Organ Academy – 2015 - Organ`ISSIMO

Organ Academy – 2015
Artistic Director and Professor : Domenico Severin
Contact & Information : Domenico Severin +33 617 609 102
Organ’ISSIMO 2015 classes will be held in separate sessions as shown on the tabs below.
Each session will be operative only with a minimum of 3 students and they will be allowed a maximum of 5 students per
session (arrival of the payment of the registration fee). Deadline for submission of the application-form and payment: June
15th for Meaux and Epernay; September 30th for Padova.
You can participate as “Auditor” (application is open until the first day of each class). Auditors are not allowed to play the
instruments. Certificate of attendance at the Masterclass will be issued to students who will express request.
Languages: Italian, French, English.
Conduct of classes: every day, individual classes from 9 a.m. (or 9:30 a.m., depending on the availability of the place).
Lunch time, and restart classes until 5:30 p.m. (6:30 p.m., depending on the availability of the place). Personal practice-time
on the instruments. Exchange and discussion on themes inherent in the organ repertoire, the instrument and the organ
world in general.
Musical repertoire is indicated in the lists below. Students are invited to perform at least three works (or extracts) chosen
from among those proposals. It will be possible be taken into consideration pieces that are not mentioned. Participants are
invited to enter on the registration-form more than three pieces, in order to compose a dense and varied work schedule.
Prices: The educational fees is 200 € for active students and 80 € for auditors. Any other cost (transport, accommodation,
food, etc...) is apart and at the charge of each participant. The complete payment of the educational fees must be made
with your registration.
Logistics: the two sessions taking place in France are easily reached by train from Paris. The Italian session in Padova is
easily reached by train from everywhere. A few hotels with a guide price are proposed. You should visit the websites to
verify comfort, prices and proceed to the booking steps.
Unless otherwise stated by the concerned, e-mail addresses and the place of origin of the members to the same session
will be made known to all the participants, for those who wish to share in the organization (travel, rooms ...).
Domenico Severin is the Titular Organist of the Grandes Orgues at the St. Etienne Cathedral in Meaux, France.
He holds diploma in Organ and Organ Composition from the B. Marcello Conservatory in Venice, Italy (Prof. Sergio de Pieri),
and in Musical Analysis from the Boulogne-Billancourt C.N.R., France (Prof. Naji Hakim).
He performed in a multitude of Organ Festivals worldwide, including the International organ Festival Città di Treviso; the
International Organ Festival in Schio, Italy; St. Paul Cathedral in London; Notre-Dame Cathedral and Eglise de la Madeleine in
Paris; the Cathedral of Luxembourg, the International Organ festival at Oliwa Cathedral in Gdansk, Poland; the International Organ
Festival at the Cathedral of Zagabria, Croatia; International Organ Festival in Timisoara, Romania; the Esztergom Basilica, Hungary; Russia
(International Music Festival at the Catholic Cathedral in Moscow…), the United States (National Cathedral and Basilica of the National Shrine of the
Immaculate Conception in Washington DC, St. Patrick Cathedral in New York…); and various recitals in China, Hong Kong, and South Africa.
His repertoire includes the most important organ works from Early Music to the contemporary composers. In addition, he promotes, by recitals and
recordings, the rarely performed Italian Organ Music of the end of Nineteenth and early Twentieth centuries. As a recording artist, he published
several CDs with organ works by the Italian composers Marco Enrico Bossi, Oreste Ravanello, Raffaele Manari. He published als o the complete
recording of César Franck's Organ Works at the great instrument in Dudelange, (Luxembourg).His recording repertoire includes also baroque music
recorded on historical instruments or new organs inspired by the historical instruments. The last publication is the complete recording of the virtuoso
Six Trio-Sonatas by Johann Sebastian Bach.
His CDs are published by Rainbow, Syrius and Appassionato.
As a composer he published several organ works. He is also the author of a book about the historical praxis for organ registration in Europe.
Domenico Severin is Organ Professor at the new Grand Orgue built by B. Cattiaux in Courbevoie (F), Artistic Director and Professor for the
International Organ Academy Organ’ISSIMO, and Artistic Director of the recording label Appassionato, established by himself.
Meaux (France) – deadline for applications: 15th June
Beginning: Tuesday 21st July at 9:30 a.m. – Ending: Sunday 26 July
(students' recital in the afternoon at the cathedral)
Repertoire :
M. Duruflé : Suite op. 5; Prélude et fugue sur le nom d’ALAIN
Ch. Tournemire : Improvisation sur le Te Deum ; Choral-improvisation sur le Victimae paschalis ; Fantaisie de l’Office de l’Epiphanie
Jehan Alain : Trois danses ; Litanies ; Variations sur un thème de Clément Janequin ; Le jardin suspendu ; Première Fantaisie ; Deuxième
Jean Langlais : Te Deum, Suite brève ; Suite française ; Suite Médiévale; Neuf pièces pour Grand Orgue ; Incantation pour un Jour Saint
O. Messiaen : Le banquet céleste ; La Nativité, L’Ascension, Messe de la Pentecôte ;
R. Manari : Studio da concerto sul Salve Regina ; Fantasia siciliana ;
P. A. Yon : Sonata romantica ; Concert study ; Toccata
U. Matthey : Toccata-Carillon ; Giga ; Transcription de la Chacone pour violon de Bach
F. Germani : Toccata
T. Zardini : Improvviso ; Sonata I
G. Manzino : Sonata I ; Sonata II
F. Couperin: Messe des Paroisses, Messe des Couvents
Pièces de De Grigny, Guilain, Clérambault, Corrette, Marchand, Du Mage, …
Œuvres de Bach, Buxtehude, etc.
Meaux : Cathedral
Victor Gonzalez & Danion-Gonzalez (1980)
Mechanic action
67 stops, 5 keyboards
Other organs
Organ lesson at the historical instrument in Rozay-en-Brie and/or at the historical instrument in Mitry-Mory
Organ lesson at the new instrument by B. Cattiaux (33 stops, 3 keyboards) in Courbevoie
About this session: Classes will be mainly held at the Grandes Orgues in Meaux Cathedral. One day will be devoted to the French Classical
repertoire at the organ in Rozay-en-Brie or at Mitry-Mory (4 keyboards, historical French pedalboard). If students have many Bach or German
pieces, we will go to the baroque organ in Courbevoie.
How to reach
Meaux: direct train from Paris Gare de l’Est (20’ ca). Web site of french railways: SNCF
Rozay-en-Brie: by car (from Meaux 40 km, from Parigi 60 km)
Mitry-Mory: by car, 15 minutes from Meaux, 20 minutes from Paris
Courbevoie: Metro La Défense, line 1
Many possibilities in Paris (Google Maps)
– Preferably choose hotels near Gare de l’Est or in sections of the metro that pass to this railway station (lines 4, 5, 7)
In Meaux :
Hôtel Ibis Style, 27 Place Jean Bureaux, 77100 MEAUX (600 mt. from the cathedral) - double room 60€
Hôtel Le Richemont, Quai de la Grande Ile - 77100 MEAUX (600 mt. from the cathedral) - double room 90€
Epernay (France) – deadline for applications: 15th June
Beginning: Tuesday 1st September at 9:30 a.m. – Ending: Friday 4th September
(students' recital in the afternoon at Notre-Dame church)
C. Franck : Complete Organ Works
C. Saint-Saëns : Fantaisies; Préludes et fugues
A. Guilmant : Organ Sonatas
Ch. M. Widor : Symphonies nn. 5 & 6
L. Vierne : Symphonies n. 1, 2 & 3; Pièces de fantaisie
Works by : Boëly, Lemmens, Dubois, Gigout, Pierné, Salomé, Mulet, Boëllmann, Bonnet…
Pieces by Bach, Buxtehude
Organs: Two instruments by Cavaillé-Coll (1869 and 1898), Organ by Abbey (1849)
Epernay : Eglise Notre-Dame,
Aristide Cavaillé-Coll (1869), mechanical action
34 stops 3 keyboards
Epernay : Eglise St. Pierre,
Aristide Cavaillé-Coll (1898), mechanical action
38 stops 3 keyboards
Châlons-en-Champagne : Cathedral
Johnn Abbey (1849), mechanical action
54 stops 3 keyboards
Organs to visit (optional)
Vertus: St. Martin church: organ by Bernard Aubertin (1996), 32 stops, 3 Keybds, North-German baroque instrument
Juvigny: historical reconstruction by Pascal Quoirin (1994) of a XVII century Classical French organ, 29 stops, 3 Keybds
About this session: Classes will be mainly held on the two Cavaillé-Coll in Epernay. One day will be dedicated to the Abbey organ in Châlonsen-Champagne. The visits to the two baroque instruments are not imposed and will be decided during the Academy. At Vertus we will be able to
devote some time to the study some Bach compositions or other pieces by German baroque school. All active participants will have time for
personal study on the Cavaillé-Coll. Friday afternoon will be devoted to prepare accurately the final recital.
How to reach
By train, form Paris Paris Gare de l’Est :
direct to Epernay (75’ ca.). OR : Paris Gare de l’Est-Reims, Reims-Epernay.
Web site french railwyas : SNCF
Many possibilities (Google Maps: Epernay Hotel)
Hotel de la Cloche (50mt from the church) Double or single room 54€, breakfast 7.50€
Best Western (500mt from the church) Single room 85€, double 105€, breakfast 13€
Ibis Western (700mt from the church) Double or single room from 82€, breakfast 9.50€
Hotel Kyriad (1,1km from the church) Double or single room from 60€, breakfast 9€
Padova, Chiesanuova (Italy) – deadline for applications: 30th September
Beginning: Tuesday 17th November at 9:30 a.m. – Ending: Saturday 21st November
(evening students' recital in Chiesanuova church)
Before Bach: Reinken, Lübeck, Böhm, Bruhns, Pachelbel, Walter, Froberger, Buxtehude, …
Bach : Chorals, Preludes and fugues, Toccatas, Fantasias
F. Mendelssohn : Preludes and Fugues op. 37 ; Six Organ Sonatas op. 65
R. Schumann : Four Sketches, op. 58
F. Liszt : B.A.C.H.; Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen; Fantasia on “Ad nos…”
J. Brahms : Prelude and fugue in G minor ; Organ Chorals
J. Rheinberger : Organ Sonata n° 20 “Zur Friedensfeier”
M. Reger : Introduction and Passacaille in D minor ;
P. A. Yon : Sonata romantica ; Concert study ; Toccata
Jehan Alain : Trois danses ; Litanies ; Variations sur un thème de Clément Janequin ; Le jardin suspendu ; Première Fantaisie ; Deuxième
Jean Langlais : Te Deum, Suite brève ; Suite française ; Suite Médiévale; Neuf pièces pour Grand Orgue ; Incantation pour un Jour Saint
O. Messiaen : Le banquet céleste ; La Nativité, L’Ascension, Messe de la Pentecôte ;
Mascioni 1997
Mechanical action
22 Stops, 2 Keyboards, Pedal
Other Instruments
Organ by Zanin (2001, III/38) in Sarmeola di Rubano, church of the
Opera della Provvidenza Sant’Antonio.
Organ by Zanin at “Don Mazza” Institute, Padova (II/25, German baroque)
RUFFATTI Organ builder: Open doors for us!
About this session: Classes will be mainly held at the Mascioni organ in Chiesanuova. We will spend one day in each one of the other
How to reach
Padova is easily reached by train from everywhere.
Chiesanuova : from Padova railway station, bus n° 10
After the reception of your application form, we will send some proposition to stay in Padova at a reasonable price.
APPLICATION FORM send before 15
June (or 30th September - Padova) at:
OR : Domenico Severin, 13 rue Louis Jouvet – 95100 ARGENTEUIL - France
Name First-Name ______________________________________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________________________________
Phone ______________________________________ Email ____________________________________________
Organ study at Conservatoire _____________________________________________________________________
Level ________________________________________ or: Organ degree_________________________________
APPLICATION as Student/Auditor FOR THE MASTERCLASS IN (check the box) :
MEAUX (F) Student
EPERNAY (F) Student
PADOVA (I) Student
Chosen Repertoire (only for active): ______________________________________________________________________________
o Authorizes to share email and place of origin among the participants in the same session
o Has a car and may accompany other students during de Academy
o asks for a car place for trips during the Academy and contributes to the cost
The complete scolar fees is to be payed to validate this application-form: (Student: 200€ ; Auditor 80€)
 Bank Transfer: c/c N° 00021222601 - Bank: Crédit Mutuel
Association artistique CORRESPONDANCES, 13 rue Louis Jouvet – 95100 ARGENTEUIL (France)
RIB: Banca : 10278 / Guichet : 06347 / N° c/c : 00021222601 / Clé: 07 / IBAN : FR761027806347 0002122260107 / BIC :
Address: Crédit Mutuel du Parisis, 49 avenue Gabriel Peri, 95100 ARGENTEUIL (F)
 Paypal : Regular Student (+10€ Paypal fees) - Auditor (+7€ Paypal fees)
(Email is considered as dated and signed letter)
Participants declare to be covered by insurance and are responsible for the personal safety and possession