Proposal Development Your Department’s CA Lauren Bradley, 59743 :ŽŚŶŽǁŶ͕ϱϲϮϲϯ ĂƌŽůLJŶ>͘DŝůůĞƌ͕ϱϰϭϳϵ Sally Egloff, 58060 Zach Friedman, 50164 Coeus Icons Proposal Creation - detailed directions & Rolodex Routing Form Crosswalk Proposal Creation - cheat sheet Creating Detailed Budget& Sub-budget Cost Element list Coeus emails & DRIF form Section1 CoeusIcons &RHXV0DLQ6FUHHQ,FRQV ,Q%R[ $ZDUG0RGXOH &RQWDLQVQRWLILFDWLRQVVHQWWR\RXUXVHUDFFRXQW7KHVHDUH W\SLFDOO\XVHGIRUHOHFWURQLFURXWLQJDQGDSSURYDORISURSRVDOV DVRIVXPPHURI &RQWDLQVDZDUGLQIRUPDWLRQ±VSRQVRUDZDUGQXPEHU DFFRXQWVPRGVLQYHVWLJDWRUVFUHGLWVSOLWLQIRUPDWLRQ LQYRLFLQJLQIRUPDWLRQ2&*$WHUPVUHSRUWVVSHFLDOUHYLHZ LWHPVDZDUGQRWLFHVGHOWDUHSRUWV$76V &RQWDLQVLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWSURSRVDOVWKDWKDYHEHHQ ,QVWLWXWH3URSRVDO VXEPLWWHGWRVSRQVRUV±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±LQFOXGHVEXGJHWV SURSRVDOVLQYHVWLJDWRUVVSHFLDOUHYLHZHWF3URSRVDOVDUH HOHFWURQLFDOO\URXWHGDSSURYHGDQGFDQEHHOHFWURQLFDOO\ VXEPLWWHGWRVSRQVRUVYLD*UDQWVJRY &RQWDLQVLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWIDFXOW\DQGVWDIIDW803RSXODWHG IURPDIHHGIURP3+5 6KRZVWKHVWUXFWXUHRI80DW&ROOHJH3DUNDVLWUHODWHVWR FROOHJHVVFKRROVDQGWKHGHSDUWPHQWVLQWKHP&RQWDLQV EXVLQHVVDGPLQLVWUDWRULQIRUPDWLRQDERXWHDFKGHSDUWPHQW $OORZVWKHXVHUWRH[LWWKH&RHXVH5$6\VWHP Proposal Development Main Menu Icon Guide Located here BuƩon FuncƟonality Image BuƩon FuncƟon Add a New Proposal Creates a new proposal. Modify Selected Proposal Allows you to enter the proposal to make changes. To make any changes you must have ediƟng rights. Be sure to save any changes before exiƟng. Display selected proposal Opens the proposal in display mode. Doesn’t allow for any changes. Delete proposal Deletes proposal. Will rarely be used, can only be used if proposal is in status of rejected or in progress. Copy proposal 05/21/2015 Creates a copy of the original proposal. Carries over all informaƟon into new proposal EXCEPT invesƟgator cerƟficaƟons and quesƟonnaire answers. Notepad Used to record sponsor / invesƟgator informaƟon that does not yet appear in the Sponsor table or Person table. Medusa Opens the Medusa window-Award, InsƟtute Proposal, Subcontract and Development Proposal links to show the relaƟonships among them. Allows one to move from one module to the next without opening each separate module. Sort Proposals Opens the sort window and allows for sorƟng mulƟple columnar contents-ascending and descending. Search for Proposals Opens the search window so users can search for Proposal Developments. Save As Exports data into a MS Excel format. Close Closes the current Development Proposal module. Proposal Development Proposal Details Icon Guide Located here Bu on Func onality Image Bu on Next Proposal 05/21/2015 Func on Navigates to the next proposal from search window. If only one proposal was found, the bu on will be grayed out. Previous Proposal Navigates to the previous proposal. If you are on the first proposal, the bu on will be grayed out (as seen on le ). Approve Proposal Approves proposal. Brings up the proposal rou ng window. Submit Proposal for approval Submits current proposal for approval along selected approval map. Select approval Map Allows you to select an appropriate approval map. For example, if there is cost sharing, you would need to select the cost sharing approval map. Proposal Narra ve Opens the proposal narra ve window, which houses all the a achments for the proposal. Proposal Budget Opens the proposal budget window. Yes / No Ques ons Brings up the yes/no ques ons window. Proposal Roles Maintenance Opens the proposal role window. To assign any addi onal roles, the user must be an aggregator. Proposal Abstracts Opens the proposal’s abstracts. Not used at this me. Proposal Persons Opens the proposal’s personnel table. You can double click on an inves gator to display person details informa on. Notepad Opens the Notepad window and allows the user to add a comment and restrict viewing of the note. Medusa Opens the Medusa window-Award, Ins tute Proposal, Subcontract and Development Proposal links to show the rela onships among them. Allows one to move from one module to the next without opening each separate module. Print Opens a print menu with different forms available for prin ng. Once a document has been selected, it opens as a PDF. Save Saves the current proposal. Can only be saved when in edit mode. Send Mail No fica on Opens the send mail pop-up window. Allows you to select email recipients from the person table and rolodex, and send an email directly from Coeus. Close Closes the current Development Proposal module. Proposal Development NarraƟve Window Icon Guide Located here BuƩon FuncƟonality Image 05/21/2015 BuƩon FuncƟon Add Module Adds a new module line to the current narraƟve. Modify Module Allows you to enter the narraƟve module to make changes. Be sure to save any changes before exiƟng. Delete Module Deletes the selected narraƟve module. Move module up one row Moves module up a line in the narraƟve. Can move mulƟple Ɵmes. Move module down one row Moves module down a line in the narraƟve. Can move mulƟple Ɵmes. Upload AƩachment Available when a parƟcular module is selected, allows user to upload aƩachment to that module line. Save Saves the changes made in the narraƟve module. Close Closes the NarraƟve screen, returning the user to the proposal screen. Section2 ProposalCreation– detaileddirections 05/21/2015 05/21/2015 CoeusProposalCreation PropDevDepartmentInstructions RevisedFeb2014 ŚĞĐŬĞŵĂŝůƉƌĞĨĞƌĞŶĐĞƐ Goto&ŝůĞхWƌĞĨĞƌĞŶĐĞƐ,fromthedropdownbox,selectYesifitcurrentlyshowsNo.Thisonly needstobedoneonce. ƌĞĂƚĞEĞǁWƌŽƉŽƐĂů LogintoCoeusandClickMaintainProposalDevelopmenticon. Closethe^ĞĂƌĐŚwindow. ClickonĚĚĂEĞǁProposalicon. Ifyouhaverightstocreateproposalsinmorethanoneunit,alistofunitswillappear.Selectthe leadunitfortheproposal.Thiscan’tbechangedwithinaproposal,aneworcopiedproposalwill needtobecreatediftheleadunitneedstobechanged. ƐƐŝŐŶWƌŽƉŽƐĂůZŽůĞƐ TheProposalCreator/Aggregatorassignsindividualsaccesstotheproposalanddetermines whatlevelofaccesseachpersonhas.UMfacultyandstaffcannotviewtheproposalinProposal DevelopmentunlesstheyhaveaCoeusaccountandhavebeengivenaroleontheproposal. IfyouhavecreatedaproposalinCoeuspreviously,theindividualsfromthatproposalwill appear.Checktheusersandtheirrolestoadd/removeindividualsforeachproposal. ClickonĚŝƚхWƌŽƉŽƐĂůZŽůĞƐorclicktheproposalrolesicon. 05/21/2015 CoeusProposalCreation PropDevDepartmentInstructions RevisedFeb2014 EachRolehasasetofrights.Toreviewtheserights,clickontheRolenameintherightpanel andthenclickontheRightsbutton. Theinitialcreator,orAggregator,hasallrights. x x x x ŐŐƌĞŐĂƚŽƌ:cancreateproposal,addproposaldata,create/attachnarratives, create/editbudgets,routeproposalforsubmission ƵĚŐĞƚƌĞĂƚŽƌ:viewproposalsdata,create/editbudgets EĂƌƌĂƚŝǀĞtƌŝƚĞƌ:viewproposaldata,create/editnarrativeattachments sŝĞǁĞƌ:viewproposaldata,budget,narratives ClickthehƐĞƌƐbuttontosearchforpersonnelnotlistedontheleftsideofthewindowandclick K<toaddtothelist. Draganddropuserstotheappropriaterole.Dragnamesfromtherightsidetothetrashcanto removeaperson’srightsforthisproposal. ORAstaffcanseeallProposalDevelopmentproposalsandthereisnoneedtoaddorremove themfromthelistofusersorroles.TheapproversfortheDepartmentChairandCollegeDeans officehaveviewrightsbydefault,andthereisnoneedtoaddthemtotheRolesunlessan individualneedstohaveadditionalrightstomodifytheproposalcontents. WƌŽƉŽƐĂůdĂď WƌŽƉŽƐĂůEŽ͗Thisissystemassigned dŝƚůĞ͗Enterthetitleoftheproposal.Thisislimitedto200charactersforGrants.govproposals, somesponsorsrequireshortertitles.Donotusespecialcharactersinthetitleor“smart quotes.” ^ƚĂƌƚĂŶĚŶĚĂƚĞƐ͗Enterinthestartandenddatesfortheproposal. WƌŽƉŽƐĂůdLJƉĞ͗ThisislistedontheRoutingFormas“Proposal/ApplicationType”initemϯ. Choosethecorrecttypefromthedropdownbox. o EĞǁ–Anapplicationissubmittedforfundingforthefirsttime. o ZĞŶĞǁĂů(formerlycalledcompetingcontinuation)–Previousyearsoffundingforthe projecthaveelapsed.Competingforadditionalfundingtocontinueproject 05/21/2015 CoeusProposalCreation PropDevDepartmentInstructions RevisedFeb2014 ŽŶƚŝŶƵĂƚŝŽŶ–AnonͲcompetingapplicationforadditionalfundingwithinthepreviously approvedfundingperiod. o ZĞǀŝƐŝŽŶ(formerlycalledsupplementforNIH)–Anapplicationthatproposesa significantchangeinanexistingaward;changeinscopeofwork,etc o ZĞƐƵďŵŝƐƐŝŽŶ(formerlycalledrevisionoramendedapplication)–Applicationpreviously submittedandreviewedbysponsorbutnotfunded.UsedforSystemͲtoͲSystem applicationsonly. ŶƚŝĐŝƉĂƚĞĚǁĂƌĚdLJƉĞ͗Ifknown,selectfromdropdownmenu.NondisclosureAgreementand MaterialTransferAgreementwilldeterminequestionnaireandroutingrules. KƌŝŐŝŶĂůWƌŽƉŽƐĂů͗Iftheproposalisnotanewproposal,clickonthemagnifyingglassnextto OriginalProposalandsearchfortheCoeusInstituteProposal. ǁĂƌĚEƵŵďĞƌ͗Ifthisproposalisacompetitiverenewalorcontinuation,clickonthe magnifyingglasstosearchfortheAwardnumber.Tosearchby<&^number,typethe<&^ number,minustheleading01,intotheaccountnumberfield. ĐƚŝǀŝƚLJdLJƉĞ:Selecttheactivitytypefromthedropdownfield. o ZĞƐĞĂƌĐŚ:projectdirectedtowardsincreasingknowledge ĂƐŝĐZĞƐĞĂƌĐŚ:systematicstudydirectedtowardfullerknowledgeor understandingofthefundamentalaspectsofphenomenaandofobservable factswithoutspecificapplicationstowardsprocessesorproductsinmind ƉƉůŝĞĚZĞƐĞĂƌĐŚ:researchassessingandusingsomepartofaccumulated theories,knowledge,methods,andtechniquesforaspecificdrivenpurpose ĞǀĞůŽƉŵĞŶƚZĞƐĞĂƌĐŚ:systematicapplicationofknowledgeorunderstanding, directedtowardtheproductionofusefulmaterials,devices,andsystemsor methodsincludingdesign,development,andimprovementofprototypeand newprocessestomeetspecificrequirements ůŝŶŝĐĂůdƌŝĂů:researchstudyingtheeffectivenessofaparticular device/therapy/drugwithhumans o dƌĂŝŶŝŶŐͬ/ŶƐƚƌƵĐƚŝŽŶ:projectswhichincorporatesteachingasitsmainobjective. o &ĞůůŽǁƐŚŝƉ:projectswhichprovideastipendtofacultyorstudentsinsupportoftheir undirectedresearchoradvancedstudy. o /'W:IntergovernmentalPersonnelAssignmentsofpersonnelontemporaryassignment tofederalagencies. o ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞͬKƚŚĞƌ:projectswhichinvolvetheperformanceofworkotherthan instruction/trainingandresearch.Examplesofsuchprojectsarehealthandcommunity serviceprojects. ^ƉŽŶƐŽƌ:Clickonthemagnifyingglasstothefieldtosearchforthesponsor.Useacontains statementtosearchforasponsorname.*partofsponsorname*Selectthecorrectsponsor fromthelistandclickok. o Onceyouselectthesponsor,itwillautomaticallyentertheCoeussponsorcodeinthe boxandthenameofthesponsortotherightofthebox. o Forsomesponsors,thereisaproposalͲonlysponsor.Selectthissponsorunlessaspecific instituteoragencyisindicatedontheroutingform. DARPA DARPAͲProposalOnly 012334 DOE DOEͲProposalOnly 012333 IARPA IARPAͲProposalOnly 012337 NASA NASAͲProposalOnly 012335 NIH NIHͲProposalOnly 012336 o 05/21/2015 CoeusProposalCreation PropDevDepartmentInstructions RevisedFeb2014 Ifyoucan’tlocatethesponsor,searchforthedĞŵƉ^ƉŽŶƐŽƌintheSponsorCode column(TempSponsor–ORAwillreview)orsearchforSponsornumberϬϭϭϰϬϲ. EmailcoeusͲhelp@umd.eduwiththesponsorinformationanditwillbecreated. WƌŝŵĞ^ƉŽŶƐŽƌ:IfthisisflowͲthrough,clickonthemagnifyingglasstofindthesponsor. ^ƉŽŶƐŽƌWƌŽƉŽƐĂůEƵŵďĞƌ:IfthisisaS2Ssubmission,enterinformationherethatwillfeedthe FederalIdentifierfieldonthe424. ^ƵďĐŽŶƚƌĂĐƚ:Iftherearesubcontractsincludedintheproposal,checkthisbox. &ƵŶĚŝŶŐKƉƉŽƌƚƵŶŝƚLJEƵŵďĞƌor&ŶƵŵďĞƌ:Complete1ofthese2fieldsforS2S submissions. WƌŽŐƌĂŵdŝƚůĞ͗,thiswillbepopulatedwiththenameofthe o fundingprogram. ŐĞŶĐLJWƌŽŐƌĂŵŽĚĞĂŶĚŐĞŶĐLJŝǀŽĚĞ͗CompleteforNSFS2Sonly ŐĞŶĐLJZŽƵƚŝŶŐ/ĚĞŶƚŝĨŝĞƌ:CompleteiftheS2Sdirectionsrequireinformationinfield4aofthe SF424R&Rform. WƌĞǀŝŽƵƐ'ƌĂŶƚƐ.ŐŽǀdƌĂĐŬŝŶŐ/:UsedforChanged/CorrectedorResubmissionS2Sapplications only.EnterintheGrants.govtrackingnumber EŽƚĞ:Inordertosavetheproposalthatfollowingelementsmustbecompleted ProposalTab:Title,StartDate,EndDate,ProposalType,Sponsorand OtherTab:IDCRate,IDCRatetype,andIDCReason. 05/21/2015 CoeusProposalCreation PropDevDepartmentInstructions RevisedFeb2014 ĚĚ'ƌĂŶƚƐ͘ŐŽǀKƉƉŽƌƚƵŶŝƚLJ CompletetheelementsrequiredtosavetheproposalandcompleteeithertheFunding OpportunityNumberORtheCFDANumberfield. ClickonĐƚŝŽŶх'ƌĂŶƚƐ͘ŐŽǀ SelecttheOpportunityandclickK< InstructionURLwillopentheinstructionsthesponsorhasuploadedtotheGrants.govsite. ReviewtheGrants.govSubmissionDetails,andconfirmthecorrectopportunityhasbeen selected. 05/21/2015 CoeusProposalCreation PropDevDepartmentInstructions RevisedFeb2014 Ifyoureceiveanerrormessagestatingthatmandatoryformsarenotavailable,refertothe AttachedS2SFormstoolinstructionsattheendofSection2. ůŝĐŬŽŶ&ŽƌŵƐdĂď o ĚĚKƉƚŝŽŶĂů&ŽƌŵƐ͗MandatoryFormsareincluded.OptionalFormsmayneedto beaddedbasedontheFundingOpportunityandthedetailsoftheapplication.Click IncludetoaddthatformanditsnarrativeattachmentfieldstotheCoeusproposal.If thereareoptionalformswitharemarkedasunavailable,refertotheAttachedS2S formstoolinstructionsattheendofSection2. o ^ĂǀĞĂŶĚůŽƐĞtheGrants.govSubmissionDetails. TheGrants.govProgramtitle,FundingOpportunityNumber,CFDANumberandGrants.govlogowillbe addedtotheProposalTab. 05/21/2015 CoeusProposalCreation PropDevDepartmentInstructions RevisedFeb2014 KƌŐĂŶŝnjĂƚŝŽŶdĂď ProposalOrganizationandPerformingOrganizationwillbepreͲpopulatedwithUniversityof Marylandinformation.Ifthereisnootherorganizationorperformancesitefortheproposal,no actionisneeded. ĚĚWĞƌĨŽƌŵĂŶĐĞ^ŝƚĞ:Thisisanothersitewheretheworkwilltakeplaceforaminimumof3 monthsoftheproject. o ClickĚĚ,andselectWĞƌĨŽƌŵĂŶĐĞ^ŝƚĞfromthedropdown. o Typeinthenameofthelocationinthetextbox. o Clickon&ŝŶĚĚĚƌĞƐƐ.SearchintheRolodexforthelocation.Ifitisnotthere,you willneedtocreateaRolodexentryforthelocation. ĚĚKƚŚĞƌKƌŐĂŶŝnjĂƚŝŽŶ:Thisisusedtoaddasubcontractingorganization. o ClickAdd,andselectOtherOrganizationfromdropdown. o ClickFindtosearchforthenameoftheorganizationintheOrgtable.Searchforthe nameoftheorganizationandclickFind.SelectthecorrectorganizationandclickOK topopulatetheLocationnameandaddress.Organizationsarelistedbytheirlegal name. o ŽŶŐƌĞƐƐŝŽŶĂůŝƐƚƌŝĐƚ͗youmayneedtoaddtheCongressionalDistrictforthe Organizationmanually.ClickAddDistrictandtypeintheCongressionalDistrictusing the2letterstateabbreviationand3digitnumber(ex.MDͲ001)Districtscanbe foundvia: o IfthesubcontractingorganizationisnotincludedintheOrgtable,emailcoeusͲhelp withtheorganization’sinformationsoitcanbecreated.YoucanselectOrg 00001047,TempOrgasaplaceholder. S2SProposalsrequirethatOrganizationand Siteaddresshavezip+4. PerformanceSitescanbeupdated/created throughtheRolodexmodule. ContactcoeusͲhelptohaveOrganization updated. 05/21/2015 CoeusProposalCreation PropDevDepartmentInstructions RevisedFeb2014 DĂŝůŝŶŐ/ŶĨŽdĂď ĞĂĚůŝŶĞĂƚĞ͗enterinthedeadline.Ifnofirmdeadline,enter1/1/2099. ĞĂĚůŝŶĞdLJƉĞ:selectpostmarkorreceipt DĂŝůďLJ͗Ifelectronicsubmission,selectOSP;iftheDepartmentwillpickuptheproposal,click Department. EŽƚĞ͗ORAdoesnotmailproposalsorsendproposalsviacourier.Thedepartmentis responsibleforpickinguptheproposalandmailingit. dLJƉĞ͗SelectRegularorElectronic. DĂŝůŝŶŐĚĚƌĞƐƐ:ClickonthemagnifyingglasstosearchtheRolodex.SearchintheOrganization columntofindtheorganization.Selecttheentrywith“OfficeofSponsoredPrograms”in addressline1.Iftherolodexentrydoesnotexist,youwillneedtocreateit. DĂŝůĞƐĐƌŝƉƚŝŽŶ͗Ifthisisanelectronicsubmission,typethenameofthesysteminthemail description:NSFFastLane,,NASANSPIRES,theurlforthesubmissionsystem, etc. Enterinthe submission system,method, urlintheMail Description. 05/21/2015 CoeusProposalCreation PropDevDepartmentInstructions RevisedFeb2014 /ŶǀĞƐƚŝŐĂƚŽƌdĂď FornonͲsystemtosystemproposals:OnlylistUMDpersonnelwhowillbeassignedDRIF/Creditbased onthisproposal.DonotlistanynonͲUMDpersonnel Forsystemtosystemproposals:ListallpersonnelwhowillbelistedasPIorCoͲPI(CoͲ Investigator/MultiͲPI)ontheproposalͲlistbothUMDpersonnelandNonͲUMDPersonnel dŽƉtŝŶĚŽǁ o ĚĚhDWĞƌƐŽŶŶĞů:clickaddtoaddaline,thenclick&ŝŶĚPersontosearchforUM personnel.Searchby*lastname*andselectpersonrecordtoaddtotheproposal. o ĚĚŶŽŶͲhDWĞƌƐŽŶŶĞů:ifinvestigatordoesnotyethavearecordinthePersontable, createarolodexentryforthepersonthenclickon&ŝŶĚZŽůŽĚĞdžtoaddthatpersonto theproposal. o W/:Selectthe>ĞĂĚW/fortheproposal.Bydefaultthisisthefirstpersonaddedtothe proposal,butcanbechanged. o DƵůƚŝͲW/:OnlyappliestoNIHproposalsͲrefertoyourFOAifrequired.IfthisisaMultiͲPI project,checktheboxforeachindividualwhoisaPI.Thelead/contactPIwillalsohave PIchecked. o IfproposalisbeingsubmittedtoanagencyoutsideofNIH,disregardthis column o &ĂĐƵůƚLJ:IfthepersonrecordindicatedthataUMpersonisfaculty,thiswill automaticallybechecked.Noneedtoeditthiscolumn. o ĨĨŽƌƚ:donotcompletethesecolumns. 05/21/2015 CoeusProposalCreation PropDevDepartmentInstructions RevisedFeb2014 ŽƚƚŽŵǁŝŶĚŽǁ o Foreachpersonaddedtotheproposal,his/hertenurehomewillpopulateonthelower partofthewindow. o >ĞĂĚhŶŝƚ:SelectthePIfromthetoppartofthewindow.Theunitdisplayedinthe bottomwindowisthePI’stenurehome.IfŽƚŚĞƌƵŶŝƚƐneedtobeaddedtothisproposal (suchastheleadunitfortheparticularproposal),clickAddUnit,thenFindUnit.Search fortheunitnumberornameandselecttheunit.PlaceachecknexttotheLeadUnitfor thisproposal. o ĚĚŽƚŚĞƌƵŶŝƚƐ:AddotherunitsforthePIasneeded.Thenrepeatthesameforothers ontheproposal.RemembertoaddMPoweringtheStateunit(1420301)forallUMDand UMBinvestigatorslistedifthisisaMTSproposal. o IfanonͲUMDInvestigatorislisted,addtheLeadUnitoftheproposal o ĞůĞƚĞhŶŝƚ:Ifaunitneedstobedeleted,selecttheunitandclickonDeleteUnit. ĞƌƚŝĨLJ Allinvestigatorsmuchbecertifiedforeveryproposal.SelecttheW/andclickonĞƌƚŝĨLJand answereachquestion.Thisinformationhasbeenonthebackoftheroutingformabovethe signaturesection.Ifawetsignatureisneededbyyourdepartment,theCertificationscanbe printedfromCoeus.SelectĐƚŝŽŶхWƌŝŶƚĞƌƚŝĨŝĐĂƚŝŽŶƐ. ƌĞĚŝƚ^Ɖůŝƚ YouwillberequiredtoƐĂǀĞtheproposalbeforeopeningtheCreditSplitwindow.ZĞŵĞŵďĞƌ: IDCinformationontheOthertabmustbecompletedbeforesavingtheproposal. ThepersonsandunitsontheInvestigatortabpopulatetheCreditSplitwindow.Enterinthe correctcreditsplitinformation. o The/ŶǀĞƐƚŝŐĂƚŽƌdŽƚĂůandthehŶŝƚdŽƚĂůĞĂĐŚhavetoequalatotalofϭϬϬ.Seethe examplebelow.PICoaleisgetting75%oftheprojectcreditandCoͲPIBroschisgetting 25%.PICoale’screditissplitbetweentheDean’sofficeandENST.AllofCoͲPIscreditis goingtotheENSTͲChesapeakeBayprogram. o TheInvestigatorrows mustaddupto100% intheInvestigator Totalatthebottom. 05/21/2015 Each investigator’s departments mustaddup to100%at theUnit total. CoeusProposalCreation PropDevDepartmentInstructions RevisedFeb2014 <ĞLJWĞƌƐŽŶƐƚĂď FornonͲsystemtosystemproposals,thistabshouldnotbeusedunlesstheproposalisaMPoweringthe Stateproposal.IfitisanMTSproposal,theUMBInvestigatornamewillbelistedherewiththeMTSUnit ForsystemͲtoͲsystemproposals,enterinKeyPersonswhoseroleontheprojectisotherthanPIorcoͲPI. ĚĚhDWĞƌƐŽŶŶĞů:clickaddtoaddaline,thenclick&ŝŶĚPersontosearchforUMpersonnel. Searchby*lastname*andselectpersonrecordtoaddtotheproposal. ĚĚŶŽŶͲhDWĞƌƐŽŶŶĞů:ifinvestigatordoesnotyethavearecordinthePersontable,createa rolodexentryforthepersonthenclickon&ŝŶĚZŽůŽĚĞdžtoaddthatpersontotheproposal. ZŽůĞ:Typeintheroleforeachperson. ĨĨŽƌƚ:DonotcompletetheEffortcolumn. hŶŝƚ:ForUMPersonnel,theUMunitsmaybeaddedtotheKeyPersontab.ForUMB/UMD personnelonanS2SMPoweringtheStateproposal,addtheMPoweringunit,1420301. ^ƉĞĐŝĂůZĞǀŝĞǁdĂď ĚĚ:ClickontheAddbuttonandselectSpecialReviewtypefromdropdownlist. ƉƉƌŽǀĂů:Selectappropriateapprovalstatus. WƌŽƚŽĐŽůEŽ:Ifyourprotocolhasbeenapproved,enterinthenumber.(Thiswillfeedto Grants.govforS2Ssubmissions.) ŽŵŵĞŶƚƐ:Ifthetitleoftheprotocoldiffersfromtheproposaltitle,entertheProtocoltitlein theComments. ZĞŵĞŵďĞƌ:IfthisproposalistoasponsororprimesponsorwhichfollowsthePHSguidelineson FCOI,includeFCOIspecialreviewwiththeapprovalaspending.Allindividualsresponsiblefor thedesign,conduct,orreportingoftheprojectmustcompletetheirFCOIdisclosureinIRBNet beforetheproposalissubmitted. 05/21/2015 CoeusProposalCreation PropDevDepartmentInstructions RevisedFeb2014 ^ĐŝĞŶĐĞŽĚĞdĂď Thistabisnotusedatthistime. KƚŚĞƌdĂď ƵĚŐĞƚŽŶƚĂĐƚŵĂŝů͕EĂŵĞ͕WŚŽŶĞ͗Typeintheinformationfortheindividualtobecontactin theeventthatORAhasaquestionabouttheproposal’sbudget. ƌĞĂƚĞĚLJͬĂƚĞ͗leaveblank /ZĂƚĞ:EntertheIDCrate.Thisisanumberonlyfield,no%signisneeded. /ZĂƚĞdLJƉĞ͗ClickonthemagnifyingglassnexttoIDCRateType,selectthetype. /ZĞĂƐŽŶ:ClickonthemagnifyingglassnexttoIDCReason,basedontheActivityTypeand base,selectthereason. E^W/Z^h^ZED:ThisisonlyrequiredforthePIonNASAproposalsthatwillbesubmitted S2S. WŝĐŬƵƉĐŽŶƚĂĐƚƉŚŽŶĞͬŶĂŵĞ:Completethisinformationiftheproposalwillbepickedupfrom ORAforthedepartmenttomailtosponsor. ^ƉŽŶƐŽƌŽŶƚĂĐƚEĂŵĞͬŵĂŝůͬWŚŽŶĞͬhZ>:Completethesponsorcontactinformation. ^ƵďͲhŶŝƚ͗UsedbyCooperativeInstituteforClimateStudies(CICS)only. 05/21/2015 CoeusProposalCreation PropDevDepartmentInstructions RevisedFeb2014 WƌŽƉŽƐĂůWĞƌƐŽŶƐ AllpersonslistedontheInvestigatorandKeyPersonstabwillbelistedinProposalPersonswindow.This iswherecontactinformation,rolename,andbiosketchand/orcurrentandpendinginformationcanbe addedormodified.ClickontheProposalPersonsiconorgotoĚŝƚхWƌŽƉŽƐĂůWĞƌƐŽŶŶĞů. ŽŶƚĂĐƚŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƚŝŽŶ:Doubleclickaperson’snametoaccessthepersondetails.Edit informationasneeded. o KƌŐĂŶŝnjĂƚŝŽŶ:Makenecessaryeditstoemailaddress,officelocation. o ŽŶƚĂĐƚŝŶĨŽ:Makenecessaryeditstoaddressand o Note:ForS2Ssubmissions,onlyaddresslines1and2canbeused,becertaintoaddthe njŝƉнϰforeachpersonthroughtheirContactInfotab.ForNIHS2Ssubmissions,PI’seRA CommonsusernamemustbeenteredonŽŶƚĂĐƚ/ŶĨŽƚĂď. o KƚŚĞƌ:Citizenshipinformationcanbeaddedifnecessary. 05/21/2015 CoeusProposalCreation PropDevDepartmentInstructions RevisedFeb2014 ĚĚƉĞƌƐŽŶŶĞůĂƚƚĂĐŚŵĞŶƚ:Withtheinvestigator’snamehighlighted,clickonĚŝƚхEĞǁ DŽĚƵůĞortheNewModuleiconto addalineforattachments. o o o o ĞƐĐƌŝƉƚŝŽŶ:addadescription.Thismaynotcontainspacesorspecial charactersandeachdescriptionmustbeunique. ŽĐƵŵĞŶƚdLJƉĞ:selectdocumenttypefromdropdown. o ClickonĞĚŝƚхhƉůŽĂĚƚƚĂĐŚŵĞŶƚ,orclicktheattachmenticonto findthedocument.Documentfilenamesmustnotcontactspacesor specialcharactersandeachmustbeunique. o EŽƚĞ:ForS2Ssubmissions,followtheagencyguidelinesforallowed attachmentsandfiletypes. RepeatforeachProposalPerson. ^ĂǀĞandthenclosethiswindowtoreturntotheproposal. EĂƌƌĂƚŝǀĞƚƚĂĐŚŵĞŶƚƐ Thisiswheremostattachmentsfortheproposalarehoused.Anaggregatorcanuploadattachmentsand routewithincompleteattachments.TheAbstract,budgetjustification,departmentalbudget,and subawardattachmentsmustbecompletebeforerouting.Incompletedocumentscanbeswappedoutin theroutingprocess.However,newmodulelinescannotbeadded,norcanthenarrativetypeortitlebe changedintheroutingprocess. Ifthisisasystemtosystemproposal,besuretoselecttheGrants.govopportunityandallnecessary optionalformsbeforeaddingnarratives.Differentnarrativetypeswillbeaddedtoselectionbasedon theopportunityandformsselected.RefertoNarrativeType/Grants.govAttachmentcrosswalkonCoeus website. OpentheNarrativesModuleviatheŝĐŽŶorĚŝƚхEĂƌƌĂƚŝǀĞ. ĚĚDŽĚƵůĞ:clickontheŝĐŽŶ,orĚŝƚхĚĚ. o o o o o o 05/21/2015 EĂƌƌĂƚŝǀĞdLJƉĞ͗selectfromdropdownmenu.OnlyoneNarrativeType:Narrativemay beselectedperproposal. DŽĚƵůĞTitle:enterindescriptivetitleofattachment,donotusespacesorspecial characters. hƉůŽĂĚ:Clickuploadtofindthefiletoattach. sŝĞǁ:Clickviewtoviewyouruploadeddocument. hƐĞƌZŝŐŚƚƐ:AllindividualswiththeNarrativeWriterroleontheproposalhaveModify accesstoallattachments,bydefault.Ifnecessary,thiscanbechangedforaparticular document. ^ƚĂƚƵƐ:Ifyourdocumentiscomplete,changethestatustocomplete.Itisoktoroute incompletenarrativeattachments,buttheywillneedtobereplacedandthestatus changedbeforesubmission. CoeusProposalCreation PropDevDepartmentInstructions RevisedFeb2014 EnteratleasttwoextramodulesasaEĂƌƌĂƚŝǀĞdLJƉĞ͗hDWůĂĐĞŚŽůĚĞƌandattachaplaceholder document.Thedocumentmusthavetextinit. EŽƚĞŽŶEĂƌƌĂƚŝǀĞdLJƉĞƐ:NarrativeTypeswhosenamestartswithUMͲwillnotbetransmitted EŽƚĞŽŶĨŝůĞƚLJƉĞƐ:Coeusallowsforavarietyoffilestobeattachedinthenarrativemodule. ZĞĨĞƌƚŽƚŚĞĨƵŶĚŝŶŐŽƉƉŽƌƚƵŶŝƚ applicationstypicallyrequirePDFattachments. SystemtoSystemconsiderations: NarrativeTypes ModuleTitle Filenames Narrative UseUMͲORAPlaceholder UseUMInstitutionalDocs: Otherrequiredattachments: 05/21/2015 BasedontheGrants.govapplication’sformsandrequired attachments,narrativetypeswillbeaddedtothelistof availableattachments.Pleaseaddallnecessaryoptional formstotheGrants.govformspagebeforeattaching narratives EŽƐƉĂĐĞƐŽƌƐƉĞĐŝĂůĐŚĂƌĂĐƚĞƌƐintheModuletitlesthat letters,numbers,underscoreONLY) EŽƐƉĂĐĞƐŽƌƐƉĞĐŝĂůĐŚĂƌĂĐƚĞƌƐinthefilenamesthatwill, numbers,underscoreONLY) RefertoFOAforacceptablefiletypes,PDFpreferred. Allfilesmusthaveauniquefilename ProposalNarrative;Draftnarrativeifdraft–ORAcannot submitproposaluntilfinalProposalNarrativeisattached ORAdocuments;uploadablankdocumentwhichORAwill replaceasneeded F&AWaiver CostShareApproval ExportControl Equipment Facilities CurrentandPendingsupport;Biosketches;andR&R Subbudgetareattachedelsewherefortransmissionto,useUMͲtypesof narratives.ThisattachmentswillNOTbesentto CoeusProposalCreation PropDevDepartmentInstructions RevisedFeb2014 ƵĚŐĞƚDŽĚƵůĞ ForSystemtoSystemsubmissions,refertoS2Sbudgetcreationinformation. FornonS2Sproposals,adetailedbudgetfilemustbeattachedinthenarrativemoduleandonlybasic informationmustbeenteredintheBudgetmoduleSummarytab. OpentheBudgetmodulebyclickingontheŝĐŽŶorEdit>Budget ClickNew. IftherenonͲUMProposalpersonsorUMpersonswithmultipleappointments,select appropriateappointmenttypeandclickOK. 05/21/2015 CoeusProposalCreation PropDevDepartmentInstructions RevisedFeb2014 ĚũƵƐƚWĞƌŝŽĚŽƵŶĚĂƌŝĞƐ͗Coeusdefaultsto12monthbudgetperiodsbasedonStart andEndDatesontheProposaltab.Iftheseneedtobeadjusted,clickonBudget Periods>AdjustPeriodBoundaries.Inthescreenthatpopsup,perioddatesmaybe adjusted,periodsadded,orperiodsdeleted. K,ZĂƚĞdLJƉĞ:Selecttheoverheadratetype.IfonͲcampus,selectMTDCͲAdjacentor MTDCͲRemote. hZZĂƚĞdLJƉĞ:SelectthesameratetypeenteredforOHRateType. KŶͬKĨĨĂŵƉƵƐ:Selectonoroffcampus. ŝƌĞĐƚͬ/ŶĚŝƌĞĐƚͬŽƐƚ^ŚĂƌŝŶŐ:entercostsforeachbudgetperiod,Coeuswilltotalthis. ŽŵŵĞŶƚƐ:EnterCostSharebreakdowndescriptionforeachdepartment/college responsibleforCostShareandamountforeach. ^ĂǀĞƚŚĞďƵĚŐĞƚ. ŽƐƚ^ŚĂƌŝŶŐŝƐƚƌŝďƵƚŝŽŶ:Ifthereiscostshareonthisproposal,openEdit>CostSharing distribution.ForeachFY,enterintheamountofcostshare,indollars,andintheSource Accountcolumnenterinthelast6digitsofthedepartmentresponsibleforthecost share.Addextralinesasneeded.Ifexternalsourceofcostshare,enter“extern.” Department/UnitcodescanbefoundbyclickingtheUnitHierarchyicon.This informationisusedtodeterminethecorrectRoutingMaps. &ŝŶĂů͗Markthebudgetfinal. ƵĚŐĞƚ^ƚĂƚƵƐ͗Changethebudgetstatustocomplete.Closethebudgetwindowto returntotheproposal. 215 CoeusProposalCreation PropDevDepartmentInstructions RevisedJuly2014 Yes/NoQuestions Yes/NoQuestionsarenolongerusedinCoeus. Questionnaire Thereareafewquestionnaires.EithertheORARoutingFormQuestionnaireortheMTA RoutingFormQuestionnairemustbeansweredforallproposals.IfsubmittingaS2Sproposal, theGrants.govQuestionnairemustbecompleted.ForS2SPHSFellowship,PHSTraining programorNSF,answertheadditionalquestionnaires. Edit>Questionnaire. SelectORARoutingFormQuestionnaire. AnswereveryquestionandselectSaveandProceedoneachscreen. Whencompleted,agreencheckwillbepresentnexttothequestionnaire. Closethiswindow. Toedityourquestionnaire: x Clickthe”GoBack”buttonuntilyouhavereachedthequestionyouwanttoedit/update. x Toupdate/changeanansweronacompletedform,selecttheformfromtheQuestionnaire columnsoitishighlightedinblue.FromthemenuselectEdit>ModifyorclicktheEdit x button .ThequestionnairewillreͲopenviaeditmodewhereyoucanupdate answer(s). Toremoveaquestionnairecompletely,selecttheformyouwanttoremovefromthe Questionnairecolumn. o Fromthemenu,selectEdit>ModifyorclicktheEditbutton.Thequestionnairewill openineditmode. o Fromthemenu,selectEdit>StartOverorclicktheStartOverQuestionnairebutton o . ApopͲupmessagewilldisplaystatingthisactionwilldeleteallanswers.Click“yes” Theanswerswillberemovedfromthisquestionnaire ***Note:TheGreencheckmarkwillstilldisplayafteryouclick“yes”.Ifyouclickonceonanyother questionnaireinthelist,thegreencheckmarkwillgoaway. 05/21/2015 Ϯϰ CoeusProposalCreation PropDevDepartmentInstructions RevisedJuly2014 Validatetheproposal Action>ValidationChecks Thiswillgeneratealistoferrorsorwarningsassociatedwiththisproposal.Thisislimitedtothe rulesthathavebeencreatedinCoeusandwillnotcheckallpossibleissueswiththeproposal. Theseissuesmustbeaddressedbeforeroutingtheproposal Ifsystemtosystemproposal,clickonAction> o Clickonvalidate.ThiswillcheckallinformationrequiredintheGrants.govapplicationis presentinCoeus.Itdoesnotcheckthequalityoftheinformationincluded. o ClickontheFormstab.Clickonthefirstform,andthenholdtheCtrlkeyandclickon otherincludedforms.ShiftͲclickwillselectallformsintherange. o ClickPrint.Thiswillgeneratethegrants.govapplication,includingallattachments. o Reviewthisapplicationandverifythatallinformationiscompletedasanticipatedand allattachmentsarepresentasanticipated. 05/21/2015 Ϯϱ CoeusProposalCreation PropDevDepartmentInstructions RevisedJuly2014 SubmitProposal ClickontheSubmitIcon,orselectAction>SubmitforApproval. Validationwilltakeplaceagainandwillwarnyouifanythingisincomplete. Theresultingwindowwillshowyoutheroutingprocessandallindividualswhomayapproveat eachstop. ProposalRouting–whereismyproposalrightnow? Tocheckwhichapprovalstopyourproposaliscurrentlyresidingin,openyourproposalindisplaymode. Fromthemenu,clickAction>ApprovalRejection. 05/21/2015 2ϲ CoeusProposalCreation PropDevDepartmentInstructions RevisedJuly2014 TheProposalRoutingwindowwillopen: Thehighlightedleveliswheretheproposaliscurrentlywaitingforapproval.Alllevelsbelowthe highlightedlevelhavebeenbypassedorapproved(indicatedbytheapprovalsymbol 05/21/2015 ): 2ϳ CoeusProposalCreation PropDevDepartmentInstructions RevisedJuly2014 Highlightedleveliswhere proposaliscurrently waitingforapproval. Levelsbelow highlightedlevelhave alreadybeen Allpeoplelistedinthehighlightedunithavetheauthoritytoapprovetheproposal.Proposalsare approvedonafirstcome,firstservebasis: PrimaryApprover AlternateApprovers Thefirstpersonlistedineachapprovalstopisthe“PrimaryApprover”indicatedbythe symbol. Alternateapproversarelistedunderneathoftheprimaryapproverindicatedbythe symbol. Onceonepersonapprovestheproposalintheirdesignatedspot,theproposalmovesontothenext stopawaitingapproval(thelinewillbehighlightedinblueasnotedabove). Emailnotificationsaresentforeachapprovalstop.Theemailindicatesbasicinformationaboutthe proposal(PI’sname,LeadUnit,ProposalNumber,Sponsor,DeadlineDate,Title)andindicatesifthe proposalhasbeenapproved,bypassed,rejected,edited,orsubmitted.Emailswillbesentfrom“Coeus 05/21/2015 2ϴ CoeusProposalCreation PropDevDepartmentInstructions RevisedJuly2014 SampleEmail: RevisingtheProposalduringtheRoutingProcess Narrativeattachments ThosewiththeAggregator,ModifyNarrative,and/orModifyAllDevProposalrolescan swapoutnarrativesduringrouting. Searchfortheproposalanddoubleclickonit. ClickontheNarrativemodule. Selectthenarrativethatneedstobeupdated. ClickontheEditbuttonanduploadthenewdocument. ChangetheStatustoComplete. Dataelements Therearealimitednumberofdatafieldsthatcanbeupdatedduringrouting. Searchfortheproposalanddoubleclickonit. SelectEdit>DataOverride SelecttheelementthatneedstobechangedandclickChange. TypethecorrectedinformationintotheNewValuecolumn. ClickOK. 05/21/2015 2ϵ CoeusProposalCreation PropDevDepartmentInstructions RevisedJuly2014 Ifthereareotherchangesthatneedtobemadetotheproposal,youwillhavetorequestthat thecurrentreviewerrejecttheproposal.Theaggregatorcanthengoinedittheproposal. Recallingaproposal IfanAggregatorsubmittedaproposalforroutingandrealizedtheyneedtomakeachangeto theproposal(somethingotherthananarrativeswapordataoverride),theycanrecalltheir proposal.Ifaproposalisrecalled,aggregatorshavetheabilitytoopentheirproposalin“Edit” modetomakechanges.Oncetheaggregatorhassavedthechanges,theproposalwillneedto besubmittedforroutingalloveragain–startingatthefirstapprovallevel. Torecallaproposal,searchforyourproposal,openin“view”mode,andfromthemenubar, selectAction>Approval/Rejection: 05/21/2015 ϯϬ CoeusProposalCreation PropDevDepartmentInstructions RevisedJuly2014 TheProposalRoutingwindowwillappear: Ontherightsideofthescreen,clickthe“Recall”button. 05/21/2015 ϯϭ CoeusProposalCreation PropDevDepartmentInstructions RevisedJuly2014 TheProposalRecallscreenwillopen: EnteryourreasonforrecallingtheproposalintheCommentssectionofthescreenandclickthe“Recall” button. *Note:Whenaproposalisrecalled,anemailnotificationisgeneratedwhichincludesthe commentprovidedintheProposalRecallscreen. AnotherCoeuspopͲupmessagewillappearaskingifyouaresureyouwanttorecalltheproposal: Clickthe“OK”button. 05/21/2015 ϯϮ CoeusProposalCreation PropDevDepartmentInstructions RevisedJuly2014 AnotherpopͲupmessagewillappearindicatingtheactionwascompletedsuccessfully: Clickthe“OK”button. YouwillbebroughtbacktotheDevelopmentProposalListscreen.Yourproposalwillnowbeina “Recalled”status,indicatingthatitcannowbeopenedvia“Edit”modetomakethechanges: Aggregatorscanclickthe “Edit”buttontomake changestotheirproposal RecalledStatusindicatesthe aggregatorscanopenthe proposalin“edit”modeto maketheirchangesas necessary. Makesuretosaveyourchangesafterupdatingyourproposal.Onceyouhavesavedyourchanges, submityourproposalforroutingagainbygoingtoAction>SubmitforApproval. 05/21/2015 ϯϯ CoeusProposalCreation PropDevDepartmentInstructions RevisedJuly2014 Avalidationcheckwillautomaticallyoccur,click“OK”: Afterclicking“OK”,theproposalwillbereͲsubmittedforroutingagain(startingatthebeginning approvalstop).YouwillreceiveapopͲupnotificationthattheproposalwassuccessfullysubmittedfor routing,click“OK”: 05/21/2015 ϯϰ CoeusProposalCreation PropDevDepartmentInstructions RevisedJuly2014 Theroutingscreenwillappearonceagainwiththefirstapprovallevelhighlighted–indicatingthatthe proposalwillneedtobeapprovedatalllevelsonceagain: 05/21/2015 ϯϱ CoeusProposalCreation PropDevDepartmentInstructions RevisedJuly2014 CoeusUserAttachedS2SFormsTool TheCoeusUserAttachedS2SFormsToolenablesuserstouploadformspreviouslyunavailableinthe CoeusProposalDevelopmentmodule.NowindividualAdobeforms(akaUnstitched)canbe downloadedfromGrants.govoroptionalformsembedded(akaStitched)intoAdobepackagescanbe used.ThissolutionmeansthatthedataisnotenteredintoCoeusfieldsandmappedontotheforms;but ratherthesefilleduploadedformsaretreatedmorelikenarrativefiles. Thistoolmaybeusedspecificallyinthosesituationswhere: x Optionalformsshowas“NotAvailable”fromtheGrants.govwindowFormstab. x AfterselectinganopportunityviaAction>Grants.govyoureceiveanerrormessagethatstates mandatoryformsarenotavailableanddirectsyoutousetheUserAttachedS2SFormsTool. 05/21/2015 3ϲ CoeusProposalCreation PropDevDepartmentInstructions RevisedJuly2014 WheredoIfindtheforms? Formswithanasterisk(*)inthePDFcolumnareunstitchedandavailableforusewiththeuploadtool. NOTE:thecommentatthetopofthetable–thattheformsare“notsubmittable”–meansthattheyare“unstitched”tobeincludedin ourS2Ssubmissionsaspartofafullsubmission.DONOTusethePDFsthatdonothaveanasterisk(*) nexttothem.Theseformsarenotinteractiveandcannotbeusedtoenterdata. 05/21/2015 3ϳ CoeusProposalCreation PropDevDepartmentInstructions RevisedJuly2014 WhataboutthepostedAdobeOpportunities?CanIusethose? Yes,butyoucanonlyusetheOptionalformsinanAdobepackage.Iftheformyourequireislistedin theMandatorysection,youwillneedtoretrieveitasanunstitchedform–Mandatoryformsarenot processedintheuploadtranslation. HowdoIfillouttheform? UnstitchedFormsformtheGrants.govFormsPage Unstitchedformsdonothaveavalidationtoolembeddedsoyouwillnotbealertedifyoumissed populatinganymandatorydataontheform.Ifyouareusinganunstitchedform,youmaywishtoalso downloadyoursubmission’sGrants.govopportunitytouseasareference.Ifyouuploadanincomplete unstitchedformtotheCoeustool,itwillnottranslate,whichmeansitdidnotvalidateandcannotbe includedintheGrants.govsubmissionuntilitvalidates.Youwillreceivethegrants.govformschema– levelerrormessage.(Theerrormessagemaynotprovidespecificfaults,butwillconfirmthattheformis incompleteanddoesnotmeetthevalidationrequirement.) Youmayseeamessagesimilartotheonebelowifyouattemptedtouploadandtranslateanincomplete unstitchedform.Youwillneedtoupdatetheformandrepeattheupload. 05/21/2015 3ϴ CoeusProposalCreation PropDevDepartmentInstructions RevisedJuly2014 OptionalStitchedFormsfromanAdobePackage IfyouareusinganOptionalforminanAdobePackage,clickintheboxbesidetheformnametoselectit forinclusion.Youmaythenclickontheformnametonavigatedirectlytoit,orscrolldownuntilyouget totheform.FollowsponsorͲspecificinstructionsforyoursubmissiontocompletethedata requirements.TheminimumformͲleveldatarequirementscanbeverifiedbyusingthe“CheckPackage forErrors”buttononthecoverpage.Iyoureceivethe“Complete”mark,theformhasmetthe minimumvalidation.(Thismaynotmeetthesponsor’srequirementͲalwaysreferencethefunding opportunityannouncement).YoumustprovideatleasttheminimumrequirementfortheCoeustooto successfullytranslatetheform. Forexample,ifyouwantedtouseanAdobePackagetoaddthe“PlannedEnrollmentReport”andthe “PHS398CumulativeInclusionEnrollmentReport”youcansimplychecktheoptionalformsandthenfill outthoseforms.Youdonotneedtofilloutalloftheothermandatoryforms.Inthisexamplebelow, aftertheformswerefilledoutandcheckedforerrorstheydisplayan“Error”forallothermandatory formsbecausetheywerenotfilledout.Fortheformstool,thisisOKandwillnotimpactimportingthe optionalforms. MandatoryformscannotbeuploadedusingtheformstoolinanAdobePackage.Iftheformis mandatory,youwillneedtousetheunstitchedform. 05/21/2015 3ϵ CoeusProposalCreation PropDevDepartmentInstructions RevisedJuly2014 WhenshouldIconnecttotheGrants.govOpportunity? x x x AswithanyS2Sproposal,iftheallthemandatoryformsareavailable,youcanconnectto Grants.govviaAction>Grant.govatanytimebutwetypicallyadviseselectingtheopportunityin theearlystagesofdevelopmentwhencreatingtheproposal. IftheformsyouwillbeuploadingusingtheUserAttachedS2SFormstoolareOptional,youcan connecttotheopportunityeitherbeforeorafter. o Ifyouconnectbeforeuploadingtheformswiththetool,theGrants.govFormssectionwill showthoseoptionalformsas“unavailable”. o IfyouconnecttotheGrants.govopportunityafteruploadingtheformswiththetool,when youconnecttotheopportunity,theGrants.govFormswilldisplayas“available”andallow youclicktheboxtoincludetheminthesubmission. IftherearemandatoryformsintheopportunitythatarenotavailableinCoeus,youwillneedto formsaremissingviaanerrorthatincludesthenamesofunavailableforms. 05/21/2015 ϰϬ CoeusProposalCreation PropDevDepartmentInstructions RevisedJuly2014 UsingtheUserAttachedS2SFormTool IfyouconnecttotheGrants.govopportunityPRIORtouploadingtheforms,theoptionalformswillshow as“Unavailable”>Formstab.IfyouconnecttotheGrants.govopportunityAFTER uploadingtheseforms,theformswillshow“Available”andtheusercanclicktoincludetheminthe submission. 1. ClickEdit>UserAttachedS2SForms…toopenthewindow. 2. ClickAddtogeneratealineinthewindow,andthenclickintheDescriptionfieldandentersome informationaboutthisupload.Ex.Enterthenameofthetargetform,like“Planned_Report”ifyou areuploadingasingleunstitchedform. NOTE:AvoidusingspacesorspecialcharactersintheDescription. 3. ClickUploadtoopenasearchtoolwindow;locateyourunstitchedformorAdobeopportunity withthetargetformcompleted.Whenyoucompletethesearch,theFileNamefieldwilldisplay thelocationpathofyourupload,thePDFfieldwilldisplayagreencheckmark,andtheXMLfield willdisplayared“X”. NOTE:AvoidusingspacesorspecialcharactersintheFileName. 4. ClicktheTranslatebutton.Ifthetargetform(s)arecomplete,theXMLboxwillupdatewitha greencheckmark,andthefilenamewillupdatefromthelocationtothefilename.NOTE:You MUSTenteradescriptionfirstbeforeuploadingandattemptingtotranslatetheform.Ifyou donotenteradescriptionfirstyoumayreceiveanerrormessagestatingtheformcannotbe foundandwillneedtoreͲuploadandtranslatetheformtoresolvetheerror. 05/21/2015 ϰϭ CoeusProposalCreation PropDevDepartmentInstructions RevisedJuly2014 5. Toremoveanupload,clickontherowtoselectitandthenclickthedeletebutton. NOTE:AfterdeletingformsfromtheformstoolyoumaynoticethattheGrants.govFormstab stillshowstheformslistedas“Available”eventhoughtheyarenot. 6. Toaddanotherform,clicktheaddbuttonandrepeatthestepsnotedabove. 7. Toviewaform,clickontherowtoselectitandtheclicktheviewformbutton. 8. BackontheProposalTab,entertheFundingOpportunityNumberandselectAction> Grants.govtoconnecttheproposaltotheGrants.govopportunity.Theuploadedformswill showas“Available”intheformssection. 05/21/2015 ϰϮ Section3 RoutingFormCross walk 05/21/2015 05/21/2015 dŽƉŽdž͗ ůĞĐƚƌŽŶŝĐ^ƵďŵŝƐƐŝŽŶ͖DĂŝůŝŶŐŝŶĨŽƚĂď͖dLJƉĞ ƌĂĨƚ͗EĂƌƌĂƚŝǀĞͲŝĨϭŝŶĐŽŵƉůĞƚĞŶĂƌƌĂƚŝǀĞ͕LJĞƐ͘ WƌĞͲƉƌŽƉŽƐĂů͗YƵĞƐƚŝŽŶŶĂŝƌĞηϭ DWŽǁĞƌŝŶŐƚŚĞ^ƚĂƚĞ͗YƵĞƐƚŝŽŶŶĂŝƌĞηϮ ϭ͘ dŝƚůĞ͗WƌŽƉŽƐĂůdĂď͖ƚŝƚůĞ Ϯ͘ ^ƚĂƌƚͬŶĚĂƚĞ͗WƌŽƉŽƐĂůƚĂď͖ƐƚĂƌƚͬĞŶĚĚĂƚĞ ϯ͘ WƌŽƉŽƐĂůͬĐƚŝǀŝƚLJdLJƉĞ͗WƌŽƉŽƐĂůƚĂď͖ƉƌŽƉŽƐĂůƚLJƉĞ ϯ͘ ZĞůĂƚĞĚ<&^͗ƌĞůĂƚĞĚǁĂƌĚŶƵŵďĞƌ ϰ͘ ĐƚŝǀŝƚLJdLJƉĞ͗WƌŽƉŽƐĂůƚĂď͖ĂĐƚŝǀŝƚLJƚLJƉĞ ϱ͘ ^ƉŽŶƐŽƌ͗WƌŽƉŽƐĂůƚĂď͖ƐƉŽŶƐŽƌŶĂŵĞ ϱĂ͘ŽŶƚĂĐƚĚĚƌĞƐƐ͗DĂŝůŝŶŐŝŶĨŽƚĂď͖ĂĚĚƌĞƐƐ EĂŵĞͬWŚŽŶĞͬŵĂŝůͬhZ>͗KƚŚĞƌƐƚĂď ϱď͘WƌŝŵĞ^ƉŽŶƐŽƌ͗WƌŽƉŽƐĂůƚĂď͖WƌŝŵĞƐƉŽŶƐŽƌ ϱĐ͘&͗WƌŽƉŽƐĂůƚĂď͖&ŶƵŵďĞƌ 05/21/2015 ϲ͘ ĞĂĚůŝŶĞ͗DĂŝůŝŶŐ/ŶĨŽƚĂď͖ĚĞĂĚůŝŶĞ WŽƐƚŵĂƌŬͬZĞĐĞŝƉƚ͗DĂŝůŝŶŐŝŶĨŽƚĂď͖ĚĞĂĚůŝŶĞƚLJƉĞ ϳ͘ ^ƵďŵŝƐƐŝŽŶŝŶƐƚƌƵĐƚŝŽŶƐ͗DĂŝůŝŶŐŝŶĨŽ͖ƚLJƉĞ ^LJƐƚĞŵ͗DĂŝůŝŶŐŝŶĨŽ͖DĂŝůĞƐĐƌŝƉƚŝŽŶ ĞƉƚWŝĐŬhƉ͗DĂŝůŝŶŐŝŶĨŽ͖DĂŝůĞƐĐƌŝƉƚŝŽŶĂŶĚKƚŚĞƌƐdĂď͖ƉŝĐŬƵƉŶĂŵĞĂŶĚĐŽŶƚĂĐƚ ϴĂ͘ĞƉƚ͘ĐŽŶƚĂĐƚ͗KƚŚĞƌƐdĂď͖ƵĚŐĞƚŽŶƚĂĐƚŶĂŵĞĂŶĚĚĞƚĂŝůƐ ϴď͘W/ŶĂŵĞ͗/ŶǀĞƐƚŝŐĂƚŽƌdĂď͖W/ŶĂŵĞ͖ĐŽŶƚĂĐƚĚĞƚĂŝůƐĨƌŽŵWĞƌƐŽŶdĂďůĞ ϴĐ͘ĚŵŝŶĞƉƚ͗/ŶǀĞƐƚŝŐĂƚŽƌdĂď͖W/͛Ɛ>ĞĂĚhŶŝƚ ϵ͘ W/͗/ŶǀĞƐƚŝŐĂƚŽƌdĂď͖W/ĐŚĞĐŬďŽdžĚĞƐŝŐŶĂƚĞƐW/͕ ŽůůĞŐĞ͗/ŶǀĞƐƚŝŐĂƚŽƌdĂď͖hŶŝƚEĂŵĞ ƌĞĚŝƚ͗/ŶǀĞƐƚŝŐĂƚŽƌdĂď͖ƌĞĚŝƚ^Ɖůŝƚ WƌŽƉŽƐĂůĞǀĞůŽƉŵĞŶƚŶƵŵďĞƌ͗WƌŽƉŽƐĂůĞǀĞůŽƉŵĞŶƚ͖EƵŵďĞƌ 05/21/2015 ϭϬ͘ ƵĚŐĞƚ/ŶŝƚŝĂůWĞƌŝŽĚĂƚĞƐ͗ƵĚŐĞƚDŽĚƵůĞ͖WĞƌŝŽĚϭ^ƚĂƌƚͬŶĚĚĂƚĞƐ dŽƚĂůWĞƌŝŽĚĂƚĞƐ͗ƵĚŐĞƚDŽĚƵůĞ͖^ƵŵŵĂƌLJ^ƚĂƌƚͬŶĚĚĂƚĞƐ dŽƚĂůŝƌĞĐƚŽƐƚ;ŝŶŝƚŝĂůͿ͗ƵĚŐĞƚDŽĚƵůĞ͖WĞƌŝŽĚϭŝƌĞĐƚŽƐƚƐ dŽƚĂůŝƌĞĐƚŽƐƚ;ƚŽƚĂůͿ͗ƵĚŐĞƚDŽĚƵůĞ͖^ƵŵŵĂƌLJŝƌĞĐƚŽƐƚƐ dŽƚĂů/ŶĚŝƌĞĐƚ;ŝŶŝƚŝĂůͿ͗ƵĚŐĞƚDŽĚƵůĞ͖WĞƌŝŽĚϭ/ŶĚŝƌĞĐƚŽƐƚƐ dŽƚĂů/ŶĚŝƌĞĐƚ;ƚŽƚĂůͿ͗ƵĚŐĞƚDŽĚƵůĞ͖^ƵŵŵĂƌLJŝƌĞĐƚŽƐƚƐ dŽƚĂůŽƐƚ;ŝŶŝƚŝĂůͿ͗ƵĚŐĞƚDŽĚƵůĞ͖WĞƌŝŽĚϭdŽƚĂůŽƐƚƐ dŽƚĂůŽƐƚ;ƚŽƚĂůͿ͗ƵĚŐĞƚDŽĚƵůĞ͖^ƵŵŵĂƌLJdŽƚĂůŽƐƚƐ ϭϭĂ͘&ΘƌĂƚĞ͗KƚŚĞƌƚĂď͖/ZĂƚĞ ϭϭď͘KƚŚĞƌƚŚĂŶŽŶͲĐĂŵƉƵƐƌĂƚĞ͗KƚŚĞƌƚĂď͖/ZĂƚĞdLJƉĞ͕ƌĞĂƐŽŶ ϭϭĐ͘KĨĨĐĂŵƉƵƐůŽĐĂƚŝŽŶ͗YƵĞƐƚŝŽŶŶĂŝƌĞηϰ͕ĨŽůůŽǁƵƉƋƵĞƐƚŝŽŶ ϭϮ͘ ŽƐƚƐŚĂƌŝŶŐ͗ƵĚŐĞƚŵŽĚƵůĞ͖^ƵŵŵĂƌLJ͖ŽƐƚƐŚĂƌŝŶŐ͕ŝĨƉƌĞƐĞŶƚƐĞůĞĐƚLJĞƐ͕ĞŶƚĞƌĂŵŽƵŶƚƐ ϭϯ͘ ^ƵďĂǁĂƌĚƐ͗YƵĞƐƚŝŽŶŶĂŝƌĞηϯ͕ĂŶĚĞdžƚĞŶĚĞĚƌĞƐƉŽŶƐĞŝĨŶĞĐĞƐƐĂƌLJ 05/21/2015 ϭϰ͘ ĚĚŝƚŝŽŶĂůZĞƐŽƵƌĐĞƐ͗YƵĞƐƚŝŽŶŶĂŝƌĞηϱ͕ĂŶĚĨŽůůŽǁƵƉƋƵĞƐƚŝŽŶ͘ ϭϱ͘ ĚŵŝŶŝƐƚƌĂƚŝǀĞ^ƵƉƉŽƌƚ͗YƵĞƐƚŝŽŶŶĂŝƌĞηϲ ϭϲ͘ dƵŝƚŝŽŶŽƌ&ĞĞtĂŝǀĞƌ͗YƵĞƐƚŝŽŶŶĂŝƌĞηϳ ϭϳ͘ ŽƵƌƐĞĨŽƌƌĞĚŝƚ͗YƵĞƐƚŝŽŶŶĂŝƌĞηϴ͕ĂŶĚĨŽůůŽǁƋƵĞƐƚŝŽŶƐ͘ ϭϴĂ͘džƉŽƌƚŽŶƚƌŽů͗YƵĞƐƚŝŽŶŶĂŝƌĞηϵ ϭϴď͘&ĂďƌŝĐĂƚŝŽŶ͗YƵĞƐƚŝŽŶŶĂŝƌĞηϭϬ ϭϴĐ͘^ŚŝƉŵĞŶƚ͗YƵĞƐƚŝŽŶŶĂŝƌĞηϭϭ͕ĂŶĚĨŽůůŽǁƵƉƋƵĞƐƚŝŽŶ͘ ϭϴĚ͘&ŽƌĞŝŐŶŽůůĂďŽƌĂƚŝŽŶ͗YƵĞƐƚŝŽŶŶĂŝƌĞηϭϮ͕ĂŶĚĨŽůůŽǁƵƉƋƵĞƐƚŝŽŶ͘ ϭϵĂ͘WƌŽƉƌŝĞƚĂƌLJ/ŶĨŽƌŵĂƚŝŽŶ͗YƵĞƐƚŝŽŶŶĂŝƌĞηϭϯ ϭϵď͘/ĨzĞƐƚŽϭϵ͕E͗YƵĞƐƚŝŽŶŶĂŝƌĞηϭϯĨŽůůŽǁƵƉ͘ ϭϵĐ͘WƵďůŝƐŚŝŶŐZĞƐƚƌŝĐƚŝŽŶƐ͗YƵĞƐƚŝŽŶŶĂŝƌĞηϭϰ͘ ϭϵĚ͘ŽŶĨŝĚĞŶƚŝĂůͬWƌŽƉƌŝĞƚĂƌLJĂƚĂ͗YƵĞƐƚŝŽŶŶĂŝƌĞηϭϱ͘ 05/21/2015 ϮϬ͘ ,ƵŵĂŶ^ƵďũĞĐƚƐ͗YƵĞƐƚŝŽŶŶĂŝƌĞηϭϲ͕ĨŽůůŽǁƵƉƋƵĞƐƚŝŽŶƐĨŽƌ/ZĚĞƚĂŝůƐ͘ Ϯϭ͘ ŶŝŵĂů^ƵďũĞĐƚƐ͗YƵĞƐƚŝŽŶŶĂŝƌĞηϭϳ͕͘ĨŽůůŽǁƵƉƋƵĞƐƚŝŽŶƐĨŽƌ/hĚĞƚĂŝůƐ͘ ϮϮ͘ ZĂĚŝŽĂĐƚŝǀĞDĂƚĞƌŝĂůƐ͗YƵĞƐƚŝŽŶŶĂŝƌĞηϭϴ͕ĨŽůůŽǁƵƉƋƵĞƐƚŝŽŶƐŽŶŝŽŶŝnjŝŶŐͬŶŽŶͲŝŽŶŝnjŝŶŐƌĂĚŝĂƚŝŽŶ͘ Ϯϯ͘ ŝŽůŽŐŝĐĂůDĂƚĞƌŝĂůƐ͗YƵĞƐƚŝŽŶŶĂŝƌĞηϭϵ͘ Ϯϰ͘ ^ĞůĞĐƚŐĞŶƚdŽdžŝŶƐ͗YƵĞƐƚŝŽŶŶĂŝƌĞηϮϬ͘ Ϯϱ͘ ,ŝŐŚůLJdŽdžŝĐ'ĂƐĞƐ͗YƵĞƐƚŝŽŶŶĂŝƌĞηϮϭ͘ Ϯϲ͘ ^ĐŝĞŶƚŝĨŝĐŝǀŝŶŐ͗YƵĞƐƚŝŽŶŶĂŝƌĞηϮϮ͘ Ϯϳ͘ ŽĂƚƐ͗YƵĞƐƚŝŽŶŶĂŝƌĞηϮϯ͘ Ϯϴ͘ ŚĞŵŝĐĂůƐ͗YƵĞƐƚŝŽŶŶĂŝƌĞηϮϰ͘ 05/21/2015 Ϯϵ͘ ďƐƚƌĂĐƚ͗ƚƚĂĐŚĞĚŝŶEĂƌƌĂƚŝǀĞDŽĚƵůĞ;ĚŽĞƐŶŽƚƐŚŽǁŝŶďƐƚƌĂĐƚĨŝĞůĚͿ͘ ϯϬĂ͘ŽŶĨůŝĐƚŽĨ/ŶƚĞƌĞƐƚ͗YƵĞƐƚŝŽŶŶĂŝƌĞηϮϱ͘ ϯϬď͘&ŝŶĂŶĐŝĂůŽŶĨůŝĐƚŽĨ/ŶƚĞƌĞƐƚ;&K/Ϳ͗YƵĞƐƚŝŽŶŶĂŝƌĞηϮϲ͘&ŽůůŽǁƵƉƋƵĞƐƚŝŽŶƐŽŶ/ZEĞƚƚƌĂŝŶŝŶŐ͘ 05/21/2015 Section4 ProposalCreation– cheatsheet 05/21/2015 05/21/2015 Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 04proposalcheatsheet Create New Proposal Open Proposal Development Select New Proposal Select Lead Unit from the list of units This selection can not be changed within the proposal, proposal would need to be copied and a new one created with the correct lead unit. Edit Proposal Roles To add person to role To remove person from role Role Name Aggregator Budget Creator Narrative Writer 05/21/2015 Select name, or search with Users button, click and drag name to selected role Select name, click and drag to the trash. Rights Can add proposal data, create/attach narratives, create/edit budgets, route proposal for submission Can create/edit budgets Can create/attach narratives Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 04proposalcheatsheet Proposal Tab Required Title Start Date End Date Proposal Type Activity Type Sponsor Might be Required Prime Sponsor Original Proposal Award Number Subcontract Required for S2S Title Proposal Type Funding Opportunity Number OR CFDA Number 05/21/2015 Notes Complete title, check spelling and capitalization Look up in Sponsor Table; if not there, choose 011406 Temp Sponsor – ORA will review. Email coeus-help with sponsor information and proposal number. Look up in Sponsor Table If related to previous proposal, select Institute Proposal number If continuation/renewal enter Coeus Award Number Check if there will be subawards from award Limit to 200 characters (NIH max is 81); no smart quotes Select correct type Enter either Funding Opportunity number or CFDA, not both Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 04proposalcheatsheet Search for Opportunity Notes Required Proposal Tab Title, Start Date, End Date, Proposal Type, and Funding Opportunity OR CFDA Number required to be compelted Other Tab IDC Rate, IDC Rate Type, IDC Reason Save Proposal Click Action> Searches servers for Funding Opportunity Select the Opportunity Click OK 05/21/2015 Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 04proposalcheatsheet Forms Required Submission Details > Forms Add Optional Forms Add Unstiched forms Notes Review the forms inlcuded in the application Based on the FOA and the details of the proposal, click Include for optional forms that will need to be completed and submitted to Refer to directions for Unstitched Forms The Program title, Funding Opportunity Number, CFDA Number and logo will be added to the Proposal Tab 05/21/2015 Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 04proposalcheatsheet Organization Tab If there is no other location other than on-campus at UM No action required If there is another location Another location where work will be performed Click Add >Performance Site Enter in name of Performance Site Address/Contact Click on Find Address – pulls from Rolodex – enter name in Organization column, pick the one with Office of Sponsored Programs in address line 1; if no entry in Rolodex, need to add it and then select Add Congressional District Congressional District If there is a subcontract Click Add > Other Organization Address/Contact Congressional District Another organization that is doing part of the proposed work Select Find, and search for Organization - pulls from Organization Module. If not found, enter ORG ID 00001047 – Temp Org – Subcontractor and email coeus-help with subcontractor’s information Automatically pulls from Organization record. Automatically pulls from Organization record, can add if needed. Refer to Rolodex directions to create Rolodex entries for Performance Sites not currently listed. 05/21/2015 Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 04proposalcheatsheet Mailing Info Tab Deadline Date Deadline Type Mail By Type Mailing Address Mail Description 05/21/2015 Enter deadline date, if no firm deadline, enter 1/1/2099 Pulls from Rolodex, search in Organization column, pick the one with Office of Sponsored Programs in address line 1; if no entry in Rolodex, or if it is not the required address, need to add it and then select If Electronic, enter in name of system (, FastLane, email, etc) Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 04proposalcheatsheet Investigator Tab Find Person Add Unit Certify Credit Split Effort All individuals listed on this tab will be added to forms as PI or co-PI (Co-Investigator/Multi-PI for NIH) Individuals can be listed on Investigator Tab OR the Key Person Tab, but not both. 05/21/2015 Search in Person table, if not in PHR search, create Rolodex entry for person and select that. If multiple departments, or if non-tenure home department, is needed, click Add Unit . Select Lead Unit for PI (must be dept. selected when proposal started). If MPowering the State proposal, don’t forget to add that unit. Certify for each investigator. SAVE. Enter Credit Split info for project and all investigators. Do not use these columns for effort for investigators In order to get DRIF/credit, UM Personnel need to be listed on this tab, DRIF/Credit may be updated one the award is made Attach Narrative Type: UM-DRIF/Credit Form in the Narrative Module Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 04proposalcheatsheet Key Person Tab Enter personnel who will not receive UM DRIF/Credit Find Person Find Rolodex Role Unit Use only for S2S applications. Enter personnel on either Investigator or Key Person tab, not both Searches the Person table for UM Personnel Searches the Rolodex for non-UM Personnel; create Rolodex entry if needed This feeds the forms – project role will be Other: _________(your text added) If UM Personnel, or MPowering Proposal, add UM unit Refer to Rolodex directions to create non-UM Personnel rolodex entries. 05/21/2015 Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 04proposalcheatsheet Special Review Tab If there are Special Review Items Approval Protocol Number Comments Add line and select special review type Add approval stage – approved or pending If approved, enter in protocol number; feeds forms If title of protocol different from proposal title, enter in Special Review Comments Science Code Tab Not currently used at UM. 05/21/2015 Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 04proposalcheatsheet Other Tab Budget Contact IDC Rate IDC Rate Type IDC Reason Pick up contact Sponsor Contact Created By/Date Sub Unit 05/21/2015 Information of person to contact in the event that questions arise about the budget (email, extension, name) Indirect Cost rate for proposal Select from list Select from list. If written sponsor policy, the documentation must be attached in Narrative section If Proposal is to be mailed by department, enter contact information of person to be contacted Enter sponsor contact information including URL. Do not complete these fields Only used for CICS proposals Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 04proposalcheatsheet Creating Rolodex Entry For individual person to be added to the Investigator or Key Person tab: Maintain>Rolodex or click on Rolodex icon Create new record Add Person’s information Address Postal Code Phone and email For Performance Site Maintain>Rolodex Create new record Add Site information Address Postal Code Phone and email For a Mailing Address for a Sponsor (on the Mailing Info tab) Maintain>Rolodex Create new record Enter information in Rolodex 05/21/2015 click on New Entry Name, title, and Organization Name are required Only the 1st 2 lines will populate application Zip+4 is required required fields or click on Rolodex icon click on New Entry Organization Name is required Only the 1st 2 lines will populate application Zip+4 is required Populate if there is a general phone/e-mail or click on Rolodex icon click on New Entry Organization Address City State Country Postal Code Phone: if there is a general phone number Email: if there is a general email address Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 04proposalcheatsheet Attaching Documents to Proposal Type of Attachment Personnel attachments – biosketch; current and pending reports Narrative/UM Documents – Statement of work, budget justification, departmental budget Subaward budget for S2S proposals Proposal Persons – attachments and information Where to attach Proposal Persons Narrative Module Subaward in budget The Running Man Individuals from the Investigator and Key Personnel tab are listed on the Proposal Personnel. Titles are derived from Personal Table or the Rolodex. Double click a person’s name to access person record. Updated information on this screen impacts this proposal, and copies of this proposal only. Person Details>Personal Enter degree details, 1 degree populates R&R Profile form Person Details>Contact Info Enter eRA Commons user name for NIH applications Person Details>Other Enter Citizenship Info if required by application Create line item – description and document type Add Person attachments – Biosketch and C&P Search to find add attachment All descriptions and file names Unique and no spaces or special characters 05/21/2015 Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 04proposalcheatsheet Narrative Module Select Edit>Narrative Select New Narrative Type Module Title Upload Status Select type of narrative attachment; Narrative types with UM-name will NOT be transmitted to, all others will be submitted Add title for narrative type; no spaces or special characters in title Upload file, PDF, Word Doc, Excel file (refer to FOA for acceptable attachment types) typically requires file names without spaces or special characters, and pdf format All narratives other than narrative type >Narrative must be complete before routing Narrative Narrative Be sure to SAVE and then close the Narrative Window. For S2S submissions, refer to the Opportunity instructions for attachment naming conventions, acceptable file formats, and formatting requirements. Additionally, the opportunity instructions will refer to the mandatory attachments. 05/21/2015 Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 04proposalcheatsheet considerations for Narrative Attachments Narrative Types Based on the application’s forms and required attachments, narrative types will be added to the list of available attachments. Please add all necessary optional forms to the forms page before attaching narratives Module Title No spaces or special characters in the Module titles that will be transmitted to (upper/lower case letters, numbers, underscore ONLY) File names No spaces or special characters in the file names that will be transmitted to (upper/lower case letters, numbers, underscore ONLY) Refer to FOA for acceptable file types, PDF preferred. All files must have a unique file name Narrative Proposal Narrative; Draft narrative if draft – ORA cannot submit proposal until final Proposal Narrative is attached Use UM-ORA Placeholder ORA documents; upload a document which ORA will replace as needed (this document must create text) Use UM Institutional Docs: F&A Waiver Cost Share Approval Export Control Equipment Facilities Other required attachments: Current and Pending support; Biosketches; and R&R Subbudget are attached elsewhere for transmission to If you attach them here, use UM- types of narratives. This attachments will NOT be sent to Refer to the forms and Coeus Narrative crosswalk document on the Coeus website to determine which narrative types to select based on the forms in your S2S application. 05/21/2015 Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 04proposalcheatsheet Budget Module Create Budget Select New Edit>Budget The budget summary must be completed for each proposal where funds are requested, regardless if it is a S2S proposal or not. If Investigator has multiple appointments, select primary appointment for this proposal. 05/21/2015 Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 04proposalcheatsheet Budget Summary Screen For S2S proposals, refer to the detailed Budget directions. For nonS2S proposals, refer to the information below. OH Rate Type Select appropriate type. If on-campus, select MTDC Adjacent or MTDC Remote Budget Status Select Complete when done Final One budget MUST be marked Final before routing. On/Off Campus Select on or off campus Direct Cost Enter Direct costs for each budget period on separate lines (number of budget periods are determined by start and end date entered on Proposal Tab, but can be adjusted here if needed) Indirect Cost Enter Indirect costs for each budget period on separate lines Cost Share Enter Cost Share for each budget period Comments Enter Cost Share breakdown and department/college responsible for Cost Share and amount for each UR Rate Type/Underrecovery Select the same rate type as what was entered into UR Rate Type Budget Justification Attach budget justification in the Narrative module Distribute Cost Share and Underrecovery Distribute Cost Share If Cost Share on proposal, open Edit>Cost Sharing Distribution. Cost Share from summary tab will be copied here. In the Source code, enter in the last 6 digits of the department responsible for the cost share. If external, enter “extern.” Lines may be added or consolidated. Distribute Underrecovery If underrecovery has been generated on the proposal because the IDC rate is less than a negotiated rate, this needs to be distributed so the Institute Proposal costs are correctly generated. Open Edit>Underrecovery distribution. Consolidate all lines to 1 line with total amount of underrecovery. In the Source Account, enter TBD. 05/21/2015 Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 04proposalcheatsheet Complete Questionnaires ORA Routing Form Questionnaire Grants.govS2S Questionnaire Submit for Approval Prepare for Submission Validation Validation Checks Print Forms Submit for Approval 05/21/2015 Access from Edit> Questionnaire; Select ORA Routing Form Questionnaire or MTA questionniare; Answer each question, providing explanations as required If S2S proposal, complete this questionniare as well. Yes No Questions answered? Questionnaire complete? Budget marked Final and Complete? (green check mark on Proposal tab) All narrative attachments marked complete other than Proposal Narrative? (blue || mark on Proposal Tab) PI/Co-Investigators have certified? All of the are done? Proposal Saved? Action> Validation Checks Action> Validate – checks that all required fields for the S2S forms have been completed Select the forms and print a pdf version of the application form the Forms tab of Action> Action>Submit for Approval Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 04proposalcheatsheet Proposal Routing Approval Stops Revise Your Proposal Swapping Narratives Edit Data Fields Recall a Proposal Recall and Resubmit 05/21/2015 See which approval stop your proposal is currently waiting for approval: Action > Approval / Rejection. Depending upon your Coeus rights, you may Approve, Bypass, Reject, and/or Recall the proposal here. Open proposal, open narrative module, highlight narrative to be updated, click “Edit”, upload new document, change status to “Complete” and save. Open proposal, click Edit>Data Override. Select the item from the list you wish to edit. Enter changes in “New Value” column, add a comment. Click “Ok” Open proposal, Action>Approval/Rejection. Click “Recall” button. Close out of proposal, re-open proposal in edit mode, make changes as need, add a comment, click save. Re-route the proposal for approval. Section5 CreatingDetailed Budget&Subaward Budget 05/21/2015 05/21/2015 Creating a Detailed Proposal Budget Overview Create a new budget ͻSelect appointments for investigators with multiple appointments ͻSelect OH rate type on summary tab ͻSet up and verify rates (sync budget rates if proposal was copied ͻAdjust period boundaries ͻSelect Submit Cost Sharing (if checked on summary all checked line items cost share will be submitted) ͻThe Running Man; Edit>Persons ͻAdd personnel or TBAs as needed ͻEnter base salary and appointment type for each Create personnel ͻAnniversary date = date for inflation to be calculated; default is 7/1; enter proposal start date to override and calculate inflation at each new period details Add details for 1st period ͻAdd personnel line items ͻAdd personnel to line items (Strong Man) ͻAdd non-personnel line items ͻInflation will be applied automatically for most cost elements Generate budget periods ͻAdd or delete line items ͻModify Costs Adjust budget as ͻApply changes to later budget periods as needed necessary Other ͻIf cost sharing is included in budget, it must be distributed, and added in the comments on the summary ͻIf underrecovery generated, it must be distributed ͻAttach completed R&R subaward budget if required ͻPrint budget reports as needed ͻMark budget as final and complete Finalize budget 215 Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 05abudget_directions SOURCE Creating the Detailed Budget in Coeus: Select Edit>Budget Select New If any investigator has multiple appointments, a window will pop up. Select the primary appointment for this proposal. OH Rate Type Select the appropriate type. If on-campus, select MTDC Adjacent or MTDC remote. On/Off Campus Select on or off campus UR Rate Type Select same as OH Rate Type Submit Cost Sharing If Cost Share on line items should be submitted to sponsor, leave checked. If Cost Share not submitted to sponsor, uncheck. This controls the budget as a whole – if unchecked, even checked line items will not be sent. If checked, Coeus will defer to line items if cost share should be sent Start/End dates Pull from proposal tab, change there, if needed. Rates/Boundaries Select Edit>Rates Sync This syncs the rates to the current institutional rates MTDC rates Adjust if necessary TDC rate Adjust if TDC proposal that is not 42.80. Change rate for on/off for all FYs of proposal Employee Benefits There are 4 options for rates – depending on needs of proposal and budget line items being used: adjust as needed and change on/off for all FYs of proposal Inflation rates There is 1 rate/proposal. Change rate as needed – you can choose to apply/not apply it to each line item. Adjust Period Boundaries Default is 1 year period, to adjust as needed: Budget Periods>Adjust to change start and end date; add delete periods as needed. Budget Persons…The Running Man Edit>Persons This is a menu of all of the people that may be on the budget – Senior/Key people and TBA GAs and Post-Docs Add UM named person Click Find Person, search by name. JobCode – leaving the default is fine. Appt Type: REG Employee = 12 mos SUM Employee = 3 mos TMP Employee = 1 mos Effective Date = Start Date of Proposal Enter base salary Enter anniversary date- this is the date that the salary will first inflate; typically this is the start of budget period 2. If left blank, Coeus will apply inflation on July 1, the start of the fiscal year. June 2015 74 Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 05abudget_directions SOURCE Add non-UM named person Add not-yet-named person ENTERING LINE ITEMS Adding Personnel line items Delete personnel line item Add Cost element Description Line Item Detail June 2015 Click Find Rolodex, search by name. Appt Type: REG Employee = 12 mos SUM Employee = 3 mos TMP Employee = 1 mos Effective Date = Start Date of Proposal Enter base salary Enter anniversary date (default is 7/1/xx so Coeus will calculate inflation at rate after that date; to calculate inflation at new budget period enter start date as anniversary date) Click Add TBA and select best option. If need multiple of same type (at the same salary) change the Job Code of one to JOBCD2, JOBCD3, etc. so you can differentiate Appt Type: REG Employee = 12 mos SUM Employee = 3 mos TMP Employee = 1 mos Effective Date = Start Date of Proposal Enter base salary Enter anniversary date (default is 7/1/xx so Coeus will calculate inflation at rate after that date; to calculate inflation at new budget period enter start date as anniversary date) Select the Budget Period, click on the Add line item icon or Ctrl-A from active line. Double click in CE column to bring up line item choices • Start to enter code or description will just to that place in the line • Highlight and click OK to select To enter cost element if code is known, enter code (case sensitive) on budget line Enter description – for your own use With line highlighted, click on the Strong Man; Select person to add to line item (named individuals end up in section A – senior key person) Determine cycle (calendar, academic, summer) and percent effort. Salary is calculated the in the following manner: Percent effort Charged * number of days shown in the person line next to effort * (base salary/appointment type from the running man) Can add more than 1 person if the role, IDC, cost share, and fringe rates are the same Delete person from CE, then delete the CE Select Budget Period Click on Add line item icon on Ctrl A from active line item Double click in CE column to bring up line item choices • Start to enter code or description will just to that place in the line • Highlight and click OK to select To enter cost element if code is known, enter code (case sensitive) on budget line This is free form text and does not go to Double click line item to open detail window 75 Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 05abudget_directions SOURCE • Possible to modify the following for each line o Category for ggov form o On/off campus rate o Description o Apply inflation o Submit cost share o Cost/cost share amount • Justification for each item is optional, Coeus will collect all so you can use in your justification attachment View Select View>Customize view >Grouped by category to see more details. Changing Category for Line When necessary, the Ggov budget category can be changed for a cost Items element. If a personnel line item, this MUST be done before individuals are added to the line item. Double-click on the line item to open it. In the drop-down category, select the revised category where this element should appear on the budget. Note about personnel line item If a person named as an Investigator or Key Person is added to the categories budget, their salary will appear in Ggov form section A, regardless of category selected. If a person is only named in the budget, their salary will show in the budget category selected in the cost element details. TBA personnel will only show up correctly on the Ggov budget if their category is left as a B category. OTHER BUDGET Actions refer to following page for differing types of budgets/scenarios Generate all periods Budget Periods>Generate all periods – adds cost elements to all other periods Calculate Calculate and Save often Add line item to all periods If add line item after all periods are generated, select line item; then Items>apply to later periods Budget Justification If you have entered justification items at each line – Edit>Justification will allow you to consolidate each of them and copy into txt/doc file. Budget justification is a type of Narrative attachment and needs to be added in the Narrative module NIH Modular Budget justifications are also in the Narrative attachments Project/Program Income Edit>Program income; add income and description for each period Budget Summary File>Budget Summary: By period= detail for each period, with categories Distribute Cost Share Edit>Cost Sharing Distribution. Cost share from line items will be totaled for each budget period. In the Source code column, enter in the last 6 digits of the department responsible for the cost share. If external, enter “extern.” Lines may be added or consolidated. Distribute Underrecovery If underrecovery has been generated on the proposal because the IDC rate is less than a negotiated rate, this needs to be distributed so the Institute Proposal costs are correctly generated. Open Edit>Underrecovery distribution. Consolidate all lines to 1 line with total amount of underrecovery. In the Source Account, enter TBD. June 2015 76 Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 05abudget_directions SOURCE Create Subaward Budget: Let Coeus Do The Work 424 R&R Subaward Attachment Form: Edit > Subawards Generate all of the budget Before uploading your Subaward Budget Form in Coeus (which will periods automatically add the cost elements) you will need to generate all budget periods. Go to Budget Periods > Generate All Budget Periods Is the 424 R&R subaward Refer to the solicitation instructions budget attachment required by the FOA? Has the subaward budget Refer to Action>>Forms attachment form been selected to be included in the submission? Find the solicitation on Locate and download the appropriate ggov application package. Extract the budget from ggov Complete Sub award budget; attach budget justification application In Coeus budget: Attach pdf of sub budget only Edit>Subaward Click Add then click Upload Search for file, add name of organization. Each attachment name must be unique Click Translate Translate to XML – must get green check Subaward Cost Element Codes will automatically appear at the bottom of each budget period Changes? F&A will be applied to the first $25,000 Add line items to each budget period Two sets of subaward cost element codes: F37342: Apply F&A F37322: Do not appy F&A For all subawards greater than $25,000, F&A will need to be applied to the first 25k (of the entire project). Use cost element code F37342, for the amount of $25,000 on one line in budget period 1 only. The next line will be the remaining amount of the award (Subaward Total Amount - $25000 = remaining amount) with cost element code F37322 (do not apply F&A). Use this cost element code for the remaining budget periods. Go back to original ggov subaward, change and re-upload and retranslate If Subaward Form is not available to extract and upload, Add Subaward Cost Element Codes in Manually June 2015 77 Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 05abudget_directions SOURCE NIH Subaward Is Not Active in All Budget Periods of Prime Budget Does the primary budget span The R&R Budget forms do not allow for "empty" budget periods on longer than the subaward the R&R Forms Version C. They include several required fields which budget? must be completed (even for inactive periods) in order to successfully submit. Provide the following information for inactive budget periods: • • • • • • • • • • Organization DUNS Budget Type = Subaward/Consortium Budget Period Start/End Dates (align with budget periods and dates of the prime budget) In section A: Senior/Key Person, provide a single entry including the following: PD/PI or subaward lead First and Last names Project Role (may default to PD/PI; can be adjusted as needed) Calendar Months = .01 (smallest amount effort allowed in the field) Requested Salary = $0 Fringe Benefits = $0 Explanation of the inactive budget periods in the budget justification NIH sponsor|NIH Modular Budget used, detailed budget created in Coeus Has the modular budget been Refer to Action>>Forms selected to be included in the submission? Add line items to each budget For EACH organization add a line items for the portion of the period subcontract: FX7012: Direct costs – don’t apply UM F&A FX7022: Direct costs – apply UM F&A FX7032: Indirect costs – don’t apply UM F&A FX7042: Indirect costs – apply UM F&A Check Budget Summary: Modular Budget Edit>Modular budget Check the modular budget numbers Click OK. Mark budget as final and complete June 2015 Refer to worksheet for more details Sync; answer yes to the “are you sure” Make adjustments to the number of modules, consortium F&A, and IDC base/funds requested as needed SAVE 78 Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 05abudget_directions SOURCE NIH budgets using the Modular Budget; do not have line items completed Has the modular budget been Refer to Action>>Forms selected to be included in the submission? Create new budget Check Budget Summary: Modular Budget Complete the Summary Enter Direct/Indirect/Cost Share totals for each budget period on Budget the Summary budget Edit>Modular budget Enter the modular budget Make adjustments to the number of modules, consortium F&A, and numbers IDC base/funds requested as needed Click OK. SAVE Mark budget as final and complete June 2015 79 Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 05abudget_directions SOURCE Detailed Budget Random Situations On occasion, aggregators will encounter various situations where they will need to manually adjust their detailed budget. Detailed budgets are only required on System-to-system (S2S) proposals. Common instances would be: Manual inflation of salaries - Multiple people on your budget have salaries which have different I. inflation rates II. PI has varied amount of effort throughout the same year; summer effort vs year-long effort III. Pay Scale of GA changes in the same funding period IV. Adjusting time on project to get exact dollar value V. New Rule for Submitting Subaward Budgets to NIH Section I: Manual Inflation of Salaries: • When you need to use this method: • Your budget has multiple persons whose salaries do not increase at a consistent rate, for example: 1. A GA goes from a step 1 to step 2; 2. One investigator’s salary inflates at 3% each year while another investigator’s salary inflates at 5% each year; 3. Your budget has multiple persons whose salaries do not increase on the same date Step 1: After setting up the new budget in Coeus (selecting OH Rate Type, UR Rate Type, setting rate percentages via Edit > Rates, etc.), open the Budget Persons module (Edit>Persons or ) Normally, in the Budget Persons module, each person is only listed once (ex: 3 people on the project, 3 line items entered in Budget Persons). In this particular case, for each person who does not follow the designated inflation rate for your budget, (see Edit>Rates or to see the set budget’s overall inflation rate), you will need to create multiple line items for that person, for each year of the budget in the Proposal Personnel module. For example, for a 2 year project, the budget’s set inflation rate is 3%, but your lead PI has an inflation rate of 4%. In the Budget Persons module, you will need to create two line items for the PI – one line item for year 1, and one line item for year 2. Step – by – Step: the PI’s salary (Paul Kurt Flick) needs to inflate by 2% each project period. The Co-I’s salary (Mosi Skerritt) needs to inflate by 6%. The TBA Grad’s salary needs to inflate by 4% (the budget’s overall inflation rate). June 2015 80 Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 05abudget_directions SOURCE • • • In the rates table, the inflation rate is 4%. Project Period is 9/1/14-8/31/17 (three year project) Open the Budget Persons module . You will Add a total of 7 line items (3 line items for Paul Kurt Flick, 3 line items for Mosi Skerritt, and 1 line item for the TBA Grad Assistant). o o o But why? o The Job Codes are edited to reflect the budget periods for reference. Make sure the Appointment Type is set to the correct duration Effective Dates are the start dates of the budget periods Paul Kurt Flick and Mosi Skerritt have a different inflation rate than the overall budget inflation rate (which is set at 4%), so they each will need 3 line items for each year of the budget. • 3 line items for Paul Kurt Flick (year 1: 2014-2015, year 2: 2015-2016, year 3: 2016-2017) • 3 line items for Mosi Skerritt (year 1: 2014-2015, year 2: 2015-2016, year 3: 2016-2017) • 1 line item for the TBA Grad Assistant - this line item will be used for all 3 years of the project because the TBA Grad Assistant’s inflation rate is 4%, which is the same as the overall budget inflation rate. Click “ok” 3 line items for Paul Kurt Flick 3 line items for Mosi Skerritt 1 line item for GA *Note: You can enter a base salary for the PI if you want it to appear on the detailed budget Step 2: June 2015 81 Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 05abudget_directions SOURCE Go to the Period 1 tab to add the cost element for each person for year 1. For each person added on year one, you will need to add the Personnel Line Items (Strongman Icon ). Year 1: Add in the appropriate cost element line as normal for the person (for this example I chose A10122S). Open the Personnel Budget Details (strong man icon), click the “Add” button, and select the person with the job code yr1. June 2015 82 Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 05abudget_directions SOURCE Make sure the “Period” is set to the correct option (Summer, Calendar, Academic), enter the % Charged and % Effort. PI Salary $50000.0 PI 1 | yr1 | 09/01/201 | 08/30/2015 | Calendar | 50% | 50% | $50000.00 Costs calculated based on rate table Click “OK” June 2015 83 Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 05abudget_directions SOURCE Step 3: Complete the year 1 budget and generate all of the budget periods. Once the budget periods have been generated, you will need to edit each of the personnel line elements individually for subsequent periods. For example: We need to edit period 2 and period 3 to reflect the different inflation rates for both Paul Kurt Flick and Mosi Skerritt. • • June 2015 Highlight the personnel line item and click on the personnel budget line item (strong man). Delete the investigator with the yr1 job code. 84 Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 05abudget_directions SOURCE • After deleting the line item, click the “Add” button. Select the “year 2” job code for the person you are trying to add for Budget Period 2 in the “Select Budget Persons Table”. • • Adjust the rest of the data as needed. Click calculate. Repeat Step 3 for other personnel and other years as needed. June 2015 85 Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 05abudget_directions SOURCE Section II: Differing Level of Effort Academic VS. Summer When there are different levels of effort (academic vs. summer), you will need to separate one regular 12 month period into two: Academic period and Summer Period. To do this, you must first adjust the rates Step 1: After creating a new budget and completing the Summary tab, open the rates table and set the inflation rates for all Fiscal Years to 0%. Click “OK” Step 2: Next you will edit the Budget Persons table . You will enter in a line item for every person, for every year. • • June 2015 The Job Codes are edited to reflect the budget periods for reference. Make sure the Appointment Type is set to the correct duration 86 Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 05abudget_directions SOURCE • • • Step 3: Effective Dates are the start dates of the budget periods In this circumstance, there is no inflation on this proposal (0%), therefore you do not need to enter dates in the Anniversary Date column. Note: As a measure of best practice, it is recommended that you enter the anniversary dates for each person for each year. Entering anniversary dates for this circumstance will not affect your budget. If you want the base salary to show on the form, enter it into the Base_Salary_p1. Note: the Base Salary p1, p2, p3 fields are not required but will not affect your budget. Period 1 tab You will need 2 line items for both Paul Kurt Flick and Mosi Skerritt; one for academic period (at 30% primary fringe) and one for summer (at 8% summer fringe). In this example, tenured positions are used for the cost elements, Step 4: Once you have added the cost element line items, you will add in your first person via the Strong Man . For this example, we will first add in Paul Kurt Flick’s academic line: June 2015 87 Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 05abudget_directions SOURCE Notes: • Add in the Paul Kurt Flick line that has the Job Code: yr1 • Change the Start Date and End Date. o Paul Kurt Flick operates on a 12 month (Reg Employee) basis. When you add Paul in the Personnel Budget Details (strong man), You will need to decrease the time frame by 3 months: For this example, the Start Date is 9/1/2014 and the End Date is 8/31/2015 (12 months). We will reduce the End Date to 5/31/2015 to reflect a 9 month period instead of a 12 month period. Remember: Calendar = 12 mo Academic = 9 mo Summer = 3 mo • Change the Period from “Summer” to “Academic” • % Charged and % Effort: o % Charged and % Effort is calculated based on the number of months that Paul Kurt Flick will work in accordance to the Start and End dates that you set. For this example, we set our Start and End dates to a 9 month duration (9/1/14 through 5/31/15). Paul Kurt Flick will work 3 months during this 9 month period. • 3 (months worked) / 9 (period duration) = .33333. • Turn .33333 into a percentage: 33.33% • % charged= 33.33 and % effort = 33.33 Note: Coeus goes 2 decimal places, you may need to adjust the percentage by +00.01 or -00.01 to get the salary for that period correct. Adjust the start and end dates to reflect a 9 month period % charged and % effort calculated based on the # of months Person is working / the # of months in the start and end dates. Once you enter the % charged and % effort, Coeus will automatically calculate the salary for that period. June 2015 88 Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 05abudget_directions SOURCE Step 5: Next we will add Paul Kurt Flick’s Summer Line (3 month duration): Notes: • On the Period 1 tab, highlight the Summer line item For Paul Kurt Flick and click on the strong man • Add Paul Kurt Flick’s year 1 line item (same line item used in previous step). • Change the Start and End date to a 3 month period Note: Your start date will pick up where you left off from the academic line item. Summer period cannot overlap with Academic period o In this example, the Academic period ended on 5/31/15, so our start date for the Summer period will be 6/1/15 and our end date will be 8/31/15 – 3 months total, ending Period 1. • Verify the Period field is set to “Summer” • Enter the % Charged and % Effort o • Remember, % Charged and % Effort is calculated based on the number of months the person is working during the span of time that you set. For this example, we will say that Paul Kurt Flick is working 2 summer months out of the 3 month period (6/1/15-8/31/15). 2 (months worked) / 3 (summer period) = .6666 .66666 = 66.67% Paul Kurt Flick is working 66.67% (or 66.66% if this gets your salary number closer) of the summer period. Perform Steps 4 and 5 for to add Mosi Skerritt for year 1 For this example o Mosi will work 5 months out of the academic period: 5/9 = .55555 which is 55.56% (55.55% if you choose to not round) o Mosi will work 1 month out of the summer period: 1/3 = .33333 which is 33.33% Academic time: 9/1/14-5/31/15; academic; Summer time: 6/1/15-8/31/15; summer; These cost elements, time periods, and budget personnel should carry over properly once you have generated all of your budget periods. June 2015 89 Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 05abudget_directions SOURCE Section III: Level of GA changes in funding period: For each instance when a person is changing salaries within the same budget period, you will add multiple budget personnel entries to coincide with the salary for that time frame. For example: On a 4 year project there will be a GA on the first year of your budget which is half level 2 and half level 3. You will add two GA budget person entries – one entry to account for the time the GA will have the level 2 salary and one entry to account for the time that the GA will have the level 3 salary. Step 1: Open the Budget Persons Module and enter 2 line items to account for both portions of the person’s salary in the same budget period. (In the above example you will enter a TBA-Graduate Assistant Line Item) Step 2: In the Job Code field, enter a description* that will distinguish this entry with the other entry. *NOTE: There is a 6 character limit in the Job Code field June 2015 90 Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 05abudget_directions SOURCE Step 3: Next you will adjust the Eff Date column to reflect the start date of when the person will get paid each of the different salaries In this example, from January 1, 2015 – June 30, 2015 the GA will be paid the level 2 salary. From July 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015 the GA will be paid the level 3 salary. Step 4: Enter the salary with its corresponding line entry in the Calc Base column. June 2015 91 Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 05abudget_directions SOURCE Step 5: If inflation will occur in the following budget periods, enter the appropriate anniversary date (the date you want inflation to apply) If you do not want inflation to apply, this adjustment will be made later in the Budget Line Item Details Step 6: Save your Budget Persons entries. On the appropriate budget period tab, add a new line item selecting the appropriate Cost Element Code and entering a description (For this example we will select cost element B10202P and will enter a description of “Grad Asst Salary Level 2”) June 2015 92 Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 05abudget_directions SOURCE Step 7: Open the Personnel Budget for Line Item window and once the window opens click the “Add” button. The Select Budget Persons window will appear. Step 8: Select the appropriate person from the list (this is where the Job Code field from the Budget Personnel comes in handy). Click ‘Ok’ Step 9: Adjust the Start Date and End Date accordingly June 2015 93 Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 05abudget_directions SOURCE Step 10: Adjust the Period accordingly Step 11: Enter the appropriate % Charged and % Effort. Then click the Calculate button. Step 12: Repeat Steps 6 through 10 to account for the person’s new salary for the remainder of the budget period. NOTES: For Step 6: Enter a description that differs from the previous entry (for our example you can enter Grad Asst Salary Pt 2) For Step 8: Select the Budget Person entry you did not use (for our example you would select the entry with the Job Code of GAprt2) June 2015 94 Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 05abudget_directions SOURCE Section IV: Adjusting Time on Project to Get Exact Dollar Value Scenario 1: Coeus is limited to 2 decimal places which can cause a rounding issue when trying to reach an exact salary and fringe benefit amount. Typically the fringe rate or effort percentages are adjusted to reach the desired dollar amount. In some cases, changing these areas does not allow the user to reach the exact salary and/or fringe benefits. If the user is unable to meet a specific dollar amount, they can adjust the base salaries and time on the project instead as a workaround. Coeus calculates salaries based in the following formula: Salary=daily salary from base salary * amount of time on project * % effort Base salary = amount/number of months of appointment type To reach a specific salary, the user will need to adjust the base salary and appointment type in the Budget Persons Module to “TMP Employee” which is the monthly salary. Example: On the budget form, a PI’s salary needs to show exactly $14,857 for working 2.5 months on a one year project. Calculate the monthly salary: $14,857/2.5months = $5942.80 per month $5942.80 = Monthly Salary Step1 Open the Budget Persons Module Change the Appointment Type to TMP Employee (monthly salary) Step 2 Enter the monthly salary (5942.80) in the Calc Base column. Click “OK” when finished June 2015 95 Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 05abudget_directions SOURCE Step 3 In the appropriate budget period, add a new cost element line item. Once the new cost element line item is inserted click on the Personnel for Budget Line Item Module person from the list. . and select the appropriate Step 4 Change the start date and end date to reflect the duration that the person will work For this example: Change the Start Date and End Date to total 2.5 months (it does not matter which months are selected since this does not show on the budget form). Step 5 Change the Period to “Calendar”. Step 6 Change both the % Charged and % Effort to “100.00”. Click the “Calculate” button. Step 7 The salary calculates to the exact amount that is needed to display on the budget form: June 2015 96 Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 05abudget_directions SOURCE Scenario 2: If the person is working less than one month on a project the monthly salary will be entered in the Budget Persons Module. Step 1 For example: A person is working 1 week on a project and the salary for that duration of time is $1485.70. • To calculate the monthly salary take the total salary for one week and multiply by 4 (4 weeks in 1 month): $1485.70*4= $5942.80 • • $5942.80 will be entered as the base salary in the Budget Persons module The Appointment Type will be “TMP Employee” (monthly salary) Step 2 Insert a Cost Element line item on the proper budget period. Open the Budget Line Item module and select the appropriate person from the list of names. Once the name appears, the Start Date and End Date will need to be adjusted to reflect a total time of one month • Since the month(s) selected do not appear on the budget form, in this example we have chosen to use 9/1/15-9/30/15 as the Start Date and End Date. • Change the Period to “Calendar”. June 2015 97 Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 05abudget_directions SOURCE Step 3 The % Charged and %Effort will reflect the percentage of time that the person will work within one month’s time span. For this example, the person is working 1 week on the project. There are 4 weeks in 1 month so 1 week \ 4 weeks = .25. 25% will be entered in the % Charged and %Effort Columns The salary for the PI properly calculates to $1,4875.70 and will appear as “.25” calendar months on the RR budget form: June 2015 98 Coeus Training - Proposal Development - 05abudget_directions SOURCE V. New Rule for Submitting Subaward Budgets to NIH NIH now requires that all subaward periods be entered, even inactive periods, in order to successfully submit. Since the R&R Budget forms do not allow for empty budget periods, several required fields must be completed for inactive periods. For each inactive periods you will need to enter: • DUNS • Budget Type = Subaward/Consortium • Budget Period Start/End Dates (match with budget periods and dates of the prime budget) • In section A: Senior/Key Person, provide a single entry including the following: o PD/PI or subaward lead First and Last names o Project Role (may default to PD/PI; can be adjusted as needed) o Calendar Months = .01 (smallest amount effort allowed in the field) o Requested Salary = $0 o Fringe Benefits = $0 o Explanation of the inactive budget periods in the budget justification attachment More information may be found here if required: June 2015 99 Section6 CostElementList 05/21/2015 100 05/21/2015 101 05/21/2015 CostElement CoeusBudgetCategoryͲ CategoryonGgovForm:basedon CoeusCode Default Description Subcode CoeusBudgetCategory Senior/KeyPersonnel AFacultySalaryͲTenured,Academic 1:SeniorPersonnel PrimaryRate A10112P 1011 A:Senior/KeyPerson AFacultySalaryͲTenured,Academic 1:SeniorPersonnel SecondaryRate A10112S 1011 A:Senior/KeyPerson AFacultySalaryͲTenured,Academic 1:SeniorPersonnel TertiaryRate A10112T 1011 A:Senior/KeyPerson AFacultySalaryͲTenured,12mos 1:SeniorPersonnel PrimaryRate A10122P 1012 A:Senior/KeyPerson AFacultySalaryͲTenured,12mos 1:SeniorPersonnel SecondaryRate A10122S 1012 A:Senior/KeyPerson AFacultySalaryͲTenured,12mos 1:SeniorPersonnel TertiaryRate A10122T 1012 A:Senior/KeyPerson AFacultySalaryͲTenured/NonͲ 1:SeniorPersonnel tenured,Summer A20802M 2080 A:Senior/KeyPerson AFacultySalaryͲNonͲtenured, AcademicPrimaryRate 1:SeniorPersonnel 1015 A:Senior/KeyPerson A10152P AFacultySalaryͲNonͲtenured, 1:SeniorPersonnel AcademicSecondaryRate A10152S 1015 A:Senior/KeyPerson AFacultySalaryͲNonͲtenured, 1:SeniorPersonnel AcademicTertiaryRate A10152T 1015 A:Senior/KeyPerson AFacultySalaryͲNonͲtenured,12mos PrimaryRate 1:SeniorPersonnel 1016 A:Senior/KeyPerson A10162P AFacultySalaryͲNonͲtenured,12mos 1:SeniorPersonnel SecondaryRate A10162S 1016 A:Senior/KeyPerson AFacultySalaryͲNonͲtenured,12mos 1:SeniorPersonnel TertiaryRate A10162T 1016 A:Senior/KeyPerson 1:SeniorPersonnel AFacultySalaryͲOverload A20712P 2071 A:Senior/KeyPerson CoeusCostElement/Subcode TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC F&AApplied TERTIARY PRIMARY 102 SECONDARY PRIMARY TERTIARY SECONDARY PRIMARY SUMMER TERTIARY SECONDARY PRIMARY TERTIARY SECONDARY PRIMARY FringeBenefitType 12/2/2014 BNonͲexemptͲStaffSecondaryRate BNonͲexemptͲStaffPrimaryRate BNonͲexemptͲContingentIPrimary Rate BNonͲexemptͲContingentI SecondaryRate BNonͲexemptͲContingentITertiary Rate BContingentIIPrimaryRate BContingentIISecondaryRate BContingentIITertiaryRate BFacultySalaryͲHourlyPrimaryRate BFacultySalaryͲHourlySecondary Rate BFacultySalaryͲHourlyTertiaryRate BFacultySalaryͲNonͲtenured, LecturerPrimaryRate BFacultySalaryͲNonͲtenured, LecturerSecondaryRate BFacultySalaryͲNonͲtenured, LecturerTertiaryRate BFacultySalaryͲContractualPrimary Rate BFacultySalaryͲContractual SecondaryRate 30:OtherPersonnel 30:OtherPersonnel 30:OtherPersonnel 30:OtherPersonnel 30:OtherPersonnel 30:OtherPersonnel 30:OtherPersonnel 30:OtherPersonnel 26:OtherProfessional 26:OtherProfessional 26:OtherProfessional 26:OtherProfessional 26:OtherProfessional 26:OtherProfessional 26:OtherProfessional 26:OtherProfessional B10145S B10145T B20732P B20735S B20735T B20902P B20905S B20905T B20682P B20685S B20685T B10182P B10185S B10185T B20692P B20695S 05/21/2015 2072 1014 BExemptͲContingentITertiaryRate BNonͲexemptͲStaffPrimaryRate 30:OtherPersonnel 30:OtherPersonnel B20725T B10142P 2069 2069 1018 1018 1018 2068 2068 2068 2073 2090 2090 2090 2073 2073 1014 1014 2072 30:OtherPersonnel B20725S 2072 BExemptͲContingentIPrimaryRate BExemptͲContingentISecondary Rate 1013 1013 1013 B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther B6:OtherPersonnelͲOther Profressionals B6:OtherPersonnelͲOther Profressionals B6:OtherPersonnelͲOther Profressionals B6:OtherPersonnelͲOther Profressionals B6:OtherPersonnelͲOther Profressionals B6:OtherPersonnelͲOther Profressionals B6:OtherPersonnelͲOther Profressionals B6:OtherPersonnelͲOther Profressionals B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther CategoryonGgovForm:basedon Subcode CoeusBudgetCategory 30:OtherPersonnel BExemptͲStaffPrimaryRate BExemptͲStaffSecondaryRate BExemptͲStaffTertiaryRate Description B20722P CostElement CoeusBudgetCategoryͲ CoeusCode Default PersonnelͲStaff/Students 30:OtherPersonnel B10132P 30:OtherPersonnel B10135S 30:OtherPersonnel B10135T CoeusCostElement/Subcode MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC F&AApplied 103 SECONDARY PRIMARY TERTIARY SECONDARY PRIMARY TERTIARY SECONDARY PRIMARY TERTIARY PRIMARY SECONDARY TERTIARY SECONDARY PRIMARY SECONDARY TERTIARY TERTIARY PRIMARY SECONDARY PRIMARY PRIMARY SECONDARY TERTIARY FringeBenefitType 12/2/2014 05/21/2015 2078 B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther Excluded TDC BNonͲresidentͲFellowPrimaryRate 30:OtherPersonnel MTDC TDC TDC TDC TDC MTDC MTDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC TDC TDC MTDC MTDC TDC TDC MTDC MTDC TDC TDC MTDC MTDC TDC TDC TDC TDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC B20782P B20775T B20775S B20772P B20802M B10162T B10162S B10162P B10152T B10152S B10152P B20752M B20755T B20755S B20752P B20812M B10202T B10202S B10202P B20695T MTDC F&AApplied CoeusBudgetCategoryͲ CategoryonGgovForm:basedon Default Description Subcode CoeusBudgetCategory BFacultySalaryͲContractualTertiary B6:OtherPersonnelͲOther 26:OtherProfessional Rate 2069 Profressionals BGraduateͲGraduateAssistant B2:OtherPersonnelͲGraduate 27:GraduateStudents PrimaryRate 1020 Students BGraduateͲGraduateAssistant B2:OtherPersonnelͲGraduate 27:GraduateStudents SecondaryRate 1020 Students BGraduateͲGraduateAssistant B2:OtherPersonnelͲGraduate 27:GraduateStudents TertiaryRate 1020 Students BGraduateͲGraduateAssistant B2:OtherPersonnelͲGraduate Summer 27:GraduateStudents 2081 Students 28:Undergraduate BUndergraduateͲStudentWages B3:OtherPersonnelͲUndergraduate Students PrimaryRate 2075 Student 28:Undergraduate BUndergraduateͲStudentWages B3:OtherPersonnelͲUndergraduate Students SecondaryRate 2075 Student 28:Undergraduate BUndergraduateͲStudentWages B3:OtherPersonnelͲUndergraduate Students TertiaryRate 2075 Student B3:OtherPersonnelͲUndergraduate 28:Undergraduate BUndergraduateͲStudentWages Summer Students 2075 Student BPostDoctoralͲAcademicPrimary B1:OtherPersonnelͲPostDoctoral 25:Postdoctoral Rate 1015 Student BPostDoctoralͲAcademicSecondary B1:OtherPersonnelͲPostDoctoral 25:Postdoctoral Rate 1015 Student BPostDoctoralͲAcademicTertiary B1:OtherPersonnelͲPostDoctoral 25:Postdoctoral Rate 1015 Student B1:OtherPersonnelͲPostDoctoral 25:Postdoctoral BPostDoctoralͲ12mosPrimaryRate Student 1016 BPostDoctoralͲ12mosSecondary B1:OtherPersonnelͲPostDoctoral 25:Postdoctoral Rate 1016 Student B1:OtherPersonnelͲPostDoctoral 25:Postdoctoral BPostDoctoralͲ12mosTertiaryRate 1016 Student B1:OtherPersonnelͲPostDoctoral BPostDoctoralͲSummer 25:Postdoctoral 2080 Student BNonͲresidentͲContractorPrimary 30:OtherPersonnel Rate 2077 B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther BNonͲresidentͲContractorSecondary 30:OtherPersonnel Rate 2077 B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther BNonͲresidentͲContractorTertiary 30:OtherPersonnel Rate 2077 B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther CostElement CoeusCode CoeusCostElement/Subcode PRIMARY TERTIARY 104 SECONDARY PRIMARY SUMMER TERTIARY SECONDARY PRIMARY TERTIARY SECONDARY PRIMARY SUMMER TERTIARY SECONDARY PRIMARY SUMMER TERTIARY SECONDARY PRIMARY TERTIARY FringeBenefitType 12/2/2014 20:Equipment 20:Equipment 20:Equipment 20:Equipment 20:Equipment 20:Equipment 20:Equipment 20:Equipment 20:Equipment 20:Equipment 20:Equipment 20:Equipment 20:Equipment 20:Equipment 20:Equipment 7:TravelͲDomestic 7:TravelͲDomestic 23:TravelͲForeign C40602 C40612 C40622 C40632 C40642 C40652 C40702 C40902 C41102 C41202 C41302 C41602 C41702 C41992 C43482 Travel D33112 D33212 D33602 05/21/2015 20:Equipment 20:Equipment C40302 C40502 DInͲStateTravel DOutͲofStateTravel DForeignTravel CMusicalInstruments&Equipment COfficeEquipment(includingCopy Machines) CShopMachinery&Tools CVehicles CLivestock CComponentsforConstructed Equipment CAgricultureandGroundEquipment CArtObjects&Collectibles CAudioVisual&Photography Equipment CCommunicationEquipment CComputers,Administrative,$5000or more CComputers,Academic/Research, $5000ormore CSoftware,Administrative,$5000or more CSoftware,Academic/Research, $5000ormore COtherDataProcessingEquipment, Administrative COtherDataProcessingEquipment, Academic/Research CFurniture CLaboratoryEquipment CMarineEquipment 20:Equipment 20:Equipment C40102 C40202 3311 3321 3360 4348 4130 4160 4170 4199 4120 4065 4070 4090 4110 4064 4063 4062 4061 4060 4030 4050 4010 4020 2078 BNonͲresidentͲFellowTertiaryRate 30:OtherPersonnel B20785T Equipment B20785S 2078 D1:DomesticTravel D1:DomesticTravel D2:ForeignTravel C:Equipment C:Equipment C:Equipment C:Equipment C:Equipment C:Equipment C:Equipment C:Equipment C:Equipment C:Equipment C:Equipment C:Equipment C:Equipment C:Equipment C:Equipment C:Equipment C:Equipment C:Equipment C:Equipment B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther CategoryonGgovForm:basedon Subcode CoeusBudgetCategory CoeusBudgetCategoryͲ Default Description BNonͲresidentͲFellowSecondary 30:OtherPersonnel Rate CostElement CoeusCode CoeusCostElement/Subcode TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC MTDC MTDC MTDC TDC TDC TDC Excluded TDC Excluded Excluded Excluded Excluded Excluded TDC Excluded Excluded Excluded Excluded Excluded TDC Excluded TDC Excluded TDC Excluded TDC Excluded TDC Excluded TDC Excluded TDC Excluded TDC Excluded TDC Excluded TDC Excluded TDC F&AApplied N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 105 TERTIARY SECONDARY FringeBenefitType 12/2/2014 2710 ETravelͲTrainee,F&A ESustinenceͲTrainee,F&A EStipendsͲTrainee,F&A EOtherͲTrainee,F&A ETuitionͲTrainee,noF&A EFeesͲTrainee,noF&A EHealthInsuranceͲNSFTrainee,no F&A ETravelͲNSFTrainee,noF&A ESustinenceͲNSFTrainee,noF&A EStipendsͲNSFTrainee,noF&A EOtherͲNSFTrainee,noF&A EStipendsͲNSFREU,F&A 31:Trainee/Participant CostsͲTravel 36:Trainee/Participant CostsͲSubsistence 32:Trainee/Participant CostsͲStipends 2:Trainee/Participant CostsͲother 35:Trainee/Participant CostsͲTuition 35:Trainee/Participant CostsͲTuition 35:Trainee/Participant CostsͲTuition 31:Trainee/Participant CostsͲTravel 36:Trainee/Participant CostsͲSubsistence 32:Trainee/Participant CostsͲStipends 2:Trainee/Participant CostsͲother 32:Trainee/Participant CostsͲStipends E27102F E33212F E33112F E20752F E20732F E27752TN E27752FN E27102N E33212N E33112N E20752N E20732N E20752SF 05/21/2015 2775 EHealthInsuranceͲTrainee,F&A 35:Trainee/Participant CostsͲTuition 2075 2073 2075 3311 3321 2775 2073 2075 3311 3321 2710 2775 EFeesͲTrainee,F&A 35:Trainee/Participant CostsͲTuition E27752FF 2775 ETuitionͲTrainee,F&A 35:Trainee/Participant CostsͲTuition E2:Participant/TraineeSupportCostsͲ Stipends MTDC TDC E5:Participant/TraineeSupportCostsͲ Other Excluded TDC E2:Participant/TraineeSupportCostsͲ Stipends Excluded TDC E4:Participant/TraineeSupportCostsͲ Subsistence Excluded TDC E3:Participant/TraineeSupportCostsͲ Travel Excluded TDC E1:Participant/TraineeSupportCostsͲ Tuition/Fees/HealthInsurance Excluded TDC N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A E1:Participant/TraineeSupportCostsͲ Tuition/Fees/HealthInsurance Excluded TDC N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC 12/2/2014 106 FringeBenefitType E1:Participant/TraineeSupportCostsͲ Tuition/Fees/HealthInsurance Excluded TDC E5:Participant/TraineeSupportCostsͲ Other MTDC E2:Participant/TraineeSupportCostsͲ Stipends MTDC E4:Participant/TraineeSupportCostsͲ Subsistence MTDC E3:Participant/TraineeSupportCostsͲ Travel MTDC E1:Participant/TraineeSupportCostsͲ Tuition/Fees/HealthInsurance MTDC E1:Participant/TraineeSupportCostsͲ Tuition/Fees/HealthInsurance MTDC TDC F&AApplied E1:Participant/TraineeSupportCostsͲ Tuition/Fees/HealthInsurance MTDC CategoryonGgovForm:basedon Subcode CoeusBudgetCategory E27752TF CostElement CoeusBudgetCategoryͲ CoeusCode Default Description Participant/TraineeSupportCosts CoeusCostElement/Subcode 3914 3967 3990 3991 4920 FLaboratorySupplies&Materials FOfficeSupplies FAgricultureSupplies FConferenceSupplies&Materials FInstructionalMaterials FPurchase/CareofAnimals FMedicalSupplies FMedicalDrugs&Chemicals FAudioVisual FOtherSupplies&Materials FOxygen&MedicalGas FRadioactiveMaterial FAcademicDataProcessingSupplies FAdministrativeDataProcessing Supplies FSubscriptions 3:Materials 3:Materials 3:Materials 3:Materials 3:Materials 3:Materials 3:Materials 3:Materials 3:Materials 3:Materials 3:Materials 3:Materials 19:OtherOperating Expenses 19:OtherOperating Expenses 19:OtherOperating Expenses F39142 F39162 F39182 F39222 F39242 F39262 F39302 F39462 F39502 F39522 F39642 F39672 F49202 F39912 F39902 05/21/2015 3750 FMedical/PhysicianServices F37502 3728 FFreight&Delivery 11:Postage 19:OtherOperating Expenses F37282 3964 3952 3950 3946 3930 3926 3924 3922 3918 3916 3718 FPrinting&Reproduction 10:Duplicating F37182 3210 FPostage&Mail 11:Postage F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand Supplies F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand Supplies F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand Supplies F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand Supplies F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand Supplies F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand Supplies F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand Supplies F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand Supplies F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand Supplies F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand Supplies F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand Supplies F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand Supplies F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand Supplies F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand Supplies F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand Supplies F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand Supplies F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand Supplies F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand Supplies F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand Supplies CategoryonGgovForm:basedon Subcode CoeusBudgetCategory F32102 CostElement CoeusBudgetCategoryͲ CoeusCode Default Description OtherDirectCosts CoeusCostElement/Subcode MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC F&AApplied N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 107 FringeBenefitType 12/2/2014 FLicenses FOtherContractualServices 16:Software 16:Software 17:ComputerTime 17:ComputerTime 17:ComputerTime 16:Software 22:Subcontracts F38832 F38842 F38852 F38862 F38902 F49312 F37522 05/21/2015 FWordProcessingContractual 20:Equipment F38822 3730 FTemporaryEmployee FAdministrativeDataProcessing Contractual FAdministrativeDataProcessing Hardware/Lease FAdministrativeDataProcessing HardwareMaintenance FAdministrativeDataProcessing SoftwareRental FAdministrativeDataProcessing SoftwareMaintenance FAcademicDataProcessing Contractual FDataProcessingTelecommunication Contractual 20:Equipment 3726 FStudiesorConsultants F38812 3120 FOutsideConsultants 3752 4931 3890 3886 3885 3884 3883 3882 3881 3880 3110 FHonorariums 17:ComputerTime 3720 FBookbinding F38802 F37302 F37262 F31202 F31102 F37202 F43302 F43612 F2:OtherDirectCostsͲPublication Costs F3:OtherDirectCostsͲConsultant Services F3:OtherDirectCostsͲConsultant Services F3:OtherDirectCostsͲConsultant Services F3:OtherDirectCostsͲConsultant Services F4:OtherDirectCostsͲADP/Computer Services F4:OtherDirectCostsͲADP/Computer Services F4:OtherDirectCostsͲADP/Computer Services F4:OtherDirectCostsͲADP/Computer Services F4:OtherDirectCostsͲADP/Computer Services F4:OtherDirectCostsͲADP/Computer Services F4:OtherDirectCostsͲADP/Computer Services F4:OtherDirectCostsͲADP/Computer Services F4:OtherDirectCostsͲADP/Computer Services F5:OtherDirectCostsͲ Subawards/Consortium/Contractual Costs CategoryonGgovForm:basedon Subcode CoeusBudgetCategory F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand FComputersͲAcademic/Research 4361 Supplies FSensitiveEquipmentͲAudioVisual& F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand Photography 4330 Supplies Description CoeusBudgetCategoryͲ Default 19:OtherOperating Expenses 19:OtherOperating Expenses 6:Publication Cost/Documentation/Dis semination 21:Professional Services/Consultant 21:Professional Services/Consultant 21:Professional Services/Consultant 21:Professional Services/Consultant CostElement CoeusCode CoeusCostElement/Subcode MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC F&AApplied N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 108 FringeBenefitType 12/2/2014 05/21/2015 CostElement CoeusBudgetCategoryͲ CategoryonGgovForm:basedon CoeusCode Default Description Subcode CoeusBudgetCategory Senior/KeyPersonnel AFacultySalaryͲTenured,Academic 1:SeniorPersonnel PrimaryRate A10112P 1011 A:Senior/KeyPerson AFacultySalaryͲTenured,Academic 1:SeniorPersonnel SecondaryRate A10112S 1011 A:Senior/KeyPerson AFacultySalaryͲTenured,Academic 1:SeniorPersonnel TertiaryRate A10112T 1011 A:Senior/KeyPerson AFacultySalaryͲTenured,12mos 1:SeniorPersonnel PrimaryRate A10122P 1012 A:Senior/KeyPerson AFacultySalaryͲTenured,12mos 1:SeniorPersonnel SecondaryRate A10122S 1012 A:Senior/KeyPerson AFacultySalaryͲTenured,12mos 1:SeniorPersonnel TertiaryRate A10122T 1012 A:Senior/KeyPerson AFacultySalaryͲTenured/NonͲ 1:SeniorPersonnel tenured,Summer A20802M 2080 A:Senior/KeyPerson AFacultySalaryͲNonͲtenured, AcademicPrimaryRate 1:SeniorPersonnel 1015 A:Senior/KeyPerson A10152P AFacultySalaryͲNonͲtenured, 1:SeniorPersonnel AcademicSecondaryRate A10152S 1015 A:Senior/KeyPerson AFacultySalaryͲNonͲtenured, 1:SeniorPersonnel AcademicTertiaryRate A10152T 1015 A:Senior/KeyPerson AFacultySalaryͲNonͲtenured,12mos PrimaryRate 1:SeniorPersonnel 1016 A:Senior/KeyPerson A10162P AFacultySalaryͲNonͲtenured,12mos 1:SeniorPersonnel SecondaryRate A10162S 1016 A:Senior/KeyPerson AFacultySalaryͲNonͲtenured,12mos 1:SeniorPersonnel TertiaryRate A10162T 1016 A:Senior/KeyPerson 1:SeniorPersonnel AFacultySalaryͲOverload A20712P 2071 A:Senior/KeyPerson CoeusCostElement/Subcode TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC F&AApplied TERTIARY PRIMARY 109 SECONDARY PRIMARY TERTIARY SECONDARY PRIMARY SUMMER TERTIARY SECONDARY PRIMARY TERTIARY SECONDARY PRIMARY FringeBenefitType 12/2/2014 BNonͲexemptͲStaffSecondaryRate BNonͲexemptͲStaffPrimaryRate BNonͲexemptͲContingentIPrimary Rate BNonͲexemptͲContingentI SecondaryRate BNonͲexemptͲContingentITertiary Rate BContingentIIPrimaryRate BContingentIISecondaryRate BContingentIITertiaryRate BFacultySalaryͲHourlyPrimaryRate BFacultySalaryͲHourlySecondary Rate BFacultySalaryͲHourlyTertiaryRate BFacultySalaryͲNonͲtenured, LecturerPrimaryRate BFacultySalaryͲNonͲtenured, LecturerSecondaryRate BFacultySalaryͲNonͲtenured, LecturerTertiaryRate BFacultySalaryͲContractualPrimary Rate BFacultySalaryͲContractual SecondaryRate 30:OtherPersonnel 30:OtherPersonnel 30:OtherPersonnel 30:OtherPersonnel 30:OtherPersonnel 30:OtherPersonnel 30:OtherPersonnel 30:OtherPersonnel 26:OtherProfessional 26:OtherProfessional 26:OtherProfessional 26:OtherProfessional 26:OtherProfessional 26:OtherProfessional 26:OtherProfessional 26:OtherProfessional B10145S B10145T B20732P B20735S B20735T B20902P B20905S B20905T B20682P B20685S B20685T B10182P B10185S B10185T B20692P B20695S 05/21/2015 2072 1014 BExemptͲContingentITertiaryRate BNonͲexemptͲStaffPrimaryRate 30:OtherPersonnel 30:OtherPersonnel B20725T B10142P 2069 2069 1018 1018 1018 2068 2068 2068 2073 2090 2090 2090 2073 2073 1014 1014 2072 30:OtherPersonnel B20725S 2072 BExemptͲContingentIPrimaryRate BExemptͲContingentISecondary Rate 1013 1013 1013 B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther B6:OtherPersonnelͲOther Profressionals B6:OtherPersonnelͲOther Profressionals B6:OtherPersonnelͲOther Profressionals B6:OtherPersonnelͲOther Profressionals B6:OtherPersonnelͲOther Profressionals B6:OtherPersonnelͲOther Profressionals B6:OtherPersonnelͲOther Profressionals B6:OtherPersonnelͲOther Profressionals B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther CategoryonGgovForm:basedon Subcode CoeusBudgetCategory 30:OtherPersonnel BExemptͲStaffPrimaryRate BExemptͲStaffSecondaryRate BExemptͲStaffTertiaryRate Description B20722P CostElement CoeusBudgetCategoryͲ CoeusCode Default PersonnelͲStaff/Students 30:OtherPersonnel B10132P 30:OtherPersonnel B10135S 30:OtherPersonnel B10135T CoeusCostElement/Subcode MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC F&AApplied 110 SECONDARY PRIMARY TERTIARY SECONDARY PRIMARY TERTIARY SECONDARY PRIMARY TERTIARY PRIMARY SECONDARY TERTIARY SECONDARY PRIMARY SECONDARY TERTIARY TERTIARY PRIMARY SECONDARY PRIMARY PRIMARY SECONDARY TERTIARY FringeBenefitType 12/2/2014 05/21/2015 2078 B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther Excluded TDC BNonͲresidentͲFellowPrimaryRate 30:OtherPersonnel MTDC TDC TDC TDC TDC MTDC MTDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC TDC TDC MTDC MTDC TDC TDC MTDC MTDC TDC TDC MTDC MTDC TDC TDC TDC TDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC B20782P B20775T B20775S B20772P B20802M B10162T B10162S B10162P B10152T B10152S B10152P B20752M B20755T B20755S B20752P B20812M B10202T B10202S B10202P B20695T MTDC F&AApplied CoeusBudgetCategoryͲ CategoryonGgovForm:basedon Default Description Subcode CoeusBudgetCategory BFacultySalaryͲContractualTertiary B6:OtherPersonnelͲOther 26:OtherProfessional Rate 2069 Profressionals BGraduateͲGraduateAssistant B2:OtherPersonnelͲGraduate 27:GraduateStudents PrimaryRate 1020 Students BGraduateͲGraduateAssistant B2:OtherPersonnelͲGraduate 27:GraduateStudents SecondaryRate 1020 Students BGraduateͲGraduateAssistant B2:OtherPersonnelͲGraduate 27:GraduateStudents TertiaryRate 1020 Students BGraduateͲGraduateAssistant B2:OtherPersonnelͲGraduate Summer 27:GraduateStudents 2081 Students 28:Undergraduate BUndergraduateͲStudentWages B3:OtherPersonnelͲUndergraduate Students PrimaryRate 2075 Student 28:Undergraduate BUndergraduateͲStudentWages B3:OtherPersonnelͲUndergraduate Students SecondaryRate 2075 Student 28:Undergraduate BUndergraduateͲStudentWages B3:OtherPersonnelͲUndergraduate Students TertiaryRate 2075 Student B3:OtherPersonnelͲUndergraduate 28:Undergraduate BUndergraduateͲStudentWages Summer Students 2075 Student BPostDoctoralͲAcademicPrimary B1:OtherPersonnelͲPostDoctoral 25:Postdoctoral Rate 1015 Student BPostDoctoralͲAcademicSecondary B1:OtherPersonnelͲPostDoctoral 25:Postdoctoral Rate 1015 Student BPostDoctoralͲAcademicTertiary B1:OtherPersonnelͲPostDoctoral 25:Postdoctoral Rate 1015 Student B1:OtherPersonnelͲPostDoctoral 25:Postdoctoral BPostDoctoralͲ12mosPrimaryRate Student 1016 BPostDoctoralͲ12mosSecondary B1:OtherPersonnelͲPostDoctoral 25:Postdoctoral Rate 1016 Student B1:OtherPersonnelͲPostDoctoral 25:Postdoctoral BPostDoctoralͲ12mosTertiaryRate 1016 Student B1:OtherPersonnelͲPostDoctoral BPostDoctoralͲSummer 25:Postdoctoral 2080 Student BNonͲresidentͲContractorPrimary 30:OtherPersonnel Rate 2077 B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther BNonͲresidentͲContractorSecondary 30:OtherPersonnel Rate 2077 B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther BNonͲresidentͲContractorTertiary 30:OtherPersonnel Rate 2077 B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther CostElement CoeusCode CoeusCostElement/Subcode PRIMARY TERTIARY 111 SECONDARY PRIMARY SUMMER TERTIARY SECONDARY PRIMARY TERTIARY SECONDARY PRIMARY SUMMER TERTIARY SECONDARY PRIMARY SUMMER TERTIARY SECONDARY PRIMARY TERTIARY FringeBenefitType 12/2/2014 20:Equipment 20:Equipment 20:Equipment 20:Equipment 20:Equipment 20:Equipment 20:Equipment 20:Equipment 20:Equipment 20:Equipment 20:Equipment 20:Equipment 20:Equipment 20:Equipment 20:Equipment 7:TravelͲDomestic 7:TravelͲDomestic 23:TravelͲForeign C40602 C40612 C40622 C40632 C40642 C40652 C40702 C40902 C41102 C41202 C41302 C41602 C41702 C41992 C43482 Travel D33112 D33212 D33602 05/21/2015 20:Equipment 20:Equipment C40302 C40502 DInͲStateTravel DOutͲofStateTravel DForeignTravel CMusicalInstruments&Equipment COfficeEquipment(includingCopy Machines) CShopMachinery&Tools CVehicles CLivestock CComponentsforConstructed Equipment CAgricultureandGroundEquipment CArtObjects&Collectibles CAudioVisual&Photography Equipment CCommunicationEquipment CComputers,Administrative,$5000or more CComputers,Academic/Research, $5000ormore CSoftware,Administrative,$5000or more CSoftware,Academic/Research, $5000ormore COtherDataProcessingEquipment, Administrative COtherDataProcessingEquipment, Academic/Research CFurniture CLaboratoryEquipment CMarineEquipment 20:Equipment 20:Equipment C40102 C40202 3311 3321 3360 4348 4130 4160 4170 4199 4120 4065 4070 4090 4110 4064 4063 4062 4061 4060 4030 4050 4010 4020 2078 BNonͲresidentͲFellowTertiaryRate 30:OtherPersonnel B20785T Equipment B20785S 2078 D1:DomesticTravel D1:DomesticTravel D2:ForeignTravel C:Equipment C:Equipment C:Equipment C:Equipment C:Equipment C:Equipment C:Equipment C:Equipment C:Equipment C:Equipment C:Equipment C:Equipment C:Equipment C:Equipment C:Equipment C:Equipment C:Equipment C:Equipment C:Equipment B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther B5:OtherPersonnelͲOther CategoryonGgovForm:basedon Subcode CoeusBudgetCategory CoeusBudgetCategoryͲ Default Description BNonͲresidentͲFellowSecondary 30:OtherPersonnel Rate CostElement CoeusCode CoeusCostElement/Subcode TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC MTDC MTDC MTDC TDC TDC TDC Excluded TDC Excluded Excluded Excluded Excluded Excluded TDC Excluded Excluded Excluded Excluded Excluded TDC Excluded TDC Excluded TDC Excluded TDC Excluded TDC Excluded TDC Excluded TDC Excluded TDC Excluded TDC Excluded TDC Excluded TDC F&AApplied N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A TERTIARY 112 SECONDARY FringeBenefitType 12/2/2014 2710 ETravelͲTrainee,F&A ESustinenceͲTrainee,F&A EStipendsͲTrainee,F&A EOtherͲTrainee,F&A ETuitionͲTrainee,noF&A EFeesͲTrainee,noF&A EHealthInsuranceͲNSFTrainee,no F&A ETravelͲNSFTrainee,noF&A ESustinenceͲNSFTrainee,noF&A EStipendsͲNSFTrainee,noF&A EOtherͲNSFTrainee,noF&A EStipendsͲNSFREU,F&A 31:Trainee/Participant CostsͲTravel 36:Trainee/Participant CostsͲSubsistence 32:Trainee/Participant CostsͲStipends 2:Trainee/Participant CostsͲother 35:Trainee/Participant CostsͲTuition 35:Trainee/Participant CostsͲTuition 35:Trainee/Participant CostsͲTuition 31:Trainee/Participant CostsͲTravel 36:Trainee/Participant CostsͲSubsistence 32:Trainee/Participant CostsͲStipends 2:Trainee/Participant CostsͲother 32:Trainee/Participant CostsͲStipends E27102F E33212F E33112F E20752F E20732F E27752TN E27752FN E27102N E33212N E33112N E20752N E20732N E20752SF 05/21/2015 2775 EHealthInsuranceͲTrainee,F&A 35:Trainee/Participant CostsͲTuition 2075 2073 2075 3311 3321 2775 2073 2075 3311 3321 2710 2775 EFeesͲTrainee,F&A 35:Trainee/Participant CostsͲTuition E27752FF 2775 ETuitionͲTrainee,F&A 35:Trainee/Participant CostsͲTuition E2:Participant/TraineeSupportCostsͲ Stipends MTDC TDC E5:Participant/TraineeSupportCostsͲ Other Excluded TDC E2:Participant/TraineeSupportCostsͲ Stipends Excluded TDC E4:Participant/TraineeSupportCostsͲ Subsistence Excluded TDC E3:Participant/TraineeSupportCostsͲ Travel Excluded TDC E1:Participant/TraineeSupportCostsͲ Tuition/Fees/HealthInsurance Excluded TDC N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A E1:Participant/TraineeSupportCostsͲ Tuition/Fees/HealthInsurance Excluded TDC N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC 12/2/2014 113 FringeBenefitType E1:Participant/TraineeSupportCostsͲ Tuition/Fees/HealthInsurance Excluded TDC E5:Participant/TraineeSupportCostsͲ Other MTDC E2:Participant/TraineeSupportCostsͲ Stipends MTDC E4:Participant/TraineeSupportCostsͲ Subsistence MTDC E3:Participant/TraineeSupportCostsͲ Travel MTDC E1:Participant/TraineeSupportCostsͲ Tuition/Fees/HealthInsurance MTDC E1:Participant/TraineeSupportCostsͲ Tuition/Fees/HealthInsurance MTDC TDC F&AApplied E1:Participant/TraineeSupportCostsͲ Tuition/Fees/HealthInsurance MTDC CategoryonGgovForm:basedon Subcode CoeusBudgetCategory E27752TF CostElement CoeusBudgetCategoryͲ CoeusCode Default Description Participant/TraineeSupportCosts CoeusCostElement/Subcode 3914 3967 3990 3991 4920 FLaboratorySupplies&Materials FOfficeSupplies FAgricultureSupplies FConferenceSupplies&Materials FInstructionalMaterials FPurchase/CareofAnimals FMedicalSupplies FMedicalDrugs&Chemicals FAudioVisual FOtherSupplies&Materials FOxygen&MedicalGas FRadioactiveMaterial FAcademicDataProcessingSupplies FAdministrativeDataProcessing Supplies FSubscriptions 3:Materials 3:Materials 3:Materials 3:Materials 3:Materials 3:Materials 3:Materials 3:Materials 3:Materials 3:Materials 3:Materials 3:Materials 19:OtherOperating Expenses 19:OtherOperating Expenses 19:OtherOperating Expenses F39142 F39162 F39182 F39222 F39242 F39262 F39302 F39462 F39502 F39522 F39642 F39672 F49202 F39912 F39902 05/21/2015 3750 FMedical/PhysicianServices F37502 3728 FFreight&Delivery 11:Postage 19:OtherOperating Expenses F37282 3964 3952 3950 3946 3930 3926 3924 3922 3918 3916 3718 FPrinting&Reproduction 10:Duplicating F37182 3210 FPostage&Mail 11:Postage F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand Supplies F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand Supplies F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand Supplies F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand Supplies F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand Supplies F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand Supplies F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand Supplies F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand Supplies F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand Supplies F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand Supplies F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand Supplies F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand Supplies F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand Supplies F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand Supplies F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand Supplies F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand Supplies F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand Supplies F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand Supplies F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand Supplies CategoryonGgovForm:basedon Subcode CoeusBudgetCategory F32102 CostElement CoeusBudgetCategoryͲ CoeusCode Default Description OtherDirectCosts CoeusCostElement/Subcode MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC F&AApplied N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 114 FringeBenefitType 12/2/2014 FLicenses FOtherContractualServices 16:Software 16:Software 17:ComputerTime 17:ComputerTime 17:ComputerTime 16:Software 22:Subcontracts F38832 F38842 F38852 F38862 F38902 F49312 F37522 05/21/2015 FWordProcessingContractual 20:Equipment F38822 3730 FTemporaryEmployee FAdministrativeDataProcessing Contractual FAdministrativeDataProcessing Hardware/Lease FAdministrativeDataProcessing HardwareMaintenance FAdministrativeDataProcessing SoftwareRental FAdministrativeDataProcessing SoftwareMaintenance FAcademicDataProcessing Contractual FDataProcessingTelecommunication Contractual 20:Equipment 3726 FStudiesorConsultants F38812 3120 FOutsideConsultants 3752 4931 3890 3886 3885 3884 3883 3882 3881 3880 3110 FHonorariums 17:ComputerTime 3720 FBookbinding F38802 F37302 F37262 F31202 F31102 F37202 F43302 F43612 F2:OtherDirectCostsͲPublication Costs F3:OtherDirectCostsͲConsultant Services F3:OtherDirectCostsͲConsultant Services F3:OtherDirectCostsͲConsultant Services F3:OtherDirectCostsͲConsultant Services F4:OtherDirectCostsͲADP/Computer Services F4:OtherDirectCostsͲADP/Computer Services F4:OtherDirectCostsͲADP/Computer Services F4:OtherDirectCostsͲADP/Computer Services F4:OtherDirectCostsͲADP/Computer Services F4:OtherDirectCostsͲADP/Computer Services F4:OtherDirectCostsͲADP/Computer Services F4:OtherDirectCostsͲADP/Computer Services F4:OtherDirectCostsͲADP/Computer Services F5:OtherDirectCostsͲ Subawards/Consortium/Contractual Costs CategoryonGgovForm:basedon Subcode CoeusBudgetCategory F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand FComputersͲAcademic/Research 4361 Supplies FSensitiveEquipmentͲAudioVisual& F1:OtherDirectCostsͲMaterialsand Photography 4330 Supplies Description CoeusBudgetCategoryͲ Default 19:OtherOperating Expenses 19:OtherOperating Expenses 6:Publication Cost/Documentation/Dis semination 21:Professional Services/Consultant 21:Professional Services/Consultant 21:Professional Services/Consultant 21:Professional Services/Consultant CostElement CoeusCode CoeusCostElement/Subcode MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC F&AApplied N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 115 FringeBenefitType 12/2/2014 F46002 F27752 F51502 F51302 F49702 F43602 F39532 F37552 F37542 05/21/2015 Excluded TDC 4600 FStudentAid F8:OtherDirectCostsͲOther F8:OtherDirectCostsͲOther 2775 13:EquipmentRental 19:OtherOperating Expenses 19:OtherOperating Expenses 19:OtherOperating Expenses 19:OtherOperating Expenses 19:OtherOperating Expenses 8:Alterationsand Renovations 8:Alterationsand Renovations 19:OtherOperating Expenses 19:OtherOperating Expenses F37172 FTuitionWaiverGradAsst 22:Subcontracts 19:OtherOperating Expenses FX7042 N/A 22:Subcontracts FX7032 Excluded TDC 22:Subcontracts FX7022 TDC N/A TDC TDC TDC N/A N/A N/A TDC TDC TDC Excluded TDC Excluded TDC MTDC MTDC MTDC N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Excluded Excluded N/A MTDC MTDC MTDC Excluded Excluded N/A MTDC Excluded Excluded N/A N/A N/A N/A 22:Subcontracts FX7012 TDC Excluded TDC MTDC 12/2/2014 116 FringeBenefitType Excluded TDC 22:Subcontracts F37342 F37162 22:Subcontracts F37322 F&AApplied CategoryonGgovForm:basedon Subcode CoeusBudgetCategory F5:OtherDirectCostsͲ Subawards/Consortium/Contractual FSubcontractGREATERTHAN$25,000 3732 Costs F5:OtherDirectCostsͲ Subawards/Consortium/Contractual FSubcontractLESSTHAN$25,000 3734 Costs F5:OtherDirectCostsͲ FSubcontractͲNIH,directcostsdonot Subawards/Consortium/Contractual applyF&A X701 Costs F5:OtherDirectCostsͲ FSubcontractͲNIH,directcostsAPPLY Subawards/Consortium/Contractual F&A X702 Costs F5:OtherDirectCostsͲ FSubcontractͲNIH,indirectcostsdo Subawards/Consortium/Contractual notapplyF&A X703 Costs F5:OtherDirectCostsͲ FSubcontractͲNIH,indirectcosts Subawards/Consortium/Contractual APPLYF&A X704 Costs F6:OtherDirectCostsͲEquipmentor FEquipmentMaintenance&Repair 3716 FacilityRental/UserFees F6:OtherDirectCostsͲEquipmentor FEquipmentRental 3717 FacilityRental/UserFees F6:OtherDirectCostsͲEquipmentor FWindTunnel 3754 FacilityRental/UserFees F6:OtherDirectCostsͲEquipmentor FFMRICenter 3755 FacilityRental/UserFees F6:OtherDirectCostsͲEquipmentor FEquipment<$5,000 3953 FacilityRental/UserFees F6:OtherDirectCostsͲEquipmentor FComputersͲAdministrative 4360 FacilityRental/UserFees F6:OtherDirectCostsͲEquipmentor FRent 4970 FacilityRental/UserFees F7:OtherDirectCostsͲAlterationsand FAdditions&MajorRenovation 5130 Renovations F7:OtherDirectCostsͲAlterationsand FProjectAccountingDesign 5150 Renovations CoeusBudgetCategoryͲ Default Description CostElement CoeusCode CoeusCostElement/Subcode F8:OtherDirectCostsͲOther 3140 3220 3250 3285 3315 3611 3612 3613 3614 3615 3641 3642 3643 3644 3645 3646 FPrizesandAwards FTelephoneExpense FCommunicationͲConnectNetwork FCommunicationEquipment<$5,000 FCommunicationEquipmentͲRental FCellPhone FBusinessMeals FLease,MotorVehicle FGas&Oil,MotorVehicle FMaintenance&Repair,Motor Vehicle FInsurance,MotorVehicle FGarageRent,MotorVehicle FLease,Watercraft FGas&Oil,Diesel,Watercraft FMaintenance&Repair,Watercraft FInsurance,Watercraft FBoat/ShipRental FDiesel,Watercraft 12:Telephone,Fax 12:Telephone,Fax 12:Telephone,Fax 12:Telephone,Fax 19:OtherOperating Expenses 19:OtherOperating Expenses 19:OtherOperating Expenses 19:OtherOperating Expenses 19:OtherOperating Expenses 19:OtherOperating Expenses 19:OtherOperating Expenses 19:OtherOperating Expenses 19:OtherOperating Expenses 19:OtherOperating Expenses 19:OtherOperating Expenses 19:OtherOperating Expenses F32302 F32402 F32502 F32852 F36462 F36452 F36442 F36432 F36422 F36412 F36152 F36142 F36132 F36122 F36112 F33152 F31402 F32202 05/21/2015 F8:OtherDirectCostsͲOther 3130 FResearchStudyGrants F31302 3240 3230 2776 F8:OtherDirectCostsͲOther F8:OtherDirectCostsͲOther F8:OtherDirectCostsͲOther F8:OtherDirectCostsͲOther F8:OtherDirectCostsͲOther F8:OtherDirectCostsͲOther F8:OtherDirectCostsͲOther F8:OtherDirectCostsͲOther F8:OtherDirectCostsͲOther F8:OtherDirectCostsͲOther F8:OtherDirectCostsͲOther F8:OtherDirectCostsͲOther F8:OtherDirectCostsͲOther F8:OtherDirectCostsͲOther F8:OtherDirectCostsͲOther F8:OtherDirectCostsͲOther F8:OtherDirectCostsͲOther F8:OtherDirectCostsͲOther F8:OtherDirectCostsͲOther FTuitionWaiverEmployee F27762 F46102 4610 CategoryonGgovForm:basedon Subcode CoeusBudgetCategory FTuitionScholarship/Fellowship Description CoeusBudgetCategoryͲ Default 19:OtherOperating Expenses 19:OtherOperating Expenses 19:OtherOperating Expenses 19:OtherOperating Expenses 12:Telephone,Fax CostElement CoeusCode CoeusCostElement/Subcode TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC MTDC TDC Excluded TDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC Excluded TDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC Excluded TDC Excluded TDC F&AApplied N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 117 FringeBenefitType 12/2/2014 F99972 F49992 F37472 F37462 F37242 F37362 CoeusBudgetCategoryͲ Default 15: Communications/Market ing 5:VertebrateAnimals 19:OtherOperating Expenses 19:OtherOperating Expenses 19:OtherOperating Expenses 19:OtherOperating Expenses 05/21/2015 CostElement CoeusCode CoeusCostElement/Subcode 3724 3736 3746 3747 4999 9997 FFoodServices FConferenceServices FOther FCASLFee F8:OtherDirectCostsͲOther F8:OtherDirectCostsͲOther F8:OtherDirectCostsͲOther F8:OtherDirectCostsͲOther F8:OtherDirectCostsͲOther F8:OtherDirectCostsͲOther CategoryonGgovForm:basedon Subcode CoeusBudgetCategory FAdvertisingͲGeneral FCareofAnimals Description TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC Excluded TDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC F&AApplied N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 118 FringeBenefitType 12/2/2014 34:CalculatedCosts PRHTINDC 05/21/2015 34:CalculatedCosts PRHTDIRC ProposalHierarchyCostElements Total Direct Cost for Proposal Hierarchy Total Indirect Cost for Proposal Hierarchy CostElement CoeusBudgetCategoryͲ CategoryonGgovForm:basedon CoeusCode Default Description Subcode CoeusBudgetCategory PHSFellowshipandResearchTrainingbudgetͲspecificelements 19:OtherOperating PHSFellowshipSupplementalͲE Expenses FTuitionScholarship/Fellowship F46102 4610 Budget PHSFellowshipSupplementalͲE 19:OtherOperating Expenses FStudentAid/Stipend F46002 4600 Budget 19:OtherOperating Expenses TPHSTuitionforOthers T46102OC 4610 PHSTrainingBudgetothercostelement 19:OtherOperating TPHSTuitionforPostDocDegree PHSTrainingBudgetPostDocDegree Expenses Seeking T46102PD 4610 Tuition TPHSTuitionforPostDocNonͲDegree PHSTrainingBudgetPostDocNonͲ 19:OtherOperating Expenses Seeking 4610 DegreeTuition T46102PN 19:OtherOperating TPHSTuitionforPreDocDualDegree PHSTrainingBudgetPreDocDual Expenses Seeking T46102RD 4610 DegreeTuition 19:OtherOperating TPHSTuitionforPreDocSingleDegree PHSTrainingBudgetPreDocSingle Expenses Seeking T46102RS 4610 DegreeTuition TPHSTuitionforUndergraduateCost 19:OtherOperating Expenses Element 4610 PHSTrainingBudgetUndergradTuition T46102UC 19:OtherOperating Expenses T49992RE TPHSTrainingRelatedExpenses 4999 PHSTrainingBudgetRelatedExpenses 19:OtherOperating Expenses T33604TF TPHSTrainingTravelForeign 3360 PHSTrainingBudgetTraineeTravel 19:OtherOperating Expenses T33114TS TPHSTrainingTravelInState 3311 PHSTrainingBudgetTraineeTravel 19:OtherOperating Expenses T33214TO TPHSTrainingTravelOutofState 3321 PHSTrainingBudgetTraineeTravel CoeusCostElement/Subcode N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A TDC excluded TDC excluded TDC excluded TDC excluded TDC excluded TDC excluded TDC TDC TDC TDC TDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC MTDC N/A N/A N/A N/A 119 FringeBenefitType excluded TDC F&AApplied 12/2/2014 Section7 Coeusemails&DRIF form 05/21/2015 120 05/21/2015 121 05/21/2015 Data in Coeus field updated during the routing process; data over ride Proposal is submitted/Final ORA approval An attachment in the Narrative Module is changed Approver rejects a proposal Approver at map level passes approval to another (nonmapped) user Approver added a map level Map level approvers bypassed by ORA Each alternate approver at a map’s level If alternate: You are designated as an alternate approver for this proposal Proposal is approved by other user Proposal [number] is submitted to sponsor. The institute proposal number is [Institute Prop. Num]. [Unit Number] – Notification– PI [PI Name] [Unit Number] – Proposal [number] is submitted– PI [PI Name] Aggregators 122 All approvers on map whose level has already approved. Module no. refers to the line number of the attachment changed. Aggregators Proposal rejected by other user. All approvers at the current level and all Comments: reason for rejection proposal’s aggregators as added by other user Your approval has been bypassed All approvers at a current level by OSP because of an approaching deadline. Comments: CA may have added additional comments Proposal is passed by other user All approvers at current level. The person to which the proposal is passed ŵƵƐƚ approve the proposal before it goes to the next level [Name] has been added as an Aggregators for proposal. The new approver, approver/alternate approver to or alternate, ŵƵƐƚ approve proposal before [Proposal Number] by [Name] it goes to the next level Proposal is rejected by other user All approvers at the current level of the map and proposal’s aggregators Each person at map’s level other than approver. ZĞĐŝƉŝĞŶƚ Primary approver at map’s level ŵĂŝůDĞƐƐĂŐĞ If Primary approver: Please approve this proposal Narrative module details for Proposal [number], Module No. have been changed. Narrative Type; Module Description Field name for proposal [number] has been changed to [new value]. [Unit Number] – Proposal [number] is Rejected– PI [PI Name] [Unit Number] –Notification: Narrative change in Proposal [number] – PI [PI Name] [Unit Number] – Approver Added– PI [PI Name] [Unit Number] – Proposal [number] is Passed– PI [PI Name] [Unit Number] – Proposal [number] is approved– PI [PI Name] [Unit Number] – Proposal [number] is Rejected– PI [PI Name] [Unit Number] – Proposal [number] is Bypassed– PI [PI Name] Other user approves proposal at your level of the map Other approver has rejected proposal ŵĂŝů^ƵďũĞĐƚ [Unit Number] – Proposal [number] is waiting for approval – PI [PI Name] ĐƚŝŽŶ Proposal is ready for your approval – done at each level of the routing map 2IILFHRI5HVHDUFK$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ '5,)&5(',73(5&(17IRU&2(86352326$/'(9(/230(17 IRU3,V&R3,VDQG2WKHU3URMHFW3HUVRQQHO This form may be used only by departments creating proposals in Coeus for system to system submission. This form will be used to update faculty PIs’/Co-PIs’/Project Personnel’s’ DRIF and Credit Percentages in Institute Proposal and Award modules. Approval in Coeus indicates approval of the information below. This form must be attached to the Narrative module in Proposal Development before proposal is submitted for routing. Use additional forms as needed. Proposal Development Number: Proposal Title: W/ ƌĞĚŝƚ Name College College College College % credit for Project % Credit for PI/PD % Credit for PI/PD % Credit for PI/PD % Credit for PI/PD Unit Total for Investigator Dept. Dept. Dept. Dept. ŽͲW/ ŽƌŽƚŚĞƌWƌŽũĞĐƚWĞƌƐŽŶŶĞů ƌĞĚŝƚ Name College College College College % credit for Project % Credit for PI/PD % Credit for PI/PD % Credit for PI/PD % Credit for PI/PD Unit Total for Investigator Dept. Dept. Dept. Dept. ŽͲW/ŽƌŽƚŚĞƌWƌŽũĞĐƚWĞƌƐŽŶŶĞů Name College College College College ŽͲW/ ŽƌŽƚŚĞƌWƌŽũĞĐƚWĞƌƐŽŶŶĞů ŽͲW/ ŽƌŽƚŚĞƌWƌŽũĞĐƚWĞƌƐŽŶŶĞů 100% % credit for Project % Credit for PI/PD % Credit for PI/PD % Credit for PI/PD % Credit for PI/PD Unit Total for Investigator 100% ƌĞĚŝƚ Dept. Dept. Dept. Dept. 05/21/2015 % credit for Project % Credit for PI/PD % Credit for PI/PD % Credit for PI/PD % Credit for PI/PD Unit Total for Investigator ƌĞĚŝƚ Dept. Dept. Dept. Dept. Name College College College College 100% ƌĞĚŝƚ Dept. Dept. Dept. Dept. Name College College College College 100% % credit for Project % Credit for PI/PD % Credit for PI/PD % Credit for PI/PD % Credit for PI/PD Unit Total for Investigator dŽƚĂůWƌŽũĞĐƚƌĞĚŝƚ 100% ϭϬϬй 123
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