Oregon Association for the Education of Young Children Fall Conference Presentation Proposal Form Friday and Saturday, October 9th&10th, 2015 OAEYC Conference Purposes Provide training and resources for all who work with children and families. Embrace diversity, counteract bias and adopt inclusive practices. Promote partnerships, networking and collaboration between families, providers, schools, agencies and the community. Enhance the professional development of all participants. Criteria: Presentations will be selected based on the following criteria: Incorporates anti-bias principles, developmentally appropriate practice and culturally sensitive practices. The concept of developmental appropriateness has three dimensions Age appropriateness -- Knowledge of age-related human characteristics that permit general predictions within an age range of what activities, materials, interactions, or experiences will be safe, healthy, interesting, achievable, and challenging to children; Individual Appropriateness -- Knowledge about the strengths, interests, and needs of each individual child in the group to be able to adapt for and be responsive to inevitable human variation; and Social and Cultural Appropriateness – Knowledge of the social and cultural contexts in which children live to ensure that learning experiences are meaningful, relevant, and respectful for the participating children and their families. Reflects hands-on experiences as well as applied research and offers achievable outcomes for participants. Content can be applied without using a specific product or service – presentations that are a “sales pitch” will not be considered. Presenters who have materials to sell will receive a full complimentary table in the Exhibit area. Presenter has educational and work experience related to the core knowledge area addressed by the presentation, experience teaching adults and knowledge of adult learning We are primarily seeking a balance of presentations that meet the Set One or Two standards of the Oregon Registry in the Core Knowledge Categories (CKC) of Diversity; Health, Safety & Nutrition; Human Growth & Development; Observation & Assessment; Program Management; Special Needs; and Understanding & Guiding Behavior. Other CKC areas will be considered. For more details on the Oregon Registry, Set Standards and the Core Body of Knowledge, please visit www.pdx.edu/occd/oregon-registry-2 then select Oregon Registry Trainer Program or Training Criteria from the menu on the left. Conference Honoraria**: Up to two presenters per workshop receive complimentary registration on the day they present, parking and lunch on the day they present. Additional presenters may register at the member rate to include lunch and attendance at sessions on the day they present. For those who cannot donate their time, we offer either a membership in OregonAEYC/NAEYC or a small stipend for up to two presenters per session. $30 for 1½ or 2 hours or a regular OAEYC/NAEYC membership per workshop (maximum of $60 or two regular memberships) $60 for 3 hours or a comprehensive membership (maximum of $120 or 2 comprehensive memberships). $100 for 4 hours (maximum of $200 for 2 presenters or 2 comprehensive memberships) $120 for 6 hours (maximum of $240 for 2 presenters or 2 comprehensive memberships) ** Featured presenters or those willing to take larger numbers may qualify for a higher honorarium, contact us to discuss. Deadlines: Priority is given to those proposals received by July 10, 2015. All application are reviewed by the Program Committee. Applications received after deadline will be considered on a space-available basis. Applicants will be notified by August 10th. Mail to: Oregon AEYC, 5427 Glen Echo Ave Ste A, Gladstone, Oregon 97027, email to sara@oregonaeyc.org or fax to 503-496-0520. (Hint: Remove cover page and save with your last name when emailing your application.) For More Information please contact Oregon AEYC at (503) 496-3991 or (800) 452-3610. We appreciate your support of the Oregon AEYC and sharing your expertise with the diverse childhood care and education community. Application to Present – Fall 2015: Page 1 of 2 CONTACT PRESENTER Name: _________________________________________ Affiliation/Qualifications:_________________________________ (i.e. AA, BS, MA, Oregon Registry Community or Master Trainer) Address: ____________________________________________ City: ___________________ State: _____ Zip: __________ Work: (___) _________________ Home: (___) __________________ E-mail: _____________________________________ Co-Presenter (if any) Please let us know if there will be more than 2 Name: _________________________________________ Affiliation/Qualifications:_________________________________ (i.e. AA, BS, MA, Registry Community or Master Trainer) Address: ____________________________________________ City: ___________________ State: _____ Zip: __________ Work: (___) _________________ Home: (___) __________________ E-mail: _____________________________________ Logistical Information WORKSHOP LENGTH: Please indicate first, second and third choices using 1, 2 and 3. Friday choices: 3 hours 6 hours Saturday choices: 1 ½ hours 2 hours 3 hours 5 hours 6 hours AVAILABILITY Please indicate when you are available to give your presentation (check all that apply): DAY: Friday Saturday Either Both TIME: Fri. AM Fri. PM Sat. AM Sat. PM Any PREFERRED ENROLLMENT LIMIT (We will confirm actual enrollment 1 week prior to conference.) 30 max 40-50 60 – 80 120 Unlimited Willing to go bigger? yes no PREFERRED ROOM SET-UP (Cannot guarantee) Theater=Chairs in rows Banquet=Round tables/chairs Open Space w/ chairs on sides Classroom (narrow tables in rows with chairs behind) Display/presenter tables: none one two AUDIOVISUAL EQUIPMENT: AV equipment is expensive to rent. Please indicate your requirements. We will do our best to accommodate those with the greatest need. Please let us know what you will be using so we can provide the appropriate set-up, outlets and screens. Due to cost we are NOT able to provide LCD projectors or computers with limited exceptions. Screen & stand only (bringing own laptop & projector) Easel with chart pack & pens white board & pens LCD Projector (very limited, can you bring your own?) other ______________________________ I will bring my own: ____________________________________________ Wi-Fi: yes, I require internet access no, not needed HAND-OUT POLICY: OregonAEYC will provide printing for up to three double-sided handout pages per workshop participant per 2 hour length. Master copies must be provided at least two (2) weeks prior to Conference. Electronic files preferred I will be sending master copies for handouts. I will NOT be sending master copies. MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT at $.30/mile available for presenters driving over a total of 100 miles (50 miles one way). I qualify and my total miles are: or Use the state mileage chart to determine mileage. Mileage reimbursement should be payable to: _________________________________ or I do not need mileage. HONORARIA PREFERENCE – Maximum 2 per session Donate my time OAEYC/NAEYC Membership (s) for _________________________________/________________________________ Honorarium(s) to: ________________________________________/_________________________________________ If you require other compensation for your presentation, please indicate below and we will contact you. EXHIBIT SPACE: (indicate if you want a complimentary exhibit space with vendors) no ½ table One table for Day you present only Both days Notes: __________________________ Workshop Information: Page 2 of 2 PRESENTATION HISTORY If you have not presented for OregonAEYC during the past few years, please attach a professional reference or name of a conference or training where you were a presenter; include name and phone number of contact person. If you have questions about the Oregon Registry and the Registry Trainer system, call the Oregon Center for Career Development in Childhood Care and Education at 503-725-8535 or 1-877-725-8535 or visit www.pdx.edu/occd Has your workshop been pre-approved by the Oregon Registry Trainer Program? Yes No I will apply by August 1st If yes, please send us a copy of your master certificate prior to the conference so we can use it for your session. If yes, approved Title: _______________________________________________ Set: ________________________ (If YES, you may submit your Oregon Registry Training Proposal form instead of this page.) Level of Presentation: (You must have a Bachelor’s degree, Oregon Registry Step 10 or equivalent to offer Set 2 or 3 Training.) We select a balance of Set One and Set Two proposals. Beginning - Set One - awareness, description, explanation, fundamentals, introduction, overview Advanced Beginner – Set One – more in depth training but offered by a trainer not at Step 10 or equivalent Intermediate - Set Two – application, development, examination, exploration, implementation, practice, selection Advanced - Set Three – critical examination through in-depth study, conducting research, strategies, theory AGE GROUP FOCUS OF PRESENTATION: Check the most applicable, but no more than three. Ages 0-3 Infants and Toddlers Ages 5-12 School Age Care and Enrichment and Elementary Ages 3-5 Preschool Adult Learning and Development Ages 5-8 Kindergarten/Primary Not applicable Indicate Core Knowledge Category (no more than 1 per 1 ½ to 2 hours of presentation): Diversity Observation & Assessment Families & Community Systems Personal, Professional & Leadership Development Health, Safety & Nutrition Program Management Human Growth & Development Special Needs Learning Environments & Curriculum Understanding & Guiding Behavior Language of Presentation: □ English □ Spanish □ Other: _________________________ We recommend that all presenters speak English, either as a first or second language. If presenting in another language, your workshop title and description must be written in both English and the other language. WORKSHOP INFORMATION We reserve the right to edit proposal titles and descriptions. Either attach a separate sheet with the following information or expand the spaces. Please adhere to word limit. A. TITLE (60 CHARACTER LIMIT) B. DESCRIPTION FOR BROCHURE (60 word limit) Please help participants know what to expect from your presentation: what will it cover - how will it be covered - who should be interested? Make you description short and enticing. C. Workshop Objectives (1 to 3 per session) to be used for evaluations Samples: I practiced two strategies to enhance language development. I learned five baby signs. I can describe the importance of communicating with families. D. Brief outline of your presentation including at least one reflective activity and one professional action activity. Examples of reflective activities include: “write down a recent example of a challenging behavior” or “write or draw about a time when…” Examples of professional action: “tell someone at your table what you will implement from this session” or “record a personal/professional commitment based on this training.” E. Cite at least one current professional reference or resource (book, journal article, etc.) used in developing this session. Please return by July 10th to: OAEYC Proposals • PO Box 60 • Gladstone • OR 97027 or FAX: (503) 496-0520 or E-mail: sara@oregonaeyc.org (Hint: Remove cover page and save with your last name when emailing your application.)
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