THE P R TAL The Portal is the monthly review of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham and of the other Personal Ordinariates May 2015 THE P RTAL is the monthly review of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham and the other Personal Ordinariates May 2015 Volume 5 Issue 53 Contents jump to a page - click on page number Page 3 Portal Editorial – Ronald Crane reflects Page 4 Auntie Joanna writes – The “Our Father” project Page 5 Snapdragon – The Election Page 6 Called To Be Holy – Antonia Lynn Page 7 ARCIC – A meeting with Archbishop Bernard Longley Page 9 Newman – Dr Stephen Morgan Page 10 Anglican News – The Revd Paul Benfield Page 11 Ymweliad â Chaerdydd – Jackie Ottaway & Ronald Crane Page 13 Finding us at prayer – around the UK and Australia Page 16 News from the Groups around the UK Page 17 Mgr Keith Newton’s Ordinary’s Diary Page 18 News from Australia – Eliza Frank Page 19 Mgr Harry Entwistle, Australia’s Ordinary, writes Page 20 The National Shrine of Our Lady at Walsingham – Jackie Ottaway and Ronald Crane meet Mgr John Armitage Page 22 Chaplains without Borders – Fr James Grant OOLSC Page 23 Book Review and Letter to the Editor Page 24 Now tell me if I have got this wrong – Geoffrey Kirk THE P RTAL May 2015 Page 3 Portal Editorial Ronald Crane airs a dilemma and offers a Personal View Where do I place my “kiss” in the coming General Election? General Election on 7th May? Voting is important. It is my chance to give a “kiss” to the candidate who, if elected, will represent the area where I live. Those who say that voting is a waste of time, find no place in my heart or mind. It is my duty to vote, right, and having in mind the historical cost of winning the vote, my responsibility. Not to vote is an abdication of duty, responsibility and right. So: on 7th May I shall go to the Polling Station. But where do I place my “kiss”? Green MP. I know a number of Conservative MPs voted against the measure as did one or two of the others, but it was pushed through, and I do mean “pushed through” by the Conservative Prime Minister. This measure is a gamechanger. It attacks the very roots of society, and alters the meaning of one of the great supports of that society – marriage. We now have, in effect, two definitions of marriage that are in conflict with each other. As if that were not bad enough, it is a measure that, once enacted, cannot be reversed. Once done, it is done. This dilemma has been rehearsed in various places in the Bloggasphere. It was brought to my attention the popular “death culture” on 18th April by Fr Ed Tomlinson in his blog www. The second problem I have is with pro-life issues. There is no party prepared to stand up to the popular “death culture”. Abortion with the best part of 200,000 Fr Ed wrote a good piece on this very subject, a year (that is the population of Luton, York or quoting Deacon Nick Donnelly and Fr Ian Hellyer. Peterborough) killed each and every year. You can find their contributions at www.marklambert. Suicide is coming. If the old dear is not can-i-vote-for.html, and www.swordinariate.blogspot. worth keeping alive, well, let’s get rid of her; seems to be the attitude. The Catholic Church teaches that html respectively. Deacon Nick Donnelly’s piece is all life, from the moment of conception until natural especially troubling. death, is sacred. Where are the politicians putting forward this truth? The economy The economy, we are told, is what matters. But it is not a matter to concern me on the question of where to place my “kiss”. Whoever wins the election, or forms the government if no one wins, will have to deal with the economy. carnage in the Middle East Thirdly, I am deeply concerned about the deafening silence about the carnage in the Middle East. Our Christian brothers and sisters are being killed in their thousands and, until recently, we were told nothing by our press, or by our politicians. There may be minor differences between the various policies being put forward, but in essence, the action Now, at last, thanks to Aid to the Church in Need will be the same. It has to be if we are not, as a country, and Prince Charles, it is in the news. But what is being to go bust. No, the economy will not determine where done about it? Ought not those Christians facing I place my “kiss”. murder and persecution be offered asylum in the UK? So far they have not. same-sex marriage law My problems lie elsewhere. The first is with the three my only option? main Parties. The Conservatives, Labour and Lib It seems there is no one standing at the coming Dems all; to a greater or lesser degree, supported and election who speaks for me. Is it an option to spoil the pushed through the same-sex marriage law, as did the ballot paper? It may be my only option. contents page THE P RTAL May 2015 Joanna Bogle keeps us up to date Various Ordinariate groups are supporting a nationwide ecumenical project for children at Catholic and Church of England primary schools. Some Portal readers may know about this venture, but others don’t – and meanwhile it is growing year on year. It’s the “Our Father” project, run by Christian Projects – based at 24 Smith Terrace, London SW3 5TN. Christian Projects began as a small prayer group back in the 1950s, launched by a Methodist, Mr Ernest Tapp. Ecumenism wasn’t so fashionable in those days, and he was quite a pioneer. He called his little group, meeting in Hampshire, the Order of Christian Unity and they had a badge made, showed two hands shaking across the base of a Cross. Auntie Jo a n The “Our Father” project Page 4 na wri tes The project is simple: a leaflet – this year’s has been designed by an excellent Evangelical publishing organisation – goes to every CofE and RC primary school in a given area (we liaise with local volunteers, as indicated). The children are invited to copy out, in good handwriting, the Lord’s Prayer and to decorate it any way they like. They then answer three simple questions: What does ‘hallowed’ mean? What are trespasses? And who taught us this prayer? It is all done by hand – no computers – and the aim is to foster good handwriting In the 1970s the group expanded, and under the and artwork and an appreciation of good craftmanship, chairmanship of Lady Lothian – a Catholic and as well as to teach this beautiful prayer. organiser of a number of major events including the “Women of the Year” Luncheon – it became a notable As you read this, the entries are coming in and teams voice in support of good religious education in schools, of judges will be reading them. We enjoy the howlers organising events and conferences on this and related - “hallowed means scared” etc. We are touched by the subjects. beautiful work that is done. We enjoy the kind letters from teachers who find the project helpful. She was followed as chairman by The Rt Rev Maurice Wood, the retired (CofE) Bishop of Norwich. It was Christian Projects is well funded, so printing, during his chairmanship that the Schools Bible Project postage, and other costs are all covered, and we are was launched – an essay project for secondary schools able to offer prizes to children whose work is of a high which flourishes to this day. standard, and a commemorative Gospel booklet to every child. These booklets carry a bookplate with the It marked its 25th anniversary last year (2014) with Lord’s Prayer and a place for the child to sign his/her a big united Thanksgiving Service at St Margaret’s, name. Westminster, which I was privileged to help organise. As I write this, the Ladies Ordinariate Group is And so to the “Our Father” Project. With the project braced to tackle a great stack of entries that wait for for secondary schools flourishing, it seemed right to us at Precious Blood Rectory at London Bridge. We do something for primary schools – but it’s a vast field. set aside several days for the work, organise tea and sandwiches, and work in relays to read and evaluate Following in the footsteps of previous chairmen the entries, and pack and post prizes. of what is now called Christian Projects, I felt we should go ahead in faith, and knew that there were Want to join in? I am willing to come and talk to any many dedicated people who would be willing to help. group of volunteers who’d like to run an “Our Father” Ordinariate groups, including Coventry, Pembury, project in their area. An email to me via The Portal and the Ladies Ordinariate Group in London have - - - - - - - been among the generous groups responding. will get things started… contents page Snapd ragon THE P RTAL May 2015 Page 5 The Election Snapdragon has also been thinking about the Election It is easy to forget, amid all the mudslinging and eleventh-hour promises, that who we vote for in next week’s General Election ought to be based on what each of the parties actually stands for. Entertaining though the mud-slinging is, and tantalizing the promises, what ought to move us in the voting booth is policy. Where our X goes should also be informed by our theology, because our theology should always be the motivation, the ‘why’, of what we do. As Christians, we are presented with the same hotchpotch of political parties and policies as the rest of the electorate. We have to try our very best to weigh them against each other just like them, but we have the additional responsibility of testing them all against what we believe. There are many outside the Church who believe that individualism - the personal aspiration to survive and succeed - has become unhealthily overemphasised in our society, and social responsibility weakened. But, as Christians, we have a distinctive sense of social responsibility and awareness of how we should play our part in society, informed by our theology. Similarly, one doesn’t need to be a Christian to acknowledge that people are dependent on each other. We have developed an understanding that we cannot exist as a nation in which some live happily and prosperously while others lack life’s basic necessities. We have grasped that no country, not even the richest and strongest, can stand alone. We need each other. Additionally as Christians we have an understanding of God that provides a model for human relationships between individuals and communities and nations. The doctrine of the Trinity shows us how we are to live and relate to each other in the most Godlike way. The relationships within the Trinity do not support any human structures in which those at the bottom are dominated or oppressed by those at the top, but point us to structures and relationships of mutual interdependence and support. A Christian sense of social responsibility goes beyond recognising that people matter most and depend on each other to live well, to an understanding that we should demonstrate an active concern for the welfare of others. Our concern for those on our doorstep or half the world away is based on a sense of justice and fairness which we have in common with many who don’t share That people, not money and power, are most our faith, but also on our experience of the love of God important is a belief held by Christians and many non- in Jesus Christ. We have a concern for others because Christians alike. We have only to observe the response we have experienced the love of God for ourselves and to a disaster at home or overseas to see that people are don’t want to keep that love to ourselves. generally regarded as the most important thing in the world. As Christians though, we know that people are Whether this policy is better than that policy, this important because God created them in his image and party preferable to that party, we can’t as Christians likeness, and when later his handiwork was spoiled judge solely on the strength of the statistical data that by sin, he redeemed them. A basic element in our is thrown at us. I’m not sure yet how I’ll vote on May Christian sense of social responsibility is that people 7, to be honest, but I’ll endeavour to put my X where are precious in the sight of God, and therefore in ours. my theology is. contents page THE P RTAL May 2015 Page 6 Called To Be Holy Antonia Lynn explains this Ordinariate project ‘Does what you do, in pursuit of a proper distinctiveness, clearly lead to holiness? Is it in the service of sanctification? This is what counts.’ Cardinal Nichols’ address at the Ordinariate Festival 2014 I am using my page this month not for my usual reflection on Anglicanorum Cœtibus but to encourage all our readers to take part in a practical response to the Cardinal’s challenge, to be launched this month: Called To Be Holy, a follow-up to last year’s Called To Be One, which (as we saw in these pages) bore so much fruit in our Ordinariate groups and beyond. individuals… the material will be available online each day, or you can order extra copies from the website: see below for details. Please join us! Of course, both these projects have grown out of Anglicanorum Cœtibus itself. Pope Benedict speaks of ‘many elements of sanctification and of truth [which] are gifts properly belonging to the Church of Christ; they are forces impelling towards Catholic unity.’ Pope Benedict said more about ‘sanctification’ when he addressed schoolchildren across the country during his visit in 2010: Day of Recollection ‘What God wants most of all for each one of you is that you should become holy. He loves you much more than you could ever begin to imagine, and he wants the very best for you. And by far the best thing for you is to grow in holiness.’ Groups are encouraged to host a day of recollection, either during the period of the Novena or later in the year: a day with ecumenical appeal, to which all our Christian friends can be invited. This year, there will be no national publicity campaign, so the challenge is for each group to spread the word locally. Don’t forget, personal invitations work best! Other resources… • Prayer cards: your groups should already have started distributing these; the Pentecost cards will appear soon. They are all illustrated with examples of English Christian art through the ages. • DVD: a message from the Ordinary, to be used at Called To Be Holy is an exercise in hospitality, an the group’s day event. There will also be other video expression of our ‘holy desire’ for unity and a celebration resources online - watch this space! • Children’s materials: ideas for children’s sessions of our English Christian spiritual tradition. So, what’s happening? The Ordinary has invited a small group during your day of recollection; also activity and prayer (Fathers Christopher Lindlar, Scott Anderson, David sheets so that children can join in with the Novena. Lashbrooke, David Waller and myself) to put together … and where to find them? a plan, with the support of the Area Coordinators. We have set up a special website www.calledtobe. Here are the key elements: - which, at the moment, has a link to download Novena of Prayer, 15 to 23 May the poster. A further pages will be added soon where Of course, this project will be launched in prayer. you will be able to download The Novena of Prayer We invite all Ordinariate members, our friends both booklet so that you can have your own copy on your Anglican and Catholic, and all who care about the computer, laptop, i-pad, tablet, phone (or even to print Christian heritage of our country and long for us to be it yourself). united again, to join in a Novena in that sacred time of waiting on God between Ascension and Pentecost. Other pages will follow and from Day 1 of the Novena, Friday 15th May, you will be able to follow As you read this, Group Pastors will be receiving the Novena on the website. copies of a booklet which contains, for each day, a reading from the English spiritual tradition we all share (from the eighth century Cloud of Unknowing to Come and see for yourself - we hope to update the Michael Ramsey, 100th Archbishop of Canterbury), a content regularly. How will you respond to the Call psalm and a collect. This can be used by groups, families, To Be Holy? contents page THE P RTAL May 2015 Page 7 The Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission Jackie Ottaway and Ronald Crane meet His Grace Archbishop Bernard Longley, Catholic Co-Chairman of ARCIC Speaking in Archbishop’s House, Birmingham, Archbishop Longley began by talking about The Portal. “I think The Portal is an effective communicator within the Ordinariate and also within the family of the Catholic Church. I am conscious that Pope Benedict has described the Ordinariate as a prophetic gesture towards the cause of Christian unity. I’ve come to understand that better, in the context of ARCIC, through knowing the stories of individuals who have made that journey of faith from the Church of England into the Ordinariate. Their own experience mirrors the journey of Blessed John Henry Newman. ARCIC dialogue has changed “We are now at the third phase of ARCIC, whose brief is coloured by the development of the Christian Faith as it evolves within the Catholic Church and the Anglican Communion. The ARCIC dialogue has changed over fifty years, both in pace and expectation, but its goal remains the same. From the Catholic point of view, this goal must be full visible unity no matter how difficult or challenging that seems. We still have that aim because it expresses the will and the prayer of our Lord that all may be one. churches’ rules about sacramental sharing. The Anglican Communion welcomes people who are ‘in good standing with their own church’, but we’re mindful that no Roman Catholic would be in good standing with his own church if he actually received communion. Our Anglican colleagues are respectful of that. “People sometimes speak of the inability to share the sacrament fully with each other as a “neuralgia point” in ecumenical dialogue. We need to continue dialogue until we are fully in communion with each other. Until then we must respect each other and realise that the “This third round of ARCIC dialogue follows the same receiving of the sacrament of the Eucharist is not pattern as its predecessors. Members are appointed by only a means towards full visible unity, but is a sign the Anglican Communion office and the Pontifical of that unity which is already present. We must hold Council for Promoting Christian Unity, with 12 or those two things in balance yet experience the reality 13 on each side. There are bishops, theologians and of not being in full communion. It is important that representatives of specific dimensions of the Catholic we have become good friends. Ecumenical friendships Church’s life. As a world-wide church, we can reflect are essential if we want to work together for full visible on Catholic life in every continent, and we include unity. the Eastern Catholic Churches. Anglican participants come from all parts of the Anglican Communion. that full visible unity “An additional point was made to me by a friend We meet annually, for eight or nine days, in various of mine, from the United Reformed Church. She locations. asked how the practice of Free Church Christians We observe the churches’ rules and Anglicans receiving communion in each other’s “We each observe our own disciplines and traditions churches over the past 40 years has contributed to the to the letter; an important dimension of ecumenical full visible unity of those churches. “Are we actually dialogue and engagement. We have each day Mass any closer to that full visible unity of the Church for and Anglican Eucharist alternately. We observe the which Christ prayed?” I think it is a fair question. contents page THE P RTAL May 2015 “We have had joint meetings of bishops nationally for four or five years. They are bearing fruit, but we are conscious of the fact that a woman has now been consecrated bishop within the Church of England. This is a new reality for us and serves to highlight the challenges before us and the obstacles on the way to full visible unity. It must be something which future ARCIC discussions address. How do the Anglican Communion and the Catholic Church understand the sacramental sharing in the priesthood of Jesus Christ as it is expressed in the ordained ministry within the Church? faithful to the will of Christ “We believe that we are faithful to the will of Christ by calling men to the Sacrament of Orders after the fashion of Our Lord’s own calling of the apostles and respectful of that tradition that has continued in the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. The Catholic understanding of sacramental priesthood is that what we have received is a given which was always to be respected and continued within the life of the Church. Page 8 who have been part of the Church of England have brought into the Catholic Church also influences the way in which we relate to the Church of England. Blessed John Henry Newman’s experience obviously brought an insight to the heart of the Catholic Church in our understanding of the Church of England. This is part of the prophetic gift that Pope Benedict mentioned. a deeper appreciation “At first I couldn’t fully understand how Pope Benedict saw the Ordinariate as a prophetic gift. I now think that he meant that the gift is the presence of Ordinariate Catholics within the Catholic Church, bringing a deeper appreciation and the experience of Anglican Patrimony. We are still learning how to appreciate the presence of that patrimony. It will continue to influence the way in which we understand the development of liturgy and our relations with the Church of England. “In ecumenical terms the Ordinariate can be a great help. In our own ecumenical dialogue, we need “The ARCIC dialogue has not yet looked at to involve the insights of the Ordinariate and I am the theological understanding of priesthood as a pleased that Mgr Keith Newton is a member of the sacrament. When we do, we should look at what is the Department of the Bishops’ Conference charged with scope for ordination, for administering this sacrament furthering ecumenical dialogue. and who are to be the recipients. We believe this is not determined by the Church alone but by what the Anglican Patrimony “As to Anglican Patrimony, I think you’re better Church has received from the Lord. qualified that I am. I am aware of work that Mgr in the Lord’s own time Andrew Burnham has been doing and the liturgical “The ultimate goal of every Catholic Ecumenist is, books which are available. I realise that most of the in the Lord’s own time and in his own way, through communities that I know continue to use the Roman the Holy Spirit, full visible unity of the Church. The Missal, but I am also aware that there is an appreciation journey is longer than we in the Catholic Church of the poetry and hymnology and the liturgical imagined 50 years ago, but we need to be realistic. tradition of Choral Evensong. “The goal is the same in our international dialogues with the Methodists and Lutherans, ecclesial communions which do not have the same structures that the Anglican Communion has in terms of episcopal ministries. We know the reality within those protestant churches and we need to keep before us that goal, but be realistic about what we can agree together in the shorter term and what we can ultimately achieve. “You may remember that Cardinal Kasper was invited to speak when the Church of England was preparing legislation for the ordination of women as bishops. That legislation was carried, but Cardinal Kasper’s intervention and the fact that he was invited, were significant. The dialogue continues, and now needs to include the Ordinariate. “In my own Archdiocese, the experience that those contents page “It is difficult to quantify the whole experience of having lived as members of the Church of England, which is something that I have tried to touch on when speaking of Blessed John Henry Newman. I know of no Anglican who is not grateful for having been baptised within the Church of England or for that network of friendships which have formed part of your life. “I don’t think becoming a Catholic was a rejection of those important bonds of friendship, or of the faith that you’ve lived as Anglicans and have now brought into the Catholic Church. It is a significant part of the Patrimony that you bring.” We are grateful to the Archbishop for his time, thoughts and kind words about the Ordinariate in general and The Portal in particular. THE P RTAL May 2015 Page 9 Thoughts on Newman Books, Books, Books! Dr Stephen Morgan looks at his library of works by Newman Over my years of studying Newman, I have acquired more books by, on or about him than I care to admit. They currently take up nearly nine yards of bookshelf space but there’s always room for one more, especially if the new book fills a notable gap in the collection. Alongside the first editions of The Arians, An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine, and Apologia pro vita sua the volumes of Newman’s Letters and Diaries, edited with a level of care and attention by Charles Stephen Dessain, Thomas Gornall and Ian Ker, must rank amongst my most treasured. There are, in total, thirty-one volumes but they are not all readily available. Until Thursday of this week, my bookshelves boasted twenty-seven of the thirty-one: the four I did not have being rare and often eye-wateringly expensive. own study was not to be passed up: that evening’s business could always wait. Time spent in such a pastime rarely fails to yield serendipity’s abundant harvest and Thursday evening’s diversion was no exception. In amongst letters to Frederick Faber about the risks of a cholera outbreak – “Pray institute a continual inquiry if there is any bowel disorder among you . . . and if so, have the culprit out of London at once” (17th July 1849) – and the usual correspondence with hesitant converts – “It makes me very melancholy to think that you are delaying . . . I will not believe that your Amongst titles as varied as Biblia own heart does not tell you where the Sacra Nova Vulgata, Panzer Attack truth is” (to Mrs Henry Wilberforce, and Ten Tunes for Miss Lucy were three consecutive volumes of the Letters and Diaries, 18th April 1850) – was the following spiritual counsel, including one of the precious volumes that I lacked. a jewel of faith, trust and abandonment to Divine Refusing a donation – which would have had to be Providence: considerable if it were to be commensurate with the We are all in God’s Hands, and He orders us prices being asked by booksellers for this volume on about, each in his own way; happy for us, only, if the rare occasions when one becomes available – my we can realise this, and submit as children to a dear friend gave me Volume XIII with nothing more than a Father, whatever He may please to do with us (to promise to keep him in my prayers. John Edward Bowden, 21st September 1849). I had not the heart to tell him that he is rarely out Anthony Powell entitled the tenth of his Dance to of them but thanked him profusely and went home clutching the book in my hand as firmly as a child with the Music of Time novels, Books do furnish a room. They do certainly that but, by God’s grace, they not a particularly welcome birthday present. infrequently also furnish an answer to an unsettled rare and often heart. For the moment Volume XIII sits on my table eye-wateringly expensive awaiting the creation of more shelf space but it has Although the letters in Volume XIII, covering the already earned its place amongst its companion period from January 1849 to June 1850, were well volumes. Before I call the carpenter, you might just see known to me from hours spent in the University library, if you have a spare Volume XXI, XXII or XXV needing the opportunity to dip into them in the luxury of my a new and, I promise, loving home! I had all-but given up hope of ever obtaining any of them: that was before the intervention of a priest friend. On moving into his new parish he had found a stock of various books about the house: an eclectic mix of titles of various vintages, displaying almost no discernable pattern of subjects or organising principle. His predecessor, who had been there for fifteen years and more, had confirmed that they were books that had been in the house when he had moved in and he certainly didn’t want them. contents page THE P RTAL May 2015 Page 10 News from the Anglican C of E News The Revd Paul Benfield keeps us up to date In January a report entitled ‘Optimising the role of the National Church Institutions’ was published. It contained a proposal that the way the Church of England makes its laws should be greatly simplified. This has now been worked on and a consultation document was published in April. The problem identified by the report is that to pass or amend existing primary legislation is complex and time-consuming. At present church legislation normally has to pass through five stages in the Synod (first consideration, revision in committee, revision in synod, final drafting and final approval) followed by consideration by the Ecclesiastical Committee of Parliament and by both Houses of Parliament before receiving Royal Assent. This takes time. The example given in the consultation document is that of the legislation which introduced common tenure for clergy. This resulted from a report in 2002 and did not come into force until 2011. But in fact the proposals on common tenure were subject to significant modification after consultation with the wider church and debates in Synod before the legislative process even began. First consideration of the actual legislation was not given by Synod until February 2007. Major changes were made during the synodical procedures, not least my amendment which removed the provision which would have vested parsonages in the diocesan board of finance rather than the incumbent. burden, or the overall burdens, resulting directly or indirectly for any person from any legislation”. So the Archbishops’ Council proposes that it should have power to make an order which would repeal or amend church legislation, including primary legislation in the form of Measures and Acts of Parliament. There would be certain pre-conditions that would have to be met before the power could be exercised. A draft order would have to go before a Scrutiny Committee of Synod which could suggest amendments or that the order be withdrawn. The Archbishops’ Council would consider those suggestions and amend the draft order or not as it saw fit. The draft order would then come before Synod which could approve it or reject it, but not amend it. The order would then pass to Parliament where it would be passed as a statutory instrument, thus by-passing the Ecclesiastical Committee. Questions which need to be asked are, firstly, will this procedure produce properly scrutinised and workable legislation? This has often not been the case with government orders passed under the secular legislation. Secondly, is this part of a continuing The Measure received Royal Assent in April 2009. process of centralisation of the Church of England, Because of its complexity, the legislation could not whereby the Archbishops’ Council would become akin be brought into effect quickly and so it did not come to the board of a public company, with full executive into force until 2011. Nevertheless, the authors of power over all matters? this consultation (which goes out under the name of William Fittall, Secretary General) are content to give the impression that it was the legislative process which caused a delay of 9 years. The Archbishops’ Council believes that the solution to the problem of slow legislative process is to reduce substantially the categories of legislative change that require to be made by measure. It is proposed that an enabling measure be passed which would be similar to Part 1 of the Legislative and Regulatory Reform Act 2006. This Act allows a government minister to make an order for the purpose of “removing or reducing any contents page THE P RTAL May 2015 Page 11 Ymweliad â Chaerdydd Jackie Ottaway and Ronald Crane visit the new Ordinariate Group in Cardiff R egular readers will know that recently we have visited new Ordinariate Groups in Walsingham and in Chichester. This month we have been to Wales, to visit the Group that meets in the Metropolitan Cathedral of St David. Meeting once a month, they use a lovely chapel in the Cathedral with an Altar bought by members of the Cathedral congregation. Upon arrival, we were shown to our seats, provided with a mass booklet and service sheet, together with the CTS leaflet about the Ordinariate and some useful prayer cards. A truly wonderful welcome. Rodney & Elenor Care. A truly wonderful welcome The mass (Ordinariate Use) was holy and reverend and Fr Bernard Sixtus gave an excellent Homily. After mass the twenty people present, of all ages from Primary School to ancient (!), all wandered over the hall for some refreshment. This gave us David Holmes opportunity to speak with some of those present. the Bristol group Rodney and his wife Eleanor Care introduced themselves. He is a semi-retired chartered surveyor and she a retired medical practitioner. Eleanor became a Catholic back in 1985, lapsed before returning to the Faith when her husband joined the Ordinariate. He said, “At the time when the Robin & Jonathan Sixtus exploratory group in South East Wales got going we had no priest, so I was received in the Bristol group with Fr Peter Clarke. When Fr Bernard Sixtus came along we found a home here.” member of the Ordinariate group. “It is the ‘One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church” he said, and continued, “I am now connected to the historic Church founded two thousand years ago. I am now plugged into the mains. It is good to be in a group of people who have all made the same journey.” Eleanor said her reception into the Church had been very friendly. They attend the Cathedral on Sundays when there is no Ordinariate mass. The Dean has been very supportive. However, some Anglicans have asked, “Will you become a Catholic eventually?” It appears they think the Ordinariate is only half-way! Their experience is that in the Cathedral the Ordinariate is a welcome addition. The Cares have maintained their relationship with the Bristol group and visit them regularly. a mixed bunch Not all the members of the Cardiff group come from the same Anglican Church. They are a mixed bunch, and not all from what one might describe as ‘Anglo-Catholic’ backgrounds. Here in Nonconformist Wales, it seems that Catholics were either Irish or Italian immigrants. There is little deep-rooted Welsh Catholicism, Rodney thought, “Progress will be slow. Anglo-Catholics in The Church in Wales just say, ’There will be no women priest here in our parish’. They do not appreciate the joy of certainty beyond that.” Eleanor took up the story, “Before one is received into the Church, Catholics are very keen, but afterwards they forget you! Matthew Evans You just become one of them. Being in the Church gives a secure feeling and this is enhanced by the Ordinariate group. In fact the authority of the thinking and praying Church gives us freedom.” Matthew Wade Evans is a Secondary School teacher who joined the Ordinariate last year. He spent a connected to the historic Church number of months thinking and praying about which Rodney felt so pleased that he was becoming a direction to take. contents page THE P RTAL May 2015 Page 12 “The Archbishop, who had met with the exploration A friend was already in the Ordinariate when a group began in Cardiff, so Matthew just came along. group before, then invited us to meet at the Cathedral where a chapel would be made available to “It was,” he said, “A difficult thing to leave us, complete with an oak reredos. This has the Anglican parish behind. I had been at worked very well, especially since we always St Mary’s for ten years or so. They were very celebrate the Ordinariate Rite, which feels supportive of my decision. It was something ‘natural’ in this setting and is just right for about realising Christian Unity and joining this group (many of whom will have been the Church. I attend mass at the Cathedral used to the traditional-language ‘Green when there is no Ordinariate mass. We have Book’ liturgies of the Church in Wales received a warm welcome. I think there will beforehand). be more people who will come over. People are still not sure that it is fully part of the Catholic Church. There is still a lot of work Alan & Marilyn Jones interested and positive to be done.” “I am not sure I understand why so few people made the move in the end. We We chatted to a number of people who have excellent relations with the Catholic described themselves as “nibblers”. There clergy and people, who have all been most was David Holmes, a civilian investigator welcoming. I have a small Diocesan Parish with the South Wales Police and Euan Tait, to care for as well, which had no idea what a College lecturer, as well as some who did the Ordinariate was, so we got the CTS not wish to be named at this stage. leaflet that we always give out to visitors at the Ordinariate mass, and they have been Nicki & David Prichard We have not changed very interested and positive. They all said more or less the same thing. They wanted to be able to go to mass, say “At the same time, in the Anglican Church their prayers without intrigue. They told us, in Wales there is really no substantial “We are already Catholics. We have had the provision for the orthodox at all now, yet same views from a young age. We have not still few have come so far. As to our future: changed. It is the Anglican Church that has we have some enquiring and some nibbling. changed. It has lost its way. In the Catholic We do what we do, and hope people will “get Church we can go to mass anywhere.” We it” and do something about it. I sometimes will have to keep our eyes and ears open, for Philip Jones wonder if there will come a point of final we suspect there will be some receptions in “estrangement” between Anglo-Catholics Cardiff before long. and the Church in Wales. There may be, and if and when it comes, we will hopefully have Fr Bernard Sixtus been able to “prepare a place”, a home, for Fr Bernard Sixtus is a gentle person, and people.” obviously a holy man. Married, with a family, he leads the Cardiff group, although he does This is a good group. Not large, but have a “day job” as Director of RE for Schools prayerful and holy. It is well led and has in the Archdiocese. We come from many knit together rather well. We are grateful to Fr Bernard Sixtus different churches. We have people from all Fr Sixtus for his welcome and to the group over South East Wales. Most did not know each other members for their warm welcome too. It may well be before the Ordinariate. I had an exploration group of that we shall hear more of them. around twenty or so, but only two actually came the whole way! We were rather scattered, so where should at the heart of the Diocese The Archbishop of Cardiff, the Most Revd George we meet? A church in the Dock Area of Cardiff was Stack told The Portal, “I am pleased that the suggested originally. Welsh members of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of “The idea was to put all the various “other rites” of Walsingham continue to worship regularly at St David’s the Catholic Church (i.e. not ‘standard Latin Rite’) Cathedral, Cardiff. I have always been anxious to have together at St Cuthbert’s. However the largest of them at the heart of the Diocese, not least in reflecting them is a group of an Eastern Rite (Ukrainian Greek on the words of John Henry Newman ‘Heart speaking Catholic) using a full ‘iconostasis’. While a great idea, unto heart’. I hope both the Cathedral community and that just wouldn’t have worked in practice: the kind of the members of the Ordinariate are enriched by the experience.” ‘liturgical space’ required is just too different. contents page THE P RTAL May 2015 Page 13 Ordinariate Groups Where to find us at prayer around the UK The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham Ordinary: Monsignor Keith Newton 24 Golden Square, London W1F 9JR - 020 7440 5750 Beckenham Mass: Convent of St Peter Claver, 89 Shortlands Road, Bromley BR2 0JL - 2nd Tues, Our Lady of the Rosary, 330a Burnt Oak Lane, Blackfen DA15 8LW - 1st 3rd & 4th Tues: 7.30pm Mass followed by talk and discussion - Sunday as announced Contact: Fr Simon Heans: 020 8333 2815 - BLACK COUNTRY Our Lady of Perpetual COVENTRY St Joseph the Worker, Cannon Park, Coventry, CV4 7DU Mass: 11am - also Mon 7pm, Tues 10am, Wed 10am (with parish); Thurs 7pm, Sat 10am (followed by Adoration & Confession)Coffee morning: Sat 10.30-noon Contact: Fr Paul Burch: 024 7669 3752 - paulburch5@ Croydon Virgo Fidelis, Central Hill, Upper Norwood, SE19 1RT Mass: Sunday: 8am, 12.30pm, also on Wed 7.30am (7am Matins), Thurs 6pm, first Fri of month: 6pm Mass for Healing (Ordinariate Usage at all Masses) Contact: - Succour, Cannock Road, Wolverhampton, WV10 8PG Darlington Mass: 3rd Sunday of the month: 12 noon (followed by refreshments in the sacristy), also on Wed 10am Contact: Fr John Lungley: 01902 896292 BOURNEMOUTH St Thomas More, Exton Road BH6 5QG Mass: Sunday: 11.15am and Wed: 10.30am Contact: Fr Darryl Jordan: 01202 485588 - Bristol St Joseph, Camp Road, Weston-super- Mare, BS23 2EN Mass: 2nd Sunday of the month: 12 noon, followed by lunch in the Hall and Evensong and Benediction at 2:30pm Contact: Fr Peter Clarke: 01935 850408 - CHELMSFORD Blessed Sacrament, 116 Melbourne Avenue, Chelmsford CM1 2DU Mass: Sunday: 9.30am and 11.30am, (on 1st Sunday of the month specifically Ordinariate), also on Mon to Sat at 9.15am with RC community Contact: Fr Ivor Morris: 01245 354256 - COLCHESTER St John Payne, Blackthorn Avenue, Greenstead CO4 3QD Mass: 3rd Sunday of the month: 4pm Contact: Fr Jon Ravensdale: 01206 870460 CORNWALL St Augustine of Hippo, St Austell, PL25 4RA Mass: Sunday: 5.30pm, also on Wed 7pm Contact: Fr John Greatbatch: 01822 612645 contents page St Osmund, Main Road, Gainford, County Durham DL2 3DZ Mass: Sundays 9.30am Parish Mass, 11.30 am Solemn Mass; Mon 12 noon; Tues 10am; Wed 10am; Thurs 10am; Fri 7pm; Sat 10am, Holydays 7 pm. Confessions after Mass on Thurs, Fri, Sat. Contact: Fr Elkin, PP: 01833 638133, Fr Grieves, Pr in Residence: 01325 730191 - darlington@ - DEAL St John the Evangelist, St Richard’s Road, Mongeham, Deal, Kent CT14 9LD Mass: Sunday: 11am, 6pm Evensong Contact: Fr Christopher Lindlar: 01304 374870, 07710 090195 - c.lindlar@ or DERBY St George, Village Street, Derby Derbyshire DE23 8SZ Mass: Sunday: 9.45am - 1st Sunday of the month: 11am St John, Midland Road, Stapleford, Nottingham, Notts NG9 7BT Contact: Fr Peter Peterken: Eastbourne St Agnes, 6 Whitley Road, Eastbourne BN22 8NJ Mass: Sunday: 4pm Contact: Fr Neil Chatfield: neil.chatfield@ FOLKESTONE Our Lady Help of Christians Guildhall Street, Folkestone, Kent CT20 1EF Mass: Sunday: 9.30am and 11am, Evensong and Benediction 6pm; Tues: Mass Contact: Fr Stephen Bould: 01303 252823 - HARLOW The Church of The Assumption, Mulberry Green, Old Harlow, Essex CM17 0HA Mass: continued on the next page > THE P RTAL May 2015 Sunday: 10am, Evensong and Benediction 6pm Contact: Fr John Corbyn: 01268 733219 - harlow@ Page 14 12.30pm, Sat 5.30pm Contact: 0207 407 3951 LONDON, WALTHAMSTOW Our Lady HEMEL HEMPSTEAD St Mark’s, Hollybush and St George, Shernhall Street, London E17 9HU Lane, Hemel Hempstead HP1 2PH Mass: Sunday: Mass: Sunday: 6.30pm Contact: Fr David Waller: 9am, Tues: 7.30pm Contact: hemel.ordinariate@ 020 8554 3763 - uk HOCKLEY, ESSEX St Peter’s Eastwood, 59 Eastwood Road North, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex SS9 4BX Mass: every Sunday: 10am, also on Holy Days 7.30pm; St Pius X, Southend Road, Hockley, Essex SS5 4QH Mass: 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th Sundays: 10.30am, also on Fri 9am Contact: Fr Jeffrey Woolnough: 01702 525323, 07956 801381 - or Fr Bob White: 01268 543910 - pilgrimclub@waitrose. com - The HockleyMission is served from St Peter’s Eastwood: Manchester Mission St Joseph, Mary Street, Heywood OL10 1EG Mass: Sunday: 11am, also on Tue 7.30pm, Holy Hour: Thur 12 noon: Bible study: Mon 7.30pm, 2nd Sunday of the month: Evensong 4pm 4th Sunday of the month: House Mass at The Old Coach House, 3a Bostock Road, Broadbottom, Cheshire SK14 6AH 4th Sunday of the month: 6.30pm Contact: Fr Andrew Starkie: 01706 625512 - Ipswich Holy Family and St Michael, Kesgrave, Suffolk IP5 2QP MASS: 2nd Sunday of the month: 11am. CONTACT: Fr David Skeoch: 01473 612178 - - uk/ipswich Blessed Virgin Mary, Old Oscott Hill, Kingstanding, ISLE OF WIGHT, RYDE St Mary’, High Street, PO33 2RE MASS: every Sunday: 9am Solemn Sung Mass, Ordinariate liturgy. CONTACT: Fr Jonathan Redvers Harris: 01983 292726 - frjonathanrh@ Midland Road, Stapleford, Nottingham, Notts NG9 7BT Mass: 1st Sunday of the month: 11am, Sun 9am, Thur 7pm. Contact: Fr Simon Ellis: nottingham@ Leytonstone/Wanstead S. North Birmingham Sisters of the Birmingham B44 9AG Mass: 1st Sunday of the Month: 10.30am. Contact: Ronald Crane: 0121 241 8730 - NOTTINGHAM St John the Evangelist, OXFORD Holy Rood, Folly Bridge Mass: Sat (of John Sunday) 6pm, Mon 9am, Tues 9am, Thu 6.30pm, Fri Vianney, Clayhall, Ilford IG5 0JB MASS: Sundays: 12.30pm (Latin) - all at Holy Rood - also Wed 10am at 10am (Solemm Mass), 12 noon (last Sun of month Solemn Mass, Ordinariate Use) 4:30pm (Exposition), 5pm (Low Mass); Daily (except Mon) 8:30am (Expsoition) 9am (Mass); Holy Days 9am (Low Mass), 8pm (Solemn Mass); Confessions: Sat 10am or by appointment. CONTACT: Fr Rob Page: 020 8550 4540 - LONDON, Central Ordinariate Church Our Lady of the Assumption and St Gregory, Warwick Street, London W1B 5LZ (Nearest tube: Piccadilly) Mass: Sunday: 10.30am Solemn Mass with choir (Ordinariate Use), Weekdays: 8am and 12.45pm (Novus Ordo in English), Feasts and Solemnities as advertised. Contact: Fr Mark ElliottSmith 07815 320761 - Oxford Oratory Contact: Mgr Andrew Burnham: 01235 835038 - uk or Fr Daniel Lloyd: 01865 749466 - daniel.lloyd@ PORTSMOUTH St Agatha, Market Way, Landport PO1 4AB MASS Sunday 11am (Solemn), Mon, Fri (Requiem) and Sat 11am, Contact: info@ - READING St James, Abbey Ruins, Forbury Road, Reading, Berkshire RG1 3HW (next to Reading Gaol) Mass: Sunday: 9.15am. Contact: Fr David Elliott: 07973 241424 - SALISBURY The Most Holy Redeemer, Fortherby Crescent, Bishopdown, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP1 3EG South Most Precious Blood, Mass: Sunday: 11am, Wed 6.30pm, 2nd Sunday of the O’Meara Street, London SE1 1TE Mass: Sunday: month: 6pm Evensong Contact: Fr Keith Robinson: 6pm (Sat), 8.30am, 11am; Mon-Fri 1.05pm, Thur 01722 504807, 07722 653367 - 7pm; Evensong, Thur 6.30pm; Confessions: Mon-Fri or LONDON, continued on the next page > contents page THE P RTAL May 2015 SCOTLAND: Edinburgh St Columba, 9 Upper Gray Street, Edinburgh EH9 1SN Mass: 2nd Sunday of the month: 11.30am HIGHLAND (Fortrose) St Peter and St Boniface, Cathedral Square, Fortrose IV10 8TB Mass: 1st, 3rd, 5th Sundays of the month: 11am. Stirling Holy Spirit, 1 McGrigor Road, Stirling FK7 9BL Mass: 2nd Sunday of the month: 4pm. The Ordinariate Use is used at every Mass in Scotland. Contact: Fr Len Black: 01463 235597 or 07836 365719 - or Fr Stanley Bennie: 01851 703259 or 07768 660612 - for full details please visit us at: Wales (South East) Page 15 GOLD COAST: LABRADOR - St Joseph the Worker Catholic Church, 44 Imperieal Parade Labrador, Queensland. Mass: 1st and 3rd Sunday: 5.30pm. Contact: Fr Stephen Gronow, OLSC: 0212 117 635 - Rockhampton Our Lady of Walsingham, St Vincent’s Catholic Church, 4 Herbert Street, Wandal, Rockhampton 4700 Contact: 07-4928 4193 NEW SOUTH WALES: Diocese of Lismore Mullumbimby St John Contact: Fr Lyall Cowell: 0423 086 984 - 02-6684 2106 - mullumbimby@ Metropolitan Cathedral of St David, 38 Charles Street, Cardiff CF10 2SF Mass: 4th Sunday of month: 1pm Contact: Sydney Holy Cross Contact: The Ordinary: Fr Bernard Sixtus: 02920 362599, 07720 272137 - 0417 180 145 - - groups/wales-se.html VICTORIA: GIPPSLAND Most Holy Family, Maffra - HEYFIELD: Mass: Sundays 10am, 4th Sun: 4pm Evensong and Benediction; COWWARR: Mass: Wed 10am Mass and Holy Hour; MIRBOO NORTH: The Personal Ordinariate Mass: 2nd Saturday 11am. Contact: 0403 383 of Our Lady of the Southern Cross 873 - - Ordinary: Monsignor Harry Entwistle, PA Around Australia 40A Mary Street, High-Gate 6003, Western Australia 08-9422-7988 – 0417 180 145 – Office: 0409 377 338 – Melbourne St Benedict - Holy Cross Church, 707 Glenhuntly Road, South Caulfield. Mass: Sunday: 11am (Ordinariate Use), 7pm Evensong and WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Perth St Ninian & St Benediction; Mon: 7pm; Wed: 10am. Contact: 03Chad, 11 Susan Street, Maylands, Perth WA Mass: 9822 8489 - Sunday 9.30am, 2nd Sun, 4pm Evensong & Benediction, 4th Sun, 4pm Evensong, Wed 9.15 Contact: The Melbourne Bayside/Peninsula: St Ordinary: 0417 180 145, Asst Priest: Fr Ted Wilson: 08- Edmund Campion - St Patrick’s Catholic Church, 9349 5798 - Childers Street Mentone. Mass: Sunday: 9.30am (Ordinariate Use); Thurs: 10.30am (Ordinariate Use). QUEENSLAND: Brisbane St Thomas Contact Parish Priest: 03-9580 1032 or 03-9770 a’Becket - St Benedict’s Church, Mowbray Terrace, 6700 - East Brisbane. Mass: Sunday: 9.30am; 6.30pm: Evensong and Benediction. Contact: Fr Tony Iball: North East Victoria St Patrick Contact: The Ordinary: 0417 180 145 - ordinary@ 07-3841 2352 - Cairns St Clare - meet in St Francis Xavier Catholic Church, corner of Atkinson and Mayer SOUTH AUSTRALIA: ADELAIDE Blessed John Streets, Manunda 4870. Mass: Sunday: 10am; Wed Henry Newman Contact: Fr Ian Wilson: 0427 851 and Thur: 7.30am. Contact Parish Priest: 07-4036 030 - 0348 or 0429 400 176 - GOLD COAST: UPPER COOMERA St Japan Stephen - meet in St Stephen’s College Chapel, Tokyo OLSC Community of Saint Augustine Reserve Road, Upper Coomera. 4209. Q’ld. Mass: of Canterbury (Japanese speaking) Contact: Fr Sunday: 9am, other times as announced. Contact: Raphael Kajiwara: +8142 439 4634 - raphaelkaji@ Fr A Kinmont: 07-5556 0361 or 0417 711 699 - - THE P RTAL May 2015 Page 16 News from the UK Groups Exhibition of antique vestments An exhibition of antique vestments is planned to take place in St Agatha’s Church, Portsmouth in June, 2015. The event will be opened by Mgr Keith Newton, together with Dom Cuthbert Brogan, Abbot of Farnborough Abbey, on Friday, 12th June, at 11 am. The exhibition will be open from 10am until 4pm on Sat 13th June, it will be closed on Sunday and open again on Monday 15th to Friday 19th June 10am to 4pm. Light refreshments will be available. The collection includes Banners, Copes, High Mass Sets and Low Mass Sets. Ranging from the late 18C to the early 20C, the collection is quite unique and features some of the finest examples of the art of embroidery and gold work including vestments from Belgium, France, as well as fine quality English convent work of the 19C including work by Franciscan nuns and the Anglican Clewer Sisters. There is even a chasuble made, it is claimed, for Lord Halifax, in India. The exhibition is a rare opportunity to see items of great beauty and quality and a welcome change for those who are sick of the sight of polyester! The exhibition venue is likewise worthy of a visit in its own right - a Grade II star Italianate basilica filled with fine furnishings of the 18C, 19C and early 20C. Car parking available and only 10 mins walk from Portsmouth town railway station. Follow route for historic ships - M275. Ordinations Thursday 21st May Richard Cerson (South Benfleet Group) - be ordained to the permanent diaconate Paul Cracknell (Harlow Group) and Stephen Lambert (Oxford Group) - to be ordained to the transitional diaconate by Bishop Alan Williams, the Bishop of Brentwood The Choir of the Darlington Ordinariate from St Osmund’s, Gainford, at 6:30pm at St James the Less, Priory Street, Hexham & Newcastle, in St Paul’s Outside the Walls, Rome, after Colchester CO1 2QB. singing Mass as part of the group’s Easter Week pilgrimage of thanksgiving for Reception into Full Communion. Saturday 4th July Mennini at 12noon at Our Lady of the Assumption Shaun Morrison (Kings Lynn) and St Gregory, Warwick Street. - to be ordained to the permanent diaconate by Bishop Alan Hopes the Bishop of East Anglia at 12noon at Our Lady of the Annunciation, London Saturday 25th July Road, Kings Lynn. Rev David Butler (Manchester Group) - to be ordained to the priesthood by Bishop John Saturday 18th July Arnold the Bishop of Salford at 12noon in St John’s Rev Paul Cracknell (Harlow Group) and Rev Stephen Southworth Catholic Church, Park Drive, Nelson, Lambert (Oxford Group) Lancashire. - to be ordained to the priesthood by the Apostolic Nuncio, His Excellency Archbishop Antonio Please pray for those to be ordained. Faith of our Fathers S t Agatha’s, Portsmouth, are organising a First speaker: Fr Nicholas Liviseur (Pembury) followed by Q and A Lunch break. Bring your own or go to M&S, just 5 mins walk from the church! Second speaker: Fr Stephen Bould (Folkestone) followed by Q and A and Tea 4 pm (appproximately): Evensong Day Conference “Faith of our Fathers” to discuss and debate on the duties of a parish priest as they once were and now should be. Can the Faith of Our Fathers convert and hold these lands today? Has the managerial and administrative model swept all before Fr Nicholas Liviseur is a former military chaplain, it? What should the faithful be demanding of those set barrister and country parson. Fr Stephen Bould is an apart to serve? inspirational speaker with wide ministerial experience in varied pastoral settings. 11am: Low Mass (Ordinariate rite) followed by Coffee contents page THE P RTAL May 2015 Page 17 The Ordinary’s Diary The Right Revd Monsignor Keith Newton The Presbytery, 24 Golden Square, London W1F 9JR Tel: 020 7440 5750 Email: Ordinariate website: May 2015 3rd 5th 6th 10th 1400 1400 1030 0930 May Devotion, Sacred Heart Bournemouth Governing Council, 24 Golden Square, London Meeting Cathedral House, Brentwood Admission of Shaun Morrison to the Office of Acolyte, Holy Family Kings Lynn 12th 1830 Tyburn Lecture 2015, Tyburn Convent, London 14th 1115 Ordinary’s Council, 24 Golden Square 17th 1030 Solemn Mass, Our Lady of the Assumption, Warwick Street, 21st 1830 24th 1130 28th 1500 30th 1800 31st 0900 London - Cardinal Nichols preacher Ordination to the Diaconate by the Bishop of Brentwood, St James the \less Colchester Solemn Mass with the Darlington Mission, St Osmunds Gainford Installation of Bishop Richard Moth, Arundel Cathedral Our Lady Immaculate Chelmsford Our Lady Immaculate Chelmsford Monsignor John Broadhurst Monsignor Andrew Burnham Telephone: 010933 674614 Email: Telephone: 01235 835038 Email: Show Badge and Cufflinks your sold in support Clergy Stipends support available from: Ordinariate Lapel Badge, Ladies’ available from: John Worley, for 48 Lawn Lane, Hemel Hempstead HP3 9HL Ordinariate Group, 22 Redcross Way, London SE1 1TA Cost: £5 (inc P&P) - cheques payable to: Ordinariate OLW the Badges: £4 each - Cufflinks: £12 (pair) please remember to include your name and address Ordinariate please include SAE - cheques payable to: Ordinariate olw Coat of Arms Lapel Badge of the Personal Ordinariate Selamat datang Chào mùng Benvingut Tere tulemast Witamy Welkom Vìtejte Welcome to Walsingham .. Bem-vindo Bienvenido Benvenuto Bun venit Bienvenue Maligayang pagdating .. the home of ... The National Shrine of Our Lady A warm welcome awaits all. Why not organise a pilgrimage? Bring a coach from your parish, organisation or youth group, or come away by yourself for a while, to pray and relax in the Norfolk countryside. Elmham House, the Shrine’s own guesthouse, is open from March to mid-December. Single, twin and family rooms available For information on the Shrine, Accommodation or the Walsingham Association: visit our website at telephone us on 01328 820217 email us at or write to us at: R. C. National Shrine, Friday Market Place, Walsingham, Norfolk, NR22 6EG. contents page Forms of words for Making a Bequest in favour of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham in your Will I GIVE to the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, 24 Golden Square, London W1F 9JR, the sum of ______ pounds (£ ) and I DIRECT that the receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham shall be good and sufficient discharge to my Executor. or I GIVE the residue of my estate to the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, 24 Golden Square, London W1F 9JR, and I DIRECT that the receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham shall be good and sufficient discharge to my Executor. THE P Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. RTAL Registered Address: 56 Woodlands Farm Road, Birmingham B24 0PG Ronald Crane (Editor-in-Chief), Jackie Ottaway (UK) Fr Neil Fryer (Australia) Editorial Board: Fr Len Black, David Chapman, Fr Neil Chatfield, Gill James, Antonia Lynn, Cyril Wood Observer: Catherine Utley Advisors: Fr Aidan Nichols OP, Fr Mark Woodruff The views expressed in The Portal are not necessarily those of the Editors or the Ordinariate THE P RTAL May 2015 Page 18 Australia News roundup from Eliza Frank Ordination to the Diaconate O n 26 March 2015, Ian Wilson was ordained as a transitional deacon by the Bishop of Port Pirie, The Right Reverend Gregory O’Kelly SJ, to serve the Ordinariate community in Adelaide, South Australia. Along with Monsignor Harry Entwistle we congratulate Ian for this important achievement and look forward to his ordination to the priesthood later in the year. The Chaplet of the Divine Mercy is a Christian The Revd Deacon Ian Wilson will continue as the Moderator of the Adelaide Odinariate community of devotion, based on the visions of Jesus reported by Blessed John Henry Newman. He looks forward to Saint Mary Faustina Kowalska (1905-1938), known as “the Apostle of Mercy.” She was a Polish sister of the being ordained to the priesthood later in the year. Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy canonised as a Catholic saint in 2000. Faustina Fr Stephen Hill gets a move and stated that she received the prayer through visions and onsignor Harry Entwistle, conversations with Jesus, who made specific promises has announced the following Clergy News: Fr regarding the recitation of the prayers. Her Vatican Stephen Hill will leave the parish of St Ninian and St biography quotes some of these conversations. Chad, Perth on 30 April 2015, in order to undertake a stipendiary ministry in the parish of Mayfield in Divine Mercy the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle and establish an Ordinariate presence in that Diocese. for Catholics and Anglicans M Fr Stephen will continue as Director of Vocations for the Ordinariate and hopefully will be able to hold quarterly Ordinariate Masses in central Sydney until a priest is available to take up ministry there. Until Fr Hill is replaced, the Ordinary will act as Administrator of St Ninian & St Chad, assisted by Fr Ted Wilson. A s a Roman Catholic devotion, the chaplet is often said as a rosary-based prayer with the same set of rosary beads used for reciting the Holy Rosary or the Chaplet of Holy Wounds, in the Roman Catholic Church. As an Anglican devotion, The Divine Mercy Society of the Anglican Church states that the chaplet can also be recited on Anglican prayer beads. Fr Kenneth Clark will shortly take up some further The chaplet may also be said without beads, usually duties in the Diocese of Sale assisting in the Cathedral by counting prayers on the fingertips, and may be Church. He will continue as priest to the Ordinariate accompanied by the veneration of the Divine Mercy parish of The Most Holy Family in Maffra and image. Therefore some Anglicans who have become Episcopal Vicar for Clergy. members of the Ordinariate are already accustomed to the devotions of The Divine Mercy. The Divine Mercy A t the morning Mass on Wednesday in Holy Week, at St Francis Xavier Church, Frankston, a large framed picture of our Lord Jesus of the Divine Mercy was blessed by our assistant priest and after devotions and prayers was placed in the side chapel. A growing number of parishioners are being drawn to the Divine Mercy devotions which were officially established by Pope John Paul 11 in the year 2000, when he declared the second Sunday of Easter to be “Divine Mercy Sunday.” Cyclone Marcia A s a result of the damage caused by Cyclone Marcia the Rockhampton Ordinariate parish of Our Lady of Walsingham, meeting in St Vincent’s Catholic Church in Rockhampton, has had to relocate until repairs have been completed. Parts of Rockhampton were smashed by Tropical Cyclone Marcia as it moved down the Queensland coast. The cyclone made landfall as a category five system but later became classed as a tropical low. THE P RTAL May 2015 Australia Pages - page 19 From Australia’s Ordinary W hen I was reflecting on the gospel story some years ago, I began to notice how often Jesus borrowed places, things and people. In order for God to carry out his plan of salvation, he chose to become available, accessible and approachable to his people. For the Word to become flesh, God asked the Blessed Virgin if she would allow herself to be borrowed so that this could happen. Her agreement came when she responded to Gabriel’s request by saying, “Be it unto me according to thy word.” a borrowed stable Jesus was born in a borrowed stable, where not only shepherds and wise men visited him, but many of the residents and visitors in Bethlehem at the time, would go to the stable to rejoice in the new birth. Joseph allowed himself to be borrowed to fulfil the role of being a father to Jesus, providing him up with a stable and loving family, enabling him to ‘increase in wisdom and in stature, and in favour with God and man” (Lk 2:52). borrowed lunch, a donkey, a Cross In his later ministry, Jesus borrowed a small boy’s lunch to feed the crowds who listened to him; he borrowed a donkey on which he rode into Jerusalem, and he borrowed the Upper Room in which to hold the Last Supper. He ‘borrowed’ the Cross on which to offer himself as the sacrifice for our salvation, and he borrowed Joseph of Aramathea’s tomb in which to continue his work until his resurrection on Easter Day. Above all, he borrowed his disciples to be his agents to continue his ministry in the world and grow the and people that we need to fulfil our mission. We have Kingdom of God. to borrow bishops to ordain our priests, cathedrals There are many other occasions on which he and churches in which to ordain them and in which borrowed things, and whenever he did, a miracle to worship. occurred or the salvation of the world took another borrow resources step closer to realisation. We need to borrow the resources of the Catholic to allow ourselves to be borrowed Church to teach our people and allow the Catholic We members and friends of the Ordinariate have Dioceses and Societies to borrow our expertise and been invited by Pope Emeritus Benedict to allow experience. Like Jesus, in these our early days, we have ourselves to be borrowed, so that Our Lord’s vision of to allow ourselves to be supported by our Catholic unity of the Church will grow a step closer, and the Bishops and other friends and benefactors.We are English Spiritual Tradition will become a gift to be extremely grateful for all the help and support we shared by all. have already received from those who have allowed themselves and their resources to be borrowed by us. We began our life in the Ordinariate with nothing of our own other than our willingness to allow ourselves to enthusiastically welcomed be used to show our fellow Catholics, other Christians With Jesus, we have been enthusiastically welcomed and the world, that true unity can only occur when by many, misunderstood by some, while others have those coming into unity share the same faith. We are tried to make us what we are not, and a few have been currently few and discovering God’s way for us, but hostile. However, like Jesus, we must be resolute in our like Jesus, we must be available, approachable and obedience to God’s will and continue to work alongside accessible to those who approach us. our fellow Catholics in the new Evangelisation to bring others to know and love the Lord and God of all. Like Jesus, we must not be afraid to borrow things Mgr Harry Entwistle PA contents page THE P RTAL May 2015 Page 20 The National Shrine of Our Lady at Walsingham Jackie Ottaway and Ronald Crane meet Mgr John Armitage, Rector of the National Shrine M gr John Armitage has been a priest of the Brentwood Diocese for 35 years. Born in Canning Town, his family have lived in the East End of London for over 200 years. They worked principally on the river or the docks or as merchant seamen; indeed, his father and grandfather were buried at sea. His father, when he came ashore, was a publican so he grew up in a pub in Limehouse. This was, he says, “Great training to become a priest!” His last parish was North Woolwich in Silvertown and Custom House in Beckton and for the last fourteen years, he has been Vicar General of the Diocese. He is a no-nonsense person who says what he means and means what he says. He is business-like, competent, pleasant and confident. We asked Fr John about the differences between the Catholic and Anglican shrines. but Lourdes has the infrastructure to accommodate the sick, which Walsingham hasn’t. the sick and disabled “A top priority is to ensure that we have facilities for He said, “Well I think for the Anglo-Catholic groups to bring the sick and disabled. Our current community, Walsingham is their principal shrine. facilities are small and limited. There is only really one shrine to Our Lady in England “Most of our residential pilgrims come from the in terms of the Anglo-Catholic community. It is a place North of England. At the Anglican shrine, it’s mainly of identity as well. residential, but we have somewhere in the region of Walsingham “slept” 130,000 registered day pilgrims at the Catholic Shrine, “The Catholic Church is universal, not just English, and as many again who just turn up. so although Walsingham is the English national shrine, and indeed one of the most the most ancient, it is but “Some of our biggest groups are the ethnic ones, one among many. Walsingham “slept” for a long time, who show great devotion to Our Lady of Walsingham. but with Fr Hope Patten and Charlotte Two large summer pilgrimages are Boyd the shrine began to develop New Dawn and Youth 2000, the latter again, particularly for the Anglobeing young people, who love coming Catholic community. The Catholic to Walsingham. We need to improve bishops in the 1930s established it as the facilities for youth groups here. the National Shrine for the Catholics plans for the future of England. “Five types of accommodation are planned, at the bishops’ request. “Pilgrimage to Lourdes has become A youth hostel accommodating a significant part of most parishes, and up to 40; fifty-two en-suite twin diocesean pilgrimages to Walsingham bedrooms, (twenty with disabled have had a different pattern, with access); provision for priests to come parishes form the north coming to on retreat and finally a Retreat Centre stay for a few days, but parishes from for the laity. These are well under way the south mainly coming for a day in the planning stage. We can already pilgrimage. The thing about Lourdes accommodate groups of priests and is the sense of healing; healing of hope to have a retreat centre in the old the soul and sometimes of the body. Sue Ryder building by next season. There is healing at Walsingham, contents page THE P RTAL May 2015 Page 21 time-table for the future “My timetable is entirely dependent on getting the money to do it. The first thing is good and appropriate accommodation. The diocese purchased a house for the rector to live in and that will be a place where priests and bishops can come and stay. 23 High Street gives us a centre in the village, which we have not had before. Accommodation is the key to getting people to come and stay. Slipper Chapel spring “At the Slipper Chapel site, we will take the candles out of the Holy Ghost Chapel and create a new place for holy water and candles just outside the Slipper Chapel. We think there is a spring there, which we will tap for the water. There will be four outside Candle Houses, as at Lourdes. The chapel will be dedicated to St Alban, St Augustine and the Saints of England. I’ve secured a relic of St Alban from Cologne Cathedral, where it’s been since the 10th century, and we hope to add relics of St Augustine, St Edward the Confessor, St Gregory the Great and other great English saints of the time of the founding of the shrine. new pilgrim centre promoting the Year of Mercy as a place where people can come and experience the mercy of God. There are two principal statues of Our Lady of Walsingham, one crowned in the name of the Pope in 1950 and one, carved by Professor Tristam in the 1930s, that was originally in the Slipper Chapel. The intention is to take the latter around to all the cathedrals. I hope the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham will play a significant part in that promotion and tour. “We’ve removed all the sheds. Firstly, a new pilgrim centre accommodating to 100 will be built for use by confirmation groups and the like. Secondly, the area where the holy water and cloisters are will be enclosed to make a new cafe. It will be a warm lounge in winter with a wood burner in the middle and in the summer, the doors can be opened. We hope to build a new linking cloister which will be useful to give some shelter if it rains, with bench seating and a mural or mosaic of the history of England through the lives of the Saints. The shop and the cafe will therefore change places. We touched on the vexed subject of two shrines at Walsingham. Fr John was not fazed. “I think there is one shrine at Walsingham. It’s Walsingham that is the shrine. At the shrine of Our Lady AT Walsingham, there is very clearly devotion from Catholics, Anglicans, the Orthodox and Methodists. None of us owns Our Lady: none of us. But one must always respect the differences and our traditions. It’s interesting in that the devotion was originally to the Holy House. The Anglican Holy House is therefore a replica of a replica!” We said that we thought Fr John and Bishop Lindsay were of the same mind. ten million pounds not an ecumenical shrine “I’m here to promote the shrine, run the shrine, Fr John responded, “Yes, but we are not an ecumenical develop the shrine. We need to raise about ten million shrine. To say we were would suggest something that pounds. Between five and six million for the buildings we are not. The key is to look at Our Lady, not to look but we also need to have a proper development fund.” at differences. With Our Lady, we can be united in the sense that we all honour the mother of God. We It seemed to us a lot of money, but Fr John allayed come with our own traditions and they have to be our fears, “I’m not too worried, because when you understood and respected but do I think that will have a good idea, money follows. It’s the promotion there be one shrine? Well that’s in God’s good time. of devotion to Our Lady of Walsingham that’s As it stands at the moment, can we all work together really important, and it has to be linked to the new in respect and Christian fellowship? Absolutely. If we evangelisation. There’s to be a Holy Year of Mercy can’t do it here, where else can we? starting on the feast of the Immaculate Conception. The Holy Father recognises the great need for mercy Thank you, Fr John, for a most inspiring and in the world today. interesting interview. We are sure all members of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham will pray the Year of Mercy for him, for the plans for the future and, indeed, for We want Walsingham to be at the forefront of Walsingham. contents page THE P RTAL May 2015 Page 22 Chaplains without Borders Fr James Grant OOLSC works in the Diocese of Melbourne Southern Cross Station in Melbourne (population five million) is the major rail line for the State of Victoria and combines transport for metropolitan and rural services throughout the State. It has also become a major low cost shopping exchange featuring direct factory outlets and a Virgin megastore. The Station was awarded the Royal Institute of British Architecture’s Lubetkin prize for the most outstanding building outside the European Union in 2012. Underneath all this busy activity is another world seen regularly by Station Chaplain Fr James Grant and his pastoral associate Vinnie Azzopardie. This is a world of lost children, drug affected adults, low grade criminality, daily accidents and injuries, loneliness, suicides and people of all different backgrounds just looking to visit a big city or to engage someone in conversation. Fr James Grant notes that this is exactly the kind of chaplaincy and engagement required in the modern world. “Vinnie’s chaplaincy is based on the idea of going to others, entering their world and their concerns and bringing something of significance to offer. The days of the church sitting back and hoping for the odd person to come past our door are over. This is a chaplaincy focused on others, without evangelising, but firstly getting to understand the local issues. Only after establishing this basis of trust can deeper issues be voiced. It might not be rocket science but the isolated and stand-off nature of many clergy continues to see many of these ministries to others fail to develop fully. Whilst there is a role for musical and liturgical expertise, if you only do that in a busy Chaplains Without Borders has worked out of modern world you will continue to deal with a small Southern Cross over 10 years. It has a focus on those number of people. Chaplains Without Borders works who are permanent workers, security, rail staff and because its focus is on the immediate concerns of the retailers, but also deals with life’s emergencies as individual”. well. Vinnie Azzopardie has recently commenced a chaplaincy role with a focus on retailers, their needs, Southern Cross Station sees around half a million hopes and sometimes their complaints. journeys conducted per day. That’s a lot of work for two chaplains, yet there is no doubt in this workplace as Vinnie has already become part of the furniture with to where the workplace centre can be found, whether his joking and stirring nature and has quickly become you’re religious or not. a ‘go to’ person for help and support. He notes, “We could all do with a tune-up from time to time; most of In another venture, Catholics in Business, Fr Grant us just need an unbiased ear to bounce our thoughts tells us that the inaugural breakfast in Adelaide off. A little push in the right direction and we realise attracted 110, not bad for the first one. www. we probably aren’t that far off course”. contents page THE P RTAL May 2015 Page 23 Treasures of Ushaw College Ronald Crane reviews a recently published book As Jackie Ottaway and I travel the country visiting Ordinariate Groups, and interviewing important people; there are sometimes opportunities to spend time with friends. On a recent visit to Durham to interview Professor Paul Murray, our friend Dr James Kelly invited us to visit Ushaw College. We were given a tour of the place, spending time in the magnificent library. A reception was followed by a lecture and a lovely supper. It was a most enjoyable afternoon and evening. The Seminary at Ushaw is, alas, no-more. The premises are to be, we hope, become part of Durham University. But: what of the treasures of Ushaw? The few that we saw on out visit were enough to take our breath away. They were stunning. The ring found inside St Cuthbert’s tomb. Placed there in the thirteenth century probably by a bishop; silver tableware from Douai (the forerunner of Ushaw) buried to keep it safe from those who would destroy beautiful things; and medieval vestments from the court of Richard III. In the Library we were privileged to see and handle Cranmer’s Prayer Book, annotated by the man himself; more than sixty books printed prior to 1501; books from Durham Priory that had been destroyed during the dissolution of the monasteries between, as well as the – now famous – Book of Hours, used by King Richard III. We read letters by Newman, saw first editions of many works from England and the continent. Catholic authors as well as protestant ones including Luther and Robert Southwell. Imagine my delight when Dr Kelly sent me a copy of a new book which he has edited entitled, “Treasures of Ushaw College”. The book is as wonderful as the treasures it describes. The text is carefully written by various experts in the required fields. It is beautifully illustrated with some stunning photographs in full colour. One hundred and sixty pages of some of the most precious treasures the Catholic Church has in this country. They deal with Recusant times, times when the church was prescribed, right to the eve of Catholic emancipation. It is indeed a labour of love. It is something all those interested in the history of the Catholic Church in England from the Reformation until now ought to have and to read. This is more than a Coffee Table book. I have used it as an aid to meditation as well as to lean about the various subjects covered. If you are in any way interested in how the Catholic Church came to be as it is today in the UK, you need to read this book. If you are interested in beautiful things, especially from the “old times” until now, you need to read this book. Moving to the Chapel we saw the wonderful building itself containing that magnificent brass eagle lectern. It Treasures of Ushaw College is edited by dr James Kelly is by Pugin and cased a real stir at the Great Exhibition and published by Scala Arts & Heritage Publishers Ltd of 1851. We were also instructed in the rules of the in 2015 in association with Durham University. ISBN game of “Cat”, played at Ushaw from its earliest days. I 978-1-85759-934-3, price £20. cannot say that I fully grasped the essentials of it! Letter to the Editor From Fr Jonathan Redvers Harris Following the recent correspondence about leaving the “Protestant” Church of England and not looking back, it’s perhaps worth remembering that all citizens of England are, on one level, parishioners of their national church. Yes, the “special place” of the Anglican Communion, proclaimed by Vatican II, is more questionable in the light of recent developments, but Anglicans are not simply seen by the Catholic Church as Protestant, having “Catholic traditions and institutions” (Decree on Ecumenism). Many of us had our faith nurtured in the CofE contents page as “the ancient Church of this land, catholic and reformed” (Revised Catechism). Although those of us in the Ordinariate believe we have fulfilled part of that claim in returning to the rock of Peter from which we were hewn, we continue to maintain, in keeping with our spiritual patrimony, a healthy interest in the affairs of our Anglican brothers and sisters, and not least in keeping open an ecumenical bridge. Fr Jonathan Redvers Harris Isle of Wight Apology Last month we gave the wrong Post Code for the Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It should be B44 9SR. We apologise for an inconvenience caused. The Editor of The Portal THE P RTAL May 2015 Page 24 Now tell me if I have got this wrong Some personal queries by Geoffrey Kirk Cardinal Kasper has informed us that Mercy is ‘an essential attribute of God’. (I am not so sure about the ‘essential’, but that may be a Thomistic quibble). He goes on to say that this necessarily leads to an enhanced degree of pastoral compassion for divorced people and those in other irregular relationships (for example, gay couples). For many this is uncontentious. Only an arid legalism, they say, could contradict such generosity. It is a view which certainly accords with the movement in Western culture which has largely exempted adultery (for example) from public censure; and where casual cohabitation is rapidly becoming the norm of sexual relationships. There will soon have grown up a generation which simply does not comprehend the nature and purpose of marriage. The narrative of the church’s teaching about sex will have been handed over to the likes of Diarmaid McCulloch. Why are liberal churchmen merciful about some things and not others? It is a question which genuinely puzzles me. Is there a plausible and coherent answer out there? You can But, all that apart, the question has to be: why is the imagine how dispiriting it would be to discover that dialectic of mercy so observably variable? Why are there is no explanation for this blatant discrepancy liberal churchmen merciful about some things and not beyond the desire, in both cases, to fall into line with others? I am thinking, of course, about child sexual the ambient secular culture. abuse. In that case, not only is there no mercy for the offender (or any statute of limitation, as it appears); Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. but no mercy also for those pastors who have sought to show mercy to the offenders. Bishops who were very far from condoning the sin, but sought to show compassion to the sinner, have been hounded and discredited. And the church has been made to seem conniving and hypocritical. The feeding frenzy which has overtaken the secular world has tragically infected us all. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy There is, of course, always a tension in pastoral practice between righteousness and mercy. And there is, after all, the apparently merciless saying of the Saviour about millstones and necks. But Jesus (who is God, and therefore, according to Cardinal Kasper, ‘essentially’ merciful) is also quite as adamant about marriage and divorce as he is about causing the little ones to stumble. Why, then, should we show mercy in the one case and not the other? If the church, with a general appeal to a divine attribute, can contradict Jesus about one thing, why not other things as well? The world, which increasingly sets itself up as judge and arbiter in these matters, will predictably shy away from such a question. But we owe it to ourselves and to the tradition to ask it. contents page Martyrs’ Walk A walk in honour of the Martyrs of England, who died to uphold the Catholic Faith Sunday 21st June 2015 Meet 1.30 pm for 2.00pm Start At St Sepulchre’s Churchyard (Opposite the Old Bailey) Nearest Tube Station is St Pauls. From there we will be walking along the Tyburn Way to St Anselm’s and St Cecilia’s Church, St Giles-in the-Fields (ancient Parish Church of Tyburn) St Patrick’s Soho Square and then on to Tyburn Convent for Confession, Benediction and a reception given by the Tyburn Nuns The Walk will last approximately two and a half hours. Some historical talks will be given on the way Wear comfortable shoes, and suitable clothing we'll be walking whatever the weather! Fr Nicoletti, Miles Jesu, will lead the Prayers The Martyrs Walk is Promoted by: To promote the rediscovery of our Catholic roots and the renewal of the Catholic Faith in the British Isles Willow Cottage, 75 Lockgate Road, Sidlesham Common, Chichester, West Sussex. PO20 7QQ Mob: 07816 422851 Email:
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