OXFORD’S BIG GREEN DAY OUT - BROAD STREET SATURDAY 13 JUNE STALLHOLDER APPLICATION FORM EVENT DETAILS VENUE: Broad Street, Oxford, OX1 3AS (average footfall on a summer Saturday of 100,000 or more!!) DATE & TIME: Saturday 13 June 2015 – 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. COSTS:Charity, Community or Information only - Free Small commercial (arts, crafts & local food producers) - £25 (or £12.50 for a half stall) Large commercial (eg. eco-products, renewable energy suppliers etc) - £100 (or £50 for a half stall) The stallholders will be able to arrive between 8 and 9 a.m. to install their stalls. The Market will open at 10 a.m. It will close at 5:30 p.m. and then the stallholders will be able to take down their stalls. Stallholders need to leave before 7 p.m. These are the stalls provided on the day which as you can see are waterproof and with tables and skirting provided. The stalls are 3m wide across the front and 2metres deep. If you would prefer to have a half stall please indicate on your application. STALLHOLDER DETAILS NAME OF ORGANISATION: EMAIL ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NUMBER: NAME OF THE STALLHOLDER(S) PRESENT ON THE DAY: MAIN TELEPHONE CONTACT NUMBER(S) FOR THE DAY OF THE EVENT: STALL NATURE OF THE STALL/ORGANISATION: WILL YOU BE SELLING DIRECT TO THE PUBLIC? (We need to know if you need a traders licence): YES NO DETAILS OF WHAT ITEMS OR ACTIVITIES WILL BE AVAILABLE ON THE STALL : WILL YOU NEED AN ACCESS TO WATER?: YES WILL YOU NEED AN ACCESS TO ELECTRICITY?: NO YES NO We have to let you know that there is no access to a car park. An entire stall is 3x2m. You can choose to have one or half one and share with another stallholder. WHAT SIZE OF STALL WILL YOU NEED?: Entire stall Half of a stall Please return this completed form to feedback@lcoweek.org by Friday 15 May. If your application has been successful you will have receive confirmation by Friday 22 May. We need to let you know that this application form does not guarantee you a stall, but we hope to accommodate your request. If you have any questions about the event please contact feedback@lcoweek.org.
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