
CCHI’s special group fee for Oregon interpreters
*Valid until 05/15/15*
The Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters (CCHI) is pleased to offer special
group fee of $155 to Oregon interpreters for the written CoreCHI™ exam, which is part of
CCHI’s national certification process. See more info about CCHI’s national certification
at Interpreters of
Arabic, Mandarin and Spanish, must take a second exam (oral CHI™) after they pass the
CoreCHI exam. Interpreters of other languages receive the CoreCHI certification.
This is how you can take advantage of the special pricing:
 Submit the Special Fee Form below by April 30, 2015 – by email to our Candidate
Manager Malika Sadi-Goodman at
 You will receive an invoice, which will include the application fee ($35) and the
special CoreCHI exam fee ($155), by email.
 Pay the invoice by May 15, 2015 (online payments only).
 Fill out the online application as instructed by Malika’s email.
Those who miss these deadlines will pay the regular fee of $175 for the CoreCHI exam.
Oregon Interpreter CoreCHI™ Exam Special Fee Form
Date of emailing the form: ____________________________________
First name: ___________________________________
Last name: ____________________________________
Email address: __________________________________ @_____________________________________________
Phone number: ______________________________________________
Yes, I have completed at least 40 hours of healthcare interpreter training. Initial_________
Yes, I am at least 18 years of age, and I have completed high school or its equivalent. Initial_________
Yes, I understand that these fees are non-refundable and for 1 exam administration. Initial_________
Total amount to pay to CCHI: $ 190___________(=$35+155)
Payment method:
Send me an invoice to my email, and I’ll pay online. Signature: _________________________________________
If you have any questions, please contact Malika Sadi-Goodman at
1725 I Street, NW – Suite 300 / Washington DC 20006 / P: 866-969-6665 /