Osakis Sportsmen’s Club Monthly Meeting Minutes May 18, 2015 Meeting called to order by president Gordy B. at 7:30 pm. Treasurer's Report Expenses for the month were $398.50. Checking balance was $2333.45. Savings balance was $6,778.31 for a total of $ 9,111.76, $290 dollars ahead of last year. Old Business We donated the Battle Point dock to Todd county as they said we were liable for injuries. A notarized letter was sent to the county board stating as much. Membership drive was going well with only 22 businesses to visit yet. New Business $100 to Alex shooting park for adult team sponsorship. Bluebird houses to be done Tuesday, materials to be picked up by Rob and Dave. Motion made by Al to have Don T. bring a first aid kit as he has always needed one in the past. Signs at the city park etc. need to be refinished, Rob will talk to Kyle about this project. Don and Gordy brought up the possibility of getting a state permit to sell more than $1,500 in guns for our raffle. A motion was made to give some sort of thank you to the General Store for going above and beyond in their help and support of our club. Mike T. to look into price and possibly order something. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm. Next meeting will be June 15. Osakis Sportsmen’s Club Monthly Meeting Minutes April 20, 2015 The April meeting of the Osakis Sportsmens club was called to order by President Gordy B. at 7:30 pm. Treasurer’s Report There have been no deposits since last fall. The balance is $8,806.80, down $1,700 from the same time last year. Secretary Report read and approved. Old Business Thank you note read from Crooked Willow girls who were starting a mentoring group for high school students. We determined their request did not meet our clubs guide lines but was a good idea so led by Rob Mathney many members reached into their own pockets and came up with some financial support for their cause. New Business Boy scouts asked for $100 for outdoor camp out. Motion made by Jim W, seconded Al K, passed. Motion made by Rob M, seconded by Al K, for $30 dollars for space in the park to build blue bird houses with kids in the park during Osakis festival. Cub scout ditch cleanup will be April 28. Meet at VFW at 6:00 pm Business membership drive will start headed by Gordy and Rob. Guns for fall corn feed ordered by Dave S, Al K, and Don T. DNR said they will fix the blow hole at Battle Point landing so we don't have to. Wild game potluck will be Saturday April 25 at 6:00,5:00 social hour. Bring a dish to share, pass the word so we get a good turnout. Door prize won by Jim W. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm. Submitted by Secretary Dave S. Osakis Sportsmen’s Club Monthly Meeting Minutes March 15, 2015 Monthly meeting called to order by President Gordy Berthiaume at 7:30 pm. Secretary report from November and special February meeting read and approved. Treasurer's report was not read as treasurer is not back at this time. Gordy did report on the three checks he has written this winter. Old Business: Battle Point dock not repaired at this time. Boss Creek rock taken care of and will be watched. Archery tournament went well and was well attended. New Business: Dana Barfknecht, Brandon Sportsman’s Club, discussed their clubs county wide carp tournament scheduled for June 13 & 14. They would like any help they can get. OSC trap team sent a thank you note for our contribution. Discussed cutting out blue bird houses early. Youth day at Alexandria shooting park will be Aug 30th . It was reaffirmed that women members are allowed and welcome in the club. High school trap team update was given. Spring cub scout ditch clean up map was discussed and will be taken care of. Game feed date was given as April 25, 2015 from 5 pm. to 9 pm. Adult trap team sponsorship of 100 dollars was voted on and passed. Gary Barber reported on some of the things the watershed is looking at. Drawing for 10 dollar door prize was won by Rob M. Meeting was adjourned at 8:50 pm. Submitted by club secretary Dave Spartz on 3/17/15. Osakis Sportsmen’s Club Special Meeting Minutes Monday - February 9, 2015 Meeting called to order by club president Gordy B. at 6:20 pm. Treasurer’s Report, Sec. Report, and Old Business Report Tabled until next meeting. New Business Discussed meeting with Viking Sportsman’s club Feb. 12 at the Douglas County Fairgrounds in Alexandria. Rob M, Al K, and Dave S will represent our club. Mike T. and Dave S. named as co-chairs of any activities that come from this meeting concerning the annual Youth Outdoor Activity Day. Last years event drew 542 kids. Motion to donate 500 dollars for the Osakis High school trap team was made by Rob M. seconded by Al K. passed Ducks Unlimited requested a donation for their upcoming banquet. A motion was made by Rob M. to donate 250 dollars for a sponsorship, seconded by Dave S and passed. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 7:30 p. m. Osakis Sportsmen's Club Monthly Meeting Minutes November 17, 2014 OCS meeting called to order at 7:30 by vice president Rob Matheny Treasure’s Report: There were no deposits. Expenses: $75 to BSA 426 for the road cleanup, $10 to Bill Hill for the door prize, and $90.65 to Sytek for monthly charges for October – April. Total $175.65 Checking balance is $3,789.49. Savings $6,776.62 = $10,563.11. This is $2,624 less than the same period last year which , as we said at the last meeting, was mainly due to the cost of the new website and the bog donation. Old Business Web site: Dave Spartz sent minutes to post. Curt called Chelsey and she told him there would be an extra fee to administer the site ourselves. There is no charge to post the minutes and if we only change a couple of photos at a time there will be no charge. Curt paid six months monthly charge and we received copies of the contract. Battle Point: We removed the dock Mon. Oct 27. Blow hole needs to befixed. Mark Radke will replace damaged left post with a heavier square post. Gordy bought a cable and lock [20.00] Rob has the ramp at his house. D.N.R. Stocking. Rob called Bill Mcribbin in Glenwood , 6 to 8 inch fingerlings planted from October 4 to November 6. There were 59,139 fish, 3,391 lbs./17.44 fish per lb. Rob said walleye fever raffle tickets paid for an additional 350 lbs., 5000 more fingerlings New Business Map out cub scout road clean up so it will be more efficient to divide up scouts. Meeting adjourned 8:00 next meeting 3rd Monday in March. Osakis Sportsmen's Club Meeting Minutes October 20, 2014 Treasurer's Report $3,962.00 in checking and $6,777.00 in savings. Checks for bog removal and website design cleared the acount reflecting lower total assets. Report accepted by Rob Matheny, seconded by Gary Kliber. Motion passed. Old Business Rob Matheny to again try to obtain website password so photos and other postings can be made without incurring additional charges. New Business Discussed putting rocks under the new bridge by Black's Resort for potential walleye spawning. DNR was scheduled to stock 3,389 pounds of wall eye fingerlings and possibly seven million fry on Tuesday, October 21, 2014. Club volunteer to remove Battle Point dock on Monday, October 27 at 1:00 pm. Motion to buy and install a chain and lock for the dock on Battle Point was made by Mike K, seconded by Larry B. Motion passed. Corn Feed date for 2015 is back on for Labor Day weekend at the VFW. Drawing for $10 door prize was won by Bill Hill. Meeting adjourned Osakis Sportsmen's Club Monthly Meeting Minutes September 15, 2014 Treasurer's Report Corn Feed generated $2,126.00 which was down $234 from 2013. Total money in accounts is $12,312.00 Motion to accept report made by Joe Johnson and seconded by Al Kramer. Motion passed. Old Business Discussed changing prize selection for Corn Feed raffle. Rob Matheny volunteered to speak with web designer to get clarification of charges and obtain a password to enable club to make additions to website without incurring additional charges by Sytek Web. New Business Discussed possible conflict of Corn Feed date and availability of VFW for 2015. Check was received from the family of Lloyd Hageman after his death. Thank you card was sent. Drawing for $10 was won by Kurt. Meeting adjourned. Osakis Sportsmens Club Meeting Minutes August 18, 2014 Treasures Report Shows $5,493.00 in checking and $6,776 in savings. Old Business Discussed prizes for raffle at Corn Feed. Al, Gordy and Rob will pick up the corn on Friday. Volunteers were selected for cooking corn. All gun raffle tickets have been sold. New Business Motion made and seconded to give away the Ducks Untlimited hat pin. Pin won by Mike Thesing. Motion made to donate $500 for walleye stocking by Al Kramer, seconded by Gary Kliber. Motion passed. Another motion made to donate 10 hats and $100 to kids day Alexandria shooting park by Rob Matheny, seconded by Mike K and motion passed. Rob Matheny made a motion to accept the new website, seconded by Al Kramer and was passed. Drawing for $10 door prize went to Gary Kliber. Meeting adjourned Osakis Sportsmans Club Monthly Meeting Minutes July 21, 2014 Treasurer's Report Accepted by Al Kramer, seconded by Joe Johnson. Old Business Discussed Club activities during Osakis Festival at Osagi Park. We want to display the new banner. Consider making more birdhouses kits for children to make during Osakis Festival at Osagi Park. No resolution at this time. Also want to get coverage in Osakis review to acknowledge our work. Discussed level of scholarship award for Osakis High School student. Amount to be determined in April of 2015. New Business Corn Feed plans made. Duties determined: Jerry P will order corn. Rob will pick up. Volunteers requested to husk corn at Joe G's. Dave will order groceries in Osakis. Website design by Sytek Web was discussed. Cost was $1400/2 years. Discussed club picnic at Great Bear Taxidermy on August 23. A motion was made by Bob Loften, seconded by Mike Thesing and was passed to make a contribution of $750 for removal of the cattail bog in Lake Osakis. Meeting adjourned
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