American Business Women’s Association The Golden Horn Eldorado Chapter Volume 48 Downey, California July 2010 Issue 10 July Program: Inside this issue: President’s Message Day Trip—San Manuel 2 Minutes 3 LivingHelp & Purse-onality 3 Treasurer’s Report Congratulation, Jobs & Trivia 4 Hat’s Off Forum 5 National Women’s Leader- 6 ship Conference Calendar of Events 7 Officers & Chairs and 7 Birthdays & Anniversaries Guest Speaker: Claudia Keller American Heart Association Claudia has been with American Heart Association since September of 2005, after a corporate career that includes a successful 10-year stint at St. John, an American luxury brand of women’s apparel. The Los Angeles native has been an adjunct instructor of Fashion Merchandising, Fashion Marketing and Consumer Behavior at Fullerton College and Mount San Antonio College in Los Angeles County. Before joining AHA professionally in 2005, Keller led a success GRFW fundraising effort in St. John in their retail outlets that raised almost $200K for AHA. She served for one year on the Orange County Division Board of Directors. She completed a half marathon and a full marathon through the TTES program. In Los Angeles as ED, she has focused on Individual Gifts and Cause sponsorship as a vehicle for growth. In 2007 she was WSA’s ED of the Year. A native Spanish speaker she is actively involved in her community, volunteering for Amnesty International and Habitat for Humanity, along with her professional duties at the AHA in Los Angeles. Claudia earned her B.A. in Political Science and History from the University of California at Irvine. Installation on the 2010-2011 Executive Board JoAnn Osby, 2007-2008 District VI Vice President The mission of the American Business Women’s Association is to bring together businesswomen of diverse occupations and to provide opportunities for them to help themselves and others grow personally and professionally through leadership, education, networking support, and national recognition. will be installing the new Executive Board: President: Vivian Armijo Vice President: Susan Torrance Secretary: Barbara Carlson Treasurer: Cleola Brown July Meeting DATE: July 21, 2010 TIME: 6:00 pm networking PLACE: Rio Hondo Event Center 10627 Old River School Road Downey, CA 90241 562-904-9001 MENU: Choose from Menu COST: Pay individually. Bring Cash or Credit Card. Members please call Debbie Stuver at: 562-884-6429 or email: on or before NOON Friday, July 16 so we know how many are attending. You will be billed for failure to cancel your reservation. Page 2 President’s Message Dear friends, I am sorry I missed June meeting, but this month has been hectic for me. I hope you are having a good summer and that you will be coming to the July meeting when we will install our new board. Let's get our chapter going for next year, give the new board your support by participating during the events and attending the meetings. Bring a friend or a prospective member when possible. We always welcome visitors... We have a casino trip planned for September18, and although it is early please start promoting it. It is a lot of fun. Looking forward to seeing you all llda Eldorado Chapter of the American Business Women’s Association Will be having another Day Trip to the SAN MANUEL INDIAN BINGO & CASINO Date: September 18, Leave: Bus leaves at 7:30 am from the “Park & Ride” at the 105 Fwy & Lakewood Blvd. Downey For Reservations: Contact Cleola Brown At 562/408-2748 or Cost: $20.00 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Includes Free Bus ride Food, Fun on the Bus $10 towards gaming or food 4 hours of fun at San Manuel A day of FUN! Fun! Page 3 Chapter Minutes of June 16, 2010 Meeting Vice President, Cleola Brown (in the absence of President Ilda Vaja) called the meeting to order at 6:45 p.m., followed by Invocation, reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance, and self introductions. There were 9 members and 2 guests in attendance. The guests were the guest speakers, Leslie Cabral, owner of Home Instead Senior Care, and her office manager, Lena Farez. Program Leslie Cabral spoke on the history of Home Instead Senior Care and the services provided by her facility and the Home Instead Foundation. She recommended we read STAGES OF SENIOR CARE, written by founders, Paul and Lori Hogan. Fund Raising Committee Cleola advised that a second casino bus trip to San Manuel has been scheduled for September 18, 2010. Carol Veatch made a motion that we invite Diamonds of South Bay to join with us in this event and that the profit be di- vided 2/3 for Eldorado and 1/3 for Diamonds if they decide to join us and provide a third of the attendance. Motion seconded and passed. Women’s National Leadership Conference Debbie Stuver made a motion that we contribute to the Purse-onality drawing. Motion seconded and passed. Ilda Vaja has donated a black patent leather travel case. Members are requested to bring spa/travel articles to fill it to the next meeting. Vivian Armijo had indicated at board meeting that she could transport it to Chattanooga. Council Reports The next meeting of Impact Council will be on Saturday, July 10. All are welcome and are asked to contribute pantry items. Los Angeles Area Council is holding their annual Hats Off Candidates Forum luncheon on Saturday, August 7, at the Rio Hondo. All are urged to attend to honor current District VI Vice President, Debbie Shadaram, and meet with Patty Vargas who is a candidate for incoming District VI Vice President. Other national board members and candidates may be attending. Barbara Carlson made a motion to contribute two $25 gifts to be raffled at the luncheon. Motion seconded and carried. Board Meeting The next board meeting will be Wednesday, June 23, at the home of Ilda Vaja at noon. All are welcome. Meeting closed 8:15p.m. with Benediction at Due to the absence of Vivian Armijo, the June drawing for the Pot of Gold will also be held at the July meeting. Respectfully submitted, Laurali Fey Communications Officer Visit to the LivingHelp Center Planned for July 27th At the May meeting, our speaker, Anne Bayer, gave us Baby Bottles to fill with money to help support the Living Help Center in Downey which offers free pregnancy tests and counseling. It also educates women on all of their options and helps them to make an informed decision. All of their services are completely confidential. The Eldorado Board has set a time with the center when we as a chapter can bring those bottles back to them and take a tour of their facilities. While there we will be looking for other ways we can help them help women. LIVI NG HEL P CE N TER Fill those bottles and plan on meeting at the Center, 10642 Downey Ave., #107, TUESDAY, JULY 27, AT 10:30 AM. If you are unable to attend, bring your filled bottles to the meeting on July 21. The National Women’s Leadership Conference is once again having the “Purse-onality Auction”. The purpose is help generate funds to benefit the ABW Foundation to help business women continue growing through the W.I.N. and district and national conferences. At the June meeting it was voted that we would participate by sending a “purse.” Ilda Vaja has donated a beautiful “train case” and we would like fill it with “small” spa items—like soaps, lotions, powders, perfume, body spray mists, etc. YOUR HELP IS NEEDED!!! Bring your donations to the July 21st meeting so we can see what we have, and get the case ready for Vivian Armijo to take to the conference in Chattanooga, TN in October. Page 4 April, 2008 Treasurer’s Treasurer’s Report Report June 2010 MEMBER ONLY CONTENT NOT AVAILABLE IN WEB VERSION OF NEWSLETTER Ray and Vivian Armijo Celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary July 3, 2010 Congratulations! Are you looking for work or know who is… Here a few opportunities to look at: City of Brea was looking for a part-time Police Records Clerk. Phone; 714/990-7600 or go to for more information. Volunteers of America has openings Email: or go to for details. Exceptional Children’s Foundation also has openings or go to And, Aids Walk Los Angeles is looking for a Finance and Administrator Coordinator There is a bit of history buff in all of us. Here is an interesting tidbits that just maybe you didn't know. In George Washington's days, there were no cameras. One's image was either sculpted or painted. Some paintings of George Washington showed him standing behind a desk with one arm behind his back while others showed both legs and both arms. Prices charged by painters were not based on how many people were to be painted, but by how many limbs were to be painted. Arms and legs are 'limbs,' therefore painting them would cost the buyer more.. Hence the expression, 'Okay, but it'll cost you an arm and a leg.' (Artists know hands and arms are more difficult to paint) Page 5 The Los Angeles Area Council Celebrates "Hats Off to a W.I.N.ning Event” Twelfth Annual Candidates Forum and Luncheon with special honoree District VI VP Deborah Shadaram and 2010 District VI Vice Presidential Candidates Saturday August 7, 2010 Rio Hondo Golf & Country Club 10627 Old River School Road, Downey, CA 90241 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. (Shopping opens at 10:00 a.m.) $30.00 per person Reservation Deadline: July 19, 2010 For Exhibitor Table information, contact Dorothy Rose at (714)535-5317 Email: – Deadline June 15, 2010 For Ads in the Souvenir Program, contact Phyllis Eichler at (714) 964-7120 Email: – Deadline July 5, 2010 Council Woman of the Year information, contact Donna Hempel at (626) 966-3488 Email: - Deadline May11, 2010 Make checks payable to L.A.A.C., return lower portion with payment to: L.A.A.C.’S 12TH ANNUAL CANDIDATES FORUM AND LUNCHEON RESERVATIONS Name: ___________________________________ Chapter: __________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________________ Zip Code: _________________________ Day Phone: _________________________ E-mail: _______________________ Number of Registrations:_____ $30.00 Amount Enclosed:_________ Vegetarian Plate Available ) Page Page66 2010 National Women’s Leadership Conference Chattanooga, TN October 28-30 "Bridging the Gap - Leading with Vision." Dates: October 28-30, 2010 Location: Chattanooga Marriott & Conference Center ($149/room - single to quad) Chattanooga, TN (Housing form on WIN National Library) Full Registration Fee: $479 - no increase in three years (includes General Sessions, Voting for National cers, and selection of Track, Saturday night dinner and entertainment Optional: Inner Circle Luncheon $40 and Woman of Year Luncheon $45 Register at ABWA on line, mail in forms available in magazine/online, at district conferences Offi- Airport & Transportation: Chattanooga Memorial Airport. Airlines: American Eagle, NWA Airlink, Allegiant Air, US Airways Express, Delta Connection Hotel has transportation service and also Groome Transportation shuttle services Purse-onality Auction: All chapters/express networks (and individuals) are being asked to donate a purse with purse and contents valued at a minimum of $100. Purse of the day will be chosen each day. Proceeds from the auction for the ABW Foundation. Purse-onality Purses: Bring them with you to hand deliver at the conference. Anyone and any company can donate a purse What to Do: Chattanooga is historic…lots of trains and bridges…check out Chattanooga's website at http:// for more! Volunteering: All volunteer positions for 2010 are full. For 2011 submit your name to Betty Burns at National at or give your name and contact information to Diane Nixon or Vickie Butler-Rindos Can submit your name for a specific committee team! Additional Info: Information not available on this Q & A can be found on WIN or by contacting Vickie or Diane. Feel free to give out our email addresses! Page 7 Calendar of Events Date: Event: Time: Program: Cost: Where: July 10 IMPACT COUNCIL MEETING 9:00 am Networking 9:30 am Meeting Michelle Berquist's Topic is "When it Comes to Business and Success----It is ALL about Relationships" $5.00 Placentia Library, 411 E. Chapman, Placentia July 21 ELDORADO CHAPTER MEETING 5:30 pm Networking 6:30 pm Dinner/speaker Program: Guest Speaker: Claudia Keller American Red Cross Where: Rio Hondo Event Center Date: Event: Time: Officers & Committee Chairs President ........................................ Ilda Vaja Vice-President ........................Cleola Brown Secretary .....................................Laurali Fey Treasurer .......................... Susan Torrance Education ................................ Vivian Armijo Hospitality ............................. Debbie Stuver Newsletter................................ Carol Veatch Membership ............................ Vivian Armijo Program ............................. Barbara Carlson Publicity ............................. Clariece Baber Ways and Means .................. Debbie Stuver Impact Delegates .................... Cleola Brown and Vivian Armijo LAAC Delegates ................... Marilyn Madru and Barbara Carlson Date: Event: Time: Where: August 7 LOS ANGELES AREACOUNCIL “HAT’S OFF TO A W.I.N.ning EVENT Candidates Forum 10:00 am—2:00 pm Rio Hondo Event Center 10627 Old River School Rd, Downey August 18 ELDORADO CHAPTER MEETING 5:30 pm Networking 6:30 pm Dinner/speaker Program: Maurie Thomas Where: Rio Hondo Event Center 10627 Old River School Rd, Downey Date: Event: Time: Date: Event: Time: Cost: Where: September 11 LOS ANGELES AREA COUNCIL MEETING 8:30 am Networking 9:00 am Meeting $2.00 First Baptist Church (Room 105) 8340 3rd Street, Downey. July Anniversaries Anniversary: Vivian Armijo THE GOLDEN HORN ABWA Eldorado Chapter Newsletter ABWA’s Proud Code of Conduct 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Carol A. Veatch, Newsletter Editor PO Box 4249 Downey, CA 90241 All members will serve as goodwill ambassadors for the American Business Women’s Association. Members will not allow their personal beliefs and convictions to interfere with the representation of ABWA’s mission. Members will always treat their member colleagues, guests, vendors and sponsors with honesty, respect, fairness, integrity, responsibility, kindness, and in good faith. Members will maintain compliance with ABWA National, Chapter and Express Network Bylaws. Members will not use their personal power to advance their personal interests. Members will strive for excellence in their professions by maintaining and enhancing their own business knowledge and skills, and by encouraging the professional development of other members. Laurie Marks Debbie Stuver Laurie’s Personal Pet Sitting Taylor Young Real Estate & Investments (562) 927-7519 (562) 505-4089 (cell) P.O. Box 375 Downey, CA 90211 Member of Pet Sitters International Ilda Vaja 5355 E. Carson St., Long Beach 90808 (562) 884-6429 cell (562) 421-0585 fax Sandy Esslinger Juice Plus Maaco Collision Repair & Auto Painting Whole Food Nutrition In A Capsule 924 W. 223rd. St. Torrance, Ca. 90502 (310) 533-6023 Fax: (310) 533-6025 (310) 491-8989 Web:
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