14 May 2015 NEWSLETTER Week 4 Term 2 Friday 15 May School Assembly Rm 3, Yr 4 Winter Sport at Riverside Monday 18 May P&C Meeting 6.30pm Wednesday 20 May Maths Hatter Day Dear Parents/Guardians What a fantastic Mother’s Day stall the P&C ran last Friday. They have reported it was their most successful one ever. It is great that it was so well supported by our students. Thank you to the many who either helped wrap or work at the stall. It was much appreciated and pleasing to know we have parents who are willing to assist. Another very successful event this week has been the raising of money for the recent Nepal earthquake victims. Students and families have been very generous with their contributions. Special thanks to the Student Council members and Mrs Sloan who created the Mt Everest money box and have been collecting the donations. Kindy Enrolments - Early Years Learning Pogram I am pleased that we are able to offer this very valuable program again for students who are in our local catchment area and will be attending our Kindergarten next year. Details are available when you come and lodge your application for Kindergarten enrolment. Upcoming Events Tomorrow is our first afternoon of Interschool Winter Sport. We are playing Greenfields PS here at Riverside. You are most welcome to come and watch your child play. Games start at 1.30pm. Maths Hatter Day Parents are invited to come in to the school for our MATHS HATTER DAY on Wednesday 20th May. Classes will be running maths activities from 8.5010.50am and parents are most welcome to join in. The MATHS hATTER School Uniform With the colder weather approaching it is timely to revisit our School dress Code particularly in relation to footwear. Boots are not part of our Dress Code and are most unsuitable as students cannot join in school activities properly. Please leave these for wearing on the weekends or after school. NAPLAN Students in Year 3 and 5 have been very busy this week participating in the NAPLAN testing program. The program ran very smoothly with students showing no distress at all. Students’ reports will be available in September. Thank you Deborah Bloor Principal P&C Meeting Tomorrow is the last day to send in donations for Nepal. So far the response has been amazing. Thank you for your support and generosity. Monday 18th May 6.30pm School Staffroom ALL WELCOME Riverside Primary School, Phone: 9534 0300, Fax: 9534 9120, Principal: Deborah Bloor http://riversideps.wa.edu.au P&C President: Mrs Vivienne Cantem Riverside Education Support Centre, Phone: 9534 0328 Kindergarten 2016 ENROLMENTS ‘Application for Enrolment’ forms are now available from the office or on the School Website: https://riversideps.wa.edu.au To be eligible for Kindergarten, children must be born between 1/7/2011 - 30/6/2012. Parents wanting to apply for enrolment at Riverside should ensure that their application is received at the school office along with a copy of the birth certificate, immunisation records and proof of address (see ‘Requested Documentation’ attached to the application form). APPLICATIONS CLOSE FRIDAY 24th July 2015 Certificate Winners 1 May 2015 Library Award Room 16, Year 1 Honour Certificates Kaelin F Heidi C Zana-Eve Aleysha C Monika B Aom A Aaliyah B Jack M Alexander R Thomas R Kasia N Tahlee G Jaylah G Chloe B Seth C Christopher W Kayla D Beau L Sandy F Travis C Raani A Shaye-Lee B Levi D Baylee F Ezra D Summer N Lleyton L Dannielle F Tayah B Amanda S Monique L Tom P Sheridan L Ashton W Ethan S Kiandra P Billie B Music Award Rhylie W Delila B Ryan N Eddie W Sports Certificates Angel D Markus M Fresh Fruit Award Room 18, Year 1/2 Read More in May To celebrate National Family Reading Month, parents/grandparents of Year 1 students are invited to read with their child/grandchild on Thursday 28th May at 2:00pm in the Year 1 block followed by the sharing of a healthy fruit snack. (Fruit will be provided.) School will close at the usual time of 2:30pm. P&C Mother’s Day Stall This years Mother’s Day stall was a huge success. We hope all the Mums enjoyed their gifts. Thank you to all the families who supported the stall and thanks again to the ladies who helped out on the day of the stall. We could not have done it without all your hard work. Your P&C Fundraising for the kids.
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