you had 19 payments. For those of you who can deduct your membership dues for the year 2014, and who did not miss any payments, your totals are as follows for those who have paid by EFT: Full-Time Teachers: (19 Payments) $785.11 (20 Payments) $755.53 Full-Time ESPs: (19 Payments) $313.94 (20 Payments) $301.91 Noon Hour Supervisors: (19 Payments) $129.22 (20 Payments) $124.07 Substitute Teachers: (19 Payments) $152.73 (20 Payments) $148.05 Carpenters & Painters: (Total) $329.92 Again, if the following apply: •You missed payments, or did not need to make dues payments while out on unpaid leave. •You joined at a later date and paid the full 2013-14 dues amount within the 2014 calendar year. You should: •Look at your monthly bank statements for the 2014 calendar year if you had dues taken either through EFT or if you paid by personal check to get the total dues paid within the calendar year. From these totals, you would need to subtract your KEPAC and WEAC PAC contributions: KEPAC: Teachers: $10/ESPs: $5/Noon Hours: $2.50/Subs & Carpenters & Painters: $0 WEAC PAC: Teachers: $19.99/ESPs: $10/Noon Hours: $5/Subs & Carpenters & Painters: $0 If you are having difficulty or have questions, please give the KEA a call and we will do our best to help calculate an accurate deduction amount. Please clip this information and keep it with your other important information needed to prepare your 2014 returns. This information will also be available on the KEA website: The Glue Page 4 March 27, 2015
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