Oregon Trail School District 46 Board of Directors Regular Meeting Date: Monday, April 13, 2015 Time: 7:00 PM Location: Sandy High School, 37400 SE Bell Street, Sandy, OR 97055 Agenda 7:00 PM Public Meeting 1. CALL TO ORDER A. Flag Salute B. Introductions of Board Members and Guests 4 2. AGENDA REVISIONS 3. APPROVAL OF BOARD MINUTES of March 9, 2015 6 4. APPROVAL OF BUDGET COMMITTEE MINUTES of March 31, 2015 12 5. STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE REPORT A. Sandy High School 6. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT (Aaron C. Bayer) 7. CITIZENS' AGENDA and GUEST SPEAKERS (See Below Guidelines) Individuals who wish to speak on a topic not listed on the below agenda may do so at this point. Each speaker has a 3-minutes time limitation. This limitation is necessary to ensure that all persons wishing to speak may do so and all agenda items listed may be concluded this evening. If you wish to speak, complete one of the yellow cards located at the Sign-In Table. Note: All guests are asked to sign in their attendance, whether speaking or not. A. B. C. D. Citizens Classified Staff Update (Obie Murphy) Certified Staff Update (Carrie Scaife) Charter School Update 8. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed below are matters that are considered routine to the Board and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the Board or a person in the audience requests that a specific item be removed from the Consent Agenda and the Chair accepts the request. A. Check Register Review – Changes since March 9, 2015 (Tim Belanger) B. Financial Statements Review – Changes since March 9, 2015 (Tim Belanger) C. Personnel Approval – Changes since March 9, 2015 (Ken Bucchi) 1 16 24 27 9. ACTION ITEMS A. Second Reading of Policy BA – Board Goals (Julia Monteith) B. Second Reading of Policy BCE – Board Committees (Julia Monteith) C. Second Reading of Policy BCF – Advisory Committees to the Board (Julia Monteith) D. Second Reading of Policy BDC – Executive Sessions (Julia Monteith) E. Second Reading of Policy BDDC – Board Meeting Agenda (Julia Monteith) F. Second Reading of Policy BDDH – Public Review and Evaluation/Manual Accuracy Check (Julia Monteith) G. Second Reading of Policy BG – Staff Communications (Julia Monteith) H. Math Adoption (Debbie Johnson) I. 2015-16 Lunch Program Meal Price Change (Tim Belanger) J. Policy JHFF – Reporting Requirements Regarding Sexual Conduct with Students (Ken Bucchi) 10. INFORMATION/DISCUSSION ITEMS A. First Reading of Policy EBCB-Emergency Drills (Julia Monteith) 30 32 33 35 37 39 41 42 44 46 49 11. ANNOUNCEMENTS A. April 21, 2015, OTA School Board Meeting at 6:30 p.m., located at OTA. B. April 21, 2015, First Budget Committee Meeting at 6:00 p.m., located at Sandy High Lecture Room. C. April 22, 2015, Board Workshop at 6:30 p.m., located at Sandy High Lecture Room. D. May 11, 2015, School Board Meeting at 7:00 p.m., located at Sandy High Lecture Room. 12. RECESS 13. RECONVENE Executive Session Personnel-ORS 192.660(2) (a) Negotiations-ORS 192.660(2) (d) (f) Real Property-ORS 192.660 (2) (e) 14. ADJOURNMENT 2 *Note: The Board may, by majority vote, take action on items listed under Second reading or information/discussion. Public Attendance: • All regular meetings are open to the public. • Handicap access is available at the meeting site. Public Participation: • To be accurately recognized as part of the minutes, all patrons and visitors in attendance are requested to indicate their presence by signing-in. If you wish to address the Board, you may do so during the citizens’ agenda or defer your comments to a specific agenda item with the chairman's permission. Total public input time will not exceed one-half hour with each individual allowed three minutes to speak. • Any visitor wishing to speak before the board on any agenda item or other topic may do so by completing a yellow card at the sign in desk and submitting that to the Board Secretary. Testimony may be limited at the discretion of the Chair when meetings are large or the discussion is controversial. • The Chair may recognize visitors who rise, identify themselves by full name and address and state their reason(s) for appearing. • A group of visitors with a common purpose should designate a spokesperson to speak for the group. • Discussion or presentation concerning a published agenda item is limited to its designated place on the agenda, unless otherwise authorized by the chairman. • A visitor may introduce a topic not on the published agenda. However, the Board, at its discretion, may require that a proposal, inquiry or request be submitted in written form, and reserves the right to refer the matter to the administration for action or for study followed by a report at a subsequent meeting. The Board shall make a decision at the meeting where information is presented only if the Board considers the issue is an emergency. • Statements by members of the public should be brief and concise. The Chair may, at his/her discretion, establish a time limit on discussion or oral presentations by a visitor on any topic. • Speakers may offer objective criticism of school operations and programs but the Board will not hear complaints concerning specific school personnel. The chairman will direct the visitor to the appropriate means for Board consideration and disposition of legitimate complaints involving individuals. Board Members: Position 1 Position 2 Position 3 Position 4 Position 5 Position 6 Position 7 Marjan Salveter (503) 668-6617 Kurt McKnight (503) 622-5073 Dan Thompson (503) 348-8548 DJ Anderson (503) 260-5005 Terry Lenchitsky (503) 663-5745 Norm Trost (503) 668-3420 Randy Carmony (503) 668-7259 marjan.salveter@ortrail.k12.or.us kurt.mcknight@ortrail.k12.or.us dan.thompson@ortrail.k12.or.us dj.anderson@ortrail.k12.or.us terry.lenchitsky@ortrail.k12.or.us norm.trost@ortrail.k12.or.us randy.carmony@ortrail.k12.or.us Persons having questions about or requests for special needs and accommodation should contact the Oregon Trail District Office at 36525 SE Industrial Way, Sandy, OR 97055; 503-668-5541. Contact should be made 72 hours in advance of the meeting. 3 Ortrail Page 1 Acronym Descriptions American College Testing Program Athletic Director Advanced Placement Associated Student Body – the high school student government Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery Boring Middle School Certificate of Advanced Mastery Clackamas County Community Health Division Community Health Center Community Learning Center Cottrell Community Learning Center Clackamas Education Service District Children Immersed in Print Successfully Certificate of Initial Mastery Confederation of Oregon School Administrators Cottrell Elementary Career-Related Learning Experiences Cedar Ridge Middle School Educational Assistant Extended Application (Alternate use - required for high school graduation) ECBC East County Bargaining Council (licensed staff) ELL English Language Learner ELD English Language Development ELPA English Language Proficiency Assessment F.A.T. Fast Automatic Timing System FFA Future Farmers of America First Steps Coach Behavioral Specialist for elementary students with behavioral problems. Their primary function is to keep the student in the regular classroom or help the student return to the classroom. FIR Firwood Elementary Flooding An elementary reading program that delivers instruction in small groups settings; utilizing all instructional strategies, interventions and increased instructional time in an effort to improve reading achievement. FQHC Federally Qualified Health Center FTE Full Time Equivalency GLAD Guided Language Acquisition Design GPA Grade Point Average HSPC High School Planning Committee – charged with developing plans for a new high school IB International Baccalaureate HOSA Health Occupation Students of America IAC Inter-Agency Center IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act IEP Individual Education Plan JV Junior Varsity ACT AD AP ASB ASVAB BMS CAM CCCHD CHC CLC CCLC CESD CHIPS CIM COSA COTT CRLE CRM EA EA 4 Ortrail Page 2 Kelso Elementary Life Enrichment Educational Program Long Range Facilities Task Force Mount Hood Conference Manager Mt. Hood Community College Meetings Naas Elementary No Child Left Behind – a federal law known as outcome-based education. The act requires states to develop criterion-based assessments in basic skills/subjects to be given to all students in certain grades, if those schools are to receive federal funding. NHS National Honor Society NSBA National School Boards Association ODE Oregon Department of Education OHP Oregon Health Plan OIS Oregon Intervention System OMEA Oregon Music Educators Association OSAA Oregon School Activities Association OSBA Oregon School Boards Association OSEA Oregon School Employees Association OTSD Oregon Trail School District PASS Positive Alternatives for Special Students PBS Positive Behavior System PIO (PIO for Pioneers) Positive Behavior System PSAT Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test PTCO Parent Teachers Club SAT Scholastic Aptitude Test SBHC School Based Health Center SGS Sandy Grade School SHS Sandy High School SIOP Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol SLC Smaller Learning Communities (High School) SLC-A Special Learning Class - Academics SLC-B Special Learning Class - Behavior SPED Special Education SST Student Study Team TAG Talented and Gifted TLC The Learning Center TOSA Teacher On Special Assignment TSPC Teacher Standards and Practices Commission VP Vice-Principal WEA Wy'East Education Association WES Welches Elementary School WMS Welches Middle School Woodcock-Munoz –Test to determine students’ English literacy proficiency YTP Youth Transition Program (assist high school students in obtaining job skills and job KEL LEEP LRFTF MHC Mgr. MHCC Mtgs. NAAS NCLB placements) 5 OREGON TRAIL SCHOOL DISTRICT 46 BOARD MEETING March 9, 2015 Sandy High School Lecture Room 37400 SE Bell Street, Sandy, OR 97055 DRAFT MINUTES 1. Call to Order Regular Board meeting • 7:00 p.m. • Flag Salute • Introductions Attendance Board Member Dan Thompson, Board Member Kurt McKnight, Board Member Marjan Salveter, Vice Chair Terry Lenchitsky, Chair Randy Carmony, Board Member Norm Trost, Board Member DJ Anderson, Superintendent Aaron Bayer, and Executive Assistant Amy Nguyen. Absent None. Also Present Kimberly Brooks, Kendra Payne, Ladine Marquardt, Katie Schweitzer, Carrie Scaife, Kimberly Ball, Scott Coleman, Lisa Dukart, Rachael George, Nicole Johnston, Ginger Redlinger, Jim Seipel, Ken Bucchi, Julia Monteith, Tim Belanger, and Debbie Johnson. 2. Agenda Revisions None. 3. Approval of Board Minutes: [Action 2015-3-01] Salveter made a motion to approve the Board minutes of February 9, 2015. Anderson seconded the motion that passed unanimously by all board members present. 4. Student Representative Report Julie Grozav introduced herself as the Sandy High student representative. Grozav reported an update on school projects and sports events. The mock trails team will be sending 13 students to state this weekend. Art just started their Vans Shoes competition. They won last year and went to New York. • March 30-April 3: Doernbecher Week • April 4: Mr. “D” Pageant at 7:00 p.m. in the Auditorium 6 5. Superintendent’s Report A. School Update Superintendent Bayer reported on school projects. The Sandy High robotics team took first in the state competition for the second year in a row. OTA Destination Imagination team made it to state. B. Buildings Update Superintendent Bayer announced that the City invited the public to a forum to discuss urban renewal funds and possible projects for Cedar Ridge Middle School on March 11, 2015, at 6:00 p.m., at the Sandy Public Library community room. C. Budget Update Superintendent Bayer announced that on February 18, Secretary of State Kate Brown became Oregon’s Governor. Brown has served in both the Oregon House and Senate. During her term in the Legislature she was a strong supporter of public education in Oregon. Late last week the proposed Oregon’s budget for K-12 schools was at a level that would require budget cuts for next school year. If the legislature approves a $7.2 billion K-12 budget for the next biennium, we may need to cut school days or reduce to balance the budget. The school district needs a statewide K-12 budget of $7.5 billion to maintain its current educational program and staffing levels. Bayer responded to questions and comments from the Board. 6. A. Citizens’ Agenda and Guest Speakers None. 6. B. Classified Staff No report. 6. C. Certified Staff Carrie Scaife, WEA President, reported that the relationship between Licensed and District have been positive. Scaife recognized Principals: Nicole Johnston, Tara Black and Kendra Payne for their dedication and supporting the great work of our students. She also thanked our amazing educators and administrators, too. 6. D. Charter School (OTA) Update None. 7. Consent Agenda [Action 2015-3-02] Anderson made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Salveter seconded the motion that passed unanimously by all board members present. 7 Approved: A. Check Register Review – Changes since February 9, 2015 B. Financial Statements Review – Changes since February 9, 2015 C. Personnel Approval – Changes since February 9, 2015 D. First year probationary teachers to be renewed. Offered a oneyear contract for 2015-16. E. Second year probationary teachers to be renewed. Offered a oneyear contract for 2015-16. F. Third year probationary teachers to be renewed. Offered a twoyear contract for 2015-17. G. Contract teachers to be extended. Offered a new two-year contract for 2015-17. H Probationary administrators to be renewed. Offered a one-year contract for 2015-16. I. Third year probationary administrators to be renewed. Offered a three-year contract for 2015-18. 8. A. Action Items: Out-of-State Travel to New York-Sandy High Choir [Action 2015-3-03] SHS Choir teacher Bruce Scarth presented a proposal for the Choir class to travel to New York for a performance at Carnegie Hall from April 8-13, 2015. Scarth explained the New York/Lincoln Center choir trip itinerary. A motion to approve the Out-of-State Travel to New York-Sandy High Choir team was made by Board member Trost and seconded by Lenchitsky. The motion passed unanimously by all board members present. 8. B. Action Items: Project Planning and Management Services [Action 2015-3-04] Tim Belanger, Business Services Director, presented a proposal for project planning and management services for the Pioneer Building. The board approved an award to Heery International, Inc. Belanger explained the following process: • Six responses to the Request for qualifications (RFQ) • Vendors were selected based upon evaluation of various qualitative elements as opposed to low bid • An agreement is negotiated based upon an agreed work scope and fee • The top two scored vendors were then interviewed Heery International, Inc. will be engaged in two phases. The first phase will be the project planning and the second phase will be determined and negotiated based upon the scope selected. A motion to approve the award to Heery International, Inc. and authorize the Superintendent and/or Business Director to execute a contract with the vendor was made by Board member Trost and seconded by Lenchitsky. The motion passed unanimously by all board 8 members present. 8. C. Action Items: Budget Committee Member Appointment [Action 2015-3-05 Tim Belanger, Business Services Director stated that there is one Budget Committee candidate for two vacant positions. Belanger explained the process that was used to select the candidates. 9. A. Information: First Reading of Policy BA-Board Goals Julia Monteith, Communications Director, presented the revised Policy BA-Board Goals. Monteith noted that the 8 policies were reviewed and revised to reflect current practice, legal references, and OSBA/legal opinion. Some of the reviewed policies have no revisions recommended. (See attachment). 9. B. Information: First Reading of Policy BCE– Board Committees Julia Monteith, Communications Director, presented the first reading of revised Policy BCE– Board Committees. The Policy BCE-Board Committees was reviewed and revised to reflect current practice, legal references, and OSBA/legal opinion. 9. C. Information: First Reading of Policy BFC Advisory Committees to the Board Julia Monteith, Communications Director, presented the first reading of revised Policy BFC - Advisory Committees to the Board. The Policy BFC - Advisory Committees to the Board was reviewed and revised to reflect current practice, legal references, and OSBA/legal opinion. (See attachment). 9. D. Information: First Reading of Policy BDCExecutive Sessions Julia Monteith, Communications Director, presented the first reading of revised Policy BDC- Executive Sessions. The Policy BDCExecutive Sessions was reviewed and revised to reflect current practice, legal references, and OSBA/legal opinion. (See attachment). 9. E. Information: First Reading of Policy BDDC- Board Meeting Agenda Julia Monteith, Communications Director, presented the first reading of revised Policy BDDC- Board Meeting Agenda. The Policy BDDCBoard Meeting Agenda was reviewed and revised to reflect current practice, legal references, and OSBA/legal opinion. (See attachment). 9. F. Information: First Reading of Policy BDDH- Public Participation in Board Meetings Julia Monteith, Communications Director, presented the first reading of revised Policy BDDH- Public Participation in Board Meetings. The Policy BDDH- Public Participation in Board Meetings was reviewed and revised to reflect current practice, legal references, and OSBA/legal opinion. (See attachment). A motion to approve the Appointment of Budget Committee Member: Mike Sutton (term ending June 30, 2017) was made by Board member Anderson and seconded by Trost. The motion passed unanimously by all board members present. 9 9. G. Information: First Reading of Policy BFG- Policy Review and Evaluation/Manual Accuracy Check Julia Monteith, Communications Director, presented the first reading of revised Policy BFG- Policy Review and Evaluation/Manual Accuracy Check. The Policy BFG- Policy Review and Evaluation/Manual Accuracy Check was reviewed and revised to reflect current practice, legal references, and OSBA/legal opinion. (See attachment). 9. H. Information: First Reading of Policy BG- Staff Communications Julia Monteith, Communications Director, presented the first reading of revised Policy BG- Staff Communications. The Policy BG- Staff Communications was reviewed and revised to reflect current practice, legal references, and OSBA/legal opinion. (See attachment). 9. I. Information: Achievement Compact Upgrade Debbie Johnson presented an update about the Achievement Compact. The Achievement Compact’s due date has been moved from June 30th to October 15th. The Achievement Compact committee meets yearly to monitor progress and affirm the goals before submission to the OEIB. The committee will be asked to set three year strategic goals instead of one year goals. The school districts will report the three year goals to the board by May 1st. Johnson responded to questions and comments from the Board. 9. J. Information: Full Day Kindergarten Debbie Johnson presented information concerning full day kindergarten. OTSD committed to a high quality full day Kindergarten program. Attached is a recap of key components and a daily schedule. (See attached). Superintendent Bayer explained the budget summary for full day Kindergarten for 2015-16. Bayer and Johnson responded to questions and comments from the Board. 10. Announcements A. March 17, 2015, OTA School Board Meeting at 6:30 p.m., located at OTA. B. March 31, 2015, Budget Committee Workshop at 6:00 p.m., located at Sandy High Lecture Room. C. April 13, 2015, School Board Meeting at 6:00 p.m., located at Sandy High Lecture Room. 11. Adjourn 7:57 p.m. 10 Approved this 13th day of April, 2015 ______ Randy Carmony, Board Chair Aaron C. Bayer, Superintendent Board Action 2015-3-01 Minutes: February 9, 2015, Regular School Board Meeting (Approved) 2015-3-02 Consent Agenda (Approved) 2015-3-03 Out-of-State Travel to New York-Sandy High Choir (Approved) 2015-3-04 Project Planning and Management Services (Approved) 2015-3-05 Budget Committee Member Appointment (Approved) 11 OREGON TRAIL SCHOOL DISTRICT 46 BUDGET COMMITTEE WORKSHOP March 31, 2015 Sandy High School Lecture Room 37400 Bell Street, Sandy, OR 97055 Minutes Call to Order Committee Attendance 6:05 p.m. Flag Salute Introductions Robert Lee Carl Exner Matt Hubbard Mike Sutton Len Tobias Marie Teune – Absent Randy Carmony Terry Lenchitsky Norm Trost DJ Anderson Dan Thompson Kurt McKnight – Absent Marjan Salveter - Absent Also Present Aaron Bayer, Tim Belanger, Julia Monteith, Jim Seipel, Scott Coleman, Terri Foeckler Budget Update Revenue Belanger stated that we are entering the third year of recovery from the recession that began around 2007. Prior to the recession we had five years of flat funding. During those five years we made many cuts to maintain status quo. In the current biennium (13-15) we have seen a substantial increase in funding but not enough to restore all that had been cut during those lean years. School funding in Oregon is income tax based which means we tend to see a delay in the transition out of a recession period. State revenue is growing fairly well and for 15-17 we will see an increase although not quite enough to maintain status quo and certainly not as much as we would need to get back all that had been cut over those five years of recession. State revenue affects School Support Funds which is the largest piece of our operating funding. Another piece of operating funding is property values, which are starting to finally bounce back this year with about 4% increase in assessed value. Another big piece of our funding is enrollment which has been stable. Most other sources of revenue are purpose driven. Belanger presented a chart that showed revenue biennium 2003-05 through what is anticipated 2015-17. The chart shows the flat funding from 2005-2011 with a couple of years that were propped up by Federal Stimulus funding. This chart also detailed that as a percentage of the state operating fund K-12 has been getting a decreased share in each of the funding sessions. In 2003-05 almost 45% of the State and Lottery budget went to fund K-12 education whereas the current year it is only 12 39.7%. 7.235 million is the proposed funding level for 2015-17 which is 39.1% of the State and Lottery budget. Belanger shared a graph that showed the fluctuation in per pupil funding by year. The graph shows general purpose revenue per AMDw which clearly shows the recession period where not much changed during that period. The graph also showed there was the increase of 7.815% in 2013-14, and 4.70% in 2014-15. The increase of 7.815% appears to be a large amount but just rolling up regular staff costs for one year with a 1.5% base increase, and half of the staff getting a step increase which is 4% averages to a 2.5 – 2.75% increase overall. Add to this an increase for health insurance of 6%, PERS, transportation, utilities going up as well. This doesn’t leave much to cover the 5 furlough days that we had to reinstate which costs approximately $500,000 or replace the staffing that was cut in prior years. Going forward into 2015-16 we are looking at a proposed increase of 1.54% per pupil funding which is not enough for status quo. An increase of 4 – 4.5% is needed each year to maintain status quo. If the State could commit farther ahead to a funding level the District could have collective bargaining agreements that reflect the funding we will receive not what we hope to receive. The District currently is settling on contracts with the hope that we will receive enough funding to cover the increases set forth in those contracts. Looking forward to the 2015-16 year, based on what was proposed, there will be about a 1.5% increase per pupil funding. This increase is not enough for status quo. To confuse things, normally funding for a biennium is 49% the first year and 51% the second year of the biennium. This is to provide a funding increase to match a costs increase the second year. However, because there was so much dissatisfaction over the initial funding level for 2015-17 biennium will be funded 50/50. Essentially, this helps with year one but will create a huge deficit in year two. In the current year the property tax assessed value increase is 4.4% which is quite robust. Prior years were 2.9 (2010-11), 3.20 (2011-12), 1.97 (2012-13), 2.90% (2013-14). The statutory limit is 3% and so even in the worst years it continued increase. The State is estimating 3.5% for next year. This estimation is added to state resources under the funding formula. This does not directly impact us but we need those revenues to grow for the formula revenue to increase. State funding and property taxes are going in the right direction. The school support formula controls approximately 97% of our operating funds. Belanger presented a graph that shows ADMr (Enrollment). This graph includes the charter school Oregon Trail Academy (OTA) which is approximately 200 students of the approximately 4,900 districtwide. OTA is growing a grade a year, they will add 9th grade next year. Each year the District’s numbers decrease due to some students attending OTA from our district. Although in the last couple of years, despite the fact we have a cohort of students attend the charter school, the District has gained enrollment and so our overall enrollment has increased. The 13 District’s School Support Funding includes the charter school then we pass thru the funding to the charter school and it shows as an expense to an alternative program for the district. The District’s enrollment will increase next year with the addition of full day kindergarten. This will increase our funding but there will also be an increase in spending due to the increase staffing to provide the full day kindergarten. Expenditures Belanger stated that nearly 82% of costs are staff related in the General Fund. Staff benefits and salary costs continue to increase. The 6% increase in the staff benefit doesn’t even cover the cost of insurance premium increases. District contract service increases each year include transportation at 2.5%/year, nursing agreements for students, some of which are unknown until student is enrolled in the Fall, and utilities. Program needs change which can also increase expenditures such as full day kindergarten. Due to changes, PERS costs will be stable in the coming year. We expect to pay approximately $200,000 less in the new year due to the changes. Belanger presented a graph showing staffing levels from 2007-08 to 2014-15. Over the last several years we have had to reduce staffing to get through the recession. When we received the first funding biennium increase we added back some licensed and classified staff. Budget Development 2014-15 Revenue – Belanger stated that we are currently in the second year of the biennial appropriation for 2014-15. There was $100 million added to the SSF und HB 5101. The funding for this biennium was adjusted due to HB 2098 which involved changing the poverty factor. The district lost approximately $200,000 in funding due to this adjustment. Expenditures – Belanger stated that we had staff contract increases, staff increase for building support, program needs for BLC, furlough days were eliminated, student technology needs, transportation contract increase and utilities increase. 2014-15 Budget Status – Current Plan Our distribution of funding was 62% local was state school fund, 34% local taxes, 1% district fees, 1% common school fund, and 2% ESD funds. The plan for our budget was revenue $36,455,782 and expenditures $36,945,782 which created a deficit of $490,000. Our projected actual revenue is $36,580,000 and expenditures $36,650,000 with a deficit of $70,000. 2015-16 First Look and Beyond – The new year budget must address the 2015-16 program and position the district for the future. The new funding biennium 2015-17 proposed budget of 7.25 billion. This funding will be effected by the following: Full day kindergarten, funding will be split 50/50 which mean minimal growth in 2016-17, PERS rate to increase 7/1/17, current negotiations, CESD funding model changes, and deficits carried forward. We will need to formulate a plan to address 2016-17 for the anticipated deficit under the 50/50 SSF distribution. 14 Committee Discussion/Clarification Exner asked where the $70,000 will come from. Belanger stated that it will come from our accumulated Fund Balance. Lenchitsky asked if ODE was providing any funding for full day kindergarten start-up cost. Bayer stated that there has been no discussion regarding start-up funding. Anderson asked what dollar amount can we expect from taxes in the 2016-17 year if the tax percentage increases. Under tax limitations, assessed values typically increase at least 3%. The specific dollar amount to OTSD is irrelevant as the funds are included in and capped under the SSF formula statewide. Belanger stated that he recently received notice that property taxes were overstated for 2014-15 and expects a negative adjustment to come out soon. Meeting Schedule April 13, 2015, Regular School Board Meeting, SHS Lecture Room April 21, 2015 First Budget Committee Meeting, SHS Lecture Room April 28, 2015 Second Budget Committee Meeting, SHS Lecture Room May 12, 2015 Third Budget Committee Meeting – if needed, SHS Lecture Room Adjourn 7:20 PM 15 BOARD AGENDA DETAIL April 13, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: Check Register ACTION: Consent agenda approval. GOAL: Routine agenda item allowing the school board to review monthly nonpayroll check disbursements. DOCUMENTS: Listing of accounts payable checks paid _02/01/2015_ to _02/28/2015. FROM: Tim Belanger Director of Business and Support Services 16 Oregon Trail School District 46 Accounts Payable Check Listing Check No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 207380 207380 207380 207380 207380 207380 207380 Vendor Amy O. Nguyen Catherin T. Brown Charlotte K. Painter Christy Ann Lucus Clackamas County Bank Fica Dana Hamburg Daniel D. Winans Deborah R. Breck Evan T.Chandler Garet G. Luebbert Julia A.Monteith Karen Schiewe Laura A. Moyer Leigh VonDerahe Maria O'Meara Oregon Department Of Revenue/W Oregon Dept Of Justice Oregon Education Association Oregon Educators Benefit Board Oregon Educators Benefit Board Oregon Trail Sch Dist Direct Deposit Professional Benefit Services Public Employees Retirement Public Employees Retirement Public Employees Retirement Security Benefit Life Ins Co Susan E. Baysinger Tara Black Traci J.Sevick Wy'east Education Association Oregon Educators Benefit Board Oregon Trail Sch Dist Direct Deposit Public Employees Retirement Oregon Educators Benefit Board Oregon Trail Sch Dist Direct Deposit Public Employees Retirement Public Employees Retirement Oregon Educators Benefit Board Oregon Trail Sch Dist Direct Deposit Public Employees Retirement Oregon Trail Sch Dist Direct Deposit Public Employees Retirement Oregon Educators Benefit Board Oregon Trail Sch Dist Direct Deposit Public Employees Retirement Oregon Educators Benefit Board Oregon Trail Sch Dist Direct Deposit Public Employees Retirement Oregon Educators Benefit Board Oregon Trail Sch Dist Direct Deposit Public Employees Retirement Oregon Trail Sch Dist Direct Deposit Public Employees Retirement Clackamas County Bank Fica Clackamas County Bank Fwh Oregon Educators Benefit Board Oregon Trail Sch Dist Direct Deposit Public Employees Retirement Oregon Trail Sch Dist Direct Deposit Public Employees Retirement Oregon Educators Benefit Board Oregon Trail Sch Dist Direct Deposit Public Employees Retirement Oregon Educators Benefit Board Oregon Educators Benefit Board Oregon Trail Sch Dist Direct Deposit Oregon Educators Benefit Board Oregon Trail Sch Dist Direct Deposit Public Employees Retirement Ace Hardware ASCD CDW-G Government, Inc. Dollar Tree Home Depot Joe's Donuts & Deli OADA 02/01/2015 to 02/28/2015 Payment Fund 414.41 General Fund 2,500.00 General Fund 368.84 General Fund 375.00 General Fund 30.74 General Fund 479.86 General Fund 113.26 General Fund 28.02 General Fund 150.00 General Fund 500.00 General Fund 570.55 General Fund 459.63 General Fund 546.48 General Fund 416.67 General Fund 153.90 General Fund 0.00 General Fund 1,365.00 General Fund 0.00 General Fund 21,999.52 General Fund 351,880.42 General Fund 934,512.44 General Fund 220.00 General Fund 384,620.97 General Fund 104.45 General Fund 1,198.14 General Fund 0.00 General Fund 135.98 General Fund 41.67 General Fund 215.00 General Fund 0.00 General Fund 7,409.01 Title Ia 18,768.94 Title Ia 7,430.89 Title Ia 142.00 Title Id 284.94 Title Id 105.37 Title Id 46.62 Title Ic Migrant 991.58 Title IIa 461.26 Title IIa 1,297.59 Title IIa 675.95 Title III ELL 68.90 Title III ELL 11,959.31 IDEA 15,245.47 IDEA 6,990.60 IDEA 1,653.68 Youth Transition Program 2,600.24 Youth Transition Program 681.29 Youth Transition Program 942.87 Misc. Grants 3,571.36 Misc. Grants 1,216.46 Misc. Grants 779.08 Community Contributions 121.35 Community Contributions 188.96 Food Service Fund 47.68 Food Service Fund 17,360.79 Food Service Fund 24,522.01 Food Service Fund 9,566.38 Food Service Fund 13.27 Insurance Services Fund 4.39 Insurance Services Fund 1,236.99 Print Services Fund 2,047.49 Print Services Fund 769.42 Print Services Fund 5,104.53 OPEB Trust Fund 19,879.98 OPEB Trust Fund 13,263.77 OPEB Trust Fund 16,967.70 OTPA 48,547.32 OTPA 18,214.69 OTPA 4.49 General Fund 209.00 General Fund 79.48 General Fund 3.00 General Fund 251.48 General Fund 18.00 General Fund 245.00 General Fund 17 Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function High School Instruction Primary, Grade K-5 No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function Suppl. Retirement Program No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function Technology Services Executive Administration Fiscal Services Board of Education Technology Services Care & Upkeep - Buildings High School Cocurricular Object IRS Plan 125 IRS Plan 125 IRS Plan 125 IRS Plan 125 Payroll Liabilities IRS Plan 125 IRS Plan 125 IRS Plan 125 IRS Plan 125 IRS Plan 125 IRS Plan 125 IRS Plan 125 IRS Plan 125 IRS Plan 125 IRS Plan 125 Payroll Liabilities Garnishment Withholding Payroll Liabilities OEBB Insurance Liability Payroll Liabilities Accrued Payroll IRS Plan 125 Payroll Liabilities PERS PERS Payroll Liabilities IRS Plan 125 IRS Plan 125 IRS Plan 125 Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Accrued Payroll Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Accrued Payroll Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Accrued Payroll Payroll Liabilities Accrued Payroll Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Accrued Payroll Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Accrued Payroll Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Accrued Payroll Payroll Liabilities Accrued Payroll Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Accrued Payroll Payroll Liabilities Accrued Payroll Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Accrued Payroll Payroll Liabilities Medical/Dental Insurance OEBB Insurance Liability Accrued Payroll Payroll Liabilities Accrued Payroll Payroll Liabilities Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Dues and Fees Computer Hardware Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Non-Consumable Supplies Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Dues and Fees Check No. 207380 207380 207380 207380 207381 207382 207383 207384 207385 207386 207387 207388 207389 207389 207390 207391 207392 207393 207393 207393 207393 207393 207393 207394 207395 207396 207397 207398 207399 207400 207401 207402 207402 207403 207404 207405 207406 207407 207407 207408 207409 207410 207411 207411 207412 207413 207414 207415 207416 207416 207416 207416 207417 207418 207419 207420 207420 207420 207420 207420 207420 207420 207420 207420 207420 207420 207421 207422 207423 207423 207424 207425 207426 207427 207428 207429 207430 207431 207432 Vendor Postmaster The UPS Store Cash & Carry Cash & Carry Academic Communication Associates Amy O. Nguyen Arrow Sanitary Service Beacock Music Blick Art Materials Bliss Sanitary Service, Inc City of Sandy Clackamas ESD Coca-Cola Refreshments Coca-Cola Refreshments Colleen Y. Adams Communication Plus COSA Earth2O Earth2O Earth2O Earth2O Earth2O Earth2O Eden Advanced Pest Tech Edgenuity, Inc. Follett School Solutions, Inc. Frontier Communications Frontier Communications Frontier Communications Frontier Communications Frontier Communications Frontier Communications Frontier Communications Georgie's - A Division Of Ginger Redlinger Glass Doctor Gordon M. Usher Hoodview Disposal & Recycling Hoodview Disposal & Recycling John Deere Financial Johnson Air Products Julann C. D'Aboy Kari Elliott Kari Elliott Kelaurie Travis Les Schwab Lowe's Home Improvement Micontrols, Inc. Napa Auto Parts Napa Auto Parts Napa Auto Parts Napa Auto Parts Natalia Hamalainen Nathan Enns Northwest Control Company, Inc Office Depot Office Depot Office Depot Office Depot Office Depot Office Depot Office Depot Office Depot Office Depot Office Depot Office Depot Olaf M Oja Lumber Company Philip J. Carella Platt Electric Supply Platt Electric Supply Portland General Electric Richard J. Rosenberg, Ph.D. Rock Ranch Embroidery Ron's Service Salmon Valley Water Co. Sandy High Activity Fund Seth A. McCracken Sparky's Pizza Spring Valley Dairy Payment 42.16 9.91 29.97 14.68 45.10 15.99 1,101.71 953.00 488.16 1,142.07 3,487.94 75.00 578.65 2,259.82 179.17 880.00 99.00 55.75 15.86 16.33 15.86 42.25 49.35 95.00 3,100.00 187.52 175.32 285.68 181.27 238.10 31.61 2,059.46 271.31 1,844.04 57.59 388.63 41.40 3,171.58 208.33 846.09 79.42 100.00 142.72 315.00 100.00 312.00 360.05 302.00 22.48 46.68 28.30 1,062.36 16.22 71.42 1,967.50 76.43 205.66 23.78 77.47 581.61 652.80 78.78 12.12 416.06 113.97 3,778.09 11.20 382.64 743.28 523.90 19,012.77 5,415.00 52.00 1,935.77 726.15 244.00 440.00 117.00 3,733.26 Fund General Fund General Fund Food Service Fund Food Service Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund Food Service Fund Food Service Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund OTPA General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund Food Service Fund General Fund OTPA General Fund General Fund General Fund Food Service Fund General Fund Facility Improvement Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund Facility Improvement Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund Community Contributions Print Services Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund OTPA General Fund General Fund Food Service Fund General Fund Food Service Fund Food Service Fund 18 Function Board of Education Technology Services Concession Services Food Services Speech & Hearing Services Executive Administration Care & Upkeep - Buildings High School Instruction High School Instruction Care & Upkeep - Buildings Care & Upkeep - Buildings Instructional Staff Development Concession Services Food Services ESL Programs Instructional Staff Development Instructional Staff Development Executive Administration Fiscal Services Improvmnt of Instruction Staff Services Technology Services Office of the Principal Care & Upkeep - Buildings Alt Ed -Web Based Learning Library/Media Services Care & Upkeep - Buildings Care & Upkeep - Buildings Care & Upkeep - Buildings Care & Upkeep - Buildings Care & Upkeep - Buildings Care & Upkeep - Buildings Food Services High School Instruction Office of the Principal Care & Upkeep - Buildings Care & Upkeep - Buildings Care & Upkeep - Buildings Food Services Care & Upkeep Of Grounds Faclty Aqcstn,Constr,Impr Instructional Staff Development Guidance & Counseling Instructional Staff Development Instructional Staff Development Care & Upkeep Of Grounds Care & Upkeep - Buildings Care & Upkeep - Buildings Care & Upkeep - Buildings Care & Upkeep - Buildings Care & Upkeep Of Grounds High School Instruction Restrictive Programs ESL Programs Care & Upkeep - Buildings Guidance & Counseling High School Instruction Library/Media Services Middle School Programs Office of the Principal Primary, Grade K-5 Restrictive Programs Student Support Services High School Instruction Primary, Grade K-5 Printing Services Care & Upkeep - Buildings High School Instruction Care & Upkeep - Buildings Care & Upkeep - Buildings Care & Upkeep - Buildings Psychological Services Resource Development Care & Upkeep - Buildings Care & Upkeep - Buildings Food Services Instructional Staff Development Concession Services Food Services Object Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Postage Food Food Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Garbage Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Garbage Water And Sewage Prof & Improv, Non-Instrc Food Food Travel, In-District Tuition Reimb, Other Travel, Out-Of-District Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Repairs & Maintenance Ser Instrct'L Prgrm Impvmnt Library Books Telephone/Pager Telephone/Pager Telephone/Pager Telephone/Pager Telephone/Pager Telephone/Pager Telephone/Pager Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Repairs & Maintenance Ser Travel, In-District Garbage Garbage Vehicle Parts/Supplies Bldg Acquisition/Imprvmnt Tuition Reimb, Other Travel, In-District Tuition Reimb, Other Tuition Reimb, Other Vehicle Parts/Supplies Repairs & Maintenance Ser Repairs & Maintenance Ser Repairs & Maintenance Ser Vehicle Parts/Supplies Vehicle Parts/Supplies Non-Consumable Supplies Travel, Out-Of-District Travel, In-District Repairs & Maintenance Ser Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Non-Consumable Supplies Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Repairs & Maintenance Ser Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Repairs & Maintenance Ser Electricity Other Instruct. Services Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Repairs & Maintenance Ser Water And Sewage Other Prof Tech Services Tuition Reimb, Other Food Food Check No. 207433 207433 207433 207434 207435 207435 207436 207437 207437 207438 207438 207439 207439 207439 207439 207440 207441 207442 207443 207444 207445 207445 207445 207445 207446 207447 207448 207449 207450 207450 207450 207450 207450 207451 207452 207453 207454 207455 207456 207457 207458 207459 207460 207461 207461 207462 207463 207464 207464 207465 207466 207467 207468 207469 207470 207471 207472 207473 207474 207475 207476 207477 207478 207479 207480 207481 207481 207481 207481 207481 207482 207482 207482 207482 207482 207482 207482 207482 207482 Vendor Sysco Sysco Sysco Telelanguage, Inc. Traci J.Sevick Traci J.Sevick Vikki L.Ballou Vortex Industries, Inc. Vortex Industries, Inc. Waxie Sanitary Supply Waxie Sanitary Supply Ace Hardware Ace Hardware Ace Hardware Ace Hardware Andrew J.Volesky Ashleigh L. Winans Bashor's Team Athletics Best Western - Hood River Inn Big 5 Sporting Goods Corp CDW-G Government, Inc. CDW-G Government, Inc. CDW-G Government, Inc. CDW-G Government, Inc. CenturyLink Clinton J. Davis Community Newspapers, Inc. COSA CTL Corporation CTL Corporation CTL Corporation CTL Corporation CTL Corporation Dawna M. Spencer Days Inn - Eugene Deanna L. McGlothin Deborah R. Breck Dell -Hardware Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum Frontier Communications Frontier Communications Frontier Communications Frontier Communications Ginger Redlinger Ginger Redlinger Grainger, Inc. Hood River Wrestling Club International Baccalaureate Organization International Baccalaureate Organization Jeffrey Olivier Jennifer Nash Jerry M. Newell JinHui Yu Joan Knowlton Karen Schiewe Kasey Larsen Katherine Schweitzer Kimberly Brooks Konell Construction Corp. Krista M.Frank Leslee Forrester, MA, LPC Lisa D. Mitchell Mt. Hood Community College MyBinding.com OAVSNP OETC OETC OETC OETC OETC Office Depot Office Depot Office Depot Office Depot Office Depot Office Depot Office Depot Office Depot Office Depot Payment 27.73 1,010.06 8,292.46 958.63 111.09 120.00 1,485.00 3,770.03 7,608.48 810.60 1,982.00 105.38 406.44 57.96 10.64 135.18 134.32 300.00 343.35 714.48 367.50 281.75 379.75 147.00 22.14 1,187.00 1,243.38 125.00 2,593.50 837.00 90.00 4,575.00 4,575.00 29.98 469.65 55.55 18.40 3,560.05 256.00 401.43 442.65 46.29 654.88 190.83 180.48 2,180.20 50.00 3,000.00 600.00 287.06 100.00 30.00 100.00 64.52 18.40 10.06 149.15 52.95 466.00 100.00 4,270.00 100.00 4,451.76 195.80 200.00 1,512.00 43.00 504.00 1,058.40 160.70 56.65 56.65 96.64 245.38 9.95 226.21 56.65 170.87 1,002.67 Fund Food Service Fund Food Service Fund Food Service Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund Facility Improvement Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund Youth Transition Program General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund OTPA General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund Title III ELL Title III ELL OTPA OTPA Title III ELL General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund OTPA General Fund General Fund General Fund Facility Improvement Fund OTPA OTPA Facility Improvement Fund General Fund OTPA OTPA General Fund General Fund Title Ia OTPA Title IIa General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund Print Services Fund Youth Transition Program General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund 19 Function Concession Services Food Services Food Services Less Restrictive Programs Restrictive Programs Restrictive Programs Other Student Treatment Care & Upkeep - Buildings Care & Upkeep - Buildings Care & Upkeep - Buildings Care & Upkeep - Buildings High School Instruction Care & Upkeep - Buildings Care & Upkeep Of Grounds Care & Upkeep Of Grounds Technology Services Primary, Grade K-5 Middle School Cocurricular Alt. Ed-District Life Skills High School Cocurricular High School Instruction Middle School Programs Primary, Grade K-5 Primary, Grade K-5 Care & Upkeep - Buildings Instructional Staff Development High School Instruction Technology Services Technology Services ESL Programs ESL Programs Middle School Programs Primary, Grade K-5 ESL Programs High School Cocurricular Middle School Programs Fiscal Services Technology Services Primary, Grade K-5 Care & Upkeep - Buildings Care & Upkeep - Buildings Care & Upkeep - Buildings Care & Upkeep - Buildings Office of the Principal Primary, Grade K-5 High School Instruction Middle School Cocurricular Instructional Staff Development Instructional Staff Development High School Instruction Instructional Staff Development Social Work Services Primary, Grade K-5 Instructional Staff Development Fiscal Services Instructional Staff Development Instructional Staff Development Guidance & Counseling Care & Upkeep Of Grounds Instructional Staff Development Guidance & Counseling Instructional Staff Development Alternative Programs Printing Services Instructional Staff Development Primary, Grade K-5 Middle School Programs Primary, Grade K-5 Restrictive Programs Student Support Services Board of Education Executive Administration Fiscal Services Guidance & Counseling Health Services High School Instruction Improvmnt of Instruction Office of the Principal Primary, Grade K-5 Object Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Food Other Instruct. Services Travel, In-District Travel, Out-Of-District Student Services Repairs & Maintenance Ser Repairs & Maintenance Ser Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Non-Consumable Supplies Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Repairs & Maintenance Ser Repairs & Maintenance Ser Vehicle Parts/Supplies Travel, In-District Travel, In-District Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Travel, Out-Of-District Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Computer Hardware Computer Hardware Computer Hardware Computer Hardware Telephone/Pager Tuition Reimb, Other Printing & Binding Prof & Improv, Non-Instrc Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Computer Hardware Computer Software Computer Hardware Computer Hardware Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Travel, Student Travel, In-District Travel, Out-Of-District Computer Hardware Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Telephone/Pager Telephone/Pager Telephone/Pager Telephone/Pager Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Non-Consumable Supplies Noninstr Prof Services Instrct'L Prgrm Impvmnt Travel, Out-Of-District Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Tuition Reimb, Other Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Travel, In-District Travel, Out-Of-District Travel, Out-Of-District Instrct'L Prgrm Impvmnt Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Garbage Tuition Reimb, Other Student Services Tuition Reimb, Other Tuition,Other Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Instrct'L Prgrm Impvmnt Computer Hardware Computer Software Computer Software Computer Software Computer Software Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Check No. 207482 207482 207482 207482 207483 207484 207485 207486 207486 207486 207486 207486 207486 207487 207488 207489 207490 207491 207492 207493 207494 207494 207494 207494 207494 207494 207494 207494 207494 207494 207494 207494 207494 207495 207496 207497 207498 207499 207500 207501 207502 207502 207502 207503 207503 207504 207505 207506 207507 207507 207508 207509 207510 207511 207512 207513 207514 207515 207516 207517 207518 207519 207520 207521 207522 207523 207523 207524 207525 207526 207527 207528 207529 207530 207531 207532 207533 207533 207534 Vendor Office Depot Office Depot Office Depot Office Depot Oregon Professional Educator Fair Oregon School Boards Assoc. OSNA Spring Conference Petty Cash - SHS Petty Cash - SHS Petty Cash - SHS Petty Cash - SHS Petty Cash - SHS Petty Cash - SHS Pogy's Subs Portland Monthly Prints Qi Shen Ramona M. Talley Rebekah Wolf Reyah Consulting, LLC Ricoh USA, Inc. Ricoh USA, Inc. Ricoh USA, Inc. Ricoh USA, Inc. Ricoh USA, Inc. Ricoh USA, Inc. Ricoh USA, Inc. Ricoh USA, Inc. Ricoh USA, Inc. Ricoh USA, Inc. Ricoh USA, Inc. Ricoh USA, Inc. Ricoh USA, Inc. Robert C. McGlothin Rosemary L. Bomar Sam Barlow High School Sandy Fence Company Sandy High Activity Fund Sparky's Pizza Spring Valley Dairy Sysco Sysco Sysco Tara Black Tara Black Telelanguage, Inc. Texas IB Schools ThyssenKrupp Elevator Corp Toledo Physical Education Supply Toledo Physical Education Supply US Bank Equipment Finance Wally's Music Shop Waste Management Of Oregon,Inc Wave Broadband Wendy T. Wombles AED Superstore Boring Bark & Landscape CDW-G Government, Inc. Certiport, Inc. Chown, Inc. Commercial Refrigeration, Inc. Cool Printing COSA Dell -Hardware Demco Diane L. Johnson Diane L. Johnson Double Tree - Portland Goodman Sanitation, Inc. Great Lake Sports Gregory O'Neal Henry Schein, Inc. Horticulture Services Inc. Jamie Paul Jiffy Lube Jody A. Roshak Larry Topliff Larry Topliff Legend Data Systems, Inc. Payment 56.65 78.78 56.65 0.00 855.00 250.00 140.00 17.88 12.79 164.45 30.98 55.98 5.99 137.25 1,400.00 240.00 93.83 28.75 175.00 630.00 8.25 51.52 8.25 23.18 8.25 200.92 259.38 1,427.09 8.25 8.25 51.04 155.87 293.46 121.45 1,929.39 50.00 677.00 280.00 156.00 2,498.63 859.70 239.19 8,324.99 173.24 230.20 195.75 4,950.00 850.08 83.22 197.97 387.00 44.64 802.35 234.00 41.86 157.50 30.00 7,089.30 965.00 10.54 922.67 498.68 129.00 4,651.36 459.85 15.41 103.56 1,092.36 2,250.00 326.05 96.60 112.61 89.29 220.00 23.37 100.00 360.00 1,080.00 212.10 Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund Community Contributions General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund OTPA Community Contributions OTPA Food Service Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund Print Services Fund OTPA General Fund General Fund General Fund Insurance Services Fund Food Service Fund Food Service Fund Food Service Fund Food Service Fund Food Service Fund Food Service Fund General Fund Community Contributions General Fund OTPA General Fund OTPA OTPA Print Services Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund Title Ic Perkins Capital Project Bond 2009 General Fund OTPA General Fund General Fund General Fund Youth Transition Program Youth Transition Program General Fund Facility Improvement Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund 20 Function Public Information Svs Restrictive Programs Staff Services Primary, Grade K-5 Staff Services Board of Education Health Services Health Services High School Cocurricular High School Instruction Office of the Principal High School Instruction Office of the Principal High School Cocurricular Resource Development High School Cocurricular Office of the Principal Food Services Instructional Staff Development Technology Services Board of Education Care & Upkeep - Buildings Executive Administration Fiscal Services Improvmnt of Instruction Middle School Programs Office of the Principal Primary, Grade K-5 Public Information Svs Staff Services Student Support Services Printing Services Primary, Grade K-5 High School Instruction Instructional Staff Development High School Cocurricular Insurance Services Food Services Concession Services Food Services Food Services Concession Services Food Services Primary, Grade K-5 Office of the Principal Less Restrictive Programs Instructional Staff Development Care & Upkeep - Buildings Middle School Programs Primary, Grade K-5 Printing Services High School Instruction Care & Upkeep - Buildings Technology Services Less Restrictive Programs Health Services Care & Upkeep Of Grounds Technology Services High School Instruction Faclty Aqcstn,Constr,Impr Care & Upkeep - Buildings Office of the Principal Instructional Staff Development High School Instruction Library/Media Services Alt. Ed-District Life Skills Alt. Ed-District Life Skills High School Cocurricular Care & Upkeep - Buildings High School Instruction Guidance & Counseling High School Cocurricular High School Instruction High School Cocurricular Care & Upkeep - Buildings Instructional Staff Development High School Cocurricular High School Cocurricular Office of the Principal Object Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Advertising Prof & Improv, Non-Instrc Travel, Out-Of-District Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Non-Consumable Supplies Non-Consumable Supplies Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Extended Days- Classified Tuition Reimb, Other Noninstr Prof Services Repairs & Maintenance Ser Repairs & Maintenance Ser Repairs & Maintenance Ser Repairs & Maintenance Ser Repairs & Maintenance Ser Repairs & Maintenance Ser Repairs & Maintenance Ser Repairs & Maintenance Ser Repairs & Maintenance Ser Repairs & Maintenance Ser Repairs & Maintenance Ser Repairs & Maintenance Ser Repairs & Maintenance Ser Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Tuition Reimb, Other Travel, Student Repairs & Maintenance Ser Other Prof Tech Services Food Food Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Food Food Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Other Instruct. Services Travel, Out-Of-District Repairs & Maintenance Ser Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Rentals Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Garbage Other Communication/Data Services Travel, In-District Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Computer Hardware Instruction Srvcs-Pupils Non-Consumable Supplies Repairs & Maintenance Ser Printing & Binding Instrct'L Prgrm Impvmnt Computer Hardware Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Travel, In-District Travel, Out-Of-District Travel, Student Repairs & Maintenance Ser Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Travel, In-District Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Vehicle Parts/Supplies Tuition Reimb, Other Travel, Out-Of-District Travel, Student Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Check No. 207535 207536 207536 207537 207538 207539 207539 207540 207541 207541 207542 207543 207544 207545 207546 207546 207547 207548 207549 207550 207551 207552 207553 207553 207553 207553 207553 207553 207553 207553 207553 207553 207553 207553 207554 207554 207554 207554 207555 207556 207557 207558 207559 207559 207559 207559 207560 207560 207560 207560 207560 207561 207561 207561 207561 207562 207562 207562 207563 207563 207564 207564 207564 207564 207564 207564 207565 207565 207565 207565 207565 207565 207565 207565 207566 207566 207566 207566 207566 Vendor Lincoln Aquatics Marc Nelson Oil Products, Inc. Marc Nelson Oil Products, Inc. Mark Kooshian Mt Hood Alpine Racing Center NW Natural Gas Company NW Natural Gas Company OETC Office Depot Office Depot Olaf M Oja Lumber Company Oregon Department of Education OSAA Peak Trophy & Engraving Penny Plavala Penny Plavala Philip J. Carella Portland General Electric Portland Softball Umpires Sandy High Activity Fund Spring Valley Dairy Standard Supply Company SYNCB/ Amazon SYNCB/ Amazon SYNCB/ Amazon SYNCB/ Amazon SYNCB/ Amazon SYNCB/ Amazon SYNCB/ Amazon SYNCB/ Amazon SYNCB/ Amazon SYNCB/ Amazon SYNCB/ Amazon SYNCB/ Amazon Sysco Sysco Sysco Sysco Tara Black Telelanguage, Inc. Thomas C. Malone AIG Retirement - Valic American Family Life Assurance American Family Life Assurance American Family Life Assurance American Family Life Assurance Axa Equitable Axa Equitable Axa Equitable Axa Equitable Axa Equitable Capital Guardian Trust Company Capital Guardian Trust Company Capital Guardian Trust Company Capital Guardian Trust Company First Investors Corp First Investors Corp First Investors Corp Ing Life Insurance & Annuity Ing Life Insurance & Annuity Oregon Education Association Oregon Education Association Oregon Education Association Oregon Education Association Oregon Education Association Oregon Education Association Oregon School Employees Assoc. Oregon School Employees Assoc. Oregon School Employees Assoc. Oregon School Employees Assoc. Oregon School Employees Assoc. Oregon School Employees Assoc. Oregon School Employees Assoc. Oregon School Employees Assoc. Oregon Trail School Dist. #46 Oregon Trail School Dist. #46 Oregon Trail School Dist. #46 Oregon Trail School Dist. #46 Oregon Trail School Dist. #46 Payment 173.63 50.21 228.77 45.60 221.90 24,215.82 979.15 35.10 245.38 443.84 57.00 1,606.00 18.00 80.00 329.50 330.00 201.93 4,729.26 3,155.96 1,440.82 2,377.47 150.45 211.26 1,099.81 599.96 1,131.65 485.45 238.96 79.99 58.61 59.34 95.98 16.99 326.24 13.09 1,093.79 14.91 9,163.06 401.60 7.45 31.05 400.00 786.14 31.20 79.25 58.00 8,155.81 200.00 92.94 6.25 100.00 6,809.00 34.47 50.00 871.13 1,555.71 50.00 14.29 1,495.00 50.00 13,985.26 275.04 53.41 101.50 66.77 812.50 5,440.54 128.49 8.03 430.34 78.17 589.03 58.07 167.48 5,198.39 22.50 88.34 137.51 543.34 Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund Community Contributions General Fund Facility Improvement Fund General Fund General Fund Print Services Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund Title Ia General Fund General Fund General Fund Food Service Fund Food Service Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund Food Service Fund OTPA Food Service Fund Food Service Fund Food Service Fund Food Service Fund Community Contributions General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund Title Ia IDEA Food Service Fund General Fund Title Ia IDEA Food Service Fund OTPA General Fund Title IIa Food Service Fund OTPA General Fund Title Ia Youth Transition Program General Fund Title Ia General Fund Title Ia Title IIa IDEA Misc. Grants OTPA General Fund Title Ia Title Id IDEA Youth Transition Program Food Service Fund Print Services Fund OTPA General Fund Title Ia IDEA Misc. Grants OTPA 21 Function Care & Upkeep - Buildings Care & Upkeep - Buildings Care & Upkeep Of Grounds Technology Services High School Cocurricular Care & Upkeep - Buildings Care & Upkeep - Buildings Primary, Grade K-5 High School Instruction Printing Services Care & Upkeep - Buildings Student Transportation High School Cocurricular T.A.G. Program Instructional Staff Development Instructional Staff Development High School Instruction Care & Upkeep - Buildings High School Cocurricular Concession Services Food Services Care & Upkeep - Buildings Library/Media Services Less Restrictive Programs Student Support Services Technology Services High School Instruction Primary, Grade K-5 Public Information Svs Restrictive Programs Library/Media Services Technology Services Food Services Library/Media Services Concession Services Food Services Concession Services Food Services Primary, Grade K-5 Less Restrictive Programs Student Safety No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function Object Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Vehicle Fuel/Oil Vehicle Fuel/Oil Travel, In-District Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Fuel Fuel Computer Software Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Repairs & Maintenance Ser Student Transporation Services Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Instrct'L Prgrm Impvmnt Instrct'L Prgrm Impvmnt Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Electricity Noninstr Prof Services Other Prof Tech Services Food Repairs & Maintenance Ser AV Supplies Computer Hardware Computer Hardware Computer Hardware Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Library Books Non-Consumable Supplies Computer Hardware Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Food Food Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Other Instruct. Services Travel, In-District Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities IRS Plan 125 IRS Plan 125 IRS Plan 125 IRS Plan 125 IRS Plan 125 Check No. 207567 207568 207568 207569 207570 207570 207570 207570 207570 207571 207571 207571 207572 207573 207574 207575 207575 207575 207575 207575 207575 207576 207577 207577 207578 207579 207580 207581 207582 207583 207584 207585 207586 207587 207587 207588 207589 207589 207589 207590 207591 207592 207593 207594 207595 207596 207597 207598 207599 207600 207600 207601 207602 207603 207604 207605 207606 207607 207608 207609 207610 207611 207612 207612 207613 207613 207614 207615 207616 207617 207618 207619 207619 207620 207621 207621 207621 207621 207621 Vendor Reliastar Life Insurance Co. Security Benefit Life Ins Co Security Benefit Life Ins Co Standard Insurance Co. Vanguard Fiduciary Trust Company Vanguard Fiduciary Trust Company Vanguard Fiduciary Trust Company Vanguard Fiduciary Trust Company Vanguard Fiduciary Trust Company Voya - State of Oregon Plan Voya - State of Oregon Plan Voya - State of Oregon Plan Waddell & Reed, Inc. Washington National Insurance Co. Wayne Godare Wy'east Education Association Wy'east Education Association Wy'east Education Association Wy'east Education Association Wy'east Education Association Wy'east Education Association Zwicker & Associates, PC Oregon Department Of Revenue/G Oregon Department Of Revenue/G Accent Verticals, Inc. Amanda Hay Amanda R.Vance Apex Learning Inc Beacock Music Becca A. Reel Caitlin E. Rutherford CASIE City of Sandy Clackamas ESD Clackamas ESD Crystal Clear Audio Medical CTL Corporation CTL Corporation CTL Corporation Deborah G. Johnson Demco Doreen Dodgen-Magee Dramatic Publishing G.B. Manchester Corporation Ginger Redlinger Grainger, Inc. Gregory H.Thorson Gresham Sportscare Gresham Sportscare Home Depot Home Depot Hood View Junior Academy Operations Hoodview Security Systems IXL Learning Joan Knowlton Kasshawna A. Knoll Krista M.Frank Kuypers Consulting, Inc. Learning A-Z Legend Data Systems, Inc. Lincoln Aquatics Lois A. Owen Marc Nelson Oil Products, Inc. Marc Nelson Oil Products, Inc. Molly E.Vickers Molly E.Vickers Multnomah County Education Nasco Modesto NCCE 2014 Registration Nolan O'Meara Northwest Regional ESD NW Natural Gas Company NW Natural Gas Company OETC Office Depot Office Depot Office Depot Office Depot Office Depot Payment 250.00 20,739.35 275.00 500.00 10,157.88 390.00 910.00 125.00 156.90 1,450.00 50.00 300.00 494.00 30.80 720.00 1,751.75 33.00 7.00 12.50 8.75 100.00 392.74 403.19 245.41 78.00 77.98 179.25 1,800.00 225.00 68.61 100.00 895.00 4,523.23 2,441.00 25,506.30 895.00 32,482.00 1,490.00 2,980.00 71.96 246.53 1,687.50 450.00 4,113.15 467.00 134.60 115.00 6,415.00 400.00 314.76 251.07 727.68 245.00 1,194.00 52.08 150.00 46.35 137.42 199.90 210.04 200.55 99.00 383.07 60.21 93.96 20.57 786.08 199.36 350.00 42.99 1,276.90 19,354.40 1,347.50 70.35 95.64 132.28 436.63 107.87 8.99 Fund General Fund General Fund IDEA General Fund General Fund Title Ia Title IIa Misc. Grants OTPA General Fund Food Service Fund OTPA General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund Title Ia Title IIa IDEA Misc. Grants OTPA General Fund General Fund OTPA General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund OTPA General Fund OTPA General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund Community Contributions Title III ELL General Fund General Fund General Fund Facility Improvement Fund General Fund General Fund Community Contributions General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund Title Ia General Fund Community Contributions Title Ia OTPA General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund Facility Improvement Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund 22 Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function No Function Care & Upkeep - Buildings Less Restrictive Programs Middle School Programs High School Instruction Middle School Programs Primary, Grade K-5 Instructional Staff Development Elementary Cocurricular Care & Upkeep - Buildings Technology Services Other Student Treatment Speech & Hearing Services Middle School Programs Technology Services Primary, Grade K-5 Community/Parent Invlvmnt Library/Media Services Technology Services High School Cocurricular No Function Instructional Staff Development Care & Upkeep Of Grounds Faclty Aqcstn,Constr,Impr High School Cocurricular High School Cocurricular High School Instruction Care & Upkeep - Buildings Svs to Nonpublic Ed Students Care & Upkeep - Buildings Primary, Grade K-5 Instructional Staff Development Middle School Programs Instructional Staff Development Restrictive Programs Primary, Grade K-5 High School Instruction Care & Upkeep - Buildings Middle School Programs Care & Upkeep - Buildings Care & Upkeep Of Grounds Psychological Services Psychological Services Alternative Programs High School Instruction High School Instruction Care & Upkeep - Buildings Staff Services Care & Upkeep - Buildings Care & Upkeep - Buildings Office of the Principal High School Instruction Office of the Principal Primary, Grade K-5 Restrictive Programs Student Support Services Object Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Garnishment Withholding Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Payroll Liabilities Garnishment Withholding Garnishment Withholding Garnishment Withholding Repairs & Maintenance Ser Travel, In-District Textbooks Computer Software Repairs & Maintenance Ser Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Tuition Reimb, Other Travel, Out-Of-District Water And Sewage Other Communication/Data Services Student Services Non-Consumable Supplies Computer Hardware Computer Hardware Computer Hardware Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Noninstr Prof Services Dues and Fees Contract Retainage Payable Tuition Reimb, Other Repairs & Maintenance Ser Imprvmnts Other Than Bldg Noninstr Prof Services Noninstr Prof Services Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Repairs & Maintenance Ser Instrct'L Prgrm Impvmnt Repairs & Maintenance Ser Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Travel, Out-Of-District Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Travel, Out-Of-District Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Vehicle Fuel/Oil Vehicle Fuel/Oil Travel, In-District Travel, Out-Of-District Tuition, District-In State Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Travel, Out-Of-District Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Noninstr Prof Services Fuel Fuel Computer Software Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Check No. 207621 207621 207621 207621 207621 207621 207622 207623 207624 207624 207625 207625 207625 207625 207626 207626 207626 207627 207627 207627 207627 207628 207629 207629 207630 207631 207631 207632 207633 207634 207635 207636 207637 207638 207639 207640 207641 207643 207643 207643 207643 Vendor Office Depot Office Depot Office Depot Office Depot Office Depot Office Depot OMEA District 2 Oregon Lions Sight & Hearing OSPA OSPA Petty Cash - Boring Middle Petty Cash - Boring Middle Petty Cash - Boring Middle Petty Cash - Boring Middle Petty Cash - Kelso Petty Cash - Kelso Petty Cash - Kelso Petty Cash - Sandy Grade Petty Cash - Sandy Grade Petty Cash - Sandy Grade Petty Cash - Sandy Grade Philip J. Carella Portland General Electric Portland General Electric Project Lead The Way, Inc Qi Shen Qi Shen Sandy Fence Company Sandy Police Dept - Fingerprinting Scholastic, Inc. Sound Music Publications Standard Supply Company Suzanna Brewster Telelanguage, Inc. Todd Dejong Vernier Software & Technology, LLC Wally's Music Shop First Student, Inc. First Student, Inc. First Student, Inc. First Student, Inc. Payment 0.00 13.67 9.39 1,026.11 513.01 658.19 175.00 300.00 100.00 200.00 274.95 27.95 22.48 124.56 29.43 135.95 5.95 4.98 24.00 174.11 13.95 387.44 19,347.55 20,371.58 5,170.00 27.58 47.39 600.00 20.00 523.20 140.00 282.85 326.10 78.00 789.22 473.00 53.00 307,851.42 33.49 3,466.24 1,806.62 Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund Community Contributions OTPA OTPA General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund Facility Improvement Fund OTPA OTPA OTPA General Fund General Fund Title III ELL General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund Title III ELL Community Contributions OTPA 23 Function Middle School Programs Office of the Principal Office of the Principal Primary, Grade K-5 Middle School Programs Primary, Grade K-5 High School Cocurricular Speech & Hearing Services Staff Services Staff Services Middle School Programs Office of the Principal Library/Media Services Office of the Principal Office of the Principal Primary, Grade K-5 Office of the Principal Office of the Principal Primary, Grade K-5 Office of the Principal Primary, Grade K-5 High School Instruction Care & Upkeep - Buildings Care & Upkeep - Buildings Primary, Grade K-5 Middle School Programs Primary, Grade K-5 Care & Upkeep Of Grounds Staff Services Community/Parent Invlvmnt High School Instruction Care & Upkeep - Buildings Middle School Cocurricular Less Restrictive Programs High School Instruction Technology Services High School Instruction Student Transportation Student Transportation Student Transportation Student Transportation Object Non-Consumable Supplies Non-Consumable Supplies Postage Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Dues and Fees Other Instruct. Services Dues and Fees Prof & Improv, Non-Instrc Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Library Books Postage Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Postage Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Postage Repairs & Maintenance Ser Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Electricity Electricity Textbooks Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Repairs & Maintenance Ser Noninstr Prof Services Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Repairs & Maintenance Ser Consumable Supplies/Mtrls Other Instruct. Services Textbooks Computer Hardware Repairs & Maintenance Ser Student Transporation Services Student Transporation Services Student Transporation Services Student Transporation Services BOARD AGENDA DETAIL April 13, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: Financial Report. ACTION: Consent agenda. GOAL: Acknowledge receipt and review of staff prepared budget report. Report includes budget status year-to-date compared to the same period in the prior year. Report also provides information on expenditures relative to legal spending levels established by the school board. (Final annual financial reports are subject to independent audit verification. School board’s review does not constitute such verification) DOCUMENTS: February 2015 Board Revenue and Expenditure Summary Report. FROM: Tim Belanger Director of Business and Support Services 24 FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY 2015 2014-15 REVENUE - General Fund Budget Acct. No.\Description 1000 Local Sources 2000 Intermediate Sources $ 3000 State Sources 4000 5000 Federal Sources Other Sources 2013-14 Received YTD 12,972,782 $ % Rec'd YTD 11,902,999 91.75% Received YTD Budget $ 12,457,000 $ % Rec'd YTD 11,122,942 89.29% 543,000 298,018 54.88 505,000 190,541 37.73 22,940,000 16,968,780 73.97 21,947,500 16,167,498 73.66 - - 100.00 100.00 - - 100.00 100.00 TOTAL REVENUES 36,455,782 29,169,797 80.01 34,909,500 27,480,980 78.72 5400 Beginning Fund Balance TOTAL REV. AND BEG. BALANCE 5,700,000 42,155,782 6,040,131 35,209,928 105.97 83.52 4,900,000 39,809,500 5,928,536 33,409,516 120.99 83.92 $ $ EXPENDITURES - General Fund Budget Acct. No.\Description 1111 1121 1122 1131 1132 1140 1210 1220 1227 1250 1271 1280 1284 1285 1288 1289 1291 1292 1000 Elementary School Programs (K-3) Middle School Programs Middle School CoCurricular High School Programs Cocurricular Activities-High School Pre-School Programs Talented & Gifted (TAG) Restrictive Programs Extended School Year Program Less Restrictive Programs Remediation Alternative Programs - Other Alternative Programs - Life Skills / YTP Alternative Programs - Blended Learning Alternative Programs-Charter School Alternative Programs-Expanded Options ESL Program Teen Parent Program TOTAL INSTRUCTION 2110 2114 2115 2119 2120 2130 2140 2150 2160 2190 2210 2222 2230 2240 2310 2320 2410 2520 2542 2543 2550 2573 2633 2640 2660 Attendance & Social Work Student Accounting Services Student Safety Other Attendance/Social Services Guidance & Counseling Services Nurse Services Psychological Services Speech & Audiology Services Other Student Treatment Services Student Services Improvement of Instruction Educational Media-School Library Assessment & Testing Instructional Staff Development Board of Education Office of Superintendent Office of the Principal Fiscal Services Care & Upkeep of Buildings Care & Upkeep of Grounds Pupil Transportation Services Warehousing/Delivery Service Information Services Personnel Services Technology Support 2000 3321 TOTAL SUPPORT Aquatic Center 3000 5120 5200 Community Services Short-Term Debt Service Interfund Transfers 5000 6000 Expended YTD OTHER USES TOTAL CONTINGENCY TOTAL EXPENDITURES % Exp YTD $ Expended YTD Budget % Exp YTD 6,019,504 3,280,225 167,049 5,129,653 677,371 118,773 45,700 2,249,791 17,929 1,512,282 7,400 25,000 279,140 1,558,000 1,700 651,414 10,927 21,751,858 3,029,457 1,697,298 84,813 2,631,070 414,765 40,282 26,056 1,025,221 5,536 705,818 8,711 8,036 24,682 148,756 1,205,406 939 290,770 2,062 11,349,679 50.33 51.74 50.77 51.29 61.23 33.91 57.02 45.57 30.88 46.67 100.00 108.59 98.73 53.29 77.37 55.23 44.64 18.87 52.18 6,006,187 3,269,216 163,567 4,844,000 690,667 91,241 67,584 2,193,752 17,940 1,578,439 17,000 25,000 324,406 1,313,000 1,700 573,431 33,816 21,210,946 2,873,664 1,620,995 91,316 2,435,792 396,601 35,283 16,839 1,097,406 5,002 726,056 15,516 24,136 197,194 976,050 1,854 285,603 1,893 10,801,198 47.85 49.58 55.83 50.28 57.42 38.67 24.92 50.02 27.88 46.00 100.00 91.27 96.54 60.79 74.34 109.04 49.81 5.60 50.92 13,333 338,698 146,061 31,275 1,024,832 175,677 240,598 569,026 118,738 318,047 276,340 413,011 1,000 168,799 213,798 275,086 2,540,164 657,046 3,051,083 187,969 2,980,334 51,709 134,787 377,243 710,270 17,572 147,297 62,430 536,656 15,943 111,158 287,047 52,116 190,628 190,584 203,522 465 46,892 157,556 194,265 1,729,962 444,258 2,111,962 145,691 1,911,820 33,471 22,373 267,051 431,145 131.79 43.49 42.74 0.00 52.37 9.08 46.20 50.45 43.89 59.94 68.97 49.28 46.50 27.78 73.69 70.62 68.10 67.61 69.22 77.51 64.15 64.73 16.60 70.79 60.70 12,898 311,629 141,619 34,420 901,877 84,810 161,117 502,595 95,455 287,267 268,008 432,928 247,494 186,710 260,725 2,433,906 636,436 3,107,876 170,133 2,906,692 48,893 103,986 362,291 603,640 7,131 172,082 95,135 10,652 449,754 39,628 87,903 265,941 52,273 199,910 182,480 209,140 1,283 156,395 130,109 186,043 1,507,679 435,884 2,073,245 126,881 1,841,192 31,757 26,868 249,960 348,943 55.29 55.22 67.18 30.95 49.87 46.73 54.56 52.91 54.76 69.59 68.09 48.31 100.00 63.19 69.69 71.36 61.94 68.49 66.71 74.58 63.34 64.95 25.84 68.99 57.81 15,014,924 9,311,864 62.02 14,303,405 8,888,267 62.14 5,000 - 0.00 5,000 5,000 100.00 5,000 - 0.00 5,000 5,000 100.00 34,000 140,000 93,333 0.00 66.67 34,000 140,000 93,333 0.00 66.67 174,000 93,333 53.64 174,000 93,333 53.64 500,000 - 0.00 500,000 - 0.00 55.43 36,193,351 19,787,798 3,616,149 13,621,718 39,809,500 33,409,516 37,445,782 20,754,877 Ending Fund Balance 4,710,000 14,455,050 TOTAL EXP. AND END. BALANCE 42,155,782 35,209,928 7000 $ Cash $ Investments LGIP Investments LGIP - Bond Investments CCB Repurchase Agrmnt. (569,884) 23,018,084 6,309,350 1,741,492 Total 30,499,042 $ 25 83.52 54.67 83.92 FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY 2015 2014-15 OTHER FUNDS GRANTS FUND Beginning Fund Balance Revenues Expenditures 1000s Instruction 3000s Community Services 4000s Prop. Acquisition Ending Fund Balance COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTIONS FUND Beginning Fund Balance 1,610,449 681,752 42.33 466,118 202,526 28,433 5,000 - - - 37.09 1,808,281 763,361 42.21 43.45 558,045 196,216 35.16 8,966 31.53 28,674 14,056 49.02 - 0.00 5,000 - 100.00 0.00 - (83,571) 100.00 70,000 91,718 131.03 69.71 160,000 93,862 58.66 200,000 97,290 48.64 150,000 74,648 49.77 73,000 16,632 22.78 74,000 17,133 23.15 3000s Community Services 2,000 - 0.00 2,000 - 0.00 4000s Prop. Acquisition 5,000 9,932 198.65 4,000 - 0.00 119,077 100.00 - 93,799 100.00 3,270,000 4,139,030 126.58 3,332,000 4,700,514 141.07 280,000 181,086 64.67 890,000 169,727 19.07 100,000 14,680 14.68 500,000 3,344 0.67 2,050,000 289,912 14.14 2,111,000 343,135 16.25 990,000 435,703 1.31 1000s Instruction 1000s Instruction Expenditures 2000s Support Services 4000s Prop. Acquisition 5000s Other Uses Ending Fund Balance TECHNOLOGY FUND Beginning Fund Balance Revenues 2000s Support Services Ending Fund Balance FOOD SERVICE FUND Beginning Fund Balance Revenues 3000s Community Services Ending Fund Balance DEBT SERVICE FUND Beginning Fund Balance Revenues 5000s Other Uses (Debt & Transfer) Ending Fund Balance CAPITAL PROJECTS, 2009 G.O. Bonds Beginning Fund Balance Revenues 4000s Prop. Construction Ending Fund Balance INSURANCE SERVICES FUND Beginning Fund Balance Revenues 2000s Support Services - - - 44.01 640,000 8,374 100.00 70,000 - 3,579,821 873.13 901,000 4,515,388 501.15 68,000 64,848 95.37 85,000 76,370 89.85 55,500 17,220 31.03 70,000 39,961 57.09 123,500 11,554 9.36 155,000 52,078 33.60 70,515 100.00 64,253 100.00 - - 80,000 35,132 43.92 11,297 100.00 1,394,811 874,490 62.70 1,422,530 786,858 55.31 1,474,811 787,476 53.40 1,422,530 685,696 48.20 122,145 100.00 112,459 100.00 - - - 80,000 137,902 172.38 66,600 108,673 163.17 6,376,176 5,882,182 92.25 6,151,826 5,667,869 92.13 6,405,176 2,202,588 34.39 6,218,426 2,231,713 35.89 51,000 3,817,497 7485.29 3,544,829 100.00 6,400,000 6,321,210 98.77 7,282,000 7,055,491 96.89 68,000 22,222 32.68 228,000 353,564 155.07 7,510,000 6,468,000 72,231 1.12 6,271,201 100.00 286,000 317,956 111.17 392,600 395,480 100.73 678,600 354,644 52.26 358,792 100.00 - - - 786,258 10.47 6,622,798 100.00 260,000 300,521 115.59 353,300 342,150 96.84 613,300 339,755 55.40 302,916 100.00 - - 66,000 5,080 7.70 65,000 - Revenues 52,000 75,828 145.82 35,000 71,185 116,000 0.00 203.39 80,754 69.62 99,400 69,759 70.18 Ending Fund Balance SCHOLARSHIP TRUST FUND Beginning Fund Balance 2,000 153 7.66 600 1,426 237.67 43,000 43,981 102.28 43,000 44,620 103.77 Revenues 10,300 7,368 71.54 10,300 1,417 13.76 40,300 11,648 28.90 40,300 9,214 22.86 13,000 39,701 305.40 13,000 36,823 283.25 Beginning Fund Balance 170,000 178,844 105.20 144,900 141,688 97.78 Revenues 590,800 319,959 54.16 720,300 372,135 51.66 Expenditures 2000s Support Services Ending Fund Balance 570,800 190,000 392,093 106,710 68.69 56.16 700,000 165,200 438,627 75,196 62.66 45.52 Expenditures 2000s Support Services 0.00 410,000 Ending Fund Balance PRINT SERVICES Beginning Fund Balance Expenditures 100.00 890,062 (16,692) 2,400,000 122.76 Expenditures Expenditures 41.54 YTD % 110,481 Revenues Expenditures 100.00 YTD 132,449 Ending Fund Balance FACILITY IMPROVEMENT FUND Beginning Fund Balance Expenditures 876,552 Budget 90,000 2000s Support Services Expenditures - YTD % 190,000 Revenues Expenditures 2013-14 YTD 2,110,000 2000s Support Services Expenditures Budget 3000s Community Services Ending Fund Balance OPEB TRUST FUND 26 BOARD AGENDA DETAIL April 13, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: Personnel Changes Reports ACTION: Approval DOCUMENTS: Enclosed FROM: Ken Bucchi Director of Human Resources 27 April 13, 2015 Personnel Report To The Board of Directors (Changes since March 31, 2015 Report) NEW HIRES – TEMPORARY LICENSED • Nancy Standen Blaesing, Oregon Trail Academy, Kindergarten Teacher, .5137 FTE Nancy Standen Blaesing has been temporarily hired as the Kindergarten Teacher at Oregon Trail Academy for the remainder of the school year replacing Bethany Winters who is on an approved leave of absence. NEW HIRES – NON-LICENSED • Kathleen Rentenaar, Firwood Elementary, Food Service Worker, .4375 FTE Kathi was hired as the Food Service Worker at Firwood Elementary replacing Diane Herz. NEW HIRES – TEMP / CASUAL • Peggy Rockwood, Student Services, Extended Assessments Testing • Michele Owen, Sandy High, Assistant Softball Coach • Bradley Topliff, Boring Middle, Head Wrestling Coach RESIGNATIONS / RETIREMENTS –LICENSED • Craig Duffey, Sandy High, Math Teacher, 1.00 FTE Employee has submitted a resignation effective 6/09/2015 th th • Tracey Johnson, Sandy Grade, 4 / 5 Grade Teacher, 1.00 FTE Tracey submitted a letter of resignation effective 6/09/2015 • Deborah Shaver, Firwood Elementary, Title I Teacher, 1.00 FTE Employee submitted notification of retirement under PERS effective 4/01/2015 • Garry Smith, Boring Middle, Math teacher, 1.00 FTE Employee submitted notification of retirement under PERS effective 7/01/2015 RESIGNATIONS / RETIREMENTS – NON-LICENSED • Cheryl Van Beek, Sandy Grade, SPED Educational Assistant, .813 FTE Cheryl submitted a letter of resignation effective 12/17/2014 RESIGNATIONS / RETIREMENTS - TEMP / CASUAL • Julie Edwards, Sandy High, Food Service Worker, .375 FTE Julie submitted a letter of resignation effective 4/10/2015 • Alfred McInturf, Facilities Operations, Custodial Substitute, on call as needed Human Resources Department was notified by Facilities Director that Alfred McInturf has resigned effective 2/20/2015 ASSIGNMENT CHANGES – LICENSED • Cherie Shields, Sandy High, Language Arts, 1.00 FTE NHS Duties are being split with Leslie Nicholas EXTRA DUTY– HOURLY RATE - NON LICENSED (The following assignments were paid from the Title Ia & Id Fund) • Kari Hagan-Klein, Naas Elementary, Documenting book sets for reading program, 1/14/20152/04/2015, not to exceed 10.25 hours (The following assignments were paid from the Food Service Fund) • Donna Haggstrom, Food and Nutrition Services, Training Kitchen Leads on online product ordering, 2/20/2015-3/13/2015, not to exceed 7 hours (The following assignments were paid from the Insurance Services Fund) st • Barbara Payette, Kelso Elementary, 1 Aid / CPR Training, 3/10/2015, not to exceed 3.5 hours 28 • • • Barbara Payette, Kelso Elementary, Emergency Response Team Training, 2/25/2015, not to exceed 1 hour st Amy Scofield, Kelso Elementary, 1 Aid / CPR Training, 3/10/2015, not to exceed 3.5 hours Amy Scofield, Kelso Elementary, Emergency Response Team Training, 2/25/2015, not to exceed 1 hour (The following assignments were paid from the General Fund) • Karen Crosby, Welches Schools, Emergency Operations Plan, 2/11/2015, not to exceed 30 minutes • Kari Hagan-Klein, Naas Elementary, Emergency Operations Training, 2/18/2015, not to exceed 1 hour • Rebecca Luff, Kelso Elementary, SLCA Classroom Planning, 1/15/2015-6/05/2015, not to exceed 5 hours • Megan Montellano, Firwood Elementary, Kindergarten Round-up Assessment Team, 3/31/20154/16/2015, not to exceed 10 hours • Obie Murphy, Sandy High, Cesar Chavez Leadership supervising students, 3/06/2015, not to exceed 5.5 hours • Barbara Payette, Kelso Elementary, Training: EOT & OAKS, 3/04/2015-3/11/2015, not to exceed 2 hours • Kathleen Rasmussen, Sandy Grade, Site counsel Classified Rep,10/2014-6/2015, not to exceed 9 hours • Amy Scofield, Kelso Elementary, Smarter Balance Training, 3/04/20415, not to exceed 1 hour • Amy Scofield, Kelso Elementary, Bus Duty, 2/18/2015, not to exceed 1 hour • Kellie Wilkerson, Sandy High, Supervision of dance & detention, 1/13/2015-2/07/2015, not to exceed 6 hours EXTRA DUTY – NEGOTIATED STIPEND • Wade Lockett, Sandy High, TOSA Administrative Duties • Jeremy Magee, Sandy High, Department Coordinator – Science • Leslie Nicholas, Sandy High, NHS Duties • Kaleen Swenson, Cedar Ridge Middle, Diapering Stipend EXTRA DUTY – SPORTING EVENTS • Todd DeJong, Sandy High, Boys Basketball Event Manager, 1/6/2015-3/6/2015, 2 events • Kress Drew, Sandy High, Wrestling Clock, 2/05/2015, 1 event • Craig Duffey, Sandy High, Boys & Girls Basketball & Wrestling clock, 1/20/2015-3/04/2015, 23 events • Barb gates, Sandy High, Wrestling Tickets, 2/07/2015, 1 event • Peggy Hodge, Sandy High, Wrestling Tickets, 2/05/2015, 1 event • Obie Murphy, Sandy High, Boys & Girls Basketball tickets, 1/20/2015-3/04/2015, 12 events • Cathy Quiet, Sandy High, Boys & Girls Basketball & Wrestling tickets, 1/20/2015-3/04/2015, 14 events • Roger Wecker, Sandy High, Girls Basketball Score Book, 1/16/2015-3/04/2015, 13 events • Kellie Wilkerson, Sandy High, Girls Basketball Event Management, 2/06/2015, 1 event 29 BOARD AGENDA DETAIL April 13, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: Policies reviewed and revised to reflect current practice, legal references, and OSBA/legal opinion. BA: Board Goals BCE: Board Committees BCF: Advisory Committees to the Board BDC: Executive Sessions BDDC: Board Meeting Agenda BDDH: Public Participation in Board Meetings BFG: Policy Review and Evaluation/Manual Accuracy Check BG: Board-Staff Communications RECOMMENDATION: Approve policies as presented. FROM: Julia Monteith, Communications Director 30 Oregon Trail School District 46 Code: Adopted: Readopted: Orig. Code(s): BA 1/13/97 12/9/02, 4/13/15 BA Board Goals The Board is responsible to the people for whose benefit the district has been established. Further, the Board’s current decisions will influence the future course of education in the district’s schools. By virtue of this responsibility, the Board and each of its members must look to the future and to the needs of all district citizens. This requires a comprehensive perspective and long-range plan in addition to addressing immediate problems. The Board’s primary responsibility is to establish policies, purposes, programs and procedures which will best produce educational achievement. The Board is charged with accomplishing this while also being responsible for wise management of available resources. The Board must fulfill these responsibilities by functioning primarily as a legislative body which formulates and adopts policy, by selecting an executive officer to implement policy and by evaluating the results. Further, it must carry out its functions openly and seek the involvement of students, staff and the public during its decision-making processes. In accordance with these principles, the Board, through its operations, will seek to achieve the following goals to: 1. Concentrate the Board’s collective effort on policy-making and planning responsibilities; 2. Formulate Board policies that best serve each student’s educational interests; 3. Provide the superintendent with sufficient and adequate guidelines for implementing Board policies; 4. Maintain effective communication with the public, staff and students to maintain awareness of attitudes, opinions, desires and ideas; 5. Conduct Board business openly, soliciting and encouraging broad-based involvement of the public, students and staff in the Board’s decision-making processes. The Board will strive to annually set the objectives needed to meet the Board goals. END OF POLICY Legal Reference(s): ORS 332.107 31 Oregon Trail School District 46 Code: Adopted: Readopted: Orig. Code(s): BCE 12/9/02 4/13/15 BCE Board Committees The Board shall have no standing committees. Special committees may be appointed by the Board for specific purposes to serve until their assignment is completed. The entire Board may meet as a committeeof-the-whole. The function of special committees will be fact-finding, deliberative and advisory rather than legislative or administrative. The committee will make recommendations directly to the Board as a whole, which alone may take action. Committee meetings may be called by the Board chairman, the committee chairman or any committee member. Committee-of-the-whole meetings, called “work sessions,” may be held. Committee-of-the-whole meetings may be called by the chairman or any two Board members. All meetings of special committees and of committees-of-the-whole will follow public meeting laws. However, the Board and its committees may sit in executive sessions to discuss matters when such sessions are required or permitted by law. All matters referred to a committee will be thoroughly investigated. A committee will not have the power to act for the Board except as the Board has specifically authorized, but will make recommendations to the Board. Committee recommendations and reports will become an official part of Board minutes. A Board committee may appoint, subject to Board approval, advisory members from the staff, student body or community. Advisory members will be instructed in the committee’s functions and their status. These members may not be included in considering whether a quorum of the committee is present, nor may they vote on recommendations to be made to the Board. However, either an advisory member or an ex-officio member may present a written minority report to the Board. END OF POLICY Legal Reference(s): ORS 192.610 - 192.690 ORS 332.045 ORS 332.105 Cross Reference(s): BCF - Advisory Committees to the Board 32 Oregon Trail School District 46 Code: Adopted: Readopted: Orig. Code(s): BCF 1/13/97 12/9/02, 4/13/15 BCE/BCF Advisory Committees to the Board In an ongoing effort to increase communication with the public and to provide for citizen involvement, the Board may appoint advisory committees which include community members to consider matters of districtwide importance. The Board shall have no permanent or standing advisory committees other than those required by statute. Recommendations of such committees will be given careful consideration by the Board, but such recommendations will not relieve the Board of its legal responsibility to make final decisions about such matters. All meetings of advisory committees shall be considered open meetings. The press may attend and report proceedings. Visitors shall sit apart from the committee members and shall speak only when invited to do so by the committee chairman. The composition of advisory committees to the Board will be broadly representative and will take into consideration the specific tasks assigned to the committee. The process for the appointment of community members to an advisory committee will be determined by the Board. Appointment of staff members, when appropriate, will be made by the superintendent. The Board will adopt guidelines for each committee as appropriate, which will include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. The committee’s written charge which shall include, but not be limited to, a statement of purpose and responsibility; 2. The resources the Board will provide; 3. The length of time the committee is asked to serve and the approximate date(s) on which the Board wishes to receive committee report(s). Except as specifically provided by the Board, citizen advisory committees will cease to function when their reports have been received by the Board or when the purposes for which they were established have been accomplished. The Board may be represented on lay and professional committees that serve the Board in an advisory capacity, with specific Board members appointed by the chair, but normally such Board members will function as ex-officio members of the committees. 33 The Board’s responsibility cannot be delegated or surrendered to others. Therefore, all recommendations of an advisory committee must be submitted to the Board for action and must be recognized as advisory in nature. END OF POLICY Legal Reference(s): ORS 192.610 ORS 192.630 ORS 294.414 ORS 329.704 ORS 332.107 Oregon Department of Justice, Oregon Attorney General’s Model Public Contract Rules Manual (2003). 34 Oregon Trail School District 46 Code: Adopted: Readopted: Orig. Code(s): BDC 1/13/97 12/9/02, 4/15/15 BDC Executive Sessions The Board may meet in executive session to discuss subjects allowed by statute but may not take final action except for the expulsion of students and matters pertaining to or examination of the confidential medical records of a student, including that student’s educational program. Executive sessions may be held during regular, special or emergency meetings for any reason permitted by law. The presiding officer will announce the executive session by identifying the authorization under ORS 192.660 for holding such session and by noting the subject of the executive session. Members of the press may attend executive sessions except those pertaining to deliberations with persons designated by the Board to carry on labor negotiations; hearings on the expulsion of minor students; or examination of the confidential medical records of a student including that student’s educational program; and current litigation or litigation likely to be filed if the member of the news media is a party to the litigation or is an employee, agent or contractor of a news media organization that is a party to the litigation. An executive session may be convened by the chair, upon request of three Board members or by common consent of the Board for a purpose authorized under ORS 192.660. If an executive session is held pursuant to ORS 332.061, the following shall not be made public: the name of the minor student; the issue, including the student’s confidential medical records and educational program; the discussion; and each Board member’s vote on the issue. All executive session minutes shall be kept in written, audio or visual form. Content discussed in executive sessions is confidential. Recognition of news media organizations: The following entities are recognized as news media organizations eligible to attend executive sessions: 1. A general or associate newspaper of the Oregon Newspaper Publishers Organization, a broadcast member of the Oregon Association of Broadcasters or a member of the Associated Press, or 2. A newspaper that the district uses for publication of public notices and that meets the requirements of ORS 193.020; or Recording Devices Prohibited: Cameras, recorders, smart phones and other recording devices shall not be used in executive sessions, except for the official executive session recordings made by district staff. 35 END OF POLICY Legal Reference(s): ORS 192.610 - 192.710 ORS 332.045 ORS 332.061 Cross Reference(s): BD/BDA - Board Meetings/Regular Board Meetings BDDA - Notification of Board Meetings BDDG - Minutes of Board Meetings 36 Oregon Trail School District 46 Code: Adopted: Readopted: Orig. Code(s): BDDC 1/13/97 12/9/02, 4/13/15 BDDB/BDDC Board Meeting Agenda The Board chairman and the superintendent will prepare an agenda for all regular meetings of the Board. Items of business may be suggested by any Board member, staff member, student or citizen of the district by notifying the superintendent at least six working days prior to the meeting. A consent agenda may be used by the Board for noncontroversial business. The consent agenda will consist of routine business that requires action but not necessarily discussion. These items may all be approved at the same time. A Board member may ask that any item be removed from the consent agenda. The removed item will then be placed on the regular agenda. The agenda will follow a general order established by the Board. Opportunities for the audience to be heard will be included. The Board will follow the order of business set up by the agenda unless the order is altered by a consensus of the Board. Items of business not on the agenda may be discussed and acted upon if the majority of the Board agrees to consider them. The agenda, together with supporting materials, will be available for distribution to Board members at least three full working days prior to the meeting. The agenda will be available to the press and to interested patrons through the superintendent’s office at the same time it is available to the Board members. Copies of the agenda for the press and public will not contain any confidential information included in the Board members’ packets. A copy of the agenda will be posted in each district facility and on the district website three days prior to the meeting. Members of the public may request a copy of the agenda at the district office. The district will ensure equally effective communications are provided to qualified persons with disabilities upon request as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. Appropriate auxiliary aids and services available may include large print, Braille, audio recordings and readers. Primary consideration will be given to the requests of the person with a disability in the selection of appropriate auxiliary aids and services. Should the Board demonstrate such requests would result in a fundamental alteration in the service, program or activity or in undue financial and administrative burdens, alternate, equally effective communications will be used. Auxiliary aids and services for persons with disabilities will be available at no charge to the individual. 37 Matters presented to the Board by district patrons or employees may, following presentation, be referred to the superintendent for analysis and recommendation. Final Board action shall not be taken until the superintendent has had the opportunity to study the matter and make a recommendation. END OF POLICY Legal Reference(s): ORS 192.640 Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C. Sections 12101-12213; 29 CFR Part 1630 (2006); 28 CFR Part 35 (2006). Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008. Cross Reference(s): BDDG - Minutes of Board Meetings BDDH - Public Participation in Board Meetings 38 Oregon Trail School District 46 Code: Adopted: Readopted: Orig. Code(s): BDDH 1/13/97 12/9/02, 4/13/15 BDDH Public Participation in Board Meetings All Board meetings, with the exception of executive sessions, will be open to the public. The Board invites district citizens to attend Board meetings to become acquainted with the program and the operation of the district. Members of the public are also encouraged to share their ideas and opinions with the Board when appropriate. It is the intent of the Board to ensure communications with individuals with disabilities are as effective as communications with others. Individuals with hearing, vision or speech impairments will be given an equal opportunity to participate in Board meetings. Primary consideration will be given to requests of qualified individuals with disabilities in selecting appropriate auxiliary aids 1 and services. Auxiliary aids and services for persons with disabilities will be available at no charge to the individual. All auxiliary aids and/or service requests must be made with appropriate advance notice. Should the Board demonstrate such requests would result in a fundamental alteration in the service, program or activity or in undue financial and administrative burdens, alternative, equally effective means of communication will be used. Audience During an open session of a Board meeting, members of the public are specifically invited to present concerns during the designated portion of the agenda. At the discretion of the chair, further public participation may be allowed. Request for an Item on the Agenda A member of the public may request the superintendent place an item of concern on the agenda of a regular Board meeting. This request should be made in writing and presented to the superintendent for consideration at least six working days prior to the scheduled meeting. Procedures for Public Participation in Meetings The Board will establish procedures for public participation in open meetings. The purpose of these procedures will be to inform the public as to how to effectively participate in Board meetings for the best interests of the individual, the district and the patrons. The information will be easily accessible and available to all patrons attending a public Board meeting. 1 Auxiliary aids include, but are not limited to such services and devices as qualified interpreters, assistive listening systems, note takers, readers, taped texts, Brailled materials and large print. 39 Discussion or presentation concerning a published agenda item is limited to its designated place on the agenda, unless otherwise authorized by the chairman. A visitor speaking during the meeting may introduce a topic not on the published agenda. The Board, at its discretion, may require that a proposal, inquiry or request be submitted in writing, and reserves the right to refer the matter to the administration for action or study. Any person who is invited by the chair to speak to the Board during a meeting should state his/her name and address and, if speaking for an organization, the name and identity of the organization. A spokesperson should be designated to represent a group with a common purpose. Statements by members of the public should be brief and concise. The chair may use discretion to establish a time limit on discussion or oral presentation by a visitor. Questions asked by the public, when possible, will be answered immediately by the chairman or referred to staff members for reply. Questions requiring investigation may, at the discretion of the chairman, be referred to the superintendent for response at a later time. At the discretion of the Board chair, anyone wishing to speak before the Board, either as an individual or as a member of a group, on any agenda item or other topic, may do so by providing the Board secretary with a completed registration card prior to the Board meeting in order to allow the chairman to provide adequate time for each agenda item. The Board chair should be alert to see that all visitors have been acknowledged and thanked for their presence and especially for any contributed comments on agenda issues. Similar courtesy should be extended to members of staff who have been in attendance. Their return for future meetings should be welcomed. Petitions Petitions may be accepted at any Board meeting. No action will be taken in response to a petition before the next regular meeting. Petitions will be referred to the superintendent for consideration and recommendation. Criticisms of Staff Members Speakers may offer objective criticism of district operations and programs, but the Board will not hear complaints concerning individual district personnel. The chair will direct the visitor to the appropriate means for Board consideration and disposition of legitimate complaints involving individuals. END OF POLICY Legal Reference(s): ORS 165.535 ORS 165.540 ORS 192.610 - 192.690 ORS 332.057 Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C. Sections 12101-12213; 29 CFR Part 1630 (2006) 28 CFR Part 35 (2006). Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008. 40 Oregon Trail School District 46 Code: Adopted: Readopted: Orig. Code(s): BG 1/13/97 12/9/02, 4/13/15 BG Board-Staff Communications The Board desires to maintain open channels of communication between itself and the staff. The basic line of communication will, however, be through the superintendent. Staff Communications to the Board All formal communications or reports to the Board or any Board committee from principals, teachers or other staff members will be submitted through the superintendent. This procedure will not be construed as denying the right of any employee to address the Board about issues; however, employees with concerns are encouraged to utilize the complaint procedure and grievance procedures outlined in the collective bargaining agreement as appropriate. Staff members are invited to Board meetings, which provide an opportunity to observe the Board’s deliberations on matters of staff concern. Board Communications to Staff All official Board communications, policies and directives of staff interest and concern will be communicated to staff members through the superintendent. The superintendent will provide appropriate communication to keep staff fully informed of the Board’s priorities, concerns and actions. Visits to Schools School visits by Board members will be regarded as informal expressions of interest in school affairs and not as “inspections” or visits for supervisory or administrative purposes. Official visits by Board members will be carried on only under Board authorization and with the full knowledge of staff, including the superintendent, principals and other supervisors. END OF POLICY Legal Reference(s): OAR 581-022-1720 Anderson v. Central Point School District No. 6, 554 F. Supp. 600 (D. Oregon 1982); aff’d in part, 746 F. 2d 505 (9th Cir. 1984). Connick v. Myers, 461 U.S. 138 (1983). Cross Reference(s): GBD - Board-Staff Communication KK - Visitors to the Schools 41 K-12 Math Textbook Adoption Adoption Committee was composed of teachers, K-12, and administrators; 18 members. Recommendation for Math Adoption (2015-2021) Elementary (K-5): My Math by McGraw Hill (2014 edition) Includes: • consumable student editions (6 year subscription; no annual cost) • digital platform access for both teachers and students • electronic assessments • performance tasks for grades 1-5 • real world problem solving readers (small book sets for each chapter/unit) • digital student tutorial features for grades 3-5 • computational fluency “fact dash” available on line Middle School (6-8): Course 1, 2, 3 by McGraw Hill/Glencoe (2015 edition) Includes: • consumable student editions (6 year subscription; no annual cost) • digital platform access for both teachers and students • electronic assessments • performance tasks for grades 6-8 • digital student tutorial features • Geo Sketch pad (digital feature to support expanding understanding of geometry concepts) • Accelerated option for advanced 7th graders to complete 7/8th grade math in one year and move onto Algebra 1 in 8th grade • ALEKs- on line option for students not yet performing at grade level to address gaps in math skills/knowledge (will be used in middle school math lab classes) High School: Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 by Glencoe (2015 edition) Includes: • hardback student edition (textbooks) • digital platform access for both teachers and students • electronic assessments • performance tasks • digital student tutorial features • Geo Sketch pad (digital feature to support expanding understanding of geometry concepts) 42 Oregon Trail School District Math Philosophy and Beliefs Philosophy Statement Oregon Trail School District believes effective math instruction is grounded in the reciprocal relationship between all teachers and students creating authentic and purposeful learning experiences that focus on mathematical sense-making, reasoning, and understanding. To Prepare College and Career Ready Students, We Believe: • • • • • • • • • • The heart of effective mathematics instruction is an emphasis on problem solving, reasoning, and sense-making that allow multiple entry points Teachers elicit and use evidence of student thinking to support and extend learning Procedural fluency is tied to conceptual understanding thereby promoting flexibility to solve problems Productive struggle is a necessary component of teaching math to support deeper student understanding Meaningful mathematical discourse is facilitated to build shared understanding of math ideas by analyzing and pairing student approaches and arguments Mathematical representations are used and connected to deepen understanding of concepts and procedures as tools for problem solving Purposeful questions are posed to access and advance student reasoning and sense making about math ideas and relationships Research-based curriculum implemented district wide develops along coherent learning progressions and develops connections within math and with the real world Assessment is an integral part of instruction, provides evidence of proficiency with content and practices, includes a variety of strategies and data sources, informs feedback to students, instructional decisions and program improvement Educators hold themselves and their colleagues accountable for the mathematical success of every student and for personal/collective professional growth towards effective teaching and learning of mathematics 43 BOARD AGENDA DETAIL April 13, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: Meal Price Increase ACTION: Approve the food service fee schedule as presented. GOAL: The District is required to adjust its paid meal fees to comply with the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) regulations. NSLP rules continue to require paid meal fees to be set in relation to the subsidized meal reimbursement rate paid by NSLP. Based upon the NSLP weighted average price calculator, these rules will require a $.10 per meal increase in elementary and middle lunch fees from the current year and $.05 increase for high school. Lunch fee rates will increase effective 7/1/2015. Assuming the price increase does not discourage participation, program revenue would increase less than $8,300 for the year. MEAL PRICE INCREASE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SY 2014-15 Full-Paid Lunch Snack $2.45 $2.55 $.75 $2.65 $2.75 .75 $2.90 $2.95 $3.25 - K-5 6-8 9-12 Adult Breakfast $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 $1.75 K-12 Eligible Reduced-Paid Breakfast Lunch $ .40 Snack $ .15 Milk $.50 . 50 .50 .50 Milk $.50 Recommendation: Staff recommends the Board approve fee schedule as presented, which represents the minimum increase required, to keep the Nutrition Services program eligible and in compliance with NLSP rules. DOCUMENTS: FROM: Multi-district price comparison Russ Knott - Food Service Supervisor Tim Belanger - Director of Business Services 44 Oregon Trail SD #46 Food Service Prices For 2015-16 Elem 2014-15 Data Canby Centennial Colton Corbett David Douglas Gladstone Gresham Barlow Mollala North Clackamas Oregon City Parkrose Portland Public Reynolds West Linn Average HS Elem Breakfast MS/JH HS $2.85 $2.85 $2.35 $3.85 $2.65 $3.20 $2.50 $2.90 $3.35 $3.00 $2.40 $3.20 $2.85 $3.45 $2.96 $1.10 $1.10 $1.00 $2.10 $1.25 $1.35 $1.00 $2.10 $1.40 $1.00 $1.25 $1.80 $1.30 $1.50 $1.25 $1.50 $1.85 $1.65 $2.70 $2.38 $3.20 $2.47 $2.60 $2.70 $2.35 $3.60 $2.65 $2.35 $2.35 $2.65 $3.05 $2.75 $2.25 $2.95 $2.60 $3.45 $2.74 $1.35 $1.05 $1.95 $1.37 $1.35 $1.30 $1.95 $1.50 $1.35 $1.60 $1.00 $2.10 $1.00 $1.80 $1.25 $1.50 $2.00 $1.65 $1.50 $1.35 $1.30 $1.95 $1.53 $2.45 $2.65 $2.90 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 OTSD Vs Avg ($0.02) ($0.09) ($0.06) $0.13 ($0.00) ($0.03) OTSD Proposed 2015-2016 $2.55 $2.75 $2.95 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 Price Change $0.10 $0.10 $0.05 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 173 268 46,364 173 125 21,625 173 170 29,410 173 83 14,359 173 20 3,460 173 13 2,249 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 OTSD 2014-2015 Days Served Meals Per Day Meals Per Year Revenue Impact $2.25 $2.45 $2.10 $3.35 $2.35 $2.00 $2.10 $2.15 $2.75 $2.35 Lunch MS/JH $4,636.40 $2,162.50 $1,470.50 45 BOARD AGENDA DETAIL April 13, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: Sexual Conduct Policy JHFF ACTION: Policy adoption GOAL: Legislation was passed to address sexual grooming behavior (“sexual conduct”) by school employees towards students, along with mandatory reporting requirements for school employees. Our insurance carrier is offering a discount on our insurance premium if this policy is adopted by May 1, 2015. DOCUMENTS: Policy JHFF FROM: Ken Bucchi - Director of Human Resources 46 Oregon Trail School District 46 Code: JHFF Adopted: 4/13/15 Reporting Requirements Regarding Sexual Conduct with Students Sexual conduct by district/school employees as defined by Oregon law will not be tolerated. All district employees are subject to this policy. “Sexual conduct” as defined by Oregon law is any verbal, physical or other conduct by a school employee that is sexual in nature; directed toward a kindergarten through grade 12 student; unreasonably interferes with a student’s educational performance; and creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive educational environment. The definition for sexual conduct does not include behavior that would be considered child abuse as outlined by Oregon law and district Board policy JHFE and JHFE-AR - Reporting of Suspected Abuse of a Child. Any district/school employee who has reasonable cause to believe that another district/school employee or volunteer has engaged in sexual conduct with a student must immediately notify his/her immediate supervisor. When the district receives a report of suspected sexual conduct by a district employee, the district may decide to place the employee on paid administrative leave or in a position that does not involve direct, unsupervised contact with students while conducting an investigation. An investigation is a detailed inquiry into the factual allegations of a report of suspected sexual conduct that is based on interviews with the complainant, witnesses, the district employee or student who is the subject of the report. If the subject of the report is a school employee, the investigation must meet any negotiated standards of an employment contract or agreement. If, following the investigation, the report is substantiated, the district will inform the employee that the report has been substantiated and provide information regarding the appeal process, if any such contractual process exists. If the employee decides not to appeal the determination or if the determination is sustained after an appeal, a record of the substantiated report will be placed in the employee’s personnel file. The employee will be notified that this information may be disclosed to a potential employer. The district will post in each school building the name and contact information of the person designated to receive sexual conduct reports, as well as the procedures the personnel director will follow upon receipt of a report. In the event that the designated person is the suspected perpetrator, the superintendent shall receive the report. When the personnel director or superintendent takes action on the report, the person who initiated the report must be notified. 47 The initiation of a report in good faith about suspected sexual conduct may not adversely affect any terms or conditions of employment or the work environment of the complainant. If a student initiates a report of suspected sexual conduct by a district employee in good faith, the student will not be disciplined by the Board or any district employee. The district will provide annual training to district employees, parents and students regarding the prevention and identification of sexual conduct. The district will provide to employees at the time of hire a description of conduct that may constitute sexual conduct and a description of records subject to disclosure if a sexual conduct report is substantiated. Educational providers shall follow hiring and reporting procedures as outlined in ORS 339.374 for all district employees. END OF POLICY Legal Reference(s): ORS 339.370 to-339.400 ORS 418.746 to-418.751 ORS 419B.005 to-419B.045 R6/06/13│RS 48 Oregon Trail School District 46 Code: Adopted: Readopted: Orig. Code(s): EBCB 3/10/97 9/12/05; 4/11/11 EBCB Emergency Drills Each building administrator will conduct emergency drills in accordance with the provisions of Oregon Revised Statutes. All schools are required to instruct and drill students on emergency procedures so that students may respond to an emergency without confusion and panic. The emergency procedures shall include drills and instruction on fires, earthquakes, and safety threats. Drills and instruction on fire, earthquake, and safety threats shall be conducted for at least 30 minutes each school month. Drills and instruction on fire emergencies shall include routes and methods of exiting the school building. The schools will conduct monthly fire drills. Drills and instruction for earthquake emergencies shall include methods of “duck, cover and hold.” Instruction on fire and earthquake dangers and drills for students shall be conducted every year at each grade level. At least two drills on earthquakes shall be conducted each year. Schools shall also conduct a minimum of one lockdown drill each year. Fire Emergencies Drills and instruction on fire emergencies shall include routes and methods of exiting the school building. The schools will conduct monthly fire drills. Earthquake Emergencies Drills and instruction for earthquake emergencies shall include methods of “duck, cover and hold on.” At least two drills on earthquakes shall be conducted each year. When based on the evaluation of specific engineering and structural issues related to a building, the school may include additional response procedures for earthquake emergencies. Safety Threats Drills and instruction on safety threats shall include appropriate actions to take when there is a threat to safety, such as lockdown procedures or other procedures appropriate to the safety threat. At least two drills on safety threats shall be conducted each year. Local units of government and state agencies associated with emergency procedures training and planning shall review the emergency procedures and assist schools in the instruction and drilling of students in emergency procedures. END OF POLICY 49 Legal Reference(s): ORS 336.071 ORS 479.140 ORS 476.030(1) OAR 437-002-0180 to -0182 OAR 581-022-1420 Oregon State Fire Marshal, Oregon Fire Code (2014) 50
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