The Pulse September 2013 | Vol. 5, Issue 2 Inside this issue: Heart of the Piedmont Chapter President’s Message .......................... 2 Greensboro, NC ABW Day Information ......................... 3 Chapter #4532 Page Campaign Fundraisers .............. 7 Executive Bd./Mtg. Minutes .............4-7 Member Spotlight / Tribute ................. 8 ABWA Nat’l News / Local News .... 9-10 Education Corner/Chamber .............. 11 A Chapter of the American Business Women’s Association Reminders / Annual Theme .............. 12 Chapter Leadership Info ................... 13 Chapter Calendar/Proud Code of Conduct............................................ 14 Meets the 1st Thursday 6:00 p.m. Networking 6:30 p.m. Meeting Sheraton Four Seasons Joseph’s Restaurant 3121 High Point Rd Greensboro, NC Entrance A Description of Carolyn Huggins Our character is what we do when we think no one is looking. Reputaon is what men and women think of us; character is what God and angels know of us. The Mission of the American Business Women’s Association is to bring together businesswomen of diverse occupations and to provide opportunities for them to help themselves and others grow personally and professionally through leadership, education, networking support, and national recognition. Heart of the Piedmont Chapter September Program: Educational Opportunities in ABWA September 5: Heart of the Piedmont member Sharon Godbee will present educaonal opportunies in ABWA and illustrate various ways members can use the educaonal benefits of the associaon. 1 Visit us online at The Pulse September 2013 | Vol. 5, Issue 2 I was very pleased with our August meeng. I hope I will not be as nervous in September. However, we have so many things going on right now I’m afraid I’ll forget something important. So, I’m going to make a list for us all. 1) Presidential Address….. As I sit at my computer wring this message, I realize I have an empness in my heart. HOP has just lost another beloved member of our chapter. Carolyn Huggins, to me, was sunshine. She always had a smile on her face and joy in her heart. I can only hope that someday the same can be said about me. I realize I have way too many pity pares for myself, and Carolyn’s service brought that to the forefront of my mind. We, as ABWA members, need to remember we are strong women. We are empowered women and we can conquer the world if we need to. There is no need for us to ever feel less. ABW Day Weekend a. Saturday 09/14 at Hinshaw Methodist Church at 6:00. Bring a covered dish and your wallet and get ready to bid on a number of items at our aucon. i. Please bring any item you want to have auconed off to our meeng on 09/05. b. Sunday 09/15 at Embassy Suites in Greensboro. Networking begins at 12:30pm and lunch is served at 1pm. 2) Women’s Naonal Leadership Conference – Lile Rock, Arkansas a October 3 – 5. b. Everyone who can go needs to aend to support our own Toby Page as she is elected Naonal Secretary / Treasurer . c. Please bring all contribuons for our Purse–onality to our meeng on 09/05. I’m excited about our Chapter and the opportunies before us. We have an excing year ahead of us. Please know I am available if needed. Angela Greene, President Heart of the Piedmont Chapter We hope you had a happy and safe Labor Day weekend! Heart of the Piedmont members have a standing reservation. If you will not be able to attend the September 5 meeting, please contact Karen Kirkman by 9:00 a.m. Tuesday, September 3. Work: 336-202-9723 If you do not cancel and do not attend, you will be charged for the meal. Please do not call the hotel to cancel. Meal cost is $20 and payment can be made by check or cash. Regional Newsletter Award Winner - 2013 Heart of the Piedmont Chapter Make checks payable to Heart of the Piedmont or ABWA. 2 Visit us online at The Pulse September 2013 | Vol. 5, Issue 2 6pm – 9pm Social begins by 12:30pm Luncheon 1:00pm – 3pm Heart of the Piedmont Chapter 3 Visit us online at The Pulse September 2013 | Vol. 5, Issue 2 Heart of the Piedmont Chapter American Business Woman’s Association August 1, 2013, Meeting Minutes The August 1, 2013, Heart of the Piedmont Chapter Meeting was held at the Sheraton Four Seasons. President Angela Greene called the meeting to order at 6:30pm and led the group in the Invocation. Present were 28 members present and 3 guests: Donna Maynard, Loretta Dease, and Elsie Bell. Members then introduced themselves with the question: “What is one of your goals for ABWA this new year?” During announcements, it was mentioned that Carolyn Huggins was experiencing health problems; she’s lost about 20 lbs. and was not present at our last meeting or at this meeting. Please send her a card. Florence Adams also is experiencing health problems. A card was passed around for members to sign. Jo Ann Marsh was pleased to share that she received a cancer-free report from her doctor! Also, Kathleen Steed announced that her granddaughter’s husband (they were married May 10 th) was hit by a drunk driver and air-lifted to a hospital. Please keep them in your prayers. President Angela Greene then made a few additional announcements: President Angela Greene mentioned how honored she was to be our new chapter president and will do everything in her power to make us proud of her and will strive to end meetings in a timely manner. The 2013-2014 Committees List was passed around. President Angela Greene asked everyone to please look over the Committee Sign-Up Sheet. If you have not signed up for a committee yet, please see where you would be a good fit and add your name to that committee and contact the committee chair to let her know of your interest. She also reminded everyone to fill out their member interest surveys on WIN. We have to have a certain percentage completed to qualify for Best Practices. Plus, it is a good planning tool for the upcoming ABWA year. So far we have 10 members who have completed it and 35 who have not. If you are one of the 35, please take the survey on WIN. It only takes about 10 minutes. If you are interested in participating in the Secret Sister activity, please fill out the Secret Sister form. It will be collected at the end of the meeting and new secret sisters will be selected. PROGRAM: Terry Howard introduced our guest speaker, Leona La Perriere - CEO/Founder of HEAR APPLAUSE! Leadership & Coaching. Leona is a member of our very own chapter! Her topic: “Reframe, Redo, Recover – And...It’s Not About Decorating!” Leona shared different perspectives on how we communicate and tips on how we can become more effective with our communication to get the results we are wanting. Here’s to all of us as we “Hear Applause” putting our new communication skills into practice. OLD BUSINESS President Angela Greene asked if there were any corrections to the July minutes. Toby Page made a motion to approve the minutes and Rachel Hoover seconded it. The membership approved the minutes. The Treasurer’s report was then presented. There were a few discrepancies that needed to be addressed; the report is to be adjusted and filed for audit. The Audit Committee (Sandra Tincher and Colleen Mitchell) reported that the audit report was in order and the books were easy to examine. All information was found to be in order. COMMITTEE REPORTS Program: Chair Terry Howard mentioned that Sharon Godbee will speak about ABWA educational opportunities at the next meeting. Sharon is Chair of the Professional Development Committee and will coordinate with the program committee for programs/speakers for the remainder of the year. Fundraising: The new Fundraising Committee co-chairs are Sandy Tincher and Catherine Cress. There was discussion about the need to begin our nut fundraiser and to check with Bessie Sparks on last year’s procedure, location, etc., to make this year’s fundraising equally as successful. There was also discussion about other fundraising opportunities that might be considered. Hospitality: Our birthdays for this month are: Mary Sloane on August 7 and Sharon Godbee and Karen McCray on August 31. Happy Birthday, ladies! Newsletter: Robin Necci advised that the newsletter deadline will be August 28, 2013. President Angela Greene then congratulated the new committee chairs and co-chairs and invited members to sign up for a committee if they had not already done so and encouraged the committees to meet as early as possible to set their goals for this coming year. (Continued on Page 5) Heart of the Piedmont Chapter 4 Visit us online at The Pulse September 2013 | Vol. 5, Issue 2 Heart of the Piedmont Chapter American Business Woman’s Association August 1, 2013, Meeting Minutes—Continued NEW BUSINESS President Angela Greene referred to her letter in our newsletter, The Pulse, and explained her goals for the chapter. #1: Achieve Level 1 Best Practices! One of the major goals is to increase membership by 10 new members. We need to invest in our group. Fundraising, meeting, and greeting new members, educating our visitors about the benefits of ABWA are top on the list. Our chapter is a safe place for our members to grow professionally and personally. Support, encouragement and positive reinforcement is paramount to our success. Sharon Godbee motioned to adopt the goals; Rhonda Blue seconded the motion. Membership approved the goals. Review of 2013-2014 Standing Rules: same as last year except for the dates. Sharon Godbee made a motion to change #10: and/or a district or national conference. Our chapter will set aside an amount in the budget for this. Barbara Walters motioned to adopt this change; Robin Necci seconded; membership passed the motion. Discussions on the proposed budget: Sharon Godbee spoke about thinking over conversations from last year – she proposed an increase in the scholarship from $1,000 to $2,000; we should check to see what the regulations are and check on our 501(c)3 status – the proposed budget was tabled until next meeting. Toby Page and Catherine Cress suggested to check on gross receipts; if less than $50,000, it needs to be filed by December 15, 2013. We are in good standing on our taxes. We need to check on our administration fee $100 – $115 with the fundraiser. Toby Page’s campaign funds are in a line item on the budget, so any fundraisers don’t need to be budgeted for. There should be no campaign expenses in the chapter checkbook. Due to some outstanding questions, approval of the budget will be tabled until the next meeting. We are in need of contributions for the Purse-onality fundraiser for the 2013 National Women’s Leadership Conference in Little Rock, AR, on October 3 – 5. See Catherine Cress or Karen Kirkman if you have a donation for purse. The theme for this year is possibly: The Gems of North Carolina. Toby Page noted there is still time to register for the 2013 National Women’s Leadership Conference; try to get a room since they are filling up quickly. At least book it, because it can be cancelled if needed. 12 members of our chapter are currently attending. Remember to mark your calendar for the 2013 ABW Day Weekend celebration activities—September 14: famous covered dish dinner and entertainment event at Hinshaw United Methodist Church and September 15: “Inspire and Be Inspired in ABWA” at Embassy Suites of Greensboro. Toby Page is completing details for the Sunday luncheon at the Embassy Suites. Catherine Cress is generously offering her house as a place for visiting board members to stay. Many of our chapter members offered to help Catherine prepare her house for this event. Next PTAC meeting is August 5 at Joseph’s Restaurant at Sheraton Four Seasons. The program is on fundraising. Sharon Godbee explained PTAC - 9 chapters comprise the council which meets every other month. The Secret Sister forms were collected and Secret Sisters drawn from the “hat.” Jo Ann Marsh drew for Robin Crosier, and Sharon Godbee drew for Karen McCray. Toby Page shared her newest fundraiser: The “No Dinner Dinner.” Very easy to participate! However, if you should decide to share, please do not post on social media sites. Leona La Perriere mentioned that her book: “HEAR APPLAUSE! Choosing Success in 12 Steps or Less” will be for sale after the meeting. 10% of the sales will go back to our chapter. Her book will also be available after this month’s meeting for $20. There being no other business or announcements, President Angela Greene led the membership in the benediction, then adjourned the meeting at 8:30pm. Respectfully submitted, Leona La Perriere, Secretary Heart of the Piedmont Chapter 5 Visit us online at The Pulse September 2013 | Vol. 5, Issue 2 Heart of the Piedmont Chapter ABWA Executive Board Meeting Minutes August 26, 2013 The Executive Board met at Catherine Cress’s ABWA House at 5:30pm. Present were Angela Greene, Karen Kirkman, Gwen Taylor, Leona La Perriere, and Robin Necci. The following was discussed: September introduction question: What was your favorite subject in school? The next board meeting will be on Monday, September 30, at 5:30pm at Catherine Cress’s ABWA house. We have 2 new members to install at the September meeting: Elsie Bell and Donna Maynard. Angela will contact them to be sure they will be attending and will notify Bessie Sparks of their attendance so that flowers will be provided to them during the installation ceremony. Angela will contact Toby Page to get her recent member installation ceremony to use. The Fall Fashion Pallooza hosted by the Granite City Chapter from Mt. Airy was attended by Angela Greene, Karen Kirkman, and Yvonne King (Forsyth). Discussion on ABW Day Weekend Celebration activities include: Ask Toby Page if she has permission to post about this day – on WIN for District 4 – so, Angela will plan for about 100 attendees. Angela Greene, as co-chair, will take care of other weekend activities at Embassy Suites. PTAC has a council site on WIN. Sandra Tincher is in charge. Executive Board members should contact her to be included on this team. Robin Necci collected the signatures of the Executive Board members for the newsletter. Discussion from Gwen Taylor about the signature card for the checking account and debit card for new executive committee members Angela Greene and Gwen Taylor. Gwen recommended we need to change the name and address on the debit card. Angela will need minutes of the last meeting as proof of her presidency and Gwen as treasurer. Discussion on an item on the budget approval: Gwen will alter the budget to $2,200 for two scholarships rather than one. Possibilities for donations in honor of Carolyn Huggins as a designee, and, there is still the scholarship in honor of Cynthia Chivers. Gwen will add this amount to the income column as a fundraiser. Later, this may be known as a Memorial Scholarship in memory of deceased members. A recap from the August meeting: Discussion of alterations to the Standing Rule #11: The chapter will pay the registration in advance for the President, Top 10 and/or Woman of the Year and also the luncheon costs for the Top 10 and Woman of the Year at National Conference if they are attending and if funds allow. Our chapter has $7,500 budgeted for National and Regional Conferences (Roanoke) -- $5,500 for National and $2,000 for Roanoke for the 2013-14 chapter year. Member Interest Survey (MIS) – only 15 members have taken this survey. Angela will stress the importance of this at the September meeting. A recap from the August meeting: Discussion of alterations to the Standing Rule #11: The chapter will pay the registration in advance for the President, Top 10 and/or Woman of the Year and also the luncheon costs for the Top 10 and Woman of the Year at National Conference if they are attending and if funds allow. Our chapter has $7,500 budgeted for National and Regional Conferences (Roanoke) -- $5,500 for National and $2,000 for Roanoke for the 2013-14 chapter year. Member Interest Survey (MIS) – only 15 members have taken this survey. Angela will stress the importance of this at the September meeting. HOP has been approved for $17,000 credit towards our “nut” fundraiser. So, we should have the Fundraising committee move forward with the orders as soon as possible. YAY!!! We have been notified of our Best Practices Level II Award for 2012-13! Heart of the Piedmont Chapter 6 Visit us online at The Pulse September 2013 | Vol. 5, Issue 2 Heart of the Piedmont Chapter ABWA Executive Board Meeting Minutes—Continued August 26, 2013 Angela asked Karen Kirkman to preside over a Memorial Service at our September meeting for Carolyn Huggins. Carolyn’s husband will be notified of this and invited to attend. A reminder that raffle prize drawings will be taking place for the campaign fundraiser for Toby Page at the September meeting. Meeting was adjourned at 6:45pm. Respectfully submitted, Leona La Perriere, Secretary Chapter Fundraisers for Toby Page The Heart of the Piedmont Chapter of the American Business Women’s Associaon is hosng an online Scentsy Fundraiser to support our candidate, Toby Page for 2013-2014 Naonal Secretary-Treasurer. The link below will take you directly to the Scentsy website for the chapter’s event. Don’t forget Christmas is around the corner, so this would be a great way to start your shopping early. hps:// Scentsy/Buy/ Collecon/507 The Heart of the Piedmont and the “Page Turners” (Toby’s campaign team) thank you for your connued support!!! Heart of the Piedmont Chapter 7 Visit us online at The Pulse September 2013 | Vol. 5, Issue 2 Went to be with her Heavenly Father Wednesday, August 21, 2013, at the Hospice House of the Piedmont. She was born June 3, 1940 in High Point to George and Helen Myers McCormick. She was a loving wife, daughter, sister, aunt, and dear friend to many. Carolyn brought joy and laughter to all she met. Her presence will be truly missed. She was a blessing to her coworkers, at Cornerstone Surgery friends, and the staff of doctors since its inception. We will miss you dearly, Carolyn! You will always be one of our treasured jewels. Carolyn is survived by her loving husband of 51 years, Herbert, her little dog “Happy”, her sister Cynthia McCormick Sawyer and husband, Fred of Charleston SC, her niece, Mary Susan Barteet and husband, Ed of Charleston, SC, her nephew, Scott Swayer and his wife, Clarissa of Charleston, SC, and several great nieces and great nephews. A memorial service provided by Cumby Family Funeral Service was held at Westchester Baptist Church, High Point, by Rev. Eric Peacock on Saturday, August 24th at 2:00 p.m., with family visitation at the church from 1:00 p.m. until 1:45 p.m. National Women’s Leadership Conference Little Rock, AR October 3-5, 2013 Heart of the Piedmont Chapter 8 Visit us online at The Pulse September 2013 | Vol. 5, Issue 2 Highlights From the August 22 Just in Time Webinar New Course September 2013 Su Mo Tue We Th Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Heart of the Piedmont Chapter 9 Have you tried out the new Calendar tab? Try it!!! Visit us online at The Pulse September 2013 | Vol. 5, Issue 2 Did you hear about Flo Adams and Sandra Butler? Their house had some damage in the last couple of months and Flo had a fall. Please continue to remember these great ladies as they sort out these things and keep them on your prayer list. Remember the families of Jo Ann Marsh and Kathleen Steed. They have each shared some health issues in their families. Please keep them in your prayers also. Toby Page has had some back issues, so please keep her on your list as well. Angie Greene was heard to say that she is enjoying a clean house since a couple of unnamed young men have departed for college recently. Got A Business / Home-Based Business you’d like to advertise? You can place an ad for $10/mo. or 6 months/$50 Or 9 months//$80 Describe your location by landmark or area of town. Expiration Date: Name of Item or Service Organization Name 00/00/00 Your Business Here Share your thanks for the special things your secret sister does here….. Tel: 555 555 5555 Heart of the Piedmont Chapter 10 Visit us online at The Pulse September 2013 | Vol. 5, Issue 2 Education Corner National Seminars Group The Essentials of Communication & Collaboration 09/11/2013 Raleigh, NC 09/12/2013 Greensboro, NC 09/13/2013 Charlotte, NC Bank On It For Business September 12, 2013 Greensboro Chamber of Commerce 342 N. Elm St. Greensboro NC 27401 Improving Employee Accountability 09/16/2013 Charlotte, NC 09/17/2013 Greensboro, NC 09/18/2013 Raleigh, NC HR Law 09/23/2013 09/24/2013 09/26/2013 09/27/2013 10:00AM - 1:00PM Member Jumpstart Program September 18, 2013 4:00PM - 5:00PM Greensboro Chamber - Wachovia Room 342 N. Elm Street Greensboro NC Free Charlotte, NC Asheville, NC Greensboro, NC Raleigh, NC Your Marketing Plan for the Holidays The All New Administrative Assistants Conference 09/30/2013 Raleigh, NC September 19, 2013 8:30AM - 10:30AM Greensboro Chamber of Commerce 342 N. Elm St. Greensboro NC 27401 Webinars (most only last about an hour) (1:00 PM CST) 09/04/13 Managing Employees Who Are Stretched to the Max 09/05/13 Untangle the Triangle: FMLA, Workers' Comp, and ADA September 26, 2013 09/09/13 Facebook Essentials: Developing a Great Facebook Strate- Greensboro Chamber of Commerce 342 N. Elm St. Greensboro NC 27401 Business Borrowing Basics gy for Your Organization 09/10/13 How to Deliver Grand Slam Customer Service 09/11/13 Microsoft® PowerPoint® Smart Shortcuts and Expert Secrets 09/12/13 The Supervisors' Guide to Giving On-Target Directions, The Chamber of Commerce is Greensboro's premier business association, working to build a vibrant economy one business at a time through unique educational programs, leadership training, and opportunities to network with key business leaders. The Chamber is a member of the Greensboro Partnership, united with Greensboro Economic Development Alliance and Action Greensboro to create a growing economy and vibrant quality of life. To learn more about the Chamber and its activities in the community visit Helpful Feedback & Constructive Criticism 09/13/13 Getting Started With Evernote: Your Guide to Project Management 09/16/13 10:00AM - 12:00PM iPads: Harnessing the Full Power of the Newest "Must Have" Tool for Work! 09/17/13 Employee Classification: Independent Contractor vs. Employee 09/18/13 Emotional Intelligence for Teams 09/19/13 Creating Open Communication Channels in the Workplace 09/20/13 Mental Illness & Depression Under the ADA Heart of the Piedmont Chapter 11 Visit us online at The Pulse Bring in your Women IN Business magazines (after you are finished with them!) so we can give samples to our visiting guests. Kathleen Steed requests that we bring in our aluminum can tops for the Optimist’s Club. Heart of the Piedmont Chapter Vision Statement Like the heart supplies the body with the essential ingredients for life, the September 2013 | Vol. 5, Issue 2 VACANCY HOP Shower of Cards posion is vacant Everyone, Do you feel like you aren’t able to parcipate fully in projects? If so, we need someone to fill Carolyn Huggins’ shoes in responding on behalf of the chapter to the Shower of Cards noficaons … Approximately, 9-12 cards per week sent out to let ABWA sisters across the country know that HOP sisters are aware of and sharing in their concerns and celebraons. Karen Kirkman would be the backup and all that is needed to do is let her know in advance, and she will do it while you are away. She will also support you if the load is too heavy and you get behind. Heart of the Piedmont ber to bring Please remem our purse for r your items fo need to fill e National. W ul bag with gift up our beautif th Carolina or ycards and N se bring ever “stuff." Plea xt meeting on ne thing to our September 5. Saturday even Also, so our ABW Day will r ing events fo we need be a success, aucitems for our bring these tion. Please - to our next l large or smal ell. w as g meetin ease let me Questions, pl know. Angie Chapter Introductions At our chapter introductions, how would you answer the following question? “What was your favorite subject in school? “ Member Interest Survey Remember to go on WIN and complete your Member Interest Survey. The deadline has been extended until December!!!! Chapter will provide the network for personal & professional enrichment in an enjoyable atmosphere for our members while reaching out to the business women's community for continued growth. REMINDER: Annual chapter dues are now due $12 Please be prepared to remit at our September meeting or via mail to Gwen Taylor Heart of the Piedmont Chapter 2012-2013 ABWA Annual Theme Inspire and be inspired with ABWA! It’s amazing the influence that one person can bring to a community. One fired-up person can create results beyond their own experience. As a member of ABWA, you have the power to change your own world when you become more involved with ABWA and begin to inspire—and be inspired by—your fellow members, your league, and your community. Become an inspiration leader in your Association and you could: provide a fellow member with the motivation to get involved with a local league; improve your own business skills, like public speaking, and expand both your business and personal networks; discover new opportunities within the Association, both at the local and national levels; assist your local league in recruiting and retaining new members. With committed members like you creating this ripple effect, our Association will continue changing women’s lives one woman at a time. 12 Visit us online at The Pulse September 2013 | Vol. 5, Issue 2 President Angela Greene 2228 Mt. Hope Church Rd Whitsett NC 27377 336.214.2549 (C) 336.697.3829 (H) Vice President Karen Kirkman 5312 Carolwood Drive Greensboro NC 27407 336.202.9723 (C) 336.884.7609 (W) Secretary Leona LaPerrierre 14 Windrock Way Greensboro, NC 27455 336.457.9605 (H) Treasurer Gwen Taylor 5135 Southland Drive Archdale NC 27263 336.622.5253 (C) 336.431.9207 (H) Program Terry Howard – Chair 336.312.5600 (C) 336.282.5183 (H) Fundraising Membership Sandy Tincher—Co-Chair 336.236.8132 (H) 336.625.6502 Ext. 4077 (w) Bessie Sparks – Chair 336.939.3512 (H) 336.349.8231 (W) Catherine Cress—Co-Chair Elizabeth Pringle – Co-Chair 336-301-2083 (C) 336-301-2083 (H) 336.847.6406 (C) 336.882.6444 (H) Hospitality Sandy Tincher—Co-Chair 704.236.8132 (H) 336.625.6502 Ext. 4077 (w) Catherine Cress—Co-Chair 336.882.6444 (H) 336.3847.6406 (C) Heart of the Piedmont Chapter Newsletter Robin Necci – Chair 336.625.7991 (C) 336.626.4470 (H) Holly Woodroof – Co-Chair 336-549-4466 (C) 336-332-4283 (W) Publicity Harriet Bishop—Chair 336.939.3571 (H) 336.349.8231 (W) Publications (to create brochure) ____________ – Co-Chair ____________ – Co-Chair Woman of the Year Angie Greene – Co-Chair Catherine Cress – Co-Chair Professional Development Sharon Godbee – Chair 336.257.9314 (C) 336.697.3829 (H) 13 Symposium Karen McCray—Chair 336.340.0220 (C) 336.540.1874 (H) Visit us online at The Pulse September 2013 | Vol. 5, Issue 2 ABWA’s Proud Code of Conduct 1. All members will serve as goodwill ambassadors for the American Business Women’s Association. 2. Members will not allow their personal beliefs and convictions to interfere with the representation of ABWA’s mission. 3. Members will always treat their member colleagues, guests, vendors and sponsors with honesty, respect, fairness, integrity, responsibility, kindness, and in good faith. 4. Members will maintain compliance with ABWA National, Chapter and Express Network Bylaws. 5. Members will not use their personal power to advance their personal interests. 6. Members will strive for excellence in their professions by maintaining and enhancing their own business knowledge and skills, and by encouraging the professional development of other members. Angela Greene, President A Chapter of the American Business Women’s Association Robin Necci, Editor Heart of the Piedmont 425 Pinewood Road Asheboro NC 27205 Phone: 336-626-4470 September 2013 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Happy Labor Day October Program : HOP Chapter Meeting 6:30pm 8 15 9 16 10 17 11 12 Paula Hardie’s BD Karen Kirkman’s BD 18 19 13 14 PTAC’s ABW Day Dinner 20 21 PTAC’s ABW Day Luncheon 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Leona Laperriere’s BD 29 October Renewals Due: 30 Sandra Butler, Barbara Walters, Rachel Hoover, Mary Ann Pardue National Women's Leadership Conference Highlights Heart of the Piedmont attendees will share their experiences and seminar summaries Lee Thomas’ BD was July 18 Angela Greene Robin Crosier BD = Birthday (black) Heart of the Piedmont Chapter ABWA Anniv. (blue) 14 Visit us online at
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