THE GLUE Official Publication of the Kenosha Education Association Teachers Substitute Teachers Education Support Professionals Noon Hour Supervisors “Restore the Joy of Teaching & Learning” The 93rd Annual WEAC Representative Assembly By Scott Farnsworth, GLUE Editor That was the motto of this year’s WEAC home page!) It’s having an impact, attending their first RA! They joined nearly making a difference, according to the report by 400 of their fellow union members in charting WEAC President Betsy Kippers, and we need the course of the state association over the next Representative Assembly, one that echoes the to keep up the effort. She also applauded local, year. growing frustration of educators across the grassroots organizing that secured victories for state who have felt, just as many of you have Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Ann Walsh WEAC Board of Directors as the Minority expressed, that the joy of learning has been lost Bradley, over 70% of locally endorsed school Guarantee Representative along with KEA in a flood of useless testing, data-gathering, board candidates and nearly as many fund- President Anne Knapp, our local representative testing, paperwork, testing, increased class ing referenda across the state in the April 7th on the Board. With a change in the Bylaws sizes and lost resources – did I mention “test- elections. passed at this RA, Kim will now have “the ing”?! Thank you to delegates Mindy Duford, The RA was organized around a schedule KEA member Kim George serves on the average weighted vote” of Regional Board rep- Kim George, Jill Jensen, Valerie Ludlow, resentatives at WEAC Board of Director meet- of cyberlobbying opportunities for each region Henry Perez (ESP), Colleen Robson, Juliana ings moving forward. Kim also moved and to oppose Governor Walker’s cuts to educa- Rolland, David Speaks, Casimir Uchegbu spoke in support of a successful New Business tion funding in his budget and on the ESEA and KEA President Anne Knapp for donat- Item (NBI) that will have WEAC support the bill working its way through Washington ing their weekend to representing the interests Black Lives Matter movement and the Teaching (have you sent your legislators an email with of KEA members at the Representative Assem- Tolerance curriculum of the Southern Poverty your concerns? The link is still up on our kea. bly. It was exciting to have two new delegates Law Center. Continued on Page 2 You’re Invited! What: KEA-R Retiree Reception Where: UAW Local 72, 3615 Washington Rd. When: May 12, 4:30-6:00 p.m. Please join us for pizza, cake, soft drinks and a cash bar as we welcome you to retirement. RSVP to Scott Farnsworth: or 654-2127 Vol. 43, Issue 31 April 24, 2015 Continued from Page 1 that gave educators a real voice at the negotia- rently, with their full recommendations to be tions table and ushered in three decades of brought to the 2016 RA. Their initial proposal, and Credentials Committee and had a more labor peace and stability in the schools – and however – an NBI to waive the state dues for relaxed RA this year, given that the three races what it may take again. the first year of membership – was felt to be Casimir Uchegbu served on the Elections for WEAC Secretary-Treasurer, NEA Director There was a great deal of focus on member too extreme and potentially counterproductive and Alternate NEA Director were all uncon- recruitment and retention, and on the dues by the RA, and so failed to pass. A restricting tested and concluded by a unanimous ballot structure and expenses at the state level. of the budget, and approval to draw on re- from the floor of the RA. Still, he had to rise WEAC Executive Director Bob Baxter noted in sources from the Crisis Fund and reserves, did before everyone else Saturday morning to his report that the WEAC staff has gone from see the state dues reduced by $60 for next year handle registration duties (after those same du- 9 manager positions to just 1! – his – from 14 to pass. Total WEAC dues for next year will be ties Friday night!) and assist in supervising the attorneys to 4, and from 72 Uniserv staff to 31. vote on over a dozen Constitution and Bylaw There is recognition by some members that an amendments, most of which passed. Contro- effort needs to be made to restore staff, but a versial changes to the weighted votes of the Constitution amendment to reduce the number NEA Directors on the WEAC Board, and one of release-time officers from 3 to 2, by remov- on the WEAC Secretary-Treasurer position (see ing the Secretary-Treasurer’s position from below), however, did not. full-time release, failed to gain the two-thirds On a personal note, I was pleased to see approval needed to pass. It did, however, at approved the resolution amendment which had least garner a majority 53% of the vote this been part of an NBI I put forward last year, time around and is sure to be brought back making permanent a part of WEAC’s agenda to again at future RAs. secure the legal right to strike for all munici- Several NBIs focused on the need to make $238 – down from this year’s $298. The RA ended with the march and rally in support of full funding for public education. Students and parents attended and spoke in unison with the educators present on the importance of the equal opportunity provided by public schools. Coming full circle, Jennifer Epps-Addison, an MPS graduate and parent – and the Executive Director of Wisconsin Jobs Now – ended the rally where the day had begun – encouraging everyone there to go back home and reach out to 10 others to take a stand in support of public education, write their pal employees denied access to real collective some effort to modify dues in order to attract state legislators and turn back the continued bargaining under Act 10. WEAC starts each new members, especially given the financial attacks on the public services that help the most RA with NBI 1 that recognizes the Hortonville pressures under which those new to our profes- vulnerable citizens of our state – Wisconsin’s strike of 1974 – an annual reminder of what sion leave college and begin teaching. WEAC children. it took to secure the mediation-arbitration law has a commission investigating this idea cur- It was a good day. KEA Scholarship Applications Due Friday, May 8th Applications are now available for the annual KEA Scholarships. A scholarships in the amount of $1,500 will be awarded to a student entering into a four-year college/university program; a $500 scholarship will be awarded to a student entering a two-year associate degree or technical school program. Scholarships will be awarded based on scholarship, service, leadership and citizenship. Any KUSD high school senior is eligible to apply, excluding students who are eligible for or are receiving the Governor’s Wisconsin Academic Excellence Scholarship. Also, students receiving full tuition scholarships at any institution are ineligible. Applications may be obtained from high school guidance offices as well as from the KEA office. The deadline for application is Friday, May 8th, 2015. The Glue Page 2 April 24, 2015 ANNOUNCEMENTS Calendar of Events Nominate Now! KEA Election May 22 Regular School Board Meeting Mon., April 27 (5:30 p.m., ESC Board Room) It is time for the annual elections for KEA Officers and Board of Director seats. Nomination papers for these positions are available now and are to be returned to the KEA Office by Monday, May 11. The elections will be held Friday, May 22; the winners will take office on Saturday, June 13. Kenosha School Funding Forum Tues., May 5 (6:30 p.m., UAW Local 72 Hall) Officers: President - 1-year term Vice President - 1-year term Treasurer - 1-year term KUSD Standing Committee Meetings Tues., May 12 (5:30 p.m., ESC Board Room) Board of Directors: 2 High School Reps – one 2-year term; one 1-year term 2 Middle School Reps – one 2-year term; one 1-year term 3 Elementary Reps – two 2-year terms; one 1-year term KEA Board Meeting Thurs., May 14 (4:30 p.m., KEA Office) In addition, all Association Rep (AR) seats will be up for election or reelection. There shall be at least two (2) Association Representatives elected in each building/unit in the Kenosha Unified school system where members of the Association are assigned, or if there shall be more than thirty (30) Association members in any building/unit, one (1) Association Representative shall be elected for each additional fifteen (15) members or major fraction thereof. KEA Election Fri., May 22 (Nomination Papers Available, KEA Office) Association Representative Assembly Meeting Thurs., May 28 (4:30 p.m., KEA Office) AR nomination papers are not necessary. The Election Committee requests a list of candidate(s) for each school by Monday, May 11, 2015. Elections for ARs will also be held on Friday, May 22, 2015. If you have any questions concerning eligibility for a position or total numbers of ARs for your school, contact the KEA office, 654-2127. CLARIFICATION FOR EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANTS AND NOON HR. SUPERVISORS: If any ESP Active member in your building is interested in having his/her name on the KEA-ESP AR ballot, please notify the KEA office, 262-654-2127, by Monday, May 11, 2015. “The Union Can’t Do Anything Anymore.” - Really? Update on Oak Creek Educator By Scott Farnsworth, GLUE Editor Sunday night, we shared an urgent request otherwise provided support to Oak Creek High disagreements with us, worked to resolve the from Region 7 to attend the Monday night School School teacher, Nathan Vance, last night. At- matter and avoid further conflict. Board meeting of the Oak Creek Franklin Joint tendance at the nonrenewal hearing was nothing School District to support a member who was short of amazing and we heard many stories of a nonrenewal into a minor disciplinary penalty, going to face termination of his contract over how Mr. Vance has positively impacted the lives of that’s all. The alternative? The teacher probably some dubious circumstances. The result: some students and families in the district. would have had to secure a personal attorney, 500 community members, students and educators Following the hearing, we engaged in nego- What can the union do post-Act 10? Turn pay a retainer of $3000 to $10000 and, in all showed up at the meeting! Region 7 Executive tiations with the school board to settle the matter likelihood, pay that sum for an individual far less Director Ted Kraig was in attendance also and and ultimately reached resolution. Mr. Vance versed in the specifics of the District’s policies acted as a representative for the member. He agreed to accept a discipline and will have his and procedures – and have no access to a liability challenged the allegations and evidence presented contract renewed and continue teaching in the insurance policy to reimburse the expense. by administration to justify nonrenewal and was district. The school board voted 3-1 to accept the able to forward the following message afterwards: resolution. We are very appreciative of the three comes with membership – and it can be needed Thank you to everyone who turned out and school board members who, despite having some just that fast! The Glue Page 3 That’s just one example of the security that April 24, 2015 The Glue Page 4 April 24, 2015
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