June 2015 Sivan Tammuz, 5775 Congressman Ryan Costello will be speaking at Congregation Or Shalom immediately following services on Friday night, June 5. Congressman Costello will provide a general congressional update which will include discussion of the status of the US/Israel relationship and US/Iran negotiations. There will be a question and answer period after the Congressman’s talk. IN THIS ISSUE Host an Oneg…………………………. 2 Honorable Mention . ……………….. 3 President’s Column …………………. 3 Rabbi’s Column ……………………… 4 Oneg Sponsors ………..…………… 5 Yahrzeits ……………………...……… 6 Congressman Costello represents the Sixth District of Pennsylvania in the United States House of Representatives. He was first elected to this position in November 2014. He serves on the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs and on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee in the 114th Congress. Contributions ……………………..... 7 Education Director’s Column …. 8 & 9 Bar Mitzvahs …………………...10 & 11 Social Actions ……………………… 12 Gift Shop …………………………… 13 Kosher Korner ……………………. 14 Sisterhood News …………….……... 15 Community News …………………… 16 UPCOMING EVENTS Mazelgrams Birthday ……………… 17 Mazelgrams Anniversary …………. 18 Memoriam ……………………………. 19 June 4— Sisterhood Pot Luck Dinner at Lisa Fox Classes w/ Rabbi Jacob …….…….. 20 Donation Form……………………….. 21 June 5 — Congressman Ryan June 20 — Nathan Stein Costello will be speaking Bar Mitzvah following services Monthly Calendar ……………….. 22 Advertisers ……………………….23 & 24 June 14 — Blood Drive 9 AM June 27 — Ari Bernstein to 2 PM Bar Mitzvah June 15 — July/August Articles for Horizons are due HORIZONS Please visit orshalom.com/ calendar for the latest information about events at Or Shalom June 2015 Sivan Tammuz, 5775 TD Bank Affinity Program Horizons is published monthly. Material submitted for publication may be edited for style, length and content. Please contact the office to report any errors or omissions. Thank you. Editor: Lauren Porter Congregation Or Shalom 835 Darby-Paoli Road Berwyn, PA 19312 Phone: 610-644-9086 www.OrShalom.com E-mail: office@orshalom.com Congregation Or Shalom Executive Committee President: Stuart Lurie Vice President: Dan Markind Treasurer: Fred Leibowitz Secretary: Larry Bilker Membership: Scott Markovitz Events/Fundraising: Wendy Markind IPP: Fred Leibowitz Auxiliary & Community Groups Sisterhood: Mindy Bernstein Men’s Club: Dan Bernick Social Action: Gina Arlen Education Chair: Melissa Schneider Ritual Committee: Murray Klug Advertising rates Advertising contracts are arranged through the Temple office. All advertising is due the first of the month for next month’s edition of Horizons. We accept ads with a check made out to Congregation Or Shalom and the ad copy sent at the same time. Size Full Page 1/2 page 1/4 page 1/8 page HORIZONS 11 issues $900 $450 $225 $180 Per issue $100 $50 $25 $20 One of our best opportunities to increase Or Shalom’s revenue is through TD Bank. The bank has a program which pays Or Shalom a percentage of the total balances of the accounts that are enrolled in the program and affiliated with Or Shalom. If you already have an account at TD Bank, you can easily enroll your account in the Affinity Program by calling Jeff Salvo, the TD Bank branch manager in Devon. Jeff’s phone number is 610-254-9150. Remember, any member, relative of a member, or friend of a member can open a savings or checking account then enroll the account in the Affinity Program, providing them with Or Shalom’s name and address. Please note that all your bank account information is held in strict confidence by TD Bank. Or Shalom is not told anyone’s account balances and we are not told who is enrolled in the program. The only information we receive from TD Bank is the total number of accounts enrolled and the total account balances. Over the past four years, TD Bank has donated just under $21,000! Do you know Unaffiliated Jews in Chester County, Montgomery County and Delaware County? Do you have Jewish friends or acquaintances who live in Chester County, Montgomery County and Delaware County who are not already members of a synagogue? If you do, why not invite them to one of the upcoming events at Or Shalom, for example our next Friday night dinner? They may have a good time and decide to come back. They may have such a good time that they decide to become members themselves. According to a recent survey by the Jewish Federation, there are many, many unaffiliated Jews in Chester county. We’d love to contact them, but don’t know who they are. You can help. Todah rabah! Celebrate with an Oneg Or Shalom Sisterhood is delighted to announce that you can sponsor an Oneg for any celebration you wish! Friday night and/or Saturday morning. The Sisterhood will be happy to purchase it and set it up, we only want you to join us and celebrate! Call Faye Peel at (610) 356-7335 or email Faye at XAIPE@comcast.net. 2 June 2015 Sivan Tammuz, 5775 From your newsletter editors The President’s Column Stuart Lurie Do we have your correct email address? If you have not been receiving the weekly update, we probably don’t have a correct address. Please email the office with your correct address Do we have a complete list of your Yahrzeits? We send out a reminder letter each month. If you don’t get one, we don’t have your Yahrzeit records up to date. Email the office with the name, relationship to member, and civil date including year and we will add it to our records. $55 received from Box Tops for Education— Remember to keep saving them during the summer and drop off at office. Thanks This newsletter is for all communicate, to share thoughts, to tell simchas, to speak of our losses, our joys, and to say “did you know?” Let us know! E-mail us: Office@orshalom.com HORIZONS “Volunteers Needed” Over the past several months, I’ve had the enviable job of asking our members to contribute money. This time I’m going to ask for something more: your time. As small synagogue is only as good as the people who volunteer for it. This is true for the Board of Directors, officers, and committees. As you take time to re-charge your batteries this summer, please give some thought to re-upping your commitment of time to Or Shalom. We have special needs in the following areas: marketing and publicity, programming, and fundraising. While our Board is certainly a “working board,” the bulk of the real operations of the synagogue necessarily happens at the committee level. With membership and finances our primary concerns going into this fiscal year, we can use all the help we can get. Of course, if your interests lie elsewhere, that’s okay too. Please feel free to contact me and let me know where you’d like to help. Every little bit counts. Have a great summer, and thanks in advance for your support. Stuart Lurie, President 3 June 2015 Sivan Tammuz, 5775 Mitzvah of the Month Rabbi Jacob Rosner No article submitted this month. Stay tuned for a message in our summer edition. HORIZONS 4 June 2015 Sivan Tammuz, 5775 ONEG SPONSORS June 5 — Sponsored by Warren Hyams in honor of Congressman Costello June 19 — Sponsored by Stein Family in honor of Nathan’s Bar Mitzvah June 26 — Sponsored by Bernsteins in honor of Ari’s Bar Mitzvah HORIZONS 5 June 2015 Sivan Tammuz, 5775 June 1, Sivan 14, 5775 Sidney Goldstein, father of Billie Goldstein June 28, Tammuz 11, 5775 Morton Rothschild, father of Jan Sachs June 3, Sivan 16, 5775 Paul Monash, brother of BettyAnn Monash June 5, Sivan 18, 5775 Herman Millrood, father-in-law of Sylvia Millrood Hilda K. Strauss, mother of Sandy Milberg June 7, Sivan 20, 5775 Rebecca Boyet, grandmother of Glenn Boyet June 8, Sivan 21, 5775 Rose Leonard, mother-in-law of Marjorie Leonard June 12, Sivan 25, 5775 Adolfine Leight, wife of Lester Leight and mother of Janet Hurwitz Corrine Natanblut, mother of Herman Natanblut June 13, Sivan 26, 5775 Morris Goldman, father of Dede Strumpf June 15, Sivan 28, 5775 Harold Fox, father of Stephen Fox June 16, Sivan 29, 5775 Morris Mushlin, father of Theodore Mushlin June 17, Sivan 30, 5775 Harold Koobrick, father of Sheila DiDomenico June 24, Tammuz 7, 5775 David Gorbacz, father of Hilda Daniel June 25, Tammuz 8, 5775 Sophie Browde, Julie S. Meyer June 27, Tammuz 10, 5775 Sophie Freeman, mother of Renee Hayman Ruth Kornreich, mother of Laurie Katz Abraham Wachter, father of Michael Wachter HORIZONS 6 June 2015 Sivan Tammuz, 5775 Contributions Congregation Or Shalom gratefully acknowledges the following generous contributions in the month of April 2015 Hebrew School Boxtops General Mills, Box Tops for Education Passover Seder Gordon & Rachel Adler Adler Don & Binnie Donald Vivian & Barry Morrow Elgin & James Nowoswiat Samuel Weinstein Cards and misc contr Harris & Julie Miller Speedy Recovery of Betsy Cohen & Betsy Blumen Yahrzeit Donations Anne Burke Nelson & Paula Kardos Leslie Jay & Laurie Katz David & Caryl Keet Jeffrey & Eileen Kosterich Donald Leitner & Michelle Cohen Harris & Julie Miller Herman & Zora Natanblut Michael & Barbara Pollack Bernard & Marjorie Schneider Bernard & Marjorie Schneider Bernard & Marjorie Schneider Memory of Theodore Burke Memory of Joseph Kardos Memory of Martin Katz Memory of Esther Rosalie Keet in memory of Louis Adler Memory of Ann Liss Erlich & Benjamin Leitner Memory of Frank Wolf Memory of Miriam & Arthur Isaacs Memory of Frederick Stone Memory of Bernarad Scher Memory of Fannie Schneider Memory of Hyman Schneider Oneg Sponsorship Andra Pitock-Rosen & Paul Rosen Oneg Sponsorship honor of wedding anniversary General Donations Scott & Susan Greenberg General Fund Boaz & Jill Cohen Lester Leight Vivian & Barry Morrow Raymond & Meryl Raskin General Donation General Fund Donation General Fund General Fund in honor of the special birthdays of Zora & Herm Natanblut Please Note: Any error or omission of a name or contribution is NOT intentional. Please contact the office via email [office@orshalom.com] if your name and contribution was not included the list, and we will publish in the next issue. Thankyou. HORIZONS 7 June 2015 Sivan Tammuz, 5775 From the Education Director Na’ama Yarden What did we do this year at our Religious school? Another school year has past and now it is time to start planning for next year. I would like to thank our Rabbi, teachers, teen aides, Education committee members, president, LP, parents and students for a fulfilled year of Religious School. This year our Religious School had 39 students from Gan through Zayin (K-7th gr. ) They were taught by five teachers and four teen aides. We are so proud and also a bit sad to say good-bye to our wonderful graduates. Here are a few things that we did this year and we plan to continue next year. The goal behind these initiatives was to enlarge our school and to expand our students’ social circles, but also to support our belief that as a small local Jewish community we should always reach out to the wider Jewish world, beyond our own community. 1. The Israeli program this year was the newest edition to our school. Israeli families from the wide Philadelphia area came to us through the organization Philly Israel and asked us to create a program that will teach their kids Hebrew in Hebrew. Together we worked and came up with a two parts program. Half of the day (Sunday) the students learned Hebrew and holidays all in Hebrew with Morah Dana And Dotan Yarden (Teen Aide). They sang songs, heard stories, discussed, and learned the Alef Bet- all in Hebrew. The other half of the day the students joined the rest of their grade and learned Torah, Prayers, music and dance in English and Hebrew. We feel that this was a wonderful add on to our school, and we are happy to see that the Israeli families were satisfied with the results. On 4/26, at our Yom Israel celebration we had an open house with Philly Israel and a few new families were interested in the program. Our goal is to have more Israelis in all the classes. 2. Another initiative that we had this year was the collaboration with Congregation Beth El Ner Tamid. We had a chance to establish great relationships with CBENT in Broomall through two events that we planned together. On Purim we joined them for their well- organized Carnival and on Lag BaOmer they came over and joined us for a fun field day. Both events were very successful and the communities felt welcomed and happy to collaborate. The students made new friendships, which was a nice thing to see. We are looking forward for more events like these next year and we already have new ideas in mind. HORIZONS 8 June 2015 Sivan Tammuz, 5775 From the Education Director (continued) 3. Our relationships with Bnai Jacob were also continued through one event that we did together this year. We invited them to join us for the Global day of Jewish Learning that took place in November and it was a nice success. As we prepare for the new school year, we are looking at some new ideas: Providing an opportunity for a Confirmation class for grades 8-10. Continue to add students to the Religious School through new members. Think of innovative methods of teaching that will appeal to the students. Incorporate technology into our daily teaching. Continue to collaborate with other synagogues in the area in order to create a wider community for our students. I wish everyone a restful and fun summer. HORIZONS 9 June 2015 Sivan Tammuz, 5775 Nathan stein Nathan Jared Stein will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on June 20, 2015. Nathan is currently a seventh grade honor roll student at at Tredyffrin- Easttown Middle School. He enjoys playing drums for the jazz band, school band, and orchestra, and serving as a Bulldog Ambassador. Outside of school he is a red belt in karate, plays tennis for White Manor Country Club, and loves playing video games with his friends and two older bothers, Evan and Daniel. Nathan started his education at Or Shalom as a preschooler and has attended Hebrew School there since the Gan class. He is appreciative of his Hebrew school teachers and would like to thank Rabbi Jacob, Miriam Leshem, and Sue Penfil for their guidance in preparing him for his Bar Mitzvah. For his Mitzvah project, Nathan raised money to purchase Shalach Manot to bring cheer to the Israeli soldiers. Please join Nathan and his family on June 19th as he leads Friday night services, and on Saturday, June 20th as he becomes a Bar Mitzvah! HORIZONS 10 June 2015 Sivan Tammuz, 5775 ARI BERNSTEIN Ari Bernstein will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah Saturday, June 27, 2015. He is a 7th grader at Tredyffrin/ Easttown Middle School. Ari is an active member of his Boy Scout Troop 45, where he has already earned his Star rank on the road to Eagle. He also enjoys Parkour, riding his bike with friends around the neighborhood, and playing video games. For his Mitzvah project, Ari has been volunteering at the Easttown Library in Berwyn. Ari started his Hebrew School education at Or Shalom during kindergarten, and would like to thank all of his Or Shalom teachers for helping him to reach this milestone, especially his tutor, Miriam Leshem. Please join Ari's parents, Mindy and Jim, and his big sisters Shaina and Leah, to celebrate Ari's Bar Mitzvah on Friday evening, June 26th, and Saturday morning, June 27th. HORIZONS 11 June 2015 Sivan Tammuz, 5775 SOCIAL ACTIONS School’s almost out … Red Cross Blood Drive: Sunday, June 14, 2015 (Flag Day!) 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Congregation Or Shalom Top Ten Reasons to Donate: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. FREE juice and cookies. You will weigh less when you leave than when you arrived. It only takes about one hour. It’s something you can spare yet, there is still not enough to go around. No heavy lifting as long as you have the bandage on. You will walk a little taller afterwards. You will help ensure that blood is there when you — or someone close to you — may need it. It’s something you can do on equal footing with the rich and famous. You will be someone’s hero — you may give a newborn, a child, a mother or a father, a brother, or a sister another chance at life. Call 1-800-GIVELIFE or go to www.redcrossblood.org (Sponsor Code: orshalom) You must be at least 17 years old, weigh at least 110 pounds, and be in good health. Crisis In Nepal: help Earthquake Survivors On Saturday, April 25, 2015, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal — the worst quake to hit that country since 1934. The United Nations predicts that tens of thousands are likely dead or injured in Nepal and up to one million will become homeless. AJWS has set up an Earthquake Emergency Relief Fund. Your donation will ensure that thousands of people affected by this earthquake receive the support they desperately need. To learn more, visit ajws.org HORIZONS 12 June 2015 Sivan Tammuz, 5775 Gift Shop CELEBRATE SPRING AT THE OR SHALOM GIFT SHOP! CELEBRATE BRIDAL SHOWERS, WEDDINGS, BIRTHDAYS, GRADUATIONS, BAR or BAT MITZVAHS OR BABY’S ARRIVAL With a gift from the OR SHALOM GIFT SHOP! SEE OUR WIDE SELECTION OF BREAD BOARDS, SERVING DISHES, PENDANTS, PICTURE FRAMES, JEWISH BABY BOOKS, NOVELTIES & TOYS AND MEZZUZAHS, MENORAHS, & SEDER PLATES ALL SUITABLE FOR A VARIETY OF OCCASIONS AT REASONABLE PRICES Free Gift Wrap! Cash or Checks Accepted, sorry no credit cards. Hours: Sundays 9:30 AM-12:30 PM Additional hours by appointment. For information, call Binnie 610-688-6750. HORIZONS 13 June 2015 Sivan Tammuz, 5775 KOSHER KORNER ZUCCHINI PIE By Faye Peel Ingredients: 2 sm. zucchini, diced (3 c.) ½ c. grated Pecorino or Parmesan cheese 1 sm. onion, chopped ½ tsp. marjoram 1 c. Bisquick 1 tsp parsley 4 eggs ¼ tsp. salt ½ c. vegetable oil 1/8 tsp. pepper Combine all ingredients. Pour into lightly-greased 9” pie plate. Bake at 350̊ for 30 minutes or until brown on top. HORIZONS 14 June 2015 Sivan Tammuz, 5775 Sisterhood news Thanks so much to everyone who attended the Sisterhood Shabbat in May. Brenda Belkin and Betsy Cohen did a phenomenal job organizing, and even printed up a program for the congregation to follow--it was beautiful and very helpful. Julie Miller organized a delicious lunch that Faye Peel, Ellen Gross, Betsy Blumen, Janet Hurwitz and Ayalah Sorkin helped prepare. There were some delicious quiches at the lunch made by Julie Miller and Faye Peel. I got many requests for the recipes and Faye generously gave me her Zucchini pie recipe to include in this month's Horizons. Thanks, also, to everyone who participated-- you made it a wonderful Shabbat. Our Annual pot-luck closing Sisterhood Dinner is coming up! It is a dairy pot luck on June 4 at 6:30 P.M. at the home of Lisa Fox. Please call or email me at thebernsteins@comcast.net to let me know what dairy dish you will bring. Don't be afraid to come a little late if you are coming from work. I recently attended the Mid-Atlantic Region of Women's League for Conservative Judaism Spring Conference. It was an informative day of learning about Sisterhood and the Women's League. While there, I was presented with a certificate celebrating the 36th anniversary of the affiliation of our Sisterhood with the Women's League, and an Award of Honor for "exemplary devotion to Judaism and outstanding achievement". I share these awards with all of the women of Or Shalom who do so much for Sisterhood every week. Stay tuned for information about a summer Happy Hour. Have a wonderful summer. I hope to see you all at the Closing Dinner. Mindy Bernstein, Sisterhood President HORIZONS 15 June 2015 Sivan Tammuz, 5775 Community Events The Kehillah of Chester County A Jewish Community Collaboration funded by The Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia presents the 2nd Annual Summer Shorts An Eight-Session Film Festival & Discussion Series of Selected Contemporary International Jewish Short Films Wednesdays, July 8 through August 26, 2015 • 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. The Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge Street, Phoenixville, PA 3rd Floor Screening Room (handicap accessible) Full schedule will be available soon HORIZONS 16 June 2015 Sivan Tammuz, 5775 SPREAD SUNSHINE – SEND A MAZELGRAM BIRTHDAYS 2015 JULY 1 1 1 4 7 10 14 15 19 20 20 22 26 28 28 29 31 Wendy Fisher Lester Leight Miriam Leshem Felicia Albert Alan Messing Laurie Katz Michael Pollack Carolyn Shine Fred Leibowitz Elizabeth Hyams Sylvia Spector Andra Pitock-Rosen Bernard Schneider Barbara Pollack Janet Walkow Melissa Schneider Warren Hyams AUGUST 2 3 5 7 10 11 16 16 18 25 25 27 30 31 Steven Blatman Paula Sigman Glenn Boyet Barry Milberg Debra Behar Alan Daroff Dana Dreeke Natalie Lurie Sandy Milberg James Margolis Marina Zivik Steven H. Meyer Ronald Block Irvin Hurwitz SEPTEMBER 2 10 10 11 11 15 19 23 23 29 30 Sandy Coonley Marla King Helaine Leibowitz Bari Michele Brandt Robert Caplan Gina Arlen Paul Rosen Andrea Allon Janet Emanuel Shirley Shapiro Penny Rosenblum FROM:______________________________________________________________ Circle those you would like to acknowledge. Mail your check for $1 per greeting (payable to Or Shalom Sisterhood) to: Jerry Satlow 1132 Bartlett Rd Chesterbrook, Pa 19087 Please feel free to call with additions/corrections: 610-639-1886 Deadline for each month is the 15th of the preceding month HORIZONS 17 June 2015 Sivan Tammuz, 5775 SPREAD SUNSHINE – SEND A MAZELGRAM ANNIVERSARIES- 2015 JULY 1 AUGUST 3 James & Mindy Bernstein Steven Blatman & Maria Hurley 1 Stuart & Heidi Lurie Bernard & Marjorie 3 Schneider 3 David & Jennifer Hoffman 4 Bernard & Paul Blaustein 5 5 5 9 James Patton & Ellen Gross Richard & Sheryl Tregerman Alex & Marina Zivik Jeffrey & Eileen Kosterich 10 Felicia & Ryan Albert David & Gayle 15 Slaybaugh 16 Don & Dede Strumpf 23 Michael & Barbara Pollack 21 26 30 Ronald & Kristen Block Harris & Renee Hayman Howard & Jennifer Lurie 26 Irvin & Janet Hurwitz 26 Nelson & Paul Kardos SEPTEMBER 5 David & Hannah Meyer 5 Steven & Lisa Fox Melissa Schneider & Robert 6 Reiner 13 Jeffrey & Linda Mand 16 David & Andrea Allon 16 David & Florence Hoffritz 19 John Roxby & Felice Burnstein FROM:______________________________________________________________ Circle those you would like to acknowledge. Mail your check for $1 per greeting (payable to Or Shalom Sisterhood) to: Jerry Satlow 1132 Bartlett Rd Chesterbrook, Pa 19087 Please feel free to call with additions/corrections: 610-639-1886 Deadline for each month is the 15th of the preceding month HORIZONS 18 June 2015 Sivan Tammuz, 5775 In Memoriam Joy Ellis Betsy Cohen’s mother Died May 20, 2015 HORIZONS 19 June 2015 Sivan Tammuz, 5775 Classes with Rabbi Jacob Mishna Class Rabbi Jacob offers this class on each Sunday morning at 9:30 (immediately following the Sunday morning minyan). This is a very interesting class with plenty of opportunity for discussion and debate. (Not So) Basic Judaism Rabbi Jacob offers a Basic Judaism class for adults each Monday evening, from 7:30 to 8:30. The focus will be on learning about the holidays, life cycle events, great Jewish books and more. The Rabbi promises that even the most knowledgeable will find something new and intriguing in this class. Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah Class Rabbi Jacob invites any adult seeking to have a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, to schedule private lessons with him. Other One-on-One Classes with Rabbi Jacob Rabbi is offering one-on-one classes at your convenience on many Jewish topics such as: Learning to read or speak Hebrew, synagogue skills, bible, Mishna, etc. You can even name your own class! Please email the office at office@orshalom.com to schedule your class with the Rabbi now. HORIZONS 20 June 2015 Sivan Tammuz, 5775 Or Shalom Donation Form I would like to help support Or Shalom. I have specified each donation and I have included one check for the total amount payable to Or Shalom. Please send all donations to: Congregation Or Shalom, 835 Darby Paoli Road, Berwyn PA 19312 Name____________________________________________________ Name____________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________ Fund #________Amount $________ Phone #___________________ Fund #________Amount $________ Phone #___________________ Made in memory of________________________________________ Made in memory of________________________________________ Made in honor of__________________________________________ Made in honor of__________________________________________ Speedy Recovery__________________________________________ Speedy Recovery__________________________________________ Send acknowledgment to (include address) Send acknowledgment to (include address) Definition of Funds 1. Building Fund: Donations are used for the continuous upkeep of our building. These funds help offset unexpected expenses such as A/C, Heater, roof repair and any emergency repairs to our facility. 2. Beautification Fund: Donations are used for the upkeep of our grounds. Trees, plants, mulch, etc. 3. Biblical Garden Fund: Donations are used to maintain and support our biblical garden. Any questions for this fund should be addressed to BettyAnn Monash at ba.bettyann11@gmail.com. 4. David Braunstein Memorial Scholarship Fund: Donations are used to offer scholarships for Jewish related travel or Jewish summer camps. For questions regarding this fund please contact Diana Braunstein at braunstein540@comcast.net. 5. Paul Seres Education Endowment Fund: This fund is maintained to provide interest income for restricted use by the synagogue for Education. 6. General Fund: All monies donated to this fund will supplement the current year’s budget. 7. Hebrew School: Funds are used for the needs of the Religious School. Examples: Bulletin boards, books and school supplies, etc. 8. Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund: The Rabbi uses these funds for charitable purpose. Donations to this fund can be made directly to the synagogue office. 9. Social Action: Donations will be used for all social action events and programs. Any questions to this fund should be addressed to Gina Arlen at migi4@verizon.net. 10. Tree of Life: A leaf can be purchased to honor or commemorate any important life event. The cost of a leaf is $180.00 which will be displayed in our foyer. For more information please contact Christina Chusid @ christina.chusid@verizon.net 11. USY-Or Shalom Chapter: Funds are used to support USY for their activities. 12. Yahrzeit Plaque: Two plaques can be purchased for $360.00. The first would be a permanent plaque on the back wall of the sanctuary. The second plaque would be placed during the week of the Yahrzeit on the memorial wall in the front of the sanctuary. Additional information will be requested when purchasing a plaque. Please contact Ellen Gross at Ellenagross@gmail.com for more information. 13. Oneg: Sponsor an Oneg for Friday night and /or Saturday morning for any celebration you with. The cost is $40.00 and the Sisterhood will purchase and set it up. 14. Sisterhood Cards & Contributions: Cards for all Occasions cost $5.00, Chaverim is $18.00 and Sisterhood Flowers are $18.00. A donation can also be made to the Sisterhood General fund. 15. Acme & Giant Script-Purchase supermarket cards and Or Shalom receives 5%. Purchase any amount in multiples of $50. This donation to Or Shalom COSTS YOU NOTHING! There are no restrictions and no expiration on the use of these cards at Acme and Giant. Call Paula Blaustein 484-999-8077 or blaus@comcast.net. HORIZONS 21 June 2015 Sivan Tammuz, 5775 Calendar hfile:///C:/ Users/Alan/ Downloads/ calendar_2015- HORIZONS 22 June 2015 Sivan Tammuz, 5775 advertisements Here's an easy way to raise money for Or Shalom. Just start using Yahoo! powered GoodSearch.com as your search engine and they'll donate about a penny to Or Shalom every time you do a search! HORIZONS 23 June 2015 Sivan Tammuz, 5775 Summer Office hours: Here's an easy way to raise money for Or Shalom. Just start using Yahoo! powered GoodSearch.com as your search engine and they'll donate about a penny to Or Shalom every time you do a search! HORIZONS Effective June 8, 2015 24 Monday 10:30 to 3:30 Tuesday 11 to 4 Wednesday 10 to 3 Thursday 10 to 3 Friday 10:30 to 3:30 June 2015 Sivan Tammuz, 5775
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