Get Up, Stand Up, Stand Up For Your Right... And Write and Write

Official Publication of the Kenosha Education Association
Teachers Substitute Teachers Education Support Professionals Noon Hour Supervisors
Get Up, Stand Up, Stand Up For Your Right...
And Write and Write and Write!
By Scott Farnsworth, GLUE Editor
At the risk of sounding like a broken
and Samantha Kerkman had both expressed
majorities. With our “friends” in control, why
hesitations over Walker’s proposed cuts to se-
weren’t the revenue caps that had been slowly
nior services, and this concern has been echoed
record (no pun intended!), it is “budget battle”
whittling away at public education program-
in other corners of the state. In other words,
season and there is nothing more important
ming and facilities overturned? Because we
cracks in the united front of the state Repub-
than you taking some time to write your state
had not rallied the public to the issue; we had
lican legislators have begun to appear and we
legislators in opposition to the disastrous
not raised their level of awareness and, hence,
need to keep up the pressure.
concern to a point that our “friends” could
cuts to education and other social services
I am also repeating this message because
in Governor Walker’s proposed state budget.
it is far too easy – and wrong – for those of
Additionally, there is an opportunity to “take
us in this last bastion of Democratic strength
to the streets,” literally “get up, stand up,” this
to assume that Peter Barca, Tod Ohnstad and
Saturday in Milwaukee and join in solidarity
Bob Wirch do not need to be lobbied, that their
with hundreds (let’s hope thousands!) of other
votes are assured. As solid of friends to public
educators and concerned citizens to show sup-
employees and institutions as these three legis-
port for full funding of public education – with
lators may be, no vote should ever be taken for
an emphasis on the importance of time to actu-
granted. These gentlemen need to know that
ally teach your students, rather than merely test
their positions on these issues are staunchly
them ad infinitum!
supported by their constituencies. They need
I am repeating this message not only
point to the caps as an issue needing to be addressed. Instead, we simply assumed we could
to have the armor the outpouring of correspon-
count on their vote.
It was a naïve belief – to assume a politician would commit political suicide on our
behalf. In the early pages of Saul Alinsky’s
Rules for Radicals, he references an incident
where a reform group went to President Franklin Roosevelt with a concern they wished him
to address. At the end of their presentation,
he said to them, “Okay, you’ve convinced me.
Now, go on out and bring pressure on me!”
because another round of education funding
dence in opposition to the Governor’s budget
cuts threaten programs here in Kenosha – and
will provide when approached by those who
entire rural districts across the state – but also
support cuts at any cost. They need the ammu-
controversial to be ignored – well, as this week
because, for the first time in quite a while, this
nition the overwhelming numbers of commu-
has begun to show, it does not matter whether
week produced evidence that our efforts are
nications provide when they take to the floor of
your “friends” are in power or not. As history
actually having an impact in Madison. Last
the Senate and Assembly to fight for the needs
has shown, in fact, minus that pressure, it also
Sunday saw news articles stating that Senate
of our students and elderly. To assume their
doesn’t matter who is in charge!
Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald was in favor
votes is to show a total misconception of how
of restoring the cuts Walker had proposed for
politics works.
public education. That news was followed later
When we can make an issue too important or
So, let friends and enemies alike know
your views – come to the rally Saturday –
Again, history proves a ready guide: It was
because there is nothing more critical to the
in the week with news that over a dozen policy
not long ago that the Democrats controlled all
long-term best interest of our community, state
items that Walker had peppered throughout the
the legislative power, just as the Republicans
and nation than a quality, public education for
budget were also going to be pulled. Earlier,
do now. When Jim Doyle was in his first term,
there were news articles that Van Wanggaard
our students.
the Senate and Assembly had Democratic
Vol. 43, Issue 30
“Get up, stand up, don’t give up the fight.”
April 17, 2015
Kenosha School Funding Forum
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
6:30 - 8:30 pm
UAW Local 72 Hall
3615 Washington Road, Kenosha
Join Wisconsin Department of Instruction’s (DPI) Communication Officer Thomas
McCarthy and local State Representative Peter Barca and Senator Robert Wirch as
they address the funding crisis for Wisconsin public education and what it means for
Kenosha schools. Will invite parents, community leaders and organizations to attend!
The DPI presentation will focus on public school funding: We can’t do anything about
the formula, but perhaps we can unravel the funding piece. The presentation will
point out the most obvious flaws in the funding formula and policy that provides a
path forward for keeping the top tier public education system thriving.
And most importantly...
What you need to do about it.
Saturday, April 18th....4:00 p.m...310 West Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee
This week, Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald came out against the cuts to public education in Governor
Walker’s budget proposal – but we must keep up the pressure!
Join hundreds of Wisconsin students, parents, community members and educators in a rally to call for TIME TO
Find out more at BE THERE!!!
Can’t make it? Click on the blue button on the home page to email your state legislators to oppose the
cuts – then call 10 family and friends and ask them to do the same!
The Glue
Page 2
April 17, 2015
Calendar of Events
Fri., April 17 - Sun., April 19
Representative Barca listening sessions
have been added to the hearing list:
Rally for Public School
Sat., April 18
(310 West Wisconsin Ave,
April 17 - Elmwood Park
1 - 2:30 p.m.
Elmwood Park Village Hall
3131 Taylor Ave, Elmwood Park
Administrative Professionals Day/
Earth Day
Wed., April 22
April 20 - Kenosha
10 - 11:30 a.m.
Somers Town Hall
7511 12th Street, Kenosha
Regular School Board Meeting
Mon., April 27
(5:30 p.m., ESC Board Room)
Kenosha School Funding Forum
Tues., May 5
(6:30 p.m., UAW Local 72 Hall)
KUSD Standing Committee Meetings
Tues., May 12
(5:30 p.m., ESC Board Room)
KEA Board Meeting
Thurs., May 14
(4:30 p.m., KEA Office)
Association Representative Assembly
Thurs., May 28
(4:30 p.m., KEA Office)
April 20 - Kenosha
Rep. Barca listening session (Hearing on UW System Budget)
3 - 4:30 p.m.
UW–Parkside Student Center
900 Wood Rd, Kenosha
April 27 - Kenosha
Rep. Barca listening session (Hearing on Long-Term Care)
2 - 3:30 p.m.
Kenosha Human Services
8600 Sheridan Rd, Entrance D, Room S 11, Kenosha
Congregations United to Serve Humanity (CUSH)
Annual Celebration Banquet
Guest Speaker - John Nichols
Washing Correspondent, Journalist and Author
For questions or concerns,
please call the KEA office at
262-654-2127 x10.
Mon.-Thurs., 8 a.m.- 5 p.m.
Fri., 8 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
The Glue
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Madrigrano Marina Shores
302 58th Street, Kenosha
5:30 pm Social & Silent Auction
6:15 pm Dinner & Program
For tickets and more information, please visit or by calling 262.564.8223
Page 3
April 17, 2015
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The GLUE is published weekly (except during Thanksgiving, winter, spring and summer recesses) by the Kenosha Education Association (KEA), 5610-55th
St., Kenosha, WI 53144; Ph. 262-654-2127; email,,, GLUE submissions must be
received in the KEA office by Monday, 5:00 p.m., the week of publication. All submissions are subject to editing policies established by the KEA. Ads now appear
on the KEA web page;submit your ad by visiting Interim Executive Director: Steve Urso * President: Anne Knapp * Vice-President: Margaret
Jeske * Treasurer: Rebecca Velvikis * Staff: Scott Farnsworth (Editor), Kathy Lusiak (Webmaster), Jan Studey (Staff Assistant), Kendra Koeppen (Communications
The Glue
Page 4
April 17, 2015