(place patient label here) Patient Name:_______________________ Order Set Directions: (√)- Check orders to a ctivate; Order s with pre-c hecked box will be fo llo we d unless lined out. Initia l each p lace in the pre-p rinted or der set where cha nges such as ad dit ions, delet ions or line o uts have been made Initia l each pa ge and Sign/Date/ Time last page PROVIDER ORDERS Diagnosis: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Allergies with reaction type:___________________________________________________________________________________ Version 1 Foley Catheter Management Protocol For Adult Hospital Inpatients and Rehab ONLY ** Excludes OB/Maternal Child Health, OB/GYN/Urology procedures or foley placed by Urologist** 5/18/15 IF this protocol has not been initiated by a provider, an order for initiation must be obtained prior to implementation Foley Catheter Use Criteria: Assess and Document every shift Criteria for insertion and continued Foley use: 1) Placed by Urology/OB-GYN for procedure or surgery 2) For OR and/or Post-op: If needed > 48 hrs postop provider to document reason 3) Measure urinary output more often than every 2 hours 4) To manage urinary retention or bladder outlet obstruction 5) Protect healing Stage III/IV pressure ulcer from urine leakage 6) For patients with neurological disorder and bladder dysfunction 7) For patients with neurological disorder and urinary retention 8) For patients with neurological disorder and incontinence 9) To improve comfort during end of life care at request 10) Hematuria present within the past 24 hours or continuous bladder irrigation 11) History of chronic catheter placement 12) Required for specific laboratory testing 13) Required for pelvic x-ray or ultrasound Foley Discontinuation Discontinue Foley when criteria for Foley use are not met and begin void trials **DO NOT DISCONTINUE ANY FOLEY PLACED BY UROLOGIST OR FOR OB/GYN/UROLOGY PROCEDURES. PROVIDER MUST ORDER DISCONTINUATION OF THESE** BVI/Straight Cath Protocol Frequency of BVI and Straight Cath is determined by comfort and to maintain total bladder volume </= 400 mL After catheter removal toilet or offer urinal every 2 hours in daytime hours and every 4-6 hrs at night until pattern is established. Document void trials and results in BVI screen After catheter removal if incontinent and this is new for the patient continue to toilet or offer urinal every 2 hrs in daytime and every 4-6 hrs at night. Monitor for distention and check Bladder Volume Index (BVI) at 4 hours after catheter removal and then at 2 hrs intervals depending on fluid intake and urinary output. Spontaneous Void or Incontinent within 4 hours after catheter d/c Perform Bladder Volume Index (BVI) Post-Void Residual Post Void BVI < /= 250 mL Monitor patient to insure adequate emptying Post Void BVI > 250 mL Urinary straight catheterization if post void BVI volume is > 250 mL For Discomfort at any time and unable to void or No Spontaneous Void within 4 hours after catheter d/c BVI < /= 400 mL Perform Bladder Volume Index (BVI) every 2 hour and monitor for spontaneous void BVI > 400 mL Urinary straight catheterization if BVI volume is > 400 mL without spontaneous void Notify provider If straight cath needed more than 2 times If straight cath urine volume is > 400 mL and patient is uncomfortable Page 1 of 1 FOLEY CATHETER MANAGEMENT PROTOCOL For Adult Hospital Inpatients and Rehab ONLY ** Excludes OB/Maternal Child Health, OB/GYN/Urology procedures or foley placed by Urologist** Foley Catheter Insert/Maintain Nurse documents the reason for insertion and assesses the need for a Foley catheter Q shift with the goal of removing catheter as soon as criteria for use are not met.. Criteria for insertion and continued Foley use: 1) Placed by Urology/OB‐GYN for procedure or surgery 2 ) For OR procedure and/or post‐ op: If needed > 48 hrs postop provider to document reason 3) Measure urinary output more often than every 2 hours 4) To manage urinary retention or bladder outlet obstruction 5) Protect healing Stage III/IV pressure ulcer from urine leakage 6) For patients with neurological disorder and bladder dysfunction 7) For patients with neurological disorder and urinary retention 8) For patients with neurological disorder and incontinence 9) To improve comfort during end of life care at request 10) Hematuria present within the past 24 hours or continuous bladder irrigation 11) History of chronic catheter placement 12 )Required for specific laboratory testing 13) Required for pelvic x‐ray or ultrasound If incontinent and this is new for the patient, continue to toilet/offer urinal q2hr Does the patient meet criteria for Foley use? Reassess Q shift Document reason for indwelling catheter Q shift with goal of removing catheter as soon as criteria for use are not met YES ** NOTE: If Foley left in place >48hrs post surgery Provider must document reason why NO DO NOT DISCONTINUE ANY FOLEY PLACED BY UROLOGIST OR FOR OB/GYN/UROLOGY PROCEDURES. PROVIDER MUST ORDER DISCONTINUATION OF THESE Discontinue Foley per protocol and document in Urinary device assessment Void Trial/offer urinal q2hr in daytime and q4‐6hr at night until pattern is established Uncomfortable (at any time) AND unable to void? YES NO YES Spontaneous Void within 4 hrs post Foley D/C or Straight Cath? NO Perform BVI NO Perform Post void BVI YES Perform BVI Q2H and monitor for spontaneous void Spontaneous Void? NO (≤400mL) BVI is > 400mL or pt uncomfortable and unable to void? YES Monitor patient to insure adequate emptying (>400ml) NO (≤ 250m L) Post void BVI > 250ml? YES **NOTIFY PROVIDER** LEGEND BVI: Bladder Volume Index Perform Straight Cath (>250m L) YES Straight Cath needed more than 2 times OR Straight cath volume > 400mL? NO (<400mL)
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