(OSGIS-2015) Open Source GIS: Opportunities and Challenges

Registration Fee
Category of Delegate
Amount (Rs.)
Research Scholars/Student Participants*
Academics/ Research Institutes
Sponsored Delegates from government
Dept./Corporations /Boards/Industries
/International Agencies and Organizations
Spouses accompanying a delegate
One day pre-conference workshop on
Open Source GIS software (Max 30 seats)
*Research Scholars presenting paper on conference are
eligible for full or partial rebate on registration fee based
upon availability of funds.
A discount of Rs. 500/- on registration fee of each category
(Except workshop) for registration before September 15, 2015
Papers will be published only if registration will be done
before September 15, 2015.
Important Dates
Submission of abstract
Acceptance of abstract
Submission of full length paper
Acceptance of paper
Registration Form*
National Conference
Open Source GIS:
Opportunities and Challenges
October 9-10, 2015
Department of Civil Engineering,
IIT (BHU), Varanasi-221005
Name (in block letters) :____________________
Participants have to arrange their own accommodation.
Limited accommodation may be provided on the payment
basis in various guest houses and hostels of the institute
For details about accommodation please visit the conference
Open Source GIS:
Opportunities and Challenges
October 9-10, 2015
Designation :____________________________
Affiliation :______________________________
Mailing Address :________________________
: July, 15 2015
: July 20, 2015
: August 20, 2015.
: September 10, 2015.
National Conference
Phone :_____________ Fax :_______________
E-mail :______________ Cell :______________
Title of Paper :___________________________
Organised By
Department of Civil Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology,
(Banaras Hindu University),
Varanasi-221005 (Uttar Pradesh)
Payments Details :
Cheque / Draft No. Date of Issue :____________
Amount :______ Bank / Branch :_____________
Attending one day Workshop : Yes/ No
Accommodation Required : Yes/ No
Tariff Range: ____________________________
Sponsorship Rates
Main Sponsor (6 free delegates)
Co-sponsor (4 free delegates)
Supporter (1 free delegates)
: Rs. 1,00,000/: Rs. 50,000/: Rs. 25,000/-
Due publicity will be given to the sponsor through
various means.
Their contributions would be duly acknowledged
through display at the Conference venue.
Souvenir Advertisements
Multicolor back page
Multicolor back (inside) cover
Multicolor full page inside
Multicolor half page inside
Black & white full page
Black & white half page
: Rs.
: Rs.
: Rs.
: Rs.
: Rs
: Rs.
Type of Accommodation: ________________
Dormitory/Single ( Individual/Sharing)/ Double
Correspondence Address:
Date: _________ Place: ________
Convener, OSGIS-2015
Department of Civil Engineering
IIT(BHU), Varanasi- 221005
Email: osgis2015@gmail.com
Fax- 0542-2307016 (O)
Mobile: +917275873208, +918081765686
Web site: www.osgis.in or
Signature of the Participant
All cheque / demand drafts must be made in favor of
OSGIS-2015 payable at State Bank of India,
IIT (BHU), Varanasi, 221005.
A/C No:
*Registration form can also be downloaded
from website: www.osgis.in
Executive Committee
The last 25 years have seen dramatic developments in GIS
technology and geographical information science. An
important challenge for the GIS community is finding ways
of taking advantage of latest development to build "faster,
cheaper, smaller" GIS technology. One of the possible
responses to this challenge would be to establish a cooperative development network, based on open source
technology. Now a days many free and open source but
powerful GIS software like QGIS, GRASS are available
which can do majority of GIS work which most of the users
required for their work. The aim of this conference is to
provide the platforms to academicians, developers,
researchers, government officials and technocrat to provide a
platform to explore and discuss the power of Open source
GIS. The conference is proceeded by one day workshop
which gives the opportunity to fundamental of few of open
source GIS
Prof. Rajeev Sangal
Director IIT (BHU)
Prof. G.V.S. Sastri
Dean, Academic Affairs, IIT (BHU)
Call for Papers
Abstracts of the papers on conference themes are invited.
Prospective authors are requested to submit an abstract of
about 250 words by email to osgis2015@gmail.com.
Author(s) will be required to submit the full paper after
acceptance of abstract. Papers will be reviewed by a technical
committee before publication in proceedings. The decision of
committee will be final and binding. The length of the paper
including tables, figures and references should not exceed 12
typed pages of A4 size. For details about the format of
manuscript, visit the conference website. All the accepted
papers will be published in conference proceedings having
ISBN Number and selected paper will be published in any
open access journal having ISSN Number.
Three best paper awards will be given to authors. One of the
Author will compulsory attends the conference to present the
paper. A certificate will be given for best paper award and
half registration fee will be refund to one of the author.
Contributions are invited but are not limited to the
following areas:
1. Open Source desktop GIS software
2. Open source web-GIS
3. Collaboration: data collection, data sharing, and
open standards.
4. Using Open Source GIS with proprietary software
5. Comparisons between packages.
6. Visualization: effective presentation
7. Open Source for e-Governance
8. Case Studies of applications of Open Source GIS:
Civil Engineering, Geological studies, Location
based services, Health, Energy, Agriculture,
Transportation, Disaster, Water and Climate change
9. Open architectures, open content, open science
Prof. Devendra Mohan
Head, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT (BHU)
National Advisory Committee
About the City and University
Varanasi is credited to be the oldest living city in the world. The
antiquity of the city has been aptly described by Mark Twain as
"Banaras is older than history, older than tradition, older than
even legend, and looks twice as old as all of them put together!”
The Banaras Hindu University (BHU), an internationally
reputed temple of learning, situated in the holy city of Varanasi,
was established by Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya Ji in 1916.
The University comprises of 3 Institutes, 15 Faculties, 124
Departments and 4 Interdisciplinary Centers. Indian Institute of
Technology (IIT), previously Institute of Technology (IT), in its
present form came into being in 2012. There are 16
Departments/Schools and 7 Centers of Research/ Advance
Studies. Civil Engineering education started in this University in
1949 in the erstwhile Engineering College, and the Department
of Civil Engineering is running since 1975. It offers B. Tech, B.
Tech IDD, M. Tech and Ph.D. programs. At present
postgraduate courses are offered in five specializations, namely,
Structural Engineering, Hydraulics and Water Resources
Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Environmental
Engineering, and Transportation Engineering.
Varanasi is around 780 km from Delhi on Delhi-Howrah rail
route. The city is well connected to all major towns of India
through rail and air routes. Varanasi Cantt junction and
Babatpur airport is around 8 km and 32 km respectively from
IIT (BHU) campus. The climate in mid-September is normally
dry, cool and pleasant.
Dr. P. Nag, Vice Chancellor, MGKV University
Prof. P.K. Garg, Vice Chancellor, Uttarakhand Technical
University, Dehradun
Prof. Manoj Arora, Direcor, PEC University of Technology,
Prof. S.K. Ghosh, Dept. of Civil Engg., IIT Roorkee
Prof. Kamal Jain, Dept. of Civil Engg., IIT, Roorkee
Prof. Bharat Lohani, Dept. of Civil Engg., IIT Kanpur
Prof. Sanjay Tignath, Dept. of Geology, RDVV Jabalpur
Prof. Mahesh Pal, Dept. of Civil Engg., NIT Kurukshetra
Prof. R.D. Gupta, Dept. of Civil Engg., MNNIT Allahabad
Prof. K.N.P. Raju, Dept. of Geography., BHU Varanasi
Dr. M. Shashi, Dept. of Civil Engg., NIT Warangal
Dr. Varun Singh, Dept. of Civil Engg., MNNIT Allahabad
Local Advisory Committee
Prof. V. Kumar, Dept. of Civil Engg., IIT (BHU)
Prof. P.K. Singh, Dept. of Civil Engg., IIT (BHU)
Prof P.K.S. Dikshit, Dept. of Civil Engg., IIT (BHU)
Dr. S.B. Dwivedi, Dept. of Civil Engg.,IIT (BHU)
Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Dept. of Physics, IIT (BHU)
Dr. Anurag Ohri,, Dept. of Civil Engg., IIT (BHU)
Organizing Secretary and Treasurer
Dr. Medha Jha, Dept. of Civil Engg., IIT (BHU)