PAINTED N STERLING CLASSIC April 11 & 12, 2015 LINN COUNTY FAIR & EXPO CENTER 3700 Knox Butte Road, Albany OR 97322 541-926-4314 ask for Kathy or Diane. Credit Cards Accepted. DIRECTIONS: From Portland: I-5 Exit 234A, take ramp right toward Fair/Expo/Knox Butte, turn right onto McDonalds Rd, turn right onto (SR-99 North) Pacific Blvd SE, keep straight onto Knox Butte Road E. From Eugene: I-5 Exit 234, take ramp right toward Fair/Expo/Knox Butte, turn right onto Knox Butte Road E. Directions are also available from the OPHC website. MOTELS JUDGES: Dr. Sam Jackson-TX, Lisa Ligon-TX, Michael Short-OK, Jan Larsen-CA SHOW OFFICIALS Show Manager: Annie Suratt, 541-639-5175 Show Secretary: Linda Wise, 21980 NE Hwy 240, Newberg OR 97132 503-537-4386 Stall Reservations: Annie Suratt, 541-639-5175 (Stalls will only be reserved by pre-payment (see previous page)) Vendors: Ann Ebner, 503-845-2801 Oregon Bred: Linda Elliott Additional copies of the premium/class list can be downloaded from or by contacting CAN FOOD DRIVE – PLEASE BRING A DONATION RV RESERVATIONS Overnight camping spaces are available. They are on a first come prepaid basis and arrangements must be made and paid for through the Linn County Fair & Expo Center, 541-926-4314 or SHOW FEES FLAT FEE $325 , 1 HORSE/ANY RIDER (APHA/NWCC Fees not included in $325 Flat Fee) APHA Fees: $5.00/horse/judge ($20.00 total for show/horse/4 judges) APHA Class Fees: $11.00/horse/class/judge including NWCC fees (Youth/Amateur/Open/Solid Bred) OREGON Bred Class Fees: $7.50/class/judge WARM-UP FEES: $5.00 for HUS/WP at the gate or purchase tickets at Show Office. $20.00 for Trail (added to bill w/entry). *********************************Cut for stall reservation******************************** STALL RESERVATIONS Early arrivals prior to Friday, April 10th must make Reservations through Annie Suratt, 541-639-5175 or, 12996 Downs Rd NE, Mount Angel, OR 97362. Reservations are on a first come first serve basis. STALL RESERVATIONS ARE PREPAID BY MAIL ONLY. No refunds on stalls under any circumstances. All stall reservations will be processed in the order they are received. If you have questions please feel free to contact Annie Suratt, 541-639-4175, ***************FUND RAISER FOR THE OREGON HIGH SCHOOL EQUESTRIAN TEAM*************** THE OHSET TEAM WILL PRE-BED YOUR STALL FOR $10 PER STALL Name stalls are reserved in: ________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________ Phone #: ___________________________Cell #: _______________________________ Email Address: _________________________________________ Early arrival $25 per stall per night. Number of stalls ______@$25 per night $____________ Number of stalls (Show)______@$85/stall post dated BY APRIL 1, 2015 (2 nights) $____________ Number of stalls (Show)______@$100/stall post dated AFTER APRIL 1, 2015 (2 nights) $____________ FREE LOOSE BEDDING FOR STALLS. Number of stalls pre-bedded_______@$10/stall (OHSET FUNDRAISER) $____________ Please note there is a $25 haul-in fee for any horse brought in without using a stall. Check #__________Amount Enclosed $_______________________ Make checks payable to: OPHC, % Annie Suratt 12996 Downs Rd NE Mount Angel, OR 97362 **TRAINERS PLEASE SEND A CLIENTS’S LIST**
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