Olympia School District 1113 Legion Way SE ▪ Olympia, WA 98501 ▪ 360.596.6100 ▪ http://osd.wednet.edu “Creating opportunities and shaping success for all students” Certificated Personnel Report April 20, 2015 The administration recommends approval of three resignations, one non-renewal of contract, two leaves of absence, nine increases in contract, four reductions in contract and three new hires. RESIGNATIONS – effective June 12, 2015 Daray, Robert – Upper Elementary Montessori Teacher at Olympia Regional Learning Academy. Frasier, Matthew – Math Teacher at Jefferson Middle School. Gilmore, Monique – Psychologist at McKenny Elementary School. NON –RENEWAL OF CONTRACT Ball, Darek – English/LAP Teacher at Olympia High School. Non-Renewal of contract effective 2015-2016 school year. LEAVES OF ABSENCE – effective the 2015-2016 school year Gylys, Gabrielle – Librarian at Garfield Elementary School, a .40 FTE (from 1.0 to .60) leave. Smythe, Starr – 4th Grade Teacher at Madison Elementary School, a 1.0 FTE leave INCREASES IN CONTRACT Alexander, Devin – Literacy Specialist at LP Brown ES, one-year only .40 FTE increase (.60 to 1.0) effective March 12, 2015. Grubbs, Lisa – Title I Reading Specialist at Madison ES, one-year only .50 FTE increase (.50 to 1.0) effective March 16, 2015. Jetha, Nimira – Title I Math Specialist at Roosevelt ES, one-year only .50 FTE increase (.50 to 1.0) effective March 18, 2015. Krause, Lynetta – Title I Extended Kindergarten at Hansen ES, one-year only .50 FTE increase (.50 to 1.0) effective March 23, 2015. Krueger, Tiffany – Literacy Specialist at LP Brown ES, one-year only .10 FTE increase (.40 to .50) effective March 12, 2015. Saurs, Mary – Title I Math Specialist at LP Brown ES, one-year only .40 FTE increase (.60 to 1.0) effective March 12, 2015. Schweickert, Cassie – Title I Math Specialist at Madison ES, one-year only .50 FTE increase (.50 to 1.0) effective March 16, 2015. Swett, Colleen – Title I Math Specialist at Hansen ES, one-year only .50 FTE increase (.50 to 1.0) effective March 23, 2015. Woods, Dana – Title I Math Specialist at Roosevelt ES, one-year only .50 FTE increase (.50 to 1.0) effective March 16, 2015. REDUCTIONS IN CONTRACT – effective 2015-2016 school year Blodgett, Audree (Marci) – Psychologist at Knox, .20 FTE reduction (1.0 to .80). Gudgel, Cathy – Social Service Coordinator at Washington Middle School, .20 FTE reduction (1.0 to .80). Sonnenstuhl, Christopher – Math Teacher at Olympia High School, .20 FTE reduction (1.0 to .80). Welter, Lynn – Second Grade Teacher at Pioneer Elementary School, .30 FTE reduction (.80 to .50). NEW HIRES Benson, Tamsen – Hope Teacher at Reeves Middle School, 1.0 FTE provisional contract effective the 2015-2016 school year. McKenzie, Rebekah – Speech/Language Pathologist at Knox, .40 FTE provisional contract effective the 2015-2016 school year. Porter, Rebecca – Intervention Specialist at Garfield ES, one-year only 1.0 FTE contract effective March 30, 2015. Please call Aaron Davis at 596-6193, or email adavis@osd.wednet.edu, if you have questions or concerns regarding certificated or classified personnel reports. OFFERS FOR NEW CONTRACTS ARE CONTINGENT UPON SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF BACKGROUND CHECKS REQUIRED BY STATE LAW AND DISTRICT POLICY Board of Directors: Mark Campeau ▪ Allen Miller ▪ Justin Montermini ▪ Eileen Thomson ▪ Frank Wilson ▪ Jagannath Natarajan (Student Rep) Dominic G. Cvitanich, Superintendent We envision a supportive environment that promotes trust, growth and achievement of the highest standards. We build our capacity for success through leading-edge programs and operations based on continuous improvement. We have 100 percent commitment to quality and excellence in all things.
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