Olympia School District 1113 Legion Way SE ▪ Olympia, WA 98501 ▪ 360.596.6100 ▪ http://osd.wednet.edu “Creating opportunities and shaping success for all students” MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS APRIL 20, 2015 A regular meeting of the Olympia School District Board of Directors was called to order by President Justin Montermini at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, April 20, 2015, at the Knox Administrative Center, 1113 Legion Way SE, Olympia 98501. Also attending were Directors Mark Campeau, Allen Miller, Eileen Thomson and Frank Wilson, Student Representative Jagannath Natarajan and Superintendent Dick Cvitanich. President Montermini led the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENTATION – ENTERTAINMENT EXPLOSION Mr. Scott Schoengarth of Entertainment Explosion reported on this year’s Really Big Shoe 9, “Rockin’ to the Jukebox” and presented our Homeless Liaison, Sarah Greenwell, with a check in the amount of $2,700.00 for the OSD Homeless Program. Mr. Schoengarth said they had lots of positive feedback on this year’s show, but reported that the DJs from the various school districts were the favorite and they want to incorporate them into next year’s show. Really Big Shoe 10 will be held on February 21, 2016, with a theme of “An Entertainment Explosion Folk Music Festival.” DIRECTOR MILLER MOVED TO APPROVE THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF MARCH 16, 2015, THE SPECIAL BOARD MEETING OF MARCH 23, 2015, AND THE SPECIAL BOARD MEETING OF APRIL 13, 2015. DIRECTOR THOMSON SECONDED. BOARD, FIVE AYES; SR NATARAJAN, AYE; MOTION CARRIED. There was no one in the audience who wished to address the Board on agenda items. COMMUNITY COMMENT Maurine Bailey, Chris Sogn and Marty Manley, all OSD teachers, spoke of their concerns regarding testing. The standardized testing of students with IEPs is a very grave concern, but the focus on testing overall is overriding the principles of education and the skills we need to be teaching and the students to be learning. Students’ self-esteem is impacted, instructional time is reduced, and teachers are faced with having to “teach to the test.” Third grade student letters were read responding to the question, “What do you think about testing?” CONSENT AGENDA DIRECTOR MILLER MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA, AS AMENDED. DIRECTOR WILSON SECONDED. BOARD, FIVE AYES; SR NATARAJAN, AYE; MOTION CARRIED. 1 SCHOOL DIRECTORS 1.1 Scheduled Meetings & Events Wednesday, April 22, 5:30 pm, Facilities Public Forum, Capital High School Commons Tuesday, April 28, 11:30 am, Parent Leaders, (PTAs, etc.), Knox Center Thursday, April 30, 5:00 pm, Technology Fair, Capital High School Commons Board of Directors: Mark Campeau ▪ Allen Miller ▪ Justin Montermini ▪ Eileen Thomson ▪ Frank Wilson ▪ Jagannath Natarajan (Student Rep) Dominic G. Cvitanich, Superintendent We envision a supportive environment that promotes trust, growth and achievement of the highest standards. We build our capacity for success through leading-edge programs and operations based on continuous improvement. We have 100 percent commitment to quality and excellence in all things. Minutes April 20, 2015 Page 2 of 6 Monday, May 4, 6:30 pm, Regular Board Meeting, Knox Center Monday, May 11, 6:30 pm, Study Session (Budget/Graduation Specialists), Knox Center Monday, May 18, 6:30 pm, Regular Board Meeting, ORLA (Grand Opening Event @ 4:00) Tuesday, May 19, 6:30 pm, 2015-2016 Budget Forum, Reeves Middle School Wednesday, May 20, Noon, 2015-2016 Budget Forum, Knox Center Thursday, May 28, 4:00 pm, Retirees/Volunteers Ice Cream Social, Capital High School Commons Monday, June 1, 6:30 pm, Regular Board Meeting, Knox Center Thursday, June 4,6:00 pm, Avanti Graduation, Knox Auditorium Friday, June 5, 7:00 pm, Transition Graduation, Knox Auditorium Monday, June 8, 6:30 pm, Study Session (Budget), Knox Center Thursday, June 11, 7:00 pm, CHS Graduation, St. Martins Friday, June 12, 7:00 pm, OHS Graduation, St. Martins Monday, June 15, 6:30 pm, Regular Board Meeting, Knox Center 2 PERSONNEL - CERTIFICATED 2.1 Certificated Personnel Report The Board approved three resignations, one non-renewal of contract, two leaves of absence, nine increases in contract, four reductions in contract and three new hires: RESIGNATIONS – effective June 12, 2015 Daray, Robert – Upper Elementary Montessori Teacher at Olympia Regional Learning Academy. Frasier, Matthew – Math Teacher at Jefferson Middle School. Gilmore, Monique – Psychologist at McKenny Elementary School. NON –RENEWAL OF CONTRACT Ball, Darek – English/LAP Teacher at Olympia High School. Non-Renewal of contract effective 2015-2016 school year. LEAVES OF ABSENCE – effective the 2015-2016 school year Gylys, Gabrielle – Librarian at Garfield Elementary School, a .40 FTE (from 1.0 to .60) leave. Smythe, Starr – 4th Grade Teacher at Madison Elementary School, a 1.0 FTE leave INCREASES IN CONTRACT Alexander, Devin – Literacy Specialist at LP Brown ES, one-year only .40 FTE increase (.60 to 1.0) effective March 12, 2015. Grubbs, Lisa – Title I Reading Specialist at Madison ES, one-year only .50 FTE increase (.50 to 1.0) effective March 16, 2015. Jetha, Nimira – Title I Math Specialist at Roosevelt ES, one-year only .50 FTE increase (.50 to 1.0) effective March 18, 2015. Krause, Lynetta – Title I Extended Kindergarten at Hansen ES, one-year only .50 FTE increase (.50 to 1.0) effective March 23, 2015. Krueger, Tiffany – Literacy Specialist at LP Brown ES, one-year only .10 FTE increase (.40 to .50) effective March 12, 2015. Saurs, Mary – Title I Math Specialist at LP Brown ES, one-year only .40 FTE increase (.60 to 1.0) effective March 12, 2015. Schweickert, Cassie – Title I Math Specialist at Madison ES, one-year only .50 FTE increase (.50 to 1.0) effective March 16, 2015. Swett, Colleen – Title I Math Specialist at Hansen ES, one-year only .50 FTE increase (.50 to 1.0) effective March 23, 2015. Woods, Dana – Title I Math Specialist at Roosevelt ES, one-year only .50 FTE increase (.50 to 1.0) effective March 16, 2015. REDUCTIONS IN CONTRACT – effective 2015-2016 school year Blodgett, Audree (Marci) – Psychologist at Knox, .20 FTE reduction (1.0 to .80). Gudgel, Cathy – Social Service Coordinator at Washington Middle School, .20 FTE reduction (1.0 to .80). Sonnenstuhl, Christopher – Math Teacher at Olympia High School, .20 FTE reduction (1.0 to .80). Welter, Lynn – Second Grade Teacher at Pioneer Elementary School, .30 FTE reduction (.80 to .50). NEW HIRES Benson, Tamsen – Hope Teacher at Reeves Middle School, 1.0 FTE provisional contract effective the 2015-2016 school year. McKenzie, Rebekah – Speech/Language Pathologist at Knox, .40 FTE provisional contract effective the 2015-2016 school year. Porter, Rebecca – Intervention Specialist at Garfield ES, one-year only 1.0 FTE contract effective March 30, 2015. “Creating Opportunities and Shaping Success for All Students” Minutes April 20, 2015 Page 3 of 6 3 PERSONNEL - CLASSIFIED 3.1 Classified Personnel Report The Board approved the Classified Personnel Report for April 20, 2015. 4 PUPILS AND PROGRAMS 4.1 Overnight Field Trip Requests The Board approved the following overnight field trips: OHS – Spokane, WA; WCTSMA Spring Symposium and State Competition (Washington Career and Technical Sports Medicine Association), Sports Medicine Club; workshops, exams, exhibits, etc.; 14 students, three teachers; April 23-25, 2015. CHS – Orlando, FL; DECA International Career Development Conference; sightseeing, exhibits, workshops, competitive events; 11 students, one teacher/advisor, one parent chaperone; April 23-30, 2015. OHS - Orlando, FL; DECA International Career Development Conference; sightseeing, exhibits, workshops, competitive events; seven students, one teacher/advisor, one parent chaperone; April 25-30, 2015. MMS – Walla Walla University, Rosario Beach Marine Laboratory, Deception Pass, WA; marine science exploration and observation; bicycle trip for segment of group ; 48 students, two teachers, 20 parent chaperones; April 28-30, 2015. OHS – Spokane, WA; Whitworth College; Track Meet; Track & Field team; 33 students, five coaches, one parent chaperone; April 24-25, 2015. 4.2 Instructional Materials Committee The Board approved the following instructional materials: Title Author & Publisher/© School/Course/Grade No. Avancemos Estella Gahala/Holt McDougal/2013 Olympia HS/Spanish I, II, III and AP/9-12 120 $79.50 Marketing Essentials Farese, Kimbrell, Wolszyk/McGraw Hill/2012 Olympia HS/Intro. to Marketing, Adv. Marketing/Econ., Student Store Mgmt., Marketing Seminar/9-12 40 $79.59 TOTAL Unit Cost Total Cost $9,540.00 (from OHS funds) $3,183.60 (from OHS funds) $12,723.60 5 BUILDINGS & GROUNDS 5.1 Final Acceptance – Recabling Projects at Lincoln and McKenny Elementary Schools; Projector Project at Pioneer Elementary School. The Board accepted the work performed by Intracommunication Network Systems, Inc. (INSI), which included removal of existing cabling and installation of new cable wiring and wireless access points at Lincoln Elementary School ($58,208.00) and McKenny Elementary School ($77,432.96), and the purchase and installation of projectors at Pioneer Elementary School ($52,363.44). All work was part of the 2010 Levy. 6 BUILDINGS & GROUNDS – NEW CONSTRUCTION 6.1 Boundary Line Adjustment – Olympia Regional Learning Academy* The Board approved a boundary line adjustment to create one unified parcel, Parcel C, from the two old parcels, Parcels A and B, as required for the construction of the ORLA facility. Easements and areas dedicated to the City of Olympia are identified, as is Parcel D, the small triangular parcel of land on the other side of Boulevard Road SE. “Creating Opportunities and Shaping Success for All Students” Minutes April 20, 2015 Page 4 of 6 8 FINANCES 8.1 Approval of Vouchers The Board approved the cancellation of Vouchers 73111273 and 73112091, in the amount of $86.49, and the following expenditures: General Fund Vouchers 73113089 through 73113286, and electronic transactions, totaling $2,936,447.62; Associated Student Body Fund Voucher Nos. 73401460 through 73401478, and electronic transactions, totaling $129,540.97; and Capital Projects Fund Voucher Nos. 73201724 through 73201745, and electronic transactions, totaling $1,467,746.93. 8.2 Financial Report – March 2015* The Board approved the March 2015 Financial Reports for the Associated Student Body, Capital Projects, Debt Service, General and Transportation Vehicle Funds. REGULAR AGENDA 1 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1.1 Review of Superintendent’s Contract The Board agreed to extend the Superintendent’s contract for one year, for a new three-year term of July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2018. DIRECTOR CAMPEAU MOVED TO EXTEND THE SUPERINTENDENT’S CONTRACT FOR ONE YEAR, FOR A NEW THREE-YEAR TERM OF JULY 1, 2015 TO JUNE 30, 2018. DIRECTOR MILLER SECONDED. BOARD, FIVE AYES; SR NATARAJAN, AYE; MOTION CARRIED. 1.2 Revisions to Policies – 1st Reading* Policy 2151, Interscholastic Athletics and Activities Policy 3200, Student Rights & Responsibilities, Section 9 Policy 3207, Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying Policy 3410, Student Health Policy 3413, Student Immunization & Life Threatening Health Conditions Policy/Procedure 3416, Medication at School Policy/Procedure 3419, Self-Administration of Asthma & Anaphylaxis Medications Policy/Procedure 3420, Anaphylaxis Prevention Jeff Carpenter, Director of Health, Fitness and Athletics, reviewed revision to these eight existing policies. Discussion resulted in a few modifications to be made prior to 2nd reading on May 4, 2015. 4 PUPILS & PROGRAMS 4.1 Kindergarten Conference Request Roosevelt Elementary School Principal Sean Shaughnessy, and two Roosevelt Kindergarten teachers, Peggy Nord and Annette Stewart, requested reinstatement of two family conference days for incoming Kindergarten families, stressing the importance to families and students of introduction to public school. If approved, the conferences would take place on the first two days of school each year going forward. The Board was favorable and the administration will take the necessary steps to implement it. 4.2 Smarter Balanced Assessment Update – Student and Technical CIO Marc Elliott and Assessment Coordinator Alice Burman reviewed the Smarter Balanced Assessments from the perspectives of both student testing and how the technical side performed. “Creating Opportunities and Shaping Success for All Students” Minutes April 20, 2015 Page 5 of 6 4.3 Temporary Waiver from High School Graduation Requirements Assistant Superintendent Nancy Faaren presented a request for approval of a waiver to delay implementation of career and college ready graduation requirements as established by WAC 180-51-068 for the graduating classes of 2020 and 2021. Resolution 535 will accompany the application. DIRECTOR WILSON MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 535, TEMPORARY WAIVER FROM GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS. DIRECTOR CAMPEAU SECONDED. BOARD, FIVE AYES; SR NATARAJAN, AYE; MOTION CARRIED. 5 BUILDINGS & GROUNDS 5.1 Ingersoll Stadium Assistant Superintendent Jennifer Priddy and Health, Fitness & Athletics Director Jeff Carpenter reported on field conditions at Ingersoll Stadium and recommended replacement of the turf in the summer of 2015, in order to take advantage of an opportunity for a cost reduction. After discussion, DIRECTOR MILLER MOVED TO APPROVE REPLACEMENT OF THE FIELD TURF AT INGERSOLL STADIUM IN THE SUMMER 2015. DIRECTOR WILSON SECONDED. BOARD, FIVE AYES; SR NATARAJAN, AYE; MOTION CARRIED. 8 FINANCES 8.1 2017-2020 Maintenance & Operations Levy & Tax Level Planning Assistant Superintendent Jennifer Priddy, reviewed introductory issues related to requesting that voters reauthorize the District’s Maintenance and Operations levy, including the state levy law and limits, an assessed value update, and Board of Directors’ policy decisions and time line for decisions. 8.2 2014-2015 School Year Budget Status Assistant Superintendent Jennifer Priddy reviewed the current year budget status, including updates regarding enrollment, revenue and expenditure projections. 8.3 2015-2016 School Year Budget – Question and Answer Session Assistant Superintendent Jennifer Priddy offered to respond to any questions stemming from last week’s Board study session with regard to the 2015-2016 SY Budget. No questions were forthcoming. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT Superintendent Cvitanich announced President Montermini’s birthday the next day, spoke about a challenge to Knox staff to donate more socks and underwear for the Little Red Schoolhouse distribution in August than are donated by Avanti High School students and staff. If Knox wins, the Superintendent will wear the tiara of 2015 Lakefair Queen Madeline Poultridge for a day. Collective bargaining sessions are underway; the Facilities Advisory Committee meets again Wednesday night and the Board is welcome to attend any FAC meeting. “Creating Opportunities and Shaping Success for All Students” Minutes April 20, 2015 Page 6 of 6 BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS SR Natarajan congratulated the Olympia Robotics Federation, on their way to St. Louis and the world championships. Director Campeau thanked staff for last week’s study session. Director Wilson thanked Jen Brotherton at Boston Harbor ES and Domenico Spatola-Knoll at Madison ES for his visits with them; Bridges visits with Ruth Chamberlin, Scott Niemann and Principal Monica West at McLane ES, where he visited Connie Halvorson‘s classroom; and he attended the elementary principals’ meeting where the focus was on elementary counselors. Director Thomson found the FAC meeting at ORLA interesting and informative, as was her meeting with Domenico Spatola-Knoll at Madison ES, which included a visit in the Welcome Room. She also proudly noted the three silver medals in swimming won at Special Olympics by her daughter, Emma Thomson, and the Board was unanimous in their congratulations to Emma. Director Miller congratulated the four Washington Achievement Award recipients: Boston Harbor Elementary School, Jefferson Middle School, Reeves Middle School and Capital High School; and he noted the upcoming recognition of Kathi Dorgan and Colleen Powers for their many years of dedication to bringing Thespian productions to Olympia. President Montermini thanked the three teachers who spoke at the beginning of the meeting on standardized testing. The meeting was adjourned at 8:56 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Dominic G. Cvitanich, Secretary to the Board Justin L. Montermini, President A recording of the Board meeting is available on the OSD website: http://osd.wednet.edu Click on “Board of Directors,” then on “Board Meeting Podcast,” and follow the instructions for downloading the appropriate meeting. “Creating Opportunities and Shaping Success for All Students”
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