About Programming and Applications(GPA-2015) during 23rd – 25th Rashtreeya Sikshana Samithi Trust R.V.College of Engineering, Bangalore February 2015 at RVCE, Bangalore. GPA-2015 is aimed at R V COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING enriching the skills of students with cutting-edge techniques and R. V. College of Engineering (RVCE) was established in 1963. hands-on experience in developing applications for many- It is managed by Rashtreeya Skishana Samithi Trust. coreprocessors, with massively parallel computing resources The College has a sprawling campus spread over 53 acres. It is (Autonomous Institution Affiliated to VTU, Belgaum) Bangalore - 560 059, Karnataka like GPU accelerators. located at 13th KM on Bangalore – Mysore Highway. RVCE offers graduate engineering courses in 12 different branches and Objectives: 16 post graduate programmes. All UG courses in the college • Introduce techniques/ tools available based on NVIDIA's have been accredited by the National Board of Accreditation, CUDA environment. New Delhi. The college is autonomous from 2007-08 for the • Enable participants to quickly get started with writing their UG programmes. own parallel codes on GPGPU. RVCE provides an ideal ambience to stimulate the teaching-learning process, helping in bringing out • Provide hands-on experience in parallel programming. skilled and disciplined engineers. RVCE has given equal • These special sessions will provide the rich hands-on prominence for research activities. All the departments are experience with various languages and tools covered in the involved in research activities. The college has 10 Research lectures. Centers recognized by the VTU. • They comprise a brief introduction to the programming It has collaborative arrangements with leading Universities in USA, France, assignments, followed by independent work periods. Australia and Germany for Post-Graduate and research • To help with the assignments, teaching assistants will be programs. The institution has projects funded by organizations available in person and via the web. A Three Day National level Workshop on “GPU Programming and Applications”(GPA-2015) 23–25thFeb, 2015 like DST, UGC, CSIR, AICTE & ISRO. Apart from rigorous academics, the students and the staff have excelled in co- Participants at the end will curricular and extracurricular activities at National and International levels. • Be exposed to computational thinking skills for accelerating applications in science and engineering. About Workshop: • Understand the most important architectural performance A Techno- Cultural Extravaganza considerations for developing parallel applications. NVIDIA Corporation, USA has awarded IIT Bombay a CUDA • Be able to design algorithms that are appropriate for Center of Excellence (CCoE). The R V College of accelerators. Engineering(RVCE), in association with CCOE of IIT Bombay • Engage computing accelerators on science and engineering is conducting a National Level of Workshop on Parallel GPU breakthroughs. Jointly Organized By CUDA Center of Excellence, IIT Bombay and R V College of Engineering, Bengaluru-59 A Three Day Workshop on “GPU Programming and Applications” (GPA-2015) 23–25thFeb, 2015 Registration Form Registration Fee: Students Rs. 1200/ Faculty / Rs. 2500/ Mr.Pareekshith K J Dept. of CSE, RVCE Mobile No: +91 8277628277 Email: pareekshith94rv@gmail.com Research Scholars Industry Rs. 4000/ Mr. Amith Kashyap H Dept. of CSE, RVCE Mobile No: +91 8553652869 Email: amithkashyaprv@gmail.com Organization:……….…………..…………...…….. Registration is through RTGS/ Spot Registration. Kindly note the participation is based only on First-Come-FirstServe. Participation Certificates are issued from CCoE, IIT Bombay and RVCE. Mailing Address: .………………………………… Last Date for Registration: 23-02-2015. ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Beneficiary Name: 8th Mile RVCE Account Number: 136010096237 IFSC Code: VYSA0001360 PAN Number: AAATR0758A MICR Code: 60064018. Dr.B.S.Satyanarayana, Principal, RVCE Prof,K.N.RajaRao, Advisor, RVCE Dr.K.N.Subramanya, Vice Principal, RVCE Name: ……….…….…………….…….…….……. Designation:……………………………………..… …………………………………………………….. Gender: Category: M F GM SC ST OTHERS Phone/Mobile:………………………...………...... E-mail:……....…………...……….…..……...……. Registration Fee details: Amount (in Rs.): …………..…………...…...…….. …………………………………………....………... Transaction Id:……………………………………. Bank Name:………………………………………. Place: …………… NOTE: Registration Fee does not include food and accommodation charges. Kindly send the scanned copy of filled registration form via email to gpa_2015@rvce.edu.in. All the participants are required to bring their laptops. Venue: IEM Auditorium, R V College of Engineering, Vidyaniketan Post, Mysore Road, Bangalore-560 059. Date: ……………. Mr. Krishna Reddy A R, Registrar, RVCE Dr.Shobha G, Professor & Head, CSE Dept, RVCE Dr. Satyanarayana S, 8th Mile Coordinator, RVCE. Dr. N K Srinath, PG Dean (Circuit Branches), RVCE. ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Dr. Rhushabh Goradia, IIT, Bombay. Mr. Umesh Gupta, IIT, Bombay. Prof. Anala M R, RVCE Prof. Praveena T, RVCE. Mrs. Ranjana Manjrekar, Course coordinator. Prof. Parluri S.V.Nataraj, IIT Bombay. For Correspondence Signature of Participant Dr. Minal Moharir, Signature of Head of the Institution with seal (This format can be reproduced for utilization of other participants) Associate Professor, Dept. of CSE, RVCE Mobile No: +91 9880036062 Email: minalmoharir@rvce.edu.com Prof. Ganashree K C, RVCE. Prof. Chaitra B H, RVCE.
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